
Wednesday, May 01, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #42: Hell Is Other People*

Salomón tried to help Pepa feel better with a gift of colored chalk and comfortable-looking new shoes [Did he have to spend all the money Gala gave him?]. Pepa recalled the first birthday present from his brother was crayons. Salomón assured Pepa he would always be there for him.

Gio came on to Bosco. She wanted to get it on with him, saying he was old enough for his first and she wanted to be that. He looked a little shocked, as though this was unexpected.

Esteban went after Castro over the recent events in the prison, which Castro told him he had no authority over. He claimed that Monica's death was the result of a severe allergy [It looked like pesticide poisoning to this true-crime junkie]. Esteban handed him a bagged bullet to compare with ones found in the water park. Castro was insulted as he left. Esteban told Gala no law firm he spoke to would take the case. He didn't yet know that Humberto was coming to the rescue. Gala came into the study with a large plush rabbit she bought online to give to Samara. It contained a spy camera and was usually bought by nannies. Esteban was concerned about the possible impossibility that Ginebra would not allow them to give Samara anything. Gala was concerned about the practical longevity of the camera. She didn't want them to bring Cobija or Monito to her, but Esteban said she just gave him a good idea.

Ginebra and Mauro talked in her office about the current situation, relieved that Monica was not going to be a problem and certain that nobody could [or would] identify the poison. Elvira entered under the impression that they were there to help. They talked about Esteban's “distractions”, claiming that he was neglecting both the company and the children as they plotted to put Mauro in Kenzo's place [Human Resources, no less] and fire Esteban to make Ginebra the CEO. Ginebra had to suppress her smirk.

Kenzo tried to reassure the boys and Nandy that Esteban was taking care of things. He himself had ended up arrested just as he was developing a connexion with his sons. Salomón joked about getting a radio, a TV set, etc. Pepa and Nandy took the chalk to start decorating the walls.

Mireya could not sleep. She prayed to the Virgen de Guadaloupe for help for her family. Paz had a nightmare in which she was walking around the barrio with a drawing of her Maria, asking whether anyone had seen her. She walked through fog with no one helping or speaking to her, finally to a statue of Jesus. She saw a little girl similar to Samara who began running away. She ran after her, calling to her. Ginebra then materialized to taunt her with “Your daughter is dead. You will never see her again.” Paz woke up and cried.

Gala and Esteban talked about the plush rabbit and that this was the only thing they could do, ,dangerous as it was. Humberto and Porfirio arrived. Esteban was irritated and Gala said they didn't need any more drama. Humberto told him they came to save Paz' family because she was “the love of your life.” Esteban looked at them with shock and more than a little suspicion.

Paz was worried about Lupita's chance of survival and tried to buck Mireya up. Mireya flashed back ti her recent encounter with Mauro in which she had pointed out their conflicting family members. She said nothing about it. [Does she still have the necklace with the hidden microphone?]

Ginebra thanked Elvira for the vote of confidence, pointing to Esteban's inevitable reaction. Elvira didn't give a damn; she also mentioned that Berenice once held this position. Ginebra looked at her with a curious expression, asking why she did this. Elvira replied “Because you are like another daughter to me.” Mauro watched both their faces this and probably figured out that Elvira knew of the maternal connexion.

Esteban pointed out that this case was outside of Humberto's specialty. Humberto said that there were penal codes for everything (?) and the important thing was to get them out ASAP, especially Lupita. Gala left the study and Esteban accepted Humberto's help, with a hint of caution in his expression.

Pepa and Salomón were finishing a chalk mural of a rainbow and a colorful bird flying away. Nandy drew a shark on another wall. Kenzo told her that while he was afraid and in pain, he loved her. He drew a heart with their initials in it. [That strikes me as dangerous in this environment.]

Esteban was telling Humberto and Porfirio about the case and the situation, including that both he and Paz had concealed things from each other. He finally took out a leather portfolio of information pertinent to the investigation. Humberto looked at the contents and they agreed to meet in the morning. Porfirio refused Esteban's offer to stay, saying he didn't want to be under the same roof. [Old man, you will die alone at this rate.]

