
Thursday, May 30, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #62, "The blood is not calling. I repeat, the blood is not calling!"

Bosco goes to find Pepa and confesses to him what happened with Gio and that she says that he was the attacker. He doesn’t want anyone else to know, because who will believe that a man was abused? Everyone will make fun of him! Pepa confesses something similar almost happened to him while in jail. They bond over their mutual trauma, shake on it and call themselves amigos.

Gio arrives home, Jeronimo has been waiting for her, they’ve been in cahoots all this time. He’s upset because he couldn’t sleep with Gala, but he wants her to suffer long and hard because of her health problems. Together they start to prepare for setting up Bosco, Jeronimo starts strangling Gio hard enough to leave evident marks on her neck. She makes it clear that she despises Gala and doesn’t want to be in her shadow anymore.

Esteban tells Gala that he will call her therapist to come the next day. Remembering Lupita’s encouragement, Porfirio tells them that he decided not to leave, he will stick around and be there for his grandkids. He’s complained about Esteban abandoning him, he won’t make the same mistake. He also tells Gala that her abuela had a very serious illness, but she fought every day of her life, and she has to do the same. He gives Esteban the black and white portrait of the two of them with a lot of other men. He calls it a wedding gift; I call it a peace offering.

Her hand bandaged (she told Elvira that she fell), Gala is asleep in her bed with Esteban watching over her and promising to always protect her.

Ginebra is waiting for him in their bedroom, ready and willing for their wedding night. Not that he’d go for it in better circumstances, but tonight Esteban is really not in the mood. He knows that she doesn’t care about his kids, but with everything that is happening with Gala, how can she think he has time for that? Gin says she can change, together they can be a real family. But Esteban makes it clear they will never sleep together.

Paz has a very hard time falling asleep, waiting for the overnight DNA results (from the Speedy Laboratory of Telenovela DNA).

The next day Esteban would like to talk to all his family, sans Ginebra, but she shows up anyway, since she is now his wife… She kind of has a point…They don’t get to talking about Esteban’s worries, because Gio arrives, and dramatically accuses Bosco of having abused of her. She shows the neck marks that Jeronimo caused, cries, whines, demands justice! Nobody believes that Bosco would do such a thing, she accuses them of victim blaming. Gala points out she was always the one after him not the other way around, Esteban asks for proof. Bosco denies everything, says she was the one to abuse him, making him smoke something that made him lose control. Esteban decides to check their video camera and on them we can see how Bosco rejected her and reminded her he is a minor.

But Gio insists he went after her later, in his room (where there are no cameras) and she said no. She shows them the photos she took of naked Bosco (saying he sent them to her. Unfortunately, Bosco didn’t save the many messages of harassment she sent him. Esteban and Gala believe Bosco, Elvira asks Gio if she’s after the money and Ginebra accuses her of taking advantage of so many women’s struggle to be believed (very good point) and swears she won’t get away with doing this to Bosco (and she looks like she means business).

As she is about to leave, Ginebra also tells Gio that she would never have come here to warn them she was about to go to the police if she had really been abused. Gin promises Gala she will defend Bosco.

Paz has spent part of the night cooking breakfast to calm her nerves. Everyone is at the table eating when Humberto and the police arrive with Max and the DNA test results. They are positive, Max is supposed to be Paz’ daughter. Hum explains there will be a trial to make it official that Paz is the bio mother and she will gain custody and Castro says they will continue investigating the child trafficking. Paz is happy, but very confused, Max rejects her and her entire family, Lupita says she needs time to adjust.

Vermin arrives and doesn’t believe Max to be their daughter (obviously!). First he says Esteban could be lying, but Paz trusts he’d never do that to her. Besides she has a positive DNA test. Vermin is sure Ginebra could have fabricated the results, they need to go to another lab and ask for a second test to be done. Paz might have said yes, but then he makes the mistake of saying that he loves her. She makes it clear again that they are never getting back together.

Mauro has had Vermin’s phone bugged, too, because he can listen to this entire conversation. He decides that Vermin has to be followed and he is to be told as soon as he goes to another lab.

