
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of May 27, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) - Starting Tuesday

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)


    *Connie confirms the obvious to Renata: Both Psycho Fina & the late Nutjob Blanca were the instigators behind the baby scam to destroy her & Regina. Renata is gobsmacked & cannot believe the bombshell news. Connie says they did.

    *Slacker Berta phones Mommy Dearest to confirm that Renata is preggers; Jeronimo & Renata didn't get married. Plus Serpent German overhears the entire conversation.

    *Antonio arrived at the Monterrubio Mansion & lets both Regina & Renata know that he found Marina; He also says that Jeronimo didn't come to Mexico City with Marina & that Scumbag Sayul LIED to them.

    *Dona Sabina, the strange woman sends a young man for some herbs to help Jeronimo recover from his injuries, which were obviously instigated by Scumbag Augie & his group of henchemen.

    *Carlos & Matilde agreeing to get married on the weekend, yet we see Buji Priscilla spying on them behind a tree.

    *Over at the Empresas Monterrubio HQ: Matias, Adriana & Honorio are discussing that German & Slacker Berta are secret lovers, etc., the TMZ before TMZ even existed LOL.

    *Anibal asking Carlos & Lazaro for a job including staying at La Bonita since Scumbag Augie kicked him out of the mansion since Renata is not there to ask that Scumbag Augie host him. Lazaro is visibly mad because he knows Scumbag Augie is up to no good.

    *Lazaro does NOT trust Anibal or buying his story; He tells Carlos that this could be a trap set by Scumbag Augie. Yet we see Alison backing Anibal up; Carlos isn't willing to hire anyone without Jeronimo's approval.

    *Scumbag Augie scheming & plotting of conquering Renata by any means necessary: For the upteemth time, Renata is just NOT that into you dude.

    *More nagging between Psycho Fina & Slacker Berta: Fast Forward.

    *Alison urging Anibal to tell Antonio & Co., the truth including his late mother's backstory, etc.,

    *Scumbag Augie smirking with more sinister plots & schemes working inside that Nutjob's head.

    *Matias, Adriana & Honorio discussing how they'll crash the secret love nest between German & Slacker Berta.

    *Marina & the Nurse rifling through Saul's personal effects & things inside his former office, looking for evidence of Saul's whereabouts. They jimmy-open the desk & Marina examines what looks like bills & matchbook from a particular hotel.

    *Over at Isidro & Inez's house: Inez, Connie & Regina discussing how well the women at the Center have recovered from the drama of their previous week. Isidro, Gonzalo, Antonio arrive. Both Gonzalo & Regina are somewhat nervous, but want to get to the point. Isidro & Inez both sharing looks of delighted anticipation.

    *Psycho Fina sniffing & caressing wads of Euros, Pesos & Dollars plus she's reminiscing kidnapping Renata 25+ years ago. Now she's planning to kill Renata: Good luck with that Psycho B******.

    *Isidro pulls a Maury Povich by confirming Slacker Berta is NOT Regina's biological daughter. He also explains the DNA test was FAKED (likely by Slacker Berta & Psycho Fina).

    *While the Maury Povich DNA reveal is escalating, Renata is busy at the Monterrubio Mansion, oblivious to the drama swirling around the likelihood that Renata IS Regina's daughter, is too busy searching for Saul including clueing around the whereabouts of Jeronimo.

    *Back at Isidro & Inez's residence: Antonio confirms that Renata IS Regina's daughter & hands her the documents. We see Regina gasping & staring at the documentation papers, etc.,

    *Both Renata & Marina speaking English when calling the hotel for Saul's whereabouts. Saul responds in English that Marina has the wrong hotel room; Turns out Saul is in Las Vegas, NV.

    *Booming music playing due to the BIGLY revelation of Renata being confirmed as Regina's biological daughter.

    *Meanwhile over at La Bonita HQ: Alfonsina is holding Luz discussing the likely murder of Ezekiel with both Lazaro & Karina. Despite Lazaro & Karina's warnings on Alfonsina avoiding Melesio, we know that Alfonsina is hell-bent & determined to get to the truth. Just in case, Alfonsina will likely need to bring back-up.

    *Honorio, Matias & Adriana discussing the news development about Renata being Regina's biological daughter.

    *Over in Las Vegas, NV: Saul is busted by Renata & Marina LOL.

  3. VIVIR #65 Part 1

    Marisa backs out of Angels office as Rebeca struts in. Angel asks her what she wants, almost rolling her eyes with frustration. Rebeca, (wearing a studded beige jacket that would have made Elvis proud) starts in on Angel saying there is no making her understand…she doesn’t fool her with her innocent face. She knows Angel is obsessed with going after JE. When Angel mentions seeing JE at the precinct, Rebeca spits out she knew they were seeing each other. Angel tries to tell Rebeca she isn’t interested in JE but to no avail. Mud and insults fly as Angel assures her she is not after JE. Reb threatens that Angel had better stay away from JE for her own good. Rebeca flounces out, pushing the door open where all of the staff are unabashedly lined up listening.

    Thank heavens Mati and Lucas and kids are back at the restaurant. He tells her he’s been proven innocent of the robbery and has been cooperating fully with the police. Mati is proud of him. When Lucas asks why she is there, she tells him the truth. She was going out with Gabriel ..and she is very confused.

    Fatima arrives and Javi runs to her while Mati gives her the stink eye. Fatima tells Mati her parents aren’t upset but they were very worried.

    Then, Romina and Luciano arrive. Mati and Javi both immediately run directly to Luciano as Romina stands there, arms empty, mouth wide open. Romina stands off to the side and complains that there is no hug for her. The kids comply. Romina (in her “mom” jeans [Andy] and striped referee shirt) complains Fatima didn’t tell her where the kids were when they talked on the phone. Luciano tells her about Cris as the henchies watch in the background.
    Luciano thanks Fatima for finding the kids and says te amo. She says goodbye. We see a split screen where Fatima breathes heavily wondering why she said that and Luciano stares unhappily.

    Gi confronts Doris saying a girl like her won’t ruin her marriage. Doris assures her there is nothing between her and Armando. Gi asks her if her father’s name is Ruperto, but Doris doesn’t know where she heard that and clams up. Doris then grabs her weapon of choice (a spray bottle) and “warns” Gi off!

