
Sunday, June 02, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 64 - Viernes, 31 de mayo, 2024 - "More doubts for Max, more despair for Esteban, more misery planned by Gin"

Paz wants a few days off because she found her daughter and mentions sending her mother instead if it's needed. Esteban of course says yes and does the very wrong move of telling Paz he wants them to be friends; she screams there's no "them" and hangs up.

Bosco and Pepa have a discussion of their mutual trauma. Pepa says he thinks they should move past this and continue with their life like they want to. They both admire the tree Pepa has painted.

Mir and Nandy have an underwear sponsor. FF--> By the way, wouldn't it be more fitting for Gala to promote the products back when she was an influencer? It would at least be less cringe.

Speaking of Gala, we get a scene with her and Salo, who gifts her a bouquet of flowers. Gala asks him why all the flowers are different and Salo says that, truthfully, he searched everywhere and picked up the most beautiful flowers he could find (did he mention not having enough money to pay for an expensive one?) Gala asks him if he really did this for her, he says yep, but now it's time to say the excuse. The different flowers symbolise their story... Yada yada. They end up kissing.

Felipa tells Kenzo she saw that "his scarecrow" (Nandy) posted that they're together. She has a restraining order on him for his kids. Kenzo gets the papers, shocked. I read it and understood about half the things. It was the most stereotypical thing I've read, some cock-and-bull crap about gender roles (!) and referring to some laws that state that children shouldn't be subjected to violence. (What violence?!) I'm not joking. What on actual f-ck was that.

Jerónimo actually tells Ginebra she'll do what he tells her to. I'm getting popcorn ready, it's going to be a good one! Ginebra smirks and asks him why, Jero says he knows he's been laundering money for her with the cryptocurrency business so she'll stop getting in the way of his plans with Gio or the world will know she's a criminal. Gin actually says "so you're the one who's helping that moron". I couldn't believe I would be rooting for Gin AGAIN, but here we are. 

She tells Jero to write his name on a piece of paper. He does, she grabs him by the throat with her usual threats, tells him to open his mouth and shoves the paper she has now made into a ball shape into his mouth. Oh and he's not allowed to spit it out, of course. She starts her usual "I'm the only one who gives orders around here" and tells him he's ages away from being like her. She asks him what's their (Jero and Gio's) objective. Jero pretty much replies that they want to hurt Gala and Bosco. Gin comments that they have similar goals. She proposes he works for her, he says ok but only if he has enough benefits. And it's Game Over by Ginebra Nicoliti. By the way, she was mocking the name Jerónimo for absolutely no reason the whole discussion. She's called Ginebra, named after the alcoholic drink, so I don't think she can make fun of other names.

Hum, Esteban and Porf are all together in Porf's house. Hum tucks the hacked phone in some aluminium foil, which makes horrible screeching sounds that make Mauro's ears hurt (headphone user). Hum says that they can't hear them as long as the phone is in the aluminium foil because Telenovela Technology. Mau can't hear them indeed. Come on, does aluminium foil actually block sound transmission when out in the campo? Porf already knows about Ginebra. Both he and Hum say they'll help Esteban. Porf says that whatever has happened between them, Esteban is his son.

Paz brings Max to the mothers group. They're all excited except from Max, who looks like she ate a particularly sour lemon. She doesn't have a tantrum though. Paz brushes some hair out of Max's face and Max's birthmark shows. Some other mother from the group starts crying, Paz is clearly confused and shocked. She tells Max to stay there. The crying woman, Sana I think, says her daughter had that birthmark when she was born. She shows Paz and the others a picture of the baby with that specific heart-moon birthmark. Paz says it must be a coincidence, the DNA results said she's Max's mom! (The DNA results given to you by the police. Shouldn't that make you a tiny bit suspicious?) Sana insists and shows Paz the drawing they made of how her daughter was supposed to look when she was about 5. Paz is shocked, they're almost identical!  

Esteban, Humberto and Porfirio finish their discussion and Hum takes the phone out of the aluminium foil. They start talking normally about Bosco, like they never stopped talking about that subject. Mau can miraculously hear them now and looks less concerned. 

