
Monday, May 20, 2024

Daytime TNs...y Mas (#1), Week of May 20, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

*** Abrazame Muy Fuerte, Cuando me Enamoro, Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo and Nadie Como Tu will be pre-empted by Futbol on Weds!!


  1. VIVIR #57 Part 1

    A heartfelt thanks to my friend who supplied critical dialog without which this recap would have looked very different.

    JE confront Rebeca, devastated that his son was cremated, that he didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye! He reminds her that she tried to do away with the baby. After he insists he wants a divorce, she stares indignantly in her neck brace, sneering she will show him what she is capable of.

    Elena confronts JE, playing the guilt card that Rebeca is inconsolable. She asks that he consider staying with Rebeca and being part of the (dysfunctional) family. It is so difficult and sad she murmurs as JE wipes the tears from his face.

    Our Doris is at her shop when Sebas comes up behind her. She smiles in delight and then sees he returning her earring. Her momentary look of disappointment is quickly replaced by a radiating smile. He looks around and smiles, looking seemingly impressed. You are a grand mujer he announces. She shows him what she is selling.

    Pedrito ends up asking Wanda (sporting huge red heart earrings) for directions. As he touches her hand, she feels a sensation and it appears that there was a small rush of the call of the blood!

    Renato supports Angel, hugging her as JE comes out and apologizes for what Rebeca said. Angel tells JE that what hurts her the most is that her mother accused her of pushing Rebeca! She laments at how much Elena has changed since Rebeca arrived. JE tells her not to be bothered by everything Rebeca said (tall order). Angel defends herself saying Rebeca threw herself down the stairs. Renato warns JE to tell his wife to leave Angel alone. (Sure. That will happen – never!) Angel thanks him as he leaves.

    Rebeca tells Eleana that this is the worst day of her life. She won’t be able to be a mother because of Angel. She won’t be able to live without her baby (as viewerville stares in disgust). She is so grateful she has Elena, otherwise she would be all alone. When Elena tells her she has JE, she says he wants a divorce. She said Angel pushed her just to get JE! Elena looks on sympathetically, smoothing back Rebeca’s hair.

    JE puts his hand on Angel’s face. She tells him she hopes Rebeca tells the truth (fat chance I mutter.) JE says he will talk to Rebeca to get her to recant (just delusional the patio utters, rolling our eyes). JE confides he mourns the loss of his baby but there is no longer anything to tie him to Rebeca. Nothing will separate you from me JE promises (au contraire) as Renato arrives back, coffee in hand. “Adios” Angel tells JE as Renato gives him the side stink eye.

    Surprise, surprise! Romina gets a call from Bruno. He seemingly wants to “fix” things and apologize. He explains it wasn’t his doing; Misael forced him. He lies and tells her he and Misael have a contentious relationship. He is calling her as he is starting his own company. Romina, who hasn’t lost total control of her sense points out that when she was accused, no one spoke up for her. Bruno insists he wants her help in his new company, and as an associate. She struggles to process it all.


  2. VIVIR #57 Part 2 of 3

    A nervous Lucas is standing by a mural as we see a van parked that contains Agent Corral, another officer and Lupe and Luis. Not sure that bringing parents along during a stakeout is a good idea but…They are watching the feed from Lucas’ jacket as he walks up to Brayan and his goons. For a moment, Lupe seems to freeze then actually tries to leave the van as Luis manages to keep her in her seat.

    Corral tells Lucas to say to Brayan that he was taken in as they were looking for Brayan but he kept quiet and said nothing.

    JE talks to a nurse about the cameras and she tells him he needs to talk to security.

    Cris tells Adolfo she blames herself for believing in Mau. Adolfo tells her he sometimes wonders how different their lives would have been if he had made a different decision. He asks if she has forgiven him. She tells him they were very young and what happened then has nothing to do with what is happening now.

    All of a sudden, Brayan grabs Lucas by the top of his sweatshirt as viewerville cringes, fearing the wire will be exposed. Agent Corral tells Lucas to get Brayan to repeat his threat, which he does. Lupe and Luis are beside themselves during all of this of course. Lucas is so brave Lupe says, now she understands why Lucas did everything he did.

    Mati tells Javier she is worried that Lucas hasn’t contacted her. Javier notes that Romina says she and their father will get back together but that Luciano wants Fatima.

    Fatima is on the phone, crying. Luciano comes up behind her and tells him about the loss of JE’s baby and her nosing father. She is afraid something has happened to him and she doesn’t want to lose him again. She cries that her family has so many problems! She feels for JE as she cries into his chest.


  3. VIVIR #57 Part 3 of 3

    Romina talks to herself saying she is going to accept Bruno’s job but is (rightfully) afraid Luciano won’t go with her. She makes a call about an apartment with several bedrooms for her children.

    Fatima blames herself for what happened with Mau; he seemed so sincere (appearances can be deceiving I murmur). Her mother is suffering because of her. Luciano reassures her she is not to blame. He says he is sure her father was happy. She tells him he always manages to make her feel better. He tells her he will always be there for her. She puts her hand on his cheek and thanks him. We are friends, right, he says. Fatima smiles and nods through her tears. He kisses her forehead, gives her a Kleenex and leaves.

    Renato asks to take Angel home but doesn’t know when her mother will come out. They say goodbye when Marisa comes up. She has to tell her Rebeca is OK but the baby died.

    Alma sighting! She cries to Marisa that everything is her fault. She destroyed Rebeca’s life and now she killed the baby. Nurse tells them Alma is being dismissed. Alma comments wherever she is the sadness will be the same. Marisa overhears the nurses say someone pushed her and that they should be held accountable.

    Petra and JE are sitting companionably when Monica comes in demanding to know where Cris is. She is not alone; the omnipresent Agent Corral and another officer are right behind her. They walk up just as Cris assures Adolfo Mau is out of her life. Monica admonishes Adolfo he just waits for a chance to run to Cris. Monica knows about the robbery. The accusations continue but Cris will not allow it. Corral asks why Cris hasn’t reported Mau missing!

    Elena walks to the staircase of doom, recalling Rebeca’s (9.0) swan dive as she muses about what each of her daughters have accused the other of. Then, she runs into Alma and Marisa. Elena tells her their lives would have been much better and happier if Alma hadn’t kept Rebeca. Marisa, hand on her friend’s shoulder asks Elena to stop because her friend is already suffering and feels enormous guilt. Elena hopes Alma’s guilt weights like the heavy chains she will have to drag around the rest of her life! Egad…

    Sebastian and JE drink tequila as JE mourns the loss of his son and his missing father. Sebastian reminds him he lost a baby too and can commiserate. JE talks about how Rebeca says she fell and there are people who can corroborate that. Sebas points out if someone presses charges, Angel can end up in jail.

    Angel tells Jimena that everyone is saying she pushed Rebeca and her mother believes Beca more than her. Further, if Rebeca files charges, she could end up in jail.

    Rebeca is talking to the nurse and shares that everyone is willing to testify Angel pushed her. She further spills the tea that JE was asking about the cameras…After the nurse leaves, Rebeca ponders the thought that with all the witnesses and cameras, JE is afraid Angel will go to jail. The conspiracy wheels in her feverish little brain begin to turn.



    Diana: Howdy from the Alamo City. Great amazing job on the recap of this afternoon's episode.

    Let me guess: Elena still STUPID & gullible by falling for Crazy Becca's bullshit ? OMG: At this point, wake me up when Gullible Elena gets whacked.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's double episodes!

    *Julieta noticed Slacker Berta going into German's apartment. Julieta is getting suspicious & presumably tells Matias & Adriana about it.

    *Slacker Berta & German getting their freak on with another sex escapade.

    *Jeronimo & Renata enjoying their love shack.

    *Matilde goes off on Carlos, who's completely gone stupid in the closing stretch with 21 episodes left. SpareGirl AKAKA Priscilla continues to stir the pot of chaos.

    *Gonzalo & Regina are excited about Renata & Jeronimo. In the meantime, Slacker Berta is plotting more chaos inside that evil nrain of hers.

    *Lovebirds Special: Lazaro & Karina are beginning their honeymoon trip somewhere away from the chaos. Good for these lovebirds.

  6. Vivir. Superb recap, Diana, and many thanks to your friend for the dialogue support! OK, now we know (almost certainly) who Pedrito's mother is, as well as his father. Rebeca's level of evil scamming just gets higher and higher (or lower and lower), and she seems to be spreading the lie that Angelli pushed her to lots of other people. Finally! There's a possibility that Mauricio's dead body may be linked to his wife Cristina and family, since Agent Corral is surprised that he wasn't reported missing and seems determined to look for him. How long will the search take, I wonder? And I like the way Sebastian and Doris are hitting it off.

  7. VIVIR

    Thanks so much SpanProf!

    "Rebeca's level of evil scamming just gets higher and higher (or lower and lower)" is exactly right!