    Elena tells Santi Angel is worried about him and wants to know why. She asks Santi to tell her if he has a problem but he assures her he doesn’t and his classes are going well. Dark cloud Rebeca comes in and says Angel isn’t only talking badly about her but Santi as well. Santi tells his mother he will talk with Angel. Elena worries more about the wedge (chasm actually) between Rebeca and Angel. After Rebeca trashes Angel, Elena actually suggests Rebeca drop JE because he is causing problems between the two sisters. Rebeca refuses because JE is her life! Elena rubs her forehead in exasperation.

    Cris worriedly asks JE what is wrong; she sees it in his eyes. She strokes his cheek, assuming correctly that it is Rebeca. She urges him to tell Angel why he is making the sacrifice to stay with Rebeca.

    Angel tells Fatima how well things are going at the factory. Fatima confides she is confused… Luciano told her he loves her. She doesn’t know how she fell in love with a married man. Angel understands how Fatima feels. Fatima tells Angel that she heard Renato proposed. Angel tells her she didn’t say yes.

    Cris is still talking with JE urging him to tell Angel what he is doing is only to protect her but JE thinks he has already lost her as Angel is with another man. She will be marrying Renato.


  4. VIVIR #65 Part 2

    Jimena shares Icky hasn’t changed, she found lipstick on his shirt. Angel cautions her that before she makes a final decision, she needs to be sure what she suspects is true. She also needs to determine whether or not she loves Icky. Jimena cries she needs to think of David who is the most important thing to her. She wonders why she is suffering for choosing the wrong man. Angel thinks her situation is different, she feels JE still loves her. Jimena argues if JE loved her he’d still be with her. She remarks Angel has an incredible man who loves her – Renato! Speaking of, Renato shows up. Jimena turns at the door and sadly watches them unpack the box containing a mixer and stainless bowls among other goodies.

    Adolfo visits Cris who asks what the agent said. The Harrison test was rejected by the judges as too many days had passed before it was given to her. He tells her about the gun and the raincoat which are the strongest evidence against her, making the case much more difficult. He rues she may spend many years in prison.

    Rebeca puts her plot to prove to Angel that JE is hers in motion. She now wears a sparkly black motorcycle style jacket, lounging on the bed when JE enters. He asks if she is all right and she says no. She knows she put him between the sword and the wall but she wants to prove to him she is not the woman others have made her out to be (she’s far worse the patio assures him).JE tells her (again) he will never love her. Then she offers him a deal or no deal. She offers that he allow her to try and win him over. If she doesn’t succeed, she will give him his freedom. She is kneeling on the bed now and pulls him over to her.

    Renato and Angel are whipping up some frothy concoction in the kitchen. She tells him he is the perfect man for her.

    Rebeca starts kissing JE as the video camera starts recording. Instead of immediately pushing her away and running out of the room, the idiot decides to actually go along. At first. Unfortunately he goes far enough to kiss her as Rebeca starts removing her clothes and he responds to her kisses. Finally, he steps back and says his heart and love belong to someone else. He leaves but the damage has already been done. Rebeca smirks to herself that Angel will think differently.

    JE fixes himself a stiff drink as he and Fatima talk. She asks about Rebeca but he doesn’t want to talk about her. Fatima then asks why he is married to Rebeca instead of being with Angel. He then says he doesn’t want to talk about Angel because she is with Renato. Fatima then reveals Angel didn’t say yes. Footnote: Sadly, it doesn’t appear Fatima realized something was going on between Misael and Rebeca as she says nothing. At least not here..

    As she is trying to cook something up with Renato, Rebeca sends Angel part of the video where a scantily clad Rebeca is starting to undress JE and they kiss. She chokes up but says nothing to Renato. She simply asks if he has the engagement ring. He proffers it as she says yes, she will marry him. Renato vows to spend the rest of his life making her happy. Then, the fool kisses her…

    Luciano starts talking to Mati and Javi.

    Renato doesn’t know what happened to make Angel change her mind, while he knows she doesn’t love him, he assures her no one will love her as much as he does. Viewerville sighs as more kissing ensues.


  5. VIVIR #65 Part 3 of 3

    JE is overjoyed at Fatima’s news asking her to confirm if she is sure (not knowing it is now on for realz). She says it’s obvious Angel loves him. She then fills him in on Luciano and the lost kids.

    Luciano tells the kids that something tragic could have befallen them; they didn’t even have their phones. He sternly lectures them as to how serious things could have become. Romina scolds him for his leniency.

    Fatima asks JE why he went back to Rebeca but JE won’t discuss it. Then, JE gets a call from Corral who informs him Cris is being transferred to prison.

    Cris cries they are imprisoning her unjustly. Adolfo explains that it had to have been professionals who set her up. (Professional clowns?) This is going to make things even more difficult. Adolfo asks Cris if Mau had any enemies. Cris flashes back to the scene where she, Mau, Misael, and Monica were together. Mau named Monica and Misael responsible should anything happen to him. She relates this to Adolfo exclaiming Monica and Misael (mi hermana and your hijo) wanted to see Mau dead! Adolfo shakes his head looking crushed.

    Monica is relishing the thought of Cris being incarcerated. She then tells Misael Adolfo asked her for a divorce. Misael smirks and sits commenting it’s about time! Monica comments that no one will be able to accuse him of the crime. Misael mentions that Lucas is still out there.

    OMG, my eyes, my eyes!! It’s Bruno sporting a Brayan-like wig. As the henchies wonder who he is (and I wonder what he’s doing), Bruno tells Lucas he recognizes him as Ramiro’s friend. Bruno lies he was trying to help Ramiro when he was imprisoned. After he leaves, the henchies are thwarted by the arrival of Lupe.

    Renato effuses about some dishes he is creating. When Angel reminds him she no longer works in the restaurant, he points out that she is still an owner. Angel tells him Santi is going to stop by.

    Speaking of, Santi decides to take a little detour prior to seeing Angel, taking a seat at the gambling table and ordering a stash of chips.

    A stunned Adolfo wonders why Monica and Misael would want to kill Mau but Cris answers that Mau didn’t share that. Adolfo wonders if Mau may have lied. He does assure Cris they will find the real murderer regardless of who it may be. Cris begs him not to tell her father. Por favor. She clutches the steel bars, holding onto them for support.

    Don Emilio is complaining that Petra woke him up as JE and Fatima wait anxiously. JE shares that tomorrow, Cris is being sent to jail. Don Emilio slumps against the wall as they move forward, alarm and concern clearly etched on their faces.

    To my wise and amazing friend for all her invaluable dialog, a heartfelt thank you.


  6. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend, what a great recap.

    I was looking at the Brayan look alike and thinking he’s strange looking. Then I realized it was Bruno! Not a master of disguises! Although he did save Lucas from Brayan’s little gang. But sooner or later he’ll be alone.

