
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #61: Probably No Sex, Definitely More Lies. Video TBD


Castro and several uniformed police arrived to arrest the people who brought the false Maria. The couple was cuffed. Their daughter got upset as Castro ordered that she go to the station as well. Paz tried to calm her but she resisted and ran back to her father. Elvira questioned the police presence. Saying it was an invasion of privacy. Castro explained that this is a federal offense which required their involvement. He told her she was obstructing justice. Reporters invaded with the usual cameras and microphones [Who invited them?] just as Elvira lost her temper. Fobo and Esteban managed tp move them back out of the room and closed the door. Ginebra said that she, Esteban. and Mauro to talk to the police. She then said that these people stole Paz' daughter. Castro said they wer going to the station Paz demanded the truth from the arrested couple. Ginebra said that she and Esteban wer looking to help her but did not call the police. She and Humberto followed the police out, Elvira looked concerned for the child.

Salomón and Pepa talked about their problems. Salomon did not want to be seen as a loser. {epa asked him if he felt equal to Gala. Salomon flashed back to a conversation he had with Gala on this subject. She admitted to not feeling up to the image she presented on social media and said they needed to believe in themselves. He told Pepa that if he wanted to go he should because his happiness is all-important. Vermin arrived and was curious and Salomon said he was useless because he was never there when needed. Pepa told him that his daughter had been found. He looked confused.

After telling the police they'd be right there Esteban confronted Ginebra about the alleged found child. She casually asked “You are still doubting me, aren't you? My brother and I have access to resources which you don't know or dram of.” He told her not to play with Paz' feelings. She claimed she wanted to do a good deed for her, but he had no good reason to believe anything she said about this.

Kenzo and Nandy talked about this and other stuff, including his issues with his sons. She went inside without kissing him.

Felipa brought the last surviving slice of the wedding cake to Ginebra and apologized for Sandro damaging it. Ginebra then cut a large piece and shoved it into her mouth, blaming her for the disaster and saying she will be done with her.

Rubio – who was back in prison [WTF?] – got a visit from Mauro. Rubio said that if he wanted pressure put on Vermin to gt him out. Mauro said he could not perform magic, besides that he had not completed his previous assignment. Rubio told Mauro he wasn't his servant, nor could he break him. When Mauro mentioned Rubio's family he came back with “If you scratch them I will give you your sister's heart so you can swallow it.” [¡Por favor, Rubio, hazlo! Sería un servicio público.] Mauro laughed at him and said “If you threaten me one more time, as of now I will withdraw the protection you've been getting. Do you get that?” He had him sit down to hear his next assignment.

Humberto advised Paz to be patient. Esteban and Ginebra arrived and Paz got confrontational with them, asking how they found her daughter. Ginebra said Esteban had never stopped looking for her which caused Humberto to ask why he never told him. Esteban replied that there had been much confusion and they had only made the discovery. Humberto gave him the side eye. Castro came out of his office saying he had finished questioning the detainees and will review the evidence to chatge them with trafficking children. Max was crying and clinging as her parents came out of the office. Ginebra watched them carefully and flashback to the couple's latest encounter with Mauro. Mauro told them that if they talk they risk everything, including Max's life. They would be arrested, then released in a couple of days thanks to Mauro's contacts. The husband looked at Paz and said “We didn't know whose child she was. My wife and I tried everything to have a baby and nothing worked.”

Paz asked “And then what? Did that give you the right to steal someone else's baby?”

It wasn't like that. They told us the mother had died. We made a payment and picked up Max in a hotel room. We never saw who sold her to us,”

Castro said they will continue the investigation and ordered that his officers take the couple away. He then told Esteban that they now has to follow the appropriate protocols as to the child. He then asked Esteban to leave him to do his job. Esteban looked at Ginebra and thought “What do you gave to do with this?”

As though she knew this thought Ginebra said to Paz “Esteban made me see how much you also suffered, Paz. We took all the evidence we found in the search for Sam. Esteban helped me and found this trafficking network. There are still loose ends but maybe your heart will be calmer.”

And why should I believe this if they are the worst liars I have ever met?” Paz asked. Humberto gave Ginebra the side eye.

Paz, the evidence will serve to discover the truth.” [Not if it's been tampered with.] “And in the event that it doesn't I promise you that I will help you find your daughter. You have my word.”
There almost was a fight between Esteban and Humberto, but Paz stopped it before it started, saying she and Humberto will take it from there. Ginebra jumped on this and said “Paz is right, my love. Ypu and I must focus on our honeymoon. ”.

Yes, but we have to help her, We'll stay until this is over.” Esteban said.

Vermin then showed up and told Esteban to leave Paz alone.

