
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Daytime TNs....Y Mas (#2), Week of May 20, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)



    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of this morning's double-episodes!
    *German arrives at the police station, where he meets with Isidro & Inez; German's brought his lawyer to help with Connie's case. Two lawyers are quite better than one.

    *Honorio admitting to Adriana that he misses Connie, but his ego is so bruised & bitter about the baby being the top priority in Connie's life than him. BOO-HOO!

    *Lazaro & Carlos searching all over the La Bonita Hacienda Grounds looking for Jeronimo. No sign of Jeronimo (Uh-Oh!); Carlos tries calling Jeronimo's cell phone, but it goes straight to voicemail. Once Matias tells Renata about seeing Jeronimo with Marina, Renata goes completely bezerk.

    *Smirks from the usual villains: Slacker Berta, Scumbag Augie, etc.: Fast Forward.

    *The Anvils struck at the Lovebirds once again as the wedding between Jeronimo & Renata is officially OFF.

    *Saul also smirking as the conspiracy to busting up Jeronimo & Renata is complete once again.

    *Honorio FINALLY gets a phone call from the Empresas Monterrubio receptionist informing him that Connie was arrested by law enforcement for stealing a baby; Honorio tells Adriana & is making plans on getting to Tijuana to the airport without telling anyone the real problem.

    *Connie swears to the law enforcement authorities that she did NOT steal the baby in question. One of the police officers tells Connie that Sandra (the baby) was stolen 2 weeks ago. Since the woman named Corina cannot be found, the whole responsibility falls on Connie. The real parents of Sandra arrive at the police station & the real Baby Momma goes off on Connie saying she intends to have Connie fully prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.

    *Renata ranting to Gonzalo about the whereabouts of Jeronimo. She also complains about Marina moving away with her children & that Jeronimo was upset about it; Plus, Renata tells Gonzalo that she's also PREGGERS too. Of course, Regina & Adriana chime in on the good news about Renata being preggers.

    *Anibal & Alison discussing the puzzling situation regarding Jeronimo's sudden disappearance. Anibal remembers Scumbag Augie on the phone swearing his plans better be carried out; Scumbag Augie catches Anibal outside the office door.

    *Scumbag Augie being congratulated by Slacker Berta about his sinister plans. UGH: Can these jackasses just DIE already ?

    *Antonio filling Uncle Padre Seve on the latest scoop developments regarding Lazaro & Carlos seeing Jeronimo with Marina. Over at LaBonita HQ: Manuela brings refreshments, but they turn it down politely; Inez calls Regina informing her about Connie's arrest for stealing Sandra & the center has been seized by law enforcement & shut down altogether; Regina puts Gonzalo on the phone & Ines puts Isidro on the phone for more detailed information. Later on, Honorio FINALLY arrives at the police station to meet with Connie; Honorio will be working on getting Connie freed from prison ASAP.

  2. VIVIR #60 Part 1

    Thank you to my friend for her marvelous translations and more so, her valuable time.

    Elena laments that she wishes her daughters would have just a bit of affection for each other. Gi grimaces and tells her fat chance. No, she doesn’t actually say that but does tell her Rebeca is quite “special”. Gi seriously doubts that Angel would push Rebeca yet (delusional) Elena thinks she saw her do just that.

    Rebeca is patting herself on the back with her taloned tentacle, pleased as punch after her call to the police. She hopes the police will follow up. As she throws the stolen phone away, she whispers she hopes JE enjoys seeing his mother dragged off.

    Elena cries and natters on. Her heart is divided between her daughters. (Divided?? I say 80% Rebeca and 20% Angel) Gi tells her she believes Rebeca’s lies. Elena insists she would give her life for either of her daughters. Gi reassures Elena she is an excellent mother. She tells her to listen to her heart and not let what happened in the past sway her…she warns her she could very well lose Angel forever!

    Angel is driving and starts looking at a couple kissing on the street as a single, solitary tear falls from her eye. She recalls JE kissing her passionately and shakes her head saying you lied to me and you aren’t mine. It’s best I forget you para siempre.

    Still at the wake, Rebeca and her bare midriff try to hold hands with JE. He stares scathingly and goes to Cris’ side. She mutters she is glad he is seeing her now as he won’t be able to see her in jail.

    Some upbeat music plays as we see the delicious looking jam production continuing. Marisa gets a call and tells them to stop as she doesn’t understand English. She puts another woman on who says “hello” rather haltingly.

    JE stares at Mau’s glossy 8 x 10 as Angel cries to Luciano and hugs him as Bruno stares darkly. She feels terrible as she didn’t have a chance to get to know her father. She tells Luciano about JE staying with Rebeca. He says sometimes people make sacrifices for the people they love.

    Mati meets Gabriel as Javier lurks in the background. Javi thinks he has to do something to stop her from being Gabriela’s novia. Unfortunately, his wish is granted as a snake slithering in the grass rears up and bites him. He cries out and Gabriel picks him up, puts him on his horse and they ride off.

    Romina is upset Mati isn’t answering her phone as the taxi is about to arrive. Sandra arrives and tells her that Javi has been bitten by a snake.

    Next, Marisa gets an e-mail but it’s in English. Her friend isn’t much help despite being the only one who’s been to the US. They realize they need to wait for Angel.

    The other snake, Romina, comes in and asks about the snake bite. The doctor looks at the unconscious Javi and says they need to wait a few hours to see if he will survive.

    Elsewhere, there is another kind of sting taking place. The skeleton masks are in place as Brayan and his thugs break into the building. It is dark as they maneuver their way around. Corral is feeding Lucas instructions as they try and break into the safe. It opens as the police swarm outside. Brayan asks Lucas why he isn’t following the plan and slaps Lucas.


  3. VIVIR #60 Part 2

    The doctor elevates Javi’s feet and covers him with a blanket. Sandra thinks the poison has spread all over Javi’s body. The doctor says they will just need to wait. Mati wants to call her father but Romina yells out not to, he is too busy consoling another family.

    Luciano arrives and offers his condolences. He and JE discuss Fatima and JE asks about Romina. Yeah, she is there says a resigned Luciano. JE understands sometimes they have to be with someone they don’t want to be. He excuses himself as his phone rings.

    Corral is telling Lucas to turn on the cameras. Then, the place is swarmed by the police. Brayan is caught but a few others escape. She congratulates Lucas and shortly thereafter, a SWAT team member marches Lucas off.

    Monica and her bird’s nest hair think Rebeca is the queen of farce. When Misael comments the marriage won’t last, Adolfo asks how he knows that. Misael (rightly) replies that JE has always loved Angel. Adolfo tries to change the subject but Misael thinks he just doesn’t want to talk badly about JE. Misael accuses Adolfo of having more consideration for JE than he does for him.

    JE interrupts and tells them Brayan has been arrested. Adolfo excitedly explains that now they can talk to Lucas about Ramiro and find out who the real murderer is! The camera zooms in on Misael and Monica’s greatly alarmed expressions.

    Rebeca gives her most insincere regrets to Cris, admitting she hardly knew him. She doesn’t mention Mau certainly knew her though, does she? She tells Cris she can’t imagine losing JE. When Cris asks how she is, Rebeca says “bien, bien”. She had been awaiting her child and now merely feels empty. Cris offers sympathy and consoling advice and expresses support that JE has decided to stay with her. She advises Rebeca to leave the bad moments in her past behind.

    Fatima sits next to the casket and asks her father’s forgiveness. She thought she wouldn’t care if she ever saw Mau again. Por favor papa. Cris and JE come up to console her. Cris puts her hand on JE’s face, kissing Fatima gently. She doesn’t want them to feel guilty about anything and they need to know who their father really is.

    JE is pouring himself a cup of coffee. (While it appears there are coffee cups AND saucers it appears everyone is opting for the paper “to go” cups). Misael tells Bruno there is a problem. They have to come up with something because there is someone who can give information to the police.


  4. VIVIR #60 Part 3 of 3

    JE wonders what all the mystery is about. Before anything, Cris wants to ask for their forgiveness. They were just children and she didn’t want to cause them any pain. JE tells her she doesn’t have to say anything about what happened years ago. She thanks them for being such wonderful children. She asks they not feel guilty or dwell on the “what might have been”. She discloses that Mau stole all her money and jewelry. When Don Emilio found out, he reported him and Mau was sent to jail. Cris only found out after Mau was released from jail. Fatima thinks he might have changed but JE doesn’t. Cris wanted to believe in him but she was a fool. He stole from her yet again. He had everything in a travel bag, ready to leave. JE tells her she is the best mother and they will always be with her. She again asks for forgiveness again as they hug and kiss her.

