
Monday, May 20, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida & El Gallo de Oro - Week of May 20, 2024

Preemption Alert! Once again, Primetime TNs discussed on this page will be preempted on Thursday due to Fútbol!

Coming Soon: Golpe de Suerte with  Big Ed Yanez and Mayrin Villanueva starts May 28th at 8PM!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Jarifa is being stalwart in providing us with her notes on the couch for El Gallo de Oro! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 86-88 (Últimos Capítulos!!)

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro Ep. 8-10

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Oro”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. VIDA Ep. 86 Part 1

    (We're on the last laps of this rollercoaster, so hold on tight to your beanies as best you can. Same disclaimers--scenes/dialogues condensed, omitted or combined for the sake of this recapper's sanity :-)

    We start with Paula reminding Rol about all the promises he made to protect her and her children, but all the while he was Gnat's accomplice. SHe runs him out of her house..she never wants to see him again!!

    DIego wonders if Art wants to give it a go. Art would love to but he doesn;t want anyone to know for now. His father would kill him if he knew he was gay. Diego understands because he felt the same way at first, but his family loves him. Art explains that his parents are not like Diego's...they are more like Rol...and don't understand. Diego agrees and won't pressure him...but they do have to talk to Andi because he doesn't want to hurt her.

    At the restaurant, the family is preparing for Lucia's birthday bash. Alex and Isa smile as they reminisce about old times at the restaurant... Lor observes without being noticed.

    Paula wonders what evidence Gnat has on Rol since he looks so worried. After he argues that Gnat is lying, Paula tells him everything is OVER; his game is over and she wants him out of her house..and he'd better not get near her kids, especially Susy. She is going to ask for a restraining order! L-A-R-G-A-T-E!! Before leaving, Rol tells her to think about it...because if what he has done for her is out of love, she can just imagine what he will do if he starts to hate her!

    Andi is surprised to see Lucia arrive at the restaurant, but Lucia came to help. Diego arrives with Susy with her dog; she wants to thank Pepe. As Lucia asks about Emi, Art arrives and offers to leave if Andi feels uncomfortable. Andi assures that he can stay and help.

    MAL is super upset because Gnat talked to Pepe and told him she caught them in bed. After Rol relates about Gmat going to talk to Paula and causing to lose his control over Paula, MAL insists that they have to do something; they can let that woman continue to ruin their plans!

    Paula arrives at the restaurant in her food truck. After she tells a surprised Pepe that she will make paninis for all the guests, she shares that she signed her annulment papers's all over!

    Andi takes Lucia inside where Emi gives her a gift....a dress. EMi explains that he wants to ask her to be his novia in a more formal, romantic manner.

    Gnat goes to see Gracia and tells her she wants to go with Gracia to Lucia's party so she can tell the Castillos that she will help them get their property back. Before they leave, Gnat asks to use the restroom. While gone, Doc Jasso arrives to talk to Paula Since Paula isn't there, Gracia takes the opportunity to thank him for helping Rosa.

    Paulepe talk about what Gnat is doing because of hte promise she made to Rosa. After Paula points out that she will also recuperate her rights over her children, she suspects that something must have happened that made the change in Gnat; so Pepe tells her about Gnat catching Rol and MAL who are amantes. Paula wonders if that bothers Pepe,but heck NO! Teo and Susy arrive and Teo likes to see Paula and Pepe happy together. Susy thanks Pepe for "Bigotes" (whiskers) and is no longer angry with Pepe. Teo signs that he likes Paula as a second mother. After Pepe leaves to go get something, Paula tells the kids that she needs them to help her make the paninis.

    MAL tells Rol that Pepe threatened to send her to prison if he found out she had something to do with Rigo's death.As she continues her rant, Rol growls that she should SHUT UP! he has his own problems! MAL then threatens that if he doesn't help her, she will tell Pepe that he killed Rigo!! (You can get your ticket to hell now, MAL!)

  2. VIDA Ep. 86 Part 2

    Gracia and Doc Pat talk about Rosa. As Doc Pat relates that Rosa offered her life to the Virgen in exchange for Paula's, Gnat listens from behind a pillar. Gnat also hears that a doctor will be coming to evaluate Paula to see if he can operate on her. As Doc Jasso continues to talk about Rosa and the doctor who is coming, Gnat approaches and asks if they are talking about her mother.

    Paula sends Marcos to the market and he takes the kids. After they leave, Pepe arrives hiding something. Paula is curious so he teases her and tells her it is something he bought for her and was waiting for the appropriate time to give it to her. He finally tells her to close her eyes...and then presents an engagement ring and asks her to marry him! Paula asks Pepe when he bought the rings retells her he bought when she had her surgery. Paula promises that no matter how much time she has, she will continue fighting for their love. Pepe tells her it's not a real diamond, but the ring is gold. Paula then tells him she would like a simple wedding just with the family.

    Rol threatens MAL--he will close her mouth permanently before she talks. MAL apologizes butis still worried about Gnat talking. Rol swears that, as long as he lives, Paula and Pepe will not be happy (oh goodie, does this mean he will die???)

    At the restaurant, Art and Diego spend quality time ZaiSo notices the bond between them.

    When Gracia asks Gnat what she heard, Gnat replies that heard everything. Before leaving, Doc Pat gives his condolences to a raging Gnat (you can almost see smoke coming out of her nostrils!). After Gnat comments on what she overheard she adds that she doesn't believe in miracles. Gnat continues that she did everything she could to save her mother's life, and all the while, her mother was praying to save Paula. When Gnat turns to leave, Gracia asks if they aren't going over to the Castillo's. with a look of disgust, Gnat tells her that she is very much like her mother--she worries about everyone else before she worries about her daughter.

    As Gnat is driving she recalls her conversations with her mother when she was in the hospital and the promise she made to correct all the wrong she had caused.

    PARTY TIME!!! Everyone wishes Lucia a happy birthday, After Andi asks if she is ready.for he surprise, Emi takes of his jacket and everyone whistles. and claps.The music starts and Emi and Lucia dance while Andi sings. Eventually, Rafa and ZaiSo join Andi in singing and everyone gets up to dance. After the dancing stops, EMi gets on stage and asks Lucia to be his girlfriend.

  3. VIDA EP. 86 Part 3

    Rol has MAL with him in the car when he spots Gnat's car. MAL tells him to hurry and catch up with her! Hurry!! Gnat spots Rol's car and tries to avoid Rolando passing her. Gnat's eyes area s wide as saucers and she breathes heavily as Rol manages to pass her and cuts her off forcing her to stop. Rol takes his gun and tells Gnat to give him a reason not to end her life right MAL urges him on to kill her! Gnat reminds him that he is better off with her alive rather than dead. MAL continues to urge him on as Gnat tells him to think. Rol forces Gnat out of the car and asks why she talked to Paula. As they walk, Gnat assures that Paula doesn't know exactly what he did. She alagain reminds him of the evidence she has and if she dies, the evidence will go straight the cops.

    At the party, Paula praises Emi on his dancing; and ZaiSo praises Andi for her singing. When Pepe notes that Lucia is downtrodden, she explains that though she is used to her mother not showing up, she still misses her. Paula then offers a hug and Lucia happily obliges. Paula tells her that she is very happy that hr son has such a wonderful girlfriend; she thanks her for also being another daughter to her.

    Gnat grabs the gun and points at her own forehead as she dares Rol to kill her. She tells MAL that she may think she can control men with her bed tricks, but Rol is not her puppet! As MAL urges Rol on, Gnat tells Rol that she is not filing the annulment papers and Paula will never be rid of him.. Both women talk at the same time for a while...until Rolando puts the gun down. Gnat then tells him that renewing their alliance has a price--she wants him to kill this trash in front of er...and he DOES!!!

  4. VIDA

    One anvil falls!! That really caught me off guard! Can't wait to see what you all have to say!

  5. VIDA

    Wow, Rgv Chick, thank you for your recap and you got it all!

    I was caught off guard, too. With both women talking to Rolando at once, in my head I was hoping he'd just turn and shoot Malena. But these telenovela characters NEVER do what I tell them to do (lol), until tonight. Wow. Just .... wow. Like you say, one anvil down, and a few more to go.

    Paula is an idiot. The annulment doesn't happen until a judge signs off on it. She's put the cart in front of the horse. And all those PaulEpe scenes = Gah. FFWD>>>
    And now that Gnat is back to hating Paula ... those papers will never be filed, which means Rolando will likely die.

    It was really sad that Malena was not at Lucia's birthday party. If she had, she might still be alive ;-) but, priorites. And good riddance to bad rubbish.

    I think Lorenzo now knows Isabela will never be his.

    I want more scenes with the Shih Tzu. We had one with that same coloring. Best dog ever. Most obedient and sane dog we ever owned too. LOL!!!

  6. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, you crafted this beautifully, adding a deep, rich texture, glazed to perfection.

    So many thoughts were swirling through my head as the car chase progressed. I kept thinking Gnat would manage to craftily use her lying, slippery, silver tongue to talk her way out of danger, threatening what would happen if Rol exposed her. Never did I expect Mal to die! A shocking development, especially on Lucia's birthday where the poor girl (despite Mal's poor treatment) was still very much missing her. As you noted Doris, if only Mal had been where she should have! Poor Lucia and Teo...

    It was hard to tell who was more shocked when Rol shot Mal; Mal or Gnat. Even though Gnat urged Rol to murder, I have a feeling she won't have a moment of remorse.

    Gnat's hatred for Paula is rekindled to blazing proportions. So much for death bed promises. At least Paula had a few hours of relief, believing she would soon be a free woman.

    "Rol swears that, as long as he lives, Paula and Pepe will not be happy (oh goodie, does this mean he will die???)" had me smiling and nodding, hoping that will soon be the case. "Rol threatens MAL--he will close her mouth permanently before she talks". And so hed did. He edges closer to madness with every episode.

    Usually, the the main couple's engagement is the major plot point of that particular episode but here, it hardly merits honorable mention!!

    Isa and Alex had yet another "moment" with Lor watching from the sidelines. Instead of the sizzle expected, we get fizzle. Ack.

    A great epsiode but the recap, far superior.

    Can't wait for the fallout!


  7. EL GALLO DE ORO #8 (UNI Edit) (VIX #10) Part One

    Tomorrow starts Season 2 with the remaining ten episodes.