Gala has been blocking Jerom from her “redes” but he still manages to video call her. He is kind of apologetic, while still offending her, but she’s not having any of it anymore, she dumps him.

We get another round of Kenzo and his family fighting over money, Nandy and whatnot. Ffw…

Esteban tells Bosco that he needs to go press charges against Gio and they need to get his blood tested, see if they can still find the substance that he vaped. Bosco doesn’t want to hear about the cops, everyone will laugh at him, call him a coward. Esteban points of that this is more important than his online reputation, he could end up in jail. Bosco insists that there are already in the eye of the storm because of everything that has already happened with Esteban briefly going to jail and Paz being accused of kidnapping. Esteban doesn’t care, he will insist until Bosco says yes because it is the right thing to do. And he will be standing by Bosco the entire time.

At the office, Nandy is signing for a wedding gift and having a brief conflict with Mauro. He pulls rank, threatens to get her fired if she ever talks back again.

Later she talks with Kenzo about the state of their relationship. She knows that his family is still fighting with him, but she won’t be against him having a relationship with his kids. He apologizes for being cold at the wedding, he has a lot on his mind, but has to admit that he’s afraid of the moment they will become intimate and what that will entail. She gets upset, asks him to stop imagining how it might be and just allow himself to feel. I actually think Kenzo’s worries are valid, so maybe she should take it easier on him?

Paz and the family all fuss over Max, try to feed her and get to know her. But she is acting very rude, throws her plate to the floor (and breaks it), wants to get back to her real parents. Paz shows him the drawings she had done of her Maria, says she has been looking for her all this time. Sal tells the family he doesn’t feel any type of connection to this girl, nor does Mireya. Paz asks them for time.

Elvira comes to talk to Gala before her therapy session, she knows she can be severe, but she wants to help. Gala explains that her tough love doesn’t work, love has to be more than constant scolding and never-ending rules. Elvira says this is how her father always treated her, Gala suggests it’s time she broke that cycle. They hug.

Mauro calls Vermin to his office to basically says that he’s a nobody who doesn’t count and he will never be able to prove that Samara is her real daughter and not Max.

Bosco is still upset when Ginebra comes to talk to him. And in a brief moment of actual empathy, she shares how she was abused as a child and how she and Mauro managed to make that man pay. Of course this is Ginebra so we can only assume what horror she caused herself, but a child abuser deserves everything that crazy Gin might have come up with.

Gala has come to visit Paz, to ask about Max and tell her they all need her so much. Paz is called away because Max woke up, so Sal asks Gala to talk alone. She agrees, so they go to the roof (Gema sees them and she doesn’t look happy about it). Sal tells Gala that he loves her and wants to be with her. She is happy to speak to him but reminds him he’s about to become a father. Sal says he will take care of his child, but he will never marry Gema.

Esteban calls Humberto to ask him for help with Bosco.

Pepa talks to Bosco on the phone, also encourages him to go to the cops, while Mireya keeps telling him to hang up because the restaurant is open and they have a lot of work to do (shut up, Mireya!). Later Bosco tells Esteban that he has decided to press charges against Gio.

Max is still behaving badly, doesn’t want to eat or to talk to anyone from the family. Paz tries to explain to her that the people who raised her stole her when she was a newborn, but Max won’t hear any of this.

Alone with Lupita Paz admits that she has mixed feelings about everything, because she doesn’t feel any type of bond with Max. Lupita asks her to give the child more time, she will come around.

Ginebra goes to see Gio and quickly makes it clear she has no time for her games. Grabbing her by the neck, she asks what she is truly after. Haha, I’m actually cheering a little bit.  

Humberto is back to see Paz, she wonders if Max is truly her daughter because she can’t feel any type of connection to her. Humberto says he can only go by the proof they have, Paz insists she immediately felt a connection to Sam and everyone always mentions the call of blood, so why doesn’t she feel it with Max, too? Humberto tries to comfort her, she’s been having a very hard time, she needs support. And he loves her. He goes in for a kiss, while Paz looks paralyzed.