    The barrio crowd, Marisa, Carmelo, Wanda, and Doris gathered to watch the spectacle. Lupe and Luis come out as Marisa wonders what happened. She is told of the theft and they watch as Brayan is lead out by the police.

    Lucas worries the sting went wrong but Corral says not to worry, everything turned out fine. She explains they need to arrest him so it won’t be obvious he helped them. Lupe assures Lucas that all will be well. Brayan tries to break free and go after Lucas; he threatens he will see him later.

    Renato is unpacking wine glasses with Angel as he asks how seeing JE at the wake was. She admits she saw him; Renato worries as he knows she still loves JE. He knows JE is asking for a divorce and doesn’t want to hurt her by holding onto her. Angel tells her JE isn’t getting a divorce and she doesn’t want to think about JE. The mood changes and a variety of delicacies appear! Bread, wine and thou…She thanks him for being so patient and for spoiling her. Most of all not pressuring her. She promises to embrace their relationship with all her might and they hug tightly.

    Sebastian hugs Fatima at the never-ending wake. He admits he is relieved Dulce didn’t have to suffer through this. In situations like this he gives thanks they still consider him family. From the corner, Luciano stares rather darkly wondering if Sebastian is the novio he’s been hearing about. When Sebas notices Luciano staring, he asks Fatima who he is. An impossible love is Fatima’s response.

    JE is talking with Cris when he mistakes a woman from behind as Angel. Cris tells JE to tell her what is going on; she knows something is wrong. He explains all of this is very difficult. He wants to be with Angel but must learn to live without her.

    Angel is torturing herself sifting through pictures of her and JE along with cherished mementos, including a wizened rose. She doesn’t want to think about him or have any reminders. She must stop thinking about him as she puts the box away saying goodbye forever.

    JE tells Cris why he is staying with Rebeca; he will not allow Rebeca to put Angel in jail. He cries and begs Cris to tell no one else about this. Cris is incredulous at what Rebeca has done. He warns her not to believe anything Rebeca says. All he cares about is that Angel is safe and happy and continues with her life.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. Vivir
    Ha, Monica's birds nest hair. I was doing a double take on it too. Javier had the bright idea to catch the snake to scare Mati away from Gabe. Unfortunately that idea bit him in the hand. I have all along thought Renato is better looking than JE, and he cooks! What's not to love about him. Of course he won't win the fair maiden in this TN, but one can always hope.

  7. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend , thank you for giving us every detail in that snappy recap of all the gloom.

    My favorite part was getting another look at the Olan Mills portrait of Mau doing his wicked wolf pose. The photographer really captured his smarmy , grifting essence . It's hard seeing Fatima all torn up with grief over a guy who didn't seem to care at all about his wife and children.

    Refrida is joyful at framing Chris who is always gracious and kind to her. Uff.

    So is it part of the bargain JE made to keep Angel out of jail that JE is supposed to keep it a big secret and pretend he is a loving husband ?

    So nasty Romina tells the doctor not to inform Javier's father about Javier being bit by a snake and in danger . Nice . I hope the writers are already forging an anvil for her....I'm thinking jail after getting involved with whatever Bruno is setting up.

    Sebas and Fatima are a nice couple , but she will end up with Luciano after lots of jealous misunderstandings . Now Bruno has two guys to scowl at .

    I am disappointed that Brayan is headed to jail and won't be able to cartwheel up out of the blue and harass Refrida.

    The marmalade \ jam business must be booming with orders coming in from people speaking English ( Smuckers ???) I still want them to call the biz "Lady Marmalade" or maybe " In a Jam."

    At least we got good guy Renato providing Angel with sympathy , wine, and dinner . Beautiful eyes but no chance against the top billed actor.

  8. VIVIR

    Kat, yes, Javi made a big mistake with the snake didn't he?

    Monica's hair made me smile and I guess that is a good thing!

    A man who cooks is a treasure. While I agree in that I don't believe Renato will end up with Angel, I'm sure Jimena will be willing and able to fill that void just fine! :)


  9. VIVIR

    "Olan Mills"! Oh Susan what a fun blast from the past. That along with "In a Jam" were just great!!

    I agree that Fatima will end up with Luciano. Sebastian is a wonderful man and he has always been fond of his sister in law. I wonder if anything will materialize with Doris...

    I was a bit surprised but pleased at Renato's maturity in telling Angel he wanted her to be happy and encouraging her to go to a soon to be divorced JE if she wished. If you want to keep something, let it go...


  10. Vivir

    Diana, well, I dont think that our Refrida has ever heard that famous quote . She's more like " If you want something \someone, threaten to put his true love in jail . "

    I wonder where the writers are going to take us .

    Susan , still bummed that we wont have Mau gliding around making mischief

  11. Vivir. You and your friend are such a wonderful team, Diana! And your snarky comments just keep getting better and better: "patting herself on the back with her taloned tentacle;" "Elena cries and natters on;" "the other snake, Romina;" "another kind of sting taking place;" "never-ending wake." Geez, Rebeca! Way to get revenge on JE--have his mother arrested! Gi is quite wise. Too bad Elena doesn't listen to her. Angelli is right that she should forget JE forever, but of course she won't. I wonder what the significance of the call from the English speaker is. Could some big candy company be interested in the co-op's product? Luciano is right in what he says about sacrifice--it includes his case too. Oh the suspense! Cris takes an endless amount of time to tell her children about the real reason Mau went to jail. And Renato is much more of a catch than JE!

  12. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, that was an excellent recap. More twists and turns!

    I think Renata’s taxi was going to take her and the kids to her new apartment and job. That’s why she didn’t want to call their dad, and also was asking if he’d be better in the morning.

    I was surprised JE and Fatima didn’t know about their dad. I don’t know why I thought Cris had already told them. But that should help them dry their tears.

    It sounds like Elena believes Angel pushed Rebeca. I hope we don’t have to wait forever for her to find out the truth. But I’m sure we will.

    It sounds like Lucas’s life will now be in danger either from the still free gang or our little family of killers-with the priceless expressions!


  13. Vivir

    Elena raised Angel and should know that she is a kind, gentle soul who would never harm anyone , while Elena has no idea what kind of person Refried has become. Does she remember her being a brat who was jealous of her little sister when she was young ? I suppose Elena is trying to make up for lost time and so grateful that her child has returned to her. Parents tend to give the most attention to the child who needs the most help. What a fool believes, she sees. Refried is beyond help, but Elena is a loving mother who can't see the evil.

    Where is Santiago? Looking for more money?.


  14. Vivir

    Fine recap, Diana. I enjoyed your storytelling better than the episode. There certainly was a "never-ending wake".

    Dang, JE and Adolfo had to run their mouths in front of Misael and Monica. Now poor Lucas is in more danger.

    I got a kick out of the lady trying to communicate with the USA buyer. My comic relief.

    What a witch Romina is not calling Luciano about their son. Mati is old enough and seen enough love from her dad to ignore Romina's order not to call him.

    ITA Angel and JE will get their HEA, but I am fine with Angel truly giving Renato a shot. Seeing her crying over JE for the umpteenth time is for the birds.

  15. VIVIR


    You are right in that Elena knows Angel's (pure) heart and has absolutely no reason to doubt her.

    I did wonder why Santiago wasn't at the wake. I'm really tired right now and trying to think back but I don't think Elena was at the wake either was she (?)


  16. VIVIR

    Thank you for your lovely words SpanProf.

    I had a lot of fun with the snark today. Sometimes the characters' actions make it so easy to call them on the obvious! 馃槉

    "Could some big candy company be interested in the co-op's product?" That is a very interesting possibility that makes a lot of sense! Having the two scenes with the language issue weren't random.

    "Gi is quite wise. Too bad Elena doesn't listen to her". Yes, this is the source of endless frustration for me and I'm sure most of the patio.

    It was hard to watch kindhearted Fatima devastated by her father's treachery after she'd opened her heart and decided to give him a chance.


  17. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Liz.

    "I think Romina’s taxi was going to take her and the kids to her new apartment and job" had crossed my mind too. I'm a little confused though as neither Mati or Jav seemed to be aware they were moving (I would think Mati would have said something to Gabe?). Did Romina think the kids were going to hop in the cab without talking with Luciano or was she going to lie and say he was joining them later?

    "It sounds like Elena believes Angel pushed Rebeca. I hope we don’t have to wait forever for her to find out the truth. But I’m sure we will". I fear you are right and oh what a revelation that will be.

    I'm worried for and about Lucas. He's a kid and Corral has asked too much of him IMHO.


