
Monday, May 13, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida & El Gallo de Oro - Week of May 13, 2024

PREEMPTION ALERT: Primetime Telenovelas discussed on this page will be preempted on Thursday due to Fútbol!

Coming Soon:  Golpe de Suerte with Big Ed Yañez and Mayrin Villanueva will start May 28th at 8PM!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Jarifa is gracing us with her notes from the couch for El Gallo de Oro which is being slaughtered by Univisión. Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 82-84 (Últimas Semanas!!)

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro: Ep. 4-6  

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Minas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. VIDA Ep. 82 Part 1 (Same disclaimers about combined scenes...and typos)

    Susy asks Rol if her mother got angry because she came with him. Rol lies that no she didn't. Susy is glad and knows that her mother doesn't want her to go with him but Susy loooves being with him!

    ZaiSo's pleading to Andi continues but it falls on deaf ears and Andi runs off.

    Paula tells Pepe tha she will wait for him to bring Susi. She wants to go herself but Pepe insists that he will bring her.

    ZaiSo cries about Andi rejecting her...she is scared that Andi will never accept her. Rafa reassures that Andi just needs time, she will get over it. Meanwhile, Andi is out sitting by herself screaming out in anger and frustration.

    Alex goes to see Isa and tells her about Rosa being in the hospital. Lor quickly stands and confirms. When Alex tells Isa that he is going to go accompany Gracia at the hospital, Isa snidely tells him to be careful so as not have an accident since he is running to Gracia. After Alex leaves, Lor comments that Isa is jealous. YUP! She is! Isa denies it, but Lor points out that she changed completely when ALex told her he was going to be with Gracia. Isa tries to make excuses and Lor comments that he thought Alex and Gracia were just friends. After Isa adds that Gracia is in love with Alex and Alex wants to start a new life, Lor asks if that is good news. Isa hesitates in responding but does nervously share that she told Gracia she wouldn't object to the relationship.

    Paula calls Gnat to tell her that Rosa is in the hospital.

    Lor gets a call from Pepe who tells him about Susy.

    Diego goes to be with Paula and cries that he trusts that Pepe will bring back Susy. Paula knows something else is wrong, so Diego tells her about what Rol told him and Emi. When Paula confirms that she only has a couple of weeks to live, DIego breaks down crying that she can't leave. Paula calms him down and tells him not to be scared,,,they can't lose faith. She then tells her about the doctor from Germany. She hopes they will hear from him soon. DIego cries that he is scared since their family is falling apart. Paula suggests that they talk about something else; she asks if he has someone special in his life. Diego admits that he is in love but it;s all wrong since Art is Andi's boyfriend. Paula gives him advice about love not being easy...both parties have to be ready. If Art is not ready, Diego should not pressure him. Love hurts, but true love will come someday. As Diego is finally going to allow Paula to hug him, Emi interrupts in a panic about Rol taking Susy.

    Lor tells Pepe that there is nothing they can do since Rol has would take months to take him to court. Pepe leaves saying that everything will be fine.

    At the hospital, Alex is consoling Gracia who doesn;t want to lose her sister. Gnat is frying as she sits by Rosa amd asks her to stay with her.

    Pepe goes to tell Rol to take Susy to her mother; he will do as Rol demands and will be out of Paula's life. Rol tell shim that he is not to have any contact with Paula...and if Pepe tries to make contact with her, Rol will send Susy to a boarding school far away! Pepe ends that no matter what Rol does, Paula and he will never stop loving each other.

    Paula is asking Lor if he looked into putting all her assets under Pepe's name. Lor confirms he did but was told that since Rol has control, she can't make any decisions regarding her assets. Paula feels trapped; she is paying dearly for marrying Rol. She feels like a prisoner...and her kids are in Rol's hands. Lor swears that things will get resolved.

    Gnat goes to the lobby and insults Gracia telling her to LEAVE!!

  2. VIDA Ep. 82 Part 2

    Now nighttime, Susy runs in shouting for her mother. Paula thinks Pepe brought her, but encounters the black cloud with not so silver lining sauntering in. Paula tells the kids to go to the dining room so she can talk to Rol alone. Once alone, Paula is FED UP!! They go through the usual arguments and threats. Rol tells her that Pepe has given up on her and he did not hesitate in doing so! Paula knows tha Pepe is only defending them for him. After Rol yells that she is not to have contact with Pepe, Paula tries to argue, but Rol warns her to think about what hse is about to say because he has the power to put her in a hospital, send Susy to a boarding school, admit Diego into a military school and Emi into rehab! If she doesn't want to die away from her children, she'd better give up on Pepe and save their marriage!

    Pepe tells Lucia about having to give up Paula. Pepe has ro stay away from Paula so she won't suffer anymore.

    Downstairs, Susy is defending Rol because Emi and Diego hate Rol! when Rol struts in saying that Susy doesn't need anyone's permission to see him...and things are going to change here! Just then, Gracia arrives and tells the family that Rosa is critical and had to remain in the hospital.

    Gnat see that Rosa is awake, Rosa thought Gnat wold not was angry wither and would not seeker again. Gnat admit that she is angry because Rosa chose "them", but Rosa is still her mother. Rosa then shows Gnat a picture of Gracia holding her as a baby. Rosa tries to justify Gracia giving her up for adoption. Gnat then tells her tha she almost has everything in order and she should be leaving in a couple of days...she wants to take Rosa with her.

    Andi goes to Lucia with the news that her mother is back...and she is a murderer!

    Gracia tells Paula and Lor that Rosa is is very bad shape. She had to leave her alone because Gnat ran her off.

    Lucia goes to Pepe to tell him that Andi is there and upset. When she asks if it is true that ZaiSo is a murderer, Pepe confirms it and adds tax Andi needs to talk to ZaiSo and listen to what she has to say. Just then, Paula calls Pepe but Pepe refuses to answer.

    Lucia urges Pepe to answer the phone but he can't. Rol might follow through his threats and take Susy away.

    Rol chides Paula for trying to contact Paula. More arguing about the same stuff. Paula thinks he is going crazy, and Rol admits that he is crazy with rage! He hisses that things will change whether she likes it or not and if Pepe answers her call, he will take Susy away right now! Paula counters that he will take Suzy over her dead body!! Paula demands her phone, but Rol throws it down smashing it into pieces. More threats...until Emi runs in and pushes Rol away from Paula...and yells that Rol needs to leave...he and his siblings prefer Pepe! After Rol leaves, Paula doesn't;t know how they will be able to handle Rol. When Emi reminds her tha they have Pepe on their side, Paula tells him that Pepe has stepped aside so that Susy can be with them.

    And that is El Fin for this episode...

  3. VIDA

    There was a thunderstorm that quickly passed by during the episode and the lights went out for a few minutes. If I missed something important, please add...

  4. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, your recap was exceptional and of the highest caliber. A masterful interpretation.

    "Paula thinks Pepe brought her, but encounters the black cloud with not so silver lining sauntering in" was perfect.

    Verbal threats and implied violence are hard enough to watch but actual physical violence is abhorrent. Watching brutish Rol manhandle Paula, (literally) deathly ill, choking her was sickening. Even young and strong Emi was no match for Rolando, rage and insanity coarsing through his brain.

    I do not have an iota of sympathy for Gnat; every bit is reserved for Rosa as she seems to be nearing the end of her time here on earth.

    I have faith ZaiSo will be able to reach Andi. Andi has always been a smart young woman and will be able to forgive...

    "When Alex tells Isa that he is going to go accompany Gracia at the hospital, Isa snidely tells him to be careful so as not have an accident since he is running to Gracia. After Alex leaves, Lor comments that Isa is jealous. YUP! She is! Isa denies it" - all of this was critical information. And as much as Isa is showing her claws, she isn't alone. It's only fair to note that Alex clearly bristles every time he arrives to talk to Isa and Lor is there. If Isa really does want Lor above Alex, she needs to figure it out. And quickly.

    Finally Diego deigns to let Paula hug him when they are interrupted. So frustrating!

    Paula needs to sit down and have a talk with Susi. Paula is the mother and she needs to tell the child that Rol cannot be in their lives now.

    And Pepe. Usually a good decision maker, fails badly in agreeing to Rol's demands.


  5. EL GALLO DE ORO #4 (Uni edit) (VIX #5) Part 1

    It looks like we are back on track.

    -Flashback: Young Dionisio shoots his father but this time we see his mother covered in blood come over to him and put her hands on his shoulders. Young Dionisio jumps when she touches him.