  1. Adriana, thank you SO much for the terrific recap! I loved all your comments.

    By the way, did Daniel Elbittar answer the message you sent him on Instagram regarding what the heck does Esteban's company make?

    I think it's the first time I'm cheering for Ginebra instead of her victim. Gio deserves whatever Gin has in mind. I loved her comment that Gio takes advantage of so many women’s struggle to be believed. I have zero respect for there women (who take advantage of other women's pain). I feel sorry for young Gin and young Mauro, but not for present day Gin and Mauro. Many people went through enormous struggles in life but didn't turn into monsters. But I don't feel sorry at all for the creep who abused Gin. As Adriana said, "a child abuser deserves everything that crazy Gin might have come up with".

    I always wondered how Pepa and Bosco will stop being in cahoots. This settles it and is more realistic than randomly changing their mind about each other.

    Vermin, JUST TELL THE TRUTH. If he truly loved Paz he would have spoken by now. Seeing her believe a different child is hers would have been heartbreaking. If he doesn't speak now, I won't bother with him again.

    I mean... I get Max reacting this way. She thinks she has lived a lie, her parents are in jail and some other family she knows for 3 seconds is fussing over her. I'd have a tantrum too.

    Nandy... I love you but understand Kenzo too a bit.

    Oh Humberto... Not the time for romance.

  2. Adriana, thanks for posting so bright and early. I was knodding my head in agreement at all your asides. The previous episode hinted at Jer's true colors with the clenched fist. I'm so glad Gala got out of her encounter with him physically (though unfortunately not mentally) safe. If I didn't know better I would almost think Gin has some actual familial feelings for Bosco.
    I know the family restaurant took a beating during the closure, but it appeared to support the Robles OK before the beginning of this show. Nandy should walk away from the job at the mystery company, and Paz probably should also leave her job with Esteban. The new Maria is now her responsibility and this poor girl has loving adoptive parents and her little world has been turned upside down.
    I wonder if Fermin has the DNA proof about Sam already in his safety deposit box. He had plenty of access to Sam before Sam went back to Gin.
    Unless Gin incapacitates Esteban in some way with a rufi, I don't see him ever being able to fulfill her luna de miel hopes (expectations). She is absolutely repulsive to him.
    Elvira and Porfirio both are showing some real love and support for the grandchildren in this episode.

  3. Great work, Adriana. I wish I could recap like you.

    I agree about the Kenzo/Nandy situation. She may not have had bottom surgery; the worldwide estimate for that is 28%.

    I actually wondered whether Ginebra would try to recruit Gio because of her plans for the family's destruction, but Gio's actions were not within Ginebra's schedule. Also, I don't think Gio is intelligent enough and would need too much supervision which Ginebra has no time for now.

    Max is understandably upset but she is also a brat. Probably overindulged by the adoptive parents.

    It looks like Vermin will keep his trap shut until the last few episodes. He does this because he knows Paz will dump his ass and he will never see their child again. He also knows that Ginebra would have no qualms about killing him... or anyone.

    More later.

  4. I had to chime in and say I LOVE the title. Haven’t even started reading, and I’m laughing already.

  5. First of all, I want to thank Urban and Weirdo for the last few shows. You guys had some seriously messed up scenes to get through (the wedding, the faux daughter reveal, every smirk of Ginebra's), your recaps have been of great help in trying to catch up and get to my episode in time.

    Trans people are still very few and far in between, most of us don't know how it "works" when you are in a relationship with someone like Nandy. Kenzo certainly fell in love with her spirit, but the physical side of a relationhsip is also important. When they met Nandy hadn't even changed her name to become a woman legally, I'm sure any other transformation would have been even harder to obtain for her alone.

    I was glad to see Ginebra go for the throat with Gio, whne she was preparing to restart her whine show. It takes one to know one and Ginebra is the biggest predator of them all.

    I totally get Gala being reluctangt to saying yes to Sal, also. What 19yo would agree to date someone in Sal's situation? I mean, the boy's pretty, but he's not prince charming.

