
Saturday, May 25, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 59 - Viernes, 24 de mayo, 2024 - "The wedding? From hell. The bride? The devil."

Paz overhears Gin telling Esteban about getting married in three weeks, starts crying and drops the tray she's carrying. She runs away. Gin and Esteban hear the noise. Gin smiles because she understood it was Paz. Esteban says he wholeheartedly hates Gin.

Vermin is still having trouble with Rubio. Nandy and Kenzo are right outside and Vermin hides him in a different room. Unfortunately, it's the room he's hidden the key in. Brains like his, he should be sent to space. Vermin distracts Nandy and Kenzo and gets them downstairs to drink some tea. Meanwhile, Rubio finds the key and leaves, waving at Vermin behind Nandy and Kenzo's back.

Elvira and Ginebra are both oh so happy while Esteban has a miserable expression. Gin announces to Elvira that they're getting married in three weeks. El thinks it's too premature, but Gin insists and Esteban kind of backs the story up. Gin starts babbling about how she wants Elvira to help her with the wedding dress, she wants it to be perfect but unlike Bere's. 

Later, Kenzo gets a call from Esteban. He wants to meet him, so many things have happened.

Bosco freaks out about the nude picture, for once he's right about something. Jero calms him down, kinda. Gala enters and tells them she doesn't want to be an influencer anymore. It doesn't make her feel happy or fulfilled. Plus, she's a fashion influencer, meaning extra pressure on weight and makeup. Jero starts talking about the crypto business, but Gala is sceptical. Jero says they'll discuss it later.

Nandy is very happy with Kenzo, something that Mireya and Lupe quickly see. Lupe tells Mir that she could find a guy too, but Mir says she wants to concentrate on her kids, they're her only love now. They're having such a sweet moment you know something's going to go wrong. Paz enters, while crying and tells them Esteban will marry Ginebra. She doesn't understand, he told her he loved her (Paz) a few weeks ago! Gin got what she wanted: separated her from Esteban, from Samara, broke the hearts of her loved ones... Now she'll have to put up with her in the house. Lupe tells her that money is important, but dignity always comes first (I'm nodding in agreement); quit, they'll make it through. The Roble women are all supportive, saying they can work more instead. Paz is thankful, but it's not only the money, it's Gala too, she needs her; she even called her a second mother. At least she'll be seeing Sam every day now. With that bittersweet future situation, we leave the four Robles women and go to...

Ginebra, who has the nerve to tell Sam she hit her because parents have to "educate" their children, she was very naughty and they're wasn't another way. Where's the throwing up bucket when you need it? Sam asks about her dad, he was killed in that assault, right? Yep and Sam was abducted, but Gin also was shot. She shows Sam the engagement ring and announces she and Esteban are getting married in three weeks, they're going to move to his house. Sam asks if Monito can come too, Gin says that if she behaves herself there won't be a problem. (I agree with Esteban, I also wholeheartedly hate Gin.) And there's another buena noticia: Doña Elvira is Gin's mom and Sam's abuela! Monito is also in the room and hears all this.

Gala remembers the convo with Salo, starts crying and almost opens two (!) ice cream lids, but puts them back in the fridge instead. Go Gala! El arrives and Gala tells her what happened with the ice cream. El calms her down, tells her she's proud of her. Gala asks why, she's a complete disaster. El says she isn't, she (El) was in the past but now she wants to be a better mother and grandma, she (Gala) is very brave. They hug it out.

Esteban meets with Kenzo, ready to tell him everything that has been going on. He mentions wanting to protect his family, but maybe doing more harm than good. When he reaches his marriage, he mentions not making the decisions and that he has to get married to Ginebra, but Gin calls from Abdul's cell and tells him she hears him all the time, she heard him tell Kenzo about them getting married. Esteban, enraged, throws his cellphone to the floor. Kenzo, startled, asks him what's going on; Esteban says he can't tell him and runs. Kenzo gets Esteban's cell and follows him. Esteban says he doesn't want Paz nor anyone to be suffering. He cries, Kenzo is there for him. (Can he write the situation down? Gin can't have cameras on him, can she?)

Paz prays to the Virgin for help.

Weeks later...

