
Monday, June 03, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1) Week of June 3, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) - Starting Tuesday

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

*** Distilando Amor and Vivir de Amor will be pre-empted on Weds!!!



    Expect my recap of this morning's episode sometime today 😎

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of this morning's episode.

    *Scumbag Augie's henchmen take Renata to Augie's big fancy boatship. She's still unconscious.

    *Adriana phoned Matias & Honorio notifying them about Scumbag Augie kidnapping Renata, etc.,

    *Honorio & Connie both confront Slacker Berta at the Monterrubio Mansion: Slacker Berta is all uppity & gets into a hissy fit with Gonzalo.

    *Slacker Berta calls Mommy Dearest (Psycho Fina) about Scumbag Augie kidnapping Renata, etc., I think Psycho Fina will do something stupid in the closing stretch.

    *Anibal & Alison recovering from the surprise ambush at the hospital. We see Matilde is with them.

    *Carlos & Lazaro take Jeronimo back to LaBonita HQ: where Gonzalo, Regina, Antonio, Matias, Adriana & Co., are there.

    *Earlier, Antonio meets with Marina & Uncle Padre Seve telling them about Scumbag Augie kidnapping Renata, etc.,

    *Renata comes to & is freaked out by Scumbag Augie, who roughs her up by freaking her out with threats, taunting, etc.,

    *Scumbag Augie toasting himself success at his sinister scheme of kidnapping Renata. Enjoy buddy because it will NOT last long once Jeronimo kicks your EXPLETIVE.

    *Renata praying to the Virgin Mary.

    *Carlos & Matias get aggressive with Melesio, the main henchman for Scumbag Augie. Only a matter of time before Alfonsina discovers Melesio & Scumbag Augie killed Ezekiel.

    *Karina tells Lazaro that she's preggers HORRAY πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  3. VIVIR #67 Part 1

    JE has just walked up as Renato and Angel announced their news. Looking levelly at JE, Renato tells him Angel has accepted his proposal. Angel asks what he is doing there. To his credit, JE says it isn’t important and congratulates them saying he hopes Angel will be happy as that is what she richly deserves. Angel thanks him and tells him to go back to his wife, that is where he belongs!!! He leaves and she looks after him sadly.

    Adolfo asks Rebeca what her proposal is. Does she have a way to identify the real murderer and prove Cris is innocent? Rebeca, (wearing a yellow cutout shirt with mucho spillage) cuts him short and tells him she can’t help him with that, she is risking her own life. He wonders if she is lying but she tells him he has to decide what he wants to do. Oh, and there is one condition; Cris has to hand over her shares to her. Adolfo tells her she’s crazy but she tells him she is very clear headed. She then threatens this needs to be between the three of them or she will deny everything. He stares in shock.

    Petra is arranging beautiful red roses on Don Emilio’s desk as she murmurs about Cris, mentioning Dulce. Fatima appreciates Petra’s prayers. Petra laments that Cris should have taken her prayer book with her (along with an armed guard but I digress). Fatima will give it to her uncle so he can take it to Cris.

    A woman, battered and bloody, is forced into Cris’ cell. Cris helps her lie down on the bottom bunk and shreds the pillowcase, devising a makeshift tourniquet and elevates her injured leg. She notices the medal around the woman’s neck.

    Adolfo recalls what Rebeca said in her proposition. He thinks back to seeing Cris behind bars and murmurs that he does indeed need to get her out of jail or she will die of sadness.

    Adolfo calls the notary and arranges that the requested shares go to Rebeca.

    Rebeca is waiting for JE in his office. Why are you here he queries. She wants to go to lunch. I am your wife and want us to spend time together. JE reminds her of their deal, they are not an ordinary couple, he tells her to go with a friend. Reb wants just a little bit of attention but JE refuses. She can go out or go home. After he leaves, Beca mutters that JE will pay for each insult. She peppers him with endearments including “imbecile” and “idiot”. Ain’t love grand!

