
Thursday, May 23, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida & El Gallo de Oro - Week of May 20, 2024

Preemption Alert! Once again, Primetime TNs discussed on this page will be preempted on Thursday due to Fútbol!

Coming Soon: Golpe de Suerte with  Big Ed Yanez and Mayrin Villanueva starts May 28th at 8PM!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Jarifa is being stalwart in providing us with her notes on the couch for El Gallo de Oro! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 89 (Friday--Últimos Capítulos!!)

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro Ep. 11 (Friday)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Oro”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. "VIDA"/OT:

    RGV Chick: Interesting to see if our Protagonista Damsel in distress will get a happily ever after ?

  2. EL GALLO DE ORO #11 (Uni Edit) ( VIX Season 2 #3/4)

    Page One

    1. La Caponera narrates: How different the world would be if instead of us repaying evil with evil, we allowed life to do the job for us. The problem is that we don't trust life to do her job. That is why we plan revenge. That is why the wolrd works like it does.

    2. Under the watchful gaze of the police chief, the card game proceeds and Mr. Pinzón aka Dionsio wins the first round.

    3. Secundino and his men arrive at the police station. They free the police officers who explain what happened. Secundino says they have to tell Dionsio what happened and go look for La Caponera.

    4. Aurelio and Remigio lead La Caponera on horseback to a corral while they wait for further instructions from Lorenzo. Aurelio tells Remigio to lok after La Caponera and goes to leave. When Remigio asks where he is going, Aurelio tells him to shut up and follow directions.

    5. Dionsio wins the second round. A clearly frustrated Lorenzo cannot believe it.

    6. After La Caponera complains about being uncomfortable on the horse, Remigio takes her off of it to stretch her legs. She immediately starts to work on him . She never thought that he would end up at Aurelio's helper. He inisits heis obody's helper. It turns out that Remigio is staying with Lorenzo becasue he sihte only person he has. La Caponera says would rather be alone than allow anyone to humiliate her the way that Lorenzo humiliates him. She suggests that he would be better off teaming up with her and Dionisio.

    7. The police chief announces that if Dionisio wins a third match, it is all over. Lorenzo does not appreciate being reminded of that. He tells the police chief that he was hired to be a judge and not a commenter. Dionisio takes the photo of his family in front of the rooster paining and kisses it. He places his chips on top of it. Lorenzo wants to know what the meaning of that is. Dionisio says it is to make sure that Lorenzo doesn't forget who he is. Lorenzo asks if he is supposed to forget that Dionisio's father lost it all. If he didn't want to lose, he never should have placed a bet. Dionisio answers that Lorenzo's cheating ended his family. Lorenzo mockingly asks him if he wants him to cry over that. Doinisio says no. He only wants Lorenzo to realize that he is going to be the one crying. Dionisio wins the third round. Lorenzo cannot accept that he lost. He is sure that Dionisio must have been cheating. There is no other way. The police chief assures an increasingly agitated Lorenzo that Dionisio won fair and square. Dioniiio smiles and calls Lorenzo an ass****. Suddenly Lorenzo hears a baby cry. He is suddenly curious about who that is. He was assured there would only be the three of them. He discovers that Dionisio had a baby girl. Justina is taking care of her in another room. Lorenzo sounds like a mad man raving about how that is how Dionisio won. Dionisio thinks back on how he and La Caponera planned leaving the baby in the house so Dionsio could win. Dionisio says he has no idea what Lorenzo is talking about. Lorenzo goes on about the girl having the same "power" as her mother. The police chief cannot understand what this is all about. Lorenzo tells Dionisio to explain to the police chief. All Dionisio says is that he won and the hacienda is now his. Lorenz pulls his gun on Dionisio and as the police chief asks what the hell is going on, he shoots him. He shoots Dionisio in the arm. He kills another police officer. Dionisio tells Justna to run to run to the highway with the baby and to not stop. The shooting continues and Dionisio escapes out the back.