    This was one jam-packed episode.

    1. Yes, the car finally starts and the chase is on for La Caponera and Dionisio by ranch hands on horseback at Lorenzo's orders. Remigio has told them that La Caponera is to be brought back but that they can shoot Dionisio. Sebas, the governor and the general come out to see what is going on. The governor sand the general say they will make sure that the police in Ocotlán and military are notified about La Caponera taking the car. They all insist that the card game continues. Lorenzo has no choice but to agree.

    2. La Caponera narrates: The source of her problem didn't come from being a source of luck but from the f...... greed of men she ran into on the road. They never were satisfied with what they had and always wanted more and more.That was why she ended up running away time and time again but this time she wasn't running away alone.

    3. Dionisio explains to La Caponera that the only reason he was working for Lorenzo was to find proof that Lorenzo killed his father. He found papers for land that his father owned. He also found something about La Caponera's and reads the information that was given to Lorenzo about her whereabouts. Lorenzo was also told to not worry about a Mr. Angel and he wouldn't be talking. La Caponera explains that Mr. Angel was a boyfriend of hers. He knew Lorenzo and that is how the SOB found out where she was.

    4. The band member who saw Justina and Carmela kissing is talking with another band member when Feliciano arrives with a bouquet for Justina. The band member tells Feliciano he has something he needs to know and it has nothing to do with the soldier.

    5.. Back at the card game, the governor says he likes games where luck changes sides like his wife changes shoes. They all laugh except for Lorenzo. Sebas thinks it is time to tempt lady luck to see whose side she is on. He suggests that they double the ante to make things more exciting. Lorenzo agrees.

    6. La Caponera asks where they should go. Dionisio says Ocotlán but La Caonera says she has to meet her band in Zapotlanejo. Suddenly the card starts to act up and dies. They start to walk. Dionisio hears the horses coming and guides La Caponera off the road and into the desert. The ranch hands arrive led by Aurelio. They see the car and start to search.

    7. Sebas is gleeful as he wins another hand. Lorenzo gets up and Sebas says it is rude to leave a game. Lorenzo makes it clear he is only going to get a shot. While Remigio serves him the shot, Remigio asks what they are going to tell Lucas. Lorenzo is not planning to lose the hacienda. Lorenzo tells Remigio he has an idea and shifts his gaze to the clothes tree where all of thr players coats are hanging. Remigio understands what he means.

    8. Dionisio and La Caponera go running through the desert but soon are confronted by Aurelio at gunpoint. Dionisio sends in front of La Caponera shielding her. Aurelio says he has to take La Caponera back. As for Dionisio, he is as good as dead so he needs to get moving. Little does he know but Candelario from the band has been following him with Secundino who knocks him out. La Caponera and Dionisio are rescued.

  8. GALLO Part Two

    9. Lorenzo bets everything he has and Sebas wins with a SEVEN OF CUPS. Sebas rubs his win in and says he is SURE that Lorenzo will never forget that card. He and his brother Juvencio laugh and celebrate. Lorenzo has another shot. Sebas says they got what they came for and tells Lucas that Lorenzo has an announcement for him. Lucas is curious what it is.

    10. Back in town, La Camponera complains to her band mates that they didn't tell her that they were being threatened and that she wasn't told when they found out the truth about that f****** radio station owner. The answer is that she seemed happy with Lorenzo. She calls him as ass**** and admits he had her pegged from day one. Secundino says now that he have confirmed that Lorenzo is dishonest, La Caponera needs to be careful. She thinks that Lorenzo being a bastard will come after her. Dioniso thinks they need to let it calm down and then decide what to do.

    11. In the mean time, it is evident that Sebas has told Lucas that Lorenzo has lost the hacienda. Lucas says that cannot be. Lorenzo plays stupid not knowing what they are talking about. Sebas explains that they made a deal and the lost. Now Lorenzo has to pay up. Lorenzo admits he has a gambling debt with the Arriagas but he never signed an official document establishing the hacienda as collateral. Sebas sends his brother Juvencio to get the document out of his coat pocked but it isn't there. Lorenzo says he cannot find it because it doesn't exist. Sebas calls him a cheating coward. Lucas puts an end to the arguing saying that teh honor of their family is on the line and if his son said that he didn't put up the hacienda, he didn't. The governor says since there is no document, it is only one person's word against another's. The Arriagas leave.

    12. La Caponera asks Dionisio what kind of business his father had with Lorenzo. Dionisio tells her that his mother found some documents with Lorenzo's signature. He know it was Lorenzo's signature from when he wanted to buy his rooster and Lorenzo signed a promissory note for him. He shows her the photo of him as a baby with his parents and the rooster painting in the background. Dionisio says the hacienda didn't belong to his father but that he found deeds at Lorenzo's. He thinks that Lorenzo cheated his father out of the land on which he built the hacienda.

    13. La Caponera has an idea. She thinks that she and Dionisio should pool the little money they have and gamble so they can make some money. She cannot see them losing. They can really do well together starting fresh in a new place. They can increase their money until they have enough to get even with Lorenzo. She is even willing to stop her performing at the fairs until they get back on their feet. Now they need to get out of the state so Lorenzo cannot come after them. She admits she was suspicious of Lorenzo. Dionisio hopes that luck smiles on them. They are both in.

    14. Aurelio gives his report to Lorenzo about his pursuit of La Caponera. He found her but then somebody knocked him out from behind.. When he came to, she was gone. Remigio gives Lorenzo some things that Dionisio left behind. There are two family photos. Lorenzo doesn't recognize the people. There are some bills of exchange signed by Samuel Pinzón. It was so long ago. Lorenzo wonders if he is some relative of Dionisio. Lorenzo finds out that his father will not be joining him for lunch but will see him at supper.

  9. GALLO Part Three

    15. The band discusses how they have to get out of town because of Lorenzo. Feliciano shows up drunk. Justina asks why? He angrily tells her to shut her snout. She asks what is wrong. He has found out that she likes women and calls her a f****** dy**. He would have rather slept with a full-fledged whore than have slept with her. She finds out that one of the band members saw her kissing Carmela but didn't tell her. He says because Feliciano is his friend. Feliciano starts to get aggressive with Justina and the other band members protect her. Feliciano is put out and accuses them of taking her side. He never wants to see his "friends" again.

    16. Lucas has supper with Lorenzo. He asks if Lorenzo wanted to kill him with betting the hacienda. Lorenzo swears he never did. Lucas doesn't believe him because he is a fool. Lucas blames himself for protecting him from the consequences of whatever he did. He asks his idiot son what he was thinking. Did he think a whore would save him from all of his problem? The worst part of of it is that she would have saved him if only he had the b**** (guts) to win the respect of a woman. Lorenzo reminds his father that the hacienda is also his and has grown thanks to him. Lucas doesn't deny that but at least he is not a timid ass**** or a f****** murderer. Lorenzo insists that she asked for it. He only did what was fair. Lucas asks his idiot son what kind of justice is he talking about. He feels sorry for him. The conversation is over.

    17. Lucas is back in his room and decides to commit suicide and shoot himself in the head. He ends up changing his mind and tosses his gun aside. Still, he is dead a short time later when Sebas sneaks into his room and smothers him with a pillow.

    18. Justina tells La Caponera all about falling in love with Carmela. La Caponera is understanding and supportive. She is like a sister to her and advises Justina to live her life as she wishes.

    19. The next morning, Engracia alerts Lorenzo that she has not seen Lucas yet. He enters his father's room and finds him dead in his wheelchair. He also finds a playing card in his pocket. It is the SEVEN OF CUPS. He knows who killed his father. In tears, he keeps apologizing to his father. He admits it is all his fault.

    20. Justina says that Lorenzo always knew La Caponera was the lucky charm. La Caponera thinks that Angel told him and it cost him his life. She tells Justina how Lorenzo made up he story about the radio station owner. The SOB knew her weak spots. Justina reminds La Caponera that she once told her that when Dionisio looked at her, it was as if he was looking into her soul. Justina adds that Dionisio only looks at La Caponera that way, nobody else. La Caponera smiles.

    21. La Caponera narrates: The majority of the time the answer to your prayers is right in front of your nose even if you haven't noticed. Dionisio was who could free her from her fate. She hadn't seen it.

    22. Secundino tells Dionisio that making money and getting even with Lorenzo is a dream not a plan. Dionisio doesn't care what you call it, it is what he and La Caponera are going to do. Secundino knows that the only thing that matters to Dionisio is being with La Caponera. Dionisio doesn't see anything wrong with that. Secundino is concerned about Lorenzo coming after him since he took his woman. Dionisio says that La Caponera doesn't belong to anybody. He admits that they still do not know what they are going to do.

  10. GALLO Part Four

    23. Lucas's corpse is laid out on his bed complete with coins on his eyes. Lorenzo is sitting with him. Remigio comes to tell him that he has a visitor. It is Feliciano with information on where La Caponera is.

    24. La Caponera and the group are singing at a cantina as Dionisio is gambling and winning. After the performance and on the way to their rooms, Dionisio tells La Caponera that he has won enough for them to leave the state. He adds that he thinks she gave him luck. La Caponera says he only got the hang of playing. Dionisio makes it clear he is not talking about cards. He is talking about her because she has changed his life. For him, luck isn't having loads of money. Luck for him is having her around and being able to look at her. They stare at each other smiling until he tells her to go rest and he will see her later. She enters her room and closes the door. Shortly after, she hears a knock. She opens the door and it is Lorenzo.


  11. gallo

    I'm halfway through the last episode of Season 1. I haven't yet read your recap, Jarifa. I have to get to bed early because I have an appointment to renew my CA drivers license tomorrow. I'll be putting up a comment in the afternoon Pacific time.

  12. Gallo
    Thank you Jarifa for the excellent summary of that last episode. The show was packed with plot movement and you masterfully brought it all into focus. That playing card in Lucas’ pocket was an impactful silent message.

  13. Vida #86

    Great work, RGV Chick.

    During the last two days I began thinking that Malena would be the first to fall. I wasn't quite expecting this, but it will do.

    What kills me is that any intelligent person could believe that one could sacrifice her own life to save another's in this manner. That sounds a lot more pagan than Christian. The doctor spoke of it as though it were coincidence but it now looks as though Gnat fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I can't believe she bought that idea. We were right to have doubted her bid for redemption.