It's the wedding day, yay? Elvira and Mau are dressed in black, which I have to admit it's the most appropriate color for this wedding. El looks up and says that Gin looks like a queen. Gin gets down the stairs wearing a simple, yet pretty, wedding dress. She says she feels like a queen. Well, they've got a point, Ginebra is the Evil Queen after all. 

Esteban, in his suit, is holding a picture of Berenice and saying he was so happy when he married her - flashback to a scene with Berenice and Esteban in bed, with him wearing only the bare minimum - as he sheds some tears. This sons enter and announce that Gala has changed her look. In comes Gala, wearing a dress that suits her and being a bit more pelirroja. Oh well. She still has second thoughts about the marriage, Bosco mentions that it's a happy day and Eder replies that he doesn't feel very happy. 

Paz is too anxious with the usual restaurant preparations; she keeps slamming items on the tables and even burns herself, something that she never does. She cries as she admits it's because Esteban is getting married today. Humberto materializes and asks her if she's thinking of interrupting the wedding. Pretty much everyone in the family verbally attacks him, he apologises. 

We learn that Paz won't go. Humb probably won't either. Lupe asks him when he and Porf are going to solve their differences with Esteban, but realises that the question was personal after Pepa says that. Humb's phone rings, it's... Ginebra! Everyone tells him not to pick it up, but he does anyway and puts her on speaker. Gin says that she knows he's in love with Paz so he's probably with her. Sam, who's there alongside Elvira, says she wants to talk to Pacita. Paz immediately gets the phone and starts talking to Sam. Sam pretty much begs Paz to come to the wedding to talk to her, Paz says she can't. Sam insists and Gin says that she can't force her. Paz hangs up in tears. 

Later, Lupe and Mir are consoling Paz. She has thankfully decided not to go, even though Sam begged her and everything. She mentions having to accept Sam isn't her daughter and continuing the search for María.

Salo sees a pic Gala and Jero have uploaded in their social media and he gets moody. Humb says that it won't last, no real couple posts pictures of them to make their relationship appear good. Kenzo meets up with Salo, Pepa and Humb. He's cold to Humb because, well, he took Felipa's case against him, so that's awkward. Anyway, Hum helped Kenzo with a little surprise for Nandy. Nandy comes downstairs, rocking a green dress. Kenzo gives her an envelope; the papers that now state that Nandy is legally a woman! At least there's some joy in this episode. The rest of the fam comes, everyone starts dancing and screaming Nandy's name.

Invitees start arriving. Gin tells Esteban she and Sam have something to tell him in the library. Esteban looks a bit suspicious.

Salo has a convo with that dude who's always with Gema, fill in if it's important please because I didn't catch anything. Gema and her aunt or whatever she is arrive and Gema shows Salo her ultrasound. I'm no gynecologist, but do ultrasounds really come out in such small pieces of paper? Okay, anyway.

Jero, for some odd reason, wants to have sex with Gala A FEW HOURS BEFORE THE WEDDING. Geez, there's a time and place for that. He says something like "it's not like we're virgins or anything". Gala admits she is and Jero is surprised. She knows she's a bit late (bro, she's 19, not 29 to be "a little late") but she's not ready yet, she wants her first time to be different... I'm not sure Jero is really listening at this point. He asks her if it has to do with Salo, she says it doesn't. Ugh. Her creepy, stalker, I-send-nude-pictures-to-a-guy-who-quite-clearly-doesn't-like-me friend, Gio, arrives and Gala goes to show her something. Jero has a sour expression. 

Gin, now in the library only with Sam and Esteban, urges "her" daughter to tell Esteban the story she (Gin) told her (Sam). Sam says there was once a prince who was in love with a peasant, but he had to marry an evil queen. I swear, I made that comment about Gin being the Evil Queen before I watched this. So the queen gives poisoned candy to a little girl - meanwhile, Sam is licking a lollipop - and says that only she has the antidote. The evil queen tells the prince that if he doesn't do what she wants, the girl will die, he'll never get rid of her! Hahahaaaa! Esteban is looking more and more disturbed by the second. Sam asks him if he knows the tale from now on, he says yes, the prince will find a way to overcome the evil queen and save the girl. Sam is happy and asks him if he'll marry the peasant. Esteban doesn't answer that, he just tells Sam to stop eating sweets and drink some water. Gin is on the couch, smiling like the Cheshire cat, enjoying all the horror she creates.