    What I can't figure out is why the staff is rushing to decree that Angel pushed Rebeca. I don't believe even Elena who was sitting right there actually saw exactly what happened when Rebeca "fell from grace". Are these "witnesses" watching the video and jumping to the wrong conclusion?

    Also, where the hell is Mau's body? I don't think he was shot too far off the beaten path. Did Misael move or attempt to hide the body. Or, could it be he really isn't dead (again)???

    Yes, Sebas and Doris are cute together.

    Hi Steve and thank you!


  8. Vivir. Well, last we saw of Mauricio someone kind of official looking was shoving him into a body bag and zipping it up--of course, that too could be some kind of scam. In this novela you never know.

  9. Vivir

    Diana , I am still reading your fantastic recap, but I had to stop for a minute to ask if JE has forgotten that Alma TOLD him that he wasn't the father of the baby ???? So??? Will be guilt tripped by Elena and Becky into staging and with her ? Idiot. I did like the stink eye Renato gave him . You could read his thoughts .."_This guy!!!"

  10. VIVIR

    Yes, of course you are right SpanProf. Momentary memory lapse on my part. We did see Mau zipped into the body bag!

    I wonder why the family wasn't notified unless of course it is a "scam" as you noted.

    Far too many details (for me at least) to remember! :)


  11. VIVIR

    Susan, you are exactly correct in that Alma told JE the baby wasn't his. The only thing I can think of is that Rebeca might have managed to convince him there might have been a slim chance it was his.


  12. Vivir

    Thanks, Diana, that was a fact filled retell. That Agent Corral sure is busy!

    I am so tired of Elena believing Rebeca and treating Angel so poorly. Angel and Cris could end up cell mates and bond like mother and daughter. When Elena begs Angel to forgive her I hope Angel doesn’t forgive too quickly.

    Romina definitely wants that job, which we realize could land her back in jail.

    I just don’t see Sebas with Doris. She’s not exactly a nice girl.

    I think it was funny that Agent Corral wonders why Cris didn’t report Mau missing. He was gone a lot longer when Rebeca hit him with the car.


  13. Vivir de amor

    Diana, however you do these recaps, with a little help, using a crystal ball, or channeling characters from way off in Telenovelandia, I love and appreciate them.

    For a minute or so I thought we were going to have some chest bumping between JE and Renato. At this point I would not mind much if someone did land JE on his butt, but I'm not sure Renato is the guy to do it. And I shouldn't be thinking such bad thoughts. But JE really is a turkey.

    And I really shouldn't insult turkeys like that.

    Rebeca looked happy when she learned about the security cameras. Does she not realize that they could show that Angel did not push her down the stairs?

    Liz, "I just don’t see Sebas with Doris. She’s not exactly a nice girl."
    Um, well, you have a point. But I think maybe she is a nice girl deep inside, but she is way too loyal to her friend, Refrida. And maybe not as bright as all that, considering the excuses Refrida has come up with for her evil plots.

    Maybe she needs a nice guy to show her the light.

    Another odd one is Wanda. "Call of the blood"? I don't know if I can believe that, but there was something there. It would be interesting to see what Wanda will do.
    Also interesting is that the upper class (financially, at least) Rivero Cuéllar family is getting entwined a bit with the market people through Pedrito. The novela might do something with this.

    I do feel bad for poor Alma, but we have been saying right from the beginning that people can't just keep lost children they come across. We will see.
    It looks like there might be some quite interesting story lines, other than idiot JE, coming our way in a while.


  14. vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana! Really great recap.

    I'm short on time. Spent most of the day studying for my CA drivers license test. After a certain age (ahem) you have to take a knowledge of the rules of the road test and eye exam in person at a DMV office. Tomorrow's my day to appear and I wanted to ace the test.

    JE has stopped saying the baby isn't his. When he met with Rebeca, I guess he bought that there was a slim chance it could be his. So he's showing himself as grieving daddy for the rest of the cast.

    When Bruno was coercing Romina to join his not yet started "business", she got up in his face a little bit, but she neglected to remind him he threatened her (on behalf of Misael) that her children would be killed if she spoke up saying that the Bruno/Misael crew were the ones who stole the money.

    I find myself getting really tired of the portrayals of telenovela motherly love. They do it over and over again. Elena is a particularly disgusting example, refusing to believe one child and unconditional with the one she lost many years ago. And it was stupid of Lupe to try to jump out of the van TWICE when Lucas was doing what he was supposed to do to entrap Brayan. All telenovela mothers will throw themselves into a burning building or go to prison to protect their precious babies. At least one of my least favorite fathers, Luis, got to hear from Bryan's mouth why his son took so long to leave the neighborhood thugs.

    I kept expecting Romina to burst in when Luciano was comforting Fatima.

    Romina JUMPED at the chance to go into business with Bruno. Clearly her ambition means more to her than anything. She wants Luciano back but is more than willing to drag him away from the career he loves for her own opportunity.  The actor portraying Romina drives me nuts. When she gets excited about anything, her eyes get so big she looks like an idiot.

  15. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you.

    "I am so tired of Elena believing Rebeca and treating Angel so poorly. Angel and Cris could end up cell mates and bond like mother and daughter. When Elena begs Angel to forgive her I hope Angel doesn’t forgive too quickly" was well phrased.

    Angel and Fatima are more like sisters than cousins but Elena and Cris don't appear to have that strong of a bond. I think that might change when Elena's world comes crashing down. In effect, Elena will end up "losing" Rebeca in one way or another. No one can understand pain like that more than Cris who lost her beloved Dulce and grandchild.

    Perhaps Romina will join Beca and Angel in jail...


  16. VIVIR

    Andy, your kind words have made my day. Thank you.

    "But JE really is a turkey. And I really shouldn't insult turkeys like that". 😊 Hear, hear!

    I'm confused about all the security camera musings. We know Angel didn't push Rebeca down the stairs. As you wisely noted, why does Rebeca think the tape will show otherwise? I can't help but think those lining up to support Rebeca are acting on emotion rather than reason and fact.

    You are also right in that Wanda's call of the blood wasn't very powerful. More like a whimpering?? :)

    I so enjoy your insight especially "Also interesting is that the upper class (financially, at least) Rivero Cuéllar family is getting entwined a bit with the market people through Pedrito. The novela might do something with this". Excellent idea to broaden the plotline and move the focus off "idiot JE"!


  17. Andy, I'm thinking Rebecca was happy to learn of the cameras so she can sabotage the tapes (probably with Monica's help again). With Elena believing her and not Angelli and the staff rallying around Rebeca also they are certainly setting up a case against Angelli. Not only is the Dr. crooked, but some other staff as well. A nurse or aide would have been involved in her care after falling. Not to be graphic, but blood is involved in miscarriages ( I know personally as I had 3), so unless it was conveniently her time of the month ...I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

  18. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, you weave craziness into sanity! LOL Beca could use your guidance!

    I agree that it was totally weird (and inappropriate) for Coral to ask why Cris didn't report Mau missing! He's a philanderer with a history of abandoned and (as far as Cris knows) he abandoned her again, why would she report him missing? He's not missing he's gone!!! Well dead, but Cris doesn't know that. Only in novelaland would it be suspicious that a twice bitten spouse who believes her hubby just skipped town wouldn't file a missing person's report!!! Heck IRL the police wouldn't even take that report - especially since it's less than 72 hours.

    I can't comment of the Angel/Beca staircase thing because it's formulaic and we know what is going to happen....but I find it annoying that nurses want to line up to say what they 'saw'! They didn't see anything!!! Why so quick to condemn something you know nothing about?? I guess all doctors are corrupt and the nurses are spiteful gossips??

    Of note, Doris told Sebas that she hasn't met her father and doesn't know who he is, so I guess that points back to the possibility that Armando is stocking her because she is his daughter?? Idk, I haven't paid much attention to that because that dude is weird and I can't get past the why would Gigi marry him(???) of it all!!!

    Lupe is just annoying.... what does she think she's going to do? I'm with you novelera, you know exactly why you are there, and the moment Brayan says boo she's gonna jump out of the van and do what???? That said, I still see Brayan as all bark and no bite. Lucky for him he doesn't have to do anything, because everyone believes he will do it. You know because the threat works!!! I truly wonder what would happen if someone called his bluff and backed him into a corner.... I think he'd fold and go to jail. There's a big jump between throwing a few punches and homicide.

    I am okay with Sebas with Doris because I agree with Andy, she's not a bad girl. She's a follower with bad decision-making skills, but I don't see evil or malice; she's still in time to be redeemed by a good influence. Plus, those two have a fun flirty vibe and seem well matched.

  19. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you so much.

    Wishing you the best of luck today!

    JE "showing himself as grieving daddy for the rest of the cast" was great.

    Romina's ambition knows no bounds. I can't believe she considered, even for a moment going to work for him. She completely discounted his threats on her children as you noted. Not to mention he threw her under the bus. Don't those track marks still sting??

