
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #56, "One bomb drops, another one is starting to tick"

The Robles are in a good mood, making plans about the restaurant. Paz is really cheerful, especially when some people from the barrio come to offer them help in the form of a loan.

Elvira is surprised both her daughters fell for the same man. Must be in the genes, careful, El!

But Gin didn’t know Bere was her half-sister, how could she know? Elvira has a hard time dealing with this, Gin says Esteban has been such a great help and she can love his kids as if she had a heart they were her own. But she needs her motherly help. El wants to help, but not with him, what will the kids say? Gin insists she deserves to be loved after the pain of losing her husband. She asks Elvira to help her connect with the kids, also. What if another woman gets close, someone like Paz? God forbid, this is Elvira’s no go zone. So, she kind of agrees… I think.

Gala tells Jeronimo she wants to be happy… she actually asks him to go steady. They hold hands, he’s happy she took the initiative, she asks him to help her forget everything. And they kiss.

Fuego meets Eder and they chat shortly, but Yaya arrives, and Eder wants to talk to her in private. He asks about what she was doing with Fuego… They were doing yoga; the Yaya makes up a quick lie. Eder supposes Fuego was teaching her how to do it, and Yaya says yeah, he was showing her some positions… She starts fanning herself, but Eder says everything is very clear to him now. Comedy relief coming from a kid and his abuelo talking about yoga positions…After Eder is gone, Fuego hows his smiley face, asking if the questioning was hard. Elvira doesn’t know how she will handle this, but Fuego takes her hand and asks her to say out loud “I deserve a good life”… She starts but she can’t finish the sentence, she is worried about protecting Ginebra. She thinks that having Esteban with her might be a good thing, everyone will respect her and accept her faster.

Bosco and Gin are fencing and talking about her relationship with Esteban. She promises she’s not planning to replace Berenice, and his opinion really matters to her, since they have a special bond. He says he has a hard time with it, but he will learn to accept it and… he approves. They hug it out, while Paz looks on and actually sheds a tear. Eder comes to ask about the food, he wants to help. Esteban sees them cook together and imagines how he could go be with them. In his fantasy Paz is talking about preparing fish and comparing it to how one shows love and they are kissing. Back to real world, Paz is still calling him Don Esteban and has a sour face when she sees him. Esteban would like to talk alone.

In the office, Paz asks if this is about Gala’s diet. Esteban would like to talk about their relationship, maybe not as a couple, but as individuals. If she could only see in his mind, and how bad he’s been feeling. Paz mentions Ginebra and accuses him of always having something with her… ever since she kissed him and he became her protector. Esteban thought bubbles that he’d like to kiss her one more time and quickly grabs her waist. But Paz pushes him away, does he plan to keep her like a lover, while he’s with Gin or what? Esteban says he’d never disrespect her that way, he has very important reasons to be with Ginebra. Paz calls him selfish, can’t he realize how hard this is for her, see the face of the man she used to love every day? Esteban is stricken by the fact that she used the past tense, Ginebra arrives to interrupt the tense conversation and actually menaces Paz with the fencing sword. She needs Paz to understand that they will be together and form a family. Paz doesn’t care, they deserve one another. As she leaves, Gin threatens Esteban again, she hopes he kept his mouth shut. Of course he has, Paz hates him now. Gin is happy, everyone will have to accept her and she will be his wife.

Later Elvira tells Gin she wants to tell everyone she is her daughter. Gin asks her to pretend she herself only found out and Elvira agrees. Gin hugs her and calls her mom.

Lupita and Porfirio talk about plants and love and his wife’s death! Does he know who killed her, she asks. Yes, he answers, then he evades… He always asked himself why God took his Margarita away from him. There was a time when they thought she’d get better but Esteban made a decision that wasn’t his to make… And he can no longer speak now, he wants to leave. Lupita says speaking about his pain will help, but Porfirio mumbles about God and walks away.

Paz is back in the kitchen, crying after her confrontation with Esteban. Humberto appears out of thin air, handing her a handkerchief. He came to see her, he has news about her daughter. Paz doesn’t understand what he could have found that she couldn’t figure out all these years. Humber says he has better contacts, she didn’t make a mistake, there is just new information now. He looked over other disappearances happening at the same time and a few of them were odd – a few of the parents reacted in a strange manner, they never insisted that the authorities find their missing kids. Like a man who went to jail for a while after his baby disappeared, then he was simply set free. Another family had money problems, as soon as their baby was gone, they started doing well financially. Paz asks if he’s implying that these people had something to do with their kids’ disappearance. Humberto admits this is what he suspects and the common denominator for all these people is that they all had reasons to be pressured because of some serious debts. Didn’t Vermin have money problems at the time? What if he sold their daughter?

Paz can’t even begin to accept that, Vermin would never. Humberto knows it might be too much, but remember he had big debts, why did the bad guys leave him alone after? The only person on the hospital cameras that day is Vermin, he was seen by the babies ward. Paz doesn’t know what to think anymore.