Nandy told Lupita what happened at the wedding, They ended up talking about Nandy's possible future with Kenzo. She was insecure and worried. Lupita told her she needed him to show her he was serious. Of course, Kenzo's children were a factor in this equation. Lupita asked her what she wanted to do with the rest of her life

Vermin accused Esteban of deceiving Paz.

And why would we do that?” Ginebra asked.

But it seems to me that they want to deceive you,” he said to Paz.

And why would we do it, without you?” asked Ginebra.

Because you like nothing more than to hurt people.”

Paz demanded the information because as much as she wanted Max to be her daughter she had to be sure. Vermin said this was another deception. Ginebra said Paz worked for them; this was normal. Vermin accused Esteban of still loving Paz, who by then was fed up. She told Vermin to leave. A few fighting words later he and Esteban were at it. Humberto broke it up just as Castro returned and reminded Esteban “You are not my superior.” Ginebra then insisted they leave, with the usual insult to those socially beneath them. Esteban managed to tell Paz to call him if she needed him.

Humberto told Castro he was Paz' lawyer.

After Esteban and Ginebra left Paz demanded he tell her what this was all about. He chickened out of telling her anything. Paz looked into Castro's office as he talked to Max.

The other kids ended up going into Sam's room to play. Of course, not without the usual condescending words from Elvira about behaviour. Fobo told Abdul to accompany them. [Why?]

Elvira and Fobo were alone and he asked her how she felt. She said similar to how she felt when Berenice and Esteban were married. “I only hope that Ginebra can live here happy.” [If you really knew her you'd withdraw that one,] She looked like she was at least a little doubtful.

Pepa and Mireya talked tearfully. He was sad about feeling trapped. She did not want to lose him. She handed him a small toy like the ones she gave him when he did his childhood drawings. He was sad for her for not having a man in her life. She told him she was done with Mauro, saying she was not taking his calls. She tried telling him that the only men in her heart were himself and his brother.

Gio went after Bosco at his home. He had been on the verge of not allowing her in the house. She showed him a bruise on her wrist, saying he had given it to her, [We all had a bad vibe already]. He apologized and she forgave him if they talked. She puled out a vape pen. He asked if she was crazy and if she wanted him to get punished again. She said it was for relaxation; if they weren't dating they could still talk a little about her problems. It was very strong and he coughed. He asked where she got it. She told him it was her father's and that he was almost never home and her mother less so. “This is the only way for me to feel close to them.” He embraced her. [Que ingenuidad]

Gala went to Jerónimo's place. He brought her a glass of water and closed the door to his room. They started to talk about virginity, then began kissing. She backed up and laid on the bed fully clothed.

Gio thanked Bosco for listening to her. He got up and started to lead her out, then felt faint. Gio locked the door and shoved him down on the bed. She asked if he had heard the tale of the hanged woman. He began losing consciousness, Her face looked fuzzy as she told him not to resist.

Gala was still unsure. Jeronimo said it would be good. He undressed in front of her and she changed her mind, She got up quickly and said she wasn't ready. She needed respect and no obligation. She probably did not notice that he was clenching his right fist because of the angry note in his eyes.  

Vermin and Esteban fought in the police station while Castro questioned Max's parents. Documents – likely faked ones – were produced.

Esteban and Vermin exchanged angry words and fought. Other people were disturbed.

In Castro's office birth certificates, fingerprints, and DNA were brought up as “Max” objected. Paz demanded the test. Someone came in and handed a folder to Castro who looked inside and said the fingerprints were not clear enough for identification. [This can't happen in the real world.] However the dates matched. Paz concluded that Max was her Maria.

Several people jumped into the fray to separate Esteban and Vermin. Ginebra was embarrassed as all hell and shouted warnings to both men.

Paz said to do the DNA test immediately. Humberto backed her up. The child was frightened. Paz told her there was a chance that she was her real mother. Max cried she doesn't want her to be her mother; she has a mother whom she loves. Paz cried and said she was too young to understand what this meant. She told her that she had been stolen so they need to know if she had her blood. Max was having none of this and wanted the parents she knew.

While Humberto tried to calm Paz. “Max” pleaded with Castro to return her to her parents. He gently told her that was not possible because of the investigation. Paz said she should be with her and her family where she would be safe and cared for. Castro told her that was also impossible and Humberto said they would first need the proof that she is genetically her child. Castro said the legal authorities would see to the girl's care. Paz said to do the tests now because of all the years she had been searching.

Gala said she had better leave because she was not used to this. Jeronimo put on his shirt and became verbally manipulative, telling her to stop looking for excuses because she wanted to remain a virgin because she was fat and so didn't want to take off her clothes. [Que pendejo] He said he would never judge her and he thought her pretty with the extra weight. He suggested that she was rejecting him because she was rejecting herself. She needed more psychiatry because “You are the one who is disgusted.” Also “You can't even see yourself naked in front of a mirror.” She bolted and he grinned as he pocked up his cell phone, laid back on his bed and took some selfies.