  3. EL GALLO Part Two

    8. Justina and the baby reach Secundino and his mean. Secundino goes to help Dionisio who is being chased through the woods by a gun happy Lorenzo. He finally catches up with Lorenzo and pointing a gun at him, tells Dionisio that they are the same; a pair of cheaters. He has his little girl and he has La Caponera. Dionisio calls him a SOB snd warns him that he better not hurt her. He insists that he and Lorenzo are not the same. Lorenzo agrees. He has a long life a head of him and Dioniso's life is over. Nobody has seen La Caponera arrive son the scene. She shoots Lorenzo with a rifle. He falls over and ends up floating away down teh river. She tells Dionisio not to shoot Remigio

    9. At the police station, another one of the police officers is taking La Caponera's and Dionisio's statement. He tells La Caponera that Aurelio's body was found where she said it was. She says that her escape was a matter of luck. The office says that the chief could have used some of that. Dionisio asks if they found Lorenzo's body. The officer says they haven 't and doubts they will. The river has taken its share of the dead never to be seen again. La Caponera and Dionisio are unable to attend the police chief's service. They have no time and the town brings back too many bad memories.

    10. Dionisio tells his group, who have all of their belongings packed up in wagons, that the time has come to move to their new home. It turns out that Hugo, one of Lorenzo's employees, acted as Dionisio's spy on the hacienda. Hugo tells Dionisio that Lorenzo's employees left the ranch when tney heard he was dead. Dioniso says he is in Hugo's debt. Hugo thinks that the boss being in debt to him is good news. Dionisio says he feels weird being called "boss." he is a cockfighter. La Caponera tells him haht he is the best cockfighter ever but he needs to get used to being called boss. Thye leave for the hacienda.

    11. La Caponera narrates: Who doesn't dream of a new life leaving everything behind and far away but dreaming and reality are two different things. Our baggage is always heavier than we think. There are scars left behind from mistreatment that hide the memory of our dead and frustrated dreams.


    12. It is La Pinzona's (Dionisio Pinzón and La Caponera's daughter) quinceañera (her 15th birthday celebration). Dionsio and Secundio are all dressed up discussing business. La Caponera is singing but it isn't really her, it is her record album being played on the rnecord player. The rooster painting still hangs on the wall in all its glory. Dionisio asks if his daughter will like the gift. Secundino is sure she will but her mother is another story. Dionsio and Secundino talk to Remigio about a land deal he has been negotiating. Secundnio thinks he should forget about it because the price is too high. Dionisio decides to go for it. The land will give them another access to the river. Remigio reminds him how the other landowners have been angry about him buying up all the land he can. Dionisio says he has not set out to hurt them and that is why he invited them all to the quinceañera. He wants to smooth things over.

  4. EL GALLO Page Three

    13. Two landowners are chatting and the mayor are chatting with the village priest (YES! It is Eric Del Castillo!!) All of them are angry with him for buying people out. An Emiliano and another land owner recently sold their land to Dionisio. Neither of them are going to the quinceañera. The mayor plans on going saying it is only politics for him. The landowners are also upset because Dionisio pays his workers too much so everyone wants to work for him. The priest is not going to the quinceañera either because the family has never set foot in his church in all these years and they didn't ask him to do a special quinceañera mass either. One of the men remarks how teh girl s so pretty and likes to dance like her mother. The priest calls her a DANGER.

    14. Hugo has driven La Pinzona into town. She clearly has inherited her mother's personality and self-assurance. She isn't pleased with how they have made her up. She tells him that she doesn't want to look pretty; she wants to look like a woman. As Hugo runs an errand, she primps in the side view mirror on the truck and spots a young man who attracts her. She gets out of the truck and follows him into a cantina that her family owns. She flirts with him telling him that she owns the place. One of the waitresses calls her on being there as well as Hugo eventually. She asks him if he knows who the guy is. He doesn't and he reminds her that the police could close the family business for her being there since sheisw underage. She smiles as the young man wins his game and she leaves with Hugo.

    15. La Caponera talks to Justina about the fact that she has been offered a two month tour of Mexico. She hasn't accepted the offer yet for the group because she doesn't know what Dionisio would think and if he would agree for her to maybe take La Pinzona with her. She doesn't think that Dionsio would like to be away from his daughter for that long or that she was missing school even though school is not one of La Ponzona's strengths. La Caponera talks about La Pinzona going to town to get her hair done and what a handful she is turning out to be!