    If Malena's body is left there Lucia won't know until the next day.

    There aren't enough episodes left to deal with Arturo's parents.

    Here's hoping Gracia has the docs and other stuff taken from the safe.

  14. Vida

    Thanks Rgv Chick, I think that one surprised all of us. Nat was not able to stick with following her mom’s death bed requests. Oh, well. She and Rol will have to hide the body or they’ll be the first to be suspected.

    Meanwhile everyone’s partying and doesn’t seem worried about losing their home and livelihood.

    Gracia needs to go through the stuff from the safe very soon. I think that’s how Rol will be found out. Although I was sure Rol was going to kill Nat last night so don’t count on anything I say.


  15. Vida

    Dear Chickie, thank you. You did a spectacular job of capturing all the drama. Birthday party.....wheeee . Murder...ohhhh.

    The screaming match at guntoting Rol by his lovers was so weird. That scene of the three baddies together seemed like someone was going to be voted off the island . I suppose MAL got eliminated because Rol has been sheetshaking with gnat longer and prefers her slikz.

    What's next? I am sure that Rosa got Paula her miracle. Then, wedding and HEA for Paulepe and one big happy blended family without MAL around to rain on everyone's parade in her sports bra and puffer vest.

    I suppose indecisive Isa will not choose Lor, but maybe it is too late for her to return to Alex. If they do stay together, maybe Gracia will give determined , ardent Marcos a chance .

    Diana, you made Chickie's recap sound delicious !!


  16. Vida

    Hmmmm....Where in the world is Renata? Will she crash Lucia's party?

  17. VIDA

    Thank you, everyone!

    Looks like everyone was as surprised as I was that MAL was shot. Yes, Susan, the screaming match was quite weird and trying to get the jist of what each witch was spewing was difficult. But Gnat did have the upper hand since she (thinks she) has that evidence on Rol. I can't wait to seeker reaction when's she finds out it is gone!

    Doris, "Paula is an idiot. The annulment doesn't happen until a judge signs off on it. She's put the cart in front of the horse." She's been doing that all along, hasn't she? That and her impulsivity in making stupid decisions make this character look just plain dumb.

    Liz, "Meanwhile everyone’s partying and doesn’t seem worried about losing their home and livelihood." It amazes me how these people can experience such infuriating/depressive situations, and turn around in a nanosecond to put on a smile as if nothing is wrong.

    Diana, I hadn't thought about MAL being shot on Lucia's birthday! How horrible it will be for Lucia. And I too was disappointed in how Pepe romance whatsoever!

    Urban, I agree that it's too late to deal with Art's parents. If Art somehow does "come out" it's gonna be aanother beanie popper.

  18. VIDA

    Susan, "Where in the world is Renata?" Could she really be gone? I really wouldn't mind, but her last scene certainly couldn't be her last.

  19. Gallo

    Thanks, Jarifa, for the excellent recap of all the goings on. I’d be lost without you. I did figure the card in Lucas’ pocket was put in by the one who won the card game and killed him. But at first I thought he had pocketed the card to mess up the game.

    Dionisio must seem too good to be true for La Caponera. He’s really not interested in money.


  20. vida
    Thanks, rgv chick.
    I feel kind of disappointed by the ending Mal got. I don't know what I expected, but was just...It sort of just happened?
    I can only imagine that at some point Teo will realise his mum didn't love him. I know he has Paula, but still.
    Nat can't be that stupid as to believe this kind of sacrifice means anything. I suppose she might have wanted an excuse that would let her keep hating Paula, but I did think she was considering making amends. This twist is plain weird to me.
    Rol saying that if Paula doesn't like what he did for her out of love, she should just see what he can do if he starts hating her was so funny. I mean, there's no difference between these two feelings when it comes to Rol. In the second case it of course can get worse, but then is he admitting his 'loving' actions aren't the best?What a way to recommend yourself to a partner:I'm obsessive when I'm 'in love', but it's even orse when I hate you so pick one.

  21. Vida

    Waterlily, I agree that MAL was dispatched quickly and without any creativity ( no coyotes, no prison abuse, no laguishing at the bottom of that ravine etc).The writers had gnat tell Pepe all of MAL's sins , and then once naive, trusting Pepe had a chance to confront MAL....bang . Adios MAL. Who inherits her wardrobe of sports bras and puffer vests ? Lucia ?

  22. VIDA

    I wondered if Mal was going to be dead meat when Gnat mentioned Rol killing German in front of her. Mal didn't know about that and would have tried to use it against Rol.

    Y'all! Please do not invoke the name of la rata. I hope we are done with her for-ever.

  23. GALLO

    It has been a very busy day. Anyway,

    novelera, I look forward to your comments. The DMV is always a pain.

    Anon, thank you for your kind comments. This series is so good!

    Liz, I totally agree about Dionisio seeming too good to be true to La Caponera. How long will it take to get rid of Lorenzo and for them to really get together? Lorenzo’s character is so hateful.

  24. EL GALLO DE ORO #9 (UNI edit) (VIX Season2 #1) Part One

    1. La Caponera is SHOCKED to see Lorenzo.

    2. The camera pulls away and we see La Caponera in a wedding dress smiling and looking at herself in a mirror. She narrates: There are some people who think that your destiny is set and cannot be changed and that what you do or say doesn't matter. She agrees with them. It is obvious that damn destiny always uses its tricks to get its own way. It makes you look north when you wanted to go south and sometimes, athough you don't want to admit it, destiny has its reasons.

    3. We rewind back to the first scene where La Caponera asks Lorenzo how he found her. He backs her up into the room and closes the door. He tells her to take out her dagger. She takes it out of the garter on her leg and turns it over to him. He tosses it on the bed. La Caponera tells him that they both have a lot of problems and that is why they cannot be together. She asks why does he want to force her. He says it doesn't. They love each other. She is sure that he knows it doesn't work if it is forced, she is useless to him. That is why he came. He is there to apologize to her. They can make a fresh start of it. She tells him that she would rather that he shoot her than go with him. Dionisio walks in and Lorenzo points his gun at him. He calls Dionisio an SOB and Dionisio tells him to go. Lorenzo asks what Dionisio wants with La Caponera and why he doesn't leave her alone. She is too much of a woman for him. Dionisio looks at her and says he has no doubt about that and that is why both he and Lorenzo are going to leave her alone in peace so she can live her life, Lorenzo can live his and Dionisio can live his. Lorenzo says he cannot expect him to believe that. Dionisio is like the rest of them. He wants her for her luck. Dionisio doesn't get it and looks at La Caponera as Lorenzo asks if he didn't know what La Caponera could do for him. Lorenzo goes to shoot him and La Caponera rushes him. Remigio, of course, emerges as needed to assist his cousin and holds a gun on Dionisio as Lorenzo again points his at La Caponera. Lorenzo tells Remigio to take La Caponera. She tries to resist but it is useless. Dionisio tells her to go. Lorenzo is alone with Dionisio with his gun still pointed at him. Lorenzo cannot believe that Dioniso fell in love with her. He tells him he is a loser just like his father. He wan't good at making bets either. He pistol whips Dionisio and then points his gun at him again asking if he is going to defend himself. Lorenzo laughs remembering that Dionisio cannot touch him. Outside, two guys from the band see Remigio marching La Caponera out with a gun to her head. They confront Remigio. She starts telling Remigio that Lorenzo doesn't respect anyone. He might kill him, too. Remigio now has more to think about and watch out for and is jumpy. Back in the room, Lorenzo hits Dionisio with his gun again. He calls Dionisio, who has collapsed into a corner on top of a desk, a poor jerk. He is shocked when Dionisio wheels around and hits him hard. He ends up unconscious on the floor. Dionisio grabs the gun and holds it on him as he remembers the scene where he kills his father and his mother holds him by the shoulders. Outside, some other band members arrive (withoutFeliciano) and with a good guitar blow to the head, Remigio is also unconscious and out of action..Dionisio shoots out a tire on Lorenzo's car(smart man!) and the group decides the time has come to get out of town.

  25. EL GALLO Part Two

    4. Lorenzo arrives worse for wear with Remigio at his father's funeral. The governor offers his condolences and suggests that he changes his clothes out of respect for his father. Lorenzo asks who in the hell is he to tell him what to do. The governor says he was friends with his father for years. He starts to tell Lorenzo about everything that is wrong in his life from that woman to the gambling debt, to being late for his own father's funeral. Lorenzo is not up for sermons from a crooked politician and he orders all of the mourners to leave. Remigio says that the mourners haven't done anything wrong. Lorenzo agrees. The one who is to blame for it all is Remigio because he let La Caponera get away. He will never forgive him. Remigio reminds him that he let Diniosio get away, too. They both pull their guns on the other. Lorenzo tells Remigio to pull the trigger. Remigio puts his gun away and apologizes. Lorenzo says he rues the day that his father allowed Remigio come and stay at the hacienda. Lorenzo lowers his gun and tells Remigio to pack up this things and move out. Remigio is shocked because Lorenzo knows he has no where to go. Lorenzo says if he stays, he will be living and working with the peons. He will never come into the house again.Remigio agrees to say under those conditions. Remigio thanks his cousin. Lorenzo makes him hand over his gun.

    5. La Caponera tends to Dionsio's wounds on his face. Secundino brings them some medicine he uses on his roosters' wounds. He says Dionisio should be grateful for her being able to to tend to him. La Caponera says the one who should be saying thanks is her. Dionisio saved her life again even though Lorenzo almost killed him. Dionisio promises that Lorenzo didn't end up any better. Secundino tells them to make themselves at home. She doesn't understand how Dioniso could attack Lorenzo. Dionisio says it was either that or risk that she was going to get hurt. She is supposing that Dionisio has lots of questions after having heard what Lorenzo had to say. Dionisio says only if she wants to answer them.

    6. As the band members help move around Secundino's roosters, they think it was Feliciano who ratted out La Caponera. Justina says he was getting back at her. Secundino welcomes them all to his hacienda. They are all worried about Lorenzo looking for them. Secundino tells them that they are days away from Lorenzo's hacienda. He used to live in San Marcos but that was before his wife died. She died of sadness. He admits that he was the one who caused that sadness. He tells them all to make themselves at home.

    7. Lucas is buried at the hacienda. It looks like Remigio got to dig the hole. Lorenzo sits on the grave with a bottle of tequila asking for his father's forgiveness. He never thought his father would have to get involved. It was his problem. His father was right. That whore was the cause of his ruin. He promises him that those two will pay. He swears on it.

