
Thursday, May 09, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida & El Gallo de Oro - Week of May 6, 2024

Coming Soon: 1) Golpe de Suerte with  Big Ed Yanez and Mayrin Villanueva coming May 28th at 8PM!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! It’s GRAN ESTRENO week for El Gallo de Oro  which is being mini-recapped by Jarifa! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida….and there is a nice little patio to tune in to. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 80-81 (Últimas Semanas!!)

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro Ep. 2-3 (Gran Estreno Week!!)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Minas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. GALLO

    Notes for episodes of “El Gallo de Oro” will be posted the following morning.

  2. Gallo

    I just watched the first full episode and really don't get why Univision is slicing and dicing it already. There is some background music that was left out last night. I will be commenting when I catch up.

  3. gallo

    I will be watching. My long-term Spanish class read a lot of Juan Rulfo. Apparently the telenovela is based on something Rulfo wrote that he expected to become a movie.

    I bought the kindle version and am reading it. Thankfully Rulfo is way easier to read than the novel we're currently reading for my class: La Vorágine.

    What I've read so far doesn't have much about La Caponera. Yes she's mentioned and may prove more important as the short novel goes along. So far we care a lot about Dionisio Pinzón and the cock he saves from its owner who wanted to kill it.

    I'm intrigued by only 10 episodes in "Season 1", according to the wiki. Apparently there was a Season 2 in Mexico.

  4. Gallo

    RTU in Columbia did a novela of this story in 2000 called La Caponera. Miguel Varoni was Dionizio and it had 146 episodes.

  5. gallo

    Thanks, Urban, for the link to La Caponera. I don't think I could hack 146 episodes! I wish Telemundo and/or Univision would do more short form stuff, like Netflix. When the novelas go on for months, with the couples having misunderstandings and breaking up, I get impatient for the HEA.

  6. GALLO

    There have been several versions of this story in movies and series. This version is close to the short story but is not identical.

  7. TU VIDA #80 Part 1/2

    Just the facts, folks. Typos, scenes combined, some omitted, yadda yadda yadda.

    PAULA is in surgery and Rosa is praying to Guadalupe. Doc tells Lor and Pepe the surgery was a success, she’s stable, and in Recovery.

    ~SEMANAS DESPUES~ Paula is still in the hospital, but alert and coherent. The doc says her situation is delicate, the tumor is still growing, and she probably has one or two weeks left to live. Paula is devastated by his news. Her kids need her and how will she tell them she can’t keep her promise that she was going to beat this cancer? Pepe is holding out with hope for a miracle. Paula wants to LEAVE the hospital right now, to go home and be with her kids, in spite of Pepe’s objections.

    ROLANDO gets physically aggressive with Diego and Emi tells him to lay off. Then Rol drops the bomb --- Paula only has 1 – 2 weeks left. He is adamant with the boys that Paula is going to die soon and after she’s gone, he’ll be the boss of them. He spells it out that Diego and Susy are under his control (because they are minors) Rosa is standing behind them, hearing all this. (and I’m hoping maybe she will kill Rolando, since her days are numbered, too, but Rosa isn’t’ the murderous type, so …..)

    Later, Diego and Emi are discussing this Rolando problem. Diego can’t take him and his cruelty anymore. (who could???) Emiliano says Rol is a sick person (agree!!!). Diego syas they have to do something to get Rolando out of the house. And Rolando overhears this comment. Cue the dramatic music…..

    Diego and Emi tell Rol they just want to see their mother happy, and it’s not with Rolando. They all hurl insults at each other and almost start a fistfight. PaulEpe intervene. Paula tells him to get out, right now, and don’t let the door hit you. Rol reminds Paula that HE has the legal authority to make decisions for the family and that she was declared incompetent. (and, folks, Paula looks really, really great for someone who almost died and had brain surgery two weeks ago, seriously!)

    SAINT PEPE TO THE RESCUE --- Paula lines, Rolando lines, Pepe lines, antler bashing, lather, rinse, repeat. Pepe ends the convo by head-butting Rolando. (the Patio cheers - LOL) Finally, Pepe forcibly tosses Rol out of the house. (Another satisfying scene)

    Paula can’t find the kids and is afraid, saying this is all her fault. She brought this cancer (ROLANDO) into the house, he’s like a tumor consuming her and the family, she’s running out of time and can’t fix it. (PSA on making stupid decisions to marry the wrong person for the wrong reason)

    ZAISO tells Rafa she doesn’t want to begin her relationship with Andi as a lie, thinking ZaiSo is some random new girlfriend in his life. Rafa wants to try again with ZaiSo, to become a family. He tries to kiss her but she rebuffs him (my word of the week ;-) ).

  8. TU VIDA #80 Part 2/2

    Later, Rafa tells Andi he’s thinking of asking ZaiSo to come live with them. Andi is all for it, but she can stay with Isa; she doesn’t want to be in the way. Andi tells Rafa “don’t mess this one up”. We haven’t seen Rafa smile as much as we do tonight. BUT the idiot still doesn’t tell her that ZaiSo is her mother!!!