  18. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Niecie.

    You nailed Lucas' perilous situation with "Dang, JE and Adolfo had to run their mouths in front of Misael and Monica. Now poor Lucas is in more danger". Huge sigh.

    Yes, I'm sure Romina will call Luciano despite her admonishment not to. Romina is truly heinous; at least Monica can be counted on for a bit of comic relief but Romina has no personality and no game.

    I agree Renato will be let down (likely very gently) but hopefully Jimena will be there to help soothe his heart.


  19. Vivir

    Another fantastic snarky recap Diana! I love ‘seeing’ the madness through your eyes! I haven’t watched yet of course but I actually have a minute for a change so I thought I’d comment tonight.

    I don’t think it’s weird that Santiago wasn’t at the wake. His only connection (as far as I can remember) is as JE’s former brother-in-law. And his interactions with the family that we’ve seen involved robbing DE’s safe, getting accused of Dulce’s murder, having JE kick the crap out of him. I know he’s ‘innocent’ but I can’t blame him for avoiding family gatherings, especially since he probably never met Mau. Angel is much closer to all in that family: true love of JE, was BFFs with Dulce, former sis-in-law and buddy of Fatima, obviously adored by DE so it makes sense I guess that she went, but awkward too considering she is the ex-wife.

    Romina not telling Luciano about the snake bite is unforgivable and more proof that she doesn’t love anyone but herself!!!

    I haven’t seen yet how cute Fatima and Sebas may or may not be but I can’t imagine being in a relationship with a BIL. That’s her sister’s husband, i wouldn’t ever be able to see him as anything other than my sister’s husband. Especially in the case where my sister died, he would always remind me of her. I know some people are able to move past it and change the way they see someone but I can’t imagine it!!! Never mind the people who steal their siblings mates when they are still with them like Monica and Rebeca.

    Speaking of Rebeca, more proof she doesn’t actually love JE, she’s EXCITED about the opportunity to hurt him!!

  20. Vivir

    Darcy. And then we have Gin in " El Amor" who had her half sister killed and now wants to marry her husband. she can kill him, too, and get family fortune. Yes.

  21. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you so much. I was so happy to see your comment which was spot on (as always) despite the fact you haven't even seen the episode!

    Santiago's "...interactions with the family that we’ve seen involved robbing DE’s safe, getting accused of Dulce’s murder, having JE kick the crap out of him" had me laughing away. Thank you for explaining his absence from the wake in such fine fashion.

    Fatima and Sebas have always had a close relationship as in laws and I don't think either would ever consider or want to do anything to change that.

    Romina is driven by selfishness; Rebeca is fueled by hate, rage and revenge.


  22. VIVIR

    Hi Novelera, I just saw your comment under the previous post.

    Thank you so much!

    "Once again I wonder. What in blazes did they do for plotting before cell phones? I kinda remember lots more listening behind doors so Viewerville could get the gist" is exactly right.

    "Yes, I also noticed that photo of Mau at the wake. He wore his default expression: sneaky and sly" was excellent :)

    Like you, I want Brayan behind bars but I kind of like that he continues to hang around and annoy Rebeca.


  23. VIVIR

    Susan, I also just saw your previous post comment.

    "Angel might not have even survived her childhood with Frida in the house" is something I think some of us have also wondered. I think at the least, Frida would have tormented Angel and ruined her childhood.


  24. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great and fun to read recap! I especially enjoyed some things like "taloned tentacle", which is so improbable that it's wildly funny.

    Scenes in the Lady Marmalade plant always crack me up. Women holding up individual strawberries for inspection, manually spooning jam into jars, etc.
    It must be pretty expensive stuff, but at least no one is overworked there.

    Ah, Psycho Succubus's neck brace looks to be navy blue, not black. My bad.

    About Javier and the snake. Since they are now living at the hacienda and ranch, did no one explain the dangers from wild life to the kids?r They have already been attacked by an odd looking wolf, now Javier wants to grab a colorful snake? I don't know much about snakes, but aren't most of the really colorful ones signaling that they are dangerous, 'leave me alone if you value your life'? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I'm used to it :-)

    The doctor taking care of Javier did not seem especially interested. Maybe they should have bribed her to save him.

    If we go another 20 episodes with no sign of Mauricio I will accept that he is dead. But I am half convinced already, I don't think Agente Corral would fool us deliberately.
    Susan, I agree, I will miss the louse.

    And Agente Corral has finally made a good bust! Congrats, Agente!

    I think Misael got it right, Adolfo probably does care more for JE than for Misael. And that is just sad because whatever we may suspect or learn about Misael's paternity, Adolfo has been his father for twenty something years.

    Also, I think Renato is being a great suitor. No pressure, just total love and patience. But it won't do him any good, even if he does cook.

    Doris or Wanda, somebody, called the site Brayan's gang attempted to rob the "caja popular".

    Great! Now what's a caja popular?
    Wictionary, etc., tell me "caja" can mean a bank, or similar. Well, they were after money, so...


  25. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you very much.

    It's been a good night. The Celtics just won, up 2-0 and I get to read a(nother) of your wise and insightful comments.

    "The doctor taking care of Javier did not seem especially interested. Maybe they should have bribed her to save him" really hit home. Something seemed a bit "off" but I couldn't put my finger on it. You just did.

    "Since they are now living at the hacienda and ranch, did no one explain the dangers from wild life to the kids? They have already been attacked by an odd looking wolf, now Javier wants to grab a colorful snake?" is an excellent point. It really IS a jungle out there.

    "Doris or Wanda, somebody, called the site Brayan's gang attempted to rob the "caja popular" was really helpful as was the translation.

    Misael did seem genuinely hurt that Adolfo seemingly cares more about JE than he. Sadly, Misael is his mother's son. But not Adolfo's...

    I would have enjoyed working at something similar to the "Lady Marmalade" plant. Working with fruit seems relaxing and rather fun. Good, honest work without having to break a sweat.


  26. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana & Friend. If it weren’t for your recap, today’s show would have been duller than C-SPAN. “The other snake” and “never-ending wake” took the cake! Huzzah. “Pleased as punch” made me a little homesick. LOL

    With the action set to “Ambien®️,” we’ll have to entertain ourselves with fun minutia from this offering.

    Today’s episode was called “Los Buenos Somos M谩s.” Am I missing something? That has zilch to do with today’s “action.” Ok, writers. Whatever you say.

    My new favorite onscreen duo is Marisa and Pinky(!). Love their attempted English. Marisa thinks Pinky is bilingual on account t of her working as a maid for a gabacho (American). After a couple of deep breaths and encouragement from Marisa, Pinky greets the caller with “Hello.” This was fun. On Tu Vida Es Mi Vida, English is horribly abused. Natalia’s catchphrase “Darling,” grates my nerves, and nobody ever understands what the hell rich twit Renata is saying when she drops English phrases. Ugh. I digress.

    Hacienda Wildlife: OO2; Humans: OOO
    First Luciano dances with wolves and is sidelined for only approx. a quarter of one
    episode. Based on this math, Javier ought to be back in business tomorrow after they roll the opening credits.

    The email that Marisa & Pinky couldn’t translate:
    “We are very pleased to announce that we are interested in your products.

    And we want to place your first order, paying you 5O% in advance and the other 5O% upon delivery

    Without further ado for the moment, we are waiting for a prompt response from you.”

    Pinky translates about 4 words and then gives up. They are sure that Ang is fluent in English, but they know she’s busy at the marathon wake.

    Andy, not only was the doctor taking care of Javi disinterested, she looked more like a librarian than a pediatrician. This show’s hair, makeup, and costume department are the best practical jokers. Do campos have hybrid bibliotecas and poison control centers? Icing on the cake: the scene ends with BEIR (Big-Eyed Idiot Romina) actually saying the LAST thing she needs right now is a dead Javi.

    How old is Misael? I ask because his little you-like-JE-more-than-me tantrum was ridiculous. I wouldn’t even expect that from Pedrito let alone a grown ass man. Further examples of the wardrobe department’s sabotage: M贸nica’s extensions and chinchilla(?) wake garb.

    Sounds like Caja Popular is some sort of credit union. Doris said she has all her money there.

    Dreamy Renato’s way to woman’s heart: foie gras, orange marmalade, fig bread, and sweet white wine. I’m not a foodie so I’m going to be on Team JE on this one. He seems like a more of a steak and taters kind of guy!

  27. Vivir

    I was surprised to wake up to comments . It seems that these novelas keep percolating in our brains as we go about our days buying marmalade and fig bread ( where could I get that) ,making deposits and withdrawals at the local credit union, and wiggling into our midriff tops in the a.m. We are a pretty observant group.

