
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #51: Say It With Flowers.. or Venom

Salomón went to the office to see Gala while Porfirio went to see Lupita. Salomón wanted to get Gala back but she was not up for it. Porfirio found Lupita selling jars of freshly ground coffee with it and wisdom on the label. He looked at one whose label said “Never be afraid of what is about to happen.” He was looking for her and said he's like to have coffee with her.

Fobo visited Elvira in her office looking appropriately dashing in his black shirt and neat-invisible black sling. He was there for one more try at playing Rudolfo to her Contessa*. She was a little ill at ease at this happening in her office and she felt like a teen so she hesitated.... but finally agreed after hearing him out. [The jury needs to be polled about whether we want to see this consummated.]

Porfirio dragged Lupita's cart behind them as she went out to sell her coffee. They teased each other about jealousy. She tried to get him to talk about Esteban but he changed the subject. However, his attitude about this seemed to be losing the bitter grapes as he suggested a change of subject..

Salomón tried making up with Gala who resisted because of Gema. He told her he would take care of the baby but not be coupled with Gema because he did not love her and never did. Jerónimo then arrived to spoil this.

Esteban tried to stop Paz from walking out of his office. She was willing to work for him but to not argue about personal issues. Ginebra heard all this while working out and said to herself “Don't even think about talking too much, Esteban, because I prefer you dead than with her.” [She is probably already planning his demise.] Esteban thought to himself that if Paz would only listen for a few seconds he was dying to tell her the truth, that he had never stopped loving her. Paz dared him to say anything, pointing out the vial of earth on his desk. He began crying. Ginebra then tried calling him. Paz saw her photo on his phone and sarcastically told him to answer because “surely it's something very important” but he did not take the call. Paz told him off and walked away. Esteban cried. Quierly asking God for strength because he could not accept the idea of losing Paz forever. Ginebra called him. “What do you want?” he demanded.
“I congratulate you for not talking more with the taquera. Otherwise, one of the two would lose their minds and it wouldn't be precisely because of love.”

Stop your nonsense, Ginebra. You are obsessed with me.” He ended the call.

Gala tried to get the boys to stop their argument, telling them she had enough issues now. She then almost fainted, provoking both boys to offer water ,,, or chocolate. She told them she had to watch her diet because of the prediabetes. Both said they would help her adjust. She tanked them, then went into the rest room and tried to vomit, stopping when she thought of her family. She slammed the toilet lid shut and cried.

Jerónimo and Salomón started to argue in the sarcastic Quien es muy macho mode which became a full-blown fight. Esteban ran in, broke it up, and scolded both of them, conscious of the negative attention it was drawing. He told them they would have to behave themselves if they wanted to see Gala. They appeared to nod at this but still gave each other subtly hostile looks,

Kenzo led a blindfolded Nandy up to the rooftop for a major flower display along with treats and a gift: a pair of serious iridescent pink FM strappy sandals by Steve Madden that glowed in the sunlight as though they had materialized before her eyes. She cried with joy at what this meant for her, a rare gift in her life after she had endured so many bad things. He told her he wanted to see her happy, thn knelt in front of her to put them on her, She said she felt like Cinderella. Both said Te amo.

Mireya and Pepa argued about her relationship with Mauro. He didn't want to see her get hurt again. She said this was more than butterflies in the stomach and not pubertal madness. He denied ever wanting her to always be alone, finally telling her to be careful before walking away in frustration.

Ginebra tried gaslighting Monito about feeding chocolate to Cobija. She brandished the empty tin wrapper. He denied doing so. Both he and Samara denied having eaten the entire bar. Ginebra then declared that Monito did this, causing him to cry, denying this to Samara, who believed him. Ginebra then looked at Monito and said “So, you left her the chocolate bar she could have eaten.”
Monito cried and said “Same, and yes. I watered it crookedly. [La regué gacho.] Forgive me.” Samara did; the two kids hugged. Ginebra scolded Monito for being careless. Mauro watched from a vantage point behind the Wicked Witch.

