
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 60 - Lunes, 27 de mayo, 2024 - "Here comes the bride... and the fake María... and the police."

This episode could have an alternative title of "What where they expecting?"

We begin with Gin telling Esteban to call Paz and read this card she wrote to her.

Pepa has finished making the website (Wordpress, I assume?). Humb talks to Paz about placing the "se busca" signs in key parts of the town when...

Esteban calls Paz to read her the card Gin has written for him. Paz's fam urges her not to pick up, but she does. Esteban tells her her daughter María appeared!! Paz of course decides to go to the wedding. What's really weird about the whole María business is that there's literally no way to know which child she is, since she was stolen hours after her birth, so all these "se busca" cards with pictures... What's up with that? For all they know María could be a completely different kid. But I digress again...

Esteban throws the card at the floor and asks Gin what's she playing at. Gin claims that the child will be there. Esteban at some point grabs her and tells her he could break her neck. Maybe Gin likes "men with limits" to get them out of their limits... Well, she doing that, anyway.

Humb and the others try to make Paz to think logically, but we're talking about a mother who just heard her daughter was found. She CAN'T think logically.

Later, Esteban grabs the rings, dramatically throws them in the toilet and FLUSHES AS WELL. I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing at this scene. What on earth? He then thinks about him and Paz doing some washing up together and monologues, looking at the mirror, that he won't destroy Paz's life.

Mir tells Paz that María probably isn't at the wedding, it doesn't make sense. But Paz is determined, so Mir accepts it.

Creepy stalker Gio has the nerve to complain to Bosco about leaving her nudes on read and not sending back any!!! WTF?! Bosco tells her she's 19 and he's a minor, does she understand what this means? "I'll have to tell you in another language, because you don't seem to understand Spanish", he says, enraged. For the last time, he's not interested. Gio looks... like any creepy stalker when their victim tells them they're not interested.

Paz and her fam (+Humb) storm out, trying to get someone to get them to the wedding, screaming at passing cars. Uh, I mean, I wouldn't stop either to get these locos anywhere. I get why the overreaction, but they drivers don't. Anyway, Paz actually finds a driver who has parked something that vaguely looks like a car, but he's unwilling to drive, so she grabs the keys and starts the car-like thing. Humb gives the stunned guy some money and jumps in the car(?) too right before Paz starts the engine. This will go sooooo well. Not.

Mau asks Gin if he should give the antidote to Ginebra. Nope, Paz has to come first. Mau says that the priest is about to cancel or something. Gin promises Mauro Esteban will be her last husband and then he'll be free. "But I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be alone", he says. (Why? Genuine question.) They hug when Esteban comes in and tells them the priest won't be coming. Like the priest not coming is going to stop Gin. She'll probably do a Santiago Cano from Santa Diabla: kidnap one and put a bomb-belt around the waist so he marries them. Mau mentions encoded messages Esteban tried to sent, but him figuring it out or something similar. Esteban starts the usual "you think you're invincible but I'll find a way" talk.

The car-like thing kind of breaks down, but Paz doesn't seem to care. She drags Humb, who looks like he wants to vomit and runs, they're here.

Salo, Mir and Lupe are watching a video of Gala and Jero being interviewed by some reporters about their relationship. When they kiss on the cheek, Salo stops the vid. He still wants Gala but lost her because he was stupid (por estupido). Mir reminds him he'll be a dad now, but Salo says that Gema was just an acostón for him. Google says acostón means a sexual relationship with no actual commitments, and it's a bit of vulgar term. That's why his mom and grandma are so shocked then. Lupe tells him "pensar antes de hablar" - think before you talk and for some reason this appears on the screen next to Lupe's head. Okay... I think they editting people may need to "pensar antes de escribir en la pantalla" (think before writing on the screen). Both Lupe and Mir say that calling any woman an acostón is horrible.