    "I find myself getting really tired of the portrayals of telenovela motherly love...Elena is a particularly disgusting example, refusing to believe one child and unconditional with the one she lost many years ago". I cannot argue with that...


  20. VIVIR…de beanies…

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks for the kind words, Susan. Diana does all the heavy lifting. I came for the show and stayed for the patio discourse. I love to see all the feedback. I really appreciate Ms. Diana for responding to each and every one of our posts. It’s my favorite Dear Abby column on the internet.

    Dear Diana, thank you and friend for socking it to this frustrating episode. I love your parenthetical jabs and when you mutter your comments, I nod/LOL/turn into Muttley. Rebeca’s (9.0) swan dive?!! Bwa ha!

    On the Beanie Scale: this episode gets 8.7 out of 1O. I know we’re supposed to suspend disbelief, but gadzooks (inspired by your “Egad!”)!

    Pedrito needing directions from Wanda (out of nowhere)?!’ Ok. We know where this is going, but that was just lazy. C’mon, writers!

    Big-eyed idiot Romina (LOL, Novelera)! What part of he-threatened-your-family-and-put-your-arse-in-jail are you forgetting? Ambition: 1O; common sense: -17.

    The whole Law & Order-Barrio action was a farce. I lost all respect for former dynamo Agent Corral for turning the Brayan sting into Family Circus. There’s no way Lucas wouldn’t have had his butt (and wire) handed to him by real thugs. But since these are the Ringling Brothers variety, I guess they’re not as smart/hardcore.

    I can’t with the metiche nurses who are all buzzing that they saw Ang hurl Big Reb down the stairs. ¡Enfermeras chismosas! I don’t think Ang could hoist our little Pedrito down some stairs. Now we’re supposed to believe half the hospital saw her fling a psycho succubus to her baby’s doom AND they’re all willing to testify?!

    I’m calling my optometrist. I need a prescription for eyestrain due to chronic eye roll STAT!

  21. Vivid

    Diana, thank you for another great report as Becky tries and lies and buses and doctors lie for her.

    Armando is protective of Doris because he is her dad ????

    Bruno is disgusting, so I sincerely hope eager beaver Romina packs her bags and joins his new "company." When Brutish Bruno was sitting at his desk playing with that letter opener , I fantasized about either Monica or Misael using it to open him up. Sorrynotsorry.

  22. Vivir

    Buses???...that was supposed to be nurses....sorry, hurrying .

  23. Vivir

    I've decided that the only people I can stand are the effervescent Pedrocito , ice cream loving Don E, and calm , quiet Renato. I could spend some time with these guys , Maybe we could share a delicious meal prepared by Renato and then ice cream cones and a game of Quirkle (A fun game for young and old. )

    Andy, I know you are hoping for Doris ending up with sweet Sebas, but that cannot happen until she stops supporting evil, BSC Fribecky.

  24. Nadie Como Tu #33
    Since it's just me I'm going to make a short recap of the episode from memory hitting on the memorable parts condensed by characters. I'll skip some of the minor character's scenes.
    Jose Maria and Teresa are in agreement they love each other. JM wants to marry Teresa after he officially divorces Begoña. Teresa refuses. She needs to learn to love herself and get away to Mexico City and reshape her life. They have loved each other for 20 years and always will. She needs to do this. She leaves in a taxi.
    Jonas is once again drunk. First he fights with his henchman. Later he hallucinates about a heavily pregnant Carmen again.
    Romina looks through Matias' box of memorabilia. In the bottom is a letter he wrote to Ximena ( but never delivered) about how much he loves her. Romina sets up a meeting with Ximena and accuses X of being a golddigger, first Matias, then Salvador and finally Jonas. Ximena admits that Matias told her he loved her but she only ever loved him as a brother. Ximena keeps the letter, since she feels it belongs to her.
    Nestor is trying to restart things with Celia at the cafe where he now is working. She tells him this isn't the time or place and makes doe eyes at Martha (which is reciprocated) who has arrived at the cafe.
    Poor Cirili (Cinderella) in the kitchen of the orphanage staring at her chafed dishpan hands. Tiredly she goes to the stove, adjusts the burners, lifts a heavy pot of liquid off the stove, stumbles and drops the pot. It appears she has severely burned her hands (and probably her legs as she is wearing shorts).
    Final scene is at a church where the Madrigal family (sans Teresa but with Jazmine) are at a memorial mass for Bianca who died 20 some years ago. Hugo is skulking in the background. After the service he follows Eduardo and Jazmine from a distance. A newspaper stand is selling a newspaper with a baby's face that stirs a memory. He purchases it (the story of the tragic death of Bianca Madrigal). He flashes back to his 5 or 6 y.o. self and what happened. His mother bringing the baby to their home and saying it was his sister Ximena (even though he knew she was dead). He pulls out an old photo of him and the new Ximena he carries in his wallet and a lightbulb goes off.

  25. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Your recaps are always a pleasure.

    So all of a sudden the nurses are on top of wrongdoing in the hospital and want to help Rebeca against Angel. Where were these "good" nurses when Rebeca faked she had mioma (sp?), when she faked she didn't have a miscarriage/abortion, and when she faked she was still pregnant? The whole incompetent medical staff needs to be locked up.

  26. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your kind words.

    You always add so much to the discussion and to my understanding of these mostly murky conversations.

    "I can’t with the metiche nurses who are all buzzing that they saw Ang hurl Big Reb down the stairs. ¡Enfermeras chismosas! I don’t think Ang could hoist our little Pedrito down some stairs" was an excellent point!

    "There’s no way Lucas wouldn’t have had his butt (and wire) handed to him by real thugs. But since these are the Ringling Brothers variety, I guess they’re not as smart/hardcore" was insightful and exacgtly on target. Ringling Brothers indeed!

    "I’m calling my optometrist. I need a prescription for eyestrain due to chronic eye roll STAT!" Love it."Gadzooks!!"


  27. VIVIR


    Thank you very much.

    "Only in novelaland would it be suspicious that a twice bitten spouse who believes her hubby just skipped town wouldn't file a missing person's report!!!" A very valid point!

    "I find it annoying that nurses want to line up to say what they 'saw'! They didn't see anything!!! Why so quick to condemn something you know nothing about?? I guess all doctors are corrupt and the nurses are spiteful gossips??" Thank you for encapsulating that splendidly.

    I completely agree with you that Gi marrying Armando makes no sense at all. I suspect we will see a bit more on Armando and Doris shortly...

    As Andy (and now you) are behind Doris and Sebastian as a couple, I am too! I believe in redemption and second chances. That said, Doris better not do any more of Beca's evil bidding.

    Kat, I hadn't thought of Beca being able to manipulate the tapes but maybe you are onto something.


  28. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you...

    "Brutish Bruno was sitting at his desk playing with that letter opener , I fantasized about either Monica or Misael using it to open him up. Sorrynotsorry". Another laugh out loud moment. Too, too funny.

    I'll only say that Armando seemed quite protective of Doris...

    I agree with your choices as to who you like...All for an ice cream social too!


  29. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you.

    "Where were these "good" nurses when Rebeca faked she had mioma (sp?), when she faked she didn't have a miscarriage/abortion, and when she faked she was still pregnant? The whole incompetent medical staff needs to be locked up". You captured this exceptionally well. I'm completely baffled by why they want to help Beca who is clearly guilty of harming herself.


  30. VIVIR #58 Part 1

    Thanks to my friend who provided the all-important, illuminating, fascinating dialog.

    We see a repeat of the nurse filling Rebeca in on JE asking about the cameras. Her expression mirrors that something untoward and devious is fermenting in her fevered brain.

    Agent Corral meets with Cris, Adolfo and Monica admonishing them not to touch anything. She asks why Mau disappeared so suddenly. Cris agrees, and muses, wondering if something happened to him. Monica spews he probably got tired as Cris never got over Adolfo; she is getting what she deserves. Agent Corral gives Cris her card and tells her to call if anything comes up.

    Sebastian and JE are brainstorming as they sip tequila. They talk about getting the videos to see what actually transpired. Well-intentioned but naïve Sebastian still thinks he should talk to Rebeca. JE is repulsed at the idea of being with a woman like her. He thinks how worried Angel was and all he wants to do is hug her and assure her all will be well.

    Angel tells Jimena she thinks JE believed her, she could see it in his eyes, Ji blames JE for being with Rebeca; he fell right into the spider’s web, he asked for it. Jimena tells her Mau is missing…

    Cris asks Monica why she hates her so much. Monica spews it was enough that Cris stole her husband. Cris assures her they would never betray her. Adolfo chides Monica for being so relentless in her attack on Cris. He says that she should be supporting Cris to which Monica sarcastically says “bravo”, clapping mockingly. He wonders why Monica is so interested in what he does now. Monica wants to continue her attack but he takes her firmly by the arm, dragging her away as she calls out an array of derogatory remarks including “mentirosa” and “zora”. Cris tells her to talk to the hand.

