
Friday, May 10, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #49, jueves 5/9: Paz on (Scorched) Earth

Mireya gets a call that Paz's trial has been moved up, which she is disproportionately excited about. I guess it's good news if any wheels are moving at all. She wants to plan a big party to celebrate, but Lupe thinks it's premature. Then Kenzo shows up in a Miami Vice blazer and tells Nandy everything is on track for the change of gender in her official identity papers. Now it will be impossible to stop the party! Lupe gives in.  

Mauro tells Gin he hasn't been able to get into Fermin's safe deposit box to look over the incriminating diary/newspaper/whatever, so they'll have to keep him alive for now. Not sure why they don't just come up with a scary new threat, but thanks for the torture break.  

Paz gets hold of a phone and calls Sam on Monito's hidden cell. I was on the edge of my seat through the whole conversation, but fortunately with Monito serving as lookout they didn't get caught. Mostly it was just sentimental chitchat about looking at the moon and thinking of each other, etc. (Wasn't that a song?)

As if all the woo-woo surveillance already wasn't enough, Esteban talks out loud to Berenice's picture about his suspicion that it was Gin who killed her. Dude, she's in heaven and all that: maybe light a candle and write her a nice note? I'm not buying the whole animal-tracker thing, anyway. Even radio collars, which are large and up front, don't tell you what the elk are actually saying. 

He says he feels impotent. Well, we can hope. 

Humberto marches in and tells Esteban that he's almost done fixing all Paz's legal problems and is ready to fix her romantic problems as well, jeje. Esteban absolutely forbids him to toy with her affections, which sounds pretty absurd coming from him at this moment. Shouts & insults, blah blah blah. I am tired of this pelea de gallos. Two men in their forties who know how to tie a necktie should be able to have a conversation without bumping chests. Grow up, boys. 

Ginebra pretends to cuddle the dog while telling her how much she hates her and can't wait to kill her. Cobija finally gets the gist and starts to writhe and squeal a little. Fortunately, she is interrupted by Elvira and the kids and goes back to simulating humanity. (Note to fellow animal lovers: this is a very well trained dog. I'm sure she struggles on command, and they probably dub the whining in afterward. Her tail was wagging almost the whole time. Whew.) 

Humberto drops in at the jailhouse speakeasy to give Paz the glad tidings: she will be released today! She doesn't understand. Didn't Ginebra threaten that she'd be in jail for the rest of her life? Hum explains that the hearing was moved up, he presented the evidence in her favor, and nobody showed up for the other side, so the charges were dismissed. Not only that, but double jeopardy means she can't be tried again. She's deliriously happy, of course: how can she ever repay him? "With your happiness," he replies. He finally smiles with both sides of his mouth, which compensates a little for all that forehead.

Elvira ill-advisedly confides to Gin that she is starting to have feelings for Fobo. Well, she doesn't have any other friends (except Fobo.) Gin knits her razor-sharp eyebrows. "Your...employee?" Do we have to worry about him now, too? It would be easier to try and keep track of who's NOT on the hit list.

Back in the barrio, Gema thrusts a scrap of paper through the Robles' window and informs Salo that his attendance is expected at the gynecologist. Sal agrees with his usual dyspeptic wince. (Who is that weird little dude with the 9-dimensional haircut, and why does Gema have to take him everywhere? Is he on supervised release or what? I guess if we don't know his name, he's not important, but he's getting on my nerves.)

Esteban shows up to congratulate all the Robles on their release from family camp jail. They are all really happy to see him until they are interrupted by a street reporter asking nasty questions. Esteban threatens her with legal action, and she finally leaves. He girds his loins and confesses that he and Paz have broken up, and everyone's in choc. Why why why???

Just then Paz appears with Humberto, and everyone runs off and leaves Esteban standing alone. He doesn't have the sense to politely melt away, and when Paz catches sight of him she lets him have it. She calls him "senor" and "usted" and tells him he is not welcome in her house or her neighborhood. She is (literally) spitting mad. Everyone goes into the house, leaving Esteban slouching in the street looking like his tears have shrunk his suit two sizes. 

In other news:

* If Paz is out, Fefe can't be far behind. I wouldn't mind seeing the lipstick lady, too. I bet she could take on Gema with one hand and four fingers tied behind her back. 

* Esteban tells Gin he feels nothing but hate for her, and she says that there is just one short step between love and hate. Not sure what version of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations she's been reading. 

* The tox screen on the kids comes out negative, but apparently Gala now has anorexia, bulimia, AND pre-diabetes. A lady doctor with admirable elocution does a nice PSA about the escalating effects of eating disorders. 

* Hum confides to his uncle that Paz could even be worth giving up his womanizing ways, and Por confesses that Dona Lupe gives him butterflies in his stomach. 

* Esteban encourages Salo to reach out to Gala. She needs her friends right now. He's not even mad about the (alleged) baby! See, reasonable Esteban is still in there somewhere. 

* The V de C kids are all sleeping in the same room now. Did they ever get the door back? Remember when that seemed really important? Good times. 

* This episode was pretty short on plot advancement and long on personality aberrations. We may have reached 100% turnover in the writers' cage.


  1. Blue Lass,

    Oh my, the title was perfection. Another incredible installment.

    "Kenzo shows up in a Miami Vice blazer" - love it.

    I am so appreciative you noted that Cobija's tail was wagging away when Ginebra was holding her. I did see that which is the only reason that scene was made bearable for me. "this is a very well trained dog. I'm sure she struggles on command, and they probably dub the whining in afterward" was your much appreciated reassurance. If Elvira goes missing tonight, I do fear for the little love's safety.

    Paz had great reason to rave and she did so splendidly. Unfortunately, everything is beyond Esteban's control of course and I felt badly for him standing in solitude as the entire family AND Humberto marched in to celebrate.