    16. At the party, La Pinzona comes out on the arm of her father as the guests all sing "Las mañanitas" to her. Her parents wish her a happy birthday. A beaming Dionisio tells her she has grown up t be the prettiest young lady of them all. It doesn't matter how old she gets, she will always be his little girl. Her parents hug her. Dionsio presents her birthday gift: a horse. To La Caponera's surprise he says it was her mother's idea. La Pinzona loves it!! She thanks her parents. She loves them.

    17. Dionisio sit and talk at a table . She calls him on giving La Pinzona a horse and not telling her ahead of time. He explains that he knew she would say no. She says he's right. La Pinzona is spoiled and h eis the one who is spoiling her. Dionisio insists that La Pinzona is not spoiled. He teases his wife saying it was a horse or a car. La Caponera says not in his dreams . . . Dionisio has noticed that none of his guests came. La Caponera explains that they didn't come because they see them as being from strange place. Dionisio states that are as good as anyone. La Caponera knows that but she is worried that he doesn't really beleive that. They kiss.

  5. EL GALLO Page Four

    18. La Caponera AND La Pinzona perform.

    19. Remigio tells Dioniso that somebody who knows him wants to see him. It is the young man that La Pinzona was focused on in town earlier. It turns out that he is Jesús the street urchin now all grown up. He heard Dionisio's name in town and he came because he needs a job. Yes, he finished his studies. Dionisio says they will talk about a job later. For now, he wants him to have a good time. La Pinzona spots him.

    20. Dionisio goes to his office to get some mezcal. On the way, he spots a disturbing scene: a rooster hung in the patio of an out building. When he approaches, he sees that some human skulls are placed under it. He quickly looks but there is nobody. around. A cross made out of two knives hangs above the display.

    21. Dionisio returns to the party to talk to Secundino about what he saw but he has to do a waltz with his daughter first.

    22. La Caponera narrates: Definitely there is nothing like complete happiness. Sometimes, if things go well for you in love, they don't go well for you when it comes to money. Or on the other hand, you might have love and money but are ill. Sometimes there is nothing missing, absolutely everything is working but your head is getting involved and telling you that nothing lasts forever and that at some time, laughter turns into tears because that is always the way it goes and you do not believe that you are the exception...

    23. As Dionisio dances with his daughter, a young man cuts in and Dionisio tells him not to hold his daughter too close because her dress will get wrinkled.

    24. Dionisio gets Secundino to go with him to see the hanged rooster. La Caponera follows along as well as Remigio. Dionisio tells Secundino that what he saw was evil. Secundino tells him that the people around there have odd beliefs and do even stranger things. When they get to the patio, the rooster and the skulls, etc. are gone. Dionisio explains to them how there was a dead rooster hanging and dripping blood on human skulls beneath. There were some back candles, too. Dionisio doesn't know who did it but it was diabolical. Dionisio is not sure if it was one of their roosters or not. To the viewer, it looks like someone is watching them. La Caponera thinks it sounds like witchcraft to her. Secundino says if it is witchcraft, why would the person take the items away with them? They need to check that out. Dionisio wants a group of men to go over the whole ranch to see what they can find. La Caponera tells him it needs to be done carefully with discretion so that the La Pinzona's party is still a party.

    25. We see a man walking through the desert with a sack. He returns to a hotel room with the skulls and other creepy paraphernelia. He gets some tequila and a shot glass and a cup. He pours some tequila for himself in the cup. He tells somebody that he has been at the hacienda. That SOB Remigio was there, too. After all they did for him . . . It's Lorenzo.



    I just knew that when they hadn't found Lorenzo's body that he was going to make a comeback some time. I cannot stand the character. I wonder who he is talking to. Did he go over the edge permanently and is having a conversation with his dead father? La Pinzona looks like she is going to be a handful especially if Dionisio hires Jesús and he is living with the other workers at the hacienda. They did well choosing the actress Diana Harto for wild child La Pinzona who is able to portray the same bearing as La Caponera. She seems like she could be her daughter.

  7. gallo

    Another wonderful recap, Jarifa! Thanks so very much.

    I was not expecting that twist that the baby would have the power of giving her father luck at cards. Excellent! While they were more or less glaring at each other during the game, I noticed that Lorenzo didn't even deny he'd cheated Dionisio's father so as to take his land.

