
Thursday, May 23, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #58, "Under duress"

Ginebra plays pretend about not knowing why Esteban wanted to gather the entire family. She doesn’t miss the opportunity to summon Paz with some food, asking her to serve everyone. Esteban, dead in the eyes, says he will start speaking as soon as Paz leaves and asks her to check on dinner.

Then he starts telling his family that life sometimes surprises you… he pulls out the ring, barely stops his gag reflex and asks Ginebra to marry him. Paz is not looking at them, but she hears everything and is shaken to the core.

Oh, geez, Ginebra never expected this, but she says yes. Gala doesn’t get it, why would he dump Paz and want to marry Gin. Eder is also confused, even Bosco thinks they’re in too much of a hurry. Esteban says Gin is the woman their family needs to be safe. He only helped Paz because she was an employee, who didn’t deserve to be in jail. Ginebra is sure they will be a wonderful family and hopes Berenice approves. The kids protest, think Esteban is making a rash decision, Esteban insists that having Ginebra with them in the house will give them more stability.  And Paz is still listening to the whole thing and looking 50 shades of heartbroken. Ginebra says she has no more place for hate in her life, she lost so much and she thinks that helping her dead sister’s family will also help her heal. She talks a good game, but even Elvira seems unconvinced, she asks to speak alone to both of them.

Paz goes upstairs and starts sobbing. Gala comes to comfort her, they don’t understand how Esteban could fall for Ginebra so fast and want to marry her. Paz hates herself for being so hurt over this, she promised she’d forget about him. Gala feels guilty for asking Paz to come back to the house, Paz actually manages to say that maybe they will get a piece of their mother back thanks to her sister Ginebra. They hug.

Elvira asks Esteban and Ginebra if they are sure about what they are planning to do. Esteban says they have to get married, Elvira notices the wording, assumes Gin might be pregnant. No, that’s not it, they are waiting for marriage, Ginebra mumbles when Esteban points out they haven’t slept together yet. Elvita is lost for words, she doesn’t get why her two daughters would fall for the same man. Gin says she doesn’t have the right to disapprove. She and Esteban have a lot in common, they’ve both had difficult lives growing up. Esteban leaves and Ginebra again mentions how much she had to suffer to get to where she is now. She was even abused, was Elvira aware of this? And she can’t even give her some support now? Elvira gives in.

Paz is still crying when Esteban finds her. Not looking any better, he says he deserves her hate. She replies she feels so empty inside and can’t stand to hear Esteban speak about how she must be handling everything, he has no clue. He apologizes again, she accuses him of only wanting to hurt her. She was alone for more than 6 years, only dreaming about finding her daughter. She’d put her life on pause but then she met him and thought she could be happy again. But meeting him was the worst thing that could have happened to her. He hurt her just as much as Vermin has. Esteban tries to defend himself, their moments together were wonderful. Paz can’t believe he dared ask her to prepare their food. Esteban says he had to, but only wants her to be happy. He still loves her, he can’t forget her. Paz demands he  shut up, he says his hands are tied, Ginebra asked him to bring her here. He accepts she must hate him now…

Paz cries she can’t even do that, she’s destroyed, why speak to her like this now when he only played with her before. He already told her she will never be the one for him. Esteban screams that he can no longer keep quiet, he needs to tell her the truth, even if this will put everyone in jeopardy. She made him believe in love again, she is part of him. But Paz doesn’t want to listen, she thinks he and Ginebra are the same. She doesn’t know what he’s hiding, but hopefully that won’t ruin him. She leaves the room and falls to the ground crying. Split screen of both of them sobbing.

Elvira is already planning Ginebra’s wedding, but Fuego finds the whole thing odd. Why would Gin act so well after the maternity secret was revealed, is there something they are not seeing? Elvira doesn’t allow him to speak like this, she was the one who went searching for Gin and found her. And Gin offered to help her.

Fuego implies Ginebra might not be honest, Elvira understands that he is wondering if she burned down the orphanage. She asks for proof, but no more doubting her daughter. Or else!!

Pepa has won a scholarship, but it’s for Paris. Mireya hears him talk with Sal about leaving, he says he can’t do that, he can study in their city. Pepa says it’s not up to him to help everyone, he has other dreams. He loves the barrio, but he wants to know the world, and fly. Mireya is hurt he didn’t say something sooner, they’ve always been honest with each other. Pepa calls her out on her hypocrisy, she never told Sal she’s in love with Mauro either. Sal is mad to hear this, Mireya says she just fell in love. Vermin shows up and actually tells Sal to speak better to his mother. Both Sal and Pepa point out that Mauro is not only bad news, but he might even be a criminal. Mauro arrives just then, gets punched by Sal, points out he helped them all while in jail, paid for their protection. He now offers to help Sal find a job and get Pepa into university. But he and Mireya will be together!