  26. EL GALLO Part Three

    8. La Caponera tells Dionisio that what Lorenzo said was true. She can give people luck if she wants to. Dionisio doesn't believe her. She says, well, she can. That is why he won those card games so easily. And he will win again as long as she is with him. She wants him to win. He doesn't know what to think. She explains that it how it is in her family with all of the women. She sees it as a curse because what happened with Lorenzo is nothing new. She always ends up in the same situation. Some ass**** burned her mother alive so she wouldn't leave and give him the luck he wanted. She also had to run away from Angel. That wasn't the first or even the second time. She can't take much more. If she could get rid of this f****** "gift" she would. It is never ending. Dionisio kisses her hands and tells her he never knew they were so much the same. He tells her to leave and go some place that nobody knows her and she is the only one one who knows about her "gift." She asks about what will happen to him. He says he has always been alone. She asks if it would matter to him if she left. He says of course he would care. She kisses him and tells him that she wants to stay with him. She warns him it isn't easy being with her. He asks if it is easy being with him. He kisses her. She warns him that she is like gun powder, a flirt, a drinker and a dreamer. .. a singing bird without the cage. She asks if he is sure. He hasn't heard a thing he doesn't like. They kiss and are into other activities . . . Afterwards, Dionisi
    o says he never thought he could feel that way. She thinks it must be hard not being able to touch people. She admits to feeling special that she is the only one who can touch him. She asks why he cannot touch people. He explains. His father had it all. He had land, money and suddenly he lost it all. He changed and became violent. He beat his mother so badly that sometimes she couldn't walk. One day, he thought he was going to kill her so he shot him and killed him. After feeling his father's blood, he couldn't touch anyone. He still doesn't know why he can touch her. It was all because of bastard Lorenzo with his f****** cheating and game playing . He drove his father crazy. She asks why he didn't kill Lorenzo when he had the chance. Dionisio says he knows what it is to kill and doesn't want to do it again. He still has things that need to be settled with him. La Caponera does, too. They agree to find him.

    9. At a cantina, a man is putting the moves on Lucha and bringing her up to date on what is going on with Lorenzo. She doesn't care that this man is offering her a future. She finds out from him that Lorenzo and La Caponera had a fight and that she left. Then his father died. He warns her that Lorenzo is out of control. He feels like she is playing with fire. She asks when doesn't she? SURPRISE! Lorenzo is waiting for her in her room. She expresses her condolences about his father. She heard he was no longer with La Caponera. She is happy to hear that. He says now they do not have to have a secret relationship. She will also not be able to blackmail him since La Caponera is gone. She sees his bruised face and offers to heal him. He says there is only one way. (Marvin Gaye?) She willingly offers herself up. He chokes her to death while they have sex. He closes her eyes.

  27. EL GALLO Part Four


    10. We see Remigio putting "missing" posters up with La Caponera's likeness on them. La Caponera and Dionisio are making a fortune gambling and enjoying life together. They are still living with Secundino. Remigio reports to the tequila swigging Lorenzo, who passes his time sitting on his fathers grave, that La Caponera has not been found. Dionisio is careful that they don't win too much when they gamble. They cannot risk becoming famous. They make themselves scarce if one of the posters shows up. La Caponera is very pregnant.

    11. La Caponera's water breaks and she goes into labor. She worries about her ability to be a mother when she can barely take care of herself. Dionisio worries about being a good father when he never had a role model. La Caponera gives birth to a baby girl. Dionsio discovers that he can touch her. La Caponera tells him that her family only has girls. He reminds her that the baby is also a Pinzón. La Caponera tells Dionsio that she wants them to get married. He agrees.

    12. it is the wedding day and La Caponera is in her dress. Secundino tells her she is the prettiest bride he has ever seen. The wedding takes place at Secundino's. La Caponera tells us that this was indeed the happiest day in her life. There were the two of them showing everyone that love conquers all. She was so happy. Stubborn destiny brought her there and for that she was very grateful. The wedding is a happy event.

    13. Lorenzo is sitting alone at his table drinking. Remigio, still banished from the house, dares to come in to tell his cousin that the judge is here to carry out the lien against his property. He is going to lose a lot of land. Remigio wonders if he could negotiate with the Arriaga's. He says no way. Remigio thinks that it is the only way to keep his hacienda from being taken away from him bit by bit. Lorenzo doesn't care what they do.

    14. At the wedding, Secundino tells Dionisio that everythig is ready. Secundino asks him if he thinks it is a good idea. Dionsio says they cannot be in hiding all of their lives. His daughter will not be a fugitive. It is time to stop that ass **** Lorenzo. THey will leave early tomorrow.


  28. gallo

    This comment is about #10, end of Season 1. I said I'd comment in the afternoon. But I chose the DMV office near the town where I worked for over 30 years until retiring last year. That office doesn't have as much traffic and it's easier to book an appointment. After I had the eye test, written rules of the road test and my picture taken, I was given a temporary license until the one with the picture comes in the mail. On impulse I called the old place. Of course everyone insisted I come over. Lots of hugs and "we really miss yous". Then, when it was almost 5PM, my former boss practically ordered me to come to his house because his wife wanted to spend some time with me. Long story short, I got home at 8PM.

    What a marvelous recap, Jarifa!! I loved all the f****s and a***s. You are so right when you say that this novela is like a good movie. I am riveted when watching and surprised when each episode comes to an end. I want it to keep going.

    At the beginning there were some hints that maybe Remigio wouldn't be as bad as Lorenzo. I even thought he'd turn on him after ending up in the urinal. But no. He's a perfect lap dog. I don't see what he gets out of this servility.

    I have a question. Does Gallo on Vix have subtitles? So many years of studying, but I still like subtitles in Spanish to perfect my understanding. I tried to watch Destilando Amor on Vix because I somehow never saw it. But there were no subtitles. Also, does Vix leave in the bleeped words? I'm tired of backing up my DVR recording so as to better read lips!

    I am confused about who did what and how old they were when they did it. Is Lorenzo that much older than Dionisio that he stole the land when Dionisio was a small child? Also, what did Lucas know and when did he know it? I kept expecting the reveal that Lucas stole Samuel Pinzón's land. And Lorenzo didn't seem to even recognize the name Samuel Pinzón.

    Wow, that Sebas is an evil SOB! I hope he gets some just desserts in Season 2.

    It's interesting that La Caponera doesn't say anything about her "gift" to Dionisio. She recommends gambling to get a "stake" together, but glosses over why she thinks he'll win.

    I added some new vocabulary words in this one. Last night it was badulaque, which is what Lucas called his son at the dinner table. It has some other meanings, but my online Reverso includes nincompoop.

    La Caponera was a bit disappointed but also pleased in a way that Dionisio wasn't spending the night in her room. But she went to the door thinking he'd changed his mind.

    Well, time to watch Season 2, Epi. #1. Wanted to get my licks in before reading your recap of tonight's show.

  29. TU VIDA #87 Part 1/2

    Here is last night’s mini-recap. It is very condensed for the sake of brevity. Some scenes combined, some omitted. Possibly a few mistranslations so please correct those?

    PEPE announces to the attendees of Lucia’s birthday party that he and Paula are engaged to be married. The crowd cheers. Apparently the fact that Paula is still married to Rolando doesn’t seem to bother anyone. Okaaay…

    MALENA is on the ground, bleeding out. Rol tells her that she was a good distraction. He goes to shoot her again and finish off the job but Nat stops him, saying she won’t live long so save your bullet. They discuss what to do with the body, as if they’re disposing of an old sofa.

    Mal, in the meantime, is putting on the dying scene of this actor’s life. Nat doesn’t think anyone will look for her, and compares how Mal is dying to how Rosa went. Then she says that Mal’s pain is NOTHING compared to what awaits Paula, at Natalia’s hands.

    Nat tells Rol that she is not going to file the paperwork to annul his marriage and end the interdiction. She leaves and Rol stays behind because he has something else he needs to do. He lies on the ground next to Mal, gets her cell phone, and types in a goodbye text to Pepe and tells her what he is typing. All while Mal is writhing on the ground in pain.

    The last we see of Mal, she has managed to turn herself over and is grasping at the grass. We never see her take a final breath, so maybe she will survive to wreak further havoc in someone’s life.

    GRACIA TELLS Marco she and Nat spread Rosa’s ashes and for a brief moment, she thought there might a hope for her and Nat. Now she has lost all hope. She thought Nat could change, but no. Marcos says it is hard for people to change and suggests she accept things as they are. He is really sweet while he tries to comfort Gracia.

    ISABELA gives Rafa recognition for improving himself and becoming a better person. She is proud of him and happy that he and ZaiSo are together.

    ANDI asks Diego if he knows who Art likes. She sees Luci and Emi happy and she doesn’t think she can see Art with anyone else.

    GRACIA next tells Alex that Nat is going to cancel the sale of his land to Rolando which would return it to Alex & Isa. Alex does not believe it, and Gracia doubts Nat will compete her promise to dying Rosa.

    NATALIA calls Paula to tell her she won’t be filing the papers and that she can forget everything they talked about. Forget your plans with Pepe. Your tumor will kill you before you can get your marriage annulled. Paula reminds Nat of her promise to Rosa. Nat tells her that Rosa gave her life in exchange for yours, and you will pay for that. And she sets the paperwork on fire.

  30. TU VIDA # 87 Part 2/2

    AT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY – Pepe receives Rolando's 'text message from Malena'. It tells him she is leaving town forever because she is not willing to go to jail for killing Rigoberto. She hopes the kids will forgive her for all the damage she did, and please do not try to find her. Hasta nunca. Pepe is stunned.

    Later, Pepe & Rafa are talking. Rafa asks what happened to Malena, and Pepe tells him everything about the bodus interruptus, the kidnapping plan that Mal & Rigo cooked up, and that Mal and had already lost the baby long before that day.

    ROLANDO and Paula discuss and argue about Natalia’s about-face. Idiot Paula shows her current husband Rolando the engagement ring Pepe gave her. They argue. Lather, rinse, repeat, FFWD>>> Rol has the last word when he tells her that he has any woman he wants, except her, and ‘he won’t stop until she is completely his.’ Ew.