    Elena arrives home and asks if Santi is there. No she is told. To no one’s surprise, we see him gambling. When you take a quick look at someone’s face and can immediately tell whether or not they have a good hand, it’s time for them to quit. One look at Santi’s smile left no doubt he had a good hand; he did indeed win.

    Monica tells Adolfo she is his wife and demands he treat her accordingly. She forbids him to speak to her in that way in front of Cris. She accuses him of betraying her with Cris the entire time. When she demands that he deny he loves Cris, he remains silent. Misael saunters in and matter of factly relates that seeing them arguing is nothing new; he would prefer to listen to music. Adolfo tells Monica their marriage hasn’t worked and he regrets not accepting it earlier. After he leaves, Monica spews she loathes Cris, te odio!


  31. VIVIR #58 Part 2

    Lupe comes home to a warm welcoming gathering, replete with balloons. She thanks God for giving her so many people she loves. Loli missed her. Alma silently recalls Rebeca’s threat to make Loli disappear. Alma tells Loli she has grown and tells Marisa to care of Loli and not to leave her alone for even a minute. Luis thinks Alma should rest in her room where she can still hear them having fun. Alma says her home is their home. Lupe comments that Alma looks sad. When Rebeca is mentioned, Marisa tells them she won’t be coming as Rebeca is in the hospital.

    JE sits on his bed holding the alabaster container containing his son’s (cigarette) ashes. “Mi bebe” he laments. He didn’t have the chance to get to know him but will greatly miss him he asserts, wiping away tears.

    Angel is half lying on her couch, murmuring about JE. She is lost in her thoughts and when Renato knocks, she doesn’t answer. Thinking she must be asleep, he leaves.

    We see JE leaning back, asleep as he suffers a nightmare. He envisions Angel in jail, screaming she is innocent as she sinks down to the floor, holding the cell’s iron bars. Out loud he vows that “you won’t succeed Rebeca”.

    Misal and Je meet on a park bench. JE advises Misael he had a bad day; Misael says he heard Rebeca lost the baby. Misael wonders if JE is leaving Rebeca as he was only with her because of the baby. When JE tells him he asked Reb for a divorce, Misael congratulates him. I believe he also said he knows JE loves Angel.

    Romina is on her computer muttering to herself. When Luciano comes down the stairs, she asks if he is OK. He notes he hasn’t been able to reach JE. Romina is trying to find something and JE says she can find just about anything. She purses her lips.

    A glorious sun rises in the sky.

    A solemn ceremony at the mausoleum begins. JE puts the tiny alabaster box in its final resting place as he hugs Don Emilio while Adolfo rubs his back. Cris kisses the container and places another angel next to it. Elena is comforted by Gi and Sebastian gulps with pain as he moves forward. JE cries as Cris comforts him and we see Angel peeking around the corner but not making her presence known. Gi suggests Elena go rest. Don Emilio encourages JE, telling him he has the entire family behind him. JE is sad he will have to leave the baby there. He and Sebastian share a heartfelt, heartbroken hug. Cris regrets things happened the way they did. JE is worried the innocent will be hurt. He tells them Rebeca is accusing Angel of pushing her down the stairs and the videos don’t show much. After Adolfo tells them Angel could be charged with attempted murder and the murder of the baby, JE assures him he will talk to Rebeca today.


  32. VIVIR #58 Part 3 of 3

    Doris brings Rebeca what she requested and can’t believe what Rebeca has planned (viewerville collectively shudder). Rebeca tells her about accusing Angel of pushing her down the stairs. Her mother believed her but JE asked for a divorce. Never fear, I have a plan to keep JE with me forever.

    JE runs into Renato at the hospital and they rattle their sabers for a while. He tells JE he has caused Angel much grief and warns him to stay away. When he tells JE he should go talk to Rebeca, he retorts that is exactly what he is going to do.

    Petra comes in followed by Agent Corral and another officer. She tells them Mau was murdered. Cris blinks incredulously.

    OMG there are armed guards outside Rebeca’s hospital room. Rebeca tells JE the agent is there to get her statement about Angel pushing her. He tells the agent to leave, he wants to be alone with his wife. He asks her what she wants and she says him! She taunts him with the idea of Angel suffering in prison. He has Angel’s destiny in his hands.

    JE can’t understand how Rebeca would want to live with a man who despises her. After she tells him she won’t allow him to treat her like trash, he tells her they will have as little contact as possible; he won’t even look her in the eye. He can’t believe how jealous she is of Angel. He says she threw herself down the stairs without caring about the baby. Only a sick individual could do what she is doing. He will stay with her but every day they are together she will feel his hate. She agrees and tells the agent she lost her balance. She is still confused about the fall and can’t press charges until she can think clearly. After the agent leaves Rebeca threatens he better not mess with her. JE says that if they stay married it is only so she can see how much he loves Angel. He says she is mentally infirm and won’t stop until he uncovers all her lies.

    Agent Corral tells Cris that Mau was killed in an alley. Dios Mio Cris says! They talked about how Mau earned money with Cris explaining he was working on something that would get him a lot of money (blackmail). Then they explained why he was staying there, he was ill. Corral says they will need to ID the body and answer some questions.

    JE stumbles down the hospital corridor, recalling swimming with Angel and how happy they were. He silently tells “mi vida” he doesn’t know how or when but he will find a way so they can be together forever.

    Angel is thinking back to their wedding where she thanks him and he promises to love her forever, man and wife. She knows she should forget about JE. Her idyllic daydream is broken up by Marisa who brings her a folder. She thanks Marisa and tells her that what she needs to do is to work. That will be her refuge.

    Rebeca is asking for something more for the pain as Brayan is crawling around on the hospital floor. Brayan enters her (unguarded) room and in total exasperation, Rebeca asks him what he is doing there. He leans down and kisses her as she pushes him away calling him an idiot. Elena walks in.

    Adolfo calls JE and tells him Mau has been murdered and that Cris is (naturally) very upset. JE’s face falls and asks if Fatima has been told…


  33. Vivir. Magnificent recap as usual, Diana! "Cris tells her to talk to the hand." Funny! Rebeca is so easy to read! And so evil! Misael would love for JE to divorce Rebeca so he could have her. That was a moving funeral ceremony even if the ashes aren't the baby's. In her hospital chat with Doris Rebeca says that she has killed 2 birds with 1 stone: she has suffered a "miscarriage" without having to feign a pregnancy or worry about the original real miscarriage being discovered and she can accuse Angelli of causing her to fall. Win win! At last! The police have discovered Mauricio's body and know he was shot--almost certainly a murder. There goes 1 loose end. I can't imagine why Rebeca wants to stay with a man who hates her except to spite Angelli. She must be nuts! (as JE suspects). Could Rebeca get addicted to pain medication?

  34. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank you so much for yet another excellent account of all the drama . Love reading your words everyday .

    Goodbye...again...Mau. I actually enjoyed him baiting dreadful Refrida. He took such pure joy doing it . His face beamed with every interaction with arrogant Becky. I'll miss that smirk.

    My favorite part was Brayan sneaking into Refrida's room and planting a big kiss on her . This guy isn't exactly inconspicuous , so kudos on him scurrying through the halls unnoticed . I hope he never stops popping up to visit .It is always a highlight of an
    episode for me, especially now that Refrida's other dedicated tormenter Mau is gone for realz now.

    Gee, another woman who wants a man who hates her just for revenge. Sounds familiar .

    Doris, stop doing Refrida's bidding if you want me to want you with sweet Sebas. Dulce was very dulce, so you have her shoes to fill. The bar is high , and you have been pretty low due to the company you keep ...BSC , revenge bent Refrida.

  35. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much.

    "In her hospital chat with Doris Rebeca says that she has killed 2 birds with 1 stone: she has suffered a "miscarriage" without having to feign a pregnancy or worry about the original real miscarriage being discovered and she can accuse Angelli of causing her to fall. Win win! At last!" Thank you for these important utterances; "win win" was perfect!

    SpanProf, I was also moved by the ceremony. Although we knew the remains were not human, all of the angst and heartache were very real. I couldn't help but tear up a bit when Sebastian broke down as it was not only for JE's loss but his own, searing one.

    Great question about Rebeca possibly becoming addicted to pain killers! We'll have to keep our eyes peeled.


  36. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you...

    Yes, Mau did delight in tormenting Beca, didn't he? I only wish someone was waiting in the wings to take his place.

    I enjoyed your comment on Brayan a "guy isn't exactly inconspicuous, so kudos on him scurrying through the halls unnoticed." :) It will be interesting how Rebeca introduces him to Elena. I hold out no hope Elena will be suspicious as she takes everything Rebeca says at face value.

    Doris is still right there for Rebeca. So frustrating.


  37. Vivir

    Super job, Diana.

    The good guys are pitiful. Nobody has a plan for dealing with Rebeca. They just cave.

