
Sunday, May 19, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 55 - Viernes, 17 de mayo, 2024 - Highlights

I had bad audio. Bare with me because it'll probably continue next week.

Paz goes to see the kids. Mauro gets pissed off, but Sam insists and Mauro lets them (Paz, Sam and Monito) in the garden while he's ten steps away in the door, but he doesn't mention the last bit. I wonder why. Sam tells Paz not to tell Mauro, but mom hit her again. But Paz, for whatever reason, after the kids gets inside, confronts Mauro about it. Girl! 

Gin has placed some sort of chemical on (?) the pictures of her dead husbands, so now they're all destroyed. Yay. Esteban is extremely pissed off. Gin has called Castro for some reason and he enters, but I had bad audio. Can anyone clarify? Esteban tells him to do something or leave the house.

Bosco ships Gala with Jero. Okay, boring.

Jero and Felipa talk about Kenzo's "boyfriend". Uh. Jero confronts his money for laundering money through him and his cryptos. Felipa plays dumb, but Jero doesn't buy it and asks her if Ginebra is involved. Kenzo pops up. Couldn't he wait for a minute?!

Gin whines to Elvira about not defending her. At one point she remembers Mauro telling her (when they were kids) to keep her voice down, because El told her to do so. She even says "you abandoned me, mom" and El says "oh, you called me mom!" How delusional is she?! Fobo arrives and we get more whining, because that's Elvira's job.

More slightly odd relationship build-up between Fobo and Yaya, with them almost kissing. Unfortunately, Eder sees them and ruins the - already weird - mood. Fobo falls down (geez, that shocked?) Eder understands he messed up because he runs back to his room after saying goodnight. El has her excuse for saying that this can't happen again.

Kenzo tries to explain the Nandy business to his family and Felipa, but his family consists of Jero and Sandro and Felipa is Felipa, so they're not that understanding. But I do think their reaction has a basis, it's a shock to them. They'll need time.

Nandy is drinking with Mir and talking about Mauro. I'm sorry but FF--> 

Gin had closed the microphones when having his convo with Esteban. Great. Esteban lies to Fobo that he did.

Porf and Humb talk about forgiving Esteban. Porf says their job is done here, but Humb informs him that he and Paz will search for her stolen daughter.

Paz talks to a totally drunk Nandy about sponsors... I've had enough of sponsors.

Gin tells Mau that she knows about his visit to "that old woman" Mireya. She asks him if he'll betray her; he of course says he won't and that she's the only thing he has. Gin says that the clients are ready to buy a child. Geez!

Vermin hides the key pretty lamely. Nandy comes, still drunk. 

Paz is pissed off about Esteban, not being able to help Gala that much and Sam staying with Gin, who hit her again. She tells all this to her mom, who tells her that she can't do anything. Paz says that's what makes her most angry. She mentions Gin being a mother is unfair.

Mauro visits Mir's kids and Vermin and tells them he came for Mir or something. When the kids leave, Mau tells Vermin it his time to shine.

Esteban tells his family about being in a relationship with Gin. Bosco is the most pleased about it, saying he can at least stop feeling shame. El is the second most pleased; saying she's glad, but it's a bit apresurado. Gala agrees that it's a bit apresurado and Eder doesn't understand the reasons. They mention Paz suffering.

Gin arrives at Paz's, they get into a fight about Paz going to Gin's house to see Sam and Gin hitting her daughter. Both women slap each other. Paz tells Gin to mess with her instead of Sam, Gin threatens her with murder (!) and Paz says that she admits she and her brother are capable of murder. Gin says she can let her talk with her daughter, without seeing her, for 5 minutes per week. Paz thinks it's fishy and doesn't buy it. Mir and Nandy arrive. Gin reveals that she knew about the microphone under the table and says Mir was lurking at her house and even slept with hee brother. She asks her if she's interested in him. Mir flashbacks to a kiss they shared but says no, she's not. Gin tells her that Mau wouldn't be interested in a single mother anyway. Mir replies that she's proud of being one, proud of raising her sons alone. Some more insults exchanged until Gin finally gets out. Paz asks Mir about Mau, but Mir says Gin was lying and she's definitely not interested. Mir and Nandy share a look behind Paz's back.

Mau helps the kids with Math when Abdul arrives. They get into the secret room of doom and he starts hitting him around, saying something about being he and Gin against the world.

In the last scene of the episode, Esteban arrives at Rubio's jail to talk to him. He says he knows Gin had something to do with Berenice's murder and asks Rubio to talk, he'll help his family, just talk, give him something! Rubio doesn't, of course and advises Esteban to keep his mouth shut.

And on that note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Thanks, Weirdo! I so enjoyed your recap and agreed with the FF’s.

    As for the series, I am really enjoying the villain they have created in Ginebra. All I can say is WOW! Now she has a PhD. in chemistry so she’s an expert in poison, etc. and a substance that dissolves photos when touched by human hands. She continues to surprise us with no relief in sight for Esteban.

    Poor Eder didn’t know what to think since granny dearest lied about what was going on with Fobo. Talk about crazy making.

    I always love a slapfest!

  2. Ok, did Gin handle the photos in the previous episode, or was she wearing gloves? What is flowing in her veins that she didn't activate the poison? I'm ready to FF through all the Nandy scenes personally. That storyline doesn't interest me. Was Mau and Abdul really fighting about he an Gin against the world. I thought Mau was angry that Abdul spilled the beans that he was still involved with Mira, but I could be mistaken.

