
Thursday, May 02, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of April 29, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

** Cuando me Enamoro, Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo and Nadie Como Tu will be pre-empted on Thursday!!


  1. VIVIR #47 Part 1

    Still snuggling in bed, JE murmurs “Te amo” and Angel responds in kind. Breaking the mood, she voices her (very real and valid) concerns; he is married to and is the father of Rebeca’s baby. She starts to get up but he gently pulls her back. He soothes her forehead and assures her he will end things with Rebeca. More (never to be kept) promises.

    Pedrito and Lucas have a quick chat outside in the dark. He wants a charger. Charming Pedrito reminds him that he doesn’t have one and besides where would Lucas connect it??

    Romina hugs a distraught Mati and urges her to be patient. She purrs that the cell phone will be their secret. There is a method to her madness as Romina asks Mati to talk to Mauricio to give her another chance. She dangles the image of keeping the family together as Mati nestles closer to her mother. Romina smiles.

    Gabriel is with his horse and he appears to be concocting a plan regarding Mati

    There is a lot of covert activity this evening. Monica and Mau are meeting, he wants his money. She can’t possibly get the amount of money he wants without arousing suspicion. All of a sudden, Misael appears out of the darkness and starts beating and kicking Mau. Mau is on the ground writhing in agony until Monica drags Misael away. Once home she screams, calling him an animal. He angrily tells her Mau made Rebeca lose his baby. He killed his nephew! Monica says yes, Mau has to die but not by Misael’s hand. Misael furiously says he will be the one to kill him; he swore to Rebeca he would. Monica says she has no enemies, they have her as an enemy. Monica swallows a pill and chugs right out of the Waterford decanter. Charming.

    Cris helps an injured Mau to the couch as he cries out in pain. He tries to grab her hand but she pushes it away. He then takes it and gently guides her into a seat. He puts his hand on her shoulder and tries to charm her with memories of how they were. He spewed that she was the only thing he thought of in prison. He leans forward and when Adolfo enters the room, it appears from his vantage point that they are kissing. Ack.

    Monica is on the phone with someone telling them Mau must die tomorrow.

    Buenos Noches Adolfo says frostily. Adolfo wants to talk with Cris (mi mujer Mau adds) but Mau says business should be discussed at work.

    Lucas is at home climbing into his bedroom window. He picks up a few things including a two-piece heart necklace. His father comes in just after he leaves, standing outside on the window ledge. Luis picks up a pillow and looks sadly around the empty room.

    Loli and Pedrito are coloring; she is teaching him to write. Pedrito gets on the floor and pokes around some flowerpots.

    Cris tells Mau not to speak to Adolfo like that again. They aren’t married; she stopped being his wife years ago. Mau (apparently never having heard the adage that a tiger can’t change its stripes) wants to try and prove he’s changed. He tells Cris she is the only woman for him, and she clearly isn’t buying it. He thinks to himself that he has to get the money before they kill him.

    Lucas fingers the necklace and slips it on, then realizing he has lost his cell.


  2. VIVIR #47 Part 2

    Gabriel, on his (high) horse, rides up to Mati’s house, serenating and playing the guitar. Matilde, please forgive me he calls out. Mati leaves to come down as Luciano, Romina and Javier look out another window. She comes outside and he tells her how sorry he is; he just wanted to be supportive. She actually stifles a yawn and tells him they will talk tomorrow. Gabriel looks deliriously happy (what is with this kid??)

    That huge, screen filling full moon appears…We see JE caressing Angel’s shoulder as they lie in bed as the theme music swells.

    Meanwhile, Rebeca is still venomously declaring JE cannot find out she lost the baby as her angry tears flow. Doris is tight asleep in the surely uncomfortable wooden backed chair.

    Angel tells JE she has made a decision. They will be together! She loves him but she will wait until he is divorced; she has decided she will never give up on him!

    The doctor arrives; Rebeca is being released.

    Angel is glowing and Jimena comments on how luminous she looks.

    Doris at the front desk and is shocked at the bill. She is told that Rebeca can’t be released until the bill is paid in full. Doris decides she will call JE.

    Jimena confides in Angel that she thinks Icky is cheating again. Again. He lies about helping David and he’s coming home late. If you lie once, you will continue to lie. Viewerville collectively pleads with her to throw the bum out. Now.

    Fatima is going to go back to the hacienda for JE!

    JE thinks Rebeca is calling him but it’s Doris. He doesn’t believe anything Rebeca tells him! Doris then tells him Rebeca almost died…!!

    JE tells Fatima he is going to divorce Rebeca and then he and Angel will reconcile. His smile is bright, filled with false hope as he is not yet aware the shadow of doom is once again lurking… The siblings hug.

    Elena questions Angel as to why she didn’t come home. Elena thinks JE may have been with Rebeca. Angel quietly assures her that Rebeca wasn’t with JE! Elena cooly asks her daughter how she knows that. Did you see JE? Were YOU with JE??

    Elena then flips the script saying she wants to talk with JE; he must respect Rebeca. Then Santi, wearing a chef’s jacket comes up and proclaims he has a new recipe. He wants to go to culinary school but tuition is expensive. He will wait till the rest of the debt is paid off.

    Rebeca upbraids Doris for calling JE but Doris fights back and defends herself. Rebeca finally tells her to ask the doctor for a favor.

    Elena has the gaul to say she hopes Angel will support Rebeca as much as she supports Santi. Angel’s face falls.


  3. VIVIR #47 Part 3 of 3

    Romina shows up with a picnic basket for Luciano. Somehow she figured out the beautiful tree was where he and Fatima would meet. She walks up deliberately, puts her arms around him and kisses him. For the record, he is unresponsive although he did nothing to pry her octopus arms off him. Of course, just at this moment, Fatima arrives to witness the scene. Finally, Luciano pulls away and tells her no. She urges him to think about it and the terrible truth is that that it looks like he might actually be considering it.