    We are transported back to the jail, where the police are cuffing the last of the offenders. No one has paid the slightest bit of attention to Brayan, his thugs or the man who has been gravely injured. Amazingly, Brayan is still yelling at Lucas as the thugs actually take Lucas outside and throw him down on the ground! They warn him to keep his mouth shut or things will get worse for him and his parents. He lays there, bleeding out.

    Bruno tells Misael Lucas doesn’t know anything. Misael comments that this thing can’t get out of his control but he doesn’t explain further either to Bruno or to us.

    The arguments continue as Romina complains to Luciano that she doesn’t have all the help to wash clothes like Fatima has. Mati takes Javi out of the room as the poor kid has his hands over his ears. She assures him all will be well.

    Cris asks the guard where she can change and is told in the showers.


  4. VIVIR #67 Part 2

    Corral asks for help; she wants Misael and Monica to give statements since they were reported to have threatened Mau. Monica lies and tells him Mau was angry because they knew he was out for money. Cris should know as he defrauded her twice. Corral stares dispassionately.

    Someone has swiped Cris’ shoes.

    Alone, Monica curses Cris who deserves to be in jail. But now with all of this, she claims that Cris will probably be set free. Misael tells her to get over it; they need another plan. Monica says her rage consumes her and there is always a solution but she will need his help. Misael, his one curly warlock lock back in place stares stonily.

    As she continues to complain, Luciano suggests Romina go back to the city; they can’t be living together and arguing endlessly. Mati asks them to stop fighting because Javi is scared. Romina plays Mati like a fiddle saying she doesn’t want to be apart. Mati tells Luciano she wants her mother there and he should stop fighting with her. Romina envelopes her in a huge bear hug and kisses her before Luciano can get over to Mati.

    Luis, Carmelo, Wanda, and Alma fret about Lucas. The kids are gathered and Wanda comments that they are like fathers preparing to go and look for Lucas. Indeed, Pedrito leads the kids in a united cheer and they are off!

    Barefoot Cris is brought back to her cell and when she asks about her shoes, the nasty guard says she needs money to get another pair. Yadira wakes up and Cris asks her where she can buy some shoes. She laughs and says Cris is green (inexperienced). When Cris comments she is sorry seeing her like that, Yadira retorts she should see the other one. Her virgin has saved her more than once. She then warns Cris not to mess with her.

    Yadira tells Cris she can use those shoes since she helped her. Now, they are even. Cris says she will pay her but Yadira thinks Cris is funny… She explains she is calling Cris “Katrina” which can mean “gentlewoman” or “fair lady”.

    "Hello chamaca" Armando says to Doris. He asks her why she is upset. Doris tells him his wife came and told her that her father was Ruperto. Does he know anything he can tell her? Meanwhile Gi is complaining about Amando’s lies. Elena tells her shouldn’t doubt Armando, he has never been unfaithful. Armando starts telling Doris about her “father” as she smiles delightedly. But then she wants to see a picture. Ahh, Armando looks shocked, and of course he can’t produce one. Doris then loses interest.

    Pedrito and kids find Lucas. (Why the hell weren’t the adults searching I ask angrily). Pedrito starts crying and tells them to go for help. Pedrito begs him to hold on as Lucas, in his delirious state, mutters for Matilde saying “te amo”.

    Elena natters on saying Angel has changed a lot. Gi, who is always forthright and honest, thinks Elena is the one who has changed. She goes further saying Rebeca is a rotten apple as Elena looks defiant although Gi does not back down.

    Corral tells Adolfo they can’t confirm that Monica and Misael threatened Mau. Lo siento mucho.


  5. VIVIR #67 Part 3 of 3

    Misael is shocked that Monica wants to kill her sister! Monica creepily wraps her serpentine arms around her son from behind, murmuring she wasn’t talking about killing; she is merely suggesting that they make Cris look less attractive to Adolfo…he won’t want to be with someone who is disfigured. Viewerville cringe collectively.