    DIEGO and EMILIANO discuss the Arturo situation. Emi thinks Andi will be okay with the truth and that it will be worse if Andi finds out from someone else. Diego says if Andi asks him to ditch Art, he would because he does not want to lose his cousin.

    ANDI and LUCIA have a sleepover and girl talk. Luci has decided she wants her ”first time” to be with Emi and wants it to be romantic. FWD>>>

    LORENZO and PAULA discuss his relationship with Isabela. He says Isa is in love with Alex. Paula thinks Lor and Isa still have a connection. Paula tells him she wants to name her foundation after Rosa and Lor approves.

    GRACIA visits Alex because she is still a hot emotional mess over Natalia. She thought Nat would change but she saw the coldness in her eyes, and it’s just not going to happen to her hija. They finally kiss! Alex apologizes. Gracia says no need to do that. Gracia says let’s pretend it didn’t happen and besides, Isabaela still loves you. Alex says oh yes, this just happened and he needs Gracia now more than ever. They decide to give their relationship a chance. And kiss again.

    EMILIANO tells Diego he wants to take the “next step” with Lucia but he doesn’t want to pressure her. Diego points out that Luci is different from La Rata; maybe Luci needs a little more time before this happens. Emiliano says he doesn’t know if he can wait and Diego says love is a 2-way street and he has to respect Lucia’s feelings.

    ISABELA remembers a scene with Alex from happier times, then she remembers the kiss with Lorenzo in the rain. Girl still can’t make up her mind, bless her heart.

    BORIS AND NATASHA – she reminds him that he is basically still her slave because she guards his secrets and he can lose everything she controls with the snap of her fingers. Rol says that Paula plans to hire another lawyer but Nat isn’t worried; with all her medical expenses, it would take her years to sort everything out. Nat won’t rest until she sees Paula die in absolute misery.

    Pepe tells Paula that Malena has left town for good and abandoned their kids. Pepe wants her to be a mother to his kids and he will be a father to hers.


  31. GALLO

    novelera, what a wonderful day you had! It is always fun visiting those who are still working knowing you can leave at any time. ; ) On VIX, There are English and Spanish subtitles to choose from. The English subtitles on Gallo actually seem to have some human input and not be computer generated. As far as language goes, nothing is bleeped. The excessive bleeping is one of my Uni but also Telemundo pet peeves. I love the variety of vocabulary these novelas bring us. It adds so much more color and authenticity to these stories. Supposedly, Lorenzo is quite older than Dionisio. The deed that Dionisio found was from the 1920’s and a character remarked that Lorenzo was quite young when he obtained the land. Dionisio doesn’t look very young nor does La Caponera either As a matter of fact, EVERYONE in the cast looks long in the tooth to me, so to speak, but I think people did look older back in those days due to having lived harder lives so it hasn’t bothered me too much.

  32. Vida #87

    4...3...2...... Finale is just around the corner.

    It takes a special kind of evil for a man to plan to rape a woman with a potentially fatal medical condition. Rolando deserves a fate worse than death for this. If Ginebra of Receta had set her sights on him I would give her a pass on his murder.

    Is there enough time to resolve everything important?

  33. Vida

    Dear Doris, thank you for another wonderful ride of a recap as our characters sputter to THE END.

    What I will remember about this show and the recaps is you dubbing the despicable duo of Rol and gnat as Boris and Natasha . I wonder who Rocky and Bullwinkle are .

    Too lying next to dying MAL was awful.

    Will Isa end up alone ? Will Alex choose Gracia ?Now Gracias is the one with two suitors. Will lovelorn Lor still want indecisive Isa? You snooze; you lose.


  34. VIDA

    "Will Isa end up alone ? Will Alex choose Gracia?"
    Susan - at this point my give-a-darn meter is broke with this .... five-some? pentagon? five-way? ;-)

    Urban - the writers will have to move fast to resolve e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, IMO.

    Bring on the Por Fin, porfis.

  35. VIVIR

    Doris, another exceptional recap.

    "The last we see of Mal, she has managed to turn herself over and is grasping at the grass. We never see her take a final breath, so maybe she will survive to wreak further havoc in someone’s life" was perfect and mirrored exactly what I thought.

    I have to say I was sickened by Malena's suffering. Gnat telling Rol not to waste a bullet to put her out of her misery was reprehensible. Rol of course is going straight to hell. The sooner the better.

    Isa has been flip flopping like a newly caught fish on the floor of a boat. I want her to choose Alex so that he can reject her for Gracia. (I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning).

    I think the evil triumverate is still intact, although one hanging onto life by a thread.


  36. VIDA

    "Isa has been flip flopping like a newly caught fish on the floor of a boat."
    Now that paints a perfect word picture! LOL

  37. vida
    Thanks, Doris.
    Emiliano saying that he maybe isn't ready to wait annoyed me. How is it that Diego has to point out that Lucia isn't Renata? Emiliano hasn't lost this tendency of his to put his own wishes first. Now it just so happens that he and Lucia want the same thing, but what if she hadn't been prepared? It was bad enough when he kept showing up to ask her if they could get back together. This reminds me of a fairytale where a wolf kept asking a man if he could eat bread already and kept getting answers like 'we need to plant the wheat has to grow...'
    Andy is scary with that attitude of 'no one can take him from me.' I hope she wakes-up soon because a guy, whoever he might be, is not her property. It's a bit odd shecompletely ignores the fact Art fancies someone else. She seems to think it's that other person's fault.
    Diana, I'd love Alex to dump Isa for Gracia. What a scene that would be!If they can make-up random stuff, why not this? You know what? I think we should all team-up and write our own telenovela. It's a pity we don't have televisa's budget...

  38. Vida

    Thanks Doris. That was a great recap. I don’t see how they’ll resolve everything in 3 episodes. Did I hear(or read) something about killing the doctor so he can’t operate on Paula. The good guys need to quit sharing their good news.

    Mal’s death was bad. If she is dead. She has a phone, she can call 911 and tell all about her would be killers.


  39. gallo

    Thanks a million for another fantastic recap, Jarifa! And thanks also for the information about Vix. I added it to my Roku streaming device, but haven't had much time to watch, considering I'm watching so many things on Uni.

    "Too much of a woman!" Hah. I liked the unexpected reply from Dionisio. In a regular TN, the galán would reply with some assertion of his masculinity. Dionisio just agrees, and wants the best for La Caponera.

    I loved the wedding dress showing up, looking like La Caponera's fantasy, as she sees Lorenzo at her door. And then it all comes true! I really wasn't expecting that at all. I felt that the story was too tragic for there to be a wedding in it.

    That was the first time I was hoping for a change from the usual rule that a protagonist never kills in cold blood. Dionisio told La Caponera that he had killed and didn't want to do it again. But, if there was ever a mad dog that needed "putting down", it's Lorenzo!

    I suppose the time the story takes place is when people had few choices. I guess this is why Remigio continues to eat crow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope they'll show him getting some revenge at some point.

    I love the style of speech the actors use. To me it seems clipped and rather the way simple people speak.

    What? Lorenzo blames La Caponera for his "ruin". What about the massive debt he accumulated because of his gambling addiction? He did that all by himself. AND he was too greedy and obvious to keep her by his side.

    A loooong time ago, when I was 5 years old, I had my throat painted with gentian violet after a tonsillectomy. This is what La Caponera used for Dionisio.

    Got a big kick out of the "Marvin Gaye" song reference vis a vis our protagonists' well filmed love scene.

    I also enjoyed the later scene when La Caponera is shown singing her theme song, with her face and shoulders shown. And just after, they show her hugely pregnant belly and the water breaking.

  40. VIDA Ep. 88 Part 1

    So Pepe asked Paula to be a mother to Teo and Lucia, but Paula already considers them her children...they are family! Pepe loved the sound of "mi familia." Paula promises tha she won't make a mistake with their children although she made mistakes with her own. Pepe comments that they all mistakes...he doesn't want her to carry the burden of their home on her own, now they are two!

    Rol slithers into Paula's bedroom and looks around until he finds Pepe's letters and starts to read them. He wads them up with pure hatred in his eyes.

    As Lor tells Paula that Dr Jasso is coming to talk to her, the dark cloud Rols in and chides Pepe for not staying away from his wife! Pepep shoul dbe far away from there! When Lor asks what's going on, Rol growls that Lor's daughter was trying to make a fool of him. He takes out the wadded up letters and adds that "these two" have been communicating all the while. Paula is aghast and berates him for reading her letters...he has no right to invade her privacy! Rol warns tha if she wanted to make things worse, she has accomplished that!

    Andi is after Diego trying to get him to tell her who Art is in love with. Diego finally concedes that he does know. As she insists that he tell him who that person is, Rafa interrupts and tells them that he is expecting his piano students (huh?? when did that happen!?? #1) Diego starts to leave, but And stops him..and he promises that she can meet with that person at the pier in one hour; he just asks that she listen to that person and not be judgemental.

    Emi and Lucia are laying side by side outside. Emi tells her about the ringing of a bell when someone gets cured of their cancer. He can't wait until he hears the bell ringing for his mother. Lucia thinks they need to have faith. After they talk about how brave Paula is, Lucia tells him he is brave too. They say their "I love you's" ...and Lucia tells Emi that she "is ready!" Emi tells her that he is not going to pressure her and will wait until she is ready, but Lucia insists that she is ready now!

    Rol continues his rant and makes his usual threats--he is going to throw out the Castillos from the property, heis going to send Susy to a boarding school far away, he will send Diego to a military school where he will finally be made into a man, and if Emi falls off the wagon, he will send him to a rehab center. Paula counters that he will not mess with her kids...she will fight with everything she has to protect her children from him. When ROl reminds her that she doesn't have money to pay a lawyer, Lor interjects that Paula can count on his money. He will support Paula and will not allow Rol to use the kids for his dirty games. After Rol asks what he will do about it, Lor takes out a document which Paula explains to be a restraining order they got after presenting evidence of Rol's abuse toward the kids (huh?? when did that happen!?? #2). If he tries to take her kids anywhere, he will face severe legal consequences. Lor adds that Paula has already initiated proceedings to get complete custody over Susy and Diego. Paula then tells Rol that it's time for him to disappear; her family has suffered enough because of him!

    Emi and Lucia are now in the treehouse. Emi makes his move, but Lucia stops him because she wants their first time to be spehh-cial.