Gala and Bosco talked about her feelings for Salomón. She was somewhat unsure and tried to get him to talk about Gio. He was not willing to talk about this. He brought up the photos and she told him that she and Salomón had faked a relationship and... Esteban entered the room.

Meanwhile at the office Mauro handed a mug of coffee to Elvira as Samara woke up from her nap and entered. Ginebra made a fuss over her as though she were a normal, loving mother,, telling her they were going to visit Elvira's house to see Monito and Cobija. The girl was excited at the prospect and Ginebra commented on a fascination with poisoning or otherwise killing dogs. Mauro controlled his own reaction as Elvira talked about how Samara would be treated like the princess she is. Elvira said she could see her as a grandmother. She was not pleased when Samara mentioned her other abuelita. Ginebra was equally displeased but neither made a scene. However, Samara asked Elvira for a favor: “Could you use your money to help Paz and her family?” Ginebra and Mauro looked at each other. She tried to look amused, he looked as though this were coming from left field, and Elvira's smile melted into a frown.

Gala explained the deception was to make Jeronimo jealous and now she doesn't know what she wants. Esteban didn't like being left in the dark about this but acknowledged that Gala was a legal adult free to make her own decisions. She said she needed time to figure this out.

Elvira went into her usual rant about Esteban making a mistake getting involved with Paz, then got onto Gala's case about “that plumber” and Bosco's case about getting involved with an appropriate girl because he didn't have a normal social life. Elvira had liked the idea of Bosco dating Gio “because her family has class.” Gala got back at that because Elvira had neglected to say “money.” Elvira dismissed the prospect of love as an illusion. Bosco seemed to be fighting back and Gala definitely was as Fogo was eavesdropping from just outside the open door. When Elvira talked about employees and betrayal he turned around, squaring his jaw [We are all hoping he will come to his own senses here]. Gala really fought back by unknowingly hitting below the belt in asking if this was about Elvira's past experiences. He walked away as Gala used the word cruel and asked if Elvira thought she and her brothers were born as novelties. She continued to defend Esteban's right to love again. Told Elvira she has no right to decide other people's lives, and asked whether her father wanted to do that to her. [¡Touché, Gala!] Elvira replied “I followed the orders that my father gave me, because that was my responsibility. Although I didn't always agree with his methods.” Gala pointed out that Elvira wasn't ruling out Jeronimo whose father was now in jail and Elvira pulled out the Class Card again. She then got impatient with Bosco who had been silent through all of this. He got up and stood with her, saying to Elvira that they were not playing pieces for her use. They had the right to be with whomever they chose.

Esteban visited Paz to tell her of his own plan to spy on Ginebra and Mauro to prove their cruelty to Samara. He mentioned getting Monito into the Nicoliti dungeon house to help.

Still dressed in leather, Ginebra made a pancake from a box mix which looked pretty amateurish. Samara ran from the breakfast table after saying that she loved Paz' made-from-scratch pancakes with fruit. Mauro tried to stop the pissed-off Ginebra from following her but failed [Things look like they're back to normal in this house of horrors].

Esteban wanted to get Monito into Ginebra's house to investigate, saying the kid was very capable [¿Estas loco, hombre?]. He also said that Samara wanted to see Monito. Monito already submitted a request through Castro. “Most likely they will force me to return the child.” (To have him end up at Ginebra's? Did I hear that correctly?) Paz was afraid for the boy and Esteban promised to take care of him. He also promised to get better security for them,to get Lupita out for her health, and explained that Nandy's situation was more complicated because the new identity documents had not been finalized. He finally told her his cousin took her case.

A guard told Lupita she was being released.

Samara wanted to see Paz, but Ginebra told her angrily NO, then tried pulling her off the bed. Samara was as frightened as ever.