    “Hola mama” Rebeca greets Elena. She shares what happened with Cris, feigning caring saying “pobre Cris” and saying she hopes they find the real murderer. Rebeca asks what Elena is doing and offers her assistance. Elena agrees and starts showing her the computer and spreadsheets..

    Santi is fiddling with the greenery as he talks with Angel. She has the name of a psychologist and will send him the info. Te quiero mucho.

    Loli comes in and tells the (useless) adults they’ve found Lucas.

    Reb greets Santiago and slickly stops him from going to the cooking school. She has an idea as to how to save the restaurant. She gives him money so he can gamble and use the winnings to pay off the mortgage. He rubs his hands and smiles. They shake on it. I would say I’ve lost my lunch but I didn’t have time to eat but I’m sure you catch my drift.

    Doris and Rebeca meet for a meal. Well Doris is eating, Rebeca only nibbling a bit. Doris says she feels sorry for JE as Rebeca glares daggers. Rebeca says JE deserves everything he is getting. When Rebeca disses Angel, Doris says that Angel seems very happy with Renato. Rebeca thinks Angel should stay with Renato so she can have JE. Rebeca assures her she will once again have JE in her hands. And he will never leave her. Doris doesn’t think it will happen. Next, loathsome Icky calls her pretending to be Sebastian’s assistant, telling her where he will meet her. She writes it down.

    Mati tells someone on the phone that she needs to be elsewhere as her parents are always fighting.

    Lucas is in the hospital with Lupe and Luis beside him. He says he can’t tell them who hurt him because he doesn’t want to put them at risk. They convince him to tell them and he does. He asks they not tell anyone because Brayan is capable of anything.

    Alma feels sorry for Luis and Lupe. Loli then tells them they found Lucas where Pedrito lives (under a bridge). Alma realizes that Pedrito has been living in the streets and asks Pedrito to come live with them. (I am thisclose to putting a pox on all the adults here for failing to realize Pedrito has been homeless all this time. Speechless)

    Alma calls JE and tells him she needs to talk to him about Pedrito.

    JE and Don Emilio rush to Alma’s. JE asks Pedrito if he is “solo” and he offers to adopt him. At that precise moment, there is a knock on the door and Angel appears. Loli tells Angel that JE is asking to be Pedrito’s father! She and JE stare into each other’s eyes as the theme music plays.

    The scenes and dialogue flow faster with each episode. Thanks to my marvelous friend for her eagle-eyed attention to detail and without whom the dialog translations would not have been possible.


  6. VIVIR

    No show this Wednesday!!!


  7. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana, and your friend too. That was excellent. I’m so glad I stuck with this show when it moved to daytime. I record them all anyway so I figured I can watch it at night. But I usually watch it in the afternoon. I think this is my favorite of the ones I’m watching now. Always something going on. Rebeca is quite the conniving b. Now she wants Cris’ shares. I hope Adolfo gets the proof first. But somehow I don’t think he will. And then Elena shows her the restaurants books! Maybe someday Gi will get through to Elena, who has got to be the only person in this show who thinks her dear Rebeca is wonderful.

    Rebeca and Monica are really a lot alike. They both hate everyone and those people deserve the misfortune these two woman are sending their way. Maybe that’s why Misael loves Rebeca.

    Can these jails get any worse. You get stabbed in the visitor’s area and no one notices. You get your shoes stolen while in the shower.

    I loved your comments on the adults in the barrio. They are pretty dense. And I bet Luis and Lupe tell the police. But we never know what’s going to happen next.