Gio may or may not have had her way with Bosco (more info required for determination). She said to the unconscious boy “You shouldn't have hit me, Bosco. I am not disposable.” She then took two photos of the unconscious Bosco, one of his face

and the other of his equipment [which could have been why he was still a virgin]. One more photo for good measure and she turned her back to him. He started to wake up and she quickly pretended to just waking up herself. He asked in a panic “What happened?” She said “Everything” and accused him of having been violent after the vaping. He had scratch lines on the left side of his neck. “Of course not,” he almost shouted. I'm incapable of that. You were choking me!” She pulled out the crocodile tears and accused him of lying. [Any normal girl in that scenario would have run.] He accused her of putting something in the vape to set him up. She continued to play the victim, saying that no woman abuses men. [which made me wonder if Ginebra puled a stunt like this at her age, No; she was much to advanced by then]

Esteban and Ginebra talked with her saying that this will heal Paz' heart... which he broke. “She will have a girl to focus on and not have to kidnap girls and other people.” [Of all the nerve]

Why do you enjoy causing so much pain in others?”

Because they caused me the worst pain since I was a child. If I suffer the whole world has to suffer.” Paz and Humberto came out of the office. She said she missed him slugging Vermin. Ginebra told her it was her fault. Esteban asked Paz what happened and she explained, finishing with the DNA test result will be available. Esteban said “Maybe I could have been wrong. I only ask that you not have blind faith. Don't take everyone's word because you can end up in more pain.”

Humberto said he talked as though he married a woman who meant nothing to him.

Ginebra said “Paz, you have to be grateful to Esteban. If there is so much data that matches, maybe you found your daughter. And you'll finally stop whining all over the place. I take my husband to cure him because your ex-husband is an ignorant savage.”

Ginebra and Esteban left the police station. Paz said she always feels very bad when she sees them together. She wanted to stay in the station until the test results came in. Humberto understood but told her she needed to rest after the emotional storms of the day. He said he would get up early to put on the pressure for the results. She had a weird vibe as they walked out. He told her he was there for her.

After sundown Gala brought home three boxes of donuts – a dozen each box– and hear Jeronimo's words in her head. She sat on the floor and began eating them. She became disgusted at the sight of two in her hands, cried, and threw her car-drink cup at the mirror. It broke in the usual horror movie fashion. Esteban ran in and saw that she had a shard of the glass in her right hand. He yelled to a servant to call a doctor just as the doorbell rang.

Bosco went to the barrio to see Pepa. He wanted to talk because he couldn't tell his father. He couldn't make himself tell him. Pepa told him to relax, then handed him a palette and a paint brush, saying that this is what he does. Bosco started painting.

Porfirio tended to Gala's hand, talking about how his lifestyle requires a knowledge of first aid.. She started telling Esteban about losing self-control when she looked in the mirror. Esteban passed no judgments nor did he scold her. Just asked how she felt inside [being the sort of father he didn't have]. He asked whether this happened because he married Ginebra or whether it was something else. She said it was not his fault but could not talk about it at the moment.

Ginebra told Mauro she was ready for her first night with Esteban “ as love and mistress of everything.”

Now the only thing missing is for Elvira to write her will.”
“Yes, but very soon I will control everything. What's more, I'm even going to suggest that you go, too.”

No, no. no. Thanks, but I prefer to stay here. And before you start, mine with Mireya is already over.

Good. I need an ally in this house. I'm going to go crazy in that house being the new mom of Eder, Bosco, the bulimic Gala, Mono, and the street dog, and Sam.”

Well, tomorrow they will deliver the DNA test results to Paz. We have everything under control.”

I like that. I want to see Paz falling apart for that brat. She will fall directly into the trap.”

Paz told her family she needed to be up earlier than usual because of the DNA results. Lupita asked what her heat was telling her after having seen the girl. She said “I felt much emotion and hope of course, and enormous illusion. But I also feel horrible for saying this. I don't understand why I don't feel a connexion with this girl and I think she doesn't either. I feel much compassion for her and more now because she will be without her parents. I am as confused as she is, Mama. But I heard so many times that the blood calls that I don't know why I don't feel the immense happiness in connection with this concern.”

:It's logical, daughter,” said Lupita. “You have been excited so many times with so many clues that perhaps it is a brake on your soul until you verify that this little girl is your beloved Maria.”

Yes, well there is the possibility... don't forget that these studies are negative.” said Mireya.

Yes, I know, sis. Believe me, I haven't stopped praying that they come out positive because I hope that one day my daughter will accept me.”


  1. Sorry this is so late but I was very tired last night and this episode is pivotal. The last two sets of dialogue were especially important.