    Mati defends Lucas to Gabriel; he is a good person and she loves him. He dries her tears and says he knows she doesn’t accept him as a novio; but as a friend, he urges she be patient. If Lucas can’t see how wonderful she is, she should let him go. A smile forms on her lips.

    Agent Corral tears off a missing poster of Lucas.

    Lucas tells Pedrito he has to leave because they know where he is as he lost his phone. Just then, Loli shows up with it and chides Pedrito for not telling her he was hiding Luas!

    Corral confronts Lupe telling her the posters are hindering the investigation. Lupe declares Lucas is innocent and blames Brayan. They ask she leave the investigation to them; they know Lucas wasn’t acting alone.

    Misael and Bruno meet at their favorite dive bar. Mau is an imbecile Misael complains to Bruno. How will he get rid of him? Bruno says it won’t be easy; they need to make a plan that won’t incriminate them. Misel suggests they find a scapegoat – JE!!

    Angel tells Jimena she needs to find a new place to live. Jimena urges Angel not to wait until JE divorces and urges her to move in with JE! Angel hugs her friend and smilingly agrees. Not coincidentally, Angel was working on a flowerpot and finds her wedding rings. She and Jimena laugh with glee as she puts them on.

    Rebeca’s doctor tells JE about the pills Rebeca tried to kill herself with; her life was in grave danger.! He stares and asks “mi hijo”? Oh, the baby is fine the “doctor” responds as viewerville pick up our jaws collectively from the floor.


  4. Vivir. Superb recap, Diana! "More (never to be kept) promises;" "Gabriel on his (high) horse". More back and forth, back and forth again. JE and Angelli are back together, but not really until JE gets his divorce from Rebeca, or maybe they won't wait that long, yada yada. How long will it last this time? Naturally Fatima comes upon Luciano and Romina right at the moment Romina kisses him. The Novela Law strikes again! It looks as if Bruno will be the one to get rid of Mauricio. Let's see how that works out. So Mexican doctors can be bought off? Or is that woman JE talked to about Rebeca's condition a fake doctor? It does seem that that was the "favor" that Rebeca asked for. Good thing JE was planning on a dna test and I believe he said something about being able to use some of the tissue Rebeca expelled. I think it's pretty clear that Rebeca did miscarry, but in Novelaland you never know.

  5. Vivir

    Wow..Diana, thank you for crafting a recap that gave us every frustrating moment.

    So...I guess we can assume that Angel is now pregnant after meeting with JE in their apartment.

    Another corrupt doctor lies to JE as Refrida listens at the door . ugh

    I like Gabe ,He is a cutie , and he has so much less baggage than Lucas , but it appears that Mark and Lucas are destined to be together at the end .

    Is that broken heart necklace something that Lucas bought for Mati ?

    Relentless , determined Romina plants another lip lock on Luciano who just stands there frozen so that Fatima can walk up and see them and then quickly leave. uff

    I still don't get why Angel thought it was a good idea to plant her ring in that flower pot . Then, she is digging around in the pot with her bare hands while wearing a white jacket.

    Could someone please give that poor little boy a bath, or at least wash his face ? What was he hiding on that shelf?

    And Mau....gee, this guy takes a licking and a kicking And keeps on ticking.


  6. VIVIR

    Thanks for your kind words SpanProf.

    "Good thing JE was planning on a dna test and I believe he said something about being able to use some of the tissue Rebeca expelled. I think it's pretty clear that Rebeca did miscarry, but in Novelaland you never know". So true! And I didn't understand anything that was said about the tissue, thank you.

    It does seem that almost all of the doctors we've seen lately have been corrupt. "Do no harm" is certainly not their mantra. It was surprising that the doctora acquiesced so quickly. I wonder what Doris bribed her with/said to her??

    Timing is everything isn't it? Of course Fatima came upon Luciano and Romina the moment they didn't kiss!!

    Have any of the JE/Angel reconciliations lasted more than 24 hours??? Will this one???


  7. VIVIR

    "Relentless, determined Romina plants another lip lock on Luciano who just stands there frozen so that Fatima can walk up and see them and then quickly leave. uff" had me smiling away Susan.

    When I saw the necklace, I assumed that Lucas probably did get it for Mati (I wondered if it was from the heist or a legit purchase). I've seen heart necklaces in two parts where each partner wears one piece. But this necklace didn't seem to fit that. Of course you are right, it probably is one "broken heart" necklace! Thank you!!

    We both keep thinking Angel is going to get pregnant during one of her "reconciliation" sessions with JE. Perhaps this time was the charm???


  8. Susan, Pedro was hiding Lucas's cellphone and charging it on the shelf.

  9. Diana, Lucas bought a gift for Mati when he and Brayan were scoping out the jewelry store. I imagine this necklace was it. I also assumed it was a 2 piece of one heart type necklace. Maybe there is another chain in the box.

  10. VIVIR

    Kat, thanks for the info!

    I hope they reveal if it's one necklace or two...


  11. Vivir

    Thanks once again Diana, that was a great read. More enjoyable than the show as they don’t put your fun comments in the show.

    I can’t believe Elena is upset with Angel when Rebeca is the one that literally drugged her husband so he’d marry her. I don’t like that woman and can’t wait until she finds out the truth.

    I wonder if JE suspects the doctor of lying. She was slow to answer and looked guilty to me. But now JE will be forced to stay with her because she’s suicidal. And I’m sure she lost the baby.

    I can’t believe the timing of Fatima showing up! I wonder if she’ll race back to the city. And I think Romina told Luciano that Fatima and Bruno are together and planning a wedding. I could be wrong. She could have been talking about boots!

    Doris is more dishonest than honest. I hope she doesn’t end up with Sebastian. He deserves much better.


  12. Vivir

    Thanks for the laughs, Diana. Your portrayal of these numbskulls is so entertaining. My fave: "Gabriel, on his (high) horse,"

    "He soothes her forehead and assures her he will end things with Rebeca. More (never to be kept) promises."