    La Caponera narrates: When you think your destiny is written in stone sometimes something small like a smile or a word said at the right time is all you need to fill you with hope and allow you to have dreams. Fate has't delivered the final word yet.

    -Dionisio tells Secundino that for the first time ever, somebody touched him and it didn't hurt. That person was La Caponera. Secundio touches him quickly to see if Dionisio has been cured. No, he hasn't been Secundino thinks it must have something to do with La Caponera since Dioniso likes her so much.

    -Lorenzo has to find a way to make a large quantity of money. He tells Remigio that roulette is paying him peanuts. He needs La Caponera next to him as he plays cards. Remigio suggests he enter some of his roosters in the cockfights at the fair. His roosters are better than the other birds that are there. Lorenzo thinks he could make a good deal of money with La Caponera sitting next to him.

    -Lorenzo chats with Dionisio and Secundino. He still refers to Dioniso as a town crier who corrects him and says he is a cockfighter now. Lorenzo says he might soon be a town crier again due to the fact that his rooster doesn't stand a chance against his who is named Killer. Lorenzo insists he is doing him a favor knowing that it is the only rooster he has. It is a thank you since through him he met La Caponera. Dionisio makes it clea that neither he nor his rooster will back don.

    -Secundino thinks Dionisio should have taken the offer. For Dionisio it is a matter of pride. nobody will talk down to him again. Secundino offers one of his roosters to take Dionisio's El Dorado's place. He would hate for him to get destroyed since he has been such a winner for them. Dionisio turns him down, too.

    -La Caponera tells Justina about how strange Dionisio is but not in a bad way. She says that some times he comes off as unfriendly but when he looks you in the eye, it is as if he is seeing your soul.

  6. EL GALLO Page 2

    -The Arriaga brothers show up at the fight to keep an eye on Lorenzo. Lorenzo gives Remigio money to bet on the fight. Lorenzo's bird Killer is feisty and ready to fight but Dionisio's rooster ends up winning. Lorenzo is upset losing in front of the Arriaga brothers. La Caponera commiserates with Lorenzo about losing his best rooster. The worst thing is that he didn't expect it. He asks if she was at the fight. No, she didn't see it.

    -Remigio concludes that La Caponera has to be present so somebody can win but then how did Dionisio win if she wasn't there??? Lorenzo doesn't think that Dioniso deserves to have a rooster like he does. He also has an idea.

    -La Caponera congratulates Dionisio. When Dionisio says Lorenzo might not like that, she tells him she will do what she wants. She apologizes again for having touched him the other day. He tells her not to worry about it. He starts to cry and tells her that it was the first time in his life that anyone touched him without his skin feeling like it was burning. She is the first and only person to do that. She extends her hands and he grabs them pain free.

    -The head of the band Feliciano is interested in Justina but Justina is engaged to a guy she has known forever from her town. He is currently in the army abroad. She hasn't seen him in years. Feliciano steals one of the soldier's letters to read. Feliciano is crazy for Justina. He asks La Caponera to put in a good word for him with Justina.

    -Justina tells La Caponera that she thinks she passed her LUCK on to Dionisio when she gave him the rooster. La Caponera says that her mother told her that she had to be in the same place for the man who she cared for to win. Just being there was enough.
    La Caponera thinks that for it to work for her, she has to want, even if it is just a little, to make it work.

    -Lorenzo says that he is arranging a card game at the fair with the Espiricuetas. He told them that his father is sick and that is why they cannot have the game at the hacienda. He is going to have to be the best man he can to win over La Caponera. Lorenzo finds out from the guys in the band that La Caponera is not interested in fame or money. It is her dream to be on the radio and heard all over the country.

  7. EL GALLO Page 3

    -Lorenzo and Feliciano go to give La Caponera and Justina a serenata. Dionisio was going to see La Caponera with a bottle of Mezcal. He sees how La Caponera welcomes Lorenzo and the serenata, drops the bottle and leaves. Lorenzo and La Caponera have sex while Justina leaves the bedroom she shares with La Caponera and goes for a walk with Feliciano.

    - La Caponera asks Lorenzo if it is true that he is falling in love with her. He says it is but he is not going to pressure her. He then asks her if she knows of some hall in town where he could have a card game. He explains how the Espiricuetas want a card game in a few days. He is not having it at the hacienda because there are going to be too many people and the Espiricuetas want to impress their guests. They are bringing a landowner and the owner of a RADIO STATION. he will be renting a Victrola. La Caponera's ears perk up at the mention of the owner of the radio station and she is soon volunteering to sing at his card game. He hopes she won't be upset by his friends not caring about her music. She only cares about the radio station owner hearing her. What she doesn't know is that Lorenzo had Remigio hire a guy to play the part of the radio station owner. Lorenzo is worried he won't be believable. He really hates that he he has to lie to La Caponera. .

    -The next day Lorenzo tries to buy El Gallo Dorado from Dioniso. He offers him two of his roosters that Dioniso can train and a signed blank promissory note. All Dionisio has to do is fill in how much he wants for his rooster. Dionisio isn't selling.

    -Dionisio goes back to his room where he takes out two photos of his family and two IOU's that had been paid by his father. They were both signed by Lorenzo Benavides. He knew the signature looked familiar.

    -Dionisio shows the IOU's to Secundino. Dioniso thinks it must have had to do with some gambling debt his father had. His mother always told him that his father became a bad man when he lost everything. According to her, his father said somebody cheated him out of everything. Secundino says that is what all bad losers say. That is what Dioniso's own mother said. Dionisio wants know how he knew his mother. Secundino says they were not friends. She was his kids school teacher. FLASHBACK: We see that Secundino and Dionisio's mother were lovers. Dionisio adds that his mother really appreciated Secundino and always said that he was a good man who helped them out. Secundino says he doesn't remember. Secundino doesn't think the signatures are a big deal. He thinks that maybe Dioniso is resentful towards Lorenzo. Dioniso thinks he is talking about La Caponera. Secundino says no, he is talking about his rooster not her.


  8. Vida #82

    Bien hecho, RGV Chick. I'm not sure what you missed so it may not have been important.

    Rolando may have said in the past that he was in love with Paula, but his threats and his violence in this episode prove that was a lie. He doesn't treat her like a human being and his threats about her children are beyond disgustingly cruel. I was trying to decide whether he is deranged or just cold-blooded and evil and came to the conclusion that he is full-blown evil. He has never shown this level of evil in the presence of any credible third person whose testimony would stand in a court of law, which points to him being in more control of his mental faculties than it looks.

    In that last scene I was concerned that he would rape Paula. If tonight's episode returns to that I hope that either the boys or Lorenzo take him apart before he can tear her clothes.

    I really wish we had someone from Mexico here to tell us what this monster's legal rights really are. Wouldn't he have to actually adopt Paula's kids to have any authority over them? Could he put Emiliano in rehab despite him being a legal adult? Can Lorenzo challenge him for custody?

    Who else knows that Paula wanted to divorce this monster? There should be a way to prove that Gnat took the signed papers from Paula and didn't file them, which is one more thing to get her disbarred.

    Now I have to get to the second viewing of last night's Receta for the recap. I don't want to post too late in the day.

  9. VIDA #82

    Thank you for your recap, Rgv Chick! I do believe you didn’t miss anything when the lights flickered.

    I had a two Telenovela Beanie moments last night:
    --- Lorenzo is at Isa’s but does not mention Rosa is in the hospital? Seriously? You’d think he would at least be asking if she knows anyone who could fill in for her while she’s there. ~rolls eyes~ #plot device

    --- While Rosa is lying almost comatose in the hospital, I kept wondering where are the files and USB stick she and Gracia took from Gnat’s safe???

    It was nice to see Lor call Isa on her jealousy. Lorenzo seemed (to me) to be distanced emotionally, like he knows what’s coming with Isa.

    ABARAZO INTERRUMPIDO – I was holding my breath, waiting to see Paula crash thru Diego’s emotional wall he has built around himself and have the chance to hug him, when ….. arrrgh!!!

    Lucía might be the communication link between Pepe and Paula via Emiliano.

    Roland is out of control. Well, in control of Paula’s life, but YKWIM. BSC and wily as a fox. I keep telling myself, “It’s just a story! It’s just a story!”

    Susana Gonzalez is doing a great job with her role as Paula. I cannot any other actress making this as realistic as she does.

    URBAN A --- I, too, was afraid Rol would try to rape Paula last night as a means to assert is power and control over her.

