
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #52: House of Cards


While still outside Paz called Samara. Monito told her while handing her the phone. Mauro watched and listened. Paz told Samara she got out of jail and Samara told her she wanted to visit her neighborhood. She told her that Cobija had been sick with a stomach problem. [Will someone wonder how Cobija got sick? They all know that Ginebra is a monster.] Paz reminded her that they needed to be patient and soon they will be together looking at the moon. She gave the phone back to Humberto who was impressed.

Mauro came down the stairs and asked about Cobija. Monito said “Okay, she licked us.” Mauro said he liked the dog because he liked seeing the kids happy. [Note that the dog doesn't run away from him.]

Esteban and Ginebra were in the office. She told him he had better make her case “We don't want to put your life in danger unnecessarily.”.

What are you getting out of listening to my conversations and knowing whom I'm with?”
“You can't even imagine it. But I have become your spy day and night. And you now what? It would be a shame to announce to the world that your daughter Gala died of multiple illnesses. Don't ou think?”

Esteban grabbed her arms. “Touch one hair of my children's – just one – and forget about me. Don't threaten me.”

Elvira knocked, then came in to talk about who would run the company. Esteban could not understand Elvira's favoritism of Ginebra and protested that she could not lead the company when there were others – like Kenzo – who had been there for years. She answered they'd talk about it. In the meantime she invited Ginebra to dinner, saying “I want all of us to be together.” Ginebra smiled while Esteban gave no reaction.

Keno and Nandy stayed on the rooftop and talked about life and their relationship. He reminded her that her documents would be ready the next morning. She felt good with this, even knowing that it would not solve all her problems.

Paz explained to Humberto she would not give up searching for her missing daughter but there had to be a new way. He promised to help. They arrived at the restaurant and he promised to become a regular customer. He even made recipe suggestions. [Sounds like he's a catch.] He watched as Paz entered the building.

Gala was nervous about dinner. She wanted to go out for air,, afraid that everyone would be watching her. After she left the room her bestie Gio told Bosco that it was like Gala became a different person, completely canceling the old one. He agreed, saying he would help her start over. She then said that now was also his chance. [He is getting a message here that may not be welcome.]

Ginebra took the kids over to Esteban's house to join his family for dinner. Elvira fawned over Samara but pointedly ignored Monito. She asked abut Mauro and Ginebra told her that he was at home taking an online course. Esteban came in, saying he didn't think it a good idea to saturate the house with outsiders because of Gala's problem. Elvira poo-poohed that and then Eder came in and asked about Cobija. Monito said that Cobija was resting because she had been sick. As Elvira took took the kids into the kitchen Ginebra tried kissing Esteban's cheek, which did not please him.

As Paz looked at the bed Samara slept in Paz thought about her. Mireya and Nandy entered to check up on her. They knew she missed Samara. She had given up her bed for her ad had gotten used to sleeping in the armchair.

At the dinner table – which almost looked too big – Gala wasn't eating. Samara asked if she had a stomach ache. There was friction over Monito's status. Gala was looking at her plate which held a salmon filet, a lemon slice, and a few vegetables which in her mind morphed from 1980s's nouvelle cuisine into a huge high-calorie sandwich stuffed with fries. She stood up suddenly. Esteban asked if she was alright. She said she felt a little faint and was going to the bathroom. He said he would go with her [Really?] and she declined. In fact, she protested and almost ran out. Bosco stopped him, saying he shouldn't risk alienating her from all of them Esteban said to sit down.

Samara had taken Monito's cell phone with her and it began ringing. Ginebra held back her anger as best she could as she asked why there was a cell phone in her clothes. After saying “You should not have a cell phone” she took Samara's jacket away from her and demanded that Samara take out the phone, which had to have been in the pocket of her dress. She looked at it and demanded to know who was calling and who gave her the phone. She made Samara put it on speaker phone and answer.  

Esteban watched carefully. When she answered Paz said “Hello, my little girl,” which provoked a dark expression on the Blood Queen's face. When Paz asked if Samara wanted to sing their song Ginebra picked u the phone and said “How dare you talk to my daughter after what you've done to us? You do not deserve to get out of prison.” At the other end Paz – who called from hr land line – was shocked into silence. Samara said “No. Paz loves me very much.”

Little girls, this is adult stuff,” sad Elvira. “Leave this to your mother to talk to this woman.”

I'm calling Sam to find out how she is, said Paz. “She knows I love her very much.”