    Renato sure did get feisty telling JE it's all JE's fault for sleeping with Rebeca in the first place. This made me think it'll come out somehow that JE never boinked Rebeca. I like Renato, but it's not his place to tell JE to stay away from Angel. It's his place to make Angel want him (Renato), if he can.

  38. Vivir
    Niecie, interesting comments on Renato. He is patient and kind and has beautiful eyes, but we all know the formula...the galan gets the HEA with the leading lady.

    Whenever I see the word "boink", I think of my very first novela " Alborada" . Melinama referred to Don Luis ( Fernando Co!unga) " as the mystery boinker of Santa Rita ".....and I plummeted down the Telenovela rabbit hole.


  39. VIVIR

    Thanks Niecie.

    Rebeca has no formidable foe now that Mau is gone. The good guys have no game. "Pitiful" is exactly right.

    "It's his place to make Angel want him (Renato), if he can" was spot on. I kind of smirked about the "if he can" because I think we all know he is the steadfast little engine that won't. :)



    73.) Marina rejects Saul's engagement proposal, but she will accept his help: Marina wants to make everyone believe that she's leaving with Saul; Saul agrees to the terms. Marina & Saul plan to leave during the weekend.

    74.) Scumbag Augie walking up to Renata & Antonio while they're doing prints for the kids. Of course, Scumbag Augie fakes the remorse & other deeds because we all know he's still scheming to steal Renata right from under Jeronimo. Speaking of Jeronimo, he walks right into the conversation & kisses Renata right in front of Scumbag Augie, who's pissed off.

    75.) La Bonita HQ: Carlos the Gullibe IDIOT thanks Priscilla on doing him a favor by leaving La Bonita. We all know Priscilla is scheming to take Carlos back & she'll do whatever it takes to getting him back.

    76.) Jeronimo thanks Antonio for getting Renata's fingerprints. Looks like Renata's fingerprints will be sent to Isidro ASAP.

    77.) Of course, Carlos & Matilde still arguing over his previous relationship with Priscilla: BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-BLAH.

    78.) Over at the church: Marina tells Uncle Padre Seve that she's leaving with Saul. Of course, Uncle Padre is NOT thrilled about his niece leaving town with Saul, who is still up to no good.

    79.) Empresas Monterrubio HQ: Adriana asks Slacker Berta what was she doing the previous night. Slacker Berta says she was staying at the house the previous night, she takes the folder with the accounts. Adriana & Matias both figure out Slacker Berta is LYING again.

    80.) Antonio calls Isidro & tells him he will send him Renata's fingerprints tomorrow via mail. Isidro is happy about this development; Antonio reassures him he will have them in just 48 HRS.

    81.) Regina telling Inez that she didn't have the heart to taking the baby away from Connie; She gave Connie until the weekend to find Corina (who's scamming Connie for $$$$$$) & return the baby to her ASAP.

    82.) Matilde telling Manuela about her temper tantrum on the obvious subject: Priscilla scheming to stealing Carlos away from her.

    83.) Law enforcement authorities arrest Connie for kidnapping Sandra Ortiz. NOT shocked about this development.

  41. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana, you covered everything in an action packed episode.

    I don’t want to seem unsympathetic, but JE was told he wasn’t the father by Alma. Also, how far along was Rebeca, in her pretend mind? I’m guessing 3 or 4 months as she hadn’t tried to make a baby bump yet. I lost a baby at about that time, you don’t bury or cremate it. And you certainly aren’t given it to hold. But of course I’m sitting here wondering if they burned paper or it’s ashes from a fireplace. So it’s hard to feel any empathy for JE. Plus Rebeca would have been a horrible mother. Times have changed so maybe it’s different now.

    My first thought on Elena walking in on Rebeca with Brayan was would she recognize him as the motorcycle rider who about ran her down.

    How will Misal react when he finds out JE and Rebeca are staying together! And why is Adolfo still with Monica. I can’t think of one reason for him to stay with her.


  42. Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana & Friend for bringing us all the action and intrigue of this episode.

    Notes from this installment:
    Best line: (after witnessing his “parents” arguing, Misael bursts out with) Poignant! …Your fights are boring; I’d rather listen to music. Oh, but if you’re going to kill each other, make sure I’m around.

    Most cartoonish emotion: Mónica’s hatred for Cristina (“hasta vomitar”). The writers have done a poor job of developing WHY such hyperbolic angst exists. Booze? Pills? Makeup poisoning? The level of hatred is far beyond the trysts and turns revealed so far. Close runner-up: Reb’s congenital hatred of Ang.

    Literal Graffiti: in JE’s dream sequence, someone spray painted the anarchy symbol and “Under the jail” in Ang’s cell. JE is afraid they will throw the book at Ang for Rebecca’s claims and send her “abajo la carcel.”

    Sexy pajamas: Misael’s grey paisley pajamas were distracting (in a good way) during his powwow with JE. The latter’s pajamas were quite swanky as well. I’m sure I’ve asked this before: is it illegal for men to button their shirts above their belly buttons in Mexico? Asking for two cousins. I thought they were on the grounds of d. Emilio’s estate BTW.

    Pseudo Google: BEIR (Big-Eyed Idiot Romina) was actually putting together a proposal to impress Bruno (Gag!) and become partners. She declares she won’t sign anything until she verifies his business is legit.

    Dorotea Action: whatever Doris brought Rebecca was “made from green tea, Chinese or Korean, and really good.” She tells Reb she looks jacked and must have blown a fuse for what she is doing. Reb then puts some funky black Bjoré-looking strips under her eyes. Whatever the plan, she looks ready for Super Bowl LIX.

    (Un)Intentionally cruel term of endearment: Reb calls JE “Papito” when she’s threatening to send Ang to jail. JE was just crying his eyes out earlier over the remains of a dozen Marlboro Reds. Too soon. Rebecca. Too soon

  43. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you.

    Liz and Kat, I am very sorry for the losses both of you experienced.

    I honestly had no idea how far along Rebeca was supposed to be "in her pretend mind" (which was perfect).

    JE is choosing to ignore Alma's truth, and continues to lament the baby was his, choosing to embrace Rebeca's baldfaced lie. Why, I can't begin to answer.

    Rebeca would have been a very unfit and dangerous mother.

    "My first thought on Elena walking in on Rebeca with Brayan was would she recognize him as the motorcycle rider who about ran her down" was a great point which I hadn't remembered. Now that would be a nice conversational opener! :)

    Misael is a fool; Rebeca used him, dumped him and clearly doesn't want him. What doesn't he understand?


  44. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another home run! I think you got everything of any importance and you certainly cleared up some things for me. And fun to read, even though the novela itself was hard to watch sometimes.

    Monica could drive anybody crazy, but she does add a lot to this novela. Hmmm, I'm not sure if I am applauding her or disparaging the novela...
    But her argument with Adolfo was very sad. How many years they passed like this...
    And she blames her extra-marital adventures due to his coldness. Misael might want to get a DNA test.
    And some decent PJs. Maybe something like my Superman PJs.

    Is Mau really, really dead? It seems air tight this time, but I'm still suspicious. I'd still want to stick a large pin in him.

    O.S., thank you for "a psycho succubus" for our "sweet" Rebeca. She is really unbelievable. Like throwing a switch she has changed from "I love you profoundly, JE, and I always will" to "Tow the line, sucker, or I'll make sure your true love rots in jail."

    She's beginning to scare me.

    Those of us who feel that there is hope for Doris will have to send her lots of good vibes and encourage her to break off her dependence on Psycho Becky.


  45. VIVIR

    O.S., thanks so much.

    Your humor was a late night treat.

    " it illegal for men to button their shirts above their belly buttons in Mexico? Asking for two cousins" had me laughing away. I have to be honest, I never realized they had pajamas on...

    "Most cartoonish emotion: Mónica’s hatred for Cristina (“hasta vomitar”).The writers have done a poor job of developing WHY such hyperbolic angst exists". "Makeup poisoning" was really wry.

    "Reb then puts some funky black Bjoré-looking strips under her eyes. Whatever the plan, she looks ready for Super Bowl LIX" was a perfect description.

    "...JE was just crying his eyes out earlier over the remains of a dozen Marlboro Reds. Too soon. Rebecca. Too soon". You went and saved the best for last...


  46. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your nice words.

    "Monica could drive anybody crazy, but she does add a lot to this novela. Hmmm, I'm not sure if I am applauding her or disparaging the novela..." was but one of your always sharp and witty observations.

    " really unbelievable. Like throwing a switch she has changed from "I love you profoundly, JE, and I always will" to "Tow the line, sucker, or I'll make sure your true love rots in jail" echoed the sharp U turn of her affections perfectly. Scary indeed.

    I do think Mau has exhaled his last breath...

    Doris and Rebeca's one sided friendship seems (sadly) intact. I expect at some point Rebeca will do or propose something so horrendous that Doris will be forced to make a choice to either keep enabling her or putting a stop to her.