    I always appreciate the added information the folks here supply .

    My mother used to preserve peach jelly . I can still taste it . It was delicious . We have a local pick- your-own berry farm , and I freeze strawberries for the winter , but eating fresh picked strawberries every June is something to savor. I guess we could describe " Lady Marmalade LLC" as a quaint operation. You are going to get a top product if you are eyeballing every strawberry before it is simmered and stirred into delicious jam and spooned into jars.

    I always enjoy hearing characters speaking English in these shows and reading the English words on the kids' clothing . We haven't seen that in this show, but there are English expressions on many of the kids clothes in " El Amor."

    O.S. In "Vida" , I never understand the English words that shallow teen Renata likes to pepper into her utterings, and Gnat's " Darlings" drive me crazy.

    Andy, I had a giggle at your suggestion to bribe the disinterested doctor to save Javi. Mother of the year Romeana has places to go and people to see (well.... Bruno) . Time is money. I am anxious to see Romina and Bruno together as one grifter tries to zoom the other .
    Susan , thinking about jam

  28. Vivir

    After actually watching it, it occurred to me that it’s odd that Luciano doesn’t know who Sebas is and vice versa. His friendship is so close with JE they call each other brother but he didn’t know Dulce’s husband?

    Once again Lupe and Luis were taken on the sting, why?????

    Susan, I stopped watching El Amor, I was interested but i just couldn’t keep up. I had to choose just one novela with work being so busy lately. It sounds like it has really gone off the rails! Which is always fun! Lol


    I'll be posting the recap of this morning's double episodes sometime next week.

  30. OT...Darcy, "el amor" is my favorite of the novelAs that I am watching now . The actors are doing a great job of making the unbelievable believable.

    Yes, I agree that Luciana should know exactly who sweet Sebas is.

    Hope your job stress eases up soon.


  31. Good work, Diana.

    Even at the age of 4 Rebecca was clever enough to conceal her abuses of Angeli from their parents. That was highly unlikely to have gone unnoticed forever, although she may have gotten away with it for two or three more years. Would she have also abused Santiago or would she have turned him against Angeli?

    What would Elena have done then? I suspect that Frida (Rebecca) would have still been a consummate liar. If Ulises were alive I'm sure he wouldn't have stood still for this.

    As for all of us -- and all the characters -- calling her Rebecca, I would think that name would stick as it's the one she had been hearing for the past 20 years. It does sound nicer than "Frida".

    I agree about Renato; he has a more alpha look than JE (whose lips are too full to look decisive).

    Luciano does care about his kids; it's Romina who really doesn't. She was more upset at interrupting her work than Javier's life being in danger. I've seen that species of snake in more than one past novela so I knew it was deadly.

    However not as deadly as Rebecca, Monica, and Romina.

    The issues between Monica and Cristina are still there after all those years. That whole extended family needs mental health assistance.

    At the risk of being a bore here, based on Monica's look and the sibling rivalry between her and Cristina I am picturing these two actresses as Jane and Blanche in a Spanish-language version of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Talk about chewing up the scenery...

  32. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you so very much...

    Your wry comments were exceptional. Where to begin?? OK, I'll go with "With the action set to “Ambien®️,” and "M贸nica’s extensions and chinchilla(?) wake garb". :)

    "First Luciano dances with wolves and is sidelined for only approx. a quarter of one
    episode. Based on this math, Javier ought to be back in business tomorrow after they roll the opening credits" induced hearty laughter this morning.

    "My new favorite onscreen duo is Marisa and Pinky(!). Love their attempted English. Marisa thinks Pinky is bilingual on account t of her working as a maid for a gabacho (American)" not only identified Pinky but why she was called to the phone (well not really, but it made me smile). Thank you for translating the e-mail; such a huge help!

    Ahhh, the heist was at a credit union. It didn't quite have a bank vibe so that makes perfect sense.

    "Dreamy Renato’s way to woman’s heart: foie gras, orange marmalade, fig bread, and sweet white wine" sounds delish to me but then again, my choice would also be steak and taters.

    Thank you for all the exceptional information you provide and so, so smartly!


  33. VIVIR

    Darcy and Susan, you would think Luciano should know who Sebas is! But from the start he always seemed to be on the periphery, more of a "fringe" friend of JE. He seems not to be embroiled in any of the family dynamics, except for his relationship with Fatima.

    Darcy, yes, Lupe and Luis tagging along on the sting operations make no sense.


  34. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban.

    "Even at the age of 4 Rebecca was clever enough to conceal her abuses of Angeli from their parents. That was highly unlikely to have gone unnoticed forever, although she may have gotten away with it for two or three more years. Would she have also abused Santiago or would she have turned him against Angeli?" is a very interesting question.

    Before Rebeca was abducted, I've no doubt Rebeca would have ramped up her torture of Angel emotionally and then physically as time progressed. I don't think she would have bothered with Santiago. She doesn't care about him one way or another, he is just a means to hurt Elena.

    Rebeca and Monica are indeed the deadliest snakes here...


  35. Rebecca definitely would have ramped up her abuse of Angeli and probably done worse once school started for Angeli. She doesn't care about Santiago now, but that could have been different if she had been in the house when he was born. The First Son, you know.

  36. VIVIR #61 Part 1

    Angel is back at Lady Marmalade, reading the e-mails out loud (in English) to Marisa. The terms are reasonable; it is a good contract which will allow them to buy a much-needed machine. Marisa frets that they are going to have to rely solely on Angel due to the language issue (apparently Pinky’s one or two words in English are insufficient). Angel then suggests they all learn English because they will need to attend meetings from time to time. The women smile and clasp hands.

    Sebastian relates the devastating news to JE that they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

    Don Emilio, Cris and Fatima talk as Rebeca offers to help. She gets the cold shoulder, Fatima ignoring her, taking Cris’ hand, suggesting they go to the hacienda. When Rebeca interjects she prefers the city, Fatima retorts that no one asked her! When Cris concedes some days away from the city be helpful, Rebeca silently thinks to herself that Cris will be leaving the house, but for being a murderer!

    JE is worried about paying the employees and suggests they use his shares as collateral for a loan. He asks Sebastian not to say anything to his family, especially his mother as she is going through a very difficult time.

    Romina and the children are still at the makeshift “hospital”. Luciano calls to say he’s on his way back but Romina tells him not to rush. When he asks to talk to the kids, she lies and says they aren’t there. Then she turns to Javi (who is still pale and hardly recovered) telling him to get dressed as they are leaving!

    Luis and Lupe tell Doris and Wanda that Lucas will be out soon, Lupe hopes all will turn out well (viewerville sadly shake our heads collectively as we fear otherwise.) Wanda and Doris hand them money raised from a raffle that was held to help them.

    We see outside shots of a Shawshank like prison as Brayan poses for his mug shot. We next see him in prison garb, then fingerprinted. He thinks back to Lucas warning them about the camera during the robbery and Lucas not following the plan.

    Sebastian brings JE the loan documents. He cannot figure out why Misael gave them no warning. JE then confronts Misael. Misael spouts that he was going to notify the employees that they would be paid two weeks late. The arguing ramps up as Misael thinks they need to think of themselves first. JE refuses to allow the employees to be affected. When JE tells him he put up his shares for the loan, Misael warns he will not put his shares at risk. JE declares he is the president and counters he will give everything, including his life, for the company.

    Lupe and Luis go to pick up Lucas and thank Agent Corral.


  37. VIVIR #61 Part 2

    Angel tells the potential American client that “it will be a pleasure doing business with you” (in English). She tells Marisa she is going to solicit bids for the new machine as without increased production, they can’t fulfill the orders. Lupe calls Marisa and she shares the good news with Angel that Lucas is about to be freed. She tells Angel about the threats Brayan made against Lucas.

    Brayan (who shockingly hasn’t been shorn) is put in a cell as he thinks back to being captured, being forced to get on his knees. He knows the “maldito” set them up!

    Wanda thinks Sebastian is interested in Doris. When Doris asks Wanda about a man in her life, Wanda solemnly explains that she gave her whole heart away years ago and it was shattered .

    Cris tells Don Emilio she will only be gone for a few days. He reminds her that she used to love to go to the hacienda, hopefully, she can find herself again. When Rebeca asks if she is leaving, Monica tells her this is a family discussion! (I could kiss Monica!! Well, I could, but of course, I won’t). Cris tells Monica she doesn’t care what she thinks, this is her trip. When Monica starts in on Cris, Fatima warns her she won’t allow it. More mud is slung as Rebeca opines they all need to make decisions, whether for good or bad. Next, Agent Corral arrives, brandishing a search warrant! She tells Cris she is suspected of the murder of her ex-husband!