  41. VIDA Ep. 88 Part 2

    Alex goes to see Isa and tells her that he and Gracia kissed! Isa, who is visibly upset, When ALex explains that he doesn;t want to hide anything from her; she would find out eventually and he wants her to hear it from him. When she asks if he feels something for Gracia, After Alex reminisces about all they have been through, he tells her that he has a lot of affection for Gracia,,,but the only one he has and will always love is her (Isa) (And I am still baffled as to whyyyy??).

    Andi stomps to the end of the pier ready to rumble and is upset not to see the "other girl" there. Diego explains that it doesn't involve another girl. Art fell in love with him and he too fell in love with Art. QUE??? Andi argues that Art is not gay, so Diego explains that Art is just now discovering himself. Andi was prepared to fight whatever girl, but not against a man...her cousin. She then starts yelling at him since she he allowed her to fall in love with ART! Diego tries to reason with her, but Andi accuses him of betraying her and will never forgive him!! SLAP!!

    Dr. Jasso has arrived and explains that he received a call from Dr. Mueller. When Lor asks if he can share what was said during the call, Dr Jasso wantst o be sincere and has heard about how Dr. Mueller is renowned for taking on difficult cases. Dr. Mueller is considering doing surgery on her BUT Paula should know the high risks of the surgery---Paula cold die during the surgery or she could survive and suffer from irreversible cerebral complications. After he asks if she is willing to take that risk, Pepe and Lor express their support, SO Paula tells Dr. Jasso that she has nothing to lose but much to gain...she will undergo the surgery.

    Marcos questions how Gracia could set eyes on Alex and not on him. When Gracia explains that she is in love with Alex, Marcos points out tha Alex does not love her, he loves ISa and always will. Gracia deserves someone who can give her all his love. Marcos will forgive her...because he loves her with all his heart and soul.

    Rol is now with Gnat complaining about what Paula and Lor have done. Gnat tells him to calm down...they are at war and the legal battle will cost mucho dinero.They talk about Pepe asking Paula to marry him, and Gnat assures that as long as Rol has her on his side, Paula wil die before getting married. Rol then comments that Paula doesn't have much longer to live, so Gnat tells him about the possibility of the German doctor coming to operate on Paula. She then adds that they have to destroy any hopes Paula has; they have to make sure the doctor does not make it to Mexico!

    Rafa is at the piano with ZaiSo by his side when Andi comes in crying that the person who took Art from her is Diego. ZaiSo
    advises Andi tha she accept that Art is not for her. Andi explains that Diego's betrayal hurts her most. ZaiSo asks that she try to understand and forgive Diego, but Andi never wants to see Diego again!

    Diego meets with Art, Emi and Lucia and tells them he already told Andi that he and Art are in love...she reacted very badly. A bit later, Diego tells Art that he feels horrible. He thinks it's best that they don't see each other again....and now that he sees Andi suffering, he doesn't;t want his cousin to suffer because of him. Art tries to talk him out of it but Diego can't be his friend and asks Art to leave. EMi and Lucia have been listening and try to comfort Diego, but he wants to be alone; so Lucia goes off to see Andi.

    Paula tells Pepe tha she wants to marry him before her surgery. Pepe could marry her right now, but they can't marry until her marriage is annulled. Paula is thinking about doing something drastic to resolve the situation. She won't share what it is and wants Pepe to trust her. With a smile, she adds that they have to prepare everything because they will marry in one week! She wants to go into surgery being his wife.

  42. VIDA Ep. 88 Part 3

    Lor goes to see Isa who is visibly upset. WHen she tells him about Alex and Gracia, Lor asks how she feels about it. She remains quiet so Lor adds that just like Alex is hurt by their own relationship, she must be hurt about Alex and Gracia. Isa comments that they have every right, but Lor questions why then is she upset. Lor then comments that he has noticed a change in her, she avoids him. When he wonders if she wants to regain her relationship with Alex, Isa doesn't;t want to hurt him but she doesn't;t want to lie either. She lists all the things she has accomplished with Alex. and adds tag she is also scared...of not knowing what she feels. Lor bluntly asks her if she wants to givei it a go with him or not!

    Paula has summoned Gnat who wonders what Paula wants to propose. Paula wonders how far Gnat will go to hurt her and her children. Gnat wants to see her dead or completely ruined, but both would be ideal. Gnat sneers that Paula took everything from ner...German and her mother who is dead because of Paula. Paula is confused since she did everything to get Rose the help she need; so Gnat hisses that her mother offered her life in exchange for Paula's.

    Lucia goes to see Andi and understands that she must be angry, but Andi needs to know that Diego iodide;t want to hurt her. She adds that Diego asked Art to stay away from him; Diego prefers to give up Art because he knows Andi will be hurt by seeing them together...and Diego is suffering because he never wanted to hurt her. Lucia asks Andi to think about it because she is being unfair to Diego.

    Back with indecisive Isa, she tells Lor tha she can't answer him because not even she knows what is going on with her. So Lor suggests that they not see each other for a few days. After Paula's surgery, he plans to leave. Isa needs to think hard and make a decision. (Good Luck!!_)

    Lor later talks to ALex and tells him about the break he and Isa a e taking.

    Gnat continues her rant...she is an orphan because of Paula! When Paula realizes that is why Gnat change her mind, Gnat tells her that her mother choosing Paula over her transformed the promise she made to her mother into a more profound hate for Paula; and the only thing that keeps her going is the hope of seeing Paula completely destroyed. Paula counters that she will have surgery and will get better! She will be prepared to confront Gnat; Gnat will not win! Gnat mocks tha she is shaking in her boots with Paula's threats: Paula can't do anything against her since Gnat has Paula's hands tied, She knows about the restraining order against Rol and that Paula will fight for her children, but Gnat will make sure that the trial will take forever...and if Paula does survive, Gnat will make sure her life is HELL! Paula wonders why Gnat is always attacking her...she has never been her enemy. Paula then tells Gnat about naming the foundation after Rosa. Gnat is not agreement, but Paula is not asking for her opinion. Paula finally sets her proposal on the table...this is the day Gnat has been waiting for--Paula is willing to hand over her company in exchange for the annulment of her marriage and getting rid of the inderdiction order!

    and so this episode ends...unitl FRIDAY!!

  43. VIDA

    Doris, your mini-cap was EXCELENTE! Just finished reading it and I have nothing to add.

    I cannot believe Isa is still "flopping like a newly caught fish on the floor of a boat." LOL Thank you, Diana!!

  44. TU VIDA

    Thank you for your recap, Rgv Chick!

    The camera angle through the window of Emi & Luci making out in the tree house was very creepy and voyeuristic. What was Televisa thinking?!? Ew.

    Andi was quite shrewish about Arturo's new squeeze. Gah, grow up, girl. It's one thing to lose a guy to another woman, but you can't even begin to compete with someone who has entirely different equipment. You can't take it personally. Just sayin'...

    Gnat giving Rolo the eye-roll was funny, when he was whining about Paula and Lorenzo getting the restraining order. I think she did it twice.

    Lorenzo is wearing a different leather jacket, as of one or two episodes ago. Could this signal a new "etapa" in his life? Like being single again? Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)

    Two more episodes and this turkey will be done. WooHooooo!

  45. EL GALLO DE ORO # 10 (UNI Edit) (VIX Season 2 #1/#2) Part One

    1. Secundino is up in the rocks overlooking a road with one of his men who tells Secundino that he does whatever Dionisio wants like a father would. Secundino scoffs at the idea and playfully hits him on his hat. Suddenly they see a man on a horse and go after him just as they planned

    2. Dionisio and his family and the band head back to San Marcos. Dionsio is there for himself and for his mother. There is a new casket in the wagon they are riding in. Dioniso is dressed nothing like the people in the town saw him last time. He is dressed in a black shirt and pants with black boots and a black hat. People in the streets see him arrive and cannot quite place him at first.

    3. A bloodied and unconscious Aurelio arrives back at Lorenzo's hacienda over the saddle of his horse. He comes to and tells Lorenzo that he was ambushed and has no idea who did it. He has the top part of the Caponera poster in his hand. Lorenzo looks at it. On one side it says "Disappeared" and on the other side he looks at something else that has been written.

    4. La Caponera narrates: It is funny how they say that respect is earned by the sweat of or brow, keeping your promises and enduring hard times. When Dionisio lived in San Marcos, he did all that and nobody had any respect for him. It seems that all that matters is what a person wears. It is even better if you ignore them and look serious. Then they will respect you. We see Dionisio walk through town and people move out of his way and watch him pass by. La Caponera adds: How little they know about the real value of a person.

    5. Dionisio ends up at the bar. The bartender (Torcuato) recognizes the town crier. Dionsio puts him on notice and everyone else he is to be addressed as "Mr. Pinzón." Dionisio says he has heard that nobody is living at his country house so he will be staying there for a couple of days. Torcuato asks him who told him the house was for rent. The question is answered with two gigantic wads of bills on the bar. Just as Torcuato is ready to turn him down, his wife steps in and gives Dionisio the key to the house taking possession of the cash. The street urchin he helped protect before is there, too. Dionsio tells him to order whatever he wants because he is paying. The kid orders a plate of rice and beans.

    6. Suddenly the police chief appears with another officer. Dionisio knew he couldn't wait to see him. Dionsio wants to talk to him but in private. Dionisio leads the way back to the police station as everyone watches along the way.

    7. Aurelio tells Lorenzo that maybe the Arriaga's were the ones who attacked him. Lorenzo thinks not because they are too busy cashing in. Aurelio asks Lorenzo if he recognizes the number written on the back of the piece of poster. Lorenzo does not recognize it. Whoever did it will be sorry. Nobody threatens him. Lorenzo asks to borrow the phone at the bar he is at and asks the bartender to dial the number.

