
Saturday, May 18, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #54: Recrimination and Revelation (Main Points From Memory)

The following may be out of order; please add anything missing:

When Kenzo and Nandy came back to the Robles house Jerónimo and Sandro continued making transphobic comments to Nandy because they rejected that their father has fallen in love with her. 

Fobo gave Elvita a music box [WTF did he do this at the office?].

Ginebra revealed to Rubio that if he continues to work for her she will reward him financially, but first he must get Vermín out of her way.  She was not pleased that he had failed in rubbing out Pedro Pablo [so this could be his last chance?].

Giovanna shows evidence of being a stalker.  She is determined to have Bosco and "be his first" no matter what it takes [and it does sound like he is still a virgin].

Esteban confronted Humberto when he learned that he was interested in Paz, he assured him that he will not allow him to see her as an affair.  Porfirio had a seizure or something else after finishing his coffee but stubbornly refused to allow either Esteban or Humberto to call a doctor or ambulance.  Situation of estrangement between Porfirio and Esteban is status quo.

Vermin was released and went back to the barrio.

Per Ginebra's orders Mauro began homeschooling Samara and Monito.  He seems to genuinely care for them [so her demand that he spend this kind of time with them is likely to backfire on her].

Paz went to Ginebra's to see Samara.  Mauro tried to prevent it but when Samara heard her voice she ran to her and they embraced.  Mauro watched, knowing that they were the actual mother and daughter.

Le pièce de résistance:  Ginebra brought a metal box into Esteban's office and put it on his desk.  She showed Esteban wedding photographs of the men she has killed to keep their fortune.

Here's hoping that in tonight's episode she showed the rest of them because she did not get to a photo of herself with Elias.


  1. Thanks for the recap, Urban. You definitely got the high points.

    Here on the West Coast we saw the end of the fútbol and the beginning of El Amor. And then the last 15 minutes or so were cut off abruptly. I was able to get the episode on the Uni web site, but wasn't patient enough to sit through what I'd already seen. So I tried to time it, turning off the volume and doing something else, and getting back for the last 15 minutes.

    Yep, that Giovanna seems to be a very weird young woman. Bosco actually called her that in English when he was telling his sister how much Gio bothered him.

    Are they going to wait until the next to the last episode to tell us what happened to cause Esteban to leave the hacienda and be so estranged from his father?

    Wow, just wow! Ginebra is willing to show Esteban all of her prior "Black Widow" victims. She seems that sure that she has him under her thumb by threatening Monito and his children. If she left that box, isn't that kind of evidence that she's had a lot of men die strange deaths?

    So that picture of Paz and Vermin's stolen child is supposed to somehow resemble the child? The drawing does look a bit like Paz, but not necessarily like Sam. Of course, TNs don't always make sense, but it seems like she should have looked harder 5 years ago.

    I was surprised Paz dared to come to Ginebra's lair. Mauro shows another sign of a bit of softheartedness in not stopping the mother child embrace.

    Will Rubio be tempted by Gin's offer to make him rich, and go after Vermin? She offered him another "get out of jail" opportunity.

    I guess we can only understand that Vermin, like most guys who don't get the woman, isn't willing to tell Paz the truth, even though they'd both get their child back. He still thinks he can get her back, realizing that selling their baby would finish his chance.

  2. Thanks to everyone for their amazing recaps! Didn't have a chance to comment (AGAIN), I just saw the whole weird Thursday business. Expect Friday's recap up tomorrow.

  3. Thanks, urban.
    I wonder if it's delusion that makes Fermin believe he can get Paz back. So he'd rather have her with him and miserable without her daughter?I wonder how he could live with himself. Unless he actually imagines he could take Sam from Gin.
    They once again let Paz go to the danger zone. Did she know Gin wasn't there? I can't remember.But then she can't be sure Mauro wouldn't tell Gin she came. She knows Gin could hurt her family for this. Even if she doesn't care about her own life, why is she willing to put everyone else in danger?

  4. I laughed at Elvira thanking Fobo for the (artificial) flower he gave her the day before. (Yes at the office). He upped his game with a cute music box that she can always think of him when it plays. I guess the same could be said about a fake flower as it won't wither and die.

  5. I don't think Paz knows how dangerous Ginebra is. In many ways she is absurdly naive. I can't wait to see her reaction when she finds out that Ginebra tried to kill Samara to claim Elias' inheritance.

    She may have gone to the Hell House during office hours.

    Vermin is delusional and severely so in this situation. He hit Paz hard enough for her to fall on the kitchen floor when her baby was due. He had accused her of pregnancy hormonal madness when she -- rightfully -- got on his case about borrowing too much money from the wrong kind of people. He sold their baby and has withheld this information for seven years. Worst of all, he has worked for Ginebra and did not identify Samara as their lost child while she was in the Robles house.