    Later, Rafa tells ZaiSo that Andi is all for them living together. ZaiSo is a big dumbfounded. She says okay, but they have to talk to her first and tell her I’m her mother. (Dun..dun…DUNNNNNN!!!!!)

    MALENA – is still being evil witch Malena. Andi is riding by and Mal tells her to not be an idiot and fall off her bike. (as if!) Andi tells Mal she’s really glad Mal didn’t marry Rafa because she can’t stand her. She also tells Mal that Rafa has a new girlfriend who is going to come live with them. Mal asks “who?” Zndi says it’s Sofia. Mal tells Andi that Sofia is her middle name and your dad has been deceiving you all this time. Mal continues --- this woman was injail for 15 years for killing a man. Andi doesn’t believe it. Mal says go ask Rafa, or better yet, go as this Sofia woman. Now get lost!

    Later, Andi tells Diego what Mal said. He says, “It’s Malena, so probably a lie, we all know how she is.” Diego says he won’t ever leave her stranded.

    GRACIA tells Isa that she’s leaving town because it’s the right thing to do. She plans to leave with Rosa, who she will care for until she dies from the cancer that came back. She tells Isa, "He loves YOU, Isa. Alex will love you until the day he dies."

    Isa drops her own bomb and tells Gracia that she is going to make some changes in her life and move out of the house. Now it's gracia's turn to be surprised.

    PEPE confirms to Rosa that Paula has 1 – 2 weeks to live. Rosa is upset by the news. She prays to the Virgin Guadalupe that Paula gets well. She asks that her own life be taken instead of Paula’s because Paula has so much to live for while I’ve got this thieving sociopathic criminal witch of a daughter who is BSC. Okay, I made up that last part, but still…

    RAFA is on a pink cloud of happiness with ZaiSo. When Andi asks him is it true about ZaiSo’s prison time, he learns it was MAL who told her. Andi is freaking out about having a murderous criminal come live in their home and Rafa is trying to assure her that ZaiSo won’t hurt them. Andi tells Rafa she is tired of being the adult in this family and leaves.

    In other news, Emiliano is walking down some street when Renata pulls up. He’s visibly upset, distraught, and everything in his life is a mess. She tries to lure him with booze and good times to help him self-anesthetize. In a miraculous moment, he tells her they have a toxic relationship, rebuffs her invite, and tells her to leave him alone.

    DEUS EX MACHINA ALERT for the HEA we all need!!! Lorenzo is back home. He was in Germany, talking with a neurosurgeon who is world famous for taking on impossible cases and having success. (and I think I have this next part right ….. ) If the doctor decides to treat Paula, he will come to Mexico, and they will all have to have faith.

    Dramatic music and we end there.

  9. EL GALLO DE ORO #2 (Uni edit)

    I usually do my recaps watching episodes via the Univision app. I am not always home to watch episodes live. So, this morning I had the unpleasant surprise of discovering that Univision is not carrying any of "El Gallo de Oro" episodes in its OnDemand option except for the first episode. I checked with Uninovelas on Youtube and that is where my info is from today. From the highlights I saw, it seems that this was the original VIX episode 3. I will not know until I watch in real time tonight exactly where we are in relationship to the original series. If we are back to the VIX original episodes, there will not be a problem. Please feel free to add anything I missed.

    DIONISIO Dionsio comes home and finds his rooster fully healed and his mother dead. La Caponera narrates how our mothers are the most sacred thing we have in this life. Dioniso has no money to give his mother a proper burial. Nobody will give him or loan him money to bury her So, he wraps his mother in a straw sleeping mat and drags her outside of town. The towns people are openly critical of him as he drags her body through the town. La Caponera chides them for not respecting him or his loss. After burying his mother out in the desert and hanging her rosary on a makeshift cross, Dionisio tells his mother that he is done with the humiliation. The singer even felt sorry for him. He would prefer to die in a fight than live humiliated and he is sure it is going to come to that.

    LA CAPONERA visits the local shaman who cleanses her with incense and gives her counsel. He starts by telling her that she is not from there nor is she there. She agrees. She tells him that she just witnessed a man in pain who who had just lost his mother and she remembered her own mother's death. In a flashback, we see La Caponera's father rescuing her from a burning house but yelling to his wife who is caught inside that if she is not going to be with him, she is not going to be with anyone. La Caponera remembers him holding her back from the house as she screams for her mother. She tells the shaman that all of her relationships end badly. The men don't break up with her because they have the belief that she brings them LUCK and if she leaves them, so will that LUCK. The shaman asks her if it is true. She says it is. Her mother and grandmother were the same and ended badly because of it. She wants the shaman to tell her if she is going to end up like them. He tells her that sooner or later LUCK changes. She is going to find a man, who in spite of knowing that she can can give him LUCK, will not use her for it. She asks who that will be. He says it will be a man who will change her destiny. She knows him already. The next scene shows Dionisio digging his mother's grave.

