
Thursday, May 02, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida, & Mujer - Week of Apr. 29, 2024

Coming Soon: 1) El Gallo de Oro with Jose Ron and Lucero will start on May 8th at 9PM!

       2) Golpe de Suerte with Big Ed Yañez and Mayrin Villanueva will start MUY PRONTO!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida….and there is a nice little patio to tune in to. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 75-76 (Últimas Semanas!!)

9-10 PM – Mujer: Season 3  (Últimas Semanas!!)  

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Vida”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. TU VIDA #75 Part 1/2

    This is very condensed and I apologize. I was too tired to stay up late to knock this thing out and I’m headed out early this morning. Think of it as the Readers Digest version of War & Peace. Please add in your comments anything I overlooked, including convo details. A few scenes and details were deliberately omitted because they didn't move the plot forward.
    Scenes combined, typos, the usual disclaimers.

    PAULA tells Lor that she is just done with crying anymore.#over it all She won’t even think about Nat’s claim that she had an affair with German. It’s in the past. Water under the bridge, etc. He was a good husband to her and the kids and those are the memories she will hold onto.

    ALEX is shocked to learn the truth about Zaida and that Lorenzo paid the lawyer to look into her case and get her out of jail. Alex tells Rafa that Lor acted like a father, thinking of him and Andrea. Rafa doesn’t know how Andi will react when he and Zai tell her the truth. Alex says he can count on him to be there for support.

    They talk about Isa and the marriage ending. It isn’t easy for Alex to let go of 40 years together (but he seems to this recapper to be surviving it fairly well!). He tells Rafa to spend his time focusing more on how Andi will take the news of her mother. Also, Alex is thinking of “starting over” by interviewing Gracia for the position of official Isabela replacement. Rafa is a bit surprised, but then he supports it.

    MALENA is visited by Teresa, who is loaded for bear. Teresa now knows that Mal convinced Rigo to kidnap Mal from her boda. Lots of arguing ensues. Teresa assures Mal The Whole Town And Your Family will know the truth. They argue some more. Finally, Malena offers Teresa money to keep her mouth shut. Name your price. This goes back and forth a dozen times and Mal keeps saying “how much do you want? I can get any amount.” to the point it was becoming ridiculous. Teresa isn’t having it, even though she sometimes looks like she’s considering it.

    ZAIDA visits Rafa, and says it must be hard having two fathers. Idiot Rafa, whose brain cells shrink for this scene, conveniently forgets Lorenzo gave him ten million pesos that Rafa promptly handed over to skank Natalia and will never see that money gain, tells Zaida that Lorenzo means nothing to him. (Argh! Dude, your redemption tour just lost some ground.) Anyway, Rafa says Lor helped him but he can’t buy my affection. (more argh!)

  2. TU VIDA #75 Part 2/2

    ANDREA joins them for the great meet-up. They seem to get along really well but Andi is concerned that Rafa is dating a married woman. Once she gets confirmation that Zai/So is single and has a beautiful, healthy daughter, all is good with Andi. But we will have to wait for another episode before Andi learns ZaiSo is her mother.

    ALEX AND ISA area t the restaurant when Natalia shows up in a strapless leather catsuit. Perfect lawyer attire in telenovelaland, right? Juarever. Alex scheduled the meeting, to tell Nat they want to buy back the land. Nat says nopis, the real estate market is hot and it’s now worth twice that amount and she has a buyer lined up. Isa doesn’t want Alex to give this witch a single peso to that thief. Either way, they’re toast.

    THE NIGHT OF Not-Quite-LUUURRRRRRVE -- Lorenzo comes over to Isabela’s house. Andi is spending the night at Rafa’s, and he wants to spend the night with Isa. He wants to shake the sheets with her. Isabela can’t. She shared that bed with Alex for 40 years and she just can’t. Lor is disappointed, now understand the old saying "Life is what happens when you've made other plans" and goes home. Gah.

    GRACIA visits Rafa. Gracia tells him how Marco is now romancing La Chinita and, well, Rafa says she’s jealous. Gracia has cara de impactada. Furthermore, he suggest she focus on Alex, because Gracia is the only person he can see Alex with, post-Isabela.