She told them to go out with the dog, finishing with “It would be terrible if you had killed her, right?”

Unseen by Ginebra, Mauro patted Monito's back as the kids left the room. He then sat down and looked at Ginebra and said “They could have found you out.”

No. I made sure to use a poison that would leave no trace. But I had to use a lot more for the hairball to die.” [This poor pup is not out of the woods.]

Monito petted Cobija and apologized, calling himself an idiot. Samara denied him being that.

Paz told Eder and Gala she would be back at the mansion cooking for them the next morning despite no longer being their father's novia. They appreciated that this would not be easy for her. She promised Gala that the food would be with her condition in mind.

Fobo tried sweet-talking Elvira again, this time with a flower. [Interestingly, this one looked faux compared to the others in this episode.]

Lupita poured freshly-made coffee for Porfirio into a mug that looked like the ones at his place. Ee learn she prefers to drink it black. He noticed the family photos on the walls and she spoke of “three daughters”, saying that Nandy counts. She asked him about his wife and he told her that although he was saying for a long time that she died of an illness the reality was that she had been murdered. [Mi esposa la mataron]. Before either could say any more Mireya and Pepa came in. Lupita made the introductions and the expected pleasantries followed.

Nandy talked about not expecting to have a happy life like other people. “Until you came,” she said. Kenzo sounded like he was prepared to commit to her. And she to him. ¡Beso!

Rubio was out of the infirmary and entered the exercise yard to go after Vermin. He had two other thugs with him as he grabbed the barbell rod and stated pressing it down just above Vermin's collarbone.

Esteban spoke to a specialist for Gala who was blaming herself for this situation. Esteban tried to convince her that this was not her fault. She told him that Paz promised to help. At his sad expression she said he had not told her the truth about the breakup. He said there was no point. She promised to follow doctors' orders, etc, but was still sure she was at fault. He told her to keep repeating “I am innocent” but she was not sure of this. Just as they hugged Ginebra slithered in wearing a sleeveless red dress. “What a beautiful image. I love seeing a father supporting his daughter.” She walked over to stand next to Esteban and said “Gala, I saw the video you published. I admire you very much.” She took her hand, “What courage to make this public.” She went on about having body issues at the same age.  

Gala stared blankly, perhaps in disbelief, finally saying. “Thanks. Being a woman is complicated.”

Esteban said that Gala will have experts helping her and he doesn't want her to be confused..

What I want is to add. ” Ginebra said. “And even more so now that you and I are going to be closer.” She stroked his arm while looking at him very possessively.

Again, Gala stared blankly and asked her father.
“You haven't told her?” Ginebra asked him. “You haven't told her that, well, we want to start a relationship.”
Gala looked from one to the other while Esteban looked at Ginebra with contempt.

Porfirio was having a good time with the Robles when Humberto arrived with a huge bouquet of flowers for Paz and good news for all: They can reopen the restaurant! All were happy.

Paz put the huge bouquet at the foot of the statue of St Judas and told Humberto not to bring her any more flowers or gifts. He was not to confuse her gratitude with romantic interest. She was not interested in getting involved with any man and despite what happened she was still in love with Esteban. Now she only wanted to bury that, get back to work, and find her daughter.

Esteban told Gala he saw how she was affected by her condition and didn't want to burden her more. He then turned to Ginebra and told her that her comments were quite selfish and indiscreet. Ginebra denied this, saying that Gala needed to know that she was with her. She hoped that she would soon be Esteban's fiancée.

Gala was not pleased with the situation; it contradicted his intent to focus on their family. He told Gala she was right and asked her not to tell anyone until he and Ginebra were clear on the future, adding “And don't let a comment like that slip away again, I've already told you many times.” He did not want others to know about any decisions made under pressure.

Ginebra watched him with her usual vulture's eye and said an insincere “Oops. I got the emotion. Maybe you will find a little more patience but we will announce it very soon.” She made her exit with a speech to Gala in which she had the gall to say “Your father adores you but doesn't stop being a man. Your grandmother, well, is from another generation. A real man doesn't fall in love with a woman like her. Your father and I will forge something very beautiful and powerful now that he's free and we have an opportunity for love.