    These two are driving me nuts. By now they should know Rebeca's bag of tricks is endless, but they have no strategy to deal with her, just "te amo." I give this reunion less than 24 hours.

    I do hope Angel at least refuses to discuss Rebeca or JE with her mother. No good will come from it.

    I like Gabriel. I think he's surrounded by adults and responsibility and Mati is the first girl he's met. He needs to take a second look at Sandra, cute and fun.

  13. Vivir

    Liz, ITA about Doris. She has moved from clueless helper of Rebeca to a full-on accomplice. She better keep her paws off Sebastian.

  14. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks for another great recap. I only got home a little while ago, very busy day, and I haven't had time to watch the episode yet.
    I plan to do so this evening, but now I will do so with some trepidation. From what I have just read it sounds like my girl Doris (Sebastian is actually her second choice, but I'm OK with it because it would be a heck of a commute for me), my girl Doris is wandering over to the Dark Side. Not good.


  15. VIVIR

    Thanks for your nice words Liz!

    I totally concur with "I can’t believe Elena is upset with Angel when Rebeca is the one that literally drugged her husband so he’d marry her." Exactly! Elena's expectations that Angel should immediately forgive all of Rebeca's transgressions is unrealistic. She is going to be in for a world of hurt once Rebeca's true persona is revealed.

    "Doris is more dishonest than honest. I hope she doesn’t end up with Sebastian. He deserves much better". I had really thought Doris was going to redeem herself but I disappointingly agree she is going in the wrong direction. I'll be interested to see if Andy can mount a viable defense for her. 😊


  16. VIVIR

    Thank you so very much Niecie.

    "These two are driving me nuts. By now they should know Rebeca's bag of tricks is endless, but they have no strategy to deal with her, just "te amo." I give this reunion less than 24 hours". I agree with all of your wise words. Yep, I fear this reunion is yet another entry in their endless and very brief break up to make ups.

    "Liz, ITA about Doris. She has moved from clueless helper of Rebeca to a full-on accomplice. She better keep her paws off Sebastian". I have to sadly agree. She calls Rebeca "hermana" and pledges her undying loyalty to someone who (refresh my memory if I'm wrong) hasn't done anything for her in return. I thought Ramiro had taught her a lesson. My bad.


  17. VIVIR

    Andy, I have a bad habit of reading comments and typing a response before refreshing the page. I just did that and hadn't seen your post until after I responded to Liz.

    "From what I have just read it sounds like my girl Doris (Sebastian is actually her second choice, but I'm OK with it because it would be a heck of a commute for me), my girl Doris is wandering over to the Dark Side. Not good". You are exactly right Andy. The bottom line is that Doris has no justification to go along with what Rebeca's done (with her help). Her blind loyalty to Rebeca appears to be accelerating her downfall. But if there is any defense to be made, I have every confidence you will come with it!


  18. vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana. Such a great recap. I loved "chugs right out of the Waterford". It's not every day you get a recapper who knows Irish crystal!

    Come on, Misael. Hurry up and kill Mauricio. I don't mind him threatening Monica and Misael, but when he tries to bamboozle Cris, I draw the line. I was nervous when she let him get so close to a kiss (just so Adolfo could walk in, of course), but she did shut him down afterwards.

    Amen on "what is with this kid". I can't believe how Gabriel keeps on thinking Mati will go for him when it never, ever happens.

    I'm with the bingo card that Angel will show up preggers.

    I'm SO over Elena. Really, how old is Angelli supposed to be? Surely old enough that her mother doesn't give her the stink eye when she stays out all night. Come on, Angelli, tell your mother you've moved out because of Rebeca.

    I did enjoy Santiago's pleasure. Apparently Renato put Santi's creation on the Del Olmo menu.

    I am so tired of the Luciano/Romina/Fatima triangle. That's such a Mejia move to have Fatima see Romina kiss Luciano.

    What? That doctor agreed to lie to JE that the baby was still alive? Why?

  19. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Novelera!

    Mau is a stone cold killer and deserves a headline obit pronto.

    Gabriel has no shot. None. So why pine after Mati when sweet Sandy is right there under his nose (right Niecie?).

    "Apparently Renato put Santi's creation on the Del Olmo menu" - thank you for that. Such a sharp eye.

    I'm also frustrated by another misstep in the Luciano/Fatima relationship.

    I also wondered why on earth the doctor agreed to that egregious lie. What was offered/threatened for that to happen!!!?



    I'll be posting the recap of this morning's double-episodes later this afternoon.

  21. Vivir

    Thank you Diana for another wonderful, witty, recap! You captured every mood and mood swing as always!

    I am so tired of Romina! Actually, I'm tired of this novela tripe in general. Who lines up to beg her ex to come back to her when it's CRYSTAL CLEAR he's not interested? And begs their daughter to help her? Gee, I really hope I can emotionally blackmail prince charming into settling for me so I can live happily ever after!!! Yuck! Also, Romina told Mati that she learned Fatima was only playing with Luciano!!! Not that Mati needed a reason to be anti-Fatima but still....

    Okay, I can't believe I'm going to type this, but I think I'll defend Doris! At least a little. I have two arguments on which to defend her. 1. She doesn't seem to have any one else except Rebeca. Have we seen another friend? Parent? Sibling? Cousin? Anyone? I mean she had a good for nothing married boyfriend until he had the landlord dump her and went back to being Jimena's problem, but anyone else? I bet it would be extremely hard to turn your back not only on your BFF but on your ONLY FF even if she is crazy and dangerous. Not saying it's right, but there are plenty of people who stand by horrible family members just because they are family, and Rebeca seems to be Doris' whole family. 2. They have been friends their whole lives (IIRC) and Rebeca is highly manipulative. Doris has undoubtedly been programmed into submission many many years ago. Stockholm syndrome? Seriously though, I have read horrific true stories where victims of super manipulative people unthinkably just submitted to awful abuse even leading to their own deaths at times, just because their will had been broken down over time. It's not quite that severe with Doris, but I'm betting she knows even more about Rebeca's bad side than we do and has learned over 20+ years to smile and nod and avoid it!