  8. Vivir. Many thanks again, Diana and friend! Some extremely clever snark as usual: "along with an armed guard, but I digress," "his one curly warlock lock," "I would say I've lost my lunch." Of course (as usual) the timing was perfect for JE NOT to tell Angelli why he was staying with Rebeca--and to delay their getting together indefinitely. Whoa! To clear Cris, Rebeca evidently has in mind both framing another (more or less) innocent person, and using her scheme as a way to get her hands on Cris's company shares. Was that Cris's medal or was her cellmate just allowed to keep one when Cris wasn't? That whole Lucas business was both unbelievable and very badly written--from no oversight at the prison to the children having to be the ones to search for him. Yuck! Disfiguring Cris instead of killing her? I wonder if that will happen. Gee, Diana, it is very hard to believe that the adults didn't realize Pedrito was homeless. Where did they think he was living?

  9. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend, thank you for bringing us another excellent report on all the drama.

    Well, we were right that none of these adults realized that poor Pedrito was alone and homeless Really?. Nobody asked him about his parents and where he lived ?

    Corral had a great plan , and now Lucas whom nobody was keeping an eye on gets stabbed visiting Brayan in prison and dumped in the street to be found once again by our little taken Pedrito. . This storyline is getting really old.

    I dont undestand what Refrida is going to give Adolfo in exchange for Chris's shares, Adolfo is supposed to be a smart , savvy attorney, right ? We'll see how Refrida's latest grift plays out. She always looks large and in charge . She's always the smartest person in any room.

    Yikes, Chris's cellmate arrives all bloody and beaten , and instead of calling for help Chris uses her EMT skills and a pillow case to administer first ..because somebody stole her shoes. Welcome to prison. PSA..Stay out of prison!!!

    Santi is an idiot falling for Refrida's continuing plan of destruction .

    Poor Romina has to do laundry. Me, too. Boo and hoo.


  10. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. I love the way you are dishing this tale. Your snark is delicious in the wake of practically everybody driving me crazy with their idiocy.

    Oh no, Adolfo. You couldn't come up with some phony papers to fake out Rebeca that Cris was signing over her shares?

    At last, Pedrito being homeless is noticed. Alma (or somebody else) asked him why he never said he was homeless and he replied, "No one ever asked me!"

    Yes, JE do adopt Pedrito. My money is on the little fella to take down Rebeca. Diana, as you said the adults are "useless."

    I am enjoying Doris and Armando. I'm guessing Doris was born before he married Gi, no cheating, so maybe Gi won't take it too hard.

  11. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you so much.

    "Rebeca and Monica are really a lot alike. They both hate everyone and those people deserve the misfortune these two woman are sending their way. Maybe that’s why Misael loves Rebeca" was a very shrewd observation.

    "Can these jails get any worse. You get stabbed in the visitor’s area and no one notices" had me nodding away. Unbelievable and yet, there it is!!

    There isn't a dull moment in this and I can't recall any TN where there are so many crazy twists and turns. I'm enjoying mostly every minute.


  12. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your nice words.

    "To clear Cris, Rebeca evidently has in mind both framing another (more or less) innocent person, and using her scheme as a way to get her hands on Cris's company shares" sums it up perfectly. I still have no idea who they intend to frame. I can't see any conceivable way either JE or Angel could be the mark but the more this chugs along, the more I realize all I don't know. :)

    As to your question "Where did they think he was living?", I've been thinking that perhaps it is I who saw what I wanted to see. Pedrito was at Alma's with Marisa and Loli, so I assumed he was staying there but thinking back, we never saw him there at night did we? But still, the adults not ensuring Pedrito had a roof over his head at night was gross negligence.

    Cris wasn't allowed to keep her medal so I think the medal Cris' cellmate was wearing was her own.

    I am voting "no" for disfigurement. God willing.


  13. VIVIR

    Thank you very much Susan.

    "PSA..Stay out of prison!!!" is exactly right. :)

    "Corral had a great plan, and now Lucas whom nobody was keeping an eye on gets stabbed visiting Brayan in prison and dumped in the street to be found once again by our little taken Pedrito" encapsulated that so smartly.