    Kat, I hadn't thought that Vermon might already have proof that Sam is his in his deposit box. He did live in the same house as Sam for a while...

    Urban, I wish I could recap like YOU. You have a knack for details and a way with words, I always get lost when there is a lot of material to cover. I eventually just stick to what I consider more important, but sometimes I feel like I lose some crucial details.

    Weirdo, Daniel Elbitar didn't reply to my message, I think he must receive so many every day I'm sure he never even saw it. I had to try, though :))
    Speaking of real life, Claudia Martin announced that she and Hugo Catalan (Vermin) are no longer together. I hope she finds her match soon, she is one pretty lady.

  6. Thanks Adriana, great title for a great recap. Fills me in on all the Spanish I couldn’t understand.

    It’s creepy how Ginebra and Mauro can just bug who they want so they’ll always be one step ahead. I thought maybe they had bugged the house.

    I do feel sorry for Max but it would be hard to feel the call of the blood with her. Especially when she threw the plate down. Paz said she felt it with Sam, she needs to think about that!

    Gio and Jeronimo working together was a surprise. So they both want to take the siblings virginity, sweet pair, they should hook up. I have a feeling Jeronimo gets violent during sex. And this was the one time I was rooting for Ginebra, I hope Gio will think twice before she bothers anyone again.

    I feel sorry for Kenzo. Both his kids are messed up. I wonder how much he was a part of their lives.

    That kiss at the end was definitely one-sided. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight.


  7. Adriana,

    You handled this depressing episode with sensitivity and grace. Excellent as always.

    It was a mind blowing shock that Gio and Jeronimo were partners in crime. Here I thought Gio was a rather vapid, empty headed wannabe and Jero was a strong minded but genuinely caring person. Shame on me. I have to agree that for once, Ginebra will likely put a stop to all this and quickly.

    "Esteban makes it clear they will never sleep together". Wasn't Ginebra's admonishment that he "lie down with her" part of their "pact"?

    "I actually think Kenzo’s worries are valid, so maybe she should take it easier on him?" Kenzo has way too much on his plate and any romance needs to take back seat right now. I really feel for him; his youngest is a louse and now Jero is headed for non-redemption.

    I can't fault Max for her reaction. She is a child who has just been ripped from her parents, landing in a house full of adults expecting her to melt and declare feelings for people she just met. Get real people.

    With so many more episodes to go, it doesn't appear Vermin is going to speak up. Do Ginebra and Mauro really need to keep Vermin alive? Is he really of any use to them? He should talk while he can, his expiration date stamp seems to be fast approaching.

    I hope Gala decides to go back with Salo. He's made it clear he will support his (non-existent) child and never marry Gema. Gala really needs Salo now.

    Elvira and Por are finally defrosting a bit...

    Everyone's comments were excellent today.


  8. Cher Adriana, Merci. Tres bien. You did a great job of delivering all the drama to the patio.

    Wow.....the good folks are under attack from all fronts. You need a scorecard to keep track of who is attacking who...and how...and why...and when. That episode was a lot, and I hardly know where to begin to unravel what's happening .

    Well,Paz and Esteban, our star crossed lovers ,are separated and can't even go to each other for support . Your soulmate is always e person you want and need earn bad happen. Esteban is struggling to be with Paz o help and support her , but he is Gin's captive .

    Esteban can feel that something is Wrong with Max suddenly popping up .He longs to be with Paz to help her figure things out , but he has Gin pulling him away and Vermin pushing him away. Esteban finally went all "hold my beer," at it with Vermin in the other episode . When strong, silent types finally snap , it is scary.

    Then, the poor guy goes home to his daughter upset and bleeding and a crazy stalker accusing his son of rape while his son tells him it was the other way around . (p.s. i do not care the way his actor as been portraying this character . Bosco has been such a nasty , entitled whiner. Its hard to feel sorry for him. ) Anyeho. ....How much more can Esteban take?