    At the end of the the original episode 3, Lorenzo romances La Caponera who is open to his advances. He invites her and her band to come and entertain at his hacienda where he is hosting a mega CARD GAME. She and the band go and her romance with Lorenzo heats up.

  10. GALLO

    Novelera and Urban, great to see you on the patio for this one!

  11. Vida

    Thanks so much Doris, great recap. The fun parts were your inserts and opinions.

    Rol knew Lorenzo was searching for a way to save Paula but preferred to tell the boys their grandfather just left to have fun or something. He has a habit of breaking news to the boys that he really should keep to himself. He enjoys seeing people suffer. He is a cancer and can’t leave the family in peace. He won’t even let Paula die in peace. I hope he doesn’t hear of the operation. Everyone needs to go to the judge and tell him what’s been going on with Rol. Especially Diego and Paula.

    MAL has stooped to a new low. Telling her niece half the truth about Sofia.

    And yea for Emi, it looks like he’s turned a corner.


  12. Vida #80

    Bien hecho, Doris.

    Where is the Gnat? We've had two episodes free of her so that has to mean something.

    Good for Emiliano chasing off Renata and her liquid poison. However there are too many episodes left for this to have been the last time.

    Malena is her usual vile self with the way she treated Andrea. She's going to catch hell for that from both Diego and Rafa. Not enough.

    It's too bad neither Emiliano nor Diego seems to be a chem major so they could inject Rolando with truth serum and record what he'd say. That would finish him off.

    As to Rosa's prayers, where is that perfect white rose? It looks like science will save Paula after all, and the genius doctor is from Germany.

    And what happened to the hair loss side effect? I can't fault Susanna Gonzales for not wanting to shave off her hair, but that could have been faked. In fact, it should have if only to freak Rolando out.

  13. Gallo
    Jarifa, thank you for another excellent account.

    I know I have seen the actor playing Lorenzo before, but I can't remember which novela. I think he was a rich villain .

    Many actors here are new to me.

    The actor playing the rooster handler (?) Used to be in a lot of novelas often as the galan's bff.

    Jose Ron is playing a very different role from the galans that he usually plays . He looks like such a poor soul. I feel so sorry for him . I laughed as he carried his rooster around because I have a photo of my sweet hub holding a chicken when he was around 5.

    Lucero's role is also very different from her usual leading lady roles. Susan

  14. Galló

    Thank you Jarifa. You recaps explain a lot. I use closed captions but this show seems to use quite a few words that aren’t in my vocabulary.

    In the first episode. La Camponera said she wasn’t a whore. She probably isn’t but she sure is what the boys would call “easy”. Strange that her mother died in a fire and she almost did.

    I can’t imagine Jose Ron being the gallen here. He’s going to have to change completely from who he is now.

    Aside from Ringo, the only other person I recognize is the father in the wheel chair. I can’t remember the name of the show but he was his bosses right hand man, and loved the guys wife. He also killed for his boss.


  15. VIDA

    Thank you, Doris! Once again you've given an excellent account of all the misery and torment.

    I hadn't thought about Rosa killing Rol, but yeah that would be an excellent idea. If Rosa had an ounce of Gnat's gumption, she probably would do it.

    That doctor from Germany is Dr. Mueller who has had success with cases other doctors had given up on. And yes the doctor may come to Mexico if he decides that Paula is a good candidate for removal of the tumor.

    Urban, I've been wondering about side effects too...Paula has been reading to Suzy without any problems. And don't they usually shave part of the hair off when brain surgery is performed???

    Rafa seemed so different last night...a bit much IMHO.

  16. GALLO

    Thank you, Jarifa! I'm sure that more than VIX Ep. 3 was shown last night. Good luck sorting all of this out!

    We saw La Caponera being taken to Lorenzo's hacienda and his father not being happy (at all) about it. The last scene I remember is Dionicio going to register his rooster, Dorado, for a fight, but he didn't have enough money. So Secundino (I think that is his name) offered to sponsor him.

  17. vida
    Thanks, Doris.
    I know it's a telenovela, but if they picked such a difficult topic, they could at least have made the effects of this illness a bit more realistic. I definitely remember seeing a cancer-related plot line in a telenovela for teens and there they did that whole hair-loss part of the illness. Here it's for adults and yet there are no more vision problems or lost hair.They can show horrible people commiting awful crimes but can't continue with some vision problems? Really? I remember thinking Rolando won't want her anywhere near him if she loses her hair, but nope.
    When did Lorenzo manage to leave Mexico? Did they cut a scene or something? I don't remember his leaving being mentioned as something he intended to do.
    I'm still pissed off the writers just gave Rafa his happy ending without him having to do anything, especially as he only talked about what he wanted. What Sofia wants doesn't matter to him at all. I thought the evil ones get what they want, not the stupid and clueless ones. Don't you have to put some effort to get something? Rolando is horrrible, but no one could say he sits twiddling his thumbs all day. He plots and manipulates and blackmails. That's a lot of work.

  18. VIDA

    Doris, your recap was outstanding. Every word.