    I’m glad Cris remembered that conversation. Adolfo seemed to find it unbelievable. Does he not remember all the times he entered a room to his wife and son having a secret conversation.

    Rebeca doesn’t miss a trick. But how stupid of Angel to marry someone she doesn’t love. Or agree to marry him. I’m hoping it never happens. Although counting JE and Rebeca’s marriage, there are three recent weddings that never should have happened.(in Tu Vida and Amor no Tiene una Receta). That can complicate things more and then I can see why they need 125 episodes.

    Hopefully Luciano will divorce Romina. Fátima helps save the kids and she complains that Fatima didn’t tell her where they were when they talked on the phone. Could Fatima have gotten a word in?

    Rebeca is really trying to turn everyone against Angel. Santiago didn’t seem to be influenced by Rebeca but I wonder when he’ll realize she got him back to gambling. I wonder how long the school is , Elena will expect to go to a graduation.


  7. Vivir. Another superb recap and inspired day of comments, Diane: "studded beige jacket that would have made Elvis proud" [I suspect I am one of the few here who can remember Elvis even from his beginning; my best friend and I (in elementary school) used to make fun of her older brother for being such an Elvis fan]; "mud and insults fly." Rebeca is an especially creepy hypocrite when she accuses Angelli of lying and having an affair with JE. Pot calling kettle indeed. And that partial video is especially creepy. Luciano is a much better parent than Romina. JE is so self-sacrificing (too much as Cris notes), that it's probably a clue that he does deserve to get Angelli back. As we recall, he is with Rebeca to keep her from falsely having Angelli arrested for pushing her down the stairs. Again, back and forth, back and forth. Because Angelli has not accepted Renato's proposal, JE is going to try again, but at that very minute, Angelli receives the partial video and accepts Renato's proposal. Ho hum! And I was so right that the Harrison test was too late! I was a bit surprised that Adolfo had a hard time believing that Misael and Monica had framed Cris. Thanks for the info that the guy in the wig who looked like Brayan was actually Bruno. I found that scene very confusing.

  8. Vivir. Oops! It looks as if my comments crossed with Liz's. Anyway, we seem to be on the same page, so to speak.

  9. VIVIR

    Thank you very much Liz.

    Bruno "not a master of disguises" had me breaking into a delighted grin. Yes, Lucas has been snatched from the jaws of disaster several times now; how long will his luck hold??

    "Adolfo seemed to find the conversation Cris had with Monical anbd Misael as unbelievable. Does he not remember all the times he entered a room to his wife and son having a secret conversation." Exactly!

    Santi's been dipping into the restaurant cookie jar quite a few times now. When is the restauarnt going to feel the sting??


  10. VIVIR

    I so appreciate your kind words SpanProf.

    You were totally right in knowing the Harrison Test was too late!!

    Your remarks that both Rebeca and the partial video are "especially creepy" were spot on! Cringeworthy indeed.

    "As we recall, he is with Rebeca to keep her from falsely having Angelli arrested for pushing her down the stairs. Again, back and forth, back and forth" captures it perfectly.

    When I recognized Bruno, I was so surprised I didn't understand what he was saying to Lucas I agree SpanProf, it certainly was a confusing scene. If anyone can fill anything in, it would be greatly appreciated.


  11. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend, thank you for a great account of all the frustrating details.

    Yikes...when I saw the guy in the weird wig,I thought he looked familiar , but I had no idea it was weird Bruno. What exactly was the purpose of him appearing to Lucas like that ? I can't remember why Misael is after Lucas .

    I can hardly stand looking Santi.

    When JE just stood there like a statue and let Refried undress and kiss him ......I thought ...what a slow witted idiot. I think I said it outloud. ..or maybe I just said

  12. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan.

    Bruno is such an idiot, isn't he?

    Speaking of, Santi is a little weasel who obviously didn't learn his lesson the first time. I do wonder though if he would have regressed had Beca not literally taken him back to the betting table. Guess we will never know.

    Also speaking of :), JE is indeed another idiot, of the "slow witted" variety.


  13. Vivir

    Thank you Diana for another fabulous retelling of less than fabulous behavior!

    Accept a marriage proposal out of spite, excellent idea! Criticize your (ex) husband for being too lax in his parenting style when you yourself previously abandoned your children , Fantastic!! Compulsive gambling why not??? Allow hope to spring up in your jolly mitt heart that you can work things out with your beloved because she didn’t accept that other marriage proposal, while ignoring the fact that you are married to her sister, Outstanding!! These people are geniuses!

    Speaking of dubious logic, Misael wants Lucas because he KNOWS that Ramiro was set up to be the fall guy and forced to get the plot tattoo and is innocent. Nevermind the fact that everyone (I think even the police IIRC) already knows Ramiro was innocent. But Lucas doesn’t know who set Ramiro up other than Doris got him drunk and I don’t think Ramiro even knew. IRL everything Lucas ‘knows’ is hearsay and has zero value as evidence against Misael or anyone. In novela law it’s probably the smoking gun! Lol

    On that same vein, the only one with actual knowledge that could be a threat to Misael (other than mom, Beca, and Bruno) is Santi who was present when Dulce died, and oddly Misael shows zero interest or concern about that. He killed Ramiro who didn’t really know anything but he lets Santi roam free and seems to have forgotten about his existence!

  14. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks for another splendid recap, and this one was a doozy.

    Refrida marches in and starts barking at poor Angel, but at least she started out honestly. Talking of JE she said, "He's a man, he's an idiot."
    Diogenes, I don't know about your honest man, but I think we've found your honest woman.
    Ha! Just a momentary aberration.

    All the ladies outside Angel's office door was a very nice touch. Marmalade be damned!

    I have to give Gi credit for confronting Armando first, and now Doris, even if she did use a few not so nice words with Doris.
    More Mejia nonsense. We have seen Armando first being ignored by Misael and just about everybody else, then as the hapless manager of the marmalade fabrica, then as the owner of the market where St. Jude was installed and a butcher given a stall even though he didn't have the money to pay the rent.
    He's not quite so ineffectual now, but what do we really know about Armando?

    Gotta fill 125 episodes with something, and Mejia could do worse than Armando, but I wish the writing and editing were better in this novela. Why waste screen time on the likes of JE and Brayan?

    In any event, we have seen saddened Doris and I hope we all feel for her. So who is Doris's daddy?

    I like Adolfo, but the man is a stiff. He just stood there while Cris was practically screaming at him to tell her something. And now it's 'you might be spending years in jail, Cris.'