    Why is Pedrito still on the street???? Kids with homes to go to can be snapped up and raised by strangers in a second, but a truly in need kid is left alone on the street?? Lucas doesn't count, he can't even take care of himself!!! When he and Pedrito were first talking about the phone though, Lucas actually asked to use Pedrito's phone, and the little guy laughed and said 'I don't have a phone.' He gestured and said 'How would I have a phone? And even if I did, where would I charge it?' It was funny - incredibly, incredibly sad, but funny.

    It was kind of fun to see Misael beat up Mau, but I keep wondering if maybe he is Misael's father! Is Misael going to kill his own daddy.

  22. OT

    I want to say this while I'm thinking about it. I will be out of town next week for work. I might be able to watch on my phone, maybe...but I can't count on that. More likely than not, you won't see many, if any, comments from me next week. I will schedule the pages for publication before I leave and make sure they get posted though! :)

  23. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks again. Everything made sense while I watched the novela, which is not always the case unless I have first read your recap.

    From the little I have read about it, the Mexican medical system is considered among the best in Latin America, and there are both private and public hospitals.
    But novelas almost always deal with the private hospitals and being able to pay the bill.
    And doctors willing to take a bribe, or falsify DNA tests, etc., are novela staples. I am curious as to how much this reflects reality. Very little, I suspect.
    But then again, if I want reality maybe I shouldn't be watching telenovelas in the first place.

    I did laugh when Doris was told that the hospital would keep Rebeca until the bill was paid. Sounds like a losing proposition for the hospital to me.

    Of course, I have to laugh at myself often enough too. I'm now worried that Doris, my telenovia of this week, might be straying into really dark territory. But I still think she is a good bad girl. We'll see.
    Darcy, good for you and thank you for defending her somewhat.

    Definitely on the bad side and getting worse are Monica and Misael. Mauricio has good reason to be concerned. But he's a nut job anyway. When he first appeared I didn't know what to make of him, then I thought that he was a bad guy but really knew what he was doing. But now after Rebeca tried to kill him by running over him with a car, he comes back to exact some revenge and hangs around looking for a big payoff. He knows it's risky, he wants to get away before someone kills him, yet he hangs around and makes a play for Cristina.
    Not too bright.


    Where is Alma?


  24. Vivir

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanls, Diana. I like that ya’ll previously labeled the network Looneyvision. It’s the perfect host for this cartoon of a novela we’ve all subscribed to.

    Had we made this a drinking game with telenovela tropes and cliches, we’d all be @ Betty Ford.

    By now, I believe everyone has covered everything. Diana served a Michelin Star-worthy buffet of events and the patio dissected and digested every morsel with the usual aplomb.

    I wasn’t ready for the Waterford decanter reference. Diana, you spin such marvelous yarns. Speaking of Betty Ford, Mónica should be headed there soon. Such charming antics are usually a prelude to an accidental overdose OR a car crash which changes the direction of the story.

    Of course, these writers don’t seem to be interested in changing or moving the story along. They insist on killing us softly with unrealistic dialog (JE’s love declaration), kooky caricatures (Mauricio’s sniveling blackmail operations), and ill-timed encounters (Romina’s unsolicited assault on Luciano’s lips)…

    Naturally, I’m here for ALL OF IT! lol

  25. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your kind words.

    "Romina told Mati that she learned Fatima was only playing with Luciano!!! Not that Mati needed a reason to be anti-Fatima but still...." thank you for providing that; another rancid nugget from Romina. So frustrating.

    Doris may indeed be alone in the world as you so sagely suggested. I can understand where she allowed Rebeca's minor transgressions to be overlooked or even bourne. And no one would deny that Rebeca IS a master manipulator. Your arguments are compelling. However, I do believe Doris has a heart and a conscience. I believe that something will occur where she will realize she can no longer permit Rebeca's evil to continue unabated.

    I had thought (wrongly) that Marisa might have taken Pedrito in...

    I also think there is a strong possibility Mau IS Misael's papa...

    Best of luck on your work trip! Thank you so much for posting the headers. We will look forward to rejoining the patio as soon as you are able.


  26. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much.

    "Where is Alma?" I shamefacedly admit with everything going on, I did forget about our nearly/already departed victim. Excellent question Andy; it is strange the writers have left this dangling...

    "I did laugh when Doris was told that the hospital would keep Rebeca until the bill was paid. Sounds like a losing proposition for the hospital to me" was perfect. I'm still itching to find out what on earth Doris said to the doctora to have her lie so viciously.

    Like you, I am hoping Doris will redeem herself. But the window is closing...

    Mau IS a nuisance. Anyone who doesn't learn from a near death experience is hopeless. As his future clearly appears to be.


  27. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your very generous, kind words.

    Loved this: "They insist on killing us softly with unrealistic dialog (JE’s love declaration), kooky caricatures (Mauricio’s sniveling blackmail operations), and ill-timed encounters (Romina’s unsolicited assault on Luciano’s lips)…" Most excellent!

    "Speaking of Betty Ford, Mónica should be headed there soon". Indeed! She is certainly the leader in a cast of crazies, isn't she?

    Our astute patio may be able to predict what is going to happen next. I however, never have any idea which gives me a pit in my stomach as everty episode starts. Expect the unexpected...


  28. Vivir. Right on about how Mexican doctors are portrayed in this novela, Diana and Andy. I can't help but think that if a US drama series were to do something like that, there would be huge protests from the AMA and other medical groups. Btw, I was doing a summer research program in Mexico when I found I was pregnant with my second child. My landlady recommended a doctor who turned out to be wonderful! She was kind, well-informed and gave every bit as good advice, etc., as the US doctor who had supervised my first pregnancy.