Mireya says no, she can’t trust him and she’s afraid of him. He needs to leave. Mauro hopes she won’t feel sorry later on.

Kenzo and Nandy are preparing for some event, but he somehow managed to get his shirt dirty, so he changes. She notices he has a lot of tattoos, she loves them, maybe she’ll get one, too. For a scene with a shirtless, good-looking man, this is extremely bland and passionless.

Lupita and Porfirio are gardening, and planting flowers. He starts crying all of a sudden, he used to plant with his wife, also. Lupita encourages him to get closer to his grandkids. He doesn’t know how to do it, she says love will be the key, just like with the plants. Love and patience.

Monito doubts that he and Sam could have both had the same dream. Samara remembers Ginebra treating her badly in the past, her father’s love and part of the attack. She tells Monito she now remembers everything.

Ginebra comes to the kitchen to rub it in with Paz. Promises to transform her life into a living hell.

Esteban tells the kids he wants to give them stability, but they don’t buy it. He insists he’s only thinking of them. Gala asks him to stop hurting Paz, he promises he will always defend her and asks Bosco to stop fighting with her. He loves them all so much and hopes one day they will understand him.

Sandro is snooping at Jero’s things, talks back to Felipa when she scolds him. She remembers Sandro as a baby (she apparently lost her own babys, it’s not clear how), she wonders if Kenzo will see the difference. Ginebra is there to encourage the lie.

Humberto arrives and sees that she’s not OK, she explains that Sandro treats her badly. Humberto says she has been checking on her case and her ex might have to pay her everything that he owes her.

Pepa and Sal quarrel about keeping secrets. Mireya wants to spend time with them the next day, but they both brush her off.

Gala and Jero play with a toy giraffe. She thinks he was very sexy on the mechanical bull. They take a selfie together and everything is OK until he tries to go too far. She asks him to stop, he’s cool, he will wait for her.

Eder shows Paz his new room, he no longer wants to sleep with Bosco. He wanted her to be his new mom. She says she loved his father a lot and has other problems to consider also. Eder doesn’t want to lose her, he will protect her. They hug as Paz thanks him for his help. He offers to help her see Sam, just don’t leave the house.

Vermin is asleep when Rubio arrives, he somehow managed to get inside the house. He asks for the security box key, or else he will kill Paz. Vermin is upset because they had decided to work together against Ginebra and Mauro. Yeah, but Rubio changed his mind.

Nandy and Kenzo arrive home and she invites him upstairs, to watch the stars.

Jero comes to say hello to Bosco, who is getting a message from Gio. It’s a nude picture (that we are thankfully spared from seeing).

Esteban is sick and tired of Ginebra, he grabs her hands and promises he will keep investigating her and soon enough he will find something against her. Ginebra isn’t scared, she even thinks he deserves a prize for having been such a good sport. And gives him what she calls a clue: 0708 (is this her birthdate, 7th of August, as it was mentioned earlier in the novela?) Why would this matter since they all know that Elvira is her mother now?

Paz listens from behind a door as Ginebra asks Esteban to get married in three weeks. Cara impactada!


  1. Adriana,

    "Under duress" indeed. Your wordsmithing perfectly captured the angst and agony of this tumultuous and depressing episode. This was marvelous.

    Claudia Martin was incredible as she conveyed her "50 shades of heartbroken". Her heart and soul ravaged and decimated.

    Talk about an announcement falling flat. Even Elvira couldn't muster up the slightest smile and Bosco's dour countenance changed not a whit.

    "Fuego implies Ginebra might not be honest, Elvira understands that he is wondering if she burned down the orphanage. She asks for proof.." was a startling statement. Perhaps Fuego will be a pivotal piece in unmasking Ginebra.

    Pepa should leave and follow his dreams. "...some birds are not meant to be caged"...

    Mauro has alienated Pepa and Salo at every turn, especially when he told them he slept with Mir. What did he think would be the outcome? I was surprised Mir told him she is afraid of him.

    Vermin (hits) another brick wall.


  2. I thought Pepa didn't get the Paris scholarship and that was what upset him. I can't understand Mireya's attitude on this. You are supposed to raise your children to fly the nest and soar into their own life. Paris is the best place for an artist to study, I really don't think Mexican universities can compare. Some interesting back stories were presented in this episode, and I agree, perhaps Fobo will be instrumental in figuring things out in regards to Ginebra.

  3. Thanks Adriana, I could see all the scenes again as you described all the events. The only bright spot was learning that Fuego doesn’t seem to trust Ginebra. Maybe he’ll be the one to investigate and solve this. Too bad Esteban can’t talk about it with him. I was worried he said too much when he was trying to explain to Paz. I’m glad she cut him off.