    Refrida's video arrives just in time for Angel to tell Renato, "OK, sucker, let's get married." I'll bet 20 million virtual pesos it doesn't happen. (cash value = $0.00 USD)

    I don't think I understood a single word of Bruno as a would be Brayan.

    JE has to upset don Emilio with the news that Cris is going on to the Big House tomorrow. Great news, eh?

    Why is she being transferred anyway? What's the deal? She has not been convicted of anything. So far I don't see Adolfo, though a nice guy, as any great lawyer.
    Of course, the Mexican legal system, seen through a telenovela can be awfully strange... and different from day to day and novela to novela.

    Good thing I'm not a cranky guy, eh?


  15. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you very much.

    Loved your clever rant ending with "These people are geniuses!" So, so great!

    I appreciate your reminding us as to why Misael was seeking Lucas. As you smartly pointed out, Lucas really knows next to nothing so would be of no little to no help in helping to implicate Misael.

    You are so right in that Misael ensured poor, unenlightened Ramiro perished (for what he didn't know) yet allows Santi (the one uncredible witness) "roam free and seems to have forgotten about his existence!" That really is stange especially as Misael was stalking him relentlessly at first.


  16. VIVIR

    Andy, thanks so much.

    First, I'm probably alone here but I had to look up Diogenes; very clever. I am always grateful when I learn something new; I have learned much from you and our esteemed, enlightened patio.

    "Refrida's video arrives just in time for Angel to tell Renato, "OK, sucker, let's get married." I'll bet 20 million virtual pesos it doesn't happen. (cash value = $0.00 USD)" I'll see you and raise you 😊

    "We have seen Armando first being ignored by Misael and just about everybody else, then as the hapless manager of the marmalade fabrica, then as the owner of the market where St. Jude was installed and a butcher given a stall even though he didn't have the money to pay the rent. He's not quite so ineffectual now, but what do we really know about Armando?" was solid gold. Initially, I wondered why Mauricio Aspe would take such a small role but it does appear his part is expanding. With 60 more episodes to go, the writers have to come up with some type of filler!

    "I don't think I understood a single word of Bruno as a would be Brayan". I didn't either Andy. I didn't either.


  17. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio…Patio……Patio. Someone on the sound team found the Echo button and used it no less than 3 times this episode. It was only effective the first time…time……time.

    I digress. Thanks, Diand. My faves: Elvis, weapon of choice (a spray bottle), chasm, and proffers. When I grow up, I want to spin such lyrical yarns. This episode meandered and didn’t offer much fun. Plot lines inched forward.

    Let’s jump right into Bruno. I almost fell off my couch when I realized who was under that Party City wig. I could not stop laughing. So absurd. Bruno Marley asks Lucas if he was friends with Rami. When Lucas asks for his information, he plays it off with “Oh. He did t tell you about me?” BM continues that he wanted to help Ramiro when they jailed him, but it was too late. He’s asking (fishing for information) about who killed Rami (quien le echó) and insinuates it’s the same person who killed Dulce. Lucas confirms Rami didn’t even know who killed Dulce and laments that Rami was falsely accused. With that BM bids farewell with the most ghetto-tastic farewell, ahí nos vidrios (See ya later!). LOL

    Fashion Alert (English words on clothing trend): one of the henchies shirts says “JUMP TO FLY-PARKOUR” with breakdancing/gymnast artwork.

    Experian®️ Credit Alert: Big Reb’s Elvis jacket & sparkly black motorcycle jacket AND Santiago’s chips were all purchased with Blind Elena’s credit card. Shouldn’t she be getting alerts by now?

    So the Harrison Test was a bust. Can we have JE tested? His development is profoundly arrested. He’s moving through this novela with the grace and intellect of a drunk ostrich….

    Which takes him right to the famous liquor cart. Ever since Susan pointed it out, I’m fixated. It has become one of my favorite characters in this novela (since the nonstationary characters make such dumb moves)!!! I hope we get more cart and action tomorrow!!!

  18. Vivir

    Reading the new comments is a great start to my day. I find that these novelas and our conversations about them are pretty effective in distracting me from all the real life crazy .

    Ah....the little liquor cart. I once had lunch at a fancy French lady's house , and she had a huge globe in her living room which opened up into a bar. She was quite offended when I refused a cocktail because I had to get my kids off the bus in a few hours. Then, she frowned at me when I turned down both red and white wine as she served lunch. When I fInally felt bad and held up the smaller of the two wine glasses in front of me in the table and said I would have just a bit of the white , she looked at me with scorn and told me it was the wrong glass. My point is that I am not a drinker, so it is fascinating to me to watch both Monica and JE growing back a lot of booze. We should have kept store of all the glasses that have been thrown against the wall. Anyhoo..... Can't wait to see where we go today . Susan

  19. VIVIR

    O.S. thank you very much...

    "Bruno Marley" in his "Party City Wig" was hysterical as was my favorite "With that BM bids farewell with the most ghetto-tastic farewell, ahí nos vidrios (See ya later!). Wonderful!

    I am so appreciative of you translating what Bruno's conversation with Lucas was. I'm not even going to use the excuse I was transfixed by Bruno's appearance (which I was), I honestly couldn't get any of it. :)

    Your alerts, "fashion" and "Experian" were wonderful and brought a wide grin to my face this morning. Your wry wit never fails to shine. Thank you!


  20. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Fine job.

    So that was Bruno in the wig! I wasted way too much time trying to figure out where I'd seen that guy before, wondering if he was Bryan's cousin or something.

    JE's imbecility knows no bounds. For that, I'm fine with Angel saying "yes" to Renato.

    Adolfo needs to hurry up and get that criminal lawyer. I like him, but he's useless here.

  21. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Niecie.

    "JE's imbecility knokws no bounds". No argument here! :)

    I like Adolfo too but he certainly isn't helping much is he??


  22. VIVIR

    Susan, there have been many fine crystal casualities, haven't there??

    I have a feeling that there are many more to come...

    I always feel sorry for those that have to clean up the aftermath. I suggest Petra hand Monica a dustpan and broom.


  23. Vivir

    Diana, thank you for providing the name of the actor playing Armando. I knew I had seen him in something before , and it turned out to be the very bizarre " La Mujer de Judas."

