
Thursday, May 02, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #43, "Make fondue , not war"

Paz isn’t sure she and Fermin should take full responsibility. Humberto states the obvious, the Roble family DID commit the crime. He and Esteban start quarrelling (not the time, dudes), but Paz eventually agrees with Hum’s plan. Too many people have already suffered, at the very least they will be safe. Esteban disagrees but stands by her.

Then Hum instructs Paz to start saying that she never knew Sam’s true identity, it’s important for their strategy. Esteban insists he will check to see if this plan is legit.

Mireya and Lupita find a woman (Emy?) who decides to protect them in jail. She does it for the money, she realized they are well connected.

When they are alone, Esteban protests against Hum’s strategy to have Paz take all the blame. At the very least he hopes Hum will be ready for trial. And he kind of implies that Hum doesn’t have the entire story about him and Porfirio not speaking.

Elvira and her grandkids talk about breakfast, she is ruining the whole experience for Eder, who used to love this moment when his mom was alive. The kid is in tears, he and his siblings think their family is broken and they will defend Paz just like their father is. Has yaya never made a mistake? Eder would rather be punished than eat with her. So does Bosco and Gala calls her closed off and archaic. How could her mom Berenice stand her is a mystery.

Gin is upset Hum is defending the Roble family, she now wants to kill them all. Mauro warns her this is not the time or place to start killing people, they need to be more subtle than that.

Vermin is out of lockup just in time to admire Pepa and Nandy’s jail mural (this could be a business). The boys and Nandy explain to Kenzo why they despise Vermin, how Rubio has been harassing them for years  about repaying Vermin's debts. Since they are all in jail now, those seem like simpler times, huh? But for now, they all decide to stand together.

Paz, Mireya and Lupita talk about Mauro maybe hiring that woman to protect them. Mireya and Lupita are worried about Hum’s plan, but Paz is confident. Emy shows up to say two guys paid for their protection, soon enough she will take them to the jail kitchen. Why? Not clear yet.

Esteban tells Hum and Porfirio about his plan to use Monito to investigate. And like in every scene they share, he and Porfirio get personal and start fighting and accusing one another. Hum tells them to stop the cock fight, Esteban once again mentions how Porfirio chose Hum over him. Porfirio makes it clear that he chose his cousin over him because he’s not a fake, he actually dirties his hands with hard work.  Esteban is starting to get on my nerves, holding onto his rage and making it all about him when he should be thanking them for coming to help willingly. Hum points out that they have to be sneaky about the whole thing, you can’t fight the Devil by being a nice guy. Why not seduce Ginebra?

Felipa is explaining to Gin about Jeronimo’s cryptocurrency (and this part of her plan is a big question mark for me, so I'm choosing to move on). Her bio son is proving useful, Gin adds. But Jero won’t do anything else if Kenzo is not out of jail. Gin agrees, she doesn’t need him in jail for her plan to work. What she does need is for Felipa to start seducing Humberto. Whaaat?

Monito is more than willing to help Esteban, who hands him a cell phone.

In jail Vermin and the guys notice that nobody is attacking them anymore, could Gala be the one paying for their protection?

Esteban has told Gala about Hum’s plan to seduce Gin. Really? 19 might be legally adult, but still! She thinks it’s a good idea, he has a hard time with it. And if he does do it, he has to be astute about it, he can’t just show up with flowers. And what will he tell Paz? Gala suggests he pretend to be an actor. They talk about being away from the people they love and then talk about what it feels like to be in love. Esteban says he’ll never feel for another woman what he felt for Berenice, but what he feels for Paz is very strong also. There is no recipe for love.  

Paz, Mireya and Lupita ar seated at a table and Emy is mocking them, while saying they can eat without a worry, their food is safe. Lupita is crying, Paz tries to reassure her they will soon be able to cook together again. Crying turns to laughing, they start talking about some funny stuff that happened while the girls were small. They end up in a tearful hug. It might not be a lot, but this scene brought a tear to my eye, also. Sniff…

Jero calls Gala to tell her about the crypto currency, but she’s not sure she wants to get involved. He says she could use the money from this to help Jero.

Hum arrives at jail to tell the guys some of them will be free today. Kenzo doesn’t want to leave and abandon Nandy. Hum explains he’s trying to take them out one by one and Vermin promises to help Nandy. Also, he’ll be of more help on the outside.

Lupita leaves the jail, also, after saying goodbye to her daughters. Gala and Porfirio are waiting for her outside since Esteban couldn’t make it. Porfirio is actually nice to her.

Esteban and Monito & Cobija have come to visit Ginebra. He says he hasn’t come to accuse her, but to understand her point of view. Look him in the eye and tell him what she feels if she’s innocent. He brought dinner, he’d like to talk, and Monito would like to see Samara.