It's the time... The wedding. Porf is there. Esteban thanks him, but Porf says he's there for his grandchildren, not for him. Esteban says he's thankful anyway. Here comes the bride, accompanied by Elvira. There are a bunch of photographers there taking countless pictures. Gin says some very fake emotional stuff to Elvira, but I was too busy in being disgusted to pay attention. 

Paz arrives with Humb, they're watching from the door. Humb keeps telling Paz to leave every five seconds in order not to get her hurt, but she insists on putting up with this to learn about her daughter.

Rubio starts attacking Vermin, demanding he tell him what the key opens and where's the diary Gin wants. He adds Gin is his boss and she'll kill either his family or Vermin and he prefers Vermin. As he tries to choke Vermin, Vermin says he loves Paz and her daughter (suuuuureeee). Gin will kill Rubio too when she gets what she wants. Why can't they work together? Think about it. Rubio stops choking him.

The priest, who fortunately doesn't have a bomb-belt around him, says he has to ask that (stupid) question: does anyone object to this marriage? Paz screams she does, runs there and tells Esteban he told her he loved a few weeks ago; if he tells her he doesn't love her, she promises she'll leave. He doesn't and she kisses him passionately. Unfortunately, it's just a daydream. There are no objections. 

The priest asks for the rings; Esteban has some sort of triumph smile, until Mau brings another box with different rings from the ones Esteban flushed in the toilet. Well, what did you expect, bud? Loca Ginebra is capable even of searching every single sewer in Mexico until she finds them. But yeah, rings fine.

Gin says a few words to Esteban; that she didn't think this happiness would come after so much pain, blah blah, my current concern is Samara, who's looking, well... like she has been poisoned, I wonder why. Paz notices too, Hum says it's probably the hot weather (can't blame him. I also look like this in hot weather and I live in Greece, so I look like a zombie 3/4 of the time). Paz waves at Sam and Sam tries to wave back. 

Esteban's time to say a few words to Gin. He waits and waits. Elvira gives him the death stare:

He says Gin's name, but looks over her shoulder, at Paz. "If I'm away from you, I'll lose my life, what I most want in this world. That why I wish everyone [here] is happy some day." What's really pissing me off are the things Gin keeps thinking. This time is that Esteban didn't say the vows she told him. 

Okay, Gin, do you accept Esteban as your husband for the rest of your life? (Divorces exist dude.) Yep, without a second thought. Esteban, do you accept Gin as your wife for the rest of your life? Esteban is taking his time with this one. After what seems like an eternity, he says yes. They put the rings on each other's hands, Esteban puts so much pressure on Gin's finger, I hope it cracks, but of course it doesn't. Paz runs away crying, at least spared of seeing the kiss. Well, it's one-sided, but still. Petals are thrown at the couple. (In Greece we throw rice. Petals make more sense.)

Paz cries for getting hurt over Esteban, calls herself stupid. Hum says Esteban is the only stupid one here and comforts her. She says Esteban had some nerve getting married in front of her. What did she expect?

Sam is horrible, she can't even work properly, Monito is helping her. Esteban asks Gin to give the antidote to the poor kid. She mocks him about having to talk to her better and signals Mau to give her the antidote. Mau gives it to poor Sam. Gin makes another mocking comment about Bere watching them from the sky. Esteban replies that this is the worst day of his life after the murder of Bere and it disgusts him being married to her. Gin looks... Insulted. What did she expect?

Paz has a talk with Gala about the marriage and Paz's daughter maybe being found. Gala is supportive and her usual sweet self. I actually really like Gala.

Later, Gala is looking at the magnificent wedding cake (now I get why so many people came) and tries not to start eating it. Jero comes and she tells him that after talking with Gio (girl, why would you discuss with this creep for, well, anything?) she wants to go over to his house later. Geez... I hope I'm spared of recapping that.

Pepa can't believe he won that scholarship. Salo can, he says he was always the best in drawing. Pepa is having seconds thoughts about leaving, but for once Salo encourages him. It's obvious it's hurting him, but he still tells him to go for it.