  10. Vida

    Dear chickie, thank you for the a great recap of all the dismal, demonic details . I recorded the episode because I watched " The Voice ," buy now I don't have to watch because you brought everything I need to know.

    I think Paula will get her miracle cure , but Rol must die to free Paulepe and her kids from his iron, evil grasp.

    Meanwhile, in middle school, Isa is having a hissyfit that Alex is sitting at the lunch table with her bff. Isa wants to keep Alex and Lor at her feet vying for her hand and the rest of her. I think that if she ever chooses between them, she will choose her comfy, old shoes Alex. If that young passion she had fir Lor was still alive , bubbling, And viable ,she would have clearly chosen him. Maybe Lor could share his scarves with second runner up Gracia. She will try harder since she has lived her life in her bff's shadow.

  11. VIDA

    Susan --- "Meanwhile, in middle school, Isa is having a hissyfit that Alex is sitting at the lunch table with her bff. "


  12. VIDA

    Thank you, everyone! All the comments were well received and insightful. To think that this will be over in a couple weeks (counting this week)! YAY!

    Diana, I was nodding at every one of your comments! Brilliant minds think alike :-)

    Urban, I wish I knew about Mexican law too. There has to be something seriously wrong if a man can get custody of a woman's children simply by marrying her. I still wonder why Paula or any one else has recorded Rol's threats and verbal abuse.

    Susan, "Meanwhile, in middle school, Isa is having a hissyfit that Alex is sitting at the lunch table with her bff." Love it!!

    Doris, "ABRAZO INTERRUMPIDO" Ha! that was sooo frustrating to watch! And "Susana Gonzalez is doing a great job with her role as Paula. I cannot any other actress making this as realistic as she does." ITA!! Susana is phenomenal!

  13. Vida

    Thanks so much Rgv Chick. Your recap was as good as the show itself. Actually better as it filled me in on things I didn’t understand. I didn’t realize Rol had threatened sending Susy to boarding school and Diego to military school. His threat about Emi he probably can’t follow through on. But I wonder if this is his plan for when Paula dies. There’s no way he cares about Paula or her kids.

    That scene with Rol chocking Paula was awful. But I wish Susy had walked in. She’s going to defend Rol no matter what. Although when he didn’t want her to play with Teo she said he was mean.

    So Nat wants to leave the country and take Rosa with her. And sent Gracia away! Rosa is better off where she is, with people who care about her.

    If Rol had control over Paula and family he could actually forbid the surgery to save her life. Which I’m sure he would do as he really just wants her money and company. Someone need to watch that USB thing. I hope Gracia has it and shows it to someone she trusts.


  14. El Gallo

    Thanks Jarifa, that filled in a lot. So if Dionisio’s dad had some gambling debts from Lorenzo that means Lorenzo is a lot older than him. But now we can see some connection with Dioniso and the painting.

    At first I thought Lorenzo might be a good guy. Now I’m worried he’s going to kill el gallo. And he must be the one that cheated his father.

    I’m assuming Dionisio and La Caponera will end up together. So I find it strange that she’s sleeping with him, and not loving him. Especially for the era this is happening in. That makes her seem like a loose woman!

    So he feels burned when touched. He flinched in the flashback when his mom’s bloodied hands touched him. He’ll have to end up with La Caponera!


  15. Gallo

    Jarifa , I didn't watch, but I enjoyed your excellent recap! Secundino Dion's father ???? The call of the blood seems to be happening.


  16. vida
    Thanks, rgv chick.
    I was very surprised Paula so quickly tried to contact Pepe. Why not make sure you won't be caught before doing something this risky? I honestly think none of these supposedly goodpeople realise Rolando and everyone else who is against them does mean what they say and can prove they are serious.
    Why can't Isa decide? Wasn't she a bit quicker to tell Alex she was interested in Lorenzo? Does she seriously think she can relive her teenage days by keeping them both on a hookwithout taking either of them? She seems to disregard the damage she is causing to Lorenzo by not making a definite decision. It's a good thing Gracia doesn't want to be with Alex because she knows the truth. Imagine if she did start something with him only to learn later that Isa changed her mind.
    Rolando should stop repeating he loves Paula because at this point it sounds ridiculous. Do words mean anything when your actions prove the opposite is true?

  17. GALLO

    Liz, funny that your mentioned Lorenzo's age. Dionisio and Secundino talked about that and concluded that Lorenzo must have been quite a young man when he signed the IOU's.

    I agree that La Caponera is probably considered a loose woman but she doesn't care. If she could have a theme song, I think it would be "Don't Fence Me In." At this point, I do not think she would be happy married to any man. Back in the second (?) episode in a part that was cut, Feliciano asks her what was the big deal with not giving Bart what he wanted. She said he wanted to sleep with her. Feliciano didn't think that was such a big deal since she slept with plenty of other men. She made it clear to him that SHE got to choose who she wanted to sleep with and nobody else.

    Susan, thanks. That would be a good one if Secundino were Dionisio's father. They do seem to have a special kind of connection.

  18. Galló

    Thanks for the age reference. Another reason I’d love to be halfway fluent in Spanish-I know i miss a lot. But not as much as when I didn’t know about this blog.

  19. TU VIDA #83 part 1/2

    Here's tonight's mini recap. Scenes combined, not necessarily in the order they happened, some scenes omitted. Typos, etc., usual disclaimer. We are starting to get some resolution with certain subplots, so, yay.

    Andi goes to talk to Pepe, at his invitation. They discuss her having met ZaiSo. He recommends she get to know her mother, give her a chance to explain. Furthermore, he invited ZaiSo to come. Andi isn’t happy about that. Pepe says give ZaiSo a chance to explain. And she does. Andi learns about how her mother was raped by her boss, how hurt, shamed, embarrassed she was about it but she failed to go to the authorities. The next time he tried to rape her, she killed him in self defense. She was tried and sentenced to prison and the only thing that kept her alive during those prison years was the idea of being with Andi, to get to hold her, know her, and call her “hija.” She never stopped loving Andi.
    They make up, hug, Awwwwwww. Andi doesn’t want to be separated from her mom ever again. She’s proud of her mom and wants to call her by her given name, Zaida. No need to go under a new name (if I understood that conversation right….?)

    Later, Rafa tells Andi he is just as guilty for abandoning ZaiSo while she was in prison. (at least he’s taking some responsibility!) Andi wants the three of them to live together as a family. Smiles all around.

    Luci and Emi meet out on the dock, at the lake. They talk about the situation with their parents and come up with a plan. They’ll be carrier pigeons for PauEpe. Later in the episode, Luci brings Pepe a letter form Paula and Emi brings Paula a letter from Pepe. Rolando has no clue. Yet.

    Gracia receives a call from Dr. Jasso. Rosa is not responsive and please come. Paula wants to go with Gracia but Rolando says “no”, she does not have his permission. Lor agrees because Paula can’t risk getting sick right now. Rol wants to know what he’s talking about but … mum’s the word. Rol smells a rat. Paula won’t tell him why and they all cover for her.

    Later, Rol tells Paula he found out she is trying to place her assets in Pepe’s name, and he won’t stand for it. She’s crazy and that’s why he got the interdiction. Then he reminds her that she can’t do anything with her money without his authorization. Unfortunately, he's right.

  20. TU VIDA #83 part 2/2

    AT SCHOOL, a bunch of boys are bullying Diego because he’s gay. They’re shoving him around until Arturo walks up and tells them to leave him alone. They trade insults and Art finally head-butts the main bully. He tells them to respect Diego. The boys leave. Art and Diego hold hands and walk off into the sunset ... er ... schoolyard. Later, Diego thanks Arturo and we can almost see the hearts flying out of his eyes at Art. Art tells him he’s going to break things off with Andi. He loves her but like a friend. He really liiiiikes Diego instead.

    Rolando called Mal to tell her that if she wants to get her ex back, now is a good time. And he wants a favor---that she watch Pepe all the time to see if he’s in contact with Paula.

    Roland pays a visit to Isa and Alex at the restaurant, where he tells them that he is the new owner and they need to get off the property, like, yesterday. Isa can’t believe it. Pepe interrupts, he and Rol trade insults and bash antlers. Same old, same old.

    Later, Mal tells Pepe she’s worried that Rolando will kick her and her agency off the land, too.

    Diego tells Paula about the incident at school with the bullies and Arturo. He also tells Paula that Rafa is seeing a woman who spent time in jail. Paula tells him that she is Emi’s psychologist and this woman deserves a second chance, especially because she’s Andi’s mother.