    Don Emilio says this is a mistake and Adolfo thinks Mau was killed by someone seeking revenge. JE arrives as Agent Corral explains they received an anonymous tip that Cris murdered Mau so they need to investigate. Monica mutters about a scandal and JE’s face reflects he is highly incensed.

    Jimena and Icky argue because Jimena needs to stay at work. (Why can’t that louse get lost permanently I murmur exasperatedly??)

    Renato is prepping when Jimena enters, very upset; she cries on his shoulder. He manages to quickly get her laughing and she wipes away her tears. She says he is a man that every woman needs. She wishes Icky were like him (as IF!!).

    Renato thinks back to the time he and Rebeca were arguing as she stood outside his car, kissing her as she called him an imbecile. He then drove off, stranding her there. It appears as though he is feeling guilty about not sharing his history with Rebeca with Angel.

    The family speaks up for Cris as Cris argues she has nothing to hide.

    Monica spews inappropriate comments from her rouged lips. Don Emilio tells her enough! Next, Fatima and Cris both tell Monica to zip it. Monica (who is incapable of shutting up) pretends to defend Cris saying she couldn’t have killed Mau. She spits out that if Cris would have killed anyone it would have been her as Cris hates her (as do we).

    Renato and his guilty conscience visit Angel. He has something serious to tell her; he doesn’t want to keep things from her. He says he wasn’t always the man he is now. Not too long ago, he wasn’t a good person. At that time he met Rebeca who was looking for a man to take her out of the neighborhood. Sweet, trusting Angel actually asks, “Rebeca mi hermana?” Yes, she is told as she closes her eyes. Renato asserts they only went out a few times but he dropped her after he found out about her intentions and lies. Now Angel understands why Renato warned her about Rebeca. Renato tells her Rebeca threatened to make a scene if he told her. She asks why he is telling her now and he replies he has a chance to be with the most wonderful woman he’s ever known. He hasn’t been the same man since he fell in love with her and doesn’t want any lies to come between them. He wishes he’d told her this before but Angel knows Rebeca came to take everything from her. Angel tells him if anyone is worthy of her trust, it is him. She wants to fall in love with him. Te quiero she murmurs as they kiss.


  38. VIVIR #61 Part 3 of 3

    Dramatic music plays as the agents rummage through drawers and take clothes out of the closet. We see the back bag on the bed as it is opened and the gun is revealed! JE stares incredulously, mouth agape.

    Back at the hacienda, Mati gives Javi his meds; Romina says their luggage is ready. Javier opens the door for Gabriel who asks how is. Mati thanks him for taking him to the doctor and saving him. Knowing Luciano can’t find out what they (she) is doing, Romina takes Mati’s phone and throws it in the cabinet. She calls for a taxi.

    Wanda tells Doris Lucas is back. (I’d be remiss in not pointing out Doris’ tight, lime green shirt from which she is literally spilling out from the too large “peekaboo” cuts). Doris plasters a huge orange sign on her “shop” wall, (something about dancing) saying they will be back soon.

    Lucas, Lupe and Luis are back at the barrio with a huge welcoming committee, Angel, Renato, Alma, Marisa, Carmelo and others. Alma gives a lovely speech saying Lupe and Luis are very good parents. Lucas also thanks them. Luis thanks everyone for their support. Everyone claps except Doris and Wanda; Doris making faces at Angel behind her back.

    Monica swills a cocktail as Corral come in. Don Emilio asks what is in the bag. Adolfo has his hand on Cris’ shoulder as Cris is told she is being arrested. Fatima looks at JE beseechingly. Adolfo explains that evidence was found to implicate Cris. She cries out she is innocent.

    Agent Corral tells JE that everyone needs to keep their distance from Cris. Cris is handcuffed and read her rights. Corral makes Cris verbalize that she understands. Don Emilio looks as though he is going to crumple to the ground. Once alone, Monica tells Rebeca she is sure she made the call. Rebeca could care less and tells her not to mess with her. Monica sticks her tongue out as everyone else follows Cris outside.

    Mama calls Misael. What is it? She tells him Cris has been arrested and that it had to have been Rebeca who turned her in. Misael thinks Monica is angry because Rebeca beat her to it. Moncia can see the big picture about vulgar Rebeca, but Misael is sure Rebeca won’t betray him; he has her under control. (Isn’t that what the captain of the Titanic said?)

    Cris is led outside and put in the squad car as she yells out to her heartbroken father. Rebeca, standing off to the side watches dispassionately, silently thinking that “I warned you JE. The tears I have shed, your mother will shed in prison! The car pulls away as JE rushes to his grandfather’s side.

    All thanks and gratitude to my friend for her marvelous assistance and her generous, invaluable time.


  39. Vivir. Incredibly well done as usual! Many thanks to you and your friend, Diane. My favorite this time was: "Isn't that what the captain of the Titanic said?" Maybe treating Rebeca with such scorn after the wake wasn't a good idea, but in the long run it probably wouldn't have made much difference. Oops! Brayan is just smart enough to suspect that Lucas had a role in his arrest. I expect that in the future we will be seeing a lot of Lucas in danger scenes. We saw another clue or 2 that Wanda may be Pedrito's mother. It was kind of funny that Monica seems to have envied Rebeca's being the first to turn Cris in--though Misael and Monica were responsible for planting the gun, I believe. Renato is so good! Confessing something a lot of people wouldn't have bothered about. He was remarkably quick in noticing Rebeca's true colors, as well. He's a keeper, Angelli--a lot more than JE, though, sigh, we know who Angelli will end up with. (Probably)

  40. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana, I enjoyed reading your recap. I’m not surprised that Brayan suspects Lucas. I guess he’ll get his gang after him. Agent Corral should be giving Lucas some police protection.

    It was awful to see them find the gun. JE looked so disbelieving. I thought he might think his mother did it. But I got great satisfaction in seeing Adolfo with his arm around Cris. Monica didn’t seem to realize he would naturally become her lawyer. At least I think he will. Also not sure why Monica was mad at Rebeca for reporting Cris. Wasn’t that the plan all along! Did they have a timeline for turning her in.

    I had to laugh, mainly at myself, when Angel said they’d all just have to learn English! When I think of all the Spanish I’ve had and the Duolingo I do daily, and how far I am from having a conversation with a native Spanish speaker! If they’re fluent by the end of the show I might have to accept that I’ll never be fluent! Although maybe if I was offered a part in a movie or telenovela I might master the language!

    Romina dragging her poor son out of bed so they can get out of there was pitiful. She may have taken Mati’s phone but hopefully Mati will realize their mom basically kidnapped them and she’ll find a way to let her dad know where they are. I’m going to make a wild guess and say Romina will not have any parental rights by the end of this show.


  41. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much!

    "It was kind of funny that Monica seems to have envied Rebeca's being the first to turn Cris in"- was exactly right. She is so seething with jealousy, almost as much as Rebeca. Monica is a strange bird indeed. Two women with nothing seemingly in common except their hatred for their better, kinder sisters.

    Brayan is a thief, albeit not a very consummate one. Does he have it in him to be a killer? If so, Lucas is in grave danger.


  42. OT/Upcoming

    I haven't watched Vivir yet or read the recap but I was looking at the schedule for next week and I noticed a novela called Pasion is scheduled to start at 10 am EST time Tuesday morning. Pasion originally aired in 2007, and my flawed memory wants to say this used to be a favorite for some of the patio members here. I seem to remember it being mentioned. Maybe not, but it stars Fernando Colunga as galan and I KNOW he's a favorite of many around here. Susana Gonzales plays the protag.

    It looks interesting. It's a period novela, located in a colonial Mexico of 1740. It tells the love story of "El Antillano" and Camila, a pirate and a poor girl who is bought by an old millionaire.

  43. VIVIR

    Thank you Liz.

    Don Emilio was shaken to the core and I was very afraid for him. And yes, JE looked truly shocked when he saw the gun.

    I laughed at Monica and Misael crafting their plan yet being upstaged by rogue Rebeca.

    "I had to laugh, mainly at myself, when Angel said they’d all just have to learn English!" That is a very tall order, isn't it? Learning some words or phrases is totally different than knowing enough to conduct an actual conversation, especially a business one! Great idea but not easily realized.

    "Romina dragging her poor son out of bed so they can get out of there was pitiful". It definitely was. Romina has leaped from being an annoying, sneaking liar to a stop at nothing, sceaming harpie.