    Mireya expects her talented son to stay there when he has a scholarship for Paris. I hope he does what he wants to do. When she told Mauro to leave I was surprised. Did she do it to please her boys. And what kind of job would he get Sal-working with him! Hopefully that won’t happen.

    I couldn’t believe Bosco and Elvira weren’t excited about the marriage. And Esteban saying they needed her to be safe should have made somebody think.

    This was a heartbreaking episode. And now Rubio is threatening to kill Paz. But Nandy and Kenzo are heading up to the roof, isn’t that where Vermin has his apartment?

    I wonder what will happen to Monito if this marriage happens. Three weeks is pretty soon. But with Sam remembering maybe she can save the day.

    Humberto saying Felipa’s ex will have to pay her everything he owes her was strange. Kenzo doesn’t seem like a deadbeat dad.


  4. Liz, yeah the Kenzo g Felipa situation came out of left field. I may have missed something when I kind of tuned out the Felipa trying to seduce Hum scene in the previous episode. I guess Hum needs some actual paying clients so he is taking on her case.

  5. Cher Adriana, merci for that excellent , detailed account of another upsetting episode . These novelas can be pretty bizarre, but the acting is often amazing.
    Claudia and Daniel are hitting it out of the park and making the oddest twists and turns believable. The young actors are doing a remarkable job.

    Esteban looks so defeated and desperate . He dropped a lot of clues to the family and to Paz. He and Paz are both are in agony as Gin struts and preens arrogantly as her schemes unfold..

    Hmmm...Fobo is suspicious of Gin . This actor has been in quite a few novelas, so from the beginning , I was surprised that he took this kind of seemingly minor role. Perhaps, Fobo is going to play a bigger part in this story as he investigates the burning of the orphanage . Esteban needs help to fight the devil incarnate.

    I also think that Mauro is slowly taking a good look at Gin and the life she has led him into . How far will he let her take her vengeance?

    Kenzo changed his shirt because he put his pen in the pocket ,and it leaked.
    Lots of Tatoos...I like them . I guess those were real . The words " Soldier of God" were across his chest.

    Eder has a heart of gold. He is my favorite character.

    Uh oh...crazy stalking Gio will not take no for an answer.
    Can't wait to see were this story goes . Is there an episode tonight ?

  6. No epi tonight because futbol. We think. 🙄

  7. Susan, was it you who suggested Fobo might be undercover? I love that idea. He has certainly done a lot of investigating for Elvira, but maybe he's also doing it for someone else...he seems to be better at it than Castro, anyway.

  8. Blue Lass. I think that Urban suggested that fobo might be Interpol following Gin and Mauro . I don't know about that , but he is suspicious about Gin .Have we been told how long Fobo has been employed by Elvira? Did he come to work for her after Berenece was killed? Susan

  9. Fobo was in place before Berenice’s death, because he was holding baby Eder when they brought out her body.

  10. I only hope that if Fobo starts investigating he won't become one of Ginebra's victims. We've barely had any important deaths so far, one of the secondary characters have to die by the end, right? I can't really see Elvira riding into the sunset with him, so Fobo might have his days numbered.

  11. Great job, You got off to a flying start with ...he pulls out the ring, barely stops his gag reflex and asks Ginebra to marry him.

    I was also surprised that Elvira wasn't fully on board with this. She was right back to her normal when she scolded Fobo who has a bad vibe about Ginebra. He should just investigate, keep his mouth shut, and silently hand the file to Esteban. He's been with this family for some years and I would be shocked if he didn't care about the kids.

    Esteban has to learn to not counter-threaten Ginebra because this is putting him closer to the firing squad. Considering that he is probably having nightmares already about the noche de bodas he can't lose his mind altogether.

    If Vermin really cared about Paz he would have told her the truth long before this.

    Samara remembered it all but whom can she talk to now?

    Rubio is a sadist and Mireya needs to watch out. This might be what prevents Pepa from leaving the barrio. Will this be an opportunity for Mauro to play the white knight? That would royally peeve Ginebra. I really hope he is her downfall.

  12. I rewatched the first episode last night as I had nothing else to watch.. Fobo was there as somebody else recalled. The entire episode made so much more sense as I now know all the characters. I'm still a bit confused how one slap across the face to Paz would land Fermin in jail for 6 years but that is I guess one of those beanie moments.