You must be up to no good with this call to a secret cell phone, don't you think?”

I provided that cell phone,” said Esteban. “So, if you want to fight someone, fight me.”
“That's my cell phone, old man. I asked my dad to give it to him,” said Monito.

You did this behind my back,” said Ginebra to Paz. To the room she said “This woman has just been arrested for kidnapping my daughter.”

I just needed to talk to the child. I know I made a mistake but don't hold her against her.”

You are nobody. You're not going to tell me anything about what to do with my daughter. You are prohibited from talking to my daughter.”

No! I love Pacita very much!” said Samara.

Ginebra ended the call.

Paz turned around and faced her mother and sisters.

Jerónimo interrupted his push-ups when Gala called. She noticed his state of undress and got a little flustered. She told him how bad she felt with everyone in her face all the time. He told her this will be a process and eventually it will be over. He also followed a diet to be as he is. She was still afraid and didn't want to be a hospital case. He was encouraging. [I wish all actors would be sensible enough to not get tattoos,]

Esteban told everyone that he had given Monito the phone so he could talk to Eder, who backed him up.

Bosco said “Well, wouldn't it be that the Monkey stole the cell phone and now you want to cover it up?”

Monito stood up and said “First, take two lines down because if you look for me, you will find me. And I don't give up.”

Samara took Monito's hand and asked him to calm down. Elvira became irritated with this disruption and Esreban stood up and asked Ginebra if they could talk privately. She got up and followed him. Gio said this was getting very awkward. Elvira defended Ginebra's actions. Samara defended Paz, saying she wad innocent. Bosco went into toxic remission, saying that this did not mean that contact with her was alright. Eder took Esteban's side. Elvira tried redirecting the conversation, asking Gio if all was well and if she had a boyfriend. When she didn't answer Elvira suggested Bosco, who called out “¡Basta!

Gio said “I'd love to. I just told him I could help him relax.” [Does Elvira know the current interpretation of this?]

Why are you talking as though I weren't present?” Bosco was irritated. “Granny, I'm telling you I'm not interested in going out with Giovanna or anyone, so why so much insistence?”
“Not even anyone who can put up with you,” said Monito.

Elvira pulled out the Class Card over this, as expected. Samara defended Monito. And Eder was finally fed up and suggested they shut up and eat so the food doesn't get cold.

Esteban told Ginebra that Samara and Monito had “nothing to do with any of this and don't you dare hurt them. Did you hurt Cobija?”

I?” she asked in a tone that admitted pride in her guilt. “How did this occur to you?” She laughed a little. “Esteban, it's in your hands if things continue this way or improve.”

You already took me away from Paz. At least let her and your daughter continued contact. I will comply with my part.”

You will lie down with me and accept before the entire world that I am your fiancée?”

He nodded. “You have my word. Here the question is Does a murderer like you have honor?”

She smirked.

Paz told Lupita about the phone call and Lupita became worried. Paz explained how she felt about Samara and worried about her. She worried about what her environment was like. If she had admitted from the outset that she knew Samara was Ginebra's daughter she would never have been arrested and would not have sent Miireya to seduce Mauro and they all would not have had to lie to get out of jail. Lupita became even more worried when Paz admitted that she and Samara had talked before when she was in jail because of the domino effect this had on all of them. Paz talked about her ongoing pain about the disappearance of her baby and how she came to love Samara. “You have no right to judge me.” Group hug.

Gema and Salomon had words in the street about her doctor's appointment and his responsibility. She and her male accomplice tried to seriously guilt-trip him.

Elvira apologized to Ginebra, saying that her home was a safe place for her and for Samara. [If ony she knew...] Ginebra said she could not go on playing it cool and ignoring her pain. Elvira asked if there was anything she could do to help. Ginebra said she needed help with Esteban whom she needed to trust her. “Make me your right hand” was the pitch. Elvira patted her hand and her slight smile was her answer.

Mauro was working on his laptop in one of the hidden rooms, saying that he was looking at outgoing phone call logs from the house. He found Monito's call to Esteban. The repulsive henchman Abdul asked if he wanted him to dispose of Monito. Mauro told him he was to do nothing to Monito nor was he to say anything to Ginebra about this. Abdul said it was only a matter of time before she finds out. Mauro closed the laptop and got in his face. Asking “Do you want to know what I'm capable of? Because I am much more violent than what you imagine. Now get out of here! Get out of my sight!” Abdul obeyed. Mauro went back to the laptop and wiped the screen clean.