  44. O/T

    Darcy, I watched Pasion and it was wonderful! There are others here still commenting who watched it as well.

    It was the first time I'd seen either Susana or Fernando. It has a cavalcade of stars including Sebastian Rulli, Alberto Estrella, Marisol del Olmo, William Levy and many more.

    The music, the costumes, the acting was all first rate. I believe it was recapped here too.


  45. Vivir

    Thank you Diana, it sounds like a depressing episode I'll be watching tomorrow, but your humor is anything but! Thanks for making me chuckle!

    Liz 'When I think of all the Spanish I’ve had and the Duolingo I do daily, and how far I am from having a conversation with a native Spanish speaker! If they’re fluent by the end of the show I might have to accept that I’ll never be fluent!' Nah, don't accept anything! It's another beanie moment!! Remember, this message is being brought to you by the same novela that would have you believe you could put up your shares in a bankrupt corporation up as collateral for a loan!!! Now I ask you, how much is a share in a bankrupt corp worth?? Nothing? Oh yeah!!! LOL No way would that be viable collateral IRL!

    I wonder how loyal Brayan's gang is? Would they be willing to do his bidding from jail? Or would they walk away saying 'Brayan who?' If he truly does rule through intimidation, they might not be all that inclined to go after Lucas, even if Brayan ordered them to. I do still have trouble seeing Brayan as a killer though. He's a petty theft with acrobatic tendencies not a criminal mastermind.

  46. OT..Darcy, Pasion was good . Is it going to be shown on Univision? It was recapped here at caray ,and we had a lot of fun with the pirate theme. There was a website that generated pirate names , so dome of us took pirate names for our comments. Sylvia loved sailing and became Captain Sylvia Shark bait .
    Diana, our beloved Mariana Carr was in it , and I think mi novio Marcelo Cordoba was in it , or was that a dream . TBLMOE as a pirate wih a sidekick whom you and i loved was a fun voyage. Susan

  47. OT

    Susan, it's going to be on Unimas. It's also on Vix. I looked thinking I might check it out but that's probably wishful thinking I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with one novela right now, but it's summer and maybe things will slow down.

  48. OT..Darcy, could you record Pasion? I think you would enjoy it. They stopped making the historical fiction novelas probably!y because they were too expensive.


  49. Vivir de amor

    Diana, I haven't yet had a chance to finish watching tonight's episode, but let me say that I am a little disappointed in you! False advertising!

    "(I’d be remiss in not pointing out Doris’ tight, lime green shirt from which she is literally spilling out from the too large “peekaboo” cuts)."

    I didn't see much spillage, and I looked quite carefully. All in the interest of, um, science maybe? Whatever.

    I should have known better; daytime Mexican telenovela, not gonna happen. Even the Univision "Weather Girls" are not what they used to be. Sigh.

    In any event, I "forgive" you because the rest of the recap is outstanding, as always.

    And hope springs eternal, maybe something will spill out later.



  50. Vivir
    While we are talking fashion, has anyone else noticed that Jimena always wears hot pink shirts or dresses. (It is a good color on her admittedly ). I wasn't a fan when she paired it with orange, at least today's pants were a forest green.
    Monica was without a drink in the first part of the salon scene, but she managed to find her glass a bit later.

  51. Vivir de amor

    Nope, no spillage. But an interesting episode and another great recap, so many thanks, Diana, you teaser you.

    Cristina got wildly emotional about being arrested. And I must be getting wildly blas茅 about things from watching this crazy novela :-)
    It can't be easy being arrested for murder.

    Misael is a total jerk. He thinks he can control Refrida? Refrida, the ice cold hearted witch who was the first to "kill" Mauricio? I'm still not sure how Mau survived being run over by a car a couple of times. Did he just pick himself up later and walk off?

    Whatever. Cold hearted Refrida and soused Monica should be quite a match.

    Misael would be better off staying out of it, he can't really play in their league.

    I am glad that Renato is remorseful for his past bad behavior, but I don't know that he had to share it with Angel though it worked out OK. She looked like she was getting into that kiss. But I'm sure they are just stringing us along until she and JE pair up near the end of the story.

    Jimena keeps saying nice things to Renato, but so far nothing more. She should definitely dump Iker in any event. The guy is a wet blanket, to be charitable.

    I'd like to see Doris and Wanda warm up to Angel sooner rather than later. And see if Wanda really is Pedrito's mom, and the full story.

    This novela is perfectly content to let us wait quite a while to get answers. I still want to know what the story is with Armando and Doris, for instance.


  52. OT

    Susan, I don’t have Unimas or any type of cable/DVR. I do have Vix so technically I could watch it anytime. I don’t even necessarily have to follow the schedule Unimas airs it. I just haven’t really had the mental energy and focus for watching more than one hour of Spanish a day. It’s not like an English show where I can have pay attention and still follow it, I have to really pay attention if I’m going to know what’s going on. Still summer is coming and I’m supposed to be getting some help at work in the next couple of weeks so maybe I’ll give it a shot.

  53. vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana. Another fine recap. Thanks to you and your collaborator.

    Most things have already been said.

    I did see Brayan slip the guard a folded bill, and that's how I assume he retained his dreads.

    Why is Rebeca even at Casa Cuellar Rivera? They showed her at the funeral, or viewing, or whatever it was. I somehow thought that was in a funeral home.

    I was glad they showed Renato confessing to what went on with Rebeca. It seemed odd to me that the rather rotten guy who left a woman out in the woods to walk home (even Rebeca) turns out to be such a nice guy later on.

    Why are Romina's children not questioning their packing up and going somewhere when their father is not home?

    Agree with a couple of other commenters. The cabal of Misael/Monica/Rebeca framed Cristina. Why were they upset when their plans came to fruition?

    Rebeca is bad but she can't hold a candle to Ginebra in El Amor no Tiene Receta. Rebeca seems to only harm her family, while Ginebra is into child trafficking.

  54. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so very much.

    Mea culpa for my unintentional embellishment of the "spillage". But as you so optimistically noted "And hope springs eternal, maybe something will spill out later". 馃槉

    "Cold hearted Refrida and soused Monica should be quite a match" is exactly right! I would have to place my bet on Refrida. As you sagely noted "Misael would be better off staying out of it, he can't really play in their league". Misael clearly has control of nothing. He is manipulative, mommy Monica's puppet on a string.

    Renato did the right thing by telling Angel about his non-extensive "past" with Beca. If he hadn't I could see her making a big announcement at the most inopportune time, and lying through her teeth about what actually occurred. Embellishing, if you will, something I know nothing about. :)

    "This novela is perfectly content to let us wait quite a while to get answers" is perfectly correct. So many storylines are on the back burner, Jimena and Renato, Doris and Sebastian, Doris and Armando. I imagine the one good thing about having so many characters and potential plotlines is that there is plenty to rotate and keep our curiosity piqued.


  55. VIVIR

    Darcy, I'll be interested to see what you have to say after you see the episode. It definitely was a downer.

    I'm on the fence about Brayan. I agree he certainly is no genius, but he looked livid at being arrested. I'm moving him toward being capable of either murdering or ordering others to.

    Kat, Jimena looks great in her hot pink. Vibrant colors look amazing on her.


  56. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you...

    "I did see Brayan slip the guard a folded bill, and that's how I assume he retained his dreads". My thanks to you and your eagle eye. I did see a "look" but missed the bill swap. Thank you!

    "It seemed odd to me that the rather rotten guy who left a woman out in the woods to walk home (even Rebeca) turns out to be such a nice guy later on". Novelera, yes, I remember being shocked the way he dumped her in the middle of nowhere (regardless that it was Beca as you noted). Renato certainly had a personality transplant as he bears no resemblance to the creep he was then.

    "Why are Romina's children not questioning their packing up and going somewhere when their father is not home?" is a great question. I can't see Mati submissively agreeing to go, especially without speaking with her father.


  57. Vivir

    Post-watch and your recap is definitely the best thing about this outing, Diana! And I'm tired of Beca's neck brace. Novela characters miraculously heal overnight all the time, can we get rid of the brace?? Luciano was bit by a wolf and only had 1 minute of fall out. Beca pretended to fall down the stairs, surely her minute is up??

    So, no one wants the gang to know that Lucas was working with the cops, but they throw him a big noisy 'Getting out of jail party?' Never mind the fact that he spent a whole night in jail, let's party like he's coming home from a 5-year stint!!