    MORE MALENA – she calls Rolando and tells him they’re in trouble because Teresa paid her a visit. Mal thinks Rol will give her the money to pay off Teresa. Rol tells her that it’s not his job to help her and Mal says that if Teresa talks, he will go down with her.

    Rol (intelligently) tells Mal that payoff money won’t buy silence; only the dead can’t speak, and she’ll have to get her hands dirty if she wants this to go away for good. Mal says no, he’s crazy (pot calling kettle black, but I digress…) Mal says she saw Rol kill Rigoberto and if Teresa opens her mouth, she’ll sing like a canary.

    Rolando says the only difference between him and her (Mal) is that he will break her neck like he did Rigo’s BEFORE anything bad can happen. Nat walks up and overhears this last bit, and wants all the deets. And she’s still wearing that strapless leather catsuit.

    Next day, Pepe has to go to town, to the market, and can Paula take him in the food truck. Apparently Pepe isn’t worried about Paula fainting or having any spells while driving. Or did he ask Paula to just go with him and he’ll drive? (help here, please?) Pepe goes to the food truck to pull it around, puts it in reverse, and … CLUNK!....

    Ruh-roh! Pepe doesn’t know what he hit but we do. Malena pushed Teresa into the path of the truck when it was backing up and now Teresa is on the ground. Unconscious? Dead? Stay tuned.


  3. "GOLPE"/OT:

    Doris: Will the new Telenovela starring Eduardo Yanez & Mariyin Villanueva replace "VIDA" in the 7:00 PM CST time-slot ?

  4. VIDA

    Doris, your "Reader's Digest version of War and Peace" was fantastic!

    Gracia and Rafa have always had a close relationship and he should be thrilled Alex will puruse her. But his assertion that Lor means nothing to him was a solid three steps back move. C'mon dude even "Alex tells Rafa that Lor acted like a father, thinking of him and Andrea".

    I've always felt Lor truly loved Isa. But whatever Isa is feeling for Alex, she just isn't ready and or willing to let it go. Lor gets rebuffed yet again.

    I'm liking Zaida more every day.

    So Paula "...won’t even think about Nat’s claim that she had an affair with German. It’s in the past. Water under the bridge, etc." I am very impressed with her maturity. I think I'd be devastated but obviously she is far more emotionally mature than I.

    I keep wondering why Rigo wrote that letter. He seemed to have no trepidation about the kidnapping plan and I think this was just a plot device to bring Mal's plan to light. Malicious Mal is evil but not strong enough to play in Rol and Gnat's playground.


  5. Vida

    Thanks Doris, I enjoyed your recap. Why do people that have proof of something go to the person and tell. Don’t they think about the consequences of telling someone that they have proof of what they did. Although I thought Rol was great when he refused to help MAL. Especially when he said he could break her neck. Which wouldn’t break my heart.

    I couldn’t believe they were ready to tell Andi the truth when Arturo shows up Hopefully they will tell her tonight!

    I thought it strange that Isa wouldn’t sleep with Lor. I wonder if she still is not quite sure what she wants. But soon it will be too late as Alex and Gracia are both starting to think they could be a couple.

    I couldn’t believe Nat doubled the price of the land. I hope they don’t pay. I still want Rosa to go to her house and see what’s in the safe. Hoping it’s money and documents-like deeds to the land. Although Nat would have had to put the deeds in after Rosa left home.

    Rafa is not quite up to par yet. After all Lor has done for him he still denies him. He seems to think he’s above Lor as Lor cheated with his mom. But his dad had left the country. He cheated on his brother in his brother’s bed! And with MAL. He couldn’t even find a decent girl. Although he had a decent girl and turned his back on her. Will he ever have that lightbulb moment!


  6. VIDA

    Thank you, Doris! And DITTO ro Diana's "your "Reader's Digest version of War and Peace" was fantastic!" Loved it and you caught all the essentials.

    So did the writers forget that MAL tried to kill Paula during that excursion at the beginning of the show?? She had no qualms about getting "her hands dirty" then!