    AT THE HOSPITAL, Lorenzo asks Natalia how much she wants for the land. Too late, she already sold it Lor reminds her that Rafa already paid her for this land that she stole from Rafa’s parents. She says he has no proof. More verbal sparring ensues.

    Nat the goes to see Rosa, and tells her all is ready for their trip. Rosa says she’s not going to get better and not going anywhere; this is the end. Nat is still holding on to her plan to leave with Rosa and get her the best doctors, etc. Rosa tells Nat to please clean up her act, fix the evil she has done, be the good woman she raised her to be so she can die in peace. Nat tells Rosa she can’t die, don’t leave her and she craws into bed with her. (This would be a touching scene if Nat wasn’t such a horrible person.)

    Later in the hall, Natalia tears into Doc Jasso insulting his abilities. Lor shuts her up. Nat won’t let Gracia see Rosa nor will Gracia ever be part of her own life.

    Later, Mal pays a house call to Rolando, dressed like a hooker. Well, the emerald green dress isn’t that bad, but the white shoes really don’t go with it and , well, you get the idea. She wants to know if he’s going to boot her and her business off the property. She can compensate him if he puts that land in her name. They start making out. Ew, gross. I can’t unsee that and want to scrub my eyes with bleach.


  21. gallo

    Very, very late to the party. Thanks so much, Jarifa, for your excellent recap. I forgot about looking for a recap for this one. I've been watching and commenting on Vivir de Amor and Amor no Tiene Receta and never expected to be watching THREE!

    I am impressed with this short novela. Since I've been so long watching Telemundo, I had not seen José Ron before. I think he's great as the humble Dionisio. Plutarco, the guy playing Lorenzo comes across to me as bad to the bone.

    Just watched tonight's episode, but I won't say anything about it, but I found it riveting.

  22. Viva

    Doris, thank you so much for an excellent review of all the drama .

    Art came to Diego's rescue and seems to have accepted that he loves him. Now, he has to tell Andrea, who just got a big surprise about her mysterious mother. How old was Andrea when Zaida went to jail? Andrea accepted her mother Speedyquick.

    MAL greeted Pepe back in her previously favorite apparel ...A sports bra and a puffer vest...classy. She seems to have given up on ever retrieving Pepe and is focused on the guy who killed her last lover. Girl is a survivor. What anvils did the writers forge for these two villains?

    Gnat continues her hateful march.

    Uff....Make it all go away. Can't wait to see were the pentagon all land.


  23. VIDA

    Doris, thank you for another marvelous recap.

    Finally, a few uplifting moments: "Art and Diego hold hands and walk off into the sunset ... er ... schoolyard" and Andi's reconciliation with her mother. The kids as couriers was also sweet.

    Rol's huffing and puffing has gotten to the point I literally expect him to explode at any moment. The blustering has reached ridiculous proportions. Someone needs to stick a fork in him, he's done.

    Like you, I would have felt for Gnat when she lay next to Rosa on her hospital bed but she has meted out too many heinous cruelties for any sympathy.

    I just want Mal, Gnat and Rol to fall off the face of the earth.

    Bring on Paula's surgery, let's turn this thing around...


  24. Vida

    Thanks Doris, I enjoyed reading your recap. It seems things are starting to turn around, slowly but surely.

    When Rol and Nat were on the balcony I was sure he was going to push her off. But that would be too easy.

    Lucí and Emi delivering the letters is sweet, but MAL will probably turn them in. She feels no love or loyalty to her family.

    Rol will probably find out about the surgery but at least the family knows not to tell him.

    Arturo to the rescue! But Andi is in for some heartbreak.

    On a happier note, if Rol should die the land and everything becomes Paula’s. At least I’m assuming that will happen.

    And where is the stuff from the safe! I hope Gracia looks at all of it, hopefully with Lorenzo.


  25. EL GALLO DE ORO #5 (Uni Edit) (VIX #6 /#7) Part One

    Uni is back with the scissors and glue. This was two episodes in one. They left out a major, in my opinion, plot thread. Dionisio doesn't drink until Secundino gets him to drink to try to loosen him up. After that, Dioniso is drinking all the time like everyone else.Secundino also sends the singer, who also doubles as a sex worker, Lucha Padilla to pay a visit to Dionisio. As soon as she touches him, Dinisio is reduced to a whimpering mess and she leaves freaked out. Dionisio tells Secundino off for not respecting him by sending a woman to his room.

    Anyway, with a cup of coffee in hand, here we go!

    1. Narration: La Caponera asks what is so bad about fame? She concludes that fame is not the problem but looking for it can put you on a path you didn't want to be on.

    2. As the card game is set up, La Caponera tells Justina they have to do a great performance for the owner pf the radio station.

    3. The card game is on. La Caponera performs. One man at the card table is watching La Caponera perform. She notices. Lorenzo wins big time again.

    4. Lorenzo introduces La Caponera to Licenciado Avila who is a "music connoisseur."

    5. One of he band members tells Feliciano he is suspicious because Lorenzo found somebody in the radio business so quickly when he found out that La Caponera wanted to be on the radio. Feliciano doesn't share his point of view.

    6. One of the card players a Mr. Espiricueta tells Lorenzo he will be back to play again when he can replenish his funds and good luck has abandoned him. Lorenzo cannot see losing his good luck. Mr.. E says there are no exceptions when it comes to luck.

    7. Lorenzo sends flowrs and tequila to La Caponera's rooom with a note saying she sang like the gods. She and Jusitna enjoy the tequila.

    8. Lorenzo sends Remigio to the hacienda to get his mother's engagement ring out of the family safe. Lucas, Remigio's uncle, catches him sneaking around and demands to know what he is doing there. Remigio lies about picking up some documents for Lorenzo but under the threat of being searched, he admits that Lodenzo wanted him to bring him the ring. he informs his uncle taht the ring is for La Caponera so she doesn't leave. he tells him that due to her, Lorenzo has won a great deal of money. Lucas thinks that is stupid but if Lorenzo does believe it, he should shower La Caponera with gifts and get her pregnant. Lucas ends up allowing Remigio to take the ring since Lorenzo's mother gave it to him anyway. Lorenzo will learn his lesson.

  26. EL GALLO Part Two

    9. La Caponera performs with her group at the fair. She performs a romantic duet with Javier a member of the band. Lorenzo watches the performance and afterwards tracks Javier down to the urinal. He accuses him of groping La Caponera. Javier denies it. It was a part of the act. They were dancing. Lorenzo pulls a gun on him and tells him he won't be doing that again or he will pay.

    10. At the cockfighting ring, Lorenzo tells La Caponera that he only bets on his own birds and that Dionisio is a town cryer not a cock fighter. La Caponera disagarees.

    11. There is an announcement that it is time to place all bets and The cock fight is on. it is not El Dorado's best day as Dionsio tries to motivate him. Lorenzo and a rooster handler's eyes meet and they slightly nod to each other. We then see a flashback where the handler is rubbing some kind of liquid on the other rooster's "gaffs" (blades tied to the roosters legs to inflict injury on the opponent) Since I know nothing about cockfighting, I do not really understand what the rooster handler was doing but evidently it was not good for Dionisio. His Gallo de Oro is killed in the ring by Gallo Colorado (red rooster) from the Chihuahua Hacienda. Dionisio goes into the ring and mourns the loss of his bird. He saves one feather as a souvenir. hH kisses the bird goodbye and leaves the ring.

    12. Dionsio sits outside of town depressed and hopeless. He is so sick of nothing ever turning out for him and those who see everyone like him as losers. He passes a smirking Lorenzo at the fair.

    13. Remigio tells Lorenzo what happened with Lucas his father and hands over the ring. No, his father did ot elieve that La Caponera was giving him good luck. Remigio makes a point of teling him that he told his father that Lorenzo's debts had NOTHING to do with the family business or the hacienda and his father Lucas believed him. Remigio adds that his father wants to see him ASAP. Lorenzo says first he ahs to give La Caponera the ring.

    14. After La Caponera finishes singing, Lorenzo professes her love for her, gets down on one knee and proposes to her. She is so clearly uncomfortable and angry. Lucha Padilla watches from the sidelines and wishes it were her. La Caponera helps Lorenzo to his feet and asks him to come with her so they can talk in private. He insists she answer him in public. She turns her back on him and leaves him alone and humiiiated in the ring. He follows her out.