She arrives just on cue, and Monito offers the stuffed toy to Samara and both kids leave the room. Gin agrees to eat together. Paz would probably feel more betrayed by the fact that Esteban has brought food for Gin (since food is her thing) than by the two of them actually sharing  a meal. Hehe. 

Esteban is preparing cheese fondue (seriously), while they talk about Ginebra’s frustration and pain over losing her daughter and Esteban wanting to help her. He hands her a wine glass; she caresses his hand and asks for a hug. He complies.

Paz is happy her mom is out, she trusts that Hum’s strategy will work and is thankful for Esteban’s help. She tells Mireya they can maybe win over the people in here by cooking for them.

Monito and Sam play together, Cobija barks, she’s jealous of the new toy (cute). Samara says Ginebra is showing that she loves her, but she misses Paz and her family.

Lupita arrives in the barrio to find her home scribbled with “malditas criminals”. Gema and her aunt come to quarrel, Gala and Porfirio support Lupita while she tells them to go away.

Then Gema tells Gala that she’s pregnant with Sal’s baby. Smart girl Gala isn’t sure Sal is the father, and it’s not like she cares, since she and Sal were never truly an item.

Fuego speaks to Elvira about his feelings again. He overheard her tell the kids she could never fall for someone inferior to her. She explains she was talking about Ginebra’s father, but Fuego has had enough. He no longer wants to grovel at her feet, he understands that status will always come first for her. He’s thinking about resigning, but she says she needs him. He says he’ll stay, but his position has become abundantly clear to him. He leaves the room and Elvira starts to weep. That’s a first!

Lupita and Porfirio talk about her pain at having her entire family in jail. He says there is no need for her to prepare him tea, he’s worried about leaving her alone in this house, she might be attacked. Lupita thinks the barrio will be on her side, but he insists she go with him. Lupita says she’s used to dealing alone with problems ever since she lost her husband many years ago. Porfirio offers his help and his honest friendship.

The guys talk about Hum’s plan to get everyone but Vermin and Paz out. Kenzo tells Nandy that he will be able to get out soon, but he doesn’t want to. Nandy insists he has to go out, be with his kids and he promises to help Esteban set them free.

Still eating, Gin asks Esteban how he could ever fall for Paz. He remembers Porfirio’s suggestion to be smooth, and says he only wants to understand what is going on, investigate the truth. He will still defend Paz and her family, he hired his cousin to do so, but he’d like to know Gin better, know about her and Mauro’s life.

Gin asks what his endgame is, he says he just wants to know the real her.

Mireya is worried about her boys, she can’t even imagine how Paz is living without Maria. Paz says she’s proud of the mother’s her sister has become. As for her, every day is a new struggle, a mix of emotions: hope, pain and the faith that God will bring her daughter to her.

Monito tells Samara his plan to spy in the house, prove if she is loved or not in the house. But she has to keep it a secret. Samara is scared, but agrees.

Mauro arrives in the barrio and asks Gala to see Lupita. He tells the old lady he wants to help Mireya. He has to stand by his sister, but he can’t abandon Mireya, because he will keep seeing her. Lupita slaps him.


  1. Here is the recap of last night's show.

    I want to thank my fellow recappers for keeping up the great work and to apologize for being away. I have a hard time with ... time management these days, I will have to try harder to be around the blog because the show is actually pretty good and I don't want to strangle every character that I watch.

  2. Thanks, Adriana.
    I have to laugh every time Gin just says 'let's go kill them all' if things don't go her way. This attitude is new to me in a villana. If it wasn't for Mauro, she would just go murdering people I bet. Morbidly funny.
    I don't get what Porfirio meant when he said Esteban is fake. He did work with his father on the farm and I don't quite get what it was Porfirio expected him to do. Stay there forever? Then he is exceedingly selfish. These kinds of fathers make me want to ask them why they had kids in the first place if the only way for them to not treat them horribly is for the kid to be an obedient lamb.
    Mauro has the nerve to tell Lupita he will continue seeing Miraya when it's him and Gin who put them all in jail. I'm sick of Miraya acting like a hormonal teenager as well. I can't suspend my disbelief.
    I can't believe Esteban actually let Monito spy there. I know he is supposed to be smart and so on, but he is still a child. Or is this a Ya fantasy telenovela?
    Gema is plain stupid and pathetic. If there's one kind of role I wouldn't want to have, it is this.

  3. Thanks, Adriana. The recap was excellent. The episode was a good one.

    I especially enjoyed "Esteban is starting to get on my nerves, holding onto his rage and making it all about him when he should be thanking them for coming to help willingly." Exactly. Humberto has a plan to help Paz and her family understanding that the legal system is not necessarily about justice. He is a lawyer and Esteban is not. Esteban needs to let it go already. As for Porfirio, we know that Esteban left him alone to go to college after his wife/Esteban's mother had died. I keep on feeling that we are missing something in that story for Porfirio to have held such a grudge against him for so long.

    waterlily, I so appreciated: " I have to laugh every time Gin just says 'let's go kill them all' if things don't go her way. This attitude is new to me in a villana. If it wasn't for Mauro, she would just go murdering people I bet. Morbidly funny." but funny nevertheless!