    I couldn't remember if La Caponera ever told Lorenzo about "all the women in their family" having this mystical gift. But he certainly figured it out in any case. Of course he just looked like a lunatic to the police chief, raving about a baby causing him to lose.

    Did I miss something. They referred to Aurelio being found dead, but I don't remember that happening, only his leaving Remigio with La Caponera. I knew as soon as Aurelio left that she'd convince Remigio to switch sides.

    When they got on the buckboard to leave, we heard more of La Caponera's narration, but in a sort of foreshadowing way...that you carry your past along with you.

    Those disgruntled hacendados were not happy at Dionisio's success. They're finding it hard to keep ranch hands around because Dionisio pays a decent wage. And it drives them nuts that someone they think is a peon has been so successful.

    It's not quite clear what year we're in, but after the revolution, there was strong anti-clericalism in Mexico. Priests were even forbidden to wear their clerical garb outside of the church. Much of the post revolution constitution was to reign in the power of the Catholic Church. This takes place much later, but Dionisio and La Caponera avoid the church. And, of course, that priest (yes, Eric del Castillo!) is resentful. He's also not happy about a beautiful young girl having so much freedom.

    Hah! The little boy Dionisio treated to rice and beans in San Marcos has grown up. And La Pinzona gives Jesús luck right off the bat.

    Yep, I also had a nagging feeling Lorenzo hadn't died when he floated away. But...15 years had gone by. I'd have thought he'd have sought revenge sooner. I suppose we'll find out why the impulsive Lorenzo has waited this long.

  8. GALLO

    novelera, no, you did not miss a thing. They never showed what happened to Aurelio even in the original. Btw, nothing was cut last night and they even added a bit of the next episode. Uni announced six more episodes with seven episodes of the original series left. The baby luck twist surprised me, too. How clever! I loved how Dionisio played stupid about that in front of the police chief making Lorenzo look even more like the unhinged sadistic psycho he is. What a disappointment that Lorenzo is not dead even though I was expecting it. Thank you for the points about the diminished role of the Catholic Church post Revolution/Cristero War that lives on in the Mexican constitution. After the time jump, I would guess we are in the late 1950’s? I still want to know if Lorenzo was speaking to his dead father and drinking for both of them ( “After all they did for him (Remigio)” ) or if has managed to pick up some poor soul to accompany him. Where has he has been all these years?

  9. TU VIDA #89 Part 1/3

    The penultimate episode. Yayyy!

    Things are happening at the literal speed of light. I have whiplash over how fast some stuff is getting done in this episode. Fortunately, I wore my telenovela beanie with the chin strap engaged.

    Scenes combined, a few omitted, typos, the usual disclaimer. I have tons of notes that needed to marinate overnight and I tried to condense them down to this Reader’s Digest version. Please add anything in your comments that I left out but might be important.

    NATALIA does not believe Paula will trade her homes, company, and fortune for freedom from Rolando. Well, believe it, Nat. Paula would rather leave her kids a stable loving home and stepdad (Pepe) than material things. They make a deal and it will all be Natalia’s except the cancer foundation. They shake on it.

    GRACIA put Alex in the friend zone. She knows he still loves Isa. She accepted his offer in a moment of emotion but now that her head is clear, and Isa is her best friend, etc.etc. etc.

    ROLANDO has been trying to get hold of Nat by phone. Lorenzo shows up and is loaded for bear because he deposited a ton of money into Paula’s foundation for her surgery and it’s all gone. Nada. Zip. and he’s furious. . This means Paula cannot get her operation and Rol is all ‘boo-hoo, too bad.’
    Rol could not care less and says something about Lorenzo’s assets being frozen, too, due to an investigation that Lor alerted the authorities to start (I think I understood that correctly?). Rol says “it s just business” and tells Lorenzo that between the option of Paula dying or her in Pepe’s arms, he’ll choose death for her. (this is a guy who claims he loves Paula…..gah)

    PAULA tells the kids to pack their things; she has given EVERYTHING to Nat and they’re moving right away to Pepe’s house. Rafa can’t believe Paula is giving everything to that estafadora. Paula did it to assure that Rol no longer has control over her hijos. If this is what it takes to get her marriage to Rol annulled, then it’s worth it. (She is talking like it has already been filed and completed at the court house,,,,but whatevs.)