Mir and Lupe are having the same convo about Pepa leaving. The usual stuff.

Elvira tells Paz she's a masochist, why did she come? She then starts insulting her until Gin says Esteban has info on Paz's daughter. There will be a couple arriving in a few minutes with María. Paz asks how they're sure it's her, Gin replies this time, the dates match. Of course, she'll have to do a DNA test to prove it (she has 100% already arranged the fake results). Sam comes and hugs Paz, the 5 minutes they talk aren't enough. Sam learns about maybe finding Paz's daughter and is delighted. They both need more time together, but Gin drags Sam to go cut the cake. She hisses to Paz that she can wait a few more minutes if she could wait for 6 years.

After the couple and Sam leave, Elvira re-approaches Paz. She says she doesn't like her (I wasn't expecting that like, at all) but a mother's pain of losing their child must be respected. She speaks from experience. Paz is filled with tears and mumbles her gracias before El leaves. Hum comes and manages to calm down Paz. Esteban is watching this, sulky. Porf comments that he's a married man and should let Paz do whatever she wants; Esteban says that his blood boils every time he sees her with Hum.

Nandy asks Kenzo if he sees a future with her. He doesn't reply.

Mau takes Paz and Hum in the library, because "Esteban and Ginebra wanted them to have some privacy". He says the couple and the kid are arriving now.

Gin starts to make a speech before the cake is cut. Two assistants hold it up. Cobija starts running around like crazy, Sam and Monito behind him. Sandro pauses for a moment, smiles and runs. He hits the cake, which spectacularly hits Gin in the butt and her dress is ruined. Nandy can't help but smile, and neither can I.

Hum comments that Mau is late and says he'll go to search for him, but at that moment a girl and her parents come in. Paz freezes and turns to face "her" daughter.

Sam is crying her eyes out, saying it was an accident. Because so many people are present, Gin is very sweet. Nandy asks Kenzo again about their future. He avoids the question by saying they're having a good time, but Nandy insists: is he thinking of marriage? Kenzo says marriage is a bit hasty, which seems to sadden Nandy, who excuses herself to the bathroom. At that moment, Jero screams at and grabs Sandro, asking him if it was an accident. Felipa tells them to stop but Jero screams at her to control her son. Kenzo comes too, they ask Sandro if it was an accident, he claims it was (I bet it wasn't), screams at them and leaves. Jero continues the screamfest by screaming at Kenzo to go after his novia.

Esteban tells Gin he wants to be there for Paz when she meets her daughter. He obviously is unaware that the girl has already arrived.

The couple swears they didn't know they caused so much pain or they wouldn't have done it. Paz, always asking the girl for permission, touches her hand and hugs her. We learn the girl's name is Max (I assume from Maximiliana). Hum tells Mau he hopes it isn't a trap, Mau says of course it isn't. Paz and Hum both ask for proof that Max is María. 

Then, we have a little complication; police sirens. The couple is terrified, Paz and Hum are shocked, so are all the other guests in the other rooms. Esteban asks Gin if she called the cops, she smiles and says "wasn't that what you wanted?" Reporters have also arrived.

The police arrest the couple, Max screams and doesn't want to hear Paz's consolations. Again, what did you expect? 

And with that tense situation, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Weirdo: When is the Gran Final of this train-wreck ?

  2. Steve, I've seen that in Mexico it finishes around June 28th, so if we add a week or two to that, I believe we'll get the Gran Final no later than July 15th, except if the Thursday preemptions continue.

  3. Weirdo, thank you for a great report on all the drama in this episode. I loved your title .

    Well, Gin looked large and charge in her tasteful white ( haha) tailored dress and Jenny- from -the -block elaborate hair don't . Watching Esteban squirm and suffer is awful , but Gin is loving it . This wedding gave new meaning to the expression " tying the knot."