Esteban was still talking to Paz when Humberto arrived. As he introduced them Humberto's facial expression as he looked at Paz gave Esteban pause [...y nosotros tambien].

Samara ran from Ginebra, begging her not to hit her. Ginebra accused her of hurting her feelings [as we all head toward the vomitorium] and then tried to act like a normal mother. She began gaslighting her. As she embraced Samara the child remembered the scalding-hot shower.

Monito and Eder were getting on perfectly, putting aside rich or poor.

Lupita did not want to leave her daughters. Mireya told her they would be alright because they would not have to worry about her [Shouldn't they also be worried about the neighbors?].

Humberto told Paz she had beautiful eyes which provoked a jealous reaction from Esteban. He explained that Humberto would be in on their plan, including proving that Ginebra and Mauro were abusing Samara. Humberto then explained that the others would be released, once Paz and Vermin assume all responsibility. Both Paz and Esteban looked at him in shock.

*Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit


  1. BlueLass: This is Paz's No Good, Dreadful, Pathetic, Disastrous, Horrible, Chaotic, Very Bad Day.

    Wake me up when Ginebra dies a horrible death.

  2. It will be a welcome change to have most of them out of jail. So the guys only had 4 in their cell (Nandy actually is better off with them at this point). Meanwhile the women seemed to have many more in their cell, most of them sleeping on the floor! Vermin needs to come clean about Sam to the lawyer at least, in case he gets offed in prison. Is Humberto taking him on also?
    I'm thinking Mir's necklace was taken while in jail. She will probably get it back after release. It was so ugly I don't know why she wore it anyhow!

  3. Great recap, Urban. Loved the “No Exit” title. So, they are going to send Monito into the Nicoliti household to be the battery supplier for the plushy like a Trojan Horse? Esteban is sure he will be able to protect him? Tell me another story but if anyone can inflitrate the home of the enemy and not get caught Monito can. He needs to give them all lessons on basic survival. Humberto the lawyer cousin looks like he is going to be a trip in more ways than one. : )

  4. Thanks Urban, I enjoyed the recap. It didn’t take Ginebra long to turn mean. How did she hide that from her husband!

    Bosco seems torn between Elvira and what he’s starting to realize is right. I’m guessing Elvira never forgave Esteban for being born and raised on a ranch.

    I’m glad Lupita is getting out but I also wonder if she’ll be safe on her own. I hope at least they can get the boys out. It seems if Kenzo gets out he won’t have a job. And is Ginebra taking Esteban’s job? Mauro was just creepy in that scene.

    The jail scenes are so awful and depressing. I read an article about DePaul University. Some students have a bookclub at the prison. And a sheriff or someone said 70% of the prisoners are involved in educational things. So now it will be easier for me to watch and think that those horrible things could never happen!

    I do not want Humberto to fall for Paz. He and Esteban need to be working together. And I don’t want Monito or the dog anywhere near Ginebra.


  5. Thanks, Urban. That episode was full of gnarly details, and you sorted them all out.

    I think the writers are playing with us. I mean, every tn has to have its prison interlude, but an entire family and all of their friends in two separate jails at the same time? Srsly???

    I love the idea from yesterday of Sandro being stolen from one of the barrio moms. Finding that out would really fix HIS wagon.

    I fear they are, in fact, going down the closeted gay path with our two sensitive artistic boys. When Gio launched herself at Bosco, he looked like he'd been attacked by a giant lizard. And it's been made clear that Pepa has never had a girlfriend. Sigh.

  6. I hope they don't make these guys gay. There already is an LGTBQ storyline with every aspect of it being dealt with along with its protagonist being portrayed by a transwoman.

    I can't wait for Sandro's real mother to be found. This is leading me to think that since Rubio hung out in the barrio he is involved and has been on Ginebra's payroll for a long time.

    It would be ideal now for Vermin to confide in Humberto about Samara's identity. They could get a DNA test done and bring the results to court. It can't actually be legal to sell a child so the charges would have to be dropped. However, this would have to happen immediately before our Black Widow finds out that Humberto is Esteban's cousin.