Kenzo is devastated with the restriction order, says to Felipa his kids are everything for him. Felipa pretty much wants him to break up with Nandy if he wants to see his kids again. She leaves the office with a smirk. The smirk leaves her face when she sees a call from Mau, who orders her to go to Hum's house to investigate, Esteban is there.

More aluminium foil for the hacked phone to have another quick word. Hum says they can't keep it that much because the listeners will start to get suspicious, so they remove it.

Tortuga (kid with weird hairstyle that follows Gema around) and his friends beat up Bosco and Pepa, who tries to intervene. We see that Jero was the one who payed Tortuga to beat Bosco up. Fobo pops up and manages to separate them.

Paz, after the initial shock wears off, promises she'll do more tests to Max, one with Vermin and one with Sana, to check whose child she is. Sana thanks her and they hug.

Gin tells Esteban she wants the company, Est says he's not interested in a allegiance with her and she shouldn't harm Elvira. Gin starts the lies that she loves him, he tells her to stop saying that, she doesn't love anyone! She's full of hate for everyone, even for herself. Every second, every moment he's with her, he falls more in love with Paz. Gin tells him to stop mentioning the taquera and warns him about not telling his father anything, because she could easily help Porf find Est's mom in the sky. What a b-tch.

Paz brings some food to Gala, who's thankful. She tells Paz she closed all her social media and broke up with Jero, but doesn't want to discuss it. They talk about Max.

Nandy is sad about the restraining order and tells Kenzo they have to break up, he has to see his children, while crying. 

Pepa is tending to Bosco's wounds as Fobo blames himself for everything that happened. Bosco beggs him not to tell Elvira, Fobo doesn't. El tells Fobo (on the phone) to bring Bosco back, she doesn't want him in this neighbourhood. She's surprised when she learns Bosco is with Pepa.

Kenzo says they're not breaking up, he won't succumb to Felipa's blackmail, but Nandy mumbles she doesn't want to separate a family, while crying still. 

Speaking of the devil-in-training, Felipa arrives at Hum's place, who asks her what he can do for her. She smiles, says something like "a lot of things, like...", opens her full body jacket/whatever it's called and reveals a sexy black leotard. Geez... This should go in my list of traumatic events recapped... (The list is a great idea, Blue!)

Mau informs Gin about Esteban going to see Porf and Hum, but Gin thinks he wouldn't risk telling the truth. Mau says that by the way he took care of Max's parents. Gin is pleased, she says that the dead can't talk. In turn she shows Mau the money she got from selling that baby Vermin and Rubio took. Mau says he wants to see how they'll be able to launder that amount.

Paz admits to Gala that she'll do more (saliva) DNA tests, but she shouldn't say anything. Gala wonders who would be this cruel and Paz replies that Ginebra would. Gala gets a text message from her dad and asks Paz to bring her some water. She answers the message and smirks. I couldn't read them because the letters were too small, but I think Esteban sent Gala that he's coming and asked her where she is exactly. I believe Gala wanted him to bump into Paz and that was the smirk about.

Esteban indeed bumps into Paz. They look like they're about to kiss, but don't. Esteban tells her everyone has missed her greatly; Gala still has the nutrition problem, Bosco is getting accused of a crime and Eder needs a mother figure. Paz says she tried to forget loving him and feels as if Max hates her. He tells her to calm down and not give up. She asks him why did she give up on her, then? Esteban thinks he wants to tell her the truth but remembers a convo he had with Hum and Porf. Hum, who is a tech expert as well as a lawyer, told him Gin can spy on him through every electronic device that's close to him; every cell phone, every ATM, even every refrigerator. So he doesn't tell Paz the truth, but tells her he got married to Ginebra because it would keep the family united. Paz is on the verge of tears as Gala comes with Max.

She apologises for interrupting, but Max woke up. Max gives Paz her bag. Right before they leave, Est tells Paz that he's sure she'll be an amazing mother. Gala asks him about Gin, Esteban says he's not the most important thing and if he has to sacrifice he'll do it. Gala is even more confused after this statement.