    15. Dionisio tells Secundino he is sure that Lorenzo had something to do with the death of his rooster. Secundino reminds him that the rooster that killed El Dorado didn't even belong to Lorenzo. That doesn't change Dioniso's mind. His rooster never acted like that. Somebody did something to his rooster. He saw it in teh way that Lorenzo looked at him.

    16. La Caponera tells Lorenzo off for doing that to her in public. it might be good for another kind of woman but not her. She explains that he was thinkng FOR her again. He doens't undersand her. She says she cares for him but does not see herself as a married woman. She doesn't want to end up closed up in a house silenced forever. he asks her whotold her taht is what a marriage between them would be like. She could see him telling her that nothing would change now but what about later. He insists nothing would change. He knows she likes to move around. He fell in love with who she is. She is not convinced things will not change. He says things will change but for the better. he asks her to consider his proposal.

  27. EL GALLO Part Three

    17. FLASHBACK: In the past, we see Lorenzo's first wife chained up sitting on an old blanket in some barn somewhere. She is begging him to leave her out. He asks why? So she can leave with that . . . She admits she never should have done it. She is thirsty. He tells her to assume the consequences for her actions. She falls over. He finally goes in with water and finds her dead. He asks her why did it have to end like this. He closes her eyes and removes the engagement ring from her dead hand.

    18. La Caponera tells Lorenzo that he took her by surprise and tha she will have to think about his proposal.

    19. Back at the urinal, Remigio tells Lorenzo that he told him it wasn't a good idea putting La Caponera on the spot. Lorenzo doesn't want to hear about it. Remigio doens't udnestand how he could let a woman humiliate him like that in front of everyone. Lorenzo tells him to shut up but Remigio has to add that Lorenzo even kneeled down. That is all Lorenzo can take and he beats Remigio and throws him into the urinal. Lorenzo will not allow anyone to make fun of him even a kid like Remigio.

    20 As Dionisio is trying to drink his sadness away, La Caponera appears. She remarks he looks like he hasn't slept for two days and he admits he hasn't. She says he is not alone. She can't seem to find herself either. He asks how is that?? Llfe hasn't treated her like it has him. She asks how he would know what she has been through. He answers you only have to look at her. She always looks pretty. La Caponera has to smile. He is going to leave the gambling table when she grabs his arm and asks him to do her a favor. She wants him to place a bet with her money for her. He refuses at first but she convinces him by splitting the winnings with him and telling him she ahas a good feeling about it. He will bet in honor of El Dorado.

    21. Lucha Padilla puts the moves on Lorenzo. She tells him that La Caponera treats him like she does ALL THE GUYS. That piques his interest. He needs a woman like her. He nees a real woman to spoil him. He asks if she is sure what she is gettng in to. She answers saying he doens't know her. He looks her up and down.

    22. Dioniso and La Caponera win. She is ready to bet again but he has doubled the pesos so he is done. He comments about not fitting in and they leave.

    23. Lucha Padilla and Lorenzo have sex.

    24. Dioniso says he didn't say she cheated. He only wonders how could they have a winning streak playing a game that he doesn't really understand? She would call if beginner's luck. He smiles and says that is what they told him when his rooster won the first time. She remembers seeing a painting of a rooster that looked like the one that won over his. We see her remembering seeing the painting at Lorenzo's. He remembers seeing the painting as a background in a family photo. He asks where she saw it. She says at Lorenzo's hacienda. He asks if she and Lorenzo are novios. She admits there is something there. He imagines it is serious. He knows a woman like her doesn't make light of those things. She smiles saying she never heard that before. People don't see her as being serious in the matter of love. He concludes that the problem with people is that they don't SEE. She smiles even more. They toast to that.

  28. EL GALLO Part Four

    25. The rooster handler (?) tells Lucha that he sis from the same town that Lorenzo is from. he and hsi father are very famous in the whole region and not just from all the money they have. Lucha is curious. He explains that there are lots of stories abut Lorenzo and his father. They are ugly stories. He knows of one that ended with a dead man, a widow and an exile. Lucha looks concerned.

    26. La Caponera meets up with Lorenzo. She thought he would not want to see him. He thinks that would be impossible. He isn't exaclty fine but know he knows what she wants. He still wants to marry her though. He suggests they pretend that the proposal never happened. He will give her all the time she needs. He found her and he doesn't plan on losing her for anything. She agrees.

    27. Dioniso approaches them. He is there to ask Lorenzo for a job since his only rooster is dead. Lorenzo reminds him he could still have the two that he offered him. Dionisio thinks it is never too late to chose the right path. He can train his roosters to be winners. Lorenzo has a cock fighter for that already but at La Caponera's bidding, gives him a job as an assistant cockfighter at minium wage. He says the job is his if it suits him. Dionisio says it suits him more than he knows. He excuses himself and Lorenzo observes both Dionisio and La Caponera as Dionisio leaves.

    28. La Caponera narrates. She thinks that luck is capricious. It can kick you today and kiss you tomorrow. He who thinks of himself as a king can turn into a beggar and a misrable person also can get their time in the sun. We think we know everyone but we never do, including ourself.


  29. EL GALLO

    Even with all the cuts, this is so good! Excuse the typos. I only have so much time.

    Novelera, this is the first time I have seen Plutarco Haza. He is excellent. José Ron usually plays the galán in telenovelas I am so impressed with his acting in this role. I like that he, Plutarco and Luceero all look like they have done some hard living. I wish they showed more short series like this.

  30. VIDA

    Thanks everyone for commenting on this show.

    Liz - "On a happier note, if Rol should die the land and everything becomes Paula’s. At least I’m assuming that will happen."

    THIS is a very good point and the best justification for Rolando to die, instead of jail. It would save Paula and her family a lot of money (to lawyers), time, and aggravation.

  31. Gallo

    Jarifa, I didn't watch this episode , but I enjoyed your detailed recap.

    I can't remember who Lucia is.

    So, looks like Lorenza is a very bad guy. I saw this actor in a novela, and he was a nasty, rich villain who wanted the leading lady. Can't remember the title of the show. Yikes, he locked his wife up in a barn, and she died.

    Too bad Secundino introduced Dion to tequila and Caponera encouraged his gambling. These two things are not likely to his life better .

    So. Dion's rooster was poisoned . Sad after Dion saved him when he was so injured.

    Did Caponera heal Dion by having sex with him? Magical realism. They seem destined for each other.

    The rooster painting...what's that about?

    This is a very different novela.


  32. El Gallo

    Thanks Jarifa that was a big help. I think I put too much into the fact that the rooster rose up out of the dirt as Dioniso’s mother died. So I was shocked when he was killed. We’ve also learned that Lorenzo is really evil.

    I enjoy the narratives of La Caponera. I’m never able to understand much of what she says. I bet the book is really good.

    It was foolish of Lorenzo to propose in the arena in front of the crowd. I don’t remember La Caponera ever expressing that kind of interest in him. So I loved when she walked away.


  33. GALLO

    Susan, this is a very strange tale. In all fairness, it was advertised as a series, not a novela. I habe to say I am happy to have a story in novela tv time without all of the designated novela conventions. Lucha is another singer like La Camponera. She is jealous of LaCaponera. All La Caponera had to do was touch Dionisio and he was cured but only for her touch. Yes, definitely magical realism although it wasn’t through sex.

    Liz, I also enjoy the narratives. They do a good job of framing the episodes. Sometimes they go on too long, so I try to summarize them. ITA that La Caponera walking out of the ring with her head held high leaving Lorenzo is a scene to remember especially when we know he only wants her for her winning influence. She seems to suspect that on some level, too. I hated that he pulled one over on her with the “radio station owner.”

    Can’t wait for tonight!

  34. gallo

    Wow! What a fantastic recap, Jarifa. You covered all the major drama so well. I agree. This is now my favorite thing on television. ITA in being grateful that we don't have all the stock scenes of "meet cute" couple who fall madly in love. Then said couple is hit from all sides by villains and female villains trying to ruin their "pure love".

    I saw Plutarco in En Otra Piel on Telemundo. He's a good actor, but has a face made for playing villains! He seems to be the only guy who wears a revolver strapped to his hip.

    Yes, indeed, all the cutting made Dionisio looking drunk at that gaming table seem odd. I wasn't even sure if he had been drinking or just a bad case of the blues.

    Lorenzo's feelings about La Caponera are a bit ambiguous. His behavior with the band member from the duet didn't quite fit with a man only after good luck at cards. Well, maybe he's afraid that guy will start to gamble! I can't always tell if it's all for the good luck omen or if he has any feelings for her at all.