    Paula gives a speech about German dying, blah blah blah. She knows she can start from nothing again and has overcome her fear of death. The most important business she wants to invest herself in is her family. She asks them to pray for her and a successful surgery. Hugs all around.

    ARTURO apologizes to Andy and tells her he is gay, and that he reeeally liiikes Diego. That’s why he always included him in their activities. Art was afraid of social rejection and what his friends, parents, futbol team would say. He let them assume he was Andi’s novio because he was afraid and she did not deserve that. Andi is listening with tears streaming down her face.

    LORENZO tells Paula they have a problem; there isn’t money for the surgery. He tells her about Rolando helping himself to every last peso and that Rolando claims he has the right to it as her guardian/protector/interdiction boss. Rol also filed a fraudulent court document that has frozen all of Lorenzo’s assets. Pepe says they WILL figure out a way to find the funds.

  10. TU VIDA #89 Part 2/2

    IT TAKES A VILLAGE --- The food truck is operating as a fundraiser for Paula’s surgery, with a nice sign and big photo of her. Lorenzo sold his beloved motorcycle (that had to have been painful), Zaida sold her grandmother’s house, Paula sold her jewelry. These people don’t let grass grow under their feet! Pepe counts all the cash and they’re still short. Sweet little Susy brings them her big glass jar that has some money it it for Paula. Awwwww… They still need a million pesos.

    LA RATA IS BACK – Emiliano went to Renata to ask to borrow a million pesos from her. Rata says sure, if he spends the night with her. One last swan song, if you will. And she says the money isn’t a loan, it’s a gift. Emi declines both because he’s not hopping into the sack with her ever again, and it was a big mistake on his part to come over to Rata’s house. They argue, she is screeching, lather, rinse, repeat.

    NAT’S SAFE – we see her opening it up and it is …. EMPTY!!! She is freaking out and wonders what her mother did to her!

    GRACIA, in the meantime, has brought a box of documents to Paula that she and Rosa took from Nat’s safe. Rosa told Gracia that if Nat didn’t change her ways and follow the straight road, she was to bring all this to Paula asap. Well, guess what…..Nat hasn’t changed and here’s the box. Gracia doesn’t even think Rosa knew what is in it. Mucho dramatic music. Gracia leaves before they open it because she does. not. want. to . know. what is inside that box.

    THE BLACK BOX --- Paula and Pepe are looking through it and realize this is proof of Nat’s thieving. There’s enough stuff here to send her to jail! They find the USB stick and plug it into Paula’s laptop. Oh noes! it’s the discussion between Boris & Natasha about him killing Germán. Paula is horrified that the guy she asked to marry her, so he could be a father to her kids, is a …. murderer! “No puede ser! He needs to go straight to prison!”

    ALEX visits Isabela. He can’t help but worry about her. They talk about her time-out break with Lor, their years together, etc. Long story short, Isa still can’t make up her mind. Alex won’t pressure her but he won’t give up trying to get her back, and then Alex leaves her to waffle some more. (and now I need a big ole Waffle house waffle….)

    ACCOMPLICE TO MURDER – Lorenzo tells Paula that since Natalia knew all these years that German was murdered by Roland makes her an accomplice to murder. (Did this guy go to law school or has he watched a lot of crime TV shows??? Just sayin’) Lor tells them that if they can get a warrant for her arrest, Nat won’t be able to leave the country.

    BORIS AND NATASHA have met up and he is not happy that she ignored his phone calls for days and expected him to meet her urgently like this. But there he is. What’s happening? Nat says they are in big trouble! She has everything ready to flee the country tonight and he needs to do the same because the police are looking for German’s murder as they speak.

    Nat says if they don’t leave, they’ll both end up in jail. (so Lorenzo was right) Rol says he’s not willing to go to jail. Nat says she has all of Paula’s assets/fortune and Rol asks “how??” She tells him Paula exchanged it ALL for the annulment and end of his interdiction against Paula. And Rol says “what the hell have you done???” He’d rather die before he’ll go away with someone like her (Nat). He won’t spend the rest of his life at her disposal, as her slave, and there is nowhere in the world she can hide from him.
    Nat says if he does not go with her, he will be arrested. Rol says that won’t happen and he won’t leave town before getting vengeance for everything, including her.