After Sam leaves, Esteban shouts at Gin that she poisoned her own daughter! He's getting married to her, what else does she want?! Gin smiles again and says he's torture isn't over; she wants Paz to be present. I personally can't think of an anvil big enough for Gin, the Evil Queen of the tale and of real life.

Paz and Mir have a convo about Pepa, Mir wants him by her side. Paz tells her she should let him open his wings and fly, blah blah, the usual. 

Lupe gets the shopping, in the restaurant, I assume. Pepa and Humb stand next to the mural of Paz and her baby and talk about life being like riding a horse; hard at first, but then you get the hang of it.

In the last scene of the episode, Esteban is still shouting at Gin about having tortured Paz enough by making her be in the cena de compromiso, let her rest! He also has to work out the numbers she gave him, he has him all cornered, what else does she want?! Gin mumbles something about promising that Paz will be here and keeping her promises. Oh and she mentions the numbers being the answer key to her heart. Wait, she has a heart? That's news to me. Esteban is furious that Gin will kill Sam if Paz doesn't arrive. Gin gives him a card with some tiny letters and tells him to call the woman he loves and read this to her or Sam dies.

And on that anxious moment, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Well, to answer your question about the ultrasound photo, yes they are that small. Actually my daughter's ultrasound photos that she recently had taken are smaller than a postcard. I wasn't crazy about Galas dress, it looked like a tablecloth in an Italian restaurant .

  2. Thanks, Weirdo. You got it all. Perfect: “Wait, she has a heart? That’s news ro me.” Ginebra is up there with the worst of the worst villains. Making Sam tell Esteban the fairy tale and making him invite Paz to the wedding was beyond sickening. The sadist knows how to squeeze the last drop of pain out of her victims for her own enjoyment.

    Some of the other characters are just too much.

    Why hasn’t Paz just quit rather than put herself through the hell of working for Esteban? Oh, Gala! So she is going to play martyr!

    If Vermin can make a baby disappear, why cannot he make Rubio disappear?

    Hasn’t Esteban realized BY NOW that Ginebra can HEAR him somehow so maybe he needs ro WRITE a note to someone like Kenzo and start to investigate why Ginebra can HEAR him?

    Will they smarten up soon? I hope we do not have to wait until the last few episodes.

    Great PSA for unprotected sex. The look on Salo’s face, when seeing the ultra-sound, said it all.

  3. Weirdo, thank you for bringing us every moment of Gin's ever increasing evil and sheer joy, Esteban's desperation and fear , and Paz's pain.

    I kept waiting for Esteban to grab that poisonous lollipop out of Sam's hand speedyquick. Why did he just let her keep sucking on poison? I dont think a glass of water is going to help . What would the wicked witch have done then? Chemist Gin loves poison and gas. ..but also guns and putting small chikdren into boxes to get thrown into the woods .

    Wow..Kat....Gala's gown indeed looked like someone had fashioned it out of the patio picnic tablecloth. Yikes. I guess I am out of fashion. Gala is now a redhead.

    When Gin took her triumphant walk down that steeeep staircase of doom in those CFM heels , I thought has transformed into JLo. ...what a hair dont. The blushing bride is so happy to have Esteban Wriggling under her thumb . Her smile says it all.She delights in watching him squirm and sweat as his handsome face contorts. If she is going to demand that he perform on the noche de boda, he had better have a safe word handy. This girl is crazzzy.

    Yes, Esteban, think.... Gin hears everything you and those around you say everywhere, all the time . Maybe try a pen and paper , chalkboard, Etch a sketch , or charades. Two syllables....sounds like ...Gin is BSC.

    Is the wedding going to happen ? Who will catch the bouquet? Elvira? Is Gin wearing one of those frilly garters, and will she command Esteban to remove it in front of all the guests? Okay, Gin has a lot of weddings under her belt . Did she remember to collect something old, something new, something borrowed , something blue ??? Lets try to guess what they are . Use your imagination .

  4. Weirdo,

    You captured the dark, hopeless fear that eminated from every pore of this distressing episode perfectly. You cleared up and clarified so much that I missed.

