
Friday, May 31, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #63, jueves 5/30: Sex, Lies and Vegetables

Paz snaps, slapping Humberto and shouting about no means no and you can't go around kissing ladies without their permission. He takes it well, apologizing immediately and promising to hereafter hang his hat firmly in the friend zone. The contrast between his gentlemanly sincerity and the memory of Esteban banging Fermin's head on the table like an underperforming bowling ball gives one pause, but everyone knows you can't choose your soulmate -- that's the scriptwriters' job! -- and hell, we're all under a lot of stress.

Before Bosco can act on his decision to proceed against Gio, Castro arrives with a couple of flunkies to arrest him. (How did she beat him to it? Doesn't Ginebra still have her by the cheeks?) It's a good thing the Only Police Station in Mexico City is so close to Esteban's house. Or maybe they moved it there, since that's where all the action is.  

Up on the roof, Gala tells Salo she and Jero are kaputski. He gleefully takes this opportunity to declare his love in the most loving, caring, supportive, patient, non-Jero way possible. She reciprocates. Kiss-kiss, cue the bubble-gum song. 

Down in the kitchen, Paz shows Humberto a recipe book she's been compiling for the past six years in the hopes that she would one day be able to prepare every one of those dishes for her daughter. But of course Max is on a hunger strike, so forget that. Cut to Sam and Monito folding laundry in their room like the cute little couple they are. Sam confides that she misses Paz's cooking something awful, and Monito chimes in that Ginebra's pancakes are like car tires. Sad/funny/ironic: take your pick.

In the police station, Castro presents the results of the analysis showing that they found Bosco's...eeeuw, do I have to? Can I just say "evidence that he was very close to Giovanna"? Ugh. Now I have to go spray myself with antiseptic.

Paz tries to feed Max again, but she's not having it. When Paz takes her arm to try to comfort her, she freaks and goes upside her head like a mockingbird on a crow. When Lupe breaks up the fight, Max throws more dishes on the floor and runs to the window screaming that she's been kidnapped, which can't do much for Paz's reputation. 

Lupe tells Paz she needs to "set limits." (Really, Lupe? You mean like, "No, your scruffy ex-husband can't live on the roof," or "Please stop smooching that guy who put the whole family in jail"?) She suggests that Paz tire the kid out with a long walk to the mothers' group. This sounds like the worst idea ever, and it has a LOT of competition. 

The amazingly svelte Gema shows up at Casa Roble with Jero just as our happy couple are descending from the roof. Jero refuses to believe Gala is really breaking up with him until she whips out her phone and announces it on livestream. 

Some time later, presumably, because they can't all have been on the spiral staircase at the same time, Mireya and Nandi are hanging laundry on the roof when Kenzo shows up in the street with mike and karaoke machine for a performative apology. He can't sing his way out of a wet paper bag, but Nandi is charmed. (I guess this is the comic relief we've been needing so badly, but in the current climate it's not going to get us far.) He also gives her a magatama, which is a Japanese curved stone. Oh, I'm not going NEAR that one, bebe.

Esteban invites Humberto into his office and finally, finally, FINALLY flexes his executive multitasking muscles by verbally "discussing Bosco's case" while simultaneously writing beautiful and succinct notes conveying that he is being threatened, extorted, and constantly monitored by Ginebra. Hum signals that he gets the message by suggesting they go get something to eat and launches into a long list of vegetables that's apparently some kind of secret code for "let's bury our cellphones under a pile of papers and go hide in the storeroom." 

Amazingly, it works! It seems Mauro can't monitor them in there, which makes zero sense since he's literally just down the hall, but let's roll with it. Esteban spills his guts, including that he suspects Gin of murdering Berenice, but Hum is having a hard time taking it all in. Esteban even says he has tried everything to figure out how she is spying on him, including undergoing a full set of x-rays, but no one can find anything. (How will they ever get to the bottom of it? Put him next to a giant magnet?)  

Gin, backed up by Elvira, tries to convince Bosco to let her spirit him out of the country until things calm down, but he points out that was the one thing the police specifically told him NOT to do. It's a sad state of affairs when Bosco is the most sensible person in the room. 

Jero and Gio are having an evil confab when Sandro pops in with the news that Salo is there -- and demands a cash payoff from his brother to keep quiet about the fact that he has a girl in his room. Gio hides in the bathroom while Salo threatens Jero nine ways from Sunday. He says he doesn't want to fix his face in front of the little guy, but Sandro eagerly pipes up that he wants to watch the fight. (It's hard to think up an appropriate Karmageddon for this little creep. We can't just kill him off like an irredeemable adult. While it would be satisfying to see him reunited with his birth parents in some cold-water flat with nowhere to shop, that would be a terrible thing to do to the parents. Do they have manicomios for feral children?) 

Special section: Ubiquitous Fobo 

* First he tries to calm Elvira down by hand-holding her through some deep breathing exercises. Hopefully this won't lead to another "yoga position" that they have to explain to Eder.

* Then he gets buttonholed by Gin, who says she knows about his "relationship" with her mother and warns that he'd better not break her heart. Has she been reading a training manual about how normal people act? 