    "Sal agrees with his usual dyspeptic wince" was perfect. Yes, I also wonder who Gema's strange shadow is.

    Has Elvira inadvertently shortened Fobo's lifespan??

    Perhaps Humberto and Por can double date. I was hoping there would be some sort of spark between Hum and Mir in the kitchen but if anything was cooking, it was surely on the stove.

    I'm still confused about where Esteban goes from here...


  2. Thanks, blue lass.
    So what happened with all those separate rooms in that big house?
    Mireya seems to berepresenting the stereotype that Mexicans will take any excuse to celebrate. I mean, her sister wasn't even released and she was ready to have a party.
    I struggle with scenes involving cruelty to animals. Gin said she wanted to take it out on that poor dog so what upset her? Her self-control is non-existant. At this point I'm surprised she doesn't murder 10-15 people a week just for pissing her off.
    I'm confused as to how Esteban came to the conclusioon that Gin murdered his wife. I know he thinks Rubio is covering for someone and that Gin faked the kidnapping, but how do you draw a conclusion she killed his wife too?
    I will never believe Elvira will manage to shake off her prejudice. I doubt she'd have the courage to introduce Fobo to the wider society. He wants to sweep her off her feet and I think it's such a waste of time. She did say she'd a hypocryte if she got involved with Fobo, but she is rude and snobish enough to be able to look Esteban in the eye and say she is allowed to be with Fobo because it's different or something equally nonsensical.

  3. Great recap! I loved the Miami Vice jacket quip, along with "He says he feels impotent. Well, we can hope". And then there was "he finally smiles with both sides of his mouth which compensates a little for all that forehead". LOL! I had never noticed the Fivehead before. Now we know why he is mas guapo in his cowboy hat.

    I've only seen the first half of this episode so far. I'm nervous to see the Cobija part. I looked on that website and unfortunately this show isn't on there. Blue, remember when we were watching some obscure tn on Netflix and it let us know the horse would sustain an injury? It's such a good website for those of us who love the critters.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the 9 dimensional haircut. I do wonder where this storyline is going. Is Gema really pregnant? Is Salo el padre? Did he crush her when they were doing it? She is soooooo thin. Gala can only dream.

    Thanks for the laughs.

  4. Thanks, Blue Lass, I loved the recap. Your commentary made it a fun read, not easy to do with this show.

    I’m worried about the dog. Not Fobo. I think either Ginebra will talk her out of it or not care enough. Although he does serve as bodyguard and can be a help to the family.

    I have a hard time wrapping my head around Esteban’s predicament. It’s just so unbelievable but also impossible to get any help. I do feel sorry for him, but they do say fools rush in.

    Ginebra does have power if Paz is now free for good. And she owes it to Esteban not Humberto.

    Esteban started thinking Gin killed Bernice when he was remembering the fake invasion and the men lined up. He always knew the guy in jail, Rubio? didn’t do it. But I don’t know what made him draw that conclusion. It had to be someone in the lineup.


  5. Blue Lass, you always bring the fun with each and every recap even those with a severe Fun deficit. Thank you.

    Seeing Galen Esteban looking dazed and confused and obviously feeling so helpless is sad. We need
    Our galans large and in charge as they rescue everyone while giving them sage advice whether they want it or not . Esteban looks like he lost his lunch money to the school bully who he used to regularly protect all the other kids from. It is hard seeing the wind knocked out of his handsome sails. is he going to get out from under the wicked queen's thumb ?


  6. BlueLass: Wake me up when Paz gets her happily ever after. Sick of these villains winning all of the damn time.

  7. Bluelass, thanks. I enjoyed your recap. “This episode was pretty short on plot advancement and long on personality aberrations.” You can say that again.

  8. Thanks so much for the clever, witty recap. I am always amazed at your asides, right on the mark and laugh out loud funny!

    Fermin's safe deposit box? Was that mentioned before Mauro did? My memory bank doesn't have it.

    I loved "two men in their 40's" who can't seem to avoid almost coming to blows. I have a feeling there may be some female TN viewers who think jealousy is flattering or exciting on the part of a significant other. As for me, I run fast the other way at any hint of that; pretty sure attempts at control would follow.

    Loved "simulating humanity" regarding Gin's quick personality change at the sight of Elvira.

    So...Gin's promise to arrange for Paz's freedom if Esteban "does as she likes" was for realz. Will she now expect "services" in return?

    I was also confused by all Esteban's kids sleeping in the same room. They're kinda too old for that. Solidarity with Gala?

    Amen on Esteban should have "politely melted away". But the writers wanted Paz rejecting him.

    I am a bit confused about Gin's threats (there are so many). I thought she told Esteban that she was feeding Sam and Monito poison and then an antidote. But Esteban had his own children analyzed I guess in an excess of caution.

    They are laying on the warnings about "protection" from the adults to Salo. I'd bet everything in my bank account that, if Gema is pregnant at all, it's not Salo's.

  9. Novelera, ....Fefe told Gin that he has a safety deposit box somewhere with evidence about Gin for his own safety.

    Esteban looks frozen with fear like a guy who sees no way out of this trap that Gin created. How will Gin be stopoed? Mauro seems to be the only answer to stopping Gin's doom and gloom campaign.

    If Gems is pregnant, I dont think it is Salo's..


  10. Just caught up with this.

    If Vermin has any evidence that incriminates Ginebra we may not see it until the last few episodes. Any sooner and she will figure out how to make it disappear and kill him prematurely.

    I fear for Cobija and Monito.

    Ginebra is probably laughing behind Elvira's back.

    Gala is definitely in for a tough ride. Inconsistency in one's diet and mealtimes, fad diets, etc., are a set-up for type 2 diabetes. It's a tough one but not impossible to deal with.
