
Friday, May 03, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #44, jueves 5/2: Second Story Man

The opening scene is a rewind on the Lupe-Mauro slap, which is fun, and then Porfirio throws him out on his can, which is even more fun. Gala sniffs and says that Gema didn't say anything important, but she's clearly feeling it.

Gin admits to Mauro that she's in love with Esteban, which has never happened to her before, and you can tell it's true because she's really honked off about it. He points out that there is no HEA here because Esteban can't stand her, but she says she'll have him one way or another. (Are we sure she's not related to Gema?)

In the courtroom, everyone's playing Fun With Perjury. Paz is just a poor, deluded grieving mother who sees her missing child everywhere; Fefe is a good-for-nothing debtor/wife-beater who threatened everyone into submission; the rest of the Robles are clueless rubes and nobody doesn't know nothin'. Castro is called upon to confirm a number of details and seems gratified someone is actually listening to him. The judge sends everyone back to jail so he can take a Xanax think.

Oh, and it turns out Mauro is a lawyer, in addition to being an HR professional, a tech whiz, and a crime boss. He probably dubs telenovelas out of Turkish in his spare time. 

Por takes Lupe back to Villa Villa, where the bad guests and the bad hostess spar as per usual and put everyone off their feed. In another room, Esteban, Humberto and Gala gasp as they watch Gin backhand Sam for asking her to sing the Paz song. They doubt it's enough to incriminate her, but at least they know the spybunny works. In the background, Por comments that smacking  your kids isn't so bad, which disgusts Gala. 

Elvira convenes a meek-looking Board of Directors to propose -- well, demand -- that they replace Esteban with Ginebra as general director. Esteban objects that she has no management experience, and Mauro assures everyone that she was deeply involved in all of Elias' companies; he just didn't want her name on anything because he was such a macho man. Well, that should settle it. Evidence is SO overrated. The Board adjourns to polish up their rubber stamps think.

(I'm surprised Gin didn't offer to job-share with Esteban, just to keep him close. If she can mix up hallucinogens, flesh-dissolving acid, and foamy death in her kitchen sink, surely she can come up with a love potion. Or at least something to immobilize him. Isn't that what love is?)

Salo buys a contraband phone from a tattoo contest finalist and surreptitiously phones Gala. She refuses to speak to him after "what he did" and hangs up. What? She believes GEMA??? She won't even give him a chance to explain? Bad fake girlfriend! No cookie!

Monito is taking his undercover assignment very seriously, wandering around the glass house fondling knickknacks and knocking on walls. Using his experience with secret chambers from his old burgling days, he finally presses the right panel and reveals the entrance to the piles o' cash room. He signals Sam to be the lookout while he punches in a long number he found etched on the bottom of some tacky quadruped statuette downstairs. Aaaand he's in! (The fact that he remembered the number after seeing it just once while Gin needed a physical reminder just shows who has the brains in this operation.) 

In Elvira's office, Ginebra pointedly asks her why she chose her for the new general director of the company. What's so special about her? Why does Elvira trust her so much? El finally comes clean: "Ginebra...I am your mother..." Gin rears back and rolls her eyes like a half-broke horse. Good thing she doesn't have a light sabre. 

In other news:

* Monito finds a locked box in the secret room and gets out his jimmy. Please tell me Gin doesn't keep...shudder...trophies. 

* The lady that hoards all the lipstick lets Paz and Mir into the kitchen, where they announce they're going to cook for everyone! (You can't keep these girls down!) The existing cook flounces off after warning them that it's pretty hard to make a gourmet meal without weaponizable knives, saucepans or hot oil. 

* Mauro drops in on Mir in the jailhouse speakeasy. Lather, rinse, repeat. Yaaaawn. 

* Kenzo is released, and Jero shows up at his door. Big hugs, somewhat dampened when Kenzo asks where Fil and Sandro are and Jero says, "They went shopping." 

* Esteban visits Paz to tell her he may have to seduce Ginebra. Paz is visibly upset but goes along with it. Any man who looks that miserable about getting into a lady's leathers probably isn't much of a flight risk anyway.


  1. I laughed out loud while reading this recap.
    I know Gin wants Esteban to get her hands on Elvira's company, but doesn't it bother her at all when even Mauro says that Esteban will never love her? I mean, it can't be nice knowing that the man you are obsessed with isn't interested in you at all. She should find it even insulting that he picked someone like Paz over her based on the way shetreats Paz. Does it even matter to someone like her that they pretty much would have toforce the person to be with them?
    They made Monito into such a little spy. It's a bit funny. Reminds me of children's books, where adults are useless and kids solve all the mysteries.
    It took Gin...what, two episodes to lose her temper? She should just get that sword from Bosco and start stabbing people left, right and centre. I could just see her in a room full of corpses, drinking a glass of wine. 'They all had it coming.' And Mauro would have to think what to do with all those bodies. Yesterday I was wondering what Gin would do without Mauro. He is clearly the one with the necessary skills because she just gives him the instructions, but he would even hve to suggest ways of accomplishing things she wants if they require It knowledge. Where would she get someone as loyal as he is?