* Finally, he takes Bosco to see Pepa, who listens intently to his new friend with sad puppy-dog eyes. It's hard to ignore that Pepa is much prettier than Gio no matter which side you bat on.


  1. Thanks Blue Lass, that was great. I have the same questions you do. The room they went in had a window so I can’t figure out why their conversation didn’t get heard by Mauro. I loved how they casually came back from lunch just as Mauro is looking for them. Now if they were in Ginebra’s safe it might keep the conversation messed up.
    And I guess Gio went to the police before Ginebra came to see her. But what crazy advice from Elvira and Gin, telling Bosco to leave the country. I’m guessing for Ginebra it’s one less kid but why would Elvira want him leaving the country to become a fugitive for life.

    I know I should feel sorry for Max but all I see is a bratty kid. They need to use paper plates for her.

    I’m glad Gala is truly done with Jero and happily back with Salo.

    Things might turn around soon. Humberto will investigate and hopefully learn something about Gin.


  2. I was cheering when Esteban finally wrote a note! I wonder if what ever they injected in him has worn off so that is how Mau wasn't able to spy in the store room. Maybe they can listen through the phones, which people seem to always have on hand. I mean our smart phones listen to everything we say, Mau has figured out how to tap into that technology?

  3. Blue Lass,

    You are such a talented writer. Your recap was perfect.

    Loved the title, "the amazingly svelte Gema" along with everything else.

    FINALLY, Esteban takes some proactive steps to tell someone something. You are exactly right in that it made no sense that Mauro couldn't hear he and Hum, but who am I to quibble?? It was gratifying to see Mauro searching the halls. I hadn't realized or caught that Este had undergone tests to find out why he's become a human microphone.

    Max seems like she is a bit spoiled I must admit. But what child abducted from their parents wouldn't act out? I really hope they find out quickly she isn't Maria although where will she end up with her parents in jail?? Heaven help her.

    "...everyone knows you can't choose your soulmate -- that's the scriptwriters' job! -- and hell, we're all under a lot of stress".:)

    Sandro and Jero. I am breathing a sigh of relief that Gala and Salo are back together. Jero isn't a monster in waiting, he's already there. Your riff on Sandro "While it would be satisfying to see him reunited with his birth parents in some cold-water flat with nowhere to shop, that would be a terrible thing to do to the parents" said it all.

    I wonder what sewar Gio crawled out of. Worse, why do I have a pit in my stomach that Gin is going to end up making things worse for Bosco?

    Finally, "Ubiquitous Fobo". What IS this dude's deal??? I can't wait to find out.


  4. Liz,

    Our comments crossed but I see we are on the same page in being happy Gala and Salo are back together.

    Yes, paper plates for Max is an excellent idea!


  5. Wrangling 2 grandchildren today as the 5 sick so my comments are disjointed. So evidence was found on Gio. How do they know it is Bosco's. He may not know to demand DNA evidence as she may have been able to do the deed with him while he was drugged, but it could also be Jeronimos DNA.....

  6. Gracias, Blue Lass. Your wit is needed now.

    But of course Max is on a hunger strike, so forget that. Cut to Sam and Monito folding laundry in their room like the cute little couple they are. Sam confides that she misses Paz's cooking something awful, and Monito chimes in that Ginebra's pancakes are like car tires. Sad/funny/ironic: take your pick.

    Max is a terrible brat as is Sandro, but I have a hard time thinking that her adoptive mother is the monster that Felipa is. The couple looked fairly respectable.

    Am I imagining this or are most female villains bad cooks while most protagonists are good at cooking? Enquiring minds want to know.

    Are there no cameras in the storeroom? If not they probably don't have anything valuable in there. I don't think they'll be able to sustain the vegetarian ruse for long but at least Esteban got the crucial message to Humberto.

    It's a sad state of affairs when Bosco is the most sensible person in the room. As for Ginebra trying tp talk Bosco into leaving the country, he's right. She could win this either way:
    --- If he leaves the country it puts Esteban and Elvira into chaos mode
    --- If Bosco stays she either pays people off to make his life hell or it takes enough time for him to prove his innocence to allow her to plan a more dire fate for him.

    More later.

  7. Blue Lass, Thank you for a snappy recap of all the twists and turns. I don't know where to begin in trying to analyze this episode.

    So ..Esteban has had X-RayS done which showed nothing , but he figured out about writing a note to inform Hum about him being some kind of human transmitter.... okay , technology is a mystery to me. At least someone knows what is going on and that Gin is BSC and had Berenece killed . Hum has been shown as a smart, take charge guy , so I am glad that Esteban now has his support in figuring out Gin.

    Speaking of take charge guys, I liked seeing Salo defend Gala by going right to poser Jero to let him know that Salo knows what a tool he is. The punch in the stomach was great. I am now a big fan of Salo even though his exaggerated facial expressions bother me.

    I thought Gin put a scare into Gio, but what did Gin actually say to her ? Whatever Gin threatened , Gin doesn't look like it stopped her . Now what?