  47. Vivir

    My day started in a great way by reading the new comments for Diana's superb recap .

    I will carry " asking for two cousins" through the day with me and share it with my favorite cousin who emails me every day with his plans and funny sense of humor.

    It looks like Refrida was trying to do some damage control on her face with those things that looked like flattened slugs . She is gearing up for her upcoming battles to rope and hogtie JE ( Just Emasculated ). Not her first rodeo .It's the Wild West now law, no order....just the tumbling outlaw Bryan lurking and annoying her . Go, Bryan . Bring it on.

  48. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, once again you weave silliness into gold! This novela is off the rails for me right now, but I still look forward to your recaps every day!

    I think Rebeca and Monica are pictures of each other and that their hatred of their sisters goes back to something broken in their own souls. We don't have a good explanation for the why, because there isn't one, it existed from the beginning. We saw that Frida already hated Angel as a very small child because she felt that she took her parents love. I'm guessing Monica was the same, you can't say it's because of Aldolfo, because the Aldolfo stealing happened because the hatred already existed. I knew a kid once who had to be removed from his home at like age 5 because he was already a danger to his little brother and seemed to hate him. It's hard to understand how such an ugly emotion lives in such a young and should-be innocent child, but I think both Monica and Rebeca are pictures of that.

    Romina is an idiot.... who in their right minds would hang their hat on going back to work with someone who burned them before? Even if Bruno was only doing it because Misael forced him to (which isn't true of course) and he had a future legit business opportunity (also not true), it's still a very very bad idea to go into business with him!!! If you're going to be ambitious to the point of selling your family down the river to get ahead, shouldn't you be a little smarter too??

    I guess the fact that JE and Misael found each other in PJs in the middle of the night to have a little 'can't sleep' chat, lends credence to the idea that they are living in the same house after all? Or maybe it's a compound? One than one house on the same property? It does look like quite a big estate...

  49. Nadie#34
    Teresa is in her dust covered house in Mexico City. Her piano brings back memories of Raimundo promising her a piano and teacher at the hacienda. (Not sure if they are courting or already married here).
    Jonas confronts Nestor at the cafe demanding he returns to work for him or else he'll turn him into the police for theft and kidnapping girls. Celia's sister calls Salvador about the situation.
    Jonas and the crooked policeman Laurencio are plotting something in regards to Nestor.
    Jazmine and Salvador argue with Jose Maria about Teresa.
    Romina accosts Tristan in his room. She wants another night together before her (supposed) surgery. He tells her his heart belongs to Toña. Romina doesn't want his heart… she kisses him and of course he can't push her away.
    Jazmine calls Begoña to tell her that JM has returned without Teresa.
    Romina tells Salvador that his brother wanted to marry Ximena. (How none o off the family ever saw the letter in Matias’ box of memorabilia confounds me.)
    Ximena rereads Matias’ letter with tears in her eyes.
    Jonas once again pounding shots in his bedroom tries to call Ximena but only gets voicemail. As he leaves her a long message Raimundo overhears him in the doorway. Jonas confesses he plans to marry Ximena which earns him a slap and a threat to disown him. Jonas in turn threatens his dad with divulging all his criminal actions ( which Jonas is also involved in) so it becomes a stalemate between the two.
    Endirina is giving Jose Maria a massage to relax him. Hugo spies her. After JM leaves Hugo demands to know who his father is. Is it Raimundo? She insists it was her dead husband but he knows better. He tells her now is the time to get in El Patron’s bed with Teresa no longer in the picture. She refuses and he threatens her with exposure for stealing Ximena and claiming she was his dead “twin”? He has nothing to lose and he is calling the shots now.
    Salvador asks Ximena if it is true that Matias wanted to marry her. She tells him she only loved him as a brother. Salvador shows her a screenshot of the letter Romina gave him. Ximena is like “Of course, Romina…”. She then decides to tell him what he seems to want to hear. Yes first she went for Matias, then him and now Jonas. Are you satisfied?
    Jonas is still drinking, falls asleep, now Carmen enters his room with his crying baby. He gets his gun and goes after her apparition but then Eduardo enters and calms him down blaming the nightmare on his drinking that helps nothing.
    All sitting at the dinner table at Jose Maria's casa when he receives a call from a contact in Mexico City who wants to buy all their mezcal stock. Romina chimes in with wanting to help advertise their new line on her website which they think is a great idea. Poor Ximena is totally lost on the computer jargon. Salvador then gets a call from the detective on the Matias murder case. They have the guy Jonas was working with in custody. Unfortunately he is near death. If he dies there goes the case against the Madrigals.

  50. VIVIR

    Thanks so much for your kind words Darcy.

    I can't believe I never noticed the PJ's. Yes, does this mean they are all living at the same house not so snug as a bug??

    And this, replete with wisdom: "I think Rebeca and Monica are pictures of each other and that their hatred of their sisters goes back to something broken in their own souls. We don't have a good explanation for the why, because there isn't one, it existed from the beginning". So insightful!

    Susan, the comments here are all sensational. And greatly appreciated.


  51. VIVIR #59 Part 1

    Brayan turns as Elena enters Rebeca’s hospital room. Elena looks a bit surprised. She calls him “joven” but there is no sign of recognition on her face. Rebeca denies knowing him and when Elena tells him to leave, he makes a hasty retreat. Rebeca tells her JE isn’t going to divorce her and Elena gives her a warm hug.

    Luciano kisses the tops of his children’s heads and tells them he loves them. Mati asks if he is getting divorced and he says no! Romina rides in on a cloud of doom and smiles wickedly.

    JE calls Fatima and with a sense of foreboding Fatima asks “it’s my father isn’t it? Yes, JE affirms, he is dead. Fatima looks stunned.

    Luis and Lupe congratulate Lucas; they are so proud of him. They realize he only wanted to protect them. Luis says they are the ones that should be protecting him. Another sting operation is in the words and Corral and Lucas begin to strategize.

    A distraught Fatima leaves her house.

    Outside in broad daylight, dressed in street clothes (I was sure to check!) Misael, (the lying sack of murdering dirt) catches up with JE and tells his primo he is sorry about Mau’s death. JE doesn’t know the status of the investigation as Misael thought bubbles that JE will be surprised when he finds out who (was set up) to kill Mau.

    Angel welcomes Alma to her home; she feels happy and tranquil there. Alma doesn’t think she should be forgiven. Angel thinks she has nothing to forgive (I dare say Elena would strongly disagree). Alma mutters that she wanted to die without her daughter. When she found the little girl, all she would think was that the little one was Rebeca and that God had sent her little girl back to her. Angel is very sympathetic.

    With Elena still standing by Rebeca’s bedside, Misael calls her and she immediately says “Doris” into the phone. As she tries to hurry him off the phone he tells his “preciosa” Mau’s body has been found.

    Angel continues to be kind and understanding to Alma; she holds no malice toward her and hopes that one day, she will find peace.

    Luciano looks for Fatima. She is driving and distracted, recalling her last dinner with Mau. She almost careens into another car. Luciano asks the ranch hands if they have seen Fatima but the answer is no.

    Adolfo, Cris, Fatima, and JE are at the coroner’s office. Adolfo tells Cris she doesn’t need to identify Mau’s body. Fatima and JE assure him that they will go in with their mother; you aren’t alone Fatima promises her. You have two wonderful children Adolfo tells her. She agrees and thanks them. Mau’s body is still in the black zippered bag, there is no obvious decomposition. Fatima tells Mau she doesn’t know what to say as she doesn’t know him very well. JE said that he will remember Mau asked for forgiveness. Cris also seems to forgive him, telling him to rest in peace.

    Sandra tells Luciano she thinks Fatima went to see her novio. Luciano seems doubtful and then calls Romina to tell her is going to help with the funeral arrangements. Romina is happy he is leaving so she can continue with her (evil) plans.

    At the wake, Misael taunts Monica that his father has the perfect reason to be by Cris’ side. Misael sneers that he thinks Monica would have preferred to ID Mau’s body – so she could make sure he is dead! He asks if there are any suspects. Monica responds she hopes Cris will soon be behind bars and realize how powerful the devil is! They then make a toast (because of course every wake serves alcohol).


  52. VIVIR #59 Part 2

    Angel arrives and extends her sincere condolences to Cris, hugging her. She won’t be staying long as she doesn’t wish to make anyone uncomfortable. She then goes to Don Emilio and Fatima. Fatima tells Angel she knows what happened and is sorry for what Angel is going through. They know she was not responsible for Rebeca’s fall; Don Emilio also offers his support.

    Then JE comes in with Rebeca clinging onto him like a cheap suit. Rebeca plants a huge kiss on him as Misael fumes; Angel looks downcast and Fatima, sad and angry.

    Misael tells JE he doesn’t understand him, he had said he was getting a divorce. Rebeca tells him he is wrong; they are closer than ever! She has the nerve to kiss JE not once but twice more, acting like everything is peaches and cream.