Gala did not buy this, saying that she was sure his feelings for Paz were real. “Is this true, what Ginebra is saying?”

Esteban did not know what to say but looked to see if Ginebra was watching. She was, so he said. “Yes; I'm interested in Ginebra.”

When Gala left them alone at Esteban's request he closed the door behind her and tried to draw some boundaries she said “That's the man I want at my side. One with limits.” [Can someone clarify this?]

Vermin talked about destroying Ginebra and Mauro which provoked a major fight with Rubio. Rubio refused to risk his family when Ginebra would pay him to kill Vermin. Vermin said to him “The only thing you're going to get is a shot in the back of the head when you are no longer useful. It's going to take time and we're going to have to pretend we're their slaves, but in the end we're going to be free. Think about it, Rubio. The Nicolitis will fall.”

Rubio punched Vermin in the gut and said “Tell me, what have you got? Talk!”

Something you know, but forgot. I sold my daughter to Ginebra and Mauro. My daughter is Samara Barral.”

Monito told Samara he never fed any chocolate to Cobija. He knew it was harmful. He told her that she and Cobija were his family. Mauro – unseen – watched from the staitcase with a wistful expression.

Paz told Humberto about Samara's call and how she wanted to talk to her. She was concerned that Ginebra would block her. Humberto offered his cell for this.

Esteban and Ginebra talked. He didn't want to reveal their absurd relationship until Gala recovers or until he decided. She told him she wasn't waiting for long. “What other ridiculous condition occurs to you?”

“Paz Roble will return to work for me and no objection. If you don't like it, kill me once and for all, but I want to check that she's okay. I'm going to help her.”

Frankly, I don't understand your obsession with this taquera.”

“Because Paz has everything that you couldn't achieve. She is a woman of integrity. Brave, impeccable.”

Look. Esteban, if you value your life and that of your family, and understand the understanding we have I don't want to hear a single compliment about this bitch. And your eyes are going to be for me.”

The thing is that even if you tear out my eyes, I will never see you the way I see Paz because I despise you and I will always despise you.”

Well. I love you,, Esteban.” [when hell freezes over]

By God, you don't love me. Don't lie. You don't even love yourself.”

No; that is true. And a truth that burns me inside. I'm in love with you, Esteban.”

You know what you can do with all this love you feel? Burn it because it will never be returned. I love Paz with my whole soul and will love her until I die.”
“Well, everything you dared to ask me for comes with a price. I want you in my bed every night. I want your eyes to be the last thing I see before going to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake. And lastly, Esteban, you will love me.”

*See The Producers (1967) for reference.


  1. My apologies; I underestimated what this one needed.

    It annoys me even more that Univision switched Vivir to Daytime because it breaks up my day. Abd now I'm seeing typos...

  2. Thanks, urban. This intense episode.
    Ginevra might be overestimating her talents when it comes to Monito and Samara. Samara does trust him. I suppose Gin could convince her Monito has done something if he wasn't around to defend himself.
    Does Gin even have an idea of what love is? Even people who weren't abused seem to do awful things to those they claim to love, but she says she is in lovebecause she has never felt lust for anyone either so she confuses the two. But what does she intend to do once they get married?Torture his kids? I'm curious what the final goa is. Elvira doesn't care about Esteban, but she somewhat does care about her grandchildren. So is Gin going to kill them? And how is Esteban planning to pretend he loves Gin when he cannot stand her?Gin isn't very convincing as a loving stepmother either. There's something in her tone that makes you think something's off.
    I can understand Pepa. Mireya won't cut ties with Mauro completely. I don't know if she'd go looking for him. But I really can't watch her talk about how it's more than lust because she doesn't know him so I don't know who she is in love with. Women do marry out of compassion/pity and I could maybe believe she feels sorry for Mauro because she has her own kids, but love? That relationship is creepy to me because of how insistent Mauro was when he showed up at their house. It's like he is the only one whose opinion matters and he takes it for granted that she will agree.