The kids talked. Samara blamed herself for the ugliness over the phone call. Eder told Samara not to worry and that Paz was returning to work in the kitchen. Samara was happy. Eder shushed her at the sound of women's shoes approached and changed the conversation to the toy cars. Elvira took Samara and Monito for sweets, but Samara told her “no chocolate” which didn't seem to faze Elvira. She escorted them out of the room. Ginebra then asked Eder if he liked Monito. He answered “Yes, why?”

She leaned over to get closer to his face and said “Monito comes from the street. I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you because of him.”

Something bad? How could that happen?”

Ginebra straightened up, stepped in closer, and touched his face. “You look a lot like your father. You're very affectionate. Sleep, my love. And behave yourself.” [Eder had to have been seriously creeped out by this.]

Paz apologized to her family. She was going to work at the mansion in the morning. Mireya told her to be careful. Paz told her she would give love only to those who need it. She then went to meet with the mothers' group and walked there alone.

Esteban started feeding Gala from the plate she left on the dinner table, like her mother had once done. She was still ill at ease. He told her he did not want her to become an in-patient. They talked about the dinner and he said that Ginebra had to understand that his kids were his first priority. [He needs to realize how likely and how Ginebra would make herself his only priority.] He then fed her a veggie.

Paz addressed the support group but there seemed to be frost in the air. The spokeswoman called her out on the conflicting statements, exactly what her family had pointed out. She told them she did this to protect the girl and for no other reason. They said they would continue to look for Maria but it was sad that she was among them. Paz got this. They said Good Night and walked away. Paz asked why they didn't ratify the testimony against her. One answered that a mother never ends her search. If she had not been freed she would never find her child.

Humberto and Porfirio had a short argument about the flowers that led to Porfirio saying that having his heart broken doesn't justify breaking hearts all over the place. Felipa arrived unexpectedly and thanked Humberto for getting Kenzo out of jail. She thank-you gifted him a bottle of wine [He should bring that to a forensics lab]. She walked in wearing a wine-red jumpsuit that showed off her prime assets.

Gio continued to flirt with Bosco to no avail. He told her nobody can force him into a relationship he doesn't want. She realized she went too far but didn't stop. He asked to be left alone. She got up and said not to worry. “I will find the way for you to see me differently.” [Chica, this guy is most likely a virgin. Wouldn't you prefer one who has experience?]

Felipa flashed back to Ginebra's orders to seduce Humberto or else. “If you don't seduce Humberto I will sink you.” Felipa told him that she was grateful because her sons missed their father. He said something about presenting the evidence and that was it. Porfirio entered to interrupt this, with a theatrical clearing of the throat. She asked if he needed anything for his cough and he said he was alright. Just thinking that she should be with her husband. She continued to flirt with Humberto before finally realizing that Porfirio was not leaving the room. She then up a legal issue and then made her exit. She made too many mentions of the wine before doing so. He said he would see her at the office.

Esteban was preparing Eder for bed. He told him he doesn't like lies. Eder said he was just helping. All were in the same room to keep an eye on Gala to prevent her from vomiting in the middle of the night. [Is this really recommended?] Bosco and Gala entered and he asked “Dad, why did you ask us to come? It's very late.” Esteban answered that Eder wanted to change into his pj's. Gala suspected that they were spying on her to make sure she wouldn't vomit at night. The boys agreed with their dad and Gala had no choice but to accept the situation and see it differently.

Ginebra put Samara to bed not forgetting to tell her she was not pleased with her behavior.

You make it very difficult for me not to get angry with you. I can understand your friend because, well, they abandoned him. But I carried you in my arms from the start.” [Si, just for show.]

I'm sorry, Ma, it's just that Pacita sang a song with me and I miss her a lot.”

I don't want lies between us, mi vida. Because I'm going to get in anyway and when I do you'll know how it goes.”

I'm sorry, Mommy, don't be angry.”

The same goes for you, Monito. I've been thinking about adopting you but I don't know with these things.”

You're going to adopt me?” He and Samara grinned at each other.

You're like a brother to my little girl. But, if you're bad I can't trust you. At least, don't you want Sam to be your sister?”

She is my carnalasa.”

Then be good. Because only bad children get punished. Hm?”

Monito nodded. [This kid has her number.]

Next Morning:

Neither Humberto nor Porfirio slept well. Porfirio had told Lupita that his wife had been murdered. Humberto cold not understand why. Porfirio became defensive, just as he does with Esteban.