    Niecie, I am with you. Angel would have a happy life with the devoted chief Renato...and never have to cook dinner. However, she will end up with JE .Good luck with the temper tantrums and drunken skunk karaoke. Susan

  24. Vivir ...."chief?" chef ...chief chef . ..anyway, this guy is way more stable than JE. I can only remember one telenovela in which the leading lady didn't end up with the galan . .." Querida Enemiga," The galan was Gabe Soto . He was Adolfo, but I think we called him Alonslow because he was so lackluster with one facial expression. The leading lady ended up with the hot chef.

  25. O/T

    Susan, Querida remains one of my favorite TNs; I think it was the first TN I saw start to finish.

    Yup, Gabe "Alonslow" (love it) cheated on the leading lady with her scheming not so BFF.

    We were all hoping she would make the right choice, and she did.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's double episodes!

    *The Family Reunion we've FINALLY been waiting for: Regina & Renata crying & hugging. FINALLY Mother & Daughter together at last!

    *Serpent German dumps Slacker Berta after he finds Psycho Fina at his penthouse apartment. He later tells Honorio & Matias about confronting Psycho Fina.

    *Scumbag Augie plotting something more sinister. More evilness 24/7.

    *Psycho Fina gets that handy gun. That's gonna be very critical soon.

    *Selene gives Adriana & Renata the scoop on both Renata & German including Berta's other schemes, etc.,

    *Karina tells Manuela & Matilde that she's preggers 😃. Carlos & Lazaro find Jeronimo & he speaks with Renata on the phone; Augie's henchmen plot a surprise ambush against Renata, Adriana, Alison & Anibal. Renata is kidnapped!

  27. VIVIR #66 Part 1

    Night falls.

    A repeat of JE telling his beloved grandfather that Cris is being sent to prison. “No” he wails as he begins to collapse on the couch. JE urges Don Emilio to take deep breaths.

    Rebeca crawls in on all fours (not really) asking what happened. Don Emilio tells her as she tries to muster something somewhat akin to sympathy. Fatima and JE help Don Emilio up and lead him from the room, one on each side. Rebeca, who has no sense of timing, tries talking to JE as Don Emilio is slumped against his shoulder. He brushes her off and she is clearly ticked. She mutters that JE never has time for her. He deserves his mother will be in prison.

    Misael calls Rebeca and immediately senses she is upset. He tries to entice her to come over rather than spending the night “solo”.

    Adolfo rushes into his ex-bedroom asking Monica where Misael is. He repeats Cris’ words and questions her as to if she and Misael killed Mau! He screams demanding an answer. Monica does look a bit concerned, tilting her head.

    In the darkness, Cris prays that her children don’t suffer as she wrings her hands.

    As Adolfo continues to try to get Monica to talk, she triple D’s (denies, denies, denies) him but she does look shaken. She can’t believe Adolfo would think that! She tells him Mau always tried to pit her against Cris. He tells her Cris has already talked to Corral who will most likely investigate. He WILL take Cris out of prison.

    Luciano tucks the kids in and after he leaves, Mai calls Lucas, once again focused on his video games. She sits on the floor of her tiny closet as he tries to convince her he is no longer in danger. Music plays as he gets her to smile.

    Angel leaves Santiago a voice mail; “Where are you” she muses as she turns out the lights.

    Lucas and Mati are doing a video call. Mati tells Lucas she already told Gabriel she would give him a chance. Lucas cries as he tells her he would do anything for her; he is only happy when he is with her. He asks her to give him a chance as they love each other. She says no as she can’t let her father down again. Mine. Both say “adios” as we hear the words “mi princessa” in the background music.


  28. VIVIR #66 Part 2

    “What is it mama” a shorn Misael asks Monica. She complains that stupid Cris talked and now the police will be looking at them.

    Cris comes out into the prison waiting room as JE, Fatima and Don Emilio greet her. Fatima puts her cross around her mother’s neck so she won’t feel helpless. Adolfo swears they will get her out. Cris does a slow mo walk as she is lead away.

    Monica thinks they need to change their plan. Misael tells her he has an alibi, what about her? Monica says she was probably home (as she and we remember her lying on the Barcalounger with Bruno). Misael says the police won’t take Cris seriously. Monica insists they need to stop this now, by finding another scapegoat. Rebeca who has sauntered in wearing her negligee asks who she will blame. Misael stops Monica’s derisive remarks by putting his arm around Rebeca saying she is with him. So, who will they blame for Misael’s murder!

    An aerial view of the city.

    Luciano tells Romina that the children are coming with him. She can’t do anything because she is guilty of kidnapping He will talk to his lawyer.

    Lucas leaves the safety of the restaurant to venture out on an errand. The two thugs are right there and follow Lucas out. They accost him on the street saying Brayan wants to see him. They push him roughly down the street.

    Rebeca doesn’t agree with the change in plans. Misael tells her JE has already suffered but Rebeca says it isn’t enough. She reminds him he killed Mau but Misael retorts he did it for her and she wouldn’t want anyone knowing the reason (that Mau killed their baby). She kisses him and walks off.

    Marisa and Angel enthuse about the new machine, they are already making room for it. Angel calls home and gets Tina and she asks how Elena is. Next, she asks about Santiago and Tina says he didn’t come home to sleep as he was at a cooking event.

    Misael, SO concerned with Cris’ welfare, asks JE how she is. Not good is the answer. After JE fills him in, “kindhearted” Misael asks to let him know if he can help in any way. They talk business, Misael thinks the employees will not agree to have their salaries cut in half. JE states that Sebastian is already working on a plan to get benefits returned in a couple of months.

    At the prison, Cris is told she has to hand over her medallion and when she protests, is told it is for her own safety. Next, she suffers all the indignities of the booking process, fingerprinting, undressing and posing for a mug shot.

    Creepy Santiago is having another winning night (as much as a loser like him can of course). Angel walks in and stares calling “Santiago?” He turns around as she confronts him, arms crossed shaking her head. She wants the truth did he spend all night gambling?


  29. VIVIR #66 Part 3 of 3

    Santi tells Angel he lost track of time. Angel worries he has a gambling problem but stoopid Santi doesn’t think so. She vows she will always support him but wants him to see a specialist.

    Luciano calls Fatima and tells her he is returning to the hacienda. He hopes to see her as he needs to talk to her and explain. She says esta bien.

    Jimena (in her signature pink) and David visit Renato. Jimena says David loves to play with him. He has wonderful news which she mistakenly thinks is job related. When he tells her Angel finally agreed to marry him her face falls. She tells him love without marriage won’t work and that Angel doesn’t love him. He is clearly disappointed.

    Luciano tells Fatima he is taking the kids with him he doesn’t care what Romina thinks. She can stay in the city. They agree to see each other at the hacienda.