  3. UA: Thank you very much for the recap of last night's episode.

    PS: Who's the Blond in the black shirt in the screencap photograph ?

  4. Urban,

    What a marvelous title! You've outdone yourself, this was truly sensational.

    There were several scenes that were surprising. First, Vermin trying to find a way to get Rubio to flip. “Something you know, but forgot. I sold my daughter to Ginebra and Mauro. My daughter is Samara Barral.” As Rubio is street savvy rather than intellectually gifted, Vermin will need to lay every argument he has and do so very craftily and carefully. I have my doubts but am relieved that at least Vermin IS thinking. The first real ripple on the water.

    Then "She asked him about his wife and he told her that although he was saying for a long time that she died of an illness the reality was that she had been murdered. [Mi esposa la mataron]". If we knew that, it sailed right by me. Another mystery but the question is when that occurred and if it could be interrelated to the present storylines.

    Staunch, loyal and loving Monito. I hate Ginebra for many things but trying to break the bond between he and Sam was despicable. Thankfully, she couldn't manage it.

    I also thought Mauro looked "wistful" (perfect word). He sees that children can be happy and (if we believe him) knows what love is with Mir. I can't explain what Ginebra was referring to when she said she wants a man "with limits" but I think Mauro meant it when he told her he would not tolerate her hitting him again. He may be the last best hope if and when he finally reveals Ginebra.


  5. Perhaps the shrine, where the flowers were placed by Paz, was a shrine honoring St. Jude the Apostle. Judas Iscariot, also an apostle, was the betrayer of Jesus Christ. Judas has not, at last check, been canonized.

  6. St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes, hence the logic of the visit to the shrine in the telenovela. Some historians think that St. Jude was once also called Judas, but to distinguish him from Iscariot, his name was changed to Jude. Having said all of that, it is clear that St. Jude and Judas Iscariot references in telenovelas are relevant. There are plenty of lost causes as well as betrayals.

  7. Thanks Urban, that was great. So much drama, Gin is one evil woman. I think Mauro looked at Sam and Monito and was realizing that that’s what true friendship is.

    It’s good to see Vermin is thinking too, so true that when they’re no longer needed they’ll be killed. Hopefully Rubio is doing some thinking.

    What a contrast between Paz’s house full of people and laughter, and anywhere that Gin is, doom and gloom!


  8. Thanks, Urban for the sensational read. Yes, supposedly, Ginebra wants a man with limits. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Sounds like having a real sparring partner would make it more interesting to her.

    Looks like Vermin could be the key here and with Mauro seemingly less enthralled with Ginebra, she could have BIG problems ahead.

    In the end, how will Esteban get un-chipped?

  9. UA, thanks again. I thought Humberto said his wife killed herself so your translation cleared that up.....

  10. When I'm not sure how something translates I type it into Google Translate. Sometimes I wonder myself whether that provides the correct result.

    It's possible that Porfirio's wife was driven to suicide by a family feud or something similar. We know that Esteban was young when she died; he must have been between the present ages of his sons (9 and 16). Porfirio must have been the one to lie to him about her dying of lung cancer. If that is the case there will be a major blow-up when Esteban learns the truth.

    Good question as to whether her death is related to any of the current unsavory activity, but that would be a big stretch.

    Mauro has seen that there are healthy parent-child relationships; it isn't impossible that Mireya and her boys are the first example although it seems statistically unlikely. We didn't see much of his life in the orphanage but just enough to know that it was a hellhole.

    I guess Vermin had plenty of solitude to think about how he could manipulate Rubio who has to be losing what little mind he has in the slammer.

  11. Urban, thank you for bringing us every moment. I appreciate your time, talent, and effort.

    I wonder if we are going to get any details about Porfirio's wife being murdered. By whom? Why? How?

    Esteban looked like he was truly in agony while Gin smarmed all over him in front of his daughter who is dealing with a major health problem. ugh. Adair is enjoying chewing up the scenery portraying a sexy , creepy, campy, vampy demon. I've noticed that she wasn't wearing her signature leather last night. . That red dress wasnt leather. What's up with that?