    In the last episode , Gio went to Jero's where he threw her on the bed, choked her , and I guess had sex with her, so is he the one who provided the evidence that the police found ? These two are the teenagers from hell.

    Fobo is a mystery, but the actor is getting a little more screen time. Is he a good guy, A bad guy, or just a wannabe yogo instructor.

    Liz, great suggestion to serve Max's food on paper plates ! After reading many of your comments , I feel that you are my kind of person ...a pragmatic problem solver . Susan

  8. Paper plates for the brat, por supuesto!

    Since there are 29 episodes to go there is adequate time left to find and identify the parents whose babies were bought or stolen. I love the idea of Sandro discovering squalor. However, when Feipa meets her Karmageddon I think Kenzo should put him in military school whre ge would earn that he is not All That.

    Monito knows he was discarded, so he should become Samara's brother.

    On that subject -- which some of us barely touched on in the Vivir discussions -- I don't think that Paz should try to force Samara to take the name Maria if she doesn't want it or can't get used to it. Monito should be allowed to choose his own name; I'm sure he has the smarts to choose well.

  9. Question...I am confused . When Gin went to see Gio and grabbed those little lying cheeks, was she threatening her to stop going after Bosco or encouraging her to do it ? Susan

  10. Susan, as far as I can remember, Gin ended her threats by saying she won't try stopping Gio just so she could see how far Gio would go with this. I believe Gin made it pretty clear she could squash her like a beatle if she chose to because Gio tried to pull the 'I'm the victim here' card.

  11. Wow! I am in awe of your wit, Blue Lass. Just first-class snark all the way through.

    Hmmm. How does Mauro plan to beat out Kenzo for the big job at the mystery company when he spends all his time tuned into Channel Esteban?

    The writers made sure to block the obvious road Viewerville thought of by having Mauro put Abdul on Vermin's tail 24-7 to grab him up if he approached a place specializing in DNA analysis.

    You'd think the Robles would have at least some suspicions about this blue eyed, strawberry blond kid being the offspring of Paz and Vermin. Yes, we are supposed to understand what a blow being separated from her parents is for her. And especially considering they had to buy her from Gin because they couldn't conceive the old-fashioned way. But that kid gets an acting award for being the least lovable kid I've seen in a TN for a long while.

    Oh, what a treat watching Jero and Gema kicked to the curb. And how does Gema have Jero's phone number to call him up so he can behave like a complete ass for the pleasure of the barrio? And even more fun to watch Jero, who specializes in showing off his ripped torso, get punched in his six pack by Salo. I noticed the best he could do was a raised fist that was quickly grabbed by Salo.

  12. Novelera, yes, I got a big kick out of ripped Jero getting punched in the gut by street smart Salo. I am loving Salo and Pepa. Yay for the good guys. I also thought it was funny when Jeri was trying to get away from Gala recording him on her phone . Susan

  13. Loved the recap! Thanks, BlueLass. I finally caught up today.

  14. Thanks to Susan and Novelera for remarking on the solid punch Salo got in before he left Jero's place. I went off on that tangent about Sandrogeddon and never made it back to the plot. Salo also made it clear that he and Gala are back together, which has to fry Jero's bonbons.

    Jaja Liz, paper plates, SO TRUE. The Robles probably can't afford to lose any more crockery.

    Diana and Novelera, loved "human microphone" and "Channel Esteban." :D

    Urban, that is a provocative point about villanas being bad cooks. I will pay attention to that in the future. Really, is it that hard to feed someone something they like -- especially a kid? And military school may be the only thing that can straighten Sandro out. Let's hope they go with your plan.

  15. I just watched tonight's episode in real time, and it was EXCELLENT. So many interesting twists! It feels as if we've finally reached the tipping point between the bad guys creating more problems and the good guys starting to solve some of the problems.

    Uy, I hope Ginebra's not reading this.

  16. Haha, I love your title, Blue Lass. I hadn't yet watched when i read it, so I was really curious what it could possibly mean. Your writing is so effortlessly funny, that is a true gift.

    "Channel Esteban" LOL - so funny, Novelera

    Esteban finally finding a way to tell someone what is going on is the first step in the right direction. Choosing Esteban as an ally is also good, it will help end the rivarly between them when all is said and done.

    I still think that the young cast love entanglements bring nothing to the story, but I do like Gala and Salo as individuals and I did enjoy Salo putting Jero in his place.

    Filming has been finished for a week or so, Daniel Elbitar is now into rehersals for a theatre play and Claudia Martin is taking a much needed break, but we are only now getting to the good parts.

  17. Great to wake up to new musings as we all let these episodes percolate.

    My friend's younger brother was sent to military school...didn't seem to help that teen rebel. However , I saw troublemaker teens change after actually military service . Okay then, the Mexican Army it is for teenage mutant Sandro.

    I like Esteban teaming up with smart, proactive, calm Hum. I hope Silent shadow Fobo is doing some investigating off camera . What is up with this faithful servant of cranky Elvira?


  18. Thanks SO much, Blue! I'm in love with your humor! In a hurry, but wanted to thank you. Friday's recap will be up tomorrow.