    The sign Doris put up at her stand said something like: 'We're going to dance but don't worry we'll be back soon because Wanda is old, and she gets tired very quickly!' LOL

    I always find it interesting listening to a novela characters speaking English - they tend to make them sound like they barely speak the language and utter some basic phrases awkwardly, all the while you are wondering how well the actor does or doesn't speak English IRL. And I think a lot of them are very fluent and bi-lingual. It's even funnier to see the odd roles where they cast the Spanish speaking actor in a 'gringo' role and have him speak Spanish brokenly as if he didn't know the language. I can't remember the name of the novela now, but a well-known Spanish-speaking actor played such a role, and I was amazed at how much he really did sound like he couldn't speak Spanish. Angel sounded like she fully understood the language but wasn't very practiced in speaking - which is about right since she's surrounded by Spanish speakers. In Tierra de Reyes, Christain de la Campa played a character that barely uttered a couple of English words brokenly, but there was a scene in one of the later episodes where Chris was in the background of the scene. The actual dialog and focus of the scene were in the foreground, but they forgot to turn Christian's mic off; you can barely hear it, but you can hear him talking to his scene partner - in English!!

    One difference between Monica and Beca, Monica doesn't even try to hide her hatred of Cris and play nice in front of daddy! I wonder if she did when her mom was alive? Having agent Corral serve that search warrant on Cris was another beanie moment. An anonymous phone call shouldn't be enough to get a search warrant - not sure about Mexican law but no way it would be in US. Plus, finding A gun wouldn't be enough to arrest her!! They would have to take the gun, test it, confirm it was the murder weapon and then come back and arrest her. But oh well, nothing funner than novela law!

    Diana, Brayan did look pretty fierce, but I am still leaning toward the he doesn't have murder in him table. I think the biggest danger to Lucas is Misael now knowing that Lucas is out there and may know something about Ramiro. Brayan's gang seems more like a bunch of guys grouped together out of circumstance than a truly tight ride or die crew, which is why I wonder if they'd even be invested in hurting Lucas for Brayan while he's in jail and they are not.

    I know I'm alone at this table, but I'm still just not impressed by Renato. I don't think he's been given enough actual character, he's just the stand in, good but boring Beta guy that is going to try but fail to win the princess. I think the only reason he seems appealing is because JE is so unappealing. If they wanted me to even pretend to root for Renato they needed to give him more story, flair, interests, personality. He's like a placeholder, the guy at the grammy's who sits in the seat when the real guest is in the bathroom, so the room looks full for the camera. He is a step up from Icky though, so I guess he'd be good for Jimena.

    I can't stand Romina!!! When did she give up on trying to emotionally blackmail Luciano and flip to kidnapping? I missed that! It's mean to wish she was the one bit by a snake but...

  58. Vuvir

    I didn't get to see this episode . I set to record at the normal time for here at 1.00 pm. Instead , I got " La Gata" an old rerun. I guess "Vivir" was on after that show. It is hard to keep up with finding this show when Uni keeps moving it around. Susan

  59. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Fantastic work.

    "When Rebeca interjects she prefers the city, Fatima retorts that no one asked her!"

    You go, Fatima. Put this beyotch in her place.

    "but Misael is sure Rebeca won’t betray him; he has her under control. (Isn’t that what the captain of the Titanic said?)"
    -- Diana, lol!

    I'm glad Renato confessed his past crappy behavior. But I don't think he's being straight about why he stranded Rebeca in the woods. She was using him to get out of the neighborhood? Yes, but that's no reason to strand her. The way I saw it he did it because she wasn't impressed by his shiny new car and wouldn't get freaky with him in it. But I guess he's chicken about putting it that bluntly with Angel.

    I remember another reason I'm sorry to see Mauricio go. He'd overheard Santiago saying Misael had him stabbed. I thought somehow he'd share this info with JE, who might finally get a clue leading to Dulce's murderer. But nope.

    I sure hope Bryan leans on Rebeca to get him out of jail. It's the only way Rebeca will feel heat as the good guys are utterly clueless. Will JE link the anonymous call to the police about his mom to the anonymous note he got way back when about Angel? Fat chance.

  60. VIVIR

    Thank you Darcy.

    You tore right into it, with a stern admonishment: "Novela characters miraculously heal overnight all the time, can we get rid of the brace?? Luciano was bit by a wolf and only had 1 minute of fall out. Beca pretended to fall down the stairs, surely her minute is up??" So true and ITA.

    Excellent point in that "One difference between Monica and Beca, Monica doesn't even try to hide her hatred of Cris and play nice in front of daddy!" No, Monica makes no effort to keep her feelings close to the vest does she?? How Don Emilio had such a nasty child is beyond me. Speaking of...I keep wondering if Rebeca's mask will crumble bit by bit before her mother or if it will turn out to be one monstrous reveal.

    And then, Renato: "If they wanted me to even pretend to root for Renato they needed to give him more story, flair, interests, personality. He's like a placeholder, the guy at the grammy's who sits in the seat when the real guest is in the bathroom, so the room looks full for the camera". And there you have it 馃槉


  61. Vivir #61

    Thanks, Dianaa.

    Luciano may not be the Big Catch in this tale but he deserves better than Romina. She is more than incredibly selfish as well as negligent. I hope he catches her trying to take the kids and takes her to court.

    I also fear that Don Emilio may not make it to the end; he's a tough old bird but in fragile health. The actor will be 90 on July 22nd.

    I doubt we've seen the last of Brayan; we'll be at the hump episode on Tuesday. I can't stand him and I'm so over his acrobatics. He reminds me of those guys who used to break-dance and do pole tricks in the subway before the pandemic. As for whether he will kill, I think the answer is SI. Lupita should get her family out of there.

    What are those gold things around Doris' eyes? Mine hurt looking at them.

    Jimena needs to get away from her husband ASAP. He should also remember that Stepford wives are boring beyond belief.

  62. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much.

    "I'm glad Renato confessed his past crappy behavior. But I don't think he's being straight about why he stranded Rebeca in the woods. She was using him to get out of the neighborhood? Yes, but that's no reason to strand her. The way I saw it he did it because she wasn't impressed by his shiny new car and wouldn't get freaky with him in it. But I guess he's chicken about putting it that bluntly with Angel." I included the entire paragraph Niecie because you totally nailed it. Perfect.

    I didn't remember that Mau overheard Santi saying Misael had him stabbed! Mau was a fountain of information but sadly, carried this along with other fascinating facts to the grave...

    You're right of course that Brayan might threaten Rebeca. He does know where the bodies are buried.

    "Will JE link the anonymous call to the police about his mom to the anonymous note he got way back when about Angel? Fat chance". Yeah, I'm afraid I have to agree with you there! ☹


  63. Vivir

    It seems that we are all surprised that the writers decided to kill off Mau. He was such a grinning, devil -may -care blatant grifter that we loved the way be tormented the evil trio...Monica,Mistake, and Refrida . Now, Refrida's tumbling tormented is incarcerated . Here Brayan so he can keep annoying Refrida.

    It doesn't look like Doris is going to stop enabling her BSC bff anytime soon.

    Gaby is chewing up the scenery in this show as the boozy, soused Monica. ( Andy, I love that word " soused." I wonder where it originated. ). She probably has iced tea in her never-ending high ball glasses , so she must be well hydrated. I find myself puckering my lips when I am watching her . That fire engine red lipstick must be on all over those glasses.

    I kind of enjoy Refrida continuing to wear that black collar to keep sending out the idea of how vulnerable and injured she still is....ha...strong as a bull; healthy as a horse I think. I get a kick out of the way she keeps her head completely still and communicates only with those eyebrows and sad little mouth. ...opening it only now and then to deliver an insult or unpopular opinion. Meow. I like the way that Fatima is the one person who tells her off and puts her in her place.

    JE is pretty placid right now . Is he going to buy that big house that Refrida wants ?

    Renato isn't perfect , but he is the closest thing we have to a regular guy ,so I am with him even though I know that JE will end up with Angel. He cooks and paints and he isn't crazy or hella jelly . JE has set a low bar .


  64. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban...

    "Luciano may not be the Big Catch in this tale but he deserves better than Romina". He certainly does, and I totally concur.

    Eric del Castillo is a true treasure. His resume is amazing; he's had so many varied roles and he's been marvelous in everything I've seen him in. His health does indeed seem "fragile" (a perfect descriptor) and I hope he is able to take a well deserved break.

    I completely agree withh you on Lupe and Luis taking Lucas and leaving. I thought they should have left some time ago. He's in even more danger than he was before. He's done his duty now he needs to git.

    "What are those gold things around Doris' eyes?" I'm not sure, perhaps someone else might have an idea? Someone who seems to pay quite a bit of attention to this particular character? Hmmmm.