    Corral tells Adolfo that they are now going to investigate Misael and Monica. He asks JE not be told until they have sufficient evidence. She asks if there has been a previous attempt against Mau so he tells her about Mau being run over.

    Next, Cris is forced to do the walk of shame holding her bedding as she goes down the hall into her cell, as she is jeered and heckled. We see a darkened empty cell with two bunkbeds. No one else is there as the guard viciously pushes her in. She lowers herself into the bottom bunk crying as she peers around in the dark.

    Petra is sad to think of Cristina in that terrible place. Don Emilio feels so useless that he can’t do anything. Rebeca listening around the corner, hears Don Emilio telling Petra that Cris signed over power of attorney to JE.

    JE tells Fatima that Rebeca is forcing him to stay with her. Fatima thinks he should tell Angel. Angel loves you and she will feel better even if he has to stay married.

    Angel give Renato the grand tour of the fabrica. They remove their masks to kiss as everyone hoots.

    Romina, curling her lip, is on the phone saying she doesn’t want to go back to the hacienda but she will go back so Luciano won’t get custody. She tells a bug-eyed Mati she is returning to the hacienda for them. She can’t believe Luciano only wants to go back to the hacienda to be with Fatima.

    Brayan and Lucas sit and “visit” at a table, along with the henchies. Brayan asks what happened the day of the robbery. He asked if Lucas turned on the cameras and asks who the guy was (Bruno). Lucas assures him he didn’t turn the cameras on and says the guy knew Ramiro. There is a loud commotion and with everyone’s attention diverted, Brayan pulls a knife out and viciously stabs Lucas in the stomach.

    Adolfo asks what information Rebeca has. Rebeca, having the utmost concern for Cris’ wellbeing (NOT) tells him she knows how to get Cris out; it is all in Adolfo’s hands..

    A car is being unloaded as Lupe, Marisa, Pinky, and others turn around to watch as Renato kisses Angel’s hand. He is telling Angel her father’s recipes are the best. Everyone gathers around, wanting to meet Renato, who tells them he is Angel’s fiancée. The pleased crowd starts singing the wedding march. JE arrives late to the party. “Buenos tardes” he says. Renato wastes not a moment, informing him that Angel has agreed to marry him. JE and Angel stare at each other.

    My all observant and wise friend was responsible for the pivotal dialog so important to this storyline. So thankful.


  30. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana, great writing on your part, and thank your friend for the details of the dialogue.

    I’m glad Santi’s gambling has now been discovered by Angel. She should have called the school to see if he’s been going to class, which we know is a negative. I hope when she said she’d help him she didn’t mean helping him money wise. He needs to get a job at a fast food place and pay Elena back. Then he can work his way through school too. I think he was probably very spoiled as a child, in a way he still is.

    I felt so sorry for Cris, and worried about Don Emilio. This is hard on him too.

    If that’s how Misael’s hair looks when he gets out of bed he needs to throw away his comb and hair gel. So now Monica knows her son is still with Rebeca. She’s not happy, maybe she’ll do away with her, or she’ll be the scapegoat.

    Awkward moment when JE arrived to hear the wedding news. I guess he won’t be telling Angel why he’s still with Rebeca.

    I wonder who Romina was talking on the phone with. I hate she’s going back to the hacienda with them. This will just make Luciano more miserable. I was hoping she’d work for Bruno and end up with jail time. Which could still happen.

    I guess we knew Lucas would get stabbed. I hope he lives. How to the writers plan these things to happen on Fridays. Do they film the scene and just stick it into the show when they realize it will air on a Friday!


  31. Vivir. Another excellent recap, Diana and friend. Rebeca really seems to get your creative juices flowing, Diana: "Rebeca crawls on all fours," "She tries to muster something somewhat akin to sympathy," "Rebeca who has no sense of timing," "She triple D's (denies, denies, denies);" and Misael your sense of irony: "Kindhearted Misael." Cris always seems to be thinking of others. She prays for her children rather than herself. Yep, I noticed Misael's haircut, or maybe, as Liz notes, lack of gel. It does look better that way. I wonder what scapegoat Monica and Misael will find for Mau's murder. Wow! Isn't anyone keeping an eye on Lucas? The thugs could have done even worse right next to the restaurant than taking him to a prison meeting with Brayan. And how did they get past the prison authorities? Wasn't it obvious Lucas was being coerced? When Brayan stabs Lucas will the prison authorities even notice? Will Santi see a therapist? At least Agent Corral is investigating Monica and Misael, but it's probably way too early for the investigation to lead to anything. And what is Rebeca planning to do to mess up JE's power of attorney for Cris? Of course JE finds out too late about Angelli's accepting Renato's proposal, and won't tell her that he is only staying with Rebeca to protect her from an accusation. Once again, back and forth, back and forth. In the meantime, oh the uspense!

  32. Vivir de amor

    Diana, many thanks for another great recap that lets me make sense of what I watch.

    It was a slight shocker to see Misael without that silly curl.

    So Refrida is a partner in their misdeeds. And a very loyal and trustworthy partner surely.

    Poor Cristina is really out of her element in prison, and is totally miserable. Again, I don't know why she is there, she has not been convicted of anything. Hopefully, some woman or women will take pity on her and help her cope. From what I have read, it does happen, women more so than men.

    Too bad she's not in Sweden.

    "Angel worries he has a gambling problem but stoopid Santi doesn’t think so. She vows she will always support him but wants him to see a specialist."
    Yay! for Angel. He's had a few chances to quit gambling and he hasn't done so. He needs help, just like anyone else with an addiction.
    Good for Angel. I hope she won't take no for an answer. Hopefully he is ready.

    "Rebeca listening around the corner, hears Don Emilio telling Petra that Cris signed over power of attorney to JE." Uh-oh! Becky will probably get frisky again. I did enjoy her facial expressions though. And she is very pretty.
    And then she goes to see Adolfo. What terrible schemes are developing in her pretty but twisted head?

    I was shocked when Brayan stabbed Lucas even though we were prepared for it. I didn't think it would happen.


  33. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you!

    "I think he (Santiago) was probably very spoiled as a child, in a way he still is" is exactly right. After the loss of Refrida, Elena seemed inconsolable and I'm sure she lavished gifts and attention on him. I cannot fault her for doing that while he was a child as she was immersed in grief. But he's grown now and she still coddles him.

    It will be interesting to see who becomes the scapegoat. As far as the battles of the villain, if it comes down to Monica vs. Beca, my money is on Beca. She thinks quickly and is relentless.

    I also wondered who Romina was on the phone with...