    Rafa certainly did lose ground last night. And yes, he is afraid that telling Andi the truth will only make things worse between them. I am glad Alex compared Rafa's lying to Andi all these years to Isa's lying to him about who his father is for so many years. Maybe that will get Rafa to not be so judgmental about Isa.

    Diana, Rigo wrote the letter as protection for his son and Teresa. He knew that there would be much gossip about what he did AND if things went wrong, he wanted Teresa to know and tell everyone what really happened.

  7. MUJER

    I watched the first season of this, then stopped. I just recently started watching again when I saw that Sirin was trying to get Doruk to jump from the window.

    Here are some brief things I have observed in the last few episodes--

    Arif told Bahar and Emre that Sirin killed Sarp. He also told them he had talked to a lawyer and it will be difficult to have Sirin imprisoned since they have no evidence, BUT they can have committed to a psychiatric clinic. Emre doesn't want Sirin in a clinic...he wants her to go to prison for all that she has done! Bahar tells them Sirin just needs to be locked up...because, it not, she will end up killing Sirin.

    When Ceyda arrived, Emre was drunk as a skunk because his wife left him. As she helped him, his son (DK his name) told him it would be nice if he married Ceyda. He follow the boy's advice and told Ceyda it would be nice that they all lived together as a family, but Ceyda knows he doesn't love her...and she loves someone else!

    Sirin is in hiding. She tried to go to her usual hotel, but they refused to give her a room because she hadn't paid up.

    Wow! Bahar is writing a book about her life story with Fazilet's help. She was surprised to see her name as the author; so Fazitlet told her it was her story, her words, her thoughts.

    Raif (I think that is his name--the guy in the wheel chair) made himself fall out of his chair. It was the only way he could get on his knees to ask Ceyda to accept the ring!

    Sirin called Enver pleading for help..and money. She wants to go away and start a new life. Emre takes her the money, but on one condition, that she tell him the truth. When he asks about Sarp and Doruk, Sirin grins as she admits it all; she did it based on the signs she was getting. With Sarp, it was the nurse telling her that he could not live without the medicine they were giving him via the IV; and with Doruk, it was the mattress that they had throw in the street. Only a devious, twisted mind would take those as signs, right?

  8. MUJER

    A couple more things--

    Ceyda got custody of her son.

    Arif is going back to school to get his diploma. Bahar was very happy for him and hugged him.

  9. VIDA

    Doris, Pepe didn't invite Paula to go with him; he just asked to borrow the food truck. Why he wouldn't use his own truck is baffling...but the writer's must have figured that if he used his own truck, he would have seen Teresa through the rearview mirror...quein sabe!

  10. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, thank you for explaining why Rigo wrote the letter.

    It makes perfect sense!


  11. MUJER

    Thank you Rgv Chick!

    I'm not watching this but I usually catch the last scene or two. As you provided the names, I will just say Sirin trying to get Doruk to jump from that window was one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Thank God his mother saved him...

    I gather Enver is Sirin's father? He gave her money to get away. I'm shaking my head in disbelief. Her sister (don't know her name) has suffered so much.


  12. MUJER

    Diana yes, Enver is Sirin's father; and yes, he did take her the money, but since he was so dead set on having her in prison, he may have a plan. (Keeping my fingers crossed!

    And just to explain, Bahar, the main character, is Sirin's half sister. They share the same mother who was killed in an accident. But Bahar does see and treat Enver as her own father.

  13. Vida
    Thanks so much, Doris. I laughed out loud at 'interviewing Gracia for the offical position of Isabela's replacement'. To be honest, it does feel he just doesn't want to be alone andhappens only to want one candidate forthe position. I do feel bad for Gracia if Alex is still 'trying to get over' Isabela. Gracia is already in love.
    Will Isabela ever make a choice? I was rather surprised he was so reluctant to sleep with Lorenzo in this episode.
    Where does Rafa's belief in his own moral superiority come from when it comes to the way he sees Lorenzo? He can't be that self-unaware, can he? And what makes him even worse is that he abandoned his actual wife because his ego got hurt. How is it that a man who is himself no prize thinks he is superior and even deserving of sympathy? Are they going to make him do something todeserve Sofia's forgiveness or is it handed out for free for those too dumb to work for it? There's Spanish for dummies, so this must be forgiveness/relationships for dummies or something?
    I wonder if Gracia is really jealous that Marcos is romancing another woman? And why the helldoes Rafa consider himself qualified to pick a partner for his father? I mean, why should Gracia or anyone else take his opinion into consideration? I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head in dispair.