Felipa is still in that leotard. Hum is awkward, puts the jacket back on Fel and tells her he's her lawyer, not her lover. Fel says they're adults and single and calls him boring. Hum says it's unethical, but Fel says that she just wants to have fun. She pulls the jacket off and Porf walks in on that scene. He actually comments he has seen better!!! Fel is totally calm with Porf seeing her like this and goes to the bathroom while telling them to calm down. 

Gin is planning more baby thefts, Mau warns her people will get suspicious. Something pops up in Gin's phone, he shows Mau who almost has a stroke. I didn't understand what happened, can anyone clarify? Gin tells him to calm down, this blow must make them stronger.

In the last scene of the episode, Paz is with Max, telling her they have to go to the doctor. Vermin materializes, Paz gives Max her phone to hear some music and confronts Vermin about not caring for Max and thinking she's not even their daughter. Vermin says he doesn't trust Ginebra and Mauro, Paz agrees. Vermin STILL doesn't say anything about their daughter.

And on that note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Weirdo, I can't really add anything to your recap, except that Hum and Porfirio are renting a furnished apartment in the city and aren't in the Campo. No idea what set Mau off, unless perhaps the hit on Max's parents didn't go down as planned. Why Gin needs so many more babies when they have all that money in their safe room is beyond my comprehension. Mau is definitely correct when he told her that red flags will be set off if they go on a baby stealing spree.

  2. OMG, Weirdo, I'm so sorry you had to recap the merry-widow-under-the-trenchcoat. I'd be grateful I didn't get it, but I have a feeling she'll still be wearing it on Monday.

    Good catch on Gala's parent trap! I didn't follow that at all.

    Now (rubbing hands together in glee) THE BIG PLOT TWIST: Gin was telling Mauro they have to steal more and more babies because their outgo exceeds their income and they have all those people to pay off, etc., etc., and he demands she tell him what she's hiding. She shows him an unsigned cell phone message that says something like, "YOU'RE IN MY TERRITORY."

    Mauro starts hyperventlating and says "Is it him? How did he find us???" We don't know who "he" is, but I was totally gobsmacked by the idea that there might be someone even Gin is afraid of. Of all the anvils we've come up with so far, I don't think anyone expected a mafioso ex machina.

    (As for how he found you, um, how could he NOT find you? Gin was all over the airwaves when Sam went "missing" and didn't even change her alcoholic name...sigh...)

  3. And here is everything I loved about your excellent narrative:

    - Mir and Nandy have an underwear sponsor. FF-->

    - ...some cock-and-bull crap about gender roles (!) and referring to some laws that state that children shouldn't be subjected to violence. (What violence?!) I'm not joking. What on actual f-ck was that.

    - Jerónimo actually tells Ginebra she'll do what he tells her to. I'm getting popcorn ready, it's going to be a good one!


  4. I was actually eating popcorn while watching that. ;}

  5. Do mir and Nandy really have an underwear sponsor or was that a joke?

  6. Weirdo, wow You did a great job recapping a popping episode . Things are happening .

    So, ..Hum, Attorney and tech expert , has figured out that Gin hears all when Esteban is near anything electrical , but a potato chip bag will block the signal. Does his mean that Esteban will have to carry a chip bag in his trouser pocket 24\7? I noticed that when he was talking to Paz, he kept glancing at the camera in the ceiling.

    How convenient that Max's real mother heard the call of the blood and saw the birthmark. Speedyquick. Max was uncharacteristically calm during this chaotic scene.

    Thank goodness Fobo popped up because Bosco and Pepa aren't very effective street fighters .

    Yikes , Mau was cool as a cucumber when he reported Max's parents were eliminated.

    Hmmm. ...Gin gets a message that she is in somebody's terrority. Yay, I hope it is somebody much bigger and badder than the arrogant Wicked Widow .