  34. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend, thank you for bringing us all the news.

    I always love seeing Refrida standing almost right there out in the open eavesdropping .Maybe she thinks she is invisible. So, what deal is she planning to offer Adolfo to get Chris out of jail free ? Whom is she planning to throw under the next bus? Girl has a lot of moxie...or delusions of grandeur.

    Jimena is not doing a very good job of hiding her interest on Chef Ren.

    Poor Lucas....stabbed while visiting a friend in jail. This guy, right?

    I cringe every time baby bro Santi cones on the screen with that preppy sweater draped over his sneaky, stealing shoulders. Weasel. Susan

  35. VIVIR

    SpanProf, your comments are always so gracious and kind. Thank you.

    "Cris always seems to be thinking of others. She prays for her children rather than herself" is so true. She seems so selfless, doesn't she?

    Thank you for noting "Isn't anyone keeping an eye on Lucas? The thugs could have done even worse right next to the restaurant than taking him to a prison meeting with Brayan. And how did they get past the prison authorities?" all excellent observations/questions. Lucas put his life on the line yet having done his "duty" receives no protection. He was forced right into the lion's den.

    The viciousness of the stabbing was shocking and solidifies that Brayan is a cold blooded killer. This was a tragedy that never should have occurred.

    All these troubling little scenarios keep popping up but with so many miles to go on this, most will not be resolved anytime soon. "oh the suspense" says it all!


  36. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your nice words.

    "So Refrida is a partner in their misdeeds. And a very loyal and trustworthy partner surely". Oh absolutely, I have no doubt at all! She is definitely all for one and one for one - herself. 😊

    I also felt badly for Cris. Andy, several recent TNs I've seen have had the wrongly incarcerated characters meet good souls who supported and protected them. Therefore, I
    am hoping this will be the case for Cris.

    While I'm happy Angel wants Santi to get help, an addict must first admit that they have a problem and then admit they are powerless to control it. I'm afraid Santi is not there yet, but hopefully he will be soon.

    "...then she goes to see Adolfo. What terrible schemes are developing in her pretty but twisted head?" I wish I knew! Rebeca is a fast thinker and acts accordingly. I'm sure she will come up with some doozy of a plan. She always does!


  37. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you.

    "I always love seeing Refrida standing almost right there out in the open eavesdropping . Maybe she thinks she is invisible..." had me smiling away. Perhaps she does!

    "Whom is she planning to throw under the next bus? Girl has a lot of moxie...or delusions of grandeur". I have no idea to your first question and I say Beca has both in answer to your second.

    Jimena was rather harsh when she told Renato Angel doesn't love him. I mean, she's right, but it was the way she said it. Not in a kind and caring manner but clearly agitated and tinged with anger. He looked quite devastated.


  38. UNIMAS/OT:

    "CUANDO ME ENAMORO" will be in the final 5 episodes beginning next week: airing 1 HR
    This morning was the final 2 HR double episodes.

    PS: I love the 2 HR double episodes 😊 of Telenovelas.

  39. VIVIR

    Thanks, Diand. Shining stars: triple D’s, BarcaLounger, and Bug-eyed Mati. Since Susan gave us Big-Eyed Idiot Romina (BEIR), the heiress apparent is Bug-Eyed Imbecile Mati (BEIM). Yay genetics/casting!!! Boo, these two!

    Nice to see Adolfo sock it to Mónica and tighten the screws on his wife and “son.” 66 episodes in, and his character finally went from Furniture to Shake Things Up mode.

    I wish I could care about BEIM & Lucas, but it’s physically and mentally impossible. I’m not into kids without boundaries, puppy love, or boy band lyrics spread across 125 episodes. Perhaps I’m allergic to treacle. The cheesy graphics and effects made it even worse. ¡Basta!

    It’s no surprise that Misael looks 1OOO% better without the Big Bang effect. The tank top and tousled hair though were not the look. Is he a criminal mastermind or heading to Paris to compete with other Mongolian gymnasts?

    Speaking of gymnasts, it’s time for today’s Fashion Alert (English words on telenovela clothing trend): Lucas’ shirt said “GAME ON” with a picture of a gamepad/controller. One of Brayan’s henchies (same from yesterday) is wearing “Parkour” again. They must the Nike of budding acrobats.

    Ugh! Santi-asco gets more and more odious as the story moves on. I’m afraid things will only get worse for this spoiled safecracker. Don’t look now, but I just took us back to Episode 5. Anywho, there is no way he will recognize or treat his addiction as long as he’s winning and funded by Elena, Ang, and looting the restaurant.

    Renato may be a chef, but Jimena served a full course meal of She’s Just Not That Into You. Sadly, it went uneaten by our Alt Galán. How long will he fast?

    Novela trope: someone conveniently overhears a conversation which sets the next action/arc in motion. We get it, but really? Big Reb stands in the doorway in a gold peekaboo top (no spillage), making funny faces, and neither Petra nor d. Emilio notice as they’re too busy blathering about shares. Note: I did like that he called her “sonsa” (not in a mean way) for not following his story. That was cute.

    I thought Brayan ordered an ice pick from Prison Amazon. I still don’t buy him as a cold-blooded killer. Note: it appears he stabbed Lucas more near the appendix (as a warning) as opposed to going full OJ (or Catherine Tramell). Good mini cliffhanger though. Can’t wait to see what Rebecca is going to offer. Logic dictates JE will soil his Pull-Ups®️ when we resume.

  40. Vivir #66

    Tanks, Diana.

    I have difficulty imagining any correctional facility allowing three gang member to visit an inmate without there being someone in a position to watch them closely.

    As to Christina being in one, there are two sets of prisoner uniforms. Beige uniforms for those awaiting trial, black for the convicted. Mexican correctional facilities house both types together while US ones don't.

    Lucas will either bleed out or end up in hospital on the critical list for the next few episodes.

    Santiago is close to gambling away the last of his family's assets before his willfully stupid mother gets a clue. If I were Angeli I'd disown the both of them right now.

    The actor playing Santiago looks so unintelligent I hope for his sake that changes.

  41. VIVIR

    Thanks so much O.S.!

    Yours was a sumptuous buffet but "Renato may be a chef, but Jimena served a full course meal of She’s Just Not That Into You" deserves three Michelin stars.

    "It’s no surprise that Misael looks 1OOO% better without the Big Bang effect" was another savory treat.

    Your explaining Brayan intentionally aimed elsewhwere "as opposed to going full OJ (or Catherine Tramell)" was marvelous. While your theory may indeed have merit, I'm not convinced Brayan has the intelligence or inclination to make such a precise "cut". Shanking is shanking and I now brand Brayan as a murderer.