When Humberto leaves (after promising to further investigate), Paz promises to kill Vermin if she finds out he did this.

Elvira summoned the entire family (and Fuego), she starts by telling the kids how much she loves them (Eder is not there, but listens from behind a door). She has kept a secret for many years, one that has made her suffer a lot. She had another daughter before Berenice, a little girl that was taken from her arms. She found that girl, and it’s Ginebra. Everyone is genuinely shocked and Ginebra pretends very well, also. How could she be her mother? Elvira says she’s been searching for her for years, she even had a DNA test done. Gin continues her game of pretending, how long has she known? Elvira explains she can no longer keep this quiet, since she and Esteban are seeing each other. Bosco is happy they are related, Esteban understands why Elvira was defending her so much and Gala asks if Mauro is related to them also. Gin explains they are siblings by choice, they suffered a lot growing up and all of this could have been avoided, had Elvira not abandoned her. This changes everything, she has suffered her entire life and Elvira could never begin to imagine how much it cost her to become the women she is now (Ginebra plays her part really well, but this part is actually genuine). Elvira says she never wanted to abandon her, she was forced to (Gin looks like she couldn’t care less), she want to give her the love she couldn’t give her before.

Gin says she needs time, so she storms out. Esteban asks why she kept quiet so much, and Bosco adds that she always asks them to be perfect but she kept such a big lie, they could have been there for Gin all this time. Esteban asks Bosco and Gala to give Yaya some time and they all leave.

Alone with Fuego, Elvira is shaken, the kids will never see her the same again. Fuego hugs her and promises his support. Wait until you tell them about your new boyfriend…

Nandy and Kenzo are at the office, he’s still afraid but he will make all the necessary efforts to convince his family. She has a hangover, he offers to help out. Felipa and the boys arrive, Kenzo asks them to apologize to Nandy. Felipa accuses her of destroying their family, but Nandy points out they were already broken up. Felipa asks for her money, the boys treat Nandy as bad as always and then they leave. Felipa promises this is just a fight, the war is not over.

Vermin looks funny, Lupita asks what’s wrong with him. He remembers a “job” he did with Mauro, they gave a guy some money while Vermin grabbed a newborn out of a poor woman’s arms (on a back alley). Vermin asks Mauro what they are going to do with the mother (she is completely out of it, barely conscious), Mauro says she doesn’t even realize what is going on around her, how could she take care of a child? Vermin insists Mauro should give her something, so Mauro throws some money her way, she will surely use it to keep buying drugs.

Back to reality, Vermin gives some money to Mireya to help out. Pepa looks at him in a strange manner.

Esteban is with the kids, they are all trying to understand what they just found out. Yaya must have had strong reasons to hide this, they shouldn’t judge her, Esteban says. Bosco is worried about Gin, Esteban doesn’t think he understands what is really going on. Bosco answers back saying his father is the one not understanding. He started dating Paz, now he’s with Gin, he doesn’t know what he wants. He needs to stand by Gin. Gala thinks their dad should think better if he wants to be with Gin, Bosco replies that their father’s rash decisions are affecting them also, he never thinks about them.

Esteban is getting sick of this, asks Bosco to go to his room. But Bosco says the only one who understands him is Gin, Esteban only cares about Paz. The same Paz who was in jail and now that she’s free, he broke up with her?? What about the tio and the abuelo, where are they? Esteban says the situation is too complicated for him to understand, Bosco continues to be rude and eventually storms off.

Esteban thinks his older son is right, they need stability, and he hasn’t been able to provide it.

Felipa tells Gin that Jero suspects what they are doing with the cryptocurrency. She doesn’t know if Gala is in business with them, and Humberto might not be so easy to seduce. She doesn’t even know why she has to do it. Gin explains that Humber bothered her when he helped free Paz, she’d like to know what the problem between Esteban and his family was. Felipa whines that she’s not such an expert to manipulate everyone, which makes Gin throw a glass of water in her face. She better keep doing what she is told if she doesn’t want everyone to find out about Sandro. Got it??

Esteban and Gala talk about his mother, Margarita. She was the woman he trusted the most. Gala asks if she died of cancer and he doesn’t exactly say yes to this, and if he will explain everything to Gala, it would only add to her load of woorries. He thinks he’s a lousy father, Gala asks if he’s truly happy with Gin, like he used to be with Paz. He says he’s trying, for all of them. Gala hugs him.

Nigh time in the barrio – Paz is not in a good mood, she has a lot of stuff on her mind. She sees Vermin and confronts him one more time: “Did you sell our daughter?” He flashes back to… selling their daughter.


  1. Cher Adriana, merci for your excellent account of this episode. Your recap was so well-written . Loved it !!! You brought us every moment as mysteries are starting to be revealed.

    So...Esteban's mother was killed, and Porfirio knows who did it. Is Porfirio so mad at Esteban because Esteban made the decision to take his mother off life support?

    And Humberto is the one who discovers that Vermin sold Maria ! Now what?

    That scene in the alley with Mauro and Vermin taking the newborn from that poor woman was horrifying.