    He is so stupid he does not realize that he can't have it both ways. He can't reveal Samara's identity without admitting to the crime of having sold her on the day she was born. As soon as Paz knows she's her child she's done with him. His failure to come clean on this has put Paz and Samara in unnecessary danger.

    If he were to reveal this now there would be other hell to pay. Had he revealed it when Samara was in the Robles house they could have gotten the necessary proof before the Blood Queen could have done anything about it. Ginebra would probably have played dumb about the stolen baby and Vermin would have gone back to prison. His life would be worthless there for his crime and the other prisoners might have done him in.

  6. On the east coast , we got the Thursday episode at 9pm before the futbol game. I missed the beginning.

    Mauro softens around Sam .He seems to truly love her and enjoy tutoring her and Monito in math.

    Elvira gave Gala pill containers.

    Geronimo brought Gala a stuffed giraffe , and she seemed pleased.

    KenZo came and talked to Eder and Bosco.

    Bosco and Gala had a conversation while Gio was in Gala's room looking at cellphone photos of Gala and then photos of Bosco . She was reading Gala's diary. She is super weird....what is up with her?. She is relentless in pursuing Bosco.QTH?

    Gin slithered in to show Esteban a metal box and threaten him with wedding photos of the hubbies she killed. I didn't understand what she was saying, but I think she wants him to tell Elvira and his kids that he loves her and I think she said that she could give him more pleasure than Berenece. Esteban opened the metal box and picked up the photos . He looked at 4 and was holding even more ..maybe 3 or4 more photos.


  7. Urban, thank you for your well written recap that shared all we needed to know.

    I give Paz so much credit for going to Ginebra's to see Sam! Outwardly, she is so strong although I'm sure she is churning internally. Unfortunately, I do think you are right, as reprehensible as Paz thinks Ginebra is, she has no understanding of the depths of depravity.

    Gio reading Gala's diary was unsettling. Just like Gio herself.

    So Vermin is out now...I wonder if it will be Rubio cancelling him out. I forgot about Vermin sluggling Paz as she was about to deliver. No redemption for him, but perhaps a lighter sentence in hell if he dies saving Paz or Sam.

    Mauro does seem to care about Sam but as Ginebra sees and senses that, I wouldn't put it past her to threaten him to kill her or else.

    Talk about a black widow! Ack.


  8. Thanks, Urban. I was surprised at how many husbands Gin killed.

    I thought Geronimo had been nicer but he’s just like his mother and brother. I loved the scene with Paz and the kids.


  9. UA: Thank you very much for your hardworking efforts in keeping us posted on more developments in last night's episode.

    Diana: The Body Count must be like 600+ by now 🤔

    Susan: I better see a happily ever after for Paz after all of the crap she's been through.

  10. Susan, thanks for the reminder about that plush giraffe. Ones of that size and quality don't come cheaply.

    It also made me remember when he sucked her into his online financials which are connected to Felipa and I don't think he's see through yet. Not as smart as he thinks he is.

    Liz, that's not all of them. We haven't seen Elias' photo and she was married to him for at least seven years. She is 37 years old now, so how long has she been at this and when did she start? How many of these does Mauro know about? We may not know the full rap sheets until the last few episodes.

    Mauro usually is good at self-preservation because he knows how dangerous Ginebra is. However, he has his limitations and he's lucky she's never seen him break down like he did in the hotel with Mireya.

  11. Thanks, Urban. You got it all. Leave it to Uni to not have a published set schedule in advance.

    A few disjointed comments-

    Esteban tells Profirio he did the only thing he could when his mother died. I still want to hear the whole story of the estrangement with his father.

    Whoa! Porfirio tells Esteban that he has no right to people he has left behind (Paz) and that includes him.

    Paz lets Vermin move back in. Really?

    Paz goes to see Sam. Another, really?

    Loved Ginebra’s victim souvenir box. Can’t wait to see more of it.

  12. So...I counted Esteban looking at 4 photos , and there were still what looked like 3 or 4 photos in his hand . Did Gin kill 7 or 8 husbands , and she is on!y 37? I wonder how old we was at the time of the first marriage . yikes !

  13. We've mentioned a few times about the improbability of 24/7 surveillance through such technologies as we have now. This is not a new thing people fear. Does anyone remember Colussus, The Forbin Project? This film is now over 50 years old.

  14. Many thanks for the rescue, Urban! You were the right woman for the job. I’m really impressed with how much you and others remember — if I don’t take notes, I forget entire families.

  15. If I had been taking notes it would have been complete... but also taken much longer.

    Not to belittle Esteban's predicament or Paz putting herself in danger but how is Interpol or whatever other entity going to find all of the offshore dinero when the time comes? If that is somehow impossible then Ginebra must die or there is the possibility that she can escape and have money at her disposal.