    Fatima lights into JE and Rebeca, calling her mentirosa. She is incensed Rebeca has dared to show her face. She then goes after JE, telling him he is turning out to be just like Rebeca, a liar. Fatima walks off and berates herself, asking what she did. She can’t believe she blew up like that! Angel comes out that she doesn’t understand either as JE told her he has no ties to Rebeca any longer.

    As Rebeca starts to take a seat next to Don Emilio, JE grabs her hand and pulls her away. JE derides Rebeca reminding her that he is only with her to prevent Angel going to prison because Rebeca harmed herself. Rebeca warns he better put up with it and control Farima. He puts his hands around her neck and tells her not to mess with Angel or Fatima or he won’t care if it is her who ends up in jail!

    Mau’s portrait is next to the casket. Fatima thanks Angel for being there for her. She remembers rebuffing Mau when he first returned; she shakes her head thinking she doesn’t deserve to be there.

    Romina tells Bruno she can’t take her kids right now but she needs them to keep Luciano with her. Fatima overhears and confronts him. “Romina??” she repeats. He denies it and walks away. She wonders out loud what he is up to!

    Brayan tells Lucas to check out how many cameras there are for their next heist where he plans to steal money. He and his goons are outside and he tells one of them to follow Lucas who is acting strange. Lucas describes where he is to Agent Corral. Brayan’s goon sees him and Corral warns him someone is tailing him.


  53. VIVIR #59 Part 3 of 3

    Sebastian tells JE that he doesn’t understand what he is doing so JE explains that Rebeca is forcing him to stay with her. Sebas says he can’t allow Rebeca to manipulate him. JE won’t let Rebeca hurt Angel. He is tied to Rebeca because he is an imbecile. If he has to be with Rebeca to be sure Angel can continue with her life, he will do that… Angel and JE stare at each other.

    Don Emilio talks with Angel saying he only needs to look into a person’s eyes to know their soul and Rebeca is pure evil. When he looks into Angel and JE’s eyes, he can see they love each other very much.

    Misael sits as Rebeca starts to leave the ladies rom. He enters and locks the door, asking why she is back with JE. She says JE is sad because of the loss of the baby and that he asked her to stay with him (LIAR) She finally admits she forced JE to stay with her because he planned to go back to Angel. He threatens her, hitting the wall. He tells Rebeca she is his. He grabs her around the neck and sneers that if he wants, he can tell JE that the baby is his and also explain all Rebeca has done to hurt Angel.

    Fatima is at the flower laden casket when Bruno comes up. He says Cris never should have taken Mau back. Fatima tells him this is her family’s personal business. She calls him insolent, tells him to respect her and leave. Then, Luciano arrives. “The esposa of Romina” Bruno sneers. He tells Bruno not to get near Fatima. After Bruno leaves, Fatima thanks him for coming. She needed a friend as the two hug.

    Misael runs his hand down Rebeca’s face and kisses her. He tells her that when HE decides, they will go away together. He doesn’t know what she did to make JE stay with her but she will never be able to get JE and Angel truly separated.

    Angel and JE are outside and she extends her condolences. She tells him she is tired of him telling her one thing and then doing another. She trips and falls into his arms just as Rebeca arrives to witness this. She tells him she was an idiot to believe him. Let me go she pleads as she gets in a taxi. JE is left alone standing on the driveway.

    Inside, Rebeca thinks to herself Angel and JE have betrayed her. She curses Angel and says she warned JE. Cris walks by and Rebeca pretends to trip and takes a phone out of a woman’s purse. She knows how she will seek revenge! She calls the police and reports Cris killed Mau.

    Thank you to my friend for her marvelous conversation translations.


  54. Vivir. You and your friend surpassed yourselves this time, Diana! As usual, I can't get over your wry, clever comments: "Romina rides in on a cloud of doom;" "dressed in street clothes (I was sure to check);" "Misael (the lying sack of murdering dirt);" "because of course every wake deserves alcohol;" "Rebeca clinging to him like a cheap suit." They certainly got that wake set up quickly! It's dramatic irony that Misael tells JE he's sorry about Mau's death, since he killed him, as viewerville knows. Mau's body not having obvious decomposition isn't relevant, is it? Rebeca's evil just keeps getting worse and worse. Framing Cristina for Mau's death? (Of course, she isn't the only one; Mau and Monica also have a plan firmly in place). I hope they get that Lucas-Brayan sting setup finished quickly--but instead, I suspect that something is about to go wrong.

  55. That wake sure happened fast. Made it seem it was the same day as Mau was identified. Rebecca wore lovely wake attire, complete with her bare midriff. (Sarcasm). Her fingernails were black talons as she dialed on the stolen phone in the final scene. Diana, has your friend watched all the episodes (and are you watching together or is she sending you the info?) or has it just been recently. I'm curious to know what her opinion is if this train wreck of a show.

  56. VIVIR

    SpanProf, I am so happy you enjoyed my little asides! I love to laugh although my humor may not always be for everyone :) Your comments are so thoughtfu and kind.

    "It's dramatic irony that Misael tells JE he's sorry about Mau's death, since he killed him, as viewerville knows" is exactly right.

    "Framing Cristina for Mau's death? (Of course, she isn't the only one; Mau and Monica also have a plan firmly in place)" was excellent! Everyone's vying to set her up!

    I thought Mau looked a bit too pristine but I am hazy on exactly how long ago he died. The body can bloat and leak blood in five days. The color also changes, first to green and then red within ten days or so...

    I also have an uneasy feeling about Lucas...he was lucky the first time but this is pushing it.


  57. VIVIR

    Kat, yes, as you and SpanProf noted, the wake happened quickly (once they recovered the body).

    Oh my Beca's "...fingernails were black talons as she dialed on the stolen phone in the final scene" was fantastic. I wish I had seen them, I'll keep an eye out.

    My friend is watching in real time as I am. Her language and translation skills are brilliant. She is so intuitive, sending me critical dialogue she knows that I won't be able to translate.


  58. Vivir. And regarding Mau's body, maybe the director has limits on how far he (or she) is willing to gross people out?

  59. Vivir #59

    Thanks, Diana.

    What wimpy men we have here. Luciano and JE need more testosterone; Misael needs that and a shrink.

    It never ceases to amaze me that anyone thinks they can make anyone else love them. Romina is seriously delusional and Rebecca is straight-up evil.

    I don't think Cristina was alone at any time within the estimated time window of Mauricio's murder so how do the two low-lifes think they can frame her?

    And yes, I am talking about Monica and her hellspawn, Misael.

    We're not even at the hump yet.

  60. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana, I enjoyed your thorough recap. Too bad Elena didn’t look at the phone when she handed it to Rebeca, she would have seen who it was. And if you’re two feet from someone can’t you at least tell if they’re talking to a male or female.

    I almost felt sorry for JE, but then I remembered how horrible he was to her, more than once. So yes, you need to sacrifice your happiness so Angel can be free. Although Rebeca is probably a fate worse than death.

    Rebeca decided to punish JE by reporting his mother is his father’s killer. The evidence is there, so this should get interesting. We know Adolfo will be her lawyer, so Monica is throwing her husband to the woman he loves. Did she think of this when they decided to frame Cris!

    I don’t see how Sebastian can ever end up with Doris once he finds out she’s Rebeca’s best friend and partner in crime. I’m waiting for Doris to realize how stupid she was to help Rebeca.

    If we’re not even halfway through this we have a lot more plot twists and turns. I wonder if Angel will end up marrying Renato.

    Misael is either brave or a fool. He knows Rebeca solves her problems by getting rid of them. Eventually Misael will be in danger.


  61. Vivir

    Dear Diana and Friend , thank you for an excellent report on all the drama.

    JE displayed one of the worst cases of galan paralysis when Refrida grabbed him firmly around the neck and planted that kiss on him. He just froze. Are accepting forceful PDAs part of their bargain to keep Angel out of jail?

    I love the way Fatima has Refrida's number and isn't afraid to get right into her lying face and call her out.


  62. Vivir

    I get a big kick out of Agent Coral's assistant . He evidently has no lines because he always just stands there awkwardly and silently .


  63. Vivir
    Another thought I had was JE tells Sebastian about Rebecca's blackmail but not his sister or Angelli. He and Angel could stick it to her by continuing there relationship even though he is married to Rebecca, it is no more than she deserves. I'm still wondering if their night of passion resulted in a baby. Also, wasn't Chris divorced from Mau after his ten years desertion (incarceration)? Does nobody but Angelli ever get divorced in this TN.

  64. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you once again for a great recap!

    Angel was really nice to Alma. It's a tough call, but Alma was/is a bit crazy, crazy enough to keep and raise a crazy, quite not nice, kid.

    Sandra is the cutest thing around, but I have neve been able to figure out how old she is, my initial thought was somewhere about 12.