  46. EL GALLO Part Two

    8. The police chief is curious how Dionisio and La Caponera ended up together. Dionisio asks if that is so hard to believe. Suddenly, the phone rings. The police chief answers. Lorenzo is surprised that he is talking to the police in San Marcos. When Dionisio hears it is Lorenzo, he tells the police chief to put the phone down and he does. The police chief leaves the room. Dionisio picks up the phone and tells Lorenzo that he sees that he got his message. Lorenzo recognizes Dionisio. Dionisio tells the bastard he has a good ear. Lorenzo says he is DON Lorenzo to him and refuses to be spoken to in that way. Dionisio insists he is not looking for a fight. He wants to get together. He is offering him a truce. Lorenzo is insulted that he would be OFFERING him anything. Who in the hell does he think he is??? When he finds him, he is going to kill him. Dionisio thinks it seems like he would kill Lorenzo first if his debts didn't beat him to it. Dionsio makes it clear that Lorenzo cannot make a move without him finding out. He knows that Lorenzo spends all his days in the bars, visits his father's grave and cries. Dionisio makes it clear that he can make his debts disappear. He is willing to give him enough money to get his land back as long as he doesn't come looking for them. The world is big enough for them all to be in it without having to see each other. Dionisio takes Lorenzo's silence as an agreement to meet with him. Dionisio says he knows that money is not a problem for him. Lorenzo agrees asking where and when.

    9. Lorenzo continues his drinking at home wondering how Dionisio knows so much about him. Remigio comes in with another bottle of tequila. As he pours himself yet another shot, Lorenzo calls Dionisio an ass***** for proposing a truce. Who in the f*** does he think he is? Lorenzo cannot see how La Caponera could get stuck on that imbecile. Aurelio says maybe Lorenzo should think about the money he offered since he is in such a bad financial state. Lorenzo pulls his gun on Aurelio telling him he has no idea how good it would feel to kill somebody right now. He asks Aurelio if he thinks he is a beggar. He says no. He asks if he would let that ass**** humiliate him. Aurelio says no. Lorenzo tells him to then stop with the stupid sh**. Lorenzo puts the gun away and pours himself one more shot as Aurelio and Remigio watch.

    10. At the country house, Dionisio is talking with Secundino about how easy it was getting Lorenzo to accept the meeting. Dionisio says the info they had on him and the scare they gave Aurelio did it. La Caponera says now comes the hardest part: waiting. Dionisio suggests they take care his mother's burial. He is going to find someone in town to help them dig. Secundino asks what is he there for anyway. He knew his mother and wants to see her get a proper burial The band members want to go, too. Dionisio is a part of their family, too. Justina will take care of the baby. Dionisio thanks them all knowing his motherr will be happy to see them all. Dionisio tells Secundino that he will meet Lorenzo tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. in front of the church.

    11. Remigio asks Lorenzo if that means that he is not going to the meeting. Lorenzo explodes and says NO damn it. What doesn't he understand??? He is not going anywhere at any time. That f****** town crier is not going tell him what to do. They are going to surprise him first. He tells Aurelio to get the men ready. Remigio asks if Lorenzo does not find it strange that Dionisio just popped up out of nowhere. An exasperated Lorenzo has no idea.Maybe Dionisio just got tired of running. Who knows??? What in the f*** does he care. The important thing is that ass**** is giving him the chance he was waiting for. He tells them to ge everything ready and storms out. Remigio and Aurelio looks less than enthusiastic.

  47. EL GALLO Part Three

    12. It turns out that Father Rentería has cancelled his 3:00 mass to bury Dionsio's mother. Torcuato tells the police chief it must be because of the money that Dionisio donated to his church. He and his wife saw it. He comments on how generous Dionisio has been. The police chief agrees and with him when it was only to get a phone call from Lorenzo.Torcuato wonders why Dionisio would be talking to him. The police chief was wondering, too, but Dionisio wouldn't talk until he left. Torcuato says the last time he saw Lorenzo he was handing out those flyers looking for La Caponera who was supposedly missing. The police chief always thought that La Caponera was bad news.

    13. Out in the desert, Dionsio and Secundino start digging up Dionisio's mother's body. The priest is present along with Dionsio's group. La Caponera remarks how when she starts to cry, you can hear the baby all over town. Justina thinks she has her mother's lungs and voice. La Caponera sees how the baby sleeps like an angel with Justina and thinks that Justina would make a great mother. It isn't as if Justina is not interested but she wouldn't want to have to be with a man like that. No, she hasn't heard from Carmela and even if she did , she never could ask her father for her hand in marriage. La Caponera knows it sounds impossible but she thinks she still should look for her so she doesn't end up an old maid.

    14. Dionisio finds remnants of the straw sleeping mat that his mother was wrapped in but not his mother. Dionsio keeps digging with his hands asking his mother where she is. La Caponera tries to comfort him but Dionsio cannot stop digging saying this is where he buried her. He calls out to his mother again and again. La Caponera wraps her arms around him and he finally stops. he is so disappointed that he even failed his mother here. Secundino tells him that he NEVER failed his mother. He always took care of her. La Caponera adds that his his mother died knowing that she was loved. Two guys arrive on horseback. A "Pedro" rides up with another guy. Secundino asks what he lost. He says nothing but it looks like Dioniso lost his mother. He asks Dionisio if he really thought that his mother would go unnoticed by the coyotes the way he buried her. He thinks that the animals ate her up. Dioniso jumps up with his shovel and hits Pedro in the head knocking him down and keeping him pinned down. He tells Pedro that he will NEVER insult him again. NEVER. He will NEVER insult him or his family. The priest asks Dionisio to stop. La Caponera gets him off of Pablo. Secundino tells Pablo to get out of there and he does. Dionsio remarks about how much evil there is in that town.

    15. Lorenzo and his gang on horseback are riding at night on their way to surprise Dionniso. On the way, they stop off at Torcuato's cabin.( He is the man whose daughter Lorenzo helped get married by giving her a cow and a bull.) Lorenzo asks about his family. His daughter and son-in-law are well. Lorenzo says he has a sensitive issue he is dealig with and he knows that Torcuato can help him. Dionisio Pinzón robbed him.

    16. Dioniso and his group are back at the country house. La Caponera relaxes in Dionsio's arms as he talks. His mother always told him to defend himself but he never paid attention to what she told him but today when he hit Pedro, he finally understood. He enjoyed getting even. La Caponera understands it was time to get so much abuse off his chest but the most important thing is that his heart doesn't change in the process. She tells him to forget about it all. The only thing that should matter to them is themselves. She hopes they can keep Lorenzo away. They kiss.

  48. EL GALLO Part Four

    17. Torcuato tells Lorenzo that he knew that Dionisio was weird, crazy even but he never knew he was a cheat. Lorenzo says that nobody did. Lorenzo says when he joined forces wiht La Caponera, nothing could stop them. Pablo wants to know how much they stole froom him. Lorenzo says they stole a lot and if rumors are true, they go stealing from town to town. Torcuato has a problem with what tLorenzo is telling him. If they stole from him, why is Dioniso looking for him? The police chief told him about the phone call. Lorenzo says that Dionisio is shameless. Can he believe that the had the nerve to call him to do a deal so thr police would not get involved. Torcuato asks Lorenzo why he doesn't file charges against him. Lorenzo has decided to take care of it himself. he knows the SOB. He is planning something. He asks Torcuato to help him stay one step ahead of Dionisio. Torcuato answers that he came to the right place. He knows where Dionisio is stayiing at this very moment.

    18. The next morning, Lorenzo and his five horsemen arrive outside the country house. The question is: are La Caponera and Dionisio alone? Dioinsio sees them come riding up and has his rifle ready. He tells La Caponera that they found them. She goes for her gun but Lorenzo invvades the house from the rear. before she can. La Caponera tells Dioniso to put down his rifle. He does. Lorenzo hits him with his. Lorenzo is only interested in killing both of them. Dionisio asks how he is going to pay his debts. The money isn't there if he was planning on robbing them.Lorenzo hits Dionisio again with his rifle. Lorenzo doesn't give a sh** about his f****** money. He is willing to lose it all. He points his rifle at Dioniso's head. He only came to kill him. La Caponera repeats what the deal was. He gets to pay off all his debts if he leaves them alone but she knows how Lorenzo is. He never wants a handout. She suggests they play a card game to settle it all. Lorenzo has to laugh at that one. She insists will not be involved. It will be just himand Dioniso. . She says if Lorenzo wins, he gets her and she will make sure she gives him luck. If Dionisio wins, he gets his hacienda and they will never see him again. Dionisio doesn't ilke the idea. She tells Lorenzo that he knows that her word is good. Dionisio says he would rather that Lorenzo just shoot him. As Lorenzo s emotionally derailed, La Caponera tells Lorenzo to make up his mind already. It is win or lose it all. Isn't that the way he likes things? He finally agrees but Dionisio demands a signed document (and not on a f******napkin) so there is a guarantee that Lorenzo will hold up his part of the deal if he loses. He also needs to take La Caponera to a neutral place where she will be safe. Lorenzo tells Remigio and Aurelio to take La Caponera to the police station. He is to ask the police chief to prepare a document they can sign. Then, the police chief will come and be the judge of the game. La Caponera leaves. Lorenzo tells Aurelio to make sure nothing happens to her.

    19. Secundino tells one of the band members that the best days of his life were in San Marcos but they were very short lived. It isn't that he doesn't like San Marcos but he doesn't like being reminded of what couldn't be.

  49. EL GALLO Part Five

    20. La Caponera narrates: Some people do not believe in chance. They believe your future is determined by the plans you make, the decisions you take and how hard you try. If that were only true. Chance, like it or not, is what ultimaltey makes the decisions, at least the most important ones. How does anyone decide when and how you are going to meet the person that you love, the colorof our eyes, or the day the grim reaper comes to claim you. Some call it God. Others, like her , call it chance.

    21. The document is signed. The police chief is there. La Caponera is at the police station. Secundino and his man are in the cacti watching what is going on outside. . The police chief doesn't understand the document. If Lorenzo loses, it says that Dionisio gets his hacienda but If Dionisio loses there is nothing about how he is going to compensate Lorenzo. Lorenzo says that is between him and Dionisio. The police chief hopes this will not take long. He has a lot to do. Dionsio says he will pay them all and very well. Dionsio and Lorenzo sign the document. Dionsio wants Lorenzo's men to leave. Lorenzo sends them to the cantina in town.

    22. Dionsio knew that Lorenzo would be coming here because he rented the bartender's house. He knew he would ask him. They are like family. The band member thinks this is risky business without La Caponera present. Secundino says they will know nothing until it is done. They see Lorenzo's men giving their arms to the police and heading into the canitna in town. Secundio and the band member leave, too.

    23. The game starts. The police chief asks how many rounds. Lorenzo says the least possible so he can win quickly. Dionisio remarks he could lose quickly, too. Lorenzo doesn't think that a town crier knows much about playing cards. Dionisio suggests three out of five rounds. The game starts.