  11. TU VIDA #89 Part 3/3

    BACK AT RENATA THE RATA’S -- Oh look who’s back in town! Her old buddy Federico who is coming to cash in on her payback. This is not going to end well. Rata tells him no, and he grabs her, tears off her top, and even hits her. Then he starts to rape her. Fortunately, Luci and Emi are conveniently outside Rata’s place and hear her screams. They rush in and stop Fede before he can do any more damage. The guys fight and finally Emi knocks him out and Luci is comforting Rata.

    NATALA goes home but it’s surrounded by cops, so she leaves. Looks like a cop car follows her. She cannot miss her flight! Lorenzo calls her and tells her to don’t even try to leave the country because he has a warrant for her arrest. Nat has a hissy fit and then sees Rosa’s face in the rear view mirror.

    IN OTHER NEWS – some random guy pushing a wheelbarrow of firewood comes across Mal’s corpose. So, she’s dead.

    ARTURO comes to help the food truck fundraising effort. He took up a collection from his soccer team and gives it to Diego. Andi is scowling at Art and Diego suggest it might be better if Art leaves.
    RENATA shows up next at the food truck. Everyone is braced for trouble, but Rata gives Emi the money he needs in gratitude for saving her from Fede’s rape attempt. She says she and Emi were addicted to each other and their relationship was toxic (ya think?). She wishes him wand Luci well. She promises she won’t harass them anymore. She’s going to travel. The world is so big and she wants to find herself. Next, she asks Diego’s forgiveness for all the hate she threw his way, that he really is a wonderful guy, and oh BTW it was really Rolando who you were communicating with on that dating app so be verrra careful around that guy.

    ROLANDO at some warehouse type building is ranting and talking to himself, then he hears sirens and hides behind a pile of boxes. That doesn’t last long before he steps out and muttering that he will not spend a single day in a damned jail cell! He is still blaming Paula for all his problems. (yeesh!) He will repay Paula for all this with her kids first. He has photos of them! He’ll make Paula cry tears of blood and she’ll be begging him for mercy. If it wasn’t obvious before, it is now that this guy is BSC.


  12. Gallo

    Thanks, Jarifa, I enjoyed your recap, especially La Caponera’s narratives as I don’t understand them at all.

    I was surprised that Lorenzo died and I first thought maybe he didn’t. But when it said 15 years later I felt relief that he was definitely gone and life was good. So it shocked me to see him alive once again!

    I feel bad that the other ranchers don’t like Dionisio. I think he’d be a much better neighbor than Lorenzo was.

    The card game with the baby in the next room surprised me. I hope Lorenzo doesn’t decide to use her and her “luck”. I bet she has no idea about it.

    I’m glad La Caponera became famous. I love her voice. They did a good job casting her daughter.


  13. VIDA


    Your wry humor, creativity and insight have given vibrancy and life to all of your recaps lo theses many months. Last night was fast and furious but you weathered the strong storm and created a sensational swan song.

    Loved "Alex won’t pressure her but he won’t give up trying to get her back, and then Alex leaves her to waffle some more. (and now I need a big ole Waffle house waffle….)" 😊

    Paula and Lor may have lost their money and material possessions but they did strike the mother lode with the USB containing Rol's "confession". As is often the truth, loose lips have brought many a criminal to justice. I doubt Rol will (or should) live that long. His death will surely precede any trial.

    Gnat really was rather the perfect conniver, cold hearted and calculating. Her one mistake was giving Rosa the evidence that would eventually damn her.

    Renata now totally redeemed. I truly don't mind as long as we never have to see her again.

    I did think Mal was going to be found and rescued somehow. Wrong again. As horrible as she was, she truly suffered before she finally died. She truly paid for her sins.

    The writers tantalized and toyed with us on the Isa/Alex/Lor triangle for months which was mired in muck from the beginning. Two grown men madly in love with a woman (whose lure has long eluded us), neither willing to give her up. She played them like a fiddle, a look, a kiss, offering just enough to keep hope alive but cunningly, never promising a thing.

    "He’ll make Paula cry tears of blood and she’ll be begging him for mercy. If it wasn’t obvious before, it is now that this guy is BSC". Totally! I cannot wait to see what ending is in store for him.