  65. VIVIR

    "I kind of enjoy Refrida continuing to wear that black collar to keep sending out the idea of how vulnerable and injured she still is....ha...strong as a bull; healthy as a horse I think".

    Susan, you made my day...thank you.


  66. Vivir de amor

    Diana and UA,

    Doris often, way too often, puts whatever it is, glitter or something like that, in her hair and to the side of her eyes. It's very annoying and does not make her more attractive at all, just the opposite in my opinion.

    Whatever it is actually and technically, you would have to ask Doris. Another attempt to gild the lily, and a big Fail, as usual.

    But I forgive her.



  67. VIVIR

    Andy, regarding Doris, "Another attempt to gild the lily, and a big Fail, as usual" was right.

    Doris needs no embellishment. :)


  68. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diand - that’s Diana + Friend. The dynamic duo of recappers keeps Gotham Patio alive and bristling with discourse. Lurve: Titanic. Shawshank. Rouged lips.

    What a fun episode. By now everything has been picked over like the best deals at Ross®️-Dress for Less™️ (or Doris’ boutique), but I’ll throw in my 2¢ for good measure.

    Language observations:
    •When Ang tells Marisa English proficiency would benefit them all in their dealings with the gringos, Marisa comically asks what happens when they have Chinese clients!?? Ang didn’t have an answer. LOL
    •Doris’ sign was replete with Barrio Spanish: “Juimos (sic) a bailar…” “Pura calidad, eh?”
    Literally “pure quality” - her signage assures the clients that she is a responsible merchant of fine wares.
    Her nickname for Wanda is Wandiux (pronounced “won-dyooks”). I can’t get enough of Andy’s girl’s vernacular.

    BEIR (Big-Eyed Idiot Romina) hoodwinked the kids by telling them they were going on an overnight excursion. She said this to Javi after Mati stepped outside with his lifesaver. They have no idea it’s BEIR’s Operation Relocate.

    For the first time since Episode 1, I realized that the actor playing Brayan is not a bad looking dude. Once you get past the ridiculous dreadlocks, the double front tucked flips, and the bark-worse-than-bite, he’s not particularly fug. I noticed this during the scenes he was realizing the betrayal behind bars. I was nervous the guard bribe was to get to Lucas, but that’s impossible as Lucas is home celebrating like it’s 1999.

    For the first time since Episode 1, I agreed with M贸nica. Gasp! When everyone was making a big to do about Cris’ trip to the hacienda, they really poured it on thick. It was M贸nica who pointed out she wasn’t traveling halfway around the world. I was thinking the same thing before she said it. Now I’m worried that I’m having M贸nica tendencies. I’ll report them immediately if I have any more.

    Speaking of M贸nica, I learned a fascinating term since watching this episode: Main Character Syndrome - seeing oneself as the main character (in life) and everyone else = bit players. See also: Narcissist, Attention Ho. People really have this affliction. M贸nica definitely has it. I LOL’d when she spewed the only person Cris would kill is M贸nica! On account of jealousy!!! So rich.

    So the battle lines have been drawn betwixt two very evil, toxic, and voluptuous antagonists. Sidebar: I don’t remember Gala being this curvy in La Mexicans y el G眉ero (where Juan Soler struggled with English as the titular character). I have my popcorn and beanie ready!!!

  69. Vivir

    Doris’ sign:

    Juimos a bailar, NO
    nos tardamos porque
    LA WANDA ya esta ��
    grande y se cansa rapido
    ¡Orita Venimos!
    pura calidad ehh!

  70. Vivir de amor

    O.S., thank you very much for pointing out "I don’t remember Gala being this curvy in La Mexicana y el G眉ero". She was very definitely not. I also mentioned this once before, but it's not all that unusual for actors to gain or lose weight as needed for different roles. Gala put on a few pounds or kilos for this one, and maybe has had a little help from Wardrobe too.

    At least in the early episodes there was a lot of silliness with Brayan staring at her chest and she would tell him to look up to talk to her. Also I got a big kick out of the Vivir de amor promo picture of JE and Angel together facing front, with Becky beside them in an orange sweater in profile to better display her bustiness. (Is bustiness a word?)

    As I said I got a big kick out of it, but I have to admit that it grabbed my attention and made me aware of Vivir de amor as an upcoming novela I might want to consider.

    Sex sells.

    Who knew?



  71. Vivir

    Great comments .

    Andy and O.S. , I have seen Gala (Refrida):in earlier novelas, and I am pretty sure she has made some investments to help her career. Dr.Carlos and I used to have debates about which actresses made such investments.

    Main character Syndrome, yes, I think we all know folks who have this going on in their heads as we enter and exit their lives stage left.

    Brayan looks a bit like Misael to me if you take away the elaborate hairdo and cartwheels and add blue eyes and slicked black hair with the man bun and tiny escaped bang.Both are way to high maintenance to me , but Refried seems to be a magnet for high maintenance guys.

  72. Vivir

    O.S., if it helps I was having the same thoughts about Cris’ trip across town and all the talk between her and DE how they were going to miss each other SO MUCH! It was definitely an eye rolling moment!!!

    Thanks for filling in La Mexicans y el G眉ero, I couldn’t think of it last night. I didn’t actually watch more of that show than the first few episodes but I remember being fascinated by Juan Solar not speaking Spanish!

  73. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you...

    I enjoyed every word of your clever comment, it was a breath of fresh air.

    First thank you for "BEIR (Big-Eyed Idiot Romina) hoodwinked the kids by telling them they were going on an overnight excursion...They have no idea it’s BEIR’s Operation Relocate". I didn't understand that and couldn't fathom why Mati was going along so easily without talking with Luciano. This explains it.

    "..everything has been picked over like the best deals at Ross®️-Dress for Less™️ (or Doris’ boutique)" and "Wanda is Wandiux (pronounced “won-dyooks.” Just marvelous.

    "I was nervous the guard bribe was to get to Lucas, but that’s impossible as Lucas is home celebrating like it’s 1999". Love...

    "Now I’m worried that I’m having M贸nica tendencies. I’ll report them immediately if I have any more" had me laughing out loud. We've no fear of that O.S. Monica DID actually make sense, but that's OK. Everyone has an "off" day now and then. You on the other hand, always make sense. Perfect sense at that.


  74. Vivir de amor

    Susan, you may well be right about the "investments". "Investments", that had me laughing.

    I initially thought Gala just got to indulge in whatever her favorite foods are for a while before filming started, and perhaps, um, invested in some new and improved undergarments.

    She does look "better" in some scenes and clothing (sweaters) than in others.

    In the interest of Science, or something, I will keep an eye on her going forward.


  75. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Andy. You weren’t kidding about Big Reb’s bustiness (spellcheck accepts it so it must be legit. LOL)! I went back and looked at the promo shots. Egad! She looks like she’s smuggling hearty pomelos into d. Emilio’s manse. Maybe she was carrying Pedrito.

    All joking aside, her look has been inconsistent throughout the series. I even wondered if she were Prego IRL and they were fluffing her wardrobe to conceal it (like they sometimes do on American soaps). This theory has been shot to pieces by all the midriff exploitation.

    Thanks, Susan. I wish I could have bantered with you and Dr. Carlos. I bet that was fun. I tried to watch Cabo, but I couldn’t get past all the Investments. I’m sure the patio had a field day with all the silicon, Botox, nipping and/or tucking on parade. One of those bitties was so ridiculous that she looked like a cartoon. Ugh.

    Darcy, your feedback always helps. La Mexicana was my gateway to commenting, and I started recapping on Coraz贸n Guerrero. We bonded instantly over Samuel/CdlC and were usually in agreement over that fun show’s antics. I’m glad to see you still chiming in despite your busy schedule. I’m looking forward to the rest of this novela with this group

  76. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Last but not least, thank you Diana. I really appreciate all your work, wit, and communications with all the patio. I look forward to your daily recaps, and I know you’ll take time to address each and every comment, inquiry, and speculation. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do. Thanks for deeply enriching this novela’s viewing experience.

  77. Vivir

    Yes,I agree O.S. Dear Diana, thank you for being a bright spot in every day.

  78. VIVIR

    O.S. I so appreciate your kind words and support.

    You all continually enlighten me and I am so grateful.

    Susan, thank you so much amiga.


  79. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks for all you do to keep this patio sane and more-or-less on point.

    Occasionally we make a little detour to consider an actress's on again, off again, bustiness, but Monday it will be back to "business".

    O.S. said it so well, I just want to second those comments about all the time and effort you contribute to this patio.

    Thank you.


  80. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your (always) kind support.

    This patio is amazing and the sunny spot in my day...