Esteban brought Gala her breakfast and pulled out the scale from under the bed. She didn't want to, but he said it was the only way to check her weight. She was afraid to step on it. He told her that only her doctor and the two of then will know. She hesitated, then stepped onto it but would not look down.

The restaurant opened and Paz left to go to the mansion. The others were deliriously happy planning for the day. As the opened the front gate and went inside the camera settled on the rear-view image of the girl in a white dress with long hair which symbolized Maria.

She entered and Esteban stared. He finally said “Welcome to my house.”


  1. My apologies for the lateness and the length. In this format I get long-winded.

    I think Esteban may have been sent to a boarding school if he was less than 18.

    Unless this story has a downbeat ending those other mothers will declare Paz to be a saint.

    I was not expecting Monito's phone to be discovered just yet. I was hoping he's be able to use it a little longer to get more evidence. It's too bad he didn't find the armory, but that is not in the house.

    No Vermin today; hope he's in tonight's episode. I won't see it until tomorrow because I will be at the opera for The Hours.

  2. Thank you, Urban, for another fantastic recap.

    Paz got on my last nerve last night. FINALLY her family is out of jeopardy(due to her hare-brained decisions) and reopening the restaurant and she just has to call Sam. Above all, does she not realize that she is putting Sam herself in danger when she calls her. I hate that they have made Paz stupid.

    Poor Eder.

    Monito is still the best.

  3. Thanks, urban.
    Ifeel so sorry for Esteban because it's only going to get worse. How will he manage to stay sane through all of this?
    Does Gin plan on spending her time intimidating poor Eder? Bosco already likes her so does she want Eder to fear her? And what are her plans for Gala?
    Eder is a smart child. He realised right away whose side needed back-up.
    I can't wait for elvira to realise Ginevra is not who she imagines her to be. I imagine she will start suspecting something is wrong but will know just how dangerous Gin is only when it will be a bit too late.Gin basically asked her to help her get Esteban 'on her side'. It didn't seem she already suggested she wanted Esteban for herself or did she mean this already? It creeps me out that Elvira doesn't realise how crazy and unreasonable Gin's wishes can be.On the other hand, she might push this thoughtaway. It's interesting how much guilt can control a person.
    Paz really needed some kind of system if she wanted to talk to Sam without being discovered. I know they agreed to talk in the evening but damn. Her family barely managed to get out of jail and now this...
    The last time I found it hard to watch a sadistic character in a tn was when I watched En nombre del amor. I couldn't even rewatch it at first. I wonder how many characters will be still alive by the time this ends.

  4. Thanks Urban, great recap that included everything. Mauro has always loved Sam, in a way that someone like him Can love. But he really likes Monito too. I think he sees a boy that was in a similar situation as he was. But Monito made the best of it without losing his soul.

    Dinner was awkward. I don’t know why Paz thought she could call Sam. She needed to let Sam call her when it was safe.

    Ginebra talking to Eder was creepy. She threatened him. She seems to want to isolate people from anyone they care about. And Esteban is right, does Ginebra have honor. She is so cruel. I wonder if he’ll tell his dad.

    I felt sorry for Paz when the mother’s group didn’t let her stay in the group.

    I can’t wait until Elvira realizes her daughter is a monster.


  5. Urban,

    Your screen shots spoke volumes, especially the first one. A spectacular recap; your dialogue translations were so helpful.

    "Bosco went into toxic remission" was one of many favorite lines.

    On Humberto, "He even made recipe suggestions. [Sounds like he's a catch]" was so true! I enjoyed every second watching Felipa whose attempt to seduce him failed miserably. Good for Por just continuing to hang around.

    "At the dinner table – which almost looked too big – Gala wasn't eating". Nor was anyone else it appeared. What a waste.

    It was horrible watching "The repulsive henchman Abdul asked if he wanted him to dispose of Monito". I was so relieved Mauro defended him! Equally cringewothy was Ginebra taunting Monito with the possibility of adopting him. All she wants to do is kill him.

    Esteban is only going to be able to tread the fine line that Ginebra has forced on him for so long. He will never be out of her clutches while he has the tracker embedded in him.

    Ginebra might have moved too quickly with Eder. I am sure that conversation will reverberate in his mind for some time.

    I felt badly the support group refused to accept Paz but I understand their rationale.


  6. Ginebra is likely to deliberately cause chaos in the family which will weaken the adults. She is also laying the groundwork for the psychological destruction of the kids.