    Meanwhile, Mauro stands by and lets Gin poison poor Sam and finallyyyyy gives Sam the antidote . ugh

    So, Gin told Mauro that Esteban will be her LAST husband and then loyal dog Mauro will be free. Really ? Is Gin really going to let go of Mauro now that she thinks she has Esteban? So , she's not going to kill Esteban like she killed her previous husbands ..(maybe 8?)???

    Where did Gin find Max ? Did she steal her as a baby and sell her to this couple ?

    My favorite part was bad seed Sandro purposely knocking over the tiered wedding cake onto Gin's *zz. That was funny. I liked the way Elvira tried to help by putting a napkin over it , and then Gin spent the rest of the reception from Hades in a trenchcoat.

    Hum is trying his best to protect Paz which is driving Esteban crazy .

    Weirdo, regarding traditions, in the U.S , people used to throw rice at the couple as they left the church . It hurt . I remember that I used my bouquet to shield my face as I ran down the church steps, but poor hub winced as he got hit in the face. The photos are funny. In recent years, people have been throwing bird seed or blowing bubbles .

    Will Vermin convince Rubio in joining him against Gin ?

    Gio is BSC . Bosco said "no" in several languages .

    Jero is an arrogant, disrespectful jerk . I hope Gala starts to see that Sooner rather than later.

    Well, where do we go now? ...noche de boda ??? How is Estebsn going to get out of that ? Susan

  4. Receta

    Thank you Weirdo for the superb summary and don’t worry, the wedding officiant wasn’t a priest. It was a civil ceremony and the officiant was from the Registro Civil. Having a priest may have invited lightning.

  5. Gracias, Weirdo. I was almost expecting Esteban to cut his own throat.

    I seriously doubt that Ginebra would set Mauro free. He knows too much. He possesses too many skills she lacks. He hid the original of of the deep-faked video of "Berenice." She is likely to send Abdul or someone else to kill him within 24 hours.

    The JLo hairstyle suited her well. I wonder whether the long wig was to cover up the growth of her real hair. Oh, well...

    I was hoping that Nandy would overhear something important while en route to the bathroom, but there's always tonight.

    The fake Maria looks a little too mature and who are her parents? That better come up tonight.

  6. Question: When Paz rushed up to confront and kiss Esteban, whose daydream was that supposed to be ??? Paz? Eseban?

    Urban, yes , Max seems older than Sam . Let's see where this goes.

    It's interesting that the writers have Esteban frozen in fear and helpless while Hum is the proactive protector of Paz and her family. The whole situation is brutal . Gin is on top of the world.

  7. Humberto isn't the one under constant surveillance and Esteban hasn't figured out how to tell him without risking all their lives.

    If Vermin trusts Rubio he's an idiot.

    When is Esteban going to catch on to where all of Ginebra's dinero comes from? It's horrific that at least half of it comes from trafficking of children. All she dies is abuse other people, right down to babies.

  8. Thanks Weirdo, I enjoyed reading this. I never thought the wedding would take place. And I didn’t realize the stop the wedding scene was a daydream during the scene. Maybe none of us did!

    The girl that’s supposed to be Maria was definitely not a warm, loving child like Sam. I hope they find out quickly she’s not Paz’ child. The whole situation was weird. Loving parents just decide to return their daughter. It seems they’ve lived together as a family. Did they just decide to sell their kid to Ginebra? I guess she made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.

    The wedding was also strange. No one notices how sick Sam looks, and how miserable Esteban looks!

    That brat hitting the bottom of the cake was the highlight for me!


  9. So many good comments, as always!

    Susan, "tasteful white ( haha) tailored dress and Jenny- from -the -block elaborate hair don't" made me laugh out loud.