    Speaking of Lorenzo, he's not too smart with the obvious ragging on Dionisio. It bothers him that she sticks up for him. But his end game would be easier if he stopped antagonizing her by his obvious kicking the poor guy when he's down.

    Ah, the drugged gaffs. I have a long novel to finish in English for this month's book club, so I haven't gotten back to my copy of the short novel. But I did get to the part where Dorado is killed in the cockfighting ring. I was wondering if the writers of the show we're watching were going to also kill off the bird or change Rulfo's plot line.

    That actor playing Lucha has those bad girl moves down pat. Lorenzo definitely didn't turn her down. More risky behavior by a gambling addict. If Lucha decides to gloat over La Caponera, then bye-bye good luck charm

    I loved the look that La Caponera gave Dionisio when he walked away from the table after what he considered a decent win. It was sort of an "aha"! We've seen in flashbacks that Lorenzo is not the first guy to want her around for the magical luck. Here's a guy who doesn't have the bug.

  35. GALLO

    novelera, Thanks for your info on Plutarco Haza. He really embodies the role of Lorenzo so well and he does have “a face made for villains.” I just looked him up on Wiki and I did see him once before in the bio-series “Silvia Pinal, frente a ti”back in 2018. Yes, the actress playing Lucha has the classic bad girl down.She is Marìa Aura and it looks like she has done many more movies and series than novelas. I love her and of La Caponera’s costumes. So true of that Caponera look: “Here is a guy who doesn’t have the bug”.

  36. VIDA Ep. 84 Part 1

    Rol asks Mal why she came; so she tells him she wants to talk about her agency. Now that he is the owner, is he going to throw her out too? She then works him to convince him to put that land in her name...of course with a man as rich as he is, what she is asking for is just bread crumbs to him. They get it on and make it to the bedroom where Rol fantasizes about being with Paula. Mal hears him call out to Paula, but she doesn't mind at all; he can call her whatever he wants.

    Emi gives Paula another letter from Pepe. As Emi and Diego are leaving, Paula notices that Rosa's favorite plant has been neglected and needs water.

    Art is about to break up with Andi, but Diego and Emi approach and interrupt.

    Lucia gives Pepe another letter from Paula. We hear Paula and Pepe read their letters simultaneously. They say that they miss each and encourage each other to not lose faith.

    Emi tells Andi that he needs her help since Lucia will be having a birthday very soon. Andi tells him that Lucia has dreamed of something all her life, so Emi wants to do whatever for Lucia. Meanwhile, Art tells Diego that he was about to break up with Andi, but Diego tells him that now is not a good time since Andi is going through something super-heavy because of a situation in her home.

    Rol and Malena are done shakin' the sheets. After he comments about all the good "tricks" she has, MAL wants to talk about him giving her the land, but Rol asks her to watch Pepe closely and report to him if Pepe has any contact with Paula...they can talk business later.

    Gracia comes home and tells Paula that Rosa seems to be at peace. Paula thinks that is a good sign, but Gracia clarifies that the peace she is talking about is the kind of peace a person feels when they have given up and don't want to fight anymore. Her sister is no longer afraid (to die).

    Now night time, Emi is watching a video of whatever he plans to do for Lucia.

    At the hospital, Rosa asks Gnat to go home and rest. Gnat only agrees to go for some coffee.

    Alex tells Pepe that he will accompany Gracia to the hospital. After Pepe tells him he would like to go too, Rafa arrives. They strategize about how to get back the restaurant. Pepe thinks that they shouldn't leave the restaurant or their homes because Rol's purchase of their property can;t be legal since Gnat acquired it fraudulently. Raga then fesses up that Gnat cheated him too. Alex thinks Gnat belongs in jail (me too!). Pep thinks Rol has crossed the line (sweetie, Rol has gone way beyond crossing the line!) Pepe insists that they fight for their land!

    Back at the hospital, Marcos is with Gracia. Gnat sneers at Gracia as she wonders what Gracia is doing there. Gracia pleads to be allowed to give Rosa the things she brought, but Gnat tells her to get out!. Gracia asks for a truce...if something happens, she wants to be informed.

    Dinner with the devil and no one has an appetite except the devil himself. When Paula states that she is very worried about Rosa, Lor tells her that Isa and he will be going to see Rosa the next day. Paula wants to go with them, but Rol forbids it because there are too many germs. Lor agrees to take Paula who has suggested that she can wear a mask. Just then, Isa arrives to talk to Lor, but in front of everyone, she announces that Rol has bought their property and has gibe them until the end of the month to get out.

  37. VIDA Ep. 84 Part 2

    Paula tells the kids to go up to their rooms...and once again tells everyone that she needs to talk to Rol alone (why she bothers to waste her breath and put herself in danger is incomprehensible to me).

    At the hospital, Doc Pat tells Gnat that the time has come to say good-bye. Gnat goes to see Rosa who tells her that she is very tired. Rosa tells her that her purpose for everything she has done was to bring up Gnat to be a good woman. Rosa then asks Gnat once again to promise that she will correct all the wrong she has done. Gnat finally and sincerely concedes and promises. Rosa then raises her hand as if seeing a heavenly presence and passes on to a better, more peaceful place.

    Paula rebukes Rol for what he is doing and knows that he is just seeking revenge against Pepe. Rol doesn't deny it and tells Paula that there is a solution...but it depends on her. He grabs her close as he hisses that he wants her to forget about Pepe...and be totally his! As Rol continues his accost on Paula, she tells him how sick (nauseated) he makes her feel. After she tells him that she will NEVER be his, he scowls that she just condemned Pepe's family!

    Pepe is talking to Rafa about how difficult it is to be away from Paula and the letters he and Paula are exchanging with Emi's and Lucia's help. When Rafa asks if there is nothing else that can be done for Paula, Pepe tells him that there is a surgeon who may be able to operate on Paula to remove the tumor.

    MAL has put on makeup to cover her scar as she recalls seducing Rol.

    Gnat swears to Rosa that she will fulfill the promise she made.

    Lor wants to speak to Rol, but Rol walks away. Emi and Diego tell him not to bother. When Paula approaches, she asks if Rosa is is odd but she swears she smelled Rosa's scent.

    Paula is now with Susy reading a story about an angel (how appropriate!)! It's about a little girl who sees an angel who is now in a place where she will never feel, cold, sadness, or pain. As Paula reads, the nurses are disconnecting the machines from Rosa as Gnat watches.

    MAL and Rol have another tryst FFW...

    Pepe sneaks in to see Paula and ask how she is, especially since Rosa dies last night. After Pepe explains how he found out about Rosa, Paula cries and wonders how she will tell her children tha Rosa died. She then questions what awaits her if Rosa was not able to survive. Pepe reminds her that she has the German doctor coming to remove her tumor, she will survive! He then assures that nothing and no one will separate them. He then makes a quick exit before Rol can see them.

    Lor questions Isa about her feelings for Alex. He knows he loves her, but wants to know if she feels the same. After Isa fudges and replies that things are not that simple, Lor points out hat she has never told him that she loves him (not to worry, Lor; she hasn't said that to Alex either!) Isa asks him not to pressure her; Just then, Gracia calls Lor and tells him about Rosa.

    At the hospital, ALex is consoling Gracia who wants go dress Rosa. Gnat comes out and, in tears, Gracia asks if she can decorate the chapel. Gnat then extends her hand to Gracia telling her tha she promised her mother that she would correct all the wrong she has done. They both cry as they shake hands.

    Paula sees Emi and Diego and can't hold back her tears. After she tells them that Rosa died, they group hug.

    Later, Paula goes to see Susy and reminds her of the story they read last night, Susy wonders why Paula is telling her about it, so Paula tells her that they have another angel to watch over them,,,Rosa.

    At the chapel, Gnat is crying by Rosa's casket when Paula enters. Paula doesn't want problems; she asks that Gnat allow her to say her good-byes to Rosa.

    And there it ends...

  38. VIDA

    Rgv Chick,

    Your recap sparked, sizzled and shone; your fierce comments were fire! Just awewome...

    "Dinner with the devil and no one has an appetite except the devil himself" was perfect and sidebar worthy.

    Natalia allowed Rosa (on her deathbed) to extract a promise that she would change but some promises are made to be broken. In the moment, Gnat did seem to shed a genuine tear or two and may have truly meant she would shed her snake skin. But in the next breath, she doesn't allow Gracia to see her sister. Alas, such promises do not a transformation make.

    Rol is acting more insane with each passing day. Like you, I don't understand why Paula even tries to speak to him rationally (as he is incapable) and continues to put herself in such jeopardy.