  14. MUJER

    Ahhh, thank you Rgv Chick!

    I was astounded Enver was helping Sirin but yes, hopefully he has a plan.

    Bahar is so lovely with her luminous eyes. I do remember seeing her mother; that was a shame she died.


  15. Mujer

    Dear Chickie,,thank you for the recap . I have watched most of it, and since it wasn't recapped, I had to use Wikipedia and the visual .

    Poor Enver is the sweetest soul . I am guessing that his beloved wife before she dies begged him to take care of truly BSC Sirin , who has the most devilish, evil smirk of any villain I have ever seen .

    Emre isn't very attractive to me, but I think he has been with Seyda , Sirin, and Kismet( Arif's half sister who helped Arif get out of jail ). Kismet is now with Cem , who is a criminal that Bahar somehow got involved with . Kismet lost her baby when criminals that Cem was involved with beat her up. Then, she left him. However, she Is back with Cem after he roughed Arda's awful father up and had him sign Arda over to Seyda. Seyda and Raif fell in love while Seyda was his mothers housekeeper.

    I love Arid , who is the sweetest galan ever . All the children love him .

    This show was about the love between family and friends and rising from suffering and sadness . It was hard to watch sometimes but quite uplifting . Love is all that matters in this life .

  16. Mujer

    I’m not sure, but my impression is that Cem was the father of Kismet’s baby. They were very happy and decided to break free from the crime organization to raise a happy family. The crime boss sent the thugs to beat Kismet so badly that she lost the baby so they wouldn’t leave his organization. After that brutal message, Cem and Kismet continued to work for the organization, but their loving relationship didn’t survive…until now.

    They did “convince” Arda’s father to drop his case against Seyda. I think both Cem and Kismet hated their criminal activities. They did use their thugs to get Arda’s father to give him up. I might not agree with their method, but it worked.

    Lots of gray areas here. I’m glad C&K may have found their consciences!

    Emre is a jerk but not evil. I was glad to see Seyda turn him down. And, Richie Rich (Raif) truly loves her and has the added bonus of being much wealthier than stingy Emre!

    I have come to love this story! The scene with Sirin trying to entice Doruk to jump was harrowing!!!

    I think Enver has a plan! I’m ready for Sirin to be locked up without a key!


  17. TU VIDA

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments on my condensed mini-recap.

    Rgv Chick - thank *you* for explaining Pepe's convo with Paula about taking the food truck. My brain was fairly fried by the end of the episode, while taking notes, after a long day.

    DIANA - do we know who wrote that letter? Rigo or Mal? Rigo did not strike me as the kind of guy who would have left something like that for Teresa. I'm wondering if it was Mal's letter, outlining the kidnap itinerary.

    LIZ - I agree and believe Isa loves both men, but forced to make a decision, she chose Lorenzo based on a 40-year old love story memory. Perhaps she will be left with nobody by the Por Fin.

    WATERLILY - "Rafa's ..... moral superiority" is beyond me. I still think he was deprived of oxygen in the birth process. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, for sure.

    Tonight's recap/recrap will be posted some time Saturday.

  18. OT/GOLPE

    Steve - I really don't know what time Golpe will air. My best guess is it will be the same time as Tu Vida.

  19. VIDA

    "Do we know who wrote that letter? Rigo or Mal? Rigo did not strike me as the kind of guy who would have left something like that for Teresa. I'm wondering if it was Mal's letter, outlining the kidnap itinerary".

    Doris, great question. I was shocked at the letter but your possibility seems like the perfect answer.


  20. Vida

    Doris, thanks for a great recap with all the news.

    Rafa is an idiot with delusions of grandeur. He's rejecting Lor and isn't a bit sheepish about giving the money that Lor gave him to gnat .

    Indecisive Isa gets on my last nerve . I hope Lor gives up his unsuccessful begging and finds a nice woman who will sleep with him and that Alex ends up with Gracia.