    "She brought this cancer (ROLANDO) into the house, he’s like a tumor consuming her and the family, she’s running out of time and can’t fix it" perfectly encapsulated all of the agony and angst.

    "Rosa is standing behind them, hearing all this. (and I’m hoping maybe she will kill Rolando, since her days are numbered, too, but Rosa isn’t’ the murderous type, so …..)" had me nodding in vigorous agreement!

    "RAFA is on a pink cloud of happiness" until Mal ruins everything. Of course he should have told Andi who ZaiSo is but of course he didn't.

    So is Isa going? Gracia? Figure it out ladies. Please.

    Has Lor found the miracle we've been hoping for???? Eyes raised heavenward...


  19. Gallo

    Liz, the actor playing lorenzo's father has been in many novelas. The one you are describing is " Desalmada." He also was a villain in " MI Camino we Amarte." Diana and I loved him as a jolly pirate and Captain Rick"s right hand man ( pirate) played by Fernando Colunga ( TBLMOE) in " Pasion" which also had Susana Gonzalez , William Levy, Sebastian Rulli ( as the hot blacksmith who lost the leading Lady to Captain Rick), and Mauricio Cordoba ( an old novio of mine ). That was a great historical novela that the patio had so much fun with.

  20. GALLO
    Thank you for your great recap, Jarifa! Yes, there was more to the episode and again I'm wondering if they're continuing to cut out bits. I was a bit confused in the second half. What was up with the flashback of the rooster painting? Is Jose Ron actually a son of a rich guy?

    I agree with Liz - lots of new vocab!

    I do think Jose Ron's sad-sack portrayal is a bit over the top, but we know he'll be strutting by the end.

    What I'm liking is the storyline that our heroine brings luck to whoever is with her. Does that apply only to men? Anyway, it's a fun new plot device.

  21. GALLO

    Thanks, everyone, for any info you could add. I have a feeling this is going to be a group effort.

    Susan, "The actor playing the rooster handler (?) Used to be in a lot of novelas often as the galan's bff." Yes! That is Alejandro Avila playing Secundino. I am enjoying seeing Lucero and José Ron in very different roles. This whole series is a nice break from the usual fare.

    Liz, I think that the actor playing Lucas is Alberto Estrellas. I have seen him a lot , too, and couldn't place him so I had to look him up. Recently, he was in "Mi camino es amarte", "La desalmada", Vencer el misdo" and of course "Ringo." Yes, it was odd thatLa Caponera almost died in a fire like her mother. There is lots of new vocabulary but, trust me, they have bleeped the most interesting vocabulary. : )

    RgvChick, thanks for the extra info. It sure looks like this went past #3. Oh, well . . . What would recapping be without extra challenges from the UNI universe? LOL

    Maggie, it seems that the rooster painting is going to be a part of some mystery having to do with Dionisio. "What I'm liking is the storyline that our heroine brings luck to whoever is with her. Does that apply only to men? Anyway, it's a fun new plot device." It seems to happen only when she is with a man she has feelings for.

  22. VIDA

    Thanks everyone for your comments!

    Urban and Rgv Chick - I wondered about Paula's hair, too. There should have been a good amount of it shaved off. Telenovela beanie time!

    Liz - I wish everyone would go to the judge and sort out the Rolando problem, too.

  23. GALLO

    Notes for Gallo will be up some time this weekend.

  24. Gallo

    No problem, Jarifa. I have an online game session tonight so it will take me until then to catch up to all the Primetime ones.

  25. gallo

    Thanks so much for the terrific recap, Jarifa. I am really enjoying this version of Rulfo's last work. There's a lot on the internet about the 25-year gap between his masterpiece, Pedro Páramo and El Gallo de Oro. One writer asked why authors are meant to keep on writing all their lives. Rulfo himself said that he got his plots from stories told him by an uncle and stopped writing when the uncle died. The short stories in El Llano en Llamas are wonderful and full of poor, sad people also.

    I always have trouble remembering my insights when I write a comment the next day! It seemed to me that the mother died exactly when the rooster jumped out of that hole Dionisio put him in. Very symbolic, as if the mother gave her life to the rooster who would save her son from poverty.

    After his mother's death, the corrupt police chief bought his house and presumably the land it was on for a few pesos. And even ordered him to be gone by the next day.

    Susan, thanks for reminding me about the actor playing Lorenzo's father having been Ricardo's sidekick in Pasión. We share a love for those old Colunga novelas de epoca.

  26. gallo

    Something else I meant to say: I think the writers of this TN are trying to have the actors perform the type of speech Rulfo used. An article I read said about his writing: "uncanny ability to give lyrical majesty and distinct rhythm to the terse colloquial speech of the poorest Mexican peasants".