    Jero is an arrogant, cruel teenage monster . I hope the writers give us the satisfaction of seeing him anviled. Now we discover that he and creepy Gio have teamed up to torment Bosco and Gala. Are these things really happening ? If so, are the writers sending PSAs with these frightening storylines ? All the teens I know are super busy with activities ..sports, cheerleading, service clubs, dancing, jobs, SATs. These poor little rich kids need some activities .

    And what is going on with Gin ? She vowed to help Bosco in front of the family and later went to see Bosco in his room wearing what looked like a band uniform . I thought her plan was to destroy the whole family, but has her plan changed because she has fallen in lust with Esteban ? Is she trying to transform herself to win over Estebsn? Her wardrobe has definitely changed ( re:band uniform ). Will we see her in a softer Hairstyle? It was great to see teeny, tiny, evil on wheels Gin grab Tall teen Gio by the cheeks.

    Hum, down, Boy. You jumped the gun. Paz isn't looking for kisses right now .

    I have to think about this for awhile. Susan

  9. Did anyone else notice that the view of Gema did not show her below the shoulders? Makes me wonder whether the ultrasound was a fake. Is she actually pregnant or pregnant by someone else? Are the writers still trying to decide?

    I was surprised about the unholy alliance of Jeronimo and Giovanna for about five minutes. The two of them are a bush-league version of Ginebra and Mauro. Their IQs are nowhere near the level of the star villains'.

    As to the bad behaviour of the children last night, I suspect that Max and Sandro have been coddled. Jeronimo is now becoming as entitled as Felipa. I think he will become violent in some future episode and Felipa will blame Kenzo.

    As to what kind of parent he was I suspect absent. He spent more time at the office not just to make more dinero but to avoid Felipa's bitchiness.

    Adriana, my obsession with the details is all about remembering clues, especially in this type of story. I worry sometimes if the length turns off some potential readers even when I can post on time.

  10. Urban, your recaps are always great. I like all the details , dialogue ,and screencaps that you provide . I appreciate the time, talent,and effort that you consistently bring to the patio . Variety is the spice of life and patio discussions. Every recapper has his or her own special style , and I appreciate all of them. All give us the opportunity to enjoy and analyze these stories and characters which are studies in the human condition no matter how exaggerated and unusual they may be. Susan

  11. Thanks, Susan. It's that sometimes it takes more than five hours to do one like this and the screen shots are the least of the time issue. I pause at 1PM to watch Vivir because otherwise I have to wait until it's available On Demand, which isn't until the next morning.

    Back to our story...

    Nandy should have eagle eyes because of the discrimination and abuse she has taken over the years. She might see and (over)hear incriminating stuff as Mauro's secretary.

    There are now so many children in danger from Ginebra. Too many for Mauro to keep an eye on, especially now that he is in the office. I hope that Gala isn't fooled by Ginebra's fake show of support because protecting the kids could become her job.

    On the matter of overhearing and eavesdropping, it will be harder for Ginebra to avoid the possibility with so many people in Esteban's house.

  12. Speaking of all the kids currently living at the Villa, this reminds me of something already mentioned in last night's recap: Ginebra, the opposite of everything that a mother figure could ever represent, somehow finds herself as the sort of "mother" to most of the kids in the show, she even has a dog to "take care of". Kind of funny if you think about it.

  13. Regarding recaps, I believe that if we combine every single Caray Caray's recapper's qualities we will get a truly perfect recap.
    I will comment on (some) things I like from each recapper from this patio, alphabetically. The full list would exceed the word limit of the comments!
    Adriana, I love the balance you have of describing the events, adding humor and your witty comments. And I am in love with your titles! They're always spot on.
    Blue, I am impressed by your ability to put all the events in a recap of perfect length. And I ALWAYS crack up at your jokes! If I'm ever down from now on, I'll go read your previous recaps!
    Urban, you express details beautifully and are a true master of dialogue! Your screenshots add so much to your recaps. Every single recap is well worth waiting for!

    I have to add that the feeling that our work is appreciated fuels us. A sincere thank you to all commenters who push us to keep going!