  29. VIVIR #48 Part 1

    I had some much-appreciated help today.

    Quick shot of the city as Angel sets a lovely table complete with red roses. She texts JE she is at their home, preparing something special to celebrate She is texting him she is at their home, preparing something special to celebrate Vivir de amor …

    Elena calls Cris. She is sorry to bother her but is concerned about Rebeca…

    JE is on the phone with the doctor who confirmed that what Rebeca took was to abort the baby; that is why she is hemorrhaging.

    Cris calls JE and shares Elena’s concerns and states that Rebeca is very fragile (as an ox I add sarcastically).

    A babbling Doris comes bursting into Rebeca’s room just as an angry JE arrives. Overly emotional Rebeca pleads that she doesn’t want a divorce and starts crying. He needs to tell her he will live with her and the baby; otherwise she doesn’t want to live! If he doesn’t tell her this truth he will never see her alive again. (Promises, promises). You are sick in the head he says as she takes his hand. Are you going to leave she asks? He finally gives in.

    “Te amo” Angel says to herself as she (pointlessly) waits.

    Rebeca is hugging JE around the waist. What are your intentions she queries. She hopes JE isn’t going to wait until the baby is born to leave. He promises he will take care of his baby. She wants to give the marriage a chance. She pulls him in by his jacket as she declares she wants her own house away from the family. JE again agrees. Fool. He asks about Alma. Rebeca hasn’t been able to see her but is checking up on her (I just bet she is). She tells him their relationship will work as he stares at her as if she has two heads.

    Marisa and Angel are packing up the fabrica wares. Angel asks after Lupe and says she needs to concentrate on finding her son.

    Jimena and Renato are in the market. She tells him how handsome he is (among other things) and says he is everything a woman would want. He smiles sweetly. She thanks him for all his help and keeping her company.

    Elena is venting to Gi who (again) defends Angel as Santiago arrives to interrupt (yet) another conversation. A university has accepted him and even offered to pay half his tuition.

    Marisa and Angel continue their talk as she calls JE again and gets voicemail. Hmmm.

    Jimena and Angel chat and she is handed a note from Elena.

    Meanwhile, Rebeca is up, dressed and hanging tightly onto JE’s arm as they arrive at the restaurant. Elena, having assumed JE and Rebeca are back together greets them and requests a table be prepared. They march into the dining room as Angel, completely unaware of what is transpiring is also at the restaurant.

    Elena and the group toast to JE and Rebeca. As JE gets up to leave, Rebeca calls him back and forcefully kisses him. He is a good man and will be a good father Rebeca enthuses. Elena takes her hand and says what a marvelous family they will make.

    Don Emilio (my heart) and Adolfo meet. He feels useless, no one tells him anything. He asks about the assassination of his granddaughter. Adolfo explains they are working hard and won’t drop the ball. DE knows Rebeca isn’t a good person. Adolfo says JE is only with Rebeca because of the baby which is hard as he is in love with another woman (he certainly should know right?)

    Loli tells Lucas he needs to return home. Lucas refuses but Loli has someone who can help them.


  30. VIVIR #48 Part 2 of 2

    Oh noes! JE is walking out and runs tight into Angel. She sees his ashen face and asks him if everything is all right. He wants to talk but not there. Just at that moment, Rebeca shows up and Elena explains they are celebrating their reconciliation. As he starts to explain, Angel hits JE in the face hard as Elena and Santiago look on.

    A devastated Angel goes out on the patio followed by Elena. Elena asks Angel if she had her hopes up again. Angel needs to accept what she has with JE is not hers anymore. Angel says she doesn’t want to discuss this. She assures her mother Rebeca is not doing anything for anyone’s good. It hurts her how Elena is defending Rebeca! Her wish to have her daughter back is blinding her to reality. Angel hope one day she will see who her daughter really is.

    Luciano and Romina are eating the picnic basket wares. Romina says Mati won’t make any further mistakes. She says she regrets abandoning her children.

    JE explains why he is staying with Rebeca; Cris blames herself for him marrying Rebeca. JE says Angel must hate him and he doesn’t want to lose her. Cris tells him when it’s true love nothing can destroy it. JE will divorce Rebeca once the baby is born and hopes Angel will take him back. He is also looking for an apartment as he doesn’t want to set foot in the apartment again he bought for Angel.

    Reb demands to know what Angel wants from JE. Angel assures her there is nothing between them and she doesn’t care if Rebeca believes her. Angel says Rebeca needs psychological help. Rebeca says she won’t get any point, to prove her point, she smashes the flowerpot Angel has in front of her.

    We next see Loli and Pedrito in comfortable leather chairs, talking with Don Emilio!! They explain Lucas’ situation and about Brayan’s threat to hurt his family.DE promises to ask a friend who works with the police as to how to help. He talks about a mother’s love as we see Lupe praying. He advises they take Lupe to her son.

    Adolfo pays Luis a visit and explains that Lucas wanted to help Ramiro. Luis notes that Ramiro’s cronies could hurt Lucas.

    DE hands the kids a piece of paper to write their information down as JE lurks in background. It becomes apparent he cannot read or write. He doesn’t go to school because his grandmother died and he had to go to work. DE says he must go to school! Pedrito says he would need a guardian to sign up and register him. At that, JE appears and offers to do it!

    Renato comes upon Angel and she tearfully confides in him. She doesn’t know how much more she can take! He takes her hand and comforts her with a hug.

    Elena and Rebeca talk; she is happy Rebeca will be with her a few more days. Elena explains why things are so difficult for Angel right now. Rebeca asks for money as she is growing out of her clothes. Elena gives her a credit card as she cries she really wants to work (liar!!)

    Misael is trying to reach Rebeca and is frustrated blaming JE. Just then, Cris and JE stroll into Misael’s office as Cris tells Misael she wants to get more involved in the company. JE tells him they are going to conduct an audit on Misael!