    Good question about Gin's plan about Esteban. Maybe she just wants to make him suffer his whole life and she doesn't plan to kill him. Or maybe she is planning to kill him but wants him to be her last because los Villa de Cortés were her main victims. She can play a sad widow while using all their money and getting support by Elvira. Don't know why she told Mauro he'll be free then. I was disturbed by Mauro's reply. I can't see a redemption arc for him. Just because he's less cruel than Gin doesn't make him good.

    Thanks for giving me more info on traditions. I'm not a fan of weddings. Sorry to hear about your husband getting hit in the face by the rice! That sounds super painful.

    I LOVED seeing the cake going WHAM on Gin's butt. Too damn funny.

    I think the daydream was supposed to be Paz's because they showed us her face first thing after the daydream.

    Anonymous 8:15 AM, thanks for saying the man wasn't a priest! It makes more sense now.

    Urban, "I seriously doubt that Ginebra would set Mauro free. He knows too much" I agree. No idea why she said that for.

    "If Vermin trusts Rubio he's an idiot." Couldn't have put it better. I'm done with Vermin. He has zero excuses, starting from the Gran Estreño. I lost any hope when he didn't say anything to Paz about Samlunamaria when she was in jail.

    Liz, "I never thought the wedding would take place. " Me neither! I was surprised when we got such a time skip and BOOM wedding day. I always thought Esteban would find a way around this. Didn't he have THREE MONTHS?

    ITA with "The whole situation was weird. Loving parents just decide to return their daughter." I wonder if Gin payed them or forced them somehow. Blackmail? Threats? She's a natural in these things, so very believable.

    Back again tomorrow!

  10. Thanks so much, weirdo.
    I was so disappointed when 'the objection' turned out to be a daydream. Oh well...
    Gin's 'you'll be free' bit was the oddest thing I've heard in a while. It reminds me ofa criminal in a detective novel thinking he'll be free after killing his last victim.
    I can't believe Gin feels insulted by Esteban's words. What did you expect really sums this up. Does she honestly think her appearance is enough to make him not hate her? I'm curious because if she had managed to seduce him and he had suddenly woken-up to the reality of the situation, I could see why she would feel ofended. But she has no charm at all. I mean, snakes can slither nicely but they are still scary. Gin confuses me because she is still determined to endure Esteban's nasty comments just to follow through with her plan.

  11. Weirdo,

    This was marvelous, every word. A(nother) heartbreaking episode that you handled exceptionallly well.

    I'm sorry to be so late...

    "Maybe Gin likes "men with limits" to get them out of their limits..." could not have been more perfect.

    I keep seeing Sam's wan face, her eyes closing as the poison coarsed through her veins. It has imprinted a hurt on my heart.

    Mauro is clearly damaged goods and while I've tried to make a bit of allowance for what he suffered as a child, I can no longer do so. How he could allow Ginebra to do that to Sam, whom he claims to love, finished him with me. If he ends up killing Ginebra (which I see as the only feasible solution to end her), then his life will have served some purpose.

    Esteban will surely go mad trying to keep control when in Ginebra's presence which will be most of the time.

    I also thought Paz disrupting the wedding was going to happen.

    I did smile at the cake fiasco and was relieved it happened in front of everyone or there would have been terrible repercussions.

    Sandro is the devil. I have a feeling Max might be similarly inclined.

    Jero is a jerk.


  12. Fantastic recap, Weirdo! Delightful from top to bottom. ;)

  13. Well my theory on the fake Maria is this child was perhaps one of the trafficked infants Ginebra and Mauro have been involved in. A girl of similar age to Sam. They tell the adopted parents to bring the child back because they "discovered" that the father sold the child but the mother didn't know and she wants her back or the police will be called. In true Ginebra fashion she calls the police anyhow. What gets me is how Paz is convinced her daughter has blue eyes and light brown or blonde hair. Given the brown eyes of Vermin, and the brown hair of both, I would not have expected their child to be a blue eyed blond.
    Finally an episode where Sandro's "practical jokes" is worth applauding.

  14. Can't wait to see how this story unfolds tonight. Susan