    Ah, it was very enjoyable seeing Elvira trying to stuff her ugly classism back in her mouth in order keep Fogo on the line and it back firing on her.

    It looks like Lupita has inspired something in Porfirio. They sure focused on him holding her hand.

    No surprise that Mauro has shown up at Lupita's. He deserved the slap and whatever else Lupita has to dish out. Would he sell Ginebra out and be able to escape his sick connection to her for something better with Mireya? That could be interesting.

  4. I'm so happy I've found this forum to fully appreciate this show. I was totally confused what was going on with the women in the jail and Adriana you cleared that up for me. After Dr. Monica eating poisoned food I'm sure none of the Robles have an appetite. I did think perhaps they were going to send Paz to the kitchen to be a cook. So did Esteban also bring a fondue pot with him or did he assume Ginebra had one. Monito and Sam with their spy pact, such a sweet friendship. I haven't hated Porfirio and if he and Lupita develope a romance I wish them both happiness ....

  5. Merci, Adriana. Good work on a complex episode.

    I hope Monito is only there for a visit and not moving in. He should take Cobija back with him, work out a visiting schedule with Esteban, and hope that they capture something before the batteries in the spy camera need to be changed.

    I know I have mentioned this before, but some people do not disconnect work from dirty hands. I have an artist friend who was the only child of a potato farmer who never accepted that his son had a different path to follow. Another male friend married into a blue-collar family who could not accept that he worked for a major tech corporation and wore pinstripe suits to work. Porfirio is one of those people. Lupita and her daughters cook for a living. Since Paz went to culinary school her family straddles the line between home and gourmet cooking... hence, Porfirio's positive reaction to Lupita.

    Since Esteban is now unemployed I hope he has enough assets to get by on while paying Humberto and maintaining his household.

    It would take a major-league horrific action -- or immediate threat of one -- on Ginebra's part for Mauro to turn on her. Whether he could do that without ending up in prison himself is another question. He should be thinking about this. He should be taking cash out of the vault room and stashing it in an offshore account. When Ginebra falls that money will be seized. We don't know what their full rap sheets would be. The only killing we have seen him do is that of Gorila which could be spun as self-defense. We know that he did not participate in the murder of the other dead husband we know about and my current guess is that there were at least two others. We don't know if anyone died when he and Ginebra torched the orphanage.

    In fact, we need a timeline of all the events in both their lives. How old was Mauro when he arrived at the orphanage? When did he and Ginebra get to go to school? When were they in Spain and with whom?

    As to a psyche eval on him I am guessing now that he probably does feel an attraction to Mireya because she is the sort of woman he may have never known before, especially in his youth. His parents were irresponsible drug addicts who surrendered him to an orphanage where he was abused. His adoptive parents were so abusive Ginebra killed one defending him. Mireya is a hard-working woman making an honest living and a loving mother to two sons who are good people. She has a mother and a sister much like herself. Who would not want a loving family like that?

    Ginebra, who hates them for it.

    Mauro does have a conscience, which is why he has anxiety attacks. Where it will lead him is still debatable.

  6. Urban, great explanation of “real” work/dirty hands and everything else for some people.

  7. Thanks Adriana, that was great. And I’m so relieved they have protection in jail. But as a born worrier I have to worry that Ginebra will find out and pay more.

    I see a romance between Lupia and Porfirio! They both like to cook. At least I think Porfirio does. He always seems to have a tableful of food at the ranch.

    I’m a bit concerned about all these plans to seduce the enemy. I don’t think Esteban realizes how smart and cruel Gin is. And not sure about Hum’s experience with women. And he doesn’t know Felipa works for Gin.

    Does Jero know he is doing something illegal? Is that what he’s asking Gala to do? I don’t really understand how that works, I just know he’s money-laundering.

    I hope Monito and Cobija go home with Esteban. I want them safe. I loved Lupita slapping Mauro. He is a strange one. Not quite as warped as Gin, but not normal either.


  8. Adriana,

    Loved the title. So clever.

    Your recap was amazing. For once, my heart wasn't in my throat watching everyone suffering in jail. At long last, some protection and relief...

    "Paz would probably feel more betrayed by the fact that Esteban has brought food for Gin (since food is her thing) than by the two of them actually sharing a meal" had me smiling away.

    Catching Ginebra and Sam's entire future now rests squarely on Monito's slight shoulders. And Esteban. I hope his seduction technique is smoother than his dinner choice that neither one ate.