  14. Amazing comments!

    Adriana, thanks! Pity Daniel didn't reply but yes, at least you tried :)

    The Nandy/Kenzo situation is weird for both. I get that Nandy wants to be treated like the woman she is, but I do see Kenzo's side as well. It can't be easy for him. Now, regarding Kenzo and his children, I agree with Urban, he has been very absent. I don't really think he can play dad with Jero and Sandro after not being there for them. His kids are little pieces of mierda, it's true, but he let them stay with Felipa, so what did he expect?

    I don't think Gema's baby (if there even is one) is Salo's, but it would have been an interesting plot twist if it was. I'm sick of unprotected sex PSAs where at the end it's "yep, it's not yours, yay, no responsibilities now!" And it makes an interesting storyline to see Salo having a baby to raise with Gema and being with Gala.

    Where are the writers going with Mireya and Mauro? I hope they don't end up together.

    So, Claudia Martín and Hugo Catalán broke up? The filming might be more awkward after this...

  15. I don't think Salo is the father of Gema's baby....if there is a bebe.

    Yes, I read that Claudia and Hugo broke up. It probably isn't easy to be in a relationship where one person is more famous and doing better than the other . The chemistry between Claudia and Daniel has been very strong in this novela, and Hugo had to be right there playing the jealous ex throughout it all. I wouldn't like to see my spouse doing love scenes with another person . It is fiction and pretend , but it the kissing and touching is really happening. I often wonder how these actors and actresses handle that. Hugo also had a small role in the novela that Claudia recently starred in with Sebastian Rulli...can't remember the title. The same thing is happening with Susana Gonzales. Her husband has had small roles in several novelas that she starred in recently .

    I am looking forward to seeing Claudia in her next show " Amor Amarga." She has become my favorite novela actress. I hope she finds happiness in her real life . She seems to be as nice and sweet as the characters she plays when I see her in interviews.She has a wonderful smile.


  16. Thanks, Adriana.
    I wonder what Bosco thinks he'll get by insluting Gala. It doesn't appear he 'believes' they are over. Hr isn't just arrogant but stupid as well and must have a fragile ego.
    I'm annoyed that they seem to be pushing the 'you must just accept me' angle with Nandy. Kenzo isn't wrong and it's just irritating to listen to her insisting he didn't have to think about it. Nandy has all or nothing attitude, which I can understand, but if she keeps this up, she'll end up pushing Kenzo away.
    I loved Gala telling Elvira 'be our guide, not our judge'. Many people say 'my parents treated me this way' as if this somehow makes it any better. It's a pity some really lack the ability to pick which things work and which don't instead of repeating what they saw. I suppose it's also easier for Elvira to just repeat her father's behaviour patterns.
    I wonder who Max' adoptive parents are and what they do for a living. Paz seem to have expected Max to react differently. Imagine if Max were her daughter and Paz had to learn to deal with the fact the girl doesn't accept her immediately.
    Gio seems to be envious of Gala and this is where her hatred comes from. But being popular on the internet is such a silly thing to be upset over. I'm probably showing my age here but I just don't get the appeal of this trend.

  17. Waterlily, it's today's youth who can't tell the difference between internet popularity and true, enduring fame.

    Nor do they think much about true popularity. Having three good friends whom you know face to face and do things with is far superior to having 3,000 Facebook "friends." Because the 3 real-world friends know the Real You.

    I think that is the real message that novelas are looking for right now.

  18. Weirdo, thank you so much for the thoughtful and personalized compliments! This is indeed a brave and sturdy group of recappers. I have enjoyed working with all of you.

    And while I have recapped novelas that were asi de illogical and asi de frenetic, I have never watched one that is asi de painful. We should have bingo cards full of traumatic events -- child abuse, poisoning, on-screen death, prison fight, bad teenage sex -- and whoever recaps the most, we can take up a collection for therapy.

  19. P.S. Adriana, I loved "The Speedy Laboratory of Telenovela DNA." Maybe there's only one DNA lab in Mexico City. That would explain how Mauro and Gin have the market cornered.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