    Esteban's wide eyed look of pure horror as Gin had Sam repeat her putrid fractured fairy tale mirrored our own. Ginebra possesses not a shred of humanity. She is inhuman.

    "Can he write the situation down? Gin can't have cameras on him, can she?)" You're exactly right Weirdo. She has the audio, not the visual.

    Well, it appears Cruella will have her way as Paz' attendance is mandatory.

    I keep watching Humberto, embraced by Paz' family fitting in as smooth as silk. His obsession with Paz though is pointless. If only he would see the other gem before his eyes, Mir. He would be the perfect father figure for Pepa and Salo. I have little hope for this but it would be a balm for Mir's heart once Mauro breaks it once and for all.

    My eyes are still burning from having yeet another Rubio sighting. "If Vermin can make a baby disappear, why cannot he make Rubio disappear?" is right Jarifa! If only...

    I liked sweet Gala as she was. But I'm all for anything that makes her feel better about herself.

    I think it will be boda interruptus. We'll have to wait to see for certain...


  5. Great recap, Weirdo! I can't wait to see Gala's new luke (complete with tablecloth-dress.) And I will try to pay particular attention to Salo's convo with Tortuga, although I admit I'm not much interested unless he's claiming paternity.

    I find it hard to watch before I've been forewarned these days. This is a good novela -- great acting, snappy dialogue, lots of non-cliche surprises -- but SO. MUCH. CRUELTY. I don't think I would make it through Sam's little fairy tale without your help.

    And oy, I have been shouting at Esteban to WRITE AN EFFING NOTE for weeks now. Do we need to get together and write him a note telling him to write a note???

    I hope Crazy Gio isn't underage. Bosco could be prosecuted for possession of child pornography even though he neither asked for nor wanted that photo. I watched a British cop show where that happened to the son of one of the detectives.

  6. Blue Lass, what is up with Gio? She just keep harassing Boscoe even though he is so not interested. I also dont like Jero. He is full of himself and getting pushy with Gala. This family is a Magnet for oddballs.

    I hope Fobo is off somewhere quietly investigating Gin and Mauro.

    I wonder how Esteban is going to figure he was injecting in the back of the neck with something . How would he find that out ?

  7. Blue Lass, I agree with your assessment of this novela in its extreme cruelty being a turn off and would add that it would have been better if they didn’t make Paz overridden by emotion to the point of stupidity and Esteban not having a brain in his pretty head. Although it is part of the “formula”, protagonsitas should not have to be that stupid.

  8. Blue Lass, pretty sure Gio is older than Bosco as she is Gala's friend. It could be turned the other way around and she could be the one charged with sending porn.

  9. Thanks Weirdo, that was a good job on an episode that I can only consider creepy. Actually this show just gets creepier. Ginebra is so cruel it’s hard to watch. And I agree with everyone, why doesn’t Esteban think to write a note! He’d have to start with DON’T SAY A WORD-JUST READ THIS.

    Humberto does seem like a nice guy, too bad he’s so hung up on Paz. But I’m not crazy about Mir, probably because she was so hung up on Mau. I’m not to crazy about the older teens either. I think Jero just wants Gala for the conquest, Gio needs some kind of intervention, and Bosco is the way he usually is. I was glad to read the comments on Gala’s dress. I thought what little fashion sense I had had left me. Relieved others also didn’t like her dress. Ginebra’s was surprisingly pretty.

    Monito is taking everything in, but not sure who he can go to with the information.


  10. Thanks for the fine recap, Weirdo. I finally caught up after a busy week. Actually watched two last night. This can make it hard to comment since things run together in the mind.

    Let me add to the chorus of folks on the patio urging Esteban to write a note to someone...anyone.

    Jarifa, I agree with your assessment of the overly emotional Paz. I kept urging her from my sofa to get hold of herself and appear calm. That would drive Gin nuts.

    Yes, Jero isn't my favorite. He's not as bad as his little (not bio) brother and has shown a few signs of humanity. I wouldn't be surprised if they went with a scene where the younger kid is shown pulling the wings off flies. They even managed to come by a not very cute baby (hard to do) when they showed him in his crib in the flashback.

    I'm pretty sure we won't be treated to Gala succumbing to Jero's urging for sex. What I can't figure out is where they're going with Gema and the baby. I still don't think it's his. And wasn't that fetus large enough that she'd show a bit of belly? A recent Turkish dizi, IIRC, featured a woman presenting an image that was of some other woman's fetus, as a stalling tactic.