    She plays the long game very well so I suspect that she was watching them from afar ever since Berenice married Esteban. Or even earlier. She may even have already known that Elvira has always hated Esteban and only put up with him for Berenice's sake. He was in charge of Elvira's company for long enough to prove himself a competent CEO but Elvira looks for any excuse to trash-talk him which proves that she herself really has no class.

    I doubt she was telling Gala the truth about having had the same problems as she had. I think Esteban shares those doubts.

    She plays the same Class Cards as Elvira does and Bosco has so she will kiss up to them for as long as she can tolerate it before lowering the boom. It's obvious she thinks that Monito is garbage and may try to kill him and make it look like an accident. This would be deliberately aimed at Esteban as a threat to his children.

    This could be the thing that makes Mauro turn on her completely. He sees himself in Monito but Samara is a loving child, something Ginebra likely never was.

    As for Elvira I think she is going to be in heavy denial about Ginebra and unlikely to listen to anything Esteban could communicate to her now about her. She will not face this until it's too late. I don't hold out much hope for her surviving to the end of this tale.

    Esteban is mentally very strong but may crack under the pressure of knowing he can't hide from this woman who is as evil as Erzebet Bathory, Sante Kimes, Griselda Blanco, Myra Hindley, and Louise Vermilya rolled into one.

    She is a sadist. We have seen her torture men physically but now she is torturing Esteban psychologically, along with all the women. She is savoring the laugh she will have on Elvira when the big reveal of Samara's true identity happens. That she is "garbage, like her birth parents." Also the laugh she will (would) have on Paz if Samara is dead before she knows.

    Finally for today, I wonder why Ginebra waited so long to kill Elias. She was married to him for at least seven years. Did it take him that long to write a will? Since we have heard nothing about him having living blood relatives she would have inherited automatically if he died intestate. Aside for the obvious story requirement we would need to know her whole backstory to figure this out.

  7. Thanks for the fine recap, Urban. Your asides were just what I was thinking.

    Mauro is starting to look redeemable. Or maybe sacrificing himself to save one of the children. He's jockeying for that role with Vermin, though.

    Ginebra has the most punchable female face I've seen in quite a while.

    I started looking up gender change. You can do that in some states in the U.S., and Mexico City passed a law to that effect last year, so the writers were able to include a plausible plot point for Kenzo. It still is very, very difficult on other parts of Mexico.

    Gio keeps pushing for Bosco, with zero to no response. I'm not sure if they're going with Bosco being gay or Gio just being annoying and not that attractive.

    That was a pretty obvious accusatory tone and almost roughing up Sam at the dinner table to get the phone. But Elvira, of course, still things her long-lost bebe is an angel.

    Monito came up with one of those Mexicanismos: ¡Bájale dos rayitos! I've more commonly heard ¡Bájate dos rayos! Monito, while a street kid, still addresses adults with the more formal pronoun. It means take it down a couple of notches, when chiding another person for overreacting.

    Filipa is just the worst at seduction. She's just sloppy and disgusting when she comes onto a many. I remember her actually jumping on Kenzo at least once.

  8. I remember that. This actress put on weight during this series and I wonder whether it was deliberate.

    Humberto has probably dealt with such situations before. He still digs Paz so I don't think anyone can distract him.

  9. Urban, thank you for providing us with every cringeworthy detail.

    I have never seen a villain look so delighted to hurt and manipulate her victims. She is like a cat with a lot of mice to play with.
    Gin can hardly contain her hatred for Sam and Monito. Putting on that smiling mask she is wearing in front of Elvira must leave her exhausted.

    Watching Mauro as he eavesdropped on the kids and his reaction to Abdul surely makes it seem as if he is slowly softening and hopefully he will eventually turn against Gin. Is she capable of killing her " brother" if he betrays her ? I think she is .

    It was funny when Porfirio entered the room and started coughing as Fellow was so desperately trying to seduce Hum.

  10. Silly little observations about Gala. She went to bed on the right side bed, but awoke on the left side of the room bed. Also, poor girl was weighted down with her dad's arms when he had her step on the scale!

  11. We don't yet know how many victims Ginebra killed. I don't think even Mauro knows, as the one in the woods did not involve him.

    I knew when he failed to kill Samara that he is likely to turn on his "sister" as we get to the end.

    Having said that I want to see this actor as a good guy in his next novela.

  12. UA, I agree with you regarding Mau. He definitely deserves a good guy role.