    Gin is always cool as a cucumber . She menaces Paz with her sword and throws water in Felipa's face ( which was kind of great.) Where did Gin get the demon seed Sandro from?

    Gin showed Esteban her gallery of dead husbands , and so she is letting him know that her plan is to marry him , and then kill him, and he is going along to save his children and Paz. Do I have it straight?

    Yaya yoga. haha....

    These actors somehow make the unbelievable believable.

  2. Elvira fanning herself with a pottery clay leaf was rather funny. I'm guessing she is in menopause and having hot flashes. I don't see her getting that excited about Fobo. I actually thought Mau tossed a packet of drugs in the mother's lap in that back alley, but maybe it was money. Vermin has a bit of a conscience about taking the baby from her, but in this case hopefully that baby will have a better home than living on the streets with a drug addict mother(unless she was drugged for the birth and had no idea what is going on, which I wouldn't put past the guy who took the bag of money.
    Humberto saying that Vermin's money problems went away wasn't actually true, right. He was in jail for 6 years and Rubio was squeezing the Roble family, though why they would give him a penny is beyond me. Maybe I'm losing the thread, if there is one, in that storyline.
    One other surprise was that only Gin and Felipa know that the younger boy isn't her biological son. How can a husband be that clueless about a fake pregnancy, unless their marriage was already on the rocks and they were separated at the time.

  3. Thanks Adriana, I enjoyed your recap. If Esteban doesn’t know now, he will surely figure out the reason Gin is going after the family is because of Elvira giving her up, even though it wasn’t Elvira’s choice. I hope she waits a while before announcing about Fobo. How much can these kids take! Bosco has reverted right back to his former self. It’s strange that Ginebra formed a relationship with him but was horrible to little Eder.

    Humberto is going to end up the hero. But I guess it’s too early to find out the truth about Sam. And I was also thinking Esteban must have had his mom taken off life support. Maybe she asked him to. But I was thinking he was pretty young when she died

    I don’t like Gala back with Jero. She knows Nandy but doesn’t know how badly she is treated by Jero. And since Jero is laundering money I’m hoping he’ll end up in jail. I can’t wait for Elvira and Bosco to see all the people they admire locked up!


  4. I have a feeling that Gin realizes that Eder is one sharp little dude who has good intuition about people (like Monito) and that he loves and is completely devoted to the people he knows truly love him..his dad and sweet Paz. Gin knows that Snotty, whiny Bosco is the weakest link and can be easily manipulated.

  5. Liz, do you think Jero is still laundering the money? I know he called Felipa out on it so I had hopes he quit helping her. Even though I don't love his character I hoped he had some redeeming qualities.

  6. Adriana, your recap was inspired. You clarified and explained so much that I did not understand. Very well done, as always.

    Watching Gin feign shock as Elvira unmasked her as her "daughter" was somach churning. I truly felt for Eseban who could muster up little but stare, eyes wide as saucers.

    I don't like Bosco, but understood his rant: "But Bosco says the only one who understands him is Gin..." How steathily she has gained his confidence. Then "Esteban only cares about Paz. The same Paz who was in jail and now that she’s free, he broke up with her?? What about the tio and the abuelo, where are they?" Fair questions that deserve answers.

    Beyond disappointed Gala is now with Jero. His treatment of Nandy is unforgiveable and he is a criminal.

    Humberto is certainly becoming a hero. And quickly. It literally took him no time to unearth the truth. I can't see Vermin admit to selling Maria, but the possibility is now out in the open and can't be buried.

    Pepe is definitely thinking. And hard..


  7. Kat

    I think he said something to his mom about knowing he was laundering money for her. Not sure if I read it here, my first guess, or heard it on a recent episode. I know he asked Gala to do it and she declined. Hope she doesn’t take him up on it, now that they’re a couple.


  8. Great word, Adriana.

    Humberto is really on the ball and it's good to see that Paz isn't quick to go into denial about this.

    Susan, I think you are right. Ever since Ginebra decided to go after Esteban I was concerned that she would marry him, destroy his family one by one, and kill him after witnessing his epic emotional destruction. Humberto and Porfirio will now also be in the crosshairs. She had Berenice killed and will make sure to reveal that in the penultimate episode. Stealing their assets is only a fringe benefit to her because she is feeding off their pain.

    I am now sure that we will find out about Sandro's birth parents. As for how Felipa got away with passing him off as hers, she must have done it with pregnancy pillows, a fake prognosis of a "delicate" pregnancy to send Kenzo for cold showers, and maybe he was on a business trip at a convenient time for this ruse.

    For the last few episodes I've had some new thoughts about Fobo: Could he be an Interpol agent or something similar investigating Elvira? What other reason could he have to want to get close to her? He seems to have the investigative skills for this.

  9. Adriana: AWESOME job on the recap of last night's episode.

    Of course Slippery Vermin sold his daughter & would probably sell Paz too if given the chance.

    Sooner this chaotic Telenovela ends, the better.