  13. Urban, I think that wicked Ginny likes the way Esteban tries to stand up to her as the strong alpha male while both she and he know that he is helpless and she has the upper hand. She is absolutely giddy playing with him like a puppet because she knows he is used to being in control . Her constant smirk shows how much she is enjoying mentally torturing him. I dont think she has ever met anyone with heroic qualities like Esteban , so she is excited about breaking him . Her cold, calculated cruelty is frightening . These two are definitely in aN epic struggle of good vs evil.

  14. I got caught up on my night off, so in lieu of a recap here is a bit more info on the tricky conversations we've been discussing:

    - Pepa was upset because he did not get the scholarship. Everyone else was upset it had even occurred to him to apply so far away.

    - Jero point-blank asked his mom why she was laundering money through crypto and if Gin had anything to do with it. She played dumb (not much of a stretch for her.)

    - The bag that Mauro tossed at the guy in the alley where he and Fermin stole the infant contained "all the incriminating evidence against you." I don't think we'll be seeing him again, so that's probably all we'll find out. They gave the mother some money at Fermin's insistence, although Mauro said she'd just buy more drugs with it.

    - Sandro was stealing things from Jero's room to sell at school. When Filipa forbade it, he just told her she couldn't tell him what to do and walked off.

    - I remain confused about how and when Humberto became Filipa's lawyer, but he did say it looked like her ex would be paying what he owes.

    - When Gema taunted Gala about her illness, Gala responded that she was so on top of it she'd even made a public service announcement, and she suggested Gema might want to do one on unwanted pregnancies. Burrrrrn.

  15. I am starting to wonder about Felipa's "lost" babies. What did she mean by that? Ginebra was in that flashback scene but said nothing in response.

    We don't know how long they know each other or how they met. Could Ginebra have met her before Felipa married Kenzo? That would have been at least 20 years ago so that seems unlikely if Ginebra is now 38. Or is Jeronimo not Kenzo's so Felipa was desperate for a son to pass off as his because she couldn't get pregnant anymore for whatever reason?

    Did Ginebra even go to college or is her chemistry degree fake? She has faked birth certificates and probably other documents as well.

    Who suggested to Elvira that Ginebra was possibly the one who torched the orphanage?

    34 episodes to go...

  16. Urban, it appears that Filipa lost her second baby at birth, and Ginebra supplied her with Sandro. That may have been how they "met." It wasn't clear if they'd known each other before. But if Kenzo has been Esteban's bestie since forever, that shows that she's been lurking in the wings for quite some time.

    In Elvira's last conversation with Fobo, it was revealed that the orphanage was in Europe, which explains how those two kids got there -- I guess Elvi's dad was trying to get the baby as far away as possible. She said she did all the research "after [someone] died," presumably her father, although I couldn't catch it and my Spanish subtitles were equally clueless.

    When Fobo started to relay his suspicions of Ginebra, Elvira jumped in and said, "Are you suggesting she burned down the orphanage?" It wasn't clear to me if she actually had this in the back of her mind or if she was being sarcastic. Fobo also said that he found Gin through an anonymous tip, and they still don't know where that came from (although we do, don't we?)

    I hadn't thought of a fake degree, but it makes perfect sense, since as you point out everything about her is fake. So I guess we can stop wondering how she managed to fit college in around all the crime.

  17. OKAY...

    It makes perfect sense for Elvira to have waited until her father died to do this research. How did this man get the baby out of the country and dump her in Europe if he didn't have a private plane?

    Unless Elvira's family was already living there in the first place, which makes sense in view of Ginebra's European financial activities we know happened. Ginebra started her murder career in Europe and moved to Mexico perhaps because the law may have begun to catch on.

    The Maastrict Treaty was in 1993 when Ginebra was 6 or 7 years old. Wherever she was born she could easily have run out of countries in which to find prime victims and get the hell out of them after each kill. She could have started this 20 years ago. We have not seen photos of all her victims so we don't know if Elias was her first victim in Mexico.

    As for the anonymous tip, I think that Mauro is a person of interest.

    I wondered why Tiago Correa was cast as Mauro, as he doesn't have a long resume with Televisa; unless Wikipedia's list is incomplete this is his first role in a Televisa/Univision production. Despite being half Chilean and half Brazilian he looks French (enhanced by his haircut and wardrobe). Maybe that's where the orphanage was? My research shows that there are 12 orphanages there but comparatively few overall in Western Europe.

  18. Blue Lass and Urban, Thank you so much for the extra info. I feel better now!!! We have clever Fobo suspicious of Gin, Fefe maybe growing a heart, and Mauro falling for down to earth Mir and hopefully away from evil Ginny. We also have efficient , no nonsense super attorney\cowboy Hum ,and Grumpy Porfirio will surely soften as he hangs around Lupe . Esteban needs a village to fight the devil in heels.

  19. Heels and leather with occasional splashes of red.