  27. OT...yes, Novelera, Seeing Fernando with long hair,tall boots, carrying a sword in " Alborado" on my tv screen as I was channel surfing sent me down this telenovela rabbit hole to begin with!!! During " Pasion" , the patio peeps had pirate names. I was Mad Bess and Sylvia was Captain Sharkbait. That one was a fun ride....well, voyage . Mariana Carr was in it, too. She was a Caray carayf favorite. Susan

  28. GALLO

    Novelera, " The short stories in El Llano en Llamas are wonderful and full of poor, sad people also." ITA. I have always enjoyed those short stories as well as "Pedro Paramo" and was excited that Univision/Televisa were bringing this Rulfo tale to life. There are so many Mexican literary classics that they could bring to the small screen. Thanks for the fascinating comment about the speech.

  29. TU VIDA #81 Part 1/3

    Scenes are combined, not necessarily in the order they happened. Sorry for typos, etc. Some minor scenes were omitted for the sake of brevity and didn’t advance the plot.

    PAULA and Emi talk about what Rol did to him and Diego. She’s proud of him for standing up to Rol. He tells her how awful Rol was while she was hospitalized. Emi asks if it’s true she only has a week or two left? Paula’s face gives him the answer. Sadness abounds.

    However, Emi asks if he can interview her like he did Rosa, for his cancer documentary. Paula agrees. She talks about the love she feels for her family, kids, Pepe and her faith that she can beat this illness. Love is the strongest thing that exists. During this scene, the camera shows Rosa praying at the Guadalupe shrine (and my heart is breaking).

    ANDREA is pouring out her anguish to Diego about how her dad is always screwing up, all the time, with women. Diego tells her that every story has two sides. Andi is convinced Rafa is ruining his life with this ex-con. Diego says it’s not worth getting mad at him or avoiding him. Diego shares his own regrets about doing that to Paula who only has 1 – 2 weeks now left to live.

    RAFA comes to see ZiaSo to warn her that Andi found out she did jail time. Malena spilled the beans. Zai is not happy and wants to see Andi right now because she has the right to know all the facts. Rafa says let’s wait, there are several more episodes of this telenovela left in which to do that and he's a coward.

    ISA and Alex meet at the restaurant with Pepe and Rafa. The boys have a plan to resurrect the restaurant. Alex points out that they still have that problem about the land ownership. Eh, don’t worry, the boys have it all sorted out.

    When they leave, Isa comments that their boys turned out well. Alex says he’s proud of the boys they raised together. And I think these two will reconcile before the Por Fin. Especially because Isa hasn't knocked boots yet with Lorenzo.

    RAFA confronts Mal about her telling Andi about Zai’s prison time. Pepe is shocked that Mal told her. Mal claims she said it because “she was sure they had already told her” and acts very demure and innocent. Nobody is buying it.

    Pepe tells Mal that her word is worthless to him. He lays into her about the whole Zaida/murder thing back then, and it’s lather, rinse repeat.

  30. TU VIDA #81 Part 2/3

    ARTURO hasn’t stopped thinking of Diego but he knows he’s been busy with his stepfather (ha!) and his mom. Diego tells him that she has little time left and Art is sorry about that. Still, Art wants to talk to Diego about that day, asking “ Is it true you’re in love with-----“ Andi walks up and hears that, gets excited, and wants to know who Diego’s in love with. Diego glosses over with generic comments. Art learns that Rafa’s new sweetie was a jailbird. Andi says she’s not going to Rafa’s place ever again, and is all over Art like a duck on a June bug. Diego looks like he wants to hurl.

    Later, Isa isn’t happy that Mal told Andi about ZaiSo’s jail time. Rafa dreads when Andi learns ZaiSo is her mother. Isa says ‘Now you see why it was so difficult to tell you Lor is your papa? The truth is powerful.” Rafa acknowledges this. She suggests getting it over with soon and thinks Andi will take the news well. Riiiiight.

    Later, Rafa and ZaiSo are talking with Andi. He tells Andi that he won’t break up with ZaiSo. , who says she is NOT a ‘cold-blooded murderer’ but that she suffered the worst injustice a woman can experience. Andi is having a massive tirade, blessing them both out. Rafa finally says, “Enough! I won’t allow you to keep talking like this to your mother!” Well then, that shut her up. ZaiSo defends herself, Andi isn’t having it, and none of this ends well.

    ROSA is in bad shape and looks like death on a cracker. Really. Gracia is worried and Rosa denies anything is wrong. Then she goes outside and collapses in the yard. Paula and Gracia are worried but Rosa doesn’t want to go to the hospital. Paula calls her doctor, who makes a house call. He wants Rosa to go to the hospital and Rosa doesn’t want to go. This goes on, back and forth like a tennis match.

    Rosa tells him she made a deal with the Virgin Guadalupe to take her life instead of Paula’s. Doc does not believe in miracles, only science and medicine. Rosa tells him she has nothing more to do in this life on earth, her bags are packed, and she’s ready to shuffle off this mortal coil. She wants them to let her die in peace, here with PaulEpe and the hijos.

    Pepe points out that someone should tell Natalia. What a buzzkill.

  31. TU VIDA #81 Part 3/3

    Finally, Rosa agrees to go to the hospital to get looked at and promises Paula she’ll be back. They both say nice things to each other and it feels like a “goodbye” to me. Rosa tells Gracia, who is taking her to the hospital, that she needs to stop by her own house first, on the way.