  2. Urban, WOW !!! Thank you so much for the amazing ,detailed recap of this dramatic episode . You did a wonderful job and brought us every tense moment.

    Gin is practically vibrating as she spins this web of lies to raise Paz's hopes. Esteban knows that Gin is the devil incarnate , so he naturally doesn't trust her knowing how jealous she is of Paz. You can see his panic knowing what he does about Gin. Gin is anxious to get Esteban home forte noche de boda. How he avoid that disgusting chore?

    Yikes ...Gio is a teen version of Gin. letter off...Gin...Gio. Poor Bosco just wanted to be left alone . Girl is BSC.

    Jer is another arrogant teen nightmare viciously playing on Gala's insecurities.I hope he gets a huge anvil. Susan

  3. UA: AWESOME recap of last night's episode with the screencaps. Is that BPN Omar Teran from Telemundo's "SENOR" ?

  4. Yes, Steve, that is Jesus More as Humberto. Two years ago he was in El Ultimo Rey as Gerardo Fernandez.

    Susan, Jeronimo has the potential to be another Brock Allen Turner. If Gala ever tells Esteban he will go on the warpath.

    If Gala ever finds out about what Gio did to Bosco we will have a long-overdue catfight.

  5. Urban, this was exceptional as was your screen shot selection.

    Where to begin?

    Paz has endured so much and now this??? My heart went out to her especially as she truthfully noted there was no call of the blood between her and Max.

    Shouldn't everything have been put on hold when "Castro...said the fingerprints were not clear enough for identification"? As you noted, this wasn't the real world.

    Urban thank you for including Jero told Gala " stop looking for excuses because she wanted to remain a virgin because she was fat and so didn't want to take off her clothes". OMG. I flinched when I saw Jero's clenched fist (perfect screen shot). Kenzo has two rotten kids; talk about the bottom of the barrel.

    What Gio did to Bosco was cringeworthy too. So glad he reached out to Pepa...

    And still Vermin cowers in the shadows not man enough to tell the truth.

    There were two additional telling scenes I thought. "Fobo told Abdul to accompany them. [Why?]" mirrored my own thoughts. Who died and made Fobo boss? Since when does Abdul take orders from him? Intriguing.

    When Ginebra gave Mauro "permission" to leave, he declined. It might be possible he is sticking around to ensure no harm comes to the children and even more so, to plot Ginebra's demise. Hope springs eternal.


  6. Urban, I loved the screencaps -- especially "Bosco getting throttled" and "Gala overcome by her first sight of boxer shorts." And oooo a catfight would be fun. I hope they're better at fighting than they are at sex. But I guess Televisa can't make it look too easy, or all the teenagers would want to do it.

    I wondered about Fobo ordering Abdul around, too. Qth? I'd like to think there's something afoot, but it's probably just a script error. If there were undercover agents involved, wouldn't they be in trouble right now for letting so many people get killed?

    I think I finally figured out the scholarship thing -- I was absolutely sure Pepa said he didn't get it, but that one was in Paris, and this one seems to be in Spain.

  7. Thanks so much Urban. A great recap and loved the screen shots. So much happened in this episode, but none of it good. Well, I did like that Bosco went to see Pepa. Who should take him to Solomon, who would know more than Pepe about crazy girls. And he needs to take a picture of his neck. While watching the show I thought he should go to his new stepmother, I bet she could take care of Gio.

    Jerónimo was a p….k. I hope Gala is done with him.


  8. Thanks so much Urban! Amazing recap.

    Gio is BSC. What the actual heck did I just read. So she basically raped Bosco. Poor kid. I hope he tells Pepa or someone. Are we sure that Gio isn't Ginebra's? They do share a lot of traits, BSCraziness and manipulation being a few.

    Someone mentioned genetics in the last page, I wanted to say that even if one parent has brown eyes and the other blue it's possible that their child has blue eyes. We don't know Vermin's parents. So I buy Paz imagining their daughter having blue eyes. Unlikely, but still possible.

    My heart breaks as I watch Paz getting so desperate to find her daughter when she's right in front of her. Poor Paz will be overcome with enjoying for nothing when the DNA results come out. I hope Vermin FINALLY tells her who's her María.

  9. Weirdo, it was me about the genetics. I know first hand how the blue trumps the brown with three of my grands. But I thought maybe she should also have drawn some girls with brown eyes. I was actually more surprised at the light hair. After seeing more of Max I notice this girl has brown eyes (whose shape looks like neither Fermin or Paz).

  10. Kat, I agree that the blue eyes were exaggerated. The light hair was very surprising indeed. The whole drawing thing was a bit ridiculous because María was only a baby and all. But then again maybe Paz drew all these pictures because she had the need to "see" her daughter... Yes, Max doesn't really look Paz nor Vermin. I hope Pacita figures things out soon.