    It's not her fault, it's the fault of JE and Rebeca, but Angelli is always a sad sack, depressed and moping. Psycho Succubus, on the other hand, looks great in black, including a black neck support. But the bare midriff again. JE surprised me a bit when he got a little physical with Rebeca. He shouldn't do that, she could probably wipe the floor with him.

    Diana, I don't know where Monica and offspring got their booze in nice glasses, but there was a nice coffee stand set up in the back and don Emilio had a paper cup. No ice cream that I saw.

    Lucas was checking out what? A safe deposit box venue? Interesting looking place. Did no one wonder what he was doing there?

    Susan, I definitely agree that Agent Coral's assistant is just a stand-in. Poor guy looks bored, or maybe frustrated that he can't ever say anything.

    Rebeca is really, really scary, definitely a psycho succubus. Her next role should be as a beautiful vampire, seducing and beating up and impaling vampire hunters and then throwing them off the castle tower to their deaths, etc.
    She's a natural for the part. Or maybe she's an excellent actress.


  65. VIVIR

    Urban, "It never ceases to amaze me that anyone thinks they can make anyone else love them. Romina is seriously delusional and Rebecca is straight-up evil" hits the bullseye! So true.

    It does seem Cris has rock solid alibis but here, where everything goes wrong...

    SpanProf, it seems like the writers wanted Mau to be "preserved" as is; I was thinking there would be some grayish/green discoloration at the least, but nopis :)


  66. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you.

    "JE displayed one of the worst cases of galan paralysis when Refrida grabbed him firmly around the neck and planted that kiss on him" :) He certainly did.

    And Fatima has no fear; I love that about her.

    Kat, a few of us were thinking Angel would get pregnant but there has been no sign of it yet...


  67. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Liz.

    You made some excellent points.

    "Rebeca is probably a fate worse than death" is SO right. Love it.

    "We know Adolfo will be her lawyer, so Monica is throwing her husband to the woman he loves". I can't wait until he leaves her for Cris...

    I hadn't thought about Angel marrying Renato. It certainly is possible.

    "Misael is either brave or a fool. He knows Rebeca solves her problems by getting rid of them. Eventually Misael will be in danger" sums that up perfectly.


  68. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so very much.

    You have such an eye for detail. The other day you mentioned Angel's multiple piercings which I hadn't noticed. I did see her multiple "dangling" earrings today which sort of surprised me as she seems like a one piercing kind of gal.

    "Rebeca is really, really scary, definitely a psycho succubus. Her next role should be as a beautiful vampire, seducing and beating up and impaling vampire hunters and then throwing them off the castle tower to their deaths, etc." had me hoping that some Televisa exec is reading this and taking notes. Rebeca is "on" every moment, always watching, always on edge.

    Andy, I wasn't really sure exactly where Lucas was. At first I thought it was a medical building but I don't think it was. The reception area threw me.

    I DID notice Don Emilio had a paper cup! That did seem strangely out of place especially as the booze was served in crystal glasses. Perhaps people prefer to drown their sorrow with liquor rather than caffeine. :)


  69. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana & Friend. Once again you convert our sometimes dumpster-fire-of-a-show into sheer bloody poetry. Loved the street clothes check. Susan, I like you and your cousins already! LOL

    I have to start with our lovely Mónica. I have given this character the blues from jump - calling her Joker, MAC®️-Attack, Varsity Booze, Juana Cougar Mellencamp, etc. Ok, I just made those last ones up, but you know. Tonight, she looked really good. Clearly she kissed and made up with the show’s Hair & Makeup teams. Dare I say this is her best lewk all season?

    Angel and Alma were all love and sunshine and rainbows, but what they should have been doing was comparing notes on the psycho succubus (for Andy) and working to stop her and/or cover her midriff!!!

    Dorotea is just about everything. Entrepreneur. Misunderstood sidepiece. Comic foil. Stockholm’d sister. What she is NOT is a baritone. How the hell did blind ass Elena not see that “Doris” wasn’t calling on the screen and/or hear that the actual caller was all about that bass? Maybe she’s as deaf as she is blind.

    Mau’s I-Smell-a-Payout smile on his wake portrait made me LOL. Unexpected comedy by the production team is always a treat.

    Misael and Big Reb’s meeting in the ladies room was supercharged. I agree with the patio oddsmakers. Reb could probably wipe the floor with Misael AND JE. For the former, all she would have to do is stun him by pulling his ridiculous bangs/tuft and then immobilize him with her almighty midriff.

    Andy, I initially thought Sandra was 12 until she started drooling over Luciano when he first pulled up to the hacienda. Then she almost got Weinstein’d by Bruno. For I minute I thought she was Romina Jr.’s age too. Things that make you go, ¿Qué?

    All I want for Christmas is black talons from Doris’ boutique which are perfect for 2-drink-minimum wakes AND magically unlock phones. Passcode. Schmasscode.


    I'll be posting the recap of this morning's double episodes sometime today. Be on the lookout!

  71. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you so much.

    Your descriptions were on fire. "Entrepreneur. Misunderstood sidepiece. Comic foil and Stockholm’d sister" and "...Joker, MAC®️-Attack, Varsity Booze, were all great but "Juana Cougar Mellencamp" was perfect! You are exactly right that Mon did look a bit softer (and better) yesterday.

    Mau's head shot indeed reflected a "I-Smell-a-Payout smile".

    Like you, I think Rebeca is a force to be reckoned with; let's add Brayan to her growing list of men she could "school" with one hand tied behind her back. Her secret? No fear. None at all.


  72. Vivir

    O.S. thanks for the morning giggles .

    I think that strapping Refrida could pin both Miserable and JE at the sane time and barely need to adjust her midriff top. Girl is determined ..also BSC..which is a scary combination.

    I was thinking about that building Lucas went into. Did the entrance have the word " Justica?"


  73. Vivir

    Thank you Diana (and friend) for another witty, wonderful recap! I was super distracted watching today so it is extra nice knowing what I missed!!!

    I know Elena is team reunited daughter, but I still can’t understand her being excited that JE agreed to stay married to Beca. Everyone knows he doesn’t love her, and he does love her other daughter who loves him; who would root for this??? It’s one thing to have the ‘for the baby’ outlook, but without the baby???

    I also couldn’t buy both Fatima and Angel thinking JE must love Beca after all. That Beca pulled another trick to get him to stay is more obvious than ‘Monica is an alcoholic’. I can understand being tired of the back and forth and walking away but to actually say he must love Beca???? Lol

  74. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana.

    Misael is loco not to see how much like his mom Rebeca is.

    I've seen quite a few TNs over the years, but this is my first kissing and cocktails at a funeral.

    I just love (NOT!) how JE never gives Angel a heads-up when his plans have changed about leaving Rebeca.

  75. VIVIR

    Thank you Darcy!

    "I also couldn’t buy both Fatima and Angel thinking JE must love Beca after all. That Beca pulled another trick to get him to stay is more obvious than ‘Monica is an alcoholic’" hade me both laughing and nodding my head in agreement.

    "I know Elena is team reunited daughter, but I still can’t understand her being excited that JE agreed to stay married to Beca" is so true for just the reasons you noted. Elena continually confounds. And disappoints.


  76. VIVIR

    "I've seen quite a few TNs over the years, but this is my first kissing and cocktails at a funeral" was fantastic Niecie! It was a new one for me too...

    It's often been said that men marry women who are like their mother. Misael is surprisingly clueless as to the similarities, isn't he??

    JE is a poor communicator. What he lacks in forthcoming information he "makes up for" in uncontrolled anger.


  77. Vivir

    I was thinking about what would have happened if Frida was never kidnapped. She was a nasty brat who harassed her baby sister and grabbed Angel's doll and hurled it away right before she was kidnapped. Angel might not have even survived her childhood with Frida in the house. I would love to know what kind of horrors she committed growing up with Alma.

    Anyhoo, I am looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds .

  78. vivir

    Here I am, barely under the wire before the page change. Thanks a million for your terrific recaps, and thanks also to your friend helping with dialog details. What a team!! I have been a bit MIA this week. I've watched, but have had lots going on, not to mention also watching Gallo de Oro. I don't think I've ever, in all these years, watched 3 novelas. I'm 3 epis behind on Receta.

    Once again I wonder. What in blazes did they do for plotting before cell phones? I kinda remember lots more listening behind doors so Viewerville could get the gist.

    We all despise Monica, but it is kind of weird on the face of it that a man spends that much time with his sister-in-law. I don't remember my brother-in-law doing that!

    Hmm. Is Rebeca trying to mock Angelli's bare midriff look? It doesn't work as well on her.

    Yes, I also noticed that photo of Mau at the wake. He wore his default expression: sneaky and sly.

    Brayan. Please, writers, finish this part of the story. I would have thought Corral had enough on him when he admitted ON SCREEN threatening Lucas's parents. If ever a character needed to be in handcuffs, it's the guy who tells his compinches that they're the kings of the barrio.

    Thanks again, Diana and friend!