    24. Back at the station, a policeman tells La Caponera how odd it is hat the police chief is judging a card game. La Caponera says there is a first time for everything. She isn't there because playing cards is not her thing. The police officer doesn't understand why they have to take care of her. Suddenly, Aurelio tells Remigio disarm the police officers at gunpoint per Lorenzo's orders that Remigio knew nothing about. Remigio complies. Aurelio informs Remigio that Lorenzo wants them to take La Caponera. Aurelio tells La Caponera that she will not be seeing Dionisio again. Remigio says that forcing her to go wit them won't work for Lorenzo. Aurelio say that is not their problem. Remigio locks up the police officers. They remove La Caponera from the police station.

    25. One of Secundino's men meets him and his other men on the road to let them know that the police station is all closed up. La Caponera is gone. That was not part of the plan. Secundio tells the guys to grab their rifles They go to investigate.


  50. GALLO

    Thanks, novelera, for your kind comments.

    Also a big thanks for this info: "A loooong time ago, when I was 5 years old, I had my throat painted with gentian violet after a tonsillectomy. This is what La Caponera used for Dionisio." I never heard of that medication before. I truly learn something new every day.

    ""Too much of a woman!" Hah. I liked the unexpected reply from Dionisio. In a regular TN, the galán would reply with some assertion of his masculinity. Dionisio just agrees, and wants the best for La Caponera" Dioniso seems to be a very dear and gentle soul.

    " suppose the time the story takes place is when people had few choices. I guess this is why Remigio continues to eat crow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope they'll show him getting some revenge at some point." Me, too.

    It is another great episode tonight!.

  51. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, things continue to spiral wildly out of control as lives and loves hang in the balance. You captured the myriad of emotions (from venemous hatred to the purest love) in extraordinary fashion.

    I especially loved your "when did that" happen inquiries. Piano students who have yet to materialize and restraining orders conjured out of thin air.

    "Gnat wants to see her dead or completely ruined, but both would be ideal". All or nothing, death and ruin - total devastation. It took Paula dangling her company, the whole ball of wax, to stop Gnat in her tracks. The question is which will win out, pure unadulterated greed or hatred.

    The tantalizing tidbits that Gnat dropped about being with German and German's verbal admission (to whom I can't recall) that he had been with someone other than Paula (but not necessarily Gnat) still linger.

    "After Alex reminisces about all they have been through, he tells her that he has a lot of affection for Gracia,,,but the only one he has and will always love is her (Isa) (And I am still baffled as to whyyyy??)". Exactly! Any endearing qualities Isa might have completely elude me.

    "Lor later talks to ALex and tells him about the break he and Isa are taking". Huh? Dude, you can't take a break from something that seems to already be DOA.

    It seems like Paula's surgery is going to be happening right before "FIN" flashes. How disappointing.

    So is Mal alive or dead?


  52. Vida

    Thanks so much Rgv, I enjoyed your recap and the episode. But my head is spinning! Too much is happening where we go “ what” or “when”.

    It looks like we may get 5 minutes of a happily ever after. And Nat shouldn’t get the company. A reward instead of a punishment. Although I’m sure she’ll get her punishment, probably when she tells Rol she owns the company and he’s on his own.

    How long has it been since Rose and Gracia emptied the safe. Do the writers remember that happened!

    Looks like the best looking guy in the show will get on his motorcycle and ride off into the sunset-alone!


  53. Vida #88

    Great work, RGV Chick.

    I hope that something prevents Paula signing any documents about giving Gnat the business because we know now she would not keep her word. She has not returned the Castillos' property to them and Malena is 99% sure to be alive to rat her out about something (TN Law says if we are not present at a death or don't see a dead body the character is still alive).

    Lorenzo leaving right after Paula's surgery? That doesn't sound right. He needs to find a new lawyer for Paula.

    Andrea will get over this.

    It was Rolando whom German talked to about the affair with Gnat whom I don't think he specified at the time.

    It is blowing my mind that no kid in these families has any real friends.

  54. VIDA

    Thnak you a todos! Yep, things are starting to happen..even those that are giving us whiplash from the quick head turns after the "WHATs!!" and "WHENs!!"

    So Paula and Lor got a restraining order after they provided evidence of the abuse on the kids....yet Rol still has custody!??? Ay, Caray! I'm getting a headache...

    MAL rolling over and reaching out in the previous episode made me think that she might be able to write out her murderer's name with her own blood...quizas???

    Doris, I agree about Andrea, quite shrewish. I think she was more disappointed that she couldn't give her competition the bashing she was expecting to give out. The signs were there all along...isn't she supposed to be the family detective? I do not like what the writers did with her.

    Diana, regarding Lor, "uh? Dude, you can't take a break from something that seems to already be DOA." Exactly! He's finally seeing the writing on the wall. I have a feeling Isa's mind will be made up by someone other than herself.

    Liz, "How long has it been since Rose and Gracia emptied the safe. Do the writers remember that happened!" I hope they do! That evidence against Rol can't go unfound!

    Urban, "It is blowing my mind that no kid in these families has any real friends." They never do, do they? They only have frenemies...que triste!

  55. Gallo

    Thanks Jarifa, you your excellent recaps. I got behind and was going to catch up tonight but decided not to wait.

    I was busy trying to figure out who was in the coffin when they started digging and I realized they were going to give his mom a proper burial. Stealing a body is pretty low, guess it was Lorenzo. I couldn’t believe he choked Lucha to death. He has no heart. Well we already realized that. I still wonder if his father was good or not.

    If Torcuato didn’t think Dionisio was a thief I’m not sure why he easily spilled the information about where they were staying.

    I hope Dionisio learned to play cards over the past year. But I don’t think a signed document will mean much to Lorenzo. He already went back on his word about keeping La Caponera safe.


  56. Vida

    Dear Chickie, thank you . This show is exhausting me . I need to move on . I don't think Rol or gnat will survive . The writers tricked us into thinking that gnat might honor the wishes of Rosa the one person she loved as much as a person like gnat can She has come back on her road to revenge against Paula worse than ever. Maybe Rol and gnat will take each other out somehow...maybe they'll both go over that cliff.

    So...the Hulk is headed for a HEA reuniting with the wife he turned his back on for 15 years and giving piano lessons. okay.

    I have the feeling that Marcos's silly, relentless pursuit of Gracia is going to be rewarded because Alex and Isa look like they are listening to some Al Green Solid gold " Let's Stay Together. "

    Wow, Lor has decided he is going to get on his cycle and ride ...born to be wild ...and leave Pepe to sort out the mess and take care of Paula and all the kids. Wow.

    We know that we will get The Brady Bunch blended , mended families. Will anyone remember they bought that food truck? ? NEXT , to quote our dear Dr. Carlos,


  57. GALLO

    Liz, It is hard to keep up, isn’t it? I hope to catch up on Receta this weekend. I am so behind.

    I do not trust Lorenzo at all, either, signed document or not. He is crazy.

    It seems to me that Torcuato had two reasons for working with Lorenzo. First of all, after Torcuato’s daughter came home after running away with her boyfriend, Lorenzo gave them a cow and a bull so they could marry and not be a financial burden on Torcuao so he probably feels indebted. I see the second reason as jealousy. He cannot stand that Dionisio a poor town crier has bested him financially. He didn’t even want to rent the country house to him even though he could use the money. Sort of cutting off his nose to spite his face. So, he is all in if he can stick it to Dionisio.

    Can’t wait until the next episode!

  58. gallo

    Wow, wow, wow! You keep surpassing yourself on these wonderful, detailed recaps. That was such an amazing episode. I have no idea what's going to happen, but I can't believe Lorenzo is going to triumph.

    I really love La Caponera's narrations, especially when she uses Spanish words that can sometimes be hard to translate. El Azar is one of those rich words. Luck, chance, fate, depending on how it's used.

    That was quite an expression on the face of that miserable police chief who got Dionisio's property for pennies, when they rode by with the coffin in the back. Dionisio is an expert at irony, saying he knows how glad the guy was to see him.

    San Marcos is the epitome of the common expression in Spanish: Pueblo chico, infierno grande. Rulfo is an expert at showing this proverb about living in a small town can be hell. Everyone knows your business and doesn't fail to gossip about you.

    I guess I've seen too many revenge plots not to have been surprised by Dionisio's offer to pay off Lorenzo's debts if he left them alone. Lorenzo's scheming turned Dionisio's father into a vicious drunk.

    La Caponera was bargaining for Dionisio's life. If we take the magical realism on its face, I don't think she could give him luck if she doesn't love him.

    Secondino's remark about "what couldn't be" sends my memory back to that flashback of him with Eduviges, who was some sort of servant at his hacienda. He loved her but I think they both were married to other people.

    One of La Caponera's narrations mentioned La Calaca, a common Mexican way of referring to death as a female skeleton.

    Hmmm. Can La Caponera give Dionisio luck long distance?

    I'm also not caught up on Receta. A lot of time studying for the DMV, basketball semi-finals, and my Wednesday night Spanish class, which has been on Zoom since the pandemic. It actually works fine, and you can attend in your jammie bottoms.

  59. Gallo

    Jarifa, thank you for every detail in this take of good vs evil. I surf in and out of this show . I don't like the blood and violence. .

    I have seen the actor playing Lorenzo in a recent novela, the name of white escapes me . He was a villain , but here he is a violent, unsmiling monster. Will Remigio finally go against him?

    Love is strong whether magical or real . I think La C's love could reach Dion anywhere anytime. Love is even stronger than death.

  60. GALLO

    novelera, thanks. Vocabulary study is always fascinating as you showed with words like “el azar.” I had to smile when I heard “la calaca” in this episode. The vocab in this production is rich beyond the bleeped words. That refrán sure fits these small towns. As for La Caponera , yes, she needs to love a person to be lucky for them. I still don’t understand why Lorenzo can’t get that through his thick head. As for long distance luck, who knows?

    Susan, you’re welcome. Always glad to “see” you. Yes, this is a bit rougher than even I was expecting. I hope that Lorenzo has a bad end soon. I feel sorry for Remigio.

  61. Gallo

    From the beginning, Remigio has annoyed me . I think it is his groveling subservience ....and his hat . I hope he turns against awful Loser Lorenzo. Susan