    "Mal hears him call out to Paula, but she doesn't mind at all; he can call her whatever he wants". So much for self respect.

    MAL's scar was originally on her cheekbone. I'm still trying to figure out how it migrated a good inch or two closer to her jawline. 😊

    "Ater Isa fudges and replies that things are not that simple, Lor points out hat she has never told him that she loves him (not to worry, Lor; she hasn't said that to Alex either!)" mirrored our frustration at this aggrevating triangle marvelously.

    Will Gnat allow Paula to pay her respects? I suspect she willm albeit begrudingly.

    When is the surgery coming??


  39. VIDA

    Thank you, Rgv Chick, for your recap.

    We knew it was coming, and I'm still upset that the writers killed off Rosa, the nicest character in the show.

    Why Paula keeps trying to have rational conversations with Rolando is beyond me, but she's not exactly the brightest bulb on the string, either, when it comes to Good Decisions.

    I almost had to laugh at the family dinner scene, when everyone is away from the table surrounding Isa as she tells them Rol is kicking them off the property ... and Rolando is still at the table, munching away, completely detached from the whole awful business. Great acting by Lisardo.

    Finally, Lorenzo called Isabela on the whole "love" thing. I have a feeling the scales have dropped from his eyes and he sees the truth.

    DIANA - LOL about Mal's scar. Telenovela makeup dept. playing games with the viewers. And Paula's surgery??? probably the first hour of the Por Fin is my guess, to keep the drama going until the last minute.

  40. Vida

    Dear Chickie, Thank you for a snappy recap of all the Rolling drama.

    The best scene was Rol chowing down like he was at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Lizardo is embracing this heartless, BSC Snidley Whiplash role. Evidently, that roll in the hay with MAL gave him a voracious appetite. For her part, MAL was reliving the sheet shaking as she applied makeup to the migrating scar and looking forward to round two. A match made in.....Hades!!!

    It seems get the bloom is off the rose and Lor is realizing that indecisive Is a is not as committed to their long lost love as he is. Next!!! Now, perhaps, USA will lose both dudes if Lor gives up his hot pursuit to rekindle their teen love and Alex chooses less crazy Gracia. Uff.

    OT..I saw a few minutes of Valentin (Pepe) on a talk show , and he is into yoga and meditation.


  41. VIDA

    Thank you, Diana, Doris, and Susan. Seems like the days are busier now, so dropped in quickly to read the ever-welcome comments.

    I was shaking my head at Rol during the dinner scene too--yes, frustrating yet comical!

    Agreed with Doris, the surgery will be in the last episode (eyeroll)

  42. EL GALLO DE ORO #6 (Uni edit) (VIX #8) Part One

    Well, we were back to only one episode tonight as we set up for the next card game/birthday party.

    1. Lorenzo and La Caponera go horseback riding at his ranch. He tells her that after his wife died, he decided to make every moennt count. They are in a romantic romanti mood. Remigio brings Lorenzo a message. She sees hisface and says taht Lorenzo told her that he fell. he needs to be more careful next time. Remigio says there won't be a next time.Lorenzo says itis a message form "Mr. Avila" the radio station guy.

    2. Secundino tries to talk Dioniso out of going to work for Lorenzo assuring him that he will humiiiate him. He is a cock fighter who cold work for anyone. Dionisio insisnts he needs tp be at the hacienda to try to find out if Lorenzo had something to do with his father going broke. Secundio doesn't know what he would do about it if he did. Lorenzo is a powerful man.

    3. La Caponera tells Justina that "Mr. Avila" wants to talk to her about signing a contract. She assures Justina it would include the whole band. He is coming Lorenzo's father's birthday party at the hacienda will see them there.

    4. Lorenzo tells Remigio that all that La Caponera knows if that his father ishahving a birthday party. She knows nothing about any gambling taking place. The governor will be there and his gambling ventures are legendary with him being able to wager in one night what a normal person would wager in a month. They agree that they cannot risk "Mr. Avila" being there because the governor and his circle know everybody whois anyone and would not be fooled. Lorenzo hopes he can pay off his debt and have somethiing left over when the party is done.

    5. Everyone travels to the ranch. Lorenzo, La Caponera and Remigio go by car while Dioniso travels in the back of a wagon with the photo of his family in front to the rooster painting in his hand.

    6. La Caponera narrates: If in San Marcos their paths crossed, in Cuquío, their destinies became linked together. Back then, they thought they knew each other but you never really know anyone even yourself. They went on, each for their own reasons , not knowing what happens when greed, love and revenge mix causing an explosion as strong as the fireworks at the fair.

    7. Lorenzo's father Lucas is outside in his wheel chair as Lorenzo and La Caponera arrive. Lorenzo tells La Caponera/Bernarda she should consider his hacienda as her home because it is. Lucas sees Lorenzo with La Caponera and has his servant take him back into the house.

    8. Lorenzo goes to see his father who wants to know what he wants. Lucas doesn' want any problems. He asks why he brought HER. Lorenzo says to forget about her. Lucas refuses to. He informs his son if he continues with that nonsense with that woman, he can forget about the hacienda and him. Lorenzo says he doesn't want to be with her. He is is only USING her. She can help both of them. He asks for a week to prove to his father that his luck can change. Lucas gives him a week but if this involves gambling, he needs to use his own money and not his.

  43. EL GALLO Part Two

    9. While La Caponera is on her own, she wanders into an unoccupied bedroom. She starts nosing around and looks at clothes in a closet. The housekeeper Engracia tracks her down. It turns out that this is the bedroom of Lorenzo's dead wife Virginia. Engracia says that the boss decided that the room was to be kept as it was and he doesn't like people there without his permission.

    10. Lorenzo's cock fighter Aurellio introduces Dioniso to all of the hacienda workers. He lets them know that he doesn't like to be touched. They ask why. Dionisio can only say that he doesn't like it. Aurelio says Dionisio will be his assistant. Dionisio reminds him that his rooster had killed one of Aurelio's. Aurelio doesn't appreciate Dionisio's smart *ss remark and advises him to tone it down. He wants Dionisio to be ready for work at 6:00 a.m.

    11. It is supper time for La Caponera with Lorenzo and Lucas. Lucas stares at her. When she is offered water, La Caponera tells her she wants some tequila instead. Lorenzo and Lucas join her. Lucas asks where her parents live. She tells him they are dead. Her mother died when she was a girl and her father left even before she was born. That is why she uses her mother's name "Cutiño." Lucas is taken aback that she thinks not using her father's name means nothing. She asks how could she use the name of that SOB who left even before she was born. Lucas smirks and remarks how she must have had a lots of step-fathers. She agrees that she did and they were ass***** just like her father. Lorenzo tries to stop his father from making their guest uncomfortable. La Caponera says Lucas isn't making her uncomfortable. Lucas smiles and says it was about time his son brought home a woman who is not afraid to fight. La Caponera makes it clear that she doesn't like to fight but she will not allow peole to walk all over her.
    Lucas also has seen that she is not afraid of drinking. La Caponera concludes that that he doesn't like when women drink. Lorenzo says it is quite the opposite. They do like women who drink.

    12. Dionsio has been skulking around the outside of the house and makes his way inside into a room where the rooster painting is hung. Unfortunately for him, Lorenzo discovers him and asks what the h*** he is doing there. Dionisio says he was looking for the kitchen and ended up there. Lorenzo says the kitchen is in the opposite direction. With a smirk behind his eyes, Dionisio explains that is why he got lost. Lorenzo takes this opportunity to inform Dionisio that he only hired him out of pity and if he wants to contimue to eat and sleep at his property, he needs to do as he says. He will be out with the first mistake he makes. Does he understand that. Dionisio nods and say bye. Lorenzo is angered because he didn't include "boss" wheh he addressed him. That is who he is. If he ever finds him in his house again, he will shoot him. La Caponera comes in and Dionisio addresses her as ":boss" too. She doesn't understand. Lorenzo explains that "their" friend Dionisio lost his way and he was just explaining the rules of the house to him. Lorenzo excuses himself to his "boss" and leaves with a smile on his face.

    13. Feliciano and Justina discuss their future together. She tells him she has broken off her engagement with her soldier to give things a try with him. He is very happy she is single and wants to give him a chance.