    Doris, I cannot thank you and Rgv Chick enough for soldiering through this. An exceptional job all the way around!


  14. Vida

    Thanks Doris, an action packed recap of an action packed episode. One can’t ask for anything more!

    I have been worried about Lorenzo’s money. I also thought that house was his! But I guess not. Rol might be crazy but he does seem to think of everything. He’s the only bad guy left. I’m assuming the police now have Nat.

    It was good closure for Renata. She learned her lesson and is going to become a better person.

    I can’t believe Isabela still hasn’t made up her mind. I don’t think I’d want someone that took so long to decide they wanted me!

    Paula has her priorities straight. Unlike Nat who just wanted to accumulate money. I thought the fundraising and donations were a nice touch. It really shows people want to help, but more so with nice decent people in need. I don’t think anyone will be raising money for Nat and Rol if they need it.

    I can’t believe there’s only one episode left. I guess capturing Rol and the surgery will happen then.


  15. Vida

    Wow Doris, I hope that you got that waffle after reporting on all the waffling annoying , still waffling Isa and others did during the run of this show. Uff. I do not care anymore . If my spouse were that uncertain about staying with me , I wouldn't want to be with him. Lor needs to buy some new scarves and get out there and find a lovely lady who is more decisive than his old teen flame . Carpet Diem...the golden moments are flying .

    MAL is dead for realz. If the writers chose death for her anvil , what are they going to deal out for despicable Boris and Natasha . ??? I guess if death finally drags off Rotten Repulsive Rol, all the money he somehow (?)stole from Paula and Lor will return to the family. It's complicated . Likewise with all the money gnat stoke from the family and they'll all be rich again.

    Renata's storyline of rich, vapid, obsessed teen was wrapped up very quickly. She did get to give us one more poorly pronounced sentence in English. i would have failed her. My guess is that his actress can't speak much English and was taught her lines phonetically.

    No matter how much money disappears from Lor's accounts , it never seems to bother him much. This guy must have magamillions. Well, Once Boris and Natasha are dead or in jail, all their ill gotten gains will miraculously flow back to Lor and Paula. Lor will probably buy back the beloved hog. The Brady bunch will move back into Paula's place .

    I think Marcos is going to get a HEA with Gracia...A PSA for all those guys out there who are hopelessly devoted to someone who isn't interested . Uff.


  16. Vida #89

    Good work, Doris. Your recaps through this crazy story have been superb.

    It really bugs me that counting time in TNs is nearly impossible. How long would it take for them to raise this amount of cash when the clock is ticking? Since Gnat is now in the crosshairs she will have to be caught in the first or second segment of the finale for the rest of it to make any sense.

    Rolando may be mentally ill but he doesn't fit the legal definition of insanity; he knows his actions were criminal. If he's captured he gets an automatic Life Without Possibility of Parole. The other prisoners would make fajitas out of him if they find out his intentions for Paula's kids.

    I've always said that he never loved Paula; he wanted her money. Sooner or later -- maybe even before Paula's death -- he would have killed her children.

    When Paula agreed to hand over all her assets to Gnat my jaw hit the floor. I have seen other novelas that seemed to be delivering the message that it is more moral and a happier life to be poor, so this made my blood boil. I think it foolish and short-sighted to make this sort of deal with this species of devil; there was no guarantee that Gnat would file the annulment. We didn't even see new papers being signed and she burned the original ones.

    Pepe was right that this was extortion on Gnat's part and she needs to go down in flames for it.

    I doubt that the assets can be transferred overnight under normal conditions so she doesn't have them yet. I also doubt the idea that it would take months to free them in view of Paula's condition. Her life is in danger and she has minor children; this is the very definition of an emergency. The evidence from Rosa's safe should be enough to get this done ayer.

    As for Renata, I'm not buying her about-face and it astonishes me that she has access to so much dinero she never worked for (1MM pesos= about $77,000 US). At least she won't be around to annoy us.

    Malena has been dead for at least 4 days now. Justice is satisfied there even if Paula never finds out about the attempt on her life.

    So that leaves Boris and Natasha still at large.

  17. VIDA

    Doris, Wow! Wow! WOW!! So much to capture and you did it expertly PLUS all your delicious sides, THANK YOU!! I'm glad I have plenty of duct tape for my beanie and Bengay for my neck! Whiplash, indeed!