    If Gin follows through on faking Paz's baby appearing as a 6-year-old, I suppose we could anticipate a lively household for Esteban and Paz, with Esteban's kids, Monito, Sam, and whatever little girl Gin locates.

  11. Wow, I am enjoying reading the new comments . I am always amazed at the way the folks at caray try to apply logic to these bizarre plots. I think it shows a lot about intelligent people trying to make sense of crazy scenarios. They do it all the time in situations in real life . You can notice people using their problem solving skills just as as do to solve or manage problems in real life. Watching problem solvers work out possible solutions is fascinating. #math

    We all know that these novelas present the main couple as soul mates and then other characters and circumstances pull Them apart. The couple have to fight to get back together. They always do unless death separates them .I have only seen that happen once, and it was in a Turkish dizi that broke my heart. Susan

  12. Great work, Weirdo.

    Talk about a bodas de odio... It needs to be stopped.

    Kat, you beat me to the description of Gala's dress. Did she recently watch Gone With The Wind? And those platform shoes might make her tower over her new Wicked Stepmother. I like that.

    Vermin is in deep shit now as he just put all the Robles women in danger of rape and/or murder.

    I hope the writers get really creative with Ginebra's Karmageddon. I will work on it myself because it would have to beat the one from El Fantasma de Elena. I will have a conniption if she ends up getting away with her crimes.

  13. The most satisfying Karmageddon I remember was from Abismo de Pasion, when the evil Carmina had her legs amputated in a car accident and ended up committing suicide with a discarded pair of surgical scissors. (I can't believe I'm saying this. Is this tn making me bloodthirsty?)

    Here is a Spanish summary of "Olimpia's Law," which Jero explicitly mentioned in the last episode when warning Bosco to delete Gio's photo. I don't like where this is going.

    Sadly, I was unable to understand a single sentence of Salo's conversation with Tortuga. It was all in street slang, so I couldn't even look it up.

    I would expect Gala, as a fashion design student, to know that redheads shouldn't wear red. Ugh.


  15. Blue lass,, Did Jero tell His o delete Gio,'s photo?

    My sister is a redhead and didn't wear certain colors , but I have younger family members who are redheads , and there are no more color rules for gingers . They wear red , pink, orange, whatever. What they don't wear is a red and white
    Picnic tablecloth. I don't think anyone should wear that particular gown . I would like the style in a solid color or a floral.

    I can't wait to see where the writers take this tale.


  16. OT...O.S. Dr. Carlos was a medical Dr who loved and defended the bad girls. When we debated " Real vs fake ", he would remind me that he was a Dr ,and I would remind him that I was a woman. He Was so funny and clever. I miss him.


  17. All I can say is I'm also out of the loop on fashion trends. If Gala is (was) a fashion influencer her wardrobe in the earlier episodes I felt were quite dowdy ( although they showed a lot of leg).

    Novelera, the Sam look alike they want to find is I think to throw the scent off Sam. Paz will get that child and I imagine Gin will provide a sample from Sam to some corrupt medical worker, or Mau will just change the results by his super powers, so that Paz will believe she really found her daughter.

    Getting back to the Rubio scene. I may need to rewatch it. It looked like Vermin was searching through random drawers to give up the key. Maybe there was a decoy key in the room and Rubio didn't find it above the window ledge. Not sure what is in the safe deposit box, but if it is a confession about his part in Sam's disappearance, and what he knows of Gin's illegal activities,what is to stop him from writing another (besides his death of course)?

  18. Thanks so much for your comments, guys! It's 5:40 in the morning here so I don't have much time, but I'll try to write something.

    I'm in the minority, but I like Gala's dress. I agree it looked like a tablecloth. But then again, my sense of fashion is limited... And I mean limited.

    Gio is actually creeping me out, doesn't she get Bosco doesn't like her? Isn't he still a minor? This can't go well. I hope Gala figures out what's going one. Well, I hope someone figures out what's going on.

    Ginebra's anvil should be one of the biggest yet. I also won't survive her getting away. No. Just no.

    I wonder what on earth Gin is planning for Paz...