    I was surprised to see Vermin actually thinking and trying to enlist loose cannon Rubio to bring Gin and Mauricio down.

    Mauro definitely seems to be melting and feeling some feels for Sam, Monito, and dograbbit, in addition to falling in love with sassy Mir, so perhaps Vermin and Mauro are going to be the undoing of Gin.

    Gin evidently thinks that she has finally fallen in love , but we all know that she can't love anyone , so she has fallen in lust . She wants Esteban in her bed..... I don't want to see that.

    Can't wait to see how things unfold tonight.


  12. Red is the color of blood.

    She also mostly drinks red wine. Well, I also prefer red wine but I'm not a vampire. She is, though.

  13. And wasn’t it a red dress “Berenice” was wearing in the faked videos…?

  14. Terrific recap, Urban. It was just non-stop evil by Ginebra. I think she meant by "limits' that here's maybe a man with cojones. I think she's dominated the other ones she killed off. I think she does "love" him, but it's an obsession, a desire to have what isn't really available to her.

    Regué gacho doesn't show up in my online dictionary. But I've heard it enough in my many years of TN watching. Sometimes it's only the verb, without an adverbial qualifier. It means I screwed up or I messed up really badly. It's usually a man pleading his case with the female protagonista!

    For some reason I'm not buying Porfirio and Lupe. Plus he's been so crotchety and nasty all the way through, he looks weird with a big grin on his face.

    Yes, Jerónimo spoiled a nice moment with Salo and Gala.

    I'm unclear about how Gin hears Esteban. Was it that shot that Mauro put in the back of his neck? That's kind of si-fi. Or is his office and home completely wired for her listening pleasure?

  15. Yes, it was. Berenice had no red in her wardrobe. This is the dress Ginebra is wearing in the title-song vid.

    I think the chip was in that injection or there would not have been a close-up of it.

  16. Belated thanks for the recap, Urban, with your usual splendid level of detail. I've been traveling, and on my tablet I don't have the patience to type out extended comments...

    Novelera, I'm with you on the sci-fi aspect of the whole neck-chip thing. The only explanation I can think of that's remotely in the realm of typical telenovela stretching is that Mauro, with all his tech genius, is managing to activate any local microphones (and perhaps cameras, although so far it's only obvious that Gin is listening, not watching.) If Esteban weren't so dumbstruck with grief, you'd think he'd drag someone off into the woods...or, God help us, WRITE A NOTE. They're not in his eyeballs, are they?

  17. Susan, Esteban had a throwaway line with Humberto the other day that now seems more significant. When Hum reproached him for fleeing the farm, he said, "You know why I left, and you know what they made me do." I played it back to make sure that's what he said, but I still have no idea what it means.

    Jarifa, I guess we have to hope (!!) that Esteban breaks a bone, so the x-ray will reveal the implant. Then Gin can come in and gun down all the doctors.

    Diana, I wonder if what Fermin is keeping in the bank is a DNA test...? After all, he's had plenty of access to both Paz and Sam when they were all living together in the barrio.

    Waterlily, Gin is so completely evil that I wouldn't put it past her to try to kill the entire family to end up with the spoils...all while blaming it on the mysterious enemies they supposedly have.

  18. Blue Lass, thanks for the info.Do we know how long ago Porfirio's wife was killed and how old Esteban was at the time ? Hmmm...If Esteban made that comment, will we ever find out why he left and what "they " made him do ?

    I am anxious to see how this tale unfolds with Esteban trying to protect those around him from the monster who killed his beloved wife and now wants him. Yikes.


  19. Esteban apparently left home right after his mother’s death, so he must have been at least 16.

  20. Blue lass, wow, I've been around a lot of teenagers, and 16 is very young to be on your own. I wonder were Esteban went when he left the ranch .I wonder if the writers will ever let us know .

    Also, will we ever find out exactly where Elvira's father took Gin when he took her from Elvira's arms? Do we know how many husbands Gin had\killed?