    It should occur to somebody by now that there is/was a microphone in Mireya's necklace.

    Monito is a helluva smart kid. He deserves an FPS at the end.

  7. Urban, thank you for that excellent recap that gave us every detail.

    I am so glad that Hum and Grumpy Grandpa are here now so that Esteban has some adult support . Hum was smitten as soon as he met beautiful Paz, and Esteban noticed and looked ticked off. Esteban swallow your pride and your jealousy because the Calvary has arrived and you need help to help the love of your life and her family and Kenzo.

    Looks like Bosco did not want that kiss and proposition from Gio . It seems that we may see Bosco and Pepa as a couple . Maybe some of Pepa's sweetness and sensitivity will mellow cranky Bosco. Elvira will hit the ceiling . ha

    So...the camera bunny, the dograbbit, and Monito are all going to Gin's Heart of Darkness Mansion . It seems wrong of Esteban to send a kid into this dangerous situation , but he has spent enough time with him to realize that Monito is clever, resourceful , confident, and street smart . Samlunamaria will be so happy to see her little protector and the dog rabbit . Meanwhile , Gala and Esteban will be watching thanks to bunny technology.

    Evidently Esteban and Kenzo are both out of a job.

    Can't wait to see how the story unfolds tonight .


  8. One last thing. . . that was one sorry looking pancake that Ginebra made.

  9. Jwrifa, yes, in addition to being an awful human being , Gin can't even make a decent pancake .


  10. Urban,

    More pictures that were perfect.

    You masterfully guided us through another tunnel of terror and tears.

    While no one should ever put a child in peril, I have to side with Esteban. Monito is one of, if not the savviest characters here. He knows the drill, the pitfalls and his street smarts will serve him well.

    I am far more concerned about the bad it possible that the masters of wiretapping could atually be fooled by the outsize pink plush toy?

    I like that Gala and Bosco are sticking together and standing up to Elvira.

    Humberto is interesting; too bad he didn't meet and fall for Mir as Paz is the impossible dream. I'm tired of looking at Porfirio's sour and dour face.

    Why is everyone shocked that Paz and Vermin need to accept responsibility? She IS responsible for Sam being at the house. What she did was the right thing, now it just needs to be proven that she did it for the right reasons. Let the others go and then work on her case. Ginebra's patience with Sam is already gone and if Monito and the bunny toy work their magic, she will hopefully be in hot water soon.


  11. I can't wait to see Gin try to gaslight and manipulate Monito. Their interactions will be interesting. Monito has excellent instincts about people , so Gin will not be able to snow him into thinking she is Mother of the Year.


  12. We need to wonder the degree to which Ginebra can buy off judges and other officials in similar places. She has a crap ton of cash stashed in that vault room.

    We also need to think about how long Mauro can keep her from doing any real harm. Her patience is gone already and he probably can't always be at hand to stop her from all the abuses she piles on that poor child. After the death of sweet Chimichurri in Culpa these writers better not kill off Cobija.

    I could not help thinking that Ginebra still has plans to kill Samara because of what she said in Paz' nightmare.

    Somehow I also think that Paz could melt Porfirio's heart because she is down-to-earth and real. She is the midpoint between him and Esteban. He would also like her family.

  13. Thank you Urban for the recap. Your borrowing the phrase of "Hell is other people" from Jean Paul Sartre's Huis Clos (English Title No Exit) captured the way the inhabitants of the carcel fail to relate to the other as persons with feelings. That prison is a nightmare in which the Sartre's quip "L'enfer c'est les autres" is an apt description of the brutality of their failed interactions. But I agree with the general sentiments of Viewerville: enough of the carcel. And enough of Ginebra, a truly tiresome devil.
    As for the writers setting up of Bosco with Pepa, I think not. Bosco is probably just a closet unhappy asexual. Pepa is just Pepa, punto.

    We're halfway through this mess.