  7. Can't believe the undies product placement !!!

  8. Thanks Weirdo, that was a great recap.
    When I saw Jero pay the kids to beat up Bosco I wondered if Ginebra was behind it. So Esteban basically married her to keep his kids safe but it’s not really working.

    Kenzo needs to stay with Nandy. His kids aren’t worth giving anything up to be with them.

    This talking and it not being heard by Mau has me totally confused. They put something in Esteban’s blood or body so they can hear him, but if he’s not near anything electronic it won’t work.

    I thought Paz might have mentioned the DNA test to Vermin, but I guess she didn’t. So maybe they’ll get the true results. I hope that mom gets her child back. They had the same coloring and I can’t see two babies in the same town having the same birthmark. And Max has calmed down quite a bit.

    How exciting that there’s somebody Gin is afraid of. Let’s hope it’s someone that isn’t interested in hurting innocent people, including kids. But Gin was always saying things to Elvira about needing her to back her up or something. So this might put Elvira in danger.


  9. Liz, it has to be the same birthmark, because Mexico City is such a small town. Only one hospital! Only one missing-children support group! Only one actual company that sells everything!

    The way Humberto explained it -- everyone should adjust their beanies nice and tight, now -- Esteban's implant is just a tracker. Once they know where he is, they can activate any smart device on the internet of things: phones, cameras, ATMs, refrigerators, etc. If this were a comedy, there would be a glitch that caused bank machines to start spitting out money and everyone's refrigerator to start shouting, "You're out of tacos! CALL THE ROBLES!" But no such luck.

  10. Thanks Blue Lass, that makes sense, in a crazy telenovela way

  11. Maybe Esteban and Elvira's company makes potato chips . I really want a potato chip .

    I noticed that Gin was still wearing that band uniform with the devil red jacket . #advertising

  12. Weirdo, thank you for another exceptional, beyond clever recap.

    I especially enjoyed "And it's Game Over by Ginebra Nicoliti" and }She's called Ginebra, named after the alcoholic drink, so I don't think she can make fun of other names".

    When Jero was trying to assert his "authority" over Ginebra, I was hoping she would leap over the desk and skewer him with one of Bosco's swords. Seriously! Well, not really but I am beyond disappointed Gin is going to be in league with them rather than squashing Jero and Gio like the insects they truly are.

    "Porf says that whatever has happened between them, Esteban is his son". High time isn't it?

    "Kenzo is devastated with the restriction order, says to Felipa his kids are everything for him". Both so unworthy and undeserving of his love. So, so sad.

    "Mau says that by the way he took care of Max's parents". I don't see him murdering in cold blood, but what do I know?

    I did smirk at "Porf walks in on that scene. He actually comments he has seen better!!!" :)

    Paz has been on such a roller coaster ride. My heart goes out to her.

    Blue Lass, thank you for the pivotal (and shocking) information on the mysterious stranger. I couldn't understand why Mau looked so horrified and can't wait to see who this turns out to be. Although Esteban and Hum are making strides, it would make sense to have a higher power (in this case lower power) to help put a stop to Ginebra.


  13. Diana, I guess Mau either killed Max's parents or ordered one of Gin's minions to do it. Either way , Mau has been Gin' s accomplice all these years. I hope he eventually turns on her , but he is beyond redemption . Those panic attacks that he has been having are taking a toll on him.

    It's time for the good guys to have some luck . I hope Hum can find out more about Gin's past and about her baby stealing present.

    Gin is delusional. She got Esteban to marry her by threatening those he loves. Poor Esteban's alpha make personality is struggling to be obedient to Gin . It is tearing him up inside.

    On a positive note, I am glad that Bosco has found support with sweet Pepa . Also, Gala now has Salo in her corner. I love the way he beams when he looks at her. Those proud, loving looks should do a lot to raise her self esteem which nasty , vain Jero tried to shatter. I tried to read Salo's shirt , but all I saw was the word " Safe ."

  14. Great work, Weirdo.

    The only murder we've ever seen Mauro do is that of the Fagin, Gorilla. It was not all that easy but it was partly self-defense and partly justifiable homicide because Gorilla was abusing and exploiting children.