    So far, I've been satisfied with the anvils that have fallen. I want to feel sorry for MAL, but NAHHH! Not even the flies wanted to land on her!

    Rata's turn around would have been more believable if she hadn't gone on and on about Emi and "Lu" being right for each other...that was a bit too much. BUT I do like that she is going away to "find herself".

    So Rol is hiding out in a dingy warehouse. The way he scrambled to hide had me laughing

    Diana, you have a way with words, always have. Loved every bit about your comment and agree...especially with "She played them like a fiddle, a look, a kiss, offering just enough to keep hope alive but cunningly, never promising a thing." Though I'm not sure If Isa was trying to be running about it. I think she was just plain thrilled to have Lor come looking for her...and to know that Alex still loves her. I think part of her confusion may be that she doesn't want to hurt either man.

    I do feel for Gracia. I can't imagine how such a sweet, considerate woman who created such a monster would feel.

  18. we prepare to say adios to these characters and look to future shows and other characters, I just saw two interesting items online.

    Luis Gatica , who played he goldenhearted bff of the leading lady in "Minas" , is going to be in a new noveLa " La historia De Juana." I think he is the galan .

    Claudia Martin (El Amor no tiene receta) and Andres Palacios,(Tierra) have been cast in " Amor Amargo)
    Onward we go....... Susan

  19. TU VIDA

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I have enjoyed watching this silly telenovela with all y'all. If I had a dollar for every PSA they tried to squeeze in here, it would probably pay for my groceries this week. ☺

    Monday's episode will be fun and I look forward to Rgv Chick's recap.

    * * * * *

    OT --- La Historia de Juana

    Thanks Susan! I have been watching for this one and hopefully it will be lighter than tu Vida has been. It's a remake of Juana la Virgen. I watched Jane the Virgin the U.S. adaptation on TV several years ago and enjoyed it, especially Jaime Camil as Jane's dad.

  20. GALLO

    Liz, glad the recap was helpful. Those narratives are fascinating albeit a bit fatalistic for my tastes. I do not like that Lorenzo is alive and back in town as crazy and vengeful as ever when Dionisio and La Caponera have had been on a good streak in their lives. Could they not have given us more of happier times in the series? Will La Caponera wanting to go on tour also become an issue? It sure seemed like it was being set up as one. I agree that they did a great job of casting La Caponera's daughter La Pinzona. I have a feeling she is going to give her parents a run for their money.

  21. OT

    doris, thanks for the Jane the Virgin memory. Nice that they are bringing Juana to the novela world as lighter fare but due to loving the Jane show and the cast, I would never be able to give this new version a fair viewing. Remembering that Rogelio doesn’t pop in peach still makes me smile.

    We need more comedies so Uni isn’t all drama all the time as it has been for far too long. “Golpe de suerte ” has possibilities.

  22. Gallo

    Do we know the name that the baby was given? Looks like this girl is going to be a free spirit like her mother. Uh oh

  23. GALLO

    Susan, all we are told is that she is called La Pinzona (after her father) Dionisio Pinzón. I agree with the “Uh oh.”

  24. VIDA,

    Hi Doris,

    Thank you for your recap of this super fast episode. The tempo quickly began rising immediately Teresa was pushed onto the rear of the food truck.

    This novela suffers from lapses in implied logic/dialogue. When Paula announces to her kids that she already gave the house to Gnat, she kinda mentions she was from the notary with Gnat and that it was formalized. Likewise, Nat tells Rolo to “finally free himself of Paula and that she finally helped him do it”, implying as if she really did fulfill her end of the bargain. Without seeing these scenes in play, it becomes hard to believe it especially if the statement comes from the villain.

    Same thing with the judge. It’s implied that he owes Nat favors, but is there a real judge/courtroom session in the first place? We have never seen this judge before but the number of wrong judgements and interdictions going out! A scene or two to help visualize could solve this.

    Overally, really enjoyed reading the patio’s fun comments over here. For me, the novela might have been a bit silly in some plot points but overall was a treat and will kinda miss it and the beautiful patio here. 😃

    Let’s wait and see what the writers have for us tomorrow, everything seems to indicate tomorrows speed will be 120mph!