    Elena puts her arms around Rebeca and says the credit card is just the beginning of what she should have had. Rebeca thinks to herself that this is just the beginning of what she will take from them.


  31. Vivir. Another superb recap, Diana: "as an ox I add sarcastically;" "promises, promises." It was so disappointing (though not unexpected) when JE got back together with Rebeca--and especially not even informing Angelli. I must say, that reconciliation was extremely short--maybe the shortest. And Elena (unknowingly) and Rebeca (knowingly) were both horribly cruel to Angelli. I enjoyed seeing Angelli slapping JE, though. He certainly deserved it. With all that hemorrhaging, JE doesn't think to ask for a second opinion about whether Rebeca miscarried? She's certainly using a tragedy caused by someone else (Mauricio) to her advantage. I'm so glad that Pedrito will have a home and education with JE. I'm also glad that there will be a company audit. Misael looked very worried.

  32. Vivir

    Diana, thanks so much for bringing us yet another excellent account of yet another frustrating episode.

    Argghhh ...Gala (Reb) is doing a bangup job of giving us a scheming, greedy, amoral villain . Pouty MacPouterson thinks she can physically just hang onto JE like a barnacle.

    JE is a weakwilled, wishywashy idiot . I am done with this guy .

    Kim ( Angel) brought her villain skills to deliver that great smack to Reb's lying face . Yay. Reb just had to throw the plant and then the pot . Hey, I just bought some plants for the front yard , and plants are expensive .

    Okay, yoyo Renato, you are back to soothing Angel's wounded heart.

    Elena, just wait until you see that credit card bill. #nevergiveyourkidyourcreditcard



    *Jeronimo, Matias, Slacker Berta & Co., sitting in the waiting room of the DF medival center.

    *Regina shows Renata pictures of the late Roberto Gamba.

    *Antonio informs Superior Padre that he would like to continue his religious studies at the seminary outside of Mexico City but cannot leave Mexico because of the law enforcement crapola.

    *The Monterrubio's notified by TheDoc that Gonzalo's improving tremendously.

    *Honorio & Connie give Adriana the good news about Gonzalo.

    *Where is Arely AKA SpareGirl ?

  34. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap. I actually got to watch this episode and enjoyed it quite a lot. Mostly. A few things were not much fun, but it was a good outing this time.

    JE is worse than useless. I think that his taking on some responsibility, I don't know how much, for Pedrito, is an attempt by the telenovela to burnish his image a little. By now most of us are sick of him, and would rather Angel try Tinder or the "Lonely Men in Prison" app. Anybody but JE.

    Maybe "yoyo" Renato, but that window may have closed. Sorry, Susan, but I think Renato and Jimena are matching up. Maybe. Maybe, maybe.

    Anyway, it was nice to see don Emilio involved and helping. It will help himself as well. Maybe he and his detective friend can figure out a few things as well as look for Lucas. Why did don Emilio not mention this person before? Certainly there has enough been going on that could use some unraveling.

    Is there an unimpeachable doctor in Mexico? Where is Alma?


  35. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana, I always enjoy your recaps. But so glad I also watched the show! The slap was great, looked and sounded painful.

    It appears Elena is the only one that doesn’t see the true Rebeca. And most realize she’s some kind of psycho. Why don’t they have her committed? As her husband JE certainly could. I’ve seen two shows where men committed their perfectly sane wives. Also, JE thinks he’ll leave Rebeca after the baby is born. Why would he think a baby would be safe with her! Angel needs to show him her doll.

    There’s an awful lot of single moms. Obviously someone fathered the child but felt fine walking away. I guess JE’s good quality is he’s taking responsibility for the baby, and now the wife!

    I thought the family was still in debt for the restaurant. And Elena hands Rebeca a credit card. But now we know she just wants the money. And if she’s pretending she’s still pregnant why is she drinking wine.

    The kids were cute with Don Emilio. Maybe they’ll give Pedrito a bed and a bath. At first I had thought he was staying in Alma’s apartment.


  36. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your (always) nice comments.

    I am so pleased you were able to find a wonderful doctor in Mexico who helped you through your pregnancy. Mercifully, you weren't referred to any of seemingly prevalent amoral "physicians"!

    "Elena (unknowingly) and Rebeca (knowingly) were both horribly cruel to Angelli". Yes, you are so right!! Piercing blows from both quarters. My heart goes out to her.

    You might well be right in that JE and Angel's latest reconciliation was indeed the shortest. I too enjoyed the slap - one attagirl to Angel.


  37. Vivir

    Liz " Angel needs to show him her doll " gave me a giggle.

    Yes, I noticed Reb cheerfully raising her wineglass. Hmmm.


  38. VIVIR

    Thank you for your nice words Susan.

    "JE is a weakwilled, wishywashy idiot . I am done with this guy." May I quote you?? 😊 I do think this may be it for Angel, I know it would be for me. While the timing of the premature, wildly inappropriate "reconciliation" toasting could not have been worse ,in the end, JE's acquiescence would have been the same no matter the setting.

    So what is Beca going to buy to carry out her vengeance scheme?


  39. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you very much.

    "JE is worse than useless. I think that his taking on some responsibility, I don't know how much, for Pedrito, is an attempt by the telenovela to burnish his image a little. By now most of us are sick of him, and would rather Angel try Tinder or the "Lonely Men in Prison" app. Anybody but JE" was pure platinum. So wry and wonderful.

    Nopis, no unimpeachable doctor to be seen; at least on the current horizon.

    I have a feeling Alma is still alive. Poor soul...


  40. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz!

    "...JE thinks he’ll leave Rebeca after the baby is born. Why would he think a baby would be safe with her! Angel needs to show him her doll". YES, excellent idea. She certainly should have, (along with her mother)!

    I'm confused about the restaurant and overall debt. But I gather Elena isn't concerned about her coin. Bad mistake but not her first.