    "I dont undestand what Refrida is going to give Adolfo in exchange for Chris's shares". Neither do I...

    Romina is SO whiny. And unlikeable. I'm getting annoyed with her continued presence taking up time that could be much better served by focusing on any number of more interesting characters.


  14. VIVIR

    I appreciate your supportive words Niecie.

    "Alma (or somebody else) asked him why he never said he was homeless and he replied, "No one ever asked me!" Thank you for providing this gold nugget which I hadn't understood.

    Pedrito is a charmer and will make Don Emilio's house brighter and happier. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he ends up with a plan to thward Beca either!

    I was shocked Adolfo signed Cris' shares over so quickly. I hope he knows what he's doing.

    I like Doris and Armando too. I wonder what happened to Doris' mother?


  15. Vivir
    Wouldn't Chris have to sign over the shares, not Adolfo? Of course this is the same company Misael managed to rob of most of it's assets so I guess anything goes. The prison guards are no help, they encourage shoe theft, throw a severely beaten woman back into her cell without giving her any first aid. Does Chris not realize that applying a tourniquet can cause you to lose a limb if it doesn't get blood flow. Such a crazy TN. I'm sad nobody else is watching Nadie Como Tu, of the 3 I'm watching that one is my favorite. I stopped giving recaps as Vivir generates so many comments it makes the thread super long.

  16. vivir

    Thanks again Diana and excellent translator! Sigh. This one is dragging on for me. It bothers me that the baddies keep on winning every round.

    So I thought Adolfo asked the person over the phone to prepare another document. I don't remember him saying it was for transfer of shares. This is definitely a Telenovela Legal action; i.e., not very realistic. Is it at all possible that was what they wanted Viewerville to think?

    Cris's shoes were stolen at the visual prompting of that evil guard. Speaking of that, I am heartily sick of portrayals of evil guards in telenovelas. I for one tire of the stereotypical grinning, sadistic guards...whether in male or female prisons. I assumed this was partly spite and partly profit motive for Cris to hand over a boatload of money for some stinky, used tennis shoes.

    Is Mathilde ever going to wise up to her manipulative mother? I REALLY am tired of her not catching on that Romina is always about Romina.

    I believe catrina is the feminine version of catrΓ­n. I've heard catrΓ­n used a lot in novelas. It's usually an insult to a well dressed, upper class man by a resentful lower class one, or several lower class ones and/or gang members. It's like dandy or pretty boy.

    Armando described knowing Doris's father and that his name was Ruperto. He also said that he was tuerto (one eyed). If Armando did really know this guy, that could explain his interest in Doris. At first it seemed like he was a letch, but now his interest looks more nuanced.

    Ye Gods, Elena is showing Refrida everything about the finances of the restaurant. She also talked about payment on the loan. This is the loan that got the place out of the hands of Monica and Rebeca. Santiago had something on Monica, forget what. Maybe Refrida is planning, now she can get into the finances, to have Santiago gamble away the loan payment. Sheesh!

    I don't fully understand Rebeca. Sometimes I think she really does have a thing for JE. I remember her accosting him even before she knew he was with Angelli. Or is it all about hurting Angelli? Sometimes she acts like she hates him as well.

  17. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you so much; I appreciated all you added.

    "Ye Gods, Elena is showing Refrida everything about the finances of the restaurant. She also talked about payment on the loan. This is the loan that got the place out of the hands of Monica and Rebeca...Maybe Refrida is planning, now she can get into the finances, to have Santiago gamble away the loan payment". That sounds very feasible, thank you so much for adding this!

    "So I thought Adolfo asked the person over the phone to prepare another document. I don't remember him saying it was for transfer of shares...Is it at all possible that was what they wanted Viewerville to think?" Perhaps Novelera?? Your guess is as good as mine.

    Novelera, I'm thinking Ruperto is a figment of Armando's imagination and that Doris is his daugher.