    At her house, Rosa opens the safe that Nat uses. She remembers Nat telling her that Rosa can open the safe ONLY if something happens to Nat. Inside are instructions on what to do, if that should happen. Nat said she has powerful secrets in there that can destroy people.

    Rosa, who has conveniently developed a slight cough to prove to viewers her condition is deteriorating rapidly since leaving Paula’s house, opens the safe and removes files, folders, and a USB stick/thumb drive/flash drive. She tells Gracia that if the hospital keeps her and she can’t get out, please help her put all this back into the safe. Apparently, Rosa will review all this stuff while she's undergoing tests at the hospital, where nothing is private.

    PAULA’S dumpster fire of a life just got worse. Rolando intercepts Susy while she’s walking home from school with Diego. She gets in the car and Rol tells Diego that he’ll call Paula later. Diego gets home and tells Paula that Rolando HAS KIDNAPPED SUSY! If happened so fast that he couldn’t stop them and feels guilty.

    Paula calls Rolando. She is livid. Rolando tells her if she wants to see Susy again, she must get Pepe completely out of her life today. Paula threatens to get her lawyer involved. Rol isn’t fazed and tells her she doesn’t have time to start legal proceedings against him with the short time she has left to live.

    He tells her she has to decide today. If not, he and Susy will leave town tonight and he promises Paula she won’t see Susy again before she dies. (What a scumbag)

    Paula tells Pepe Rolando’s terms.

    Maybe murder hornets are next.


  32. Vida #81

    Gracias, Doris.

    Rolando is worse than a scumbag, but I can't think of the word at this hour. He better get the most humiliating Karmageddon available.

    We don't really know what Gnat kept in that safe but I'm hoping that there is evidence that Rolando killed German. She had to have some solid proof of that to hold it over his head.

    It kills me when the most intelligent one of her generation loses it. May Malena burn in Tartarus for what she just did to Andrea.

    Need to update the Karmageddon page and then got to bed. I'm seeing Madama Butterfly tomorrow afternoon.

  33. VIDA

    You filtered the harsh waters of this unrelenting storyline with sense and sensitivty Doris. Thank you.

    It was Rosa and Paula who commanded the spotlight tonight; they were completely enthralling.

    "The camera shows Rosa praying at the Guadalupe shrine (and my heart is breaking)" mirrored my thoughts exactly. The look on her face reflected her ravaged physical state, the grave toll her illness has taken on her.

    Paula, staring, eyes wide as saucers, seemed to be watching her own tragic, imminent fate unfolding. Both scenes were master class acting.

    "Rafa says let’s wait, there are several more episodes of this telenovela left in which to do that and he's a coward" was exactly right. Even though Rafa has seemed to stem his crazy, he still isn't thinking clearly, if at all. Now what a mess things are.

    I'm still hoping Gracia will end up with Alex but I'm starting to wonder. I'm not team Alex but I do like Gracia.

    I really don't care about Diego and Art right now with everything seemingly spiraling out of control.

    "PAULA’S dumpster fire of a life just got worse". Seemingly impossible but totally probable.

    In view of what's happened with Rol, Suzy should have been under lock and key. No surprise she's been kidnapped, the go to TN staple. How is Paula going to get her back??

    "Pepe points out that someone should tell Natalia. What a buzzkill" said it all.


  34. vida
    Thanks, Doris.
    I have to say that Rafa hasn't changed much so I don't see why Sofi should want to get back with him. He basically told her in the last episode he wanted to have a family. He never ever even asks her what she wants. It is always about him. I do notice this tendency in men to think first about themselves, but having to watch it on tv is even worse. I thought the evil ones get what they want, not the stupid and clueless ones. Rolando, for instance, isn't just sitting there twiddling his thumbs. He blackmails, manipulates and threatens. That's a lot of work. And what is Rafa doing? Buying flowers? They can preech forgiveness all they want, but does she really have to get back with him?
    Poor Lorenzo. All this effort for nothing. I really wonder what Isa was like when young.
    Paula shouldn't waste her breath threatening Rol when he has everything in his hands.
    Lucia got back with Emi and Sofia will get back with stupid Rafa...Why do they do this to us? It's not enjoyable watching a bunch of stupid people getting what they don't deserve and a bunch of clever ones making stupid decisions. It's a good thing Malena is so awful, otherwise I'd nearly want her to win along with Nat.Those two are at least interesting. One because she's clever and another one because everyoneis too naive and dumb to realise they were fooled.

  35. Vida

    Thanks so much for the recap Doris. This episode really moved things along. Pepe has finally opened his eyes and now sees MAL is still muy mal. I didn’t realize Rol threatened to take Suzy out of town. He just gets worse and worse. Can you imagine if he did that and Suzy never saw her mother again.

    Andi needs to give her mother a chance to explain. But at least Rafa and Isabela have made up over this.