  3. Weirdo, thank for bringing all the details of Gin's escalating evil.

    It seemed to me that Mau was angry that Abdul did something .Abdul seems to think that Gin his boss, not Mau. I think Mau is starting to be the kids' protector.

    Would Rubio ever go against Gin? Would Mau? Would Vermin?

    Fobo is getting pretty frisky with uptight Elvira. He was grabbing her legs and pulling off her sensible shoes . What was up with the fuzzy rug?

    What was Esteban's conversation with Fobo about?

    Why did Castro show up at Villa Villa ?

    Yikes...the photos melt in acid. I didn't like chemistry class and always tried to get a smart lab partner. Imagine what it must have been like to be Ginny's lab partner. She must have been gifted and got big scholarships to get those degrees , so when did she start killing hubbies ? After grad school? How old was she when she got married for the first time? Gin's constant smirk shows that she always thinks she is the smartest person in the room. I've had students like that. You just want to show people with that opinion that they are not.

    Those 3 sisters towered over tiny Gin , but Gin is always large and in deadly charge.

    Esteban now has a constant look on his face like he is about to hurl.

    Was there a reason for Mir and Nandy's rooftop beer bash? I counted 8 bottles on the girls can drink.

  4. Thanks Weirdo, I enjoyed that. Gin is a criminal genius and I wonder how she’ll be brought down. It will be good to see Elvira and Bosco realize what she’s like.

    If Humberto is going to help Paz find her daughter I wonder how he’ll go about it. I hope it’s an improvement over passing a picture of a random 6 year old.

    May seems to be really caring for the kids. But then he tells Vermin it’s time to get a kid. So he’s not quite human yet.


  5. Thanks so much, weirdo.
    If I remember correctly, Mauro was angry that Abdul told Gin about Paz coming to see the kids. That's why Abdul said Gin is the boss.

  6. Wow, now we learn that cold hearted, stone cold killer, bitter itch Ginny is also stealing and selling babies . yikes . Wow

    Gin is determined to have Esteban . It will be interesting to see where the writers take us.


  7. Thanks for the heroic recap, Weirdo. I can't even imagine trying to do so with bad audio.

    For some reason I didn't think Mauro overheard Sam telling Paz about being struck by her mother from hell. But, yes, Paz brought it up. Would have been better to have kept it as an ace in the hole.

    Those bubbling photos were nutty. Viewerville is wondering if Gin has lost it, giving Esteban evidence of how many husbands she's had. And the poof!

    I think Kenzo should stay away from his toxic children for a while. Coming to them and pleading his case does no good. The smaller one (Sandro?) is a budding serial killer, and Jerónimo is self-absorbed and full of himself. They've occasionally shown Jeró with a small bit of humanity, but it's pretty small.

    I am SO over Fobo's courtship of Elvira. He's quite the handsome guy, and it's silly he'd care so much about a snobbish, neurotic mess like Elvira.

    I love the way Salo insults Mauro every time he sees him.

    Really enjoyed Paz slapping back.

    I am also tired of Mireya acting like a teenaged girl over Mauro. She should kick him to the curb. But, if she can't, she should at least be honest with her family.

    The PBS Newshour recently had a segment on television ads portraying happy groups of friends drinking alcohol as contributing to so much more college kids drinking. I sort of think TNs may also be doing this. Of course they've shown awful villainous drunks. But they do love an occasional scene like Mireya and Nandy getting sloppy drunk and happy along with it.

  8. Weirdo,

    Thank you for the terrific recap.

    I also enjoyed the double slap and it was gratifying to see Paz stand up for herself.

    How quickly Gin ensured all the pictorial "evidence" disintegrated. I do feel for Esteban, I can't imagine how he is feeling and how powerless he is to do anything.

    Mir and Mauro aren't exactly Romeo and Juliet...

    "Eder sees them and ruins the - already weird - mood" was perfect. Fobo and Elvira have zero chemistry and her fearful, frozen looks of panic at even trying to take her hand were a bit hard to swallow.

    Mauro may not like it but Abdul knows who is in charge. And it's not him...


  9. Diana , Esteban looks petrified , angry, and helpless, He is a loving and protective father who is desperately trying to figure out how o protect his children and Paz. Daniel is doing a good job of conveying these emotions.

    Like you, I dont buy Fobo's obsession with Elvira. I wonder if another actress in the role of Elvira could have made this more believable. maybe Cinthia Klitbo. I haven't seen the actor playing Fobo in a TN lately, but I saw him on a recent dance competition before this show started , and he is a good dancer.

    Lets hope Mauro eventually turns on Gin.

    Can't wait to see where the plot is going tonight.

  10. I can't wait to watch this episode -- the recap and the comments are irresistible. So Gin and Mauro have had a baby-selling ring all along? And I thought we'd seen it all...

    Susan, I agree that CK would have been amazing in the Elvira role. I can buy AR as the disapproving dowager, but as a reluctant cougar not so much.

    You know who else looks like a great dancer? Salo! In the fantasy sequence with Gala, he was really cutting a rug.

    One thing I'm not sure anyone has mentioned is that Salo announced his intention to ask Kenzo to get him a job at the Empresa No Se Que. He said he could do lots of useful things. (True I'm sure; but do people normally pay for those things?) Mireya said why would he want to work at someplace "fifi-nice" like that, which I thought was hilarious.