    "Maybe they’ll give Pedrito a bed and a bath. At first I had thought he was staying in Alma’s apartment". Great point; hopefully they will clean the lad up a bit. I also thought he was staying with Alma and Marisa (?)


  41. I think Pedro just hangs out with Loli. She is kind of tutoring him and being his friend, but he still lives on the streets. Did Pedro say when his grandmother died his papers (birth certificate?) were lost and that was why he couldn't attend school?

  42. VIVIR

    It appears Pedrito and Loli are friends but I'm not sure how Marisa and Alma (if she is still alive bless her) could let that sweet boy go out into the night alone and not keep him there in the safety of the house.

    I can't answer your question as to why Pedrito can't attend school, hopefully someone else can.


  43. Vivir

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diana. You and your helper captured everything and set us up for the weekend. I hope you get some rest after all your wonderful and tireless efforts. You are truly appreciated.

    Redeeming things about JE:
    •wears a cool wooden beads bracelet.
    •pays hospital bills on time.
    Calladito se ve más bonito. Can we mute him until El Gran Final and just enjoy the eye candy?

    In It Came Out of Nowhere news, Santiago has been cooking for 17 days; all of a sudden he wins a scholarship to study abroad?!! Strike One. Strike Two: the worst tattoo in daytime television is gone. Someone forgot to doodle the cards on the back of his neck (that originally landed him in jail). I am not surprised. These are the same producers behind Corazón Guerrero. They did the same thing with Fede (who’s Misael this time around). His telltale tattoo played peek-a-boo throughout the series. Clearly, one can’t find a decent doctor or script supervisor in all of Mexico.

    Romina has the unmitigated gall to proclaim her motherly intuition tells her Mati won’t ever take part in another robbery. I don’t know who’s the better actor here. Romina for uttering such a ludicrous line OR Luciano for not bursting out laughing or choking on his pic-a-nic snacks. Move over, Carol Brady. There’s a new television mom queen. What’s next? True loves and dolls will be safe around Refrida’s sisterly intuition? Luis’ fatherly intuition will bring Lucas home and stop all the barrio acrobatics?

    During the PSA for child education, Pedrito revealed that after he quit school to work for his ailing granny, she died and he lost his papers. Perhaps JE will be less annoying as a guardian after stinking up the canvas as a galán.

    Will Refrida max out Elena’s card at the Galleria or will she run amok at Doris’ knock-off boutique? I think we know the answer, but it’s the least she could do.

    For the record, it’s been 7 episodes since we’ve seen Alma.

  44. vivir

    Applauding from Califas another terrific recap, Diana. Especially loved "as an ox" and "promises...promises" regarding Rebeca threatening to off herself. Also "looked at her as if she had two heads".

    I've come to the conclusion that Doris is our only hope. One of our commenters did an analysis of Doris having been manipulated by Rebeca so long she's incapable of resisting. But she is the key to revealing there's no bebé to use as ammunition. Sadly, I can't forget she mentioned the cojín (cushion) to pad evil Rebe's flat stomach.

    Yep, Adolfo again hints, to Don E, IIRC, that history is repeating itself with a guy being forced into a loveless marriage. Someone here suggested that Mau is the bio dad of Misael. That works for me. "Something" happened in the past with Monica and Mau judging by their behavior when he just appeared pretending to be at death's door.

    Sigh. Angelli should start recording Rebeca's berrinches (bursts of rage, tantrums). If only Dimwit Elena could hear what her newly recovered kid says to the one whose been a good daughter all along. I was glad Angelli told her mother she didn't want to hear it anymore.

    JE told Cris that he plans to insist on custody of the baby when it's born. He would have a good case if there really were a fetus, because she tried to abort (rather Mau tried to abort, but she's owning having done it so as to force JE to stick with her for the sake of the nonexistent baby). Yep, I also noticed the nice big glass of wine. And Elena doesn't say a word?

    He said he didn't want Rebeca to set foot in that apartment he and Angelli picked out together. I hope Angelli keeps on living there. Her mother is intolerable.

    Idiot Luis rejects Adolfo's offer to help with Lucas's case. This is the guy that blamed his wife for what Lucas did, and now he's too proud to accept help from someone who might really be able to fix things.

  45. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your very kind words.

    Your comment was laced with wry wit, I wanted to cut and paste it in its entirety.

    On JE "Calladito se ve más bonito. Can we mute him until El Gran Final and just enjoy the eye candy?" Muting might indeed be best!!

    "Strike Two: the worst tattoo in daytime television is gone. Someone forgot to doodle the cards on the back of his neck". Another detail left in the dust.

    "Will Refrida max out Elena’s card at the Galleria or will she run amok at Doris’ knock-off boutique?" 😊

    Perhaps the writers realized JE's status as a galan is on life support and therefore as a last ditch effort came up with the guardian storyline. Pedrito is a sweetheart and if anyone can provide JE with a bit of redemption it is this sweet, loving child.

    7 episodes since we've seen Alma??? Oh my, we are long overdue for a sighting. I'm still thinking she is alive and suffering. Somewhere.


  46. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Novelera.

    "berrinches (bursts of rage, tantrums)" (so appropriate) is new vocabulary for me and very much appreciated!

    You raised such an important point in that Doris "is the key to revealing there's no bebé to use as ammunition". If only she wanted to use her knowledge to right some of Rebeca's wrongs!

    Thank you for noting JE "didn't want Rebeca to set foot in that apartment he and Angelli picked out together" as I had omitted "Rebeca" in the recap. Angel needs to stay away from Elena's, I totally agree she is "intolerable". Sleeping on the street would be less stressful at this point.

    By saying she tried to induce the abortion, Rebeca has I believed harmed her case more than helped it. I am afraid though that she is going to fake a miscarrriage a bit further along in her non pregancy because what other choice will she have? Time marches on so unless she manages to continue to fake it and procures a child from some nefarious means...(heaven forbid we already have that scenario over on El Amor) that would seem to be her only option.