    We did not witness the killing of that unfortunate couple. I do not think Mauro did it. Either he delegated that to someone else or it didn't happen at all.

    If Ginebra is paying out more money on murder contracts or bribes than she is getting in, she is most likely now setting Elvira up to be her next victim. She might use Jeronimo for ye warm-up.

  15. If Mauro took care of the other couple he could have done the original agreement he offered them where he gets them released from jail, though the slitting throat gesture is making that unlikely. But if he were to be redeemed that is one route he could have taken.

  16. Ginebra told Mauro to have them killed in prison. Something about it being easier to do while they were in there.

  17. That makes more sense as he is more valuable to her alive and free of suspicion.

  18. Good and evil are so distinct in novelas . Gin seems to be quite fascinated by Esteban , his love and devotion to Berenece and their children. However, true love like that is completely foreign to Gin. She wants what her sister had with Esteban, and she evidently thinks she can get that by demanding it and intimidating Esteban to fulfill her wishes . Perhaps , her obsessive desire to have what her sister had will be her undoing.
    It will be interesting to see where the writers take this character and the anvil they forge for her after the trail of crime and cruelty she has left. Susan

  19. I don't think Mauro could achieve a full redemption. The kidnapping and trafficking of babies is a heinous crime in civilized countries, even in the example we saw with the drugged-up woman in the alley. He may be feeling extremely.guilty about this in his subconscious and it's starting to catch up to him.

    Ginebra is devoid of any honest emotion. She possess no redeeming qualities in that area. She fails to understand that Elvira did not give her up voluntarily and that el corazon no se manda. She cannot turn Esteban into an android and she uses other people as pawns in her dangerous chess game. As I have previously said she is a villain of James Bond film proportions. As such she can't be allowed to live.

  20. Urban, I agree. Gin has to be gone for good to give any of these people peace. I am not sure what will happen to Mauro, but I think he is beyond redemption. Maybe he will go to prison ,or maybe he will die saving an innocent from Gin.

    I am anxious to see who sent the text message to her.

  21. Excellent, Weirdo, if only Ginebra would have offed that obnoxious Jerónimo on the spot. Uh, doesn’t Kenzo have a lawyer? I feel sorry for Max with Paz thinking she is her daughter. Another victim of Vermin.

  22. Amazing comments!

    Blue, thanks SO much for adding that important dialogue!!!! LOL about you actually eating popcorn while reading the part with my comment about popcorn! And I laughed out loud at your explanation of Esteban's trackers and the comedy part!

    Kat, thanks for clarifying Porf and Hum aren't in the campo! Yep, Nandy and Mir did have an underwater sponsor.

    Susan, I don't think the whole technology thing makes sense either. Does anyone here know tech? Could that be possible? LOL about the potato chip bag. Don't forget the aluminium foil!

    Liz, I agree that Max must be Sana's missing child. The town can't be big and the birthmark is identical. ITA with "How exciting that there’s somebody Gin is afraid of." I'm so ready to meet this guy.

    Diana, "When Jero was trying to assert his "authority" over Ginebra, I was hoping she would leap over the desk and skewer him with one of Bosco's swords. Seriously! Well, not really but I am beyond disappointed." ITA! Jero and Gio are despicable. Also disappointed that now they're in league with Gin. We knew this version of Gin wouldn't last long, didn't we?

    Urban, I agree that Elvira is Gin's next victim. She wants the company and is rotten to the core. I hope the good guys stop her before she does. Elvira is annoying but I'm sure I want her to stop being in the telenovela! Who's going to film cringe yoga scenes with Fobo then?!

    Jarifa, ITA about Gin having to have had offed Jero on the spot. LOL about Kenzo not having a lawyer. I'm sick of Felipa. Can't something happen to HER?

    Regarding Mauro, I'm also unsure about the supposed murder of Max's parents. But even if he hasn't killed them I don't think he can be redeemed. I hope the writers don't so a Sara from Minas and redeem her. Remember that one?