    Elvira has now turned off the few who were in her corner. Her coldness does not elicit my pity.

    The biggest shock was "Porfirio offers his help and his honest friendship". Like Jarifa and Liz, I think we might have the start of something. Fingers crossed.

    The scene where Lupita started crying as she sat with Mir and Paz had me doing so as well. All three deserve a happy ending although Mir is going to have to change course to find hers.


  9. Cher Adriana, Merci for bringing us an excellent accounto of this episode as this story sizzles. Tres bien .

    Well, Hum seems to have taken over and seems quite confident . Esteban is used to being the one who is large and in charge . He looked jealous and worried watching Hum's reaction to pretty Paz. Uh oh . Then, Hum suggests that Esteban should seduce Gin. Hmmm..what could go wrong ?

    I wonder what Hum ( and we) do not know about what happened between Por and Esteban .

    Gin looked pretty suspicious when Esteban came to visit with his wine and fondue . " Give me a hug." Ugh . Esteban looked like he might lose his fondue during that hug , and Gin looked like she was trying to do the math and figure out his motive . What is Paz going to do if \when she finds out that Esteban's plan is to seduce Gin. ...and that he made .....fondue with her.

    In the introduction, we see Por greeting and embracing Lupe , and those opening scenes are usually hints to what is going to happen and who will end up with whom. Por looked happier than I have ever seen him last night with Lupe. I think these two are going to be cooking something up together .

    The scenes of the love between Lupita and her daughters were touching and felt real . I also love seeing the brothers , Nandy, and Kenzo all supporting each other. Vermin is always on the fringes trying his best to stay close to the family while hiding the fact that he is to blame for causing this horrific nightmare by selling his daughter .

    Behind the scenes that I have seen show that the actors and actresses seem very close and are having fun together .

    Urban , I think that you are right about Mauro being drawn to Mir and her loving family. Everyone gravitates to loving, caring people. Everyone wants to be a part of shared happiness, affection ,and support.

    Poor Eder is struggling with all the turmoil . This young actor was great in Invencible , and he is doing a great job here. He and Daniel seem close , and he is only a little older than Daniel's older son.

    I loved the tea party with Monito , Sam, and dog rabbit sitting in chairs,at the little table pretending to sip from cups and eat faux pastries. It reminded me of playing with my cousins.

    Susan , fondly remembering fondue

  10. Adriana,

    My long comment has disappeared...

    I did not save it so will simply say thank you, this was marvelous. Perfect, perfect title.

    Revealing Ginebra and Sam's entire future now rest on Monito's slight shoulders. And Esteban whom we hope has a smoother seduction planned than his choice of dinner which neither touched.

    It was so nice to see Porfio smile and so genuinely too. He and Lupita might be a good match.


  11. Another observation, if Hum is advising Paz to essentially lie about not knowing that Sam was Ginebra's daughter, the defense of keeping her to protect her falls by the wayside. Maybe he should go with a temporary insanity defense where she believes Sam is Maria, her lost daughter instead. And as we all know, that is the actual truth. I wonder if Hum is working for free. He seems the type that values family and I could see that being his m.o. Of course his defense lawyer skills are pretty much non existent if he's been working the land with Porfirio all these years ...

  12. Good points, Liz. I don't think Jeronimo is all that smart. I'm sure Ginebra thought about this before making that deal with his mother.

    Your point about Esteban is good, so here's hoping it doesn't take long for the spybunny to pick up enough to get Samara out of there. As I type this it occurred to me that this could be how Samara's true identity will be revealed, as I have the feeling that Vermin will not fess up even under these conditions.

    Susan, the drawings on the walls of the restaurant that looked like "Maria" looked like Samara. If those still exist they can be used to argue Paz' case. Of course, that should lead to a DNA test that would prove whose daughter Samara really is.

  13. Urban...I liked "spybunny."

  14. In his initial consult with Esteban, Hum said he had qualifications in both agrarian AND penal law. Which seems like an odd combination, but hey, it’s a telenovela. ;)

  15. Not really. Remember the events in Tierra de Esperanza in which the villains caused plagues and epidemics on the heroine''s ranch and tried to frame the hero? That would need someone like Humberto.

  16. Blue Lass, so...Hum would be very handy to have around if a farmer is facing criminal charges . Hum is a Renaissance man. I don't think Esteban is going to like having another alpha male around , and Hum looked mesmerized by Paz. Meanwhile , he wants Esteban to seduce the wicked queen . I am interested in seeing this story unfold .

  17. Why doesn't Humberto already have a fair lady? He's handsome, fit, and probably has a decent income.

    The actor felt familiar to me and I discovered he was in two things I recapped. Why is this guy only a supporting player?

  18. Good question, Urban. He certainly has galán looks and is exactly the right age.