    I’m sure the flash drive is the video of Rol admitting to the murder. I hope Rosa and Gracia watch it and get it to the police. They need to keep all that stuff hidden from Nat. I hope she doesn’t show up at the hospital.

    It does seem like some things are getting wrapped up


  36. VIDA

    Thanks for the comments. I'm off to babysit (again) and won't be back online until much later.

    Liz & Urban A - ITA that USB stick has to have the copy of Rol talking about killing German. When Nat played it for Rol, she told him there was a copy safely tucked away somewhere.

    waterlily - you are so right about Rafa. I think it's a Latino machismo patriarchal society thing where the men are in charge and women defer, for the most part.

    Diana - yes, Susy should have had her own bodyguard, too.

  37. Vida

    Doris, thank you for snorkeling through this sea of tears. I don't think I have ever been so anxious for a novela to end .

    I am interested in seeing how the writers tied up these loose threads and ended everyone's agony way or another .

    It would be kind of funny if Gracia ended up with Marcos and Isa put her old shoe Alex back on. Then, Lor could buy some new scarves, enjoy his kids and grandkids , and look for a new ladylove who likes to ride motorcycles . Maybe,you cant really past young love .The End

  38. EL GALLO DE ORO #3 (Uni edit) Part 1

    This was basically #4 of the original VIX series. I just might be able to watch this from and be comfy on my couch again. . . .

    La Caponera narrates and her message is that we all want to win but in the end we can only enjoy the game. This also applies to life.


    Dioninsio meets up with Secundino, his sponsor, ready for his rooster to fight ASAP no matter what advice Secundino has to give him. His golden rooster proves to be a winner and soon with his earnings from the bird, Dioniso is able to rent a hotel room for himself and his bird as well as being able to eat his fill. He then starts to see life in a different way. He goes shopping for new clothes, a hat, a golden rooster pin (he wears at the neck of his shirt) and boots. Everything is black. He likes black. The boots are the worst part after having lived a life in sandals and he ends up with blistered bloodied feet. He has a hard time sleeping in the bed but thinks that he will break in his shoes first and then the bed. He practices how he will greet La Caponera, when he sees her next time, in the mirror.


    La Caponera and her group play at Lorenzo's card game. She becomes perturbed as their performance is ignored by the players. Lorenzo starts to win and wins big. The losers are eager to win some of their money back and a new card game is scheduled at the hacienda in three days.

    Lorenzo tells Remigio La Caponera is the real deal. Lorenzo pays her group well and an additional large tip. The group teases her about getting the tip because she is Lorenzo's novia. La Caponera doesn't wan to be paid to be a novia. She is nobody's friend.

    Lorenzo tries to talk La Caponera into staying at the hacienda so she and her group can entertain again at the next card game in three days. He has already made plans thinking she would be there. . She refuses. The expression on her face tells us that she is having reservations about his motives. She is moving on to a fair in Cuquío. She likes to sing where people are actually listening. She tells him to get a Victrola to liven things up. He then switches tactics and says he just wanted them to have more time together. La Caponera says he should have asked her first. She doesn't like people who think for her. He apologizes. She explains that she enjoys her time with him BUT her thing is going to fairs not haciendas. He drives her and Justin to Cuquío while the men in the group travel by cart.

    Lorenzo stays in Cuquío to be with La Caponera. She makes it clear she is there to work. He starts talking about falling in love with her. She asks if he is not just confused. He was hoping that she felt the same way but now realizes he misinterpreted things. He apologizes and will give her the time she needs. He says he is happy seeing her a little here and there. He kisses her hand and leaves. She is not impressed.

    La Caponera hears a group singing on the radio. She tells her group that she can only imagine how wonderful it would be if that were them. The guys in the group are content playing at fairs. La Caponera would love to be heard everywhere!

    La Caponera rescues Dionisio from a real life shell game and they chat. She almost didn't recognize him in his new clothes. He thanks her for getting him that rooster in San Marcos because it has changed his life. He invites her to a drink and buys her a bottle of mezcal. He doesn't drink alcohol. As they talk, she tells him that he no longer sounds like a town crier but like the cockfighter he is supposed to be. She gets up to go and pats him on the shoulder. He shirks from her touch. She apologizes and asks if he is okay. Dioniso says he doesn't know but walks away.

  39. EL GALLO Part 2

    Lorenzo is quick to take Dionisio's place at La Caponera's side and wants to know all about the man she was talking to. When she explains the life altering experience Dioniso has had via cockfighting, Lorenzo demeans his accomplishment as much as he can to the point that La Caponera asks him why he has such a rotten attitude towards Dioniso. Lorenzo says he would say that about anyone getting into cock fighting. La Caponera goes on to defend Dionisio. She only wants him to be okay. His mother just died. Lorenzo tells her she has an enormous heart. She doesn't necessarily agree.