  44. EL GALLO Part Three

    14. La Caponera tells Lorenzo that his father is one harsh man. Lorenzo agrees that he is complicated. She goes on about how sensitive the house keeper was when she found her in the neighboring room. The room looked frozen in time. Lorenzo explains that keeping the room like that is his father's thing. He gets very angry anytime anyone goes in there. He loved Virginia. Lorenzo admits that sometimes it seems like she isn't dead and they still can hear her. La Caponera doesn't quite understand that and Lorenzo is done talking about Virginia. She is a "sensitive" subject. He suggests they stop talking and do other things. La Caponera smiles.

    15. The next day, Lucas tells his son that he has a serious problem. Lorenzo doesn't want to talk about it. Lucas doesn't want totgalk about it. Lucas doesn't either but he cannot forget about what happened with his wife Virginia. Lorenzo says she had it coming for what she did. Lucas says nobody deserves to die like she did. He thinks that Lorenzo should have found another woman. If somebody like Virginia could cheat on him, just imagine what a woman like La Caponera would be capable of doing!!! Lucas asks when the wedding to La Caponera is. Lorenzo has to admit that La Caponera told him she isn't sure she wants to get married. She asked for some time to think about it. Lucas laughs out loud and cannot stop. He doesn't want to laugh at his son but he cannot help himself.

    16. La Caponera is wandering the property and ends up visiting Dioniso and the roosters. She catches him singing to one of them. She thinks that is his secret to being such a good cock fighter. Dionisio says he is still an assistant. She is sure that will change soon. He asks how she likes living the good life. She says if this is the good life, she would rather be dead. It is a golden cage, a prison. It is boriing with no drinking and no singing. He tells her to sing. She asks if her audience will be the roosters who also know how to sing. She knows he was singing a song about a sparrow hawk. She sings the same song and they end up dancing and having a good time with a little tequila, too. Aurelio comes in and sees them dancing. The party is over.

    17. Feliciano tells a friend that he and Justina are novios. Carmela, a cook, overhears the conversation.

    18. Lorenzo has taken La Caponera out for a driving lesson. He tells her about the governor coming to his father's birthday party and how he likes to play cards. It was his father's idea. He adds that "Mr. Avila" should enjoy listening to her sing again. Engracia comes out to tell him that he has a visitor. It is important. He leaves and La Caponera is left to practice driving on her own.

  45. EL GALLO Part Four

    19. Lucha has come to pay Lorenzo a visit. He is not happy and wants her out of there. She is sorry she is making him nervous and she understands that he is afraid of La Caponera seeing them together. She thought he was going to teach La Caponera a lesson and he has ended up being her lap dog! Lorenzo calls her an idiot. She knows that but he doesn't scare her. She still wants them to be friends. She will be waiting for him at the public cantina in downtown Ocotlán at 8:00 if he doesn't want La Caponera to find out what the people in town are saying about his wife's death. As she leaves via the back of the hacienda, she just misses La Caponera rariving at the front. La Caponera notices he is upset. He insists he is fine.

    20. Aurelio tells Remigio how Dionisio was dancing so close with La Caponera. Aurelio thinks Dioniso must have a death wish. He wonders if he should tell Lorenzo. Remigio says sure but, referring to his still bruised face, he adds that Lorenzo would do that or worse to Dioniso. Aurelio decides to say nothing.

    21. Justina is sitting quietly in church when Carmela arrives. it turns out they were lovers. Justina insists that she is sure about her decision to marry Feliciano. The women end up kissing passionately but Justina leaves insisting that they cannot be together.

    22. Dioniso is out and about at the hacienda at night and gets La Caponera's attention by throwing a pebble at her window.

    23. Lorenzo meets Lucha at the cantina. She doesm't understand how he can be with a woman who has humiliated him like La Camponera did. She wants to know what is so special about her. Lucha insists she can be special, too. Lorenzo threatens her. She says she has been careful to let another person in on everything she knows. He asks what she wants. She only wants to be close to him. He says if she opens her mouth, he will lose La Caponera and that would mean that she and her confidant would have to die. She agrees to say nothing and takes him upstairs to a room.

    24. Dionsio has brought a couple of beers and he and La Caponera wander around outside talking like friends. Dionisio thinks she must care about Lorenzo to be separated from her people and walled up here at the hacienda. She agrees. She is feeling closed up and not liking it one bit. It is worse for her because when she was little, she was locked up inside a lot. He asks if her mother did that. She answers no. THEY locked her and her mother up. Because they were locked up so much, her mother made it a point ot act real brave. She noticed so she did the same thing. Dioniso is sorry he made her remember bad things. She doesn't think those bad memories will ever go away. She admits this is the first and only time she has ever shared those memories with anyone. He thanks her for trusting him. She says that she feels safe with Dionisio. She rests her head on his shoulder.He rests his head on hers and says he feels safe with her, too. He tells her he feels really good. The yalmost kiss but don't. It is getting late. She leaves


  46. Vida

    Thanks so much Rgv Chick, that was a great read. It’s like you have the script in front of you!

    I hated that Rosa died, I guess we all knew she would but had this hope she wouldn’t. Nat promises to fix her wrongs and goes out and shakes hands with Gracia. I guess it’s a start, but a hug would have been nice, that is her birth mother. I guess it will be baby steps.

    Nobody had an appetite except Rol. He’s oblivious to the hate, or just doesn’t care. I can’t begin to imagine what his ending will be.

    I guess Isabela will end up with Alex. She might be in love with her memories of Lorenzo, but if she can’t tell him she loves him she needs to move on, as in go back to Alex.

    Mal and Rol, I just have to shake my head. But I’m really surprised they waited this long!


  47. Thank you Jarifa for your excellent commentary. You have done a splendid job of describing very complicated characters and situations.

    The characters in this telenovela are fascinating and their development has been intriguing. La Caponera is a lot of fun. She enjoys life and has a good heart. Likewise, the eccentric Dionisio is a good guy with a good heart. Your superb descriptions of circumstances and dialogue really are a help in understanding this novela. It will be interesting to see how the hancienda's secrets are gradually unearthed and how the character development progresses.

  48. El Gallo

    Thanks Jarifa, that was just excellent. This one is hard to understand, even with closed captions.

    Dionisio is really changing from the timid slumped over guy he used to be. He’s been a little too brave for my comfort.

    So the picture is the same as in the photo he has, but it didn’t look like the same room. I wondered about that because if he’s the boy in the picture he would have remembered the hacienda.

    So the dad, Lucas, knows Lorenzo killed his wife. Is he keeping the room the same to torture his son!

    Some really different characters in this. But why would they cut or combine if there’s only 20 episodes?


  49. Gallo

    Jarifa, thank you for that excellent recap.

    Yikes, both Dion and Cap are living with a very dangerous hombre . They are two lost souls who have found each other . It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds.


  50. gallo

    Many thanks for another superb recap, Jarifa. I appreciate all the details.

    So...the radio station guy isn't real. I thought that's what Lorenzo and Remigio planned, but the guy spent some time talking with LC (I'm abbreviating La Caponera to save time.) and it seemed like maybe he was legit.

    I got a kick of their parading the same white horse and the same guy past Lorenzo and Lucas while they talked. I assume Uni central casting didn't want to invest in a big herd.

    I really like Secundino. Besides LC, he's the only one really on Dionisio's side.

    Lucas might have spawned a really bad kid, but he's no prize himself. He was borderline insulting to LC during that dinner, but kind of liked that he couldn't get to her. He knows his son tied up his unfaithful wife and let her die (hunger or thirst) and he does nothing? For whatever reason, that is one poisonous father/son relationship.

    I'm very glad it was Aurelio and not Lorenzo who caught LC and Dionisio dancing. Such a sweet scene.

    If I understood the flashback correctly, LC's mother put her out a window and...someone... was outside. I thought it was her father who'd burned her mother up for being unfaithful when I saw it. But she said at the dinner with Don Lucas that he left before she was born. So who was that awful guy in the flashback?

  51. GALLO

    Anon, thank you. I am glad you are enjoying this series. Yes, La Caponera is a real good time girl. What I like about her is that she makes no qualms about it. It will be interesting to see what happens as Dionisio comes into his own. He seems to be well on that road.

    Liz, glad the recap was useful. I totally agree that Dionisio has " . . . been a little too brave for my comfort." In the old days they would say "too big for his britches"or we could have some word play here and call him "cocky. " You can tell that he is enjoying getting under Lorenzo's skin. It is dangerous that it is so apparent. Lucas is whole other level of despicable and creepy.

    Susan, yes, La Caponera and Dionisio are two lost souls. Looks like they could up with each other by mutual attraction or could it be by default. Thye are out in th mddle of nowhere. Hmmm. . .