  47. Vivir

    Thank you Diana, another fantastic recap! Another super short reconciliation for Angel and JE! But somehow this time I have less sympathy for Angel. Yes, it's horrible what she's dealing with, what her sister is putting her through; and especially that mama is only concerned with Beca! BUT, Angel keeps setting herself up!!!! Reconciling with JE while he's still with Beca, not divorced and has nothing settled was just unwise. She should have waited for JE to truly get divorced and then started thinking about reconciliation if she actually wants him!

    That said, he drives me INSANE that Elena keeps making comments about Angel trying to steal Beca's husband, when BECA stole Angel's husband!!!!!!! I don't know how any of these actors have that conversation with a straight face.

    JE asked how Alma was and Beca said not good, she hadn't had time to see her but was keeping tabs on her. While I agree with you, that she's not actually concerned about Alma, she has to be keeping abreast of at least whether or not she's alive or awake because she would be concerned about her talking. So I'm guessing Alma is alive. Beca also said something along the lines of: 'When she wakes up....' so I'm also guessing Alma is in some sort of comma and still in the hospital.

    If JE takes guardianship of Pedrito, what does that do to the theory that Pedrito is likely Misael's son? They sure like overlapping relationship drama in this show! But the conversation with the kids and DE was so adorable!!! I do wonder though how they came to the decision to go to DE! Did I miss something? Forget something? How do the kids even know who DE is?

  48. Darcy, I also was confused as to how the kids got an audience with DE....

  49. Vivir #47/48

    Gracias, Diana.

    I heard ReFrida say that she was toasting with grape juice, so the production crew should have found one of a different color from the others. I don't think that Elena or JE would have let this one go.

    Didn't someone say eight episodes ago that Alma was in a coma and ReFrida thought-bubbled that she hoped Alma would die?

    If Pedrito becomes JE's ward does he move in with JE's family? Will Misael feel the llamada de la sangre? That boy needs to seriously confront his egg donor if Pedrito does turn out to be his lost child.

    At this point Elena will be blind to ReFrida's evil until the last three episodes.

  50. Vivir

    Hola, Patio.

    After Don Emilio had his stroke/medical emergency, he snuck out of the house and wandered about. Loli and her friends found him and took him to the market. Eventually Angel found him and alerted the family of his whereabouts. JE retrieved him and we got a PSA about leaving home without advisements

  51. Vivir. There are now 70 episodes on the Wikipedia list of those which have been shown in Mexico. Judging from the titles, they aren't close to finishing up yet. (My preference would be "Gran final").

  52. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your lovely words.

    "That said, he drives me INSANE that Elena keeps making comments about Angel trying to steal Beca's husband, when BECA stole Angel's husband!!!!!!!" I feel exactly the same way. Intolerable cruelty...

    You're right of course that Angel should have waited to get back with JE but I do think she has learned her lesson. If only for a short while (sigh). We shall see...

    As you noted, Alma must not be conscious and Beca must be aware of that.

    "If JE takes guardianship of Pedrito, what does that do to the theory that Pedrito is likely Misael's son?" is an excellent question. There has to be some way that Pedrito and Misael meet and if JE brings him in, that would be the way to do it. I can only assume the call of the blood will be howling, loudly.

    I'm not sure how as to how Loli knew that Don Emilio would be the right person to speak with but am happy that Pedrito now has some greatly needed support!


  53. VIVIR

    Ooops, I started my above comment an hour ago and didn't refresh the page before posting.

    O.S., thank you so much for reminding us that Loli and her friends came upon Don Emilio and took him to the market!! I had totally forgotten that. Thank goodness for your excellent memory!

    Mystery solved.


  54. VIVIR

    Urban, thank you.

    "At this point Elena will be blind to ReFrida's evil until the last three episodes". I'm afraid you might be exactly right...

    "Didn't someone say eight episodes ago that Alma was in a coma and ReFrida thought-bubbled that she hoped Alma would die?" Your memory as to what Alma's exact health status has been since the attempted poisoning is far better than mine!

    I'm thinking/hoping Pedrito will move in with JE and I noted just now I do think Misael will feel the "llamada de la sangre" (his exact residence still in question).


  55. Vivir

    yikes....Maybe Pedrito will run into Grammy Monica! DE just met his great grandson . He was kind and caring even though he didn't know that. DE is the true galan.


  56. Vivir

    Thank you O.S. I had forgotten about that cute meeting between Loli and DE!!! We are lucky to have your sharp memory!!!

  57. Vivir

    FYI - it looks like Vivir will be pre-empted next week on Tues and Weds just like it was last week. Futbol season is in full swing it seems!

  58. VIVIR

    Yes, no show Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

    It appears five shows the following week. Will keep an eye on it...


  59. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Super job. I haven't watched this epi yet, but I'm looking forward to Angel's slap and the kids meeting with Don Emilio. Your snark certainly helped me through the rough stuff (poor Angel). My fave: "Cris ... states that Rebeca is very fragile (as an ox I add sarcastically)."

    Angel had a very very bad day, but then she did move too fast considering JE's track record.

    I am going to enjoy JE's misery as Rebeca sticks to him like glue. I'm surprised (but pleased) that Pedrito will be in JE's orbit because this means Pedrito (and his buddy Loli) will be an annoyance to Rebeca. Nobody has seemed to notice that Rebeca doesn't even like kids.

  60. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Niecie.

    "Nobody has seemed to notice that Rebeca doesn't even like kids". HA! So true...

    Niecie, I think you will enjoy the scenes with Don Emilio, Loli and Pedrito!

    I think (and hope) Angel has learned her lesson and gives JE a run for his money. And if he is made miserable by Beca, oh well...😊


  61. Vivir #48

    True; ReFrida doesn't like children. She would not be able to fake this for long once hers is born.