    Great scene of the three villains together ...MAL, Rol, and gnat. Hope they bring each other down. Maybe they will be standing close together when a great big anvil falls .

    I hope Teresa survives and talks, talks,talks.

  21. VIDA

    Doris, please check your email ASAP.

  22. VIDA

    SUSAN --- Teresa has to survive being run over by the food truck . It's in the telenovela Rules that the male protagonist never kills anyone.

  23. VIDA Ep. 76 Part 1

    Pepe hears and feels the PLUNK! After he gets off immediately and sees Teresa, he takes her to the hospital.

    Emi continues his groveling to Lucia who is thinking of giving him a chance...but he needs professional help. FFW---

    Isa tells Lor about Alex offering to buy back the land and Gant doubling the price. When she mentions that Gnat told them that she has a buyer who has already given her money, Lor tells her it was him. He did it to give the land to Rafa.

    MAL is hyperventilating when she goes looking for Rol, but only gets Gnat who offers her kind of help.

    Pepe is told that Teresa is out of danger...but needs time to rest. Pepe asks to talk to her so the doc agrees to discuss it with the nurse.

    More of the same with Emi and Lucia FFW

    Alex calls Gracia to invite her to coffee, but Gracia is busy and has to go to the market since Pepe won't be able to go...but they can talk later.

    Pepe stops the nurse who tells him that Teresa has already been dismissed; someone came to pick her up and took her home.

    Andi gives Art the nickname of "osito" (little bear). She's worried about Diego, but has a great idea! They need to get Diego a "friend."

    Paula talks to Diego about talking to a psychologist. Diego goes off the deep end thinking that she hates his being gay. When he asks if she is going to send him to a conversion center just like Rol did, Paula is quite IMPACTADA and asks what he is talking about!

    Isa is once again confused---so what else is new? She doesn't know what she feels for Alex or for Lorenzo. Isa continues to explain why she is confused....FFW to Gracia advising that she should let go of what she no longer needs.

    Pepe goes to see Teresa...and GNAT is with her!! Gnat tells him that she and Teresa are talking about filing charges against him. Terese tries to talk to Teresa, but Gnat tells Teresa not to say another word. They can discuss things in front of the judge.

    Paula dashes over to Rol's house and attacks him as she tells himtaht she doesn;t want him close to her children. How dare he take her son to a center. Rol tells her that Diego is a pervert, but Paula won't allow him to talk about her son like that...SLAP!! Rol goes through his "you're sick and don't know what you're doing" spiel.

    Andi creates a profile for Diego on a dating site...UH-OH!!

    Emi goes to Diego's room and finds him packing. Diego wants to leave because his mother won't accept him for who he is....and she wants him to get therapy.

    Rol uses his same arguments that he has temporary custody of the kids. Paula tells him that marrying him was the worst mistake she made!! She has found a good father to care for her kids--PEPE!! She doesn;t feel safe or protected by ROL...If ROl loves her, then he should give her back control over her kids! They will see each other again, but in front of the judge. She will annul their marriage...and marry PEPE!!

  24. VIDA Ep. 76 Part 2

    Pepe continues to explain what happened and Teresa tells him she believes him, but Gnat interrupts and tells Pepe to leave. Before leaving, Teresa assures Pepe that she knows exactly whom she should trust. Once gone, Teresa tells Gnat that Pepe needs to know that it was Mal who pushed her to the truck. Gnat reminds her that she didn't really see Mal...Teresa's life is in danger...does she also want to put her son's life at risk? Teresa will need to do everything just as Gnat says. MAL is willing to pay Teresa whatever she wants. Gnat has seen the letter and points out that there are no signs of a planned murder; she urges Teresa to take the money, leave town, and never come back!

    Diego insists on leaving as Emi tries to stop him. Emi tells him to think of their mother...and apologizes for pushing Diego.

    Angi summons Art's help in describing Diego for the profile. Art has a big, loving smile as he describes Diego. Andi looks at Art...since he is so sensitive!