    Lorenzo tells Remigio that they need La Caponera to pay off their debt to the Arriago family. He thinks he can find a way to keep her around after that to make them a fortune, too. Unfortunately for them, Lorenzo and Remigio run into Juvencio and Sebastsián Arriago on the streets of Cuquío. Lorenzo is quick to tell them that he is getting the money together that he owes them. He offers to pay them 10% of the debt as a demonstration of good will. Sebas says he could agree to that if he also gave them another 10% at the end of the fair. Lorenzo cannot do that. Sebastián says if that won't work, what will work is if he signs an affidavit putting up his hacienda as collateral to insure that the debt is paid off at the end of the month. At first, Lorenzo refuses but soon has to sign after Sebas threatens to burn the hacienda down himself. Later, Remigio asks why he signed. Lorenzo says that his father Lucas would die if the hacienda were lost. Lorenzo is confident that they will find some way to convince La Caponera to come to the game. There must be something more important to her than singing at a "*******" fair.


    The author Juan Rulfo incorporated magical realism (el realismo mágico) in his work. Realismo mágico is a literary style where fantastical or magical elements are considered part of the norm in the real world like La Caponera being able to be a man's good luck charm.

    I learn something new everyday: The playing cards looked different to me at the previous card game and they are . They are Spanish-suited playing cards. According to Wiki, they have 40 or 48 cards in a deck and have four suits: bastos/clubs, oros/golds (as in coins), copal/cups and espadas/swords.

  40. VIDA

    Thank you, Doris, I always look forward to reading your recap and the sides you incorporate. You knocked it out of the park with this one!

    I don't have much to add. Everyone has already commented on just about everything I observed/was frustrated about.
    Rosa did look quite bad right before she collapsed, but she looked like she had made a full recovery (with each stand of hair in place) when she and Paula said their good-byes. Then Rosa "who has conveniently developed a slight cough to prove to viewers her condition is deteriorating rapidly" was back to looking bad with strands of hair out of place when she was getting all the evidence from the safe. And yes, I too am sure that the USB is the recording of Rol's admission to killing German.

    Isa needs to left to live on her own. She doesn't deserve Lor; and Alex doesn't deserve to be stuck with Isa.

  41. Galló

    Thanks Jarifa, you continue to clear up my confusion.

    As someone who is not happy having to give up my sandals for shoes in the fall I felt Dionisio’s pain before he did. I took one look at those shiny boots and knew they’d hurt his feet.

    I thought La Caponera thought Lorenzo was the man the spiritual person said would change her life. But she wasn’t happy to be singing and being ignored. It was neat the way the flashed from her singing to the roosters fighting. I thought maybe they were trying to show her luck working for Dionisio. But it also worked for Lorenzo, so that might not have been the point they were trying to make.

    I didn’t realize Lorenzo put the house up as collateral. This could get bad for La Caponera.

    Dionisio has a long way to go to be leading man material.


  42. Vida #81

    I don't know if anyone will read this but I had a revelation yesterday afternoon while at the opera. Why did the Met schedule Madama Butterfly on the eve of Mother's Day? The final scene made me think of Paula.

    When Cio-cio San realized that Pinkerton and his wife will take her son away to the US and she will never see him again she decided to commit suicide. She told her maid to leave him in the garden where he was playing, but Suzuki went out of the room. When he entered the house she blindfolded him before killing herself with the seppuku knife previously used by her father. In some productions she does this offstage or behind a screen; in this one in full audience view. Pinkerton entered, found her dead on the floor, and suffered a major attack of guilt for having abandoned her.

    Paula is another maternal victim in Rolando's threat to take Susy away so she will never see her again, insuring that Paula would die in the same state of anguish as Cio-cio San. Actually worse because Paula is out of control in the situation with a ticking clock in the background. The other difference is that while Cio-cio San's son is 2.5 years old or younger Susy is 7, old enough to have memories of Paula and to suffer mental trauma that could last a lifetime whether or not her family gets her back from Rolando, who delighted in his mental torture of Paula.

    No punishment for Rolando will be adequate.

  43. GA<LO

    Thanks, Liz. I have a feeling that things are going to get more complicated especially with Lorenzo being squeezed for the money by the brothers. How will he convince La Caponera to be present for the game? If she doesn't want to be there will her LUCK still work for him because it did before. So many considerations!

  44. gallo

    Thanks so much, Jarifa. Terrific recap. Sorry to be so late to the party. Family at my house for Mothers Day. We had a great time, just talked family memories and ordered pizza in. We're kind of tired of trying to find seats at the Mothers Day Brunch polka. Ends up costing an arm and a leg and, if you don't book early here in the Bay Area, you can't even get seating.

    Yes, the magical realism is certainly there in the aspect of La Caponera bringing luck.

    Hava they explained why Dionisio can't bear to be touched? It's SO sad but I don't know how he got that way.

    I have a bad feeling about Lorenzo's curiosity about Dionisio and looking after him after La Caponera's explanation of how she knows him. This guy has no heart.

    It's probably too soon for him to lose at the next poker game and have to give those guys he owes the hacienda. So, I guess we can expect her back there for the big game, some way or another.

    La Caponera is kind of a modern feminist icon, isn't she. She beds Lorenzo but isn't madly in love with him, more than happy to move on, usually the guy's move in TNs.