  2. Hahaha, Blue! Mauro dubs tns out of Spanish in his spare time. Just hilarious! I also loved the lines about Monito having the brains in this operation over Ginebra, shudder…trophies, and Ginebra rolls her eyes like a half broke horse.

    Waterlily, I also got Boxcar Children vibes watching our cute Monito snooping around. Isn’t he precioso?

    The only other comment I’d like to add is about Fobo. You may enjoy googling the actor Raúl Coronado images and finding the one with a star.

  3. Monito able to jimmy locks with a wire coat hanger! So much for Gin's security! I also was shocked at Mauro's c.v.....what trick will he pull out of his hat next.

  4. BlueLass, thank you. I so enjoyed your recap. You know, every time, I think I have had it with this novela and am done with it, I watch one more episode and I am hooked. This episode's star was Monito once again being able to find Ginebra's secret stash. "The fact that he remembered the number after seeing it just once while Gin needed a physical reminder just shows who has the brains in this operation." I think I could change that to "in this novela."

  5. Yep, our Monito is going to outsmart them all.

    Yikes, R la O…! That Fobo-foto may make me into a Cowboys fan.

  6. Blue Lass, well, Lassie , May I just say ..WOW. You were on fire for this one. Thanks for the fun read with my lunch yogurt .

    Too many wonderfully clever lines to name , but I think my favorite was your last line concerning Esteban looking miserable about getting into " a lady's leathers." THIS.

    So... When Gin indicated that she would "have" Esteban one way or another , exactly what ways was she considering???? potions ? Restraints? Hypnosis?

    Monito is amazing . He is going to own the moon one day . I love that he always looks at Esteban like he hung the moon , and he seems to be thinking " I want to be this hombre when I grow up. "

    Well, I am anxious to see how Esteban goes about seducing The Evil Queen of Chemistry. This should be interesting because she wants him to want her , She needs him to want her shouldn't have to do much maybe just show up at The House of Dark Despair.


  7. You're so funny, Blue, you make me forget what I'm watching isn't supposed to be a comedy.

    Monito is quite the 007, isn't he? The risk he's taking is huge, I hope both he and Samara will be out of that house soon.

    What sane board members would agree to name as their boss some woman who has been with the company for a hot second and has never worked before that? Maybe if she does become CEO, Ginebra will finally decide what the company sells/ produces/ creates.

  8. Adriana, we should have a contest and give suggestions as to what products this mystery business makes . Beer is always a popular product in the telenovelas.

  9. Susan, great ideea about the contest, but how do we know who wins if they never mention it?
    Maybe we should reach out to Daniel Elbittar on his instagram account and ask him. I'm sure he'd laugh about.

  10. I meant to write "I'm sure he'd laugh about it."

    Anyway, I actually did send him a message asking if he knows what Elvira's company does .
    Let's see if the message is read/ approved.

  11. Thanks so much, Blue Lass, your recap was a fun read.

    Monito was the star of the show. I wonder what kind of houses he broke into. Hopefully he took pictures of the money.

    So the board gets to vote on the new general director. I guess Ginebra is smart and could probably figure out what to do. But I’d rather see the company take a nose dive.

    I wonder if Paz and Mir will start making gourmet meals and have all the prisoners behind them.


  12. Adriana, ha...good for you . I hope Daniel answers you . He has a quirky sense of humor . I check out his Facebook page and Tik tok.


  13. Blue Lass,

    I loved your recap.

    You have the remarkable ability to make this soul crushing saga somehow bearable through your wit and humor.

    "Fun With Perjury" and "Gin rears back and rolls her eyes like a half-broke horse" were so clever along with many other amazing lines. This entire gem deserves a cut and paste.

    I'm with Jarifa in that my favorite scene was Monito, self assured, wits fully about him, searching the premises and uncovering the hidden room like a real pro (which he is actually).

    I'm really hoping Esteban doesn't have to stoop and sleep with Ginebra. My skin is crawling; I can only imagine how he is going to be feeling.

    I'm rather amazed but very pleased the plush toy is working and very clearly too.

    I went from thinking Kenzo was pretty much of a zero to being a hero. I can't wait to see what happens to him and I so want a happy ending...


    The judge sends everyone back to jail so he can take a Xanax think.

  14. Blue Lass,

    This is the second day my comment has gone missing but I am trying again.

    I loved your recap. You somehow made this sad episode bearable due to your marvelous humor.

    "Fun With Perjury" and "If she can mix up hallucinogens, flesh-dissolving acid, and foamy death in her kitchen sink, surely she can come up with a love potion. Or at least something to immobilize him. Isn't that what love is?)" were perfect.

    Like Jarifa, I loved Monito, self assured and so savvy finding his way around with ease, unearthing the secret room in no time flat!

    I hope Esteban doesn't have to seduce Ginebra. My flesh is crawling at the thought, I can't imagine how he must feel.

    This was the spoonful of sugar so desperately needed for this medicine to go down. Thank you so much!