    Paula and Rol continue their discussion which goes round and round...getting nowhere...Rol does menacingly grab her though as Paula pleads that he leave them alone! As long as she has the strength and life, she will fight for her children. Rol threatens that she is dying and he will not allow Pepe to get close to HIS kids...

    Gracia thinks about Isa's confusion when Alex comes up behind her.

    Marcos goes to ask Isa for a favor from Isa. He is very in love with Gracia and has a surprise planned for Gracia...with Isa's help.

    Now downstairs, Emi and Diego continue to argue. Since Diego isn't listening, Emi scares him by getting a bottle and taking some swigs telling Diego that this is not easy for him either.

    Teresa knows that Gnat is only defending Mal. Gnat admits that yes she is, but Teresa should take the opportunity she is offering. Gnat takes the letter and gives Teresa a case full of money.

    Rafa goes to see Mal and has ZaiSo with him so that Mal can repeat everything she said about ZaiSo.

    Alex asks Gracia if she has ever thought of being more than friends. Gracia reminds him that he just separated from Isa; she doesn't want to ruin their friendship and she doesn't want to be his consolation prize. Alex argues that he sees her as someone who has always been there for is time he thinks of himself. He wants to start a new life...with her.

    Pepe arrives and sees that Emi was drinking. Emi points out that Diego is planning to leave, When Pepe questions Diego and tells him he can't leave, Diego tells him that he can't tell him what to do...he is not his father or his family! Pepe agrees, but he just wants to be friends. When Diego asks if he too thinks there is something wrong with him, Pepe explains that he just wants Diego to know that if he just gives him a chance, Diego will see that he loves his mother and cares about them. After Pepe assures that he would be proud to have a son like him, Diego allows him and Emi to hug Paula observes from a distance.

    And this, my friends, is it...until Monday!

  25. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, you masterfully captured the very frustrating events of last night. Your sensitivity, intuitiveness, heart, and understanding shone throughout. Just marvelous.

    "Diego wants to leave because his mother won't accept him for who he is....and she wants him to get therapy" makes one wonder in what universe he's living. So obstinate and unforgiving. Paula has never been anything but loving and supportive to her difficult middle child.

    It was hard watching Emi drinking to try to keep Diego from leaving. Excuse? Addiction? Both?

    "She doesn't know what she feels for Alex or for Lorenzo. Isa continues to explain why she is confused...." If after all this time, she can't "woman up" and make a choice, perhaps its best that the decision be made for her. Alex is ready to move on and Lor's patience might not be as endless as she believes.

    Andi is a smart girl but surprisingly did not pick up on Art's glowing expression as he enumerated all of Diego's good qualities.

    I don't care if Theresa stays or leaves. And how does Mal have such deep pockets to pay her off?? I assume Gnat isn't fronting it as she would have no reason to.

    Rol makes my skin crawl.

    Marcos' surprise dinner for Gracia has disaster written all over it. She is already being influenced by Isa's doubts, hopefully she will let him down gently. Surely Alex realizes Gracia doesn't have romantic feelings toward Marcos (?)

    In the midst of so much circling the drain last night, there was one faint ray of sunlight. To me, it was Pepe's heartfelt, beautifully relayed sentiments to Diego. So much love and support would surely melt the hardest heart.


  26. Vida

    Thanks so much Rgv Chick, your story telling just drew me in. What an episode. Things seem to be coming to a climax.

    I’m so glad Paula found out about the conversion therapy center. I was very worried for her. Rol looked like he would have gladly killed her. Rol showed his true colors once again. But calling Diego a pervert was over the top. If Paula could use that in court I can’t see a judge siding with Rol. But Diego would have to agree. I am tired of Diego’s attitude. Paula never once was negative about him being gay. But he jumps to conclusions when she mentions therapy. I’m glad Arturo is able to see all these wonderful traits in him, I just see an angry, unreasonable teenager.

    The scene with Pepe and the boys was beautiful. No comparison to when Rol is with them.

    Thanks for explaining Lor bought the property. I was totally confused about his smile. When he mentioned Rafa I thought he was thinking Nat hadn’t really stolen the money from him but had sold him the land. But not sure why she doubled the price on it, trying to sell it to them if it’s really sold. Or was she just going to rob them again?