    Thank you for mentioning the ice pick! Good heavens, is that for next time??

    I hadn't heard "sonsa" before. It's a great word and I always appreciate great vocabulary.

    Superb comments from everyone, as always.


  42. Vivir

    Thank you Diana! Your recap is fantastic as always! You set a far better tone for this adventure than the writers themselves!

    I am disappointed that Bryan shanked Lucas. Leaving aside the totally crazy notion that the henchies were able to force Lucas into that meeting in the first place, it's just disappointing to me. Can't we just have a petty thief? Does everybody have to be capable of murder??? Everybody has to be capable of the absolute worse all the time!! I don't know why it's so upsetting, it's not like I am pro-petty crime, I just like to believe people have limits. And as much as I'd like to buy your intentional spot location theory O.S., I have to agree with Diana, Brayan is not smart or educated enough to make a precise cut. He's not even smart enough to not try to shank someone is a prison visiting area!!! I mean isn't it completely obvious who did it? Instead of facing some charges of robbery, he's going to face attempted murder (or murder) charges and spend the rest of his life in jail to prove a point??? That was just plain stupid!!! Any criminal with half a brain would have arranged for Lucas to receive that 'message' by third party of in a location where he'd at least have plausible deniability on committing the crime.

    The actress playing Cris looks good with the fresh face look. She's a very beautiful lady.

    I'm sort of annoyed by how much the writers are repeating the Santi is jail story with Cris. I was curious so I looked back in the earlier recaps, and they did do the too late gun residue test with Santi too. Then Misael decided to get Santi out of jail by incriminating someone else. Present day, Mon, Mis and Bec decide to frame Cris and send her to jail FOREVER, two mins later this is too risky (I still don't understand why they were so easily spooked) and they decide they are going to get Cris out of jail by incriminating someone else.... wash, rinse, repeat.... yawn.

    I do think Jimena and Renato will be endgame but I'm not convinced she's aware of any feelings for him yet, or thinking she wants Renato. I think she is just starting to recognize what's missing in her marriage with Icky. A couple episodes ago when she was watching Angel and Renato were all cute and flirty and making dinner together, she felt wistful because she knows she isn't getting that when Icky. Then when Renato told her he and Angel were engaged she felt alarmed because she knows what a loveless marriage equates too. Jimena seems to be pretty rational - she was pro Angel and Renato dating, getting to know each other and maybe falling in love one day, but she's against them rushing into a loveless marriage - like a lot of the patio! I'm just anti all of it!

    I was also anti Gi confronting Doris. I think if your husband IS cheating on you with another woman and you KNOW it, then sure, confront her. But if you don't know, you just have a suspicion, take that up with your HUSBAND!!! Random women in the marketplace shouldn't have to deal with false accusations and insults because you have a trust issue with your husband!

    I think Romina was talking to her lawyer on the phone. There was no name said or no way to know for sure, but Romina said something like 'So, I'll have to go back to the hacienda if I don't want to lose custody?' It sounded more like she was coming to the conclusion - ie. getting legal advice from the caller - rather than making informing someone of an intention.

  43. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Darcy!

    It would be outrageous if Brayan doesn't get accused of attempted murder! Once the commotion dies down, surely they will be able to sort everything out - also Lucas and Brayan's henchies would have to have signed in. I'm thinking the inmates can't saunter in and out of the visiting area at will.

    ITA Gi should have taken her husband's "relationship" with Doris up with him too.

    "Present day, Mon, Mis and Bec decide to frame Cris and send her to jail FOREVER, two mins later this is too risky (I still don't understand why they were so easily spooked) and they decide they are going to get Cris out of jail by incriminating someone else.." Excellent point Darcy and I am confused by this also, as well as who the hapless victim is that they are going to frame.

    Yes, I think Jimena IS starting to fall for Renato but she doesn't realize it. Yet. Completely agree she is sad about everything her marriage isn't.

    Thank you for noting Romina was talking with her lawyer and for what was said.


  44. Vivir

    It's always fun when the rational , logical folks here on the patio try to figure out these irrational, illogical characters.

    I have been trying to figure out what poor soul Refrida plans to blame for Mau's murder. Mau didn't interact with many people when he was alive and scheming . hmmmm Monica ?

  45. Darcy, and anyone else who wonders about the about face on Chris taking the fall, perhaps it is because she recalled Mau's conversation that said if anything happened to him, Monica and Misael would be the culprits. Get Chris out so the police don't look to closely at their whereabouts a5 the time of the murder. Gee, maybe they will frame Bruno, though what possible motive he would have is beyond me.

  46. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Terrific recap of an upsetting episode.

    Incredible that the police and the parents thought that Lucas would be safe. I guess Monday we'll see whether Bryan has clout in prison.

    After dealing with Monica all these years, will Adolfo turn out to be as clueless as JE and fall for Rebeca's plan? Writers, just no.

    I like Gi asking Doris if Armando's tale about Doris's father is true. We know Armando is a liar, but I couldn't tell if Doris knows anything about her biodad.

    Poor Cris trying to hold onto her necklace. Sad, but of course it would've been stolen by an inmate if she wore it.

    Renato's feelings are hurt because Jimena gave it to him straight about Angel not being in love and JE's feelings are hurt because he sees Angel said "yes" to Renato after all. Boohoo.

  47. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you.

    "Renato's feelings are hurt because Jimena gave it to him straight about Angel not being in love and JE's feelings are hurt because he sees Angel said "yes" to Renato after all. Boohoo". Thank you, I needed that!! :)

    Bad enough Lupe didn't spirit Lucas away long ago, but not insisting he have protection after singlehandedly participating in Brayan's "sting" was confusing and disappointing. Lupe is a good person but some of her decisions have not been sound. Corral not arranging protection was negligent.

    Niecie, I thought Doris was acting a bit strangely and couldn't figure out what she does and doesn't know about her bio-dad either.


  48. VIVIR


    I sincerely apologize; somehow I inadvertently slid right by your comment. And what an excellent one it was!

    "As to Christina being in one, there are two sets of prisoner uniforms. Beige uniforms for those awaiting trial, black for the convicted. Mexican correctional facilities house both types together while US ones don't" was so infomative. I had no idea, thank you...

    And yes, now that you mentioned it, allowing three visitors at the same time for one prisoner seems rather implausible.

    Santi is going to be the death of his already fractured family.



    I'll be posting the recap of this morning's episode sometime today.