    Also, Rol had told Mal that paying Theresa off wouldn’t work but now Nat payed her off. I wonder what Mal will have to do to pay Nat back! And are they really going to let Theresa live.

    I see a courtroom scene coming up soon. Or at least a meeting with a judge.


  27. Vida

    Dear Chickie, thank you for a great recap of all the crazy .

    Lor evidently has a limitless amount of money because he never seems concerned when he gives it to someone and it always ends up with gnat. This guy is so mellow. Is it the scarves ? Lor , wake up. You have to start thinking about gnat who has been stealing your money while you are chillin'.

    I hope both Alex and Lor get tired of waiting for Isa to make a choice and both move on . I think Isa loves having both these dudes on their knees adoring and vying for her. I am tired of it and can't believe that they aren't . Time for you guys to find women who can make a decision.

    Saint Pepe. Meh.

    Andrea is oblivious . Arturo is in denial. Diego is a walking tantrum. I have had enough of everybody. Sorry not sorry . Next!


  28. VIDA

    Thank you for your recap, Rgv Chick! It helped me know which scenes to FFWD>>>

    "Diego is a walking tantrum." Well said, Susan!

    It is annoying that Natalia has been paid three times the value of this land: once by Rafa and double by Lorenzo. Let's hope the title transfer is done properly, this time!!!

    Alex still confounds me in how he is easily moving on to the next woman in his life. Maybe he doesn't know how to do laundry, make the bed, or clean house?

    Poor Isabela, who can't make a decision. If this was a P. G. Wodehouse short story, Alex and Lorenzo would become golfing buddies and jointly ditch Isa.

    Counting down the days to Ultimas Capítulos!!!

  29. VIDA

    Thank you, Diana, Liz and Susan!

    Diana, your kind words are always so uplifting and encouraging, thank you! Regarding Diego, "Paula has never been anything but loving and supportive to her difficult middle child." You are so right! I was in total disbelief with his claimed that he is tired of no one accepting and supporting who he is. The only one who has ever criticized and chastised him is Rol. And "Marcos' surprise dinner for Gracia has disaster written all over it." I fear you are right. But I'm confused since Gracia told Rafa that Marcos was now seeing La Chinita and she missed al his attempts to woo her. I know Marcos had tried to use La Chinita to make Gracia jealous, but I thought he had stopped since it wasn't working.

    Liz, just to clarify, the property has not sold yet. Gnat told Alex and Isa that there was someone who had given her a down payment on the property, which is the money Rafa gave her. Lor told Isa that he was the one who had given the money to Gnat because he had promised Rafa that he wouldn't tell anyone what Rafa had done.

    Susan, it does seem that Lor has an endless pit of money! Yet we have never been told how he made his money or what business he is into. I really hope he wakes up soon!

  30. VIDA

    Thank you Doris!!

    "Alex still confounds me in how he is easily moving on to the next woman in his life." Isn't that a telenovela trope? That the heartbroken quickly find a replacement? Oh if only that were the case in RL! LOL

    I had forgotten that Lor had already paid Alex for the property, but that money didn't go to Gnat, did it? I think that was the money that Alex wanted to use to buy back the property from Gnat...until she doubled the price!

  31. Vida

    Well, Lor must have inherited his money because he doesn't seem to be a savvy business genius . He signed the papers that gnat put in front of him without even glancing at them and signed over the land to her . Losing money doesn't seem to bother him .He just changes his scarf and says " Que sera, sera."

    Doris ..It seems that men tend to move on pretty fast when they are widowed or divorced . You may be right about the not knowing how or wanting to cook, clean, do laundry , etc .

  32. Vida #75/76

    Gracias, amigas.

    It will probably take some time to go through bank documents and other things -- including what's in he safe at Rosa's -- to figure out the path of all the dinero Gnat has been swindling.

    I am guessing that Paula made her own fortune that isn't co-mingled with Lorenzo's.

    Gnat is just as sick as Ginebra of Receta but less interested in a blood trail. Both get off on the psychological pain they inflict as revenge over unintended consequences of others' actions. Gnat relishes the thought of Paula's death for the money rather than the process of her death giving her the hots.