    Excellent question as to whether or not Rebeca does care for JE or if it's "all about hurting Angelli". My vote is 10% for the former and 90% for the latter! :)

    "Wouldn't Chris have to sign over the shares, not Adolfo?" Kat, perhaps Adolfo has power of attorney?


  18. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap which will help me keep up. I'm not sure just when I'll catch up watching, maybe Wednesday with a break.

    I have come down with something flu-like, but can't get in to see my doctor until I get a Covid test to determine if I have Covid.

    In the meantime, he has prescribed some whatever which I will get from the pharmacy tomorrow.

    Fortunately, whatever it is, like most cold and flu illnesses, it responds to time and rest and I am much better than I was a couple of days ago.

    Some of this novela is just short of crazy. How did Lucas have no protection whatsoever? How could nobody know Pedrito was homeless?

    I do find the more personal relationship lines more interesting. Doris and Sebastian, Doris and Armando; Pedrito and...? Maybe Wanda?

    The cops and robbers, etc., stuff is so poorly done it's not interesting in the least.

    Mexican prisons are now getting the same disdain Mexican doctors were given. Meh.

    Diana, thanks again, your recaps are a godsend, though I no longer trust you implicitly when it comes to slippage.



  19. Vivir

    OT. Andy, I hope you feel better very soon. Susan

  20. OT
    Andy hope you are better soon too. My grandson just had a nasty fever respiratory thing last week. Drs. around here don't even seem to test for COVID anymore. I had it twice, that is when I started watching TV. I never used to watch anything but the news and weather.

  21. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana for another gem of a recap!!! So, Lucas got out of the prison with two thugs, and no one noticed Brayan shanked him??? I'm not even going to say it, let's just go with it! Although, both Brayan and his buddies did warn Lucas to keep his mouth shut, so perhaps O.S. was right and Brayan did expect Lucas to live. Why warn someone to keep their mouth shut if you think they are dying??

    None of the adults noticed Pedrito was homeless... no one?? Like not one person??? He's so well dressed and clean, how could they not know?

    Corral told Aldolfo basically what I was saying over the weekend, which is surprising for novela logic. There's no proof that Mau threatened Mon or Mis or accused them of being the ones if he got hurt. There's no way to back up Cris' word except for Mau himself, who is dead. The judge isn't going to accept this as an alternate theory of the crime without proof. Which brings us back to why where Mon and Mis so spooked by it? But I guess they've already moved on to plotting disfigurement! Eek!!! I'm so thankful that I'm not a poisonous, spiteful, hateful, miserable person! Or the target of one! :)

    I really don't understand why Beca wants to ruin the restaurant, I could understand wanting to take everything from everyone because she's spiteful and greedy, but why devalue it along the way?? It doesn't seem like it would be in her best interest.

    Well, wish I could keep pondering but I have to get back to work. Hope everyone has a great day!

  22. VIVIR

    Andy, I am so sorry you are feeling sick.

    I'm glad your doctor was able to prescribe something until you can get in and see him. Yes, sometimes you need to just rest and let time work its healing. At least you are feeling a bit better as the days pass; that is encouraging.

    "I do find the more personal relationship lines more interesting. Doris and Sebastian, Doris and Armando; Pedrito and...? Maybe Wanda?" Yes, me too! There was one quick scene where Wanda seemed to feel something with Pedrito but it wasn't that a ha moment. I'm hoping for something more relevatory soon.

    "Mexican prisons are now getting the same disdain Mexican doctors were given. Meh". True!!

    Andy, continue to feel better. I know I messed up on the first "spillage" but I don't think I'm exaggerating Beca's yellow "sunshine" top.


  23. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Darcy!

    "I'm so thankful that I'm not a poisonous, spiteful, hateful, miserable person! Or the target of one! :)" Love it!

    Yes, Lucas being stabbed IN the prison and then TAKEN OUTSIDE with no one seeing was unbelievable! That said, the fact no one noticed dear Pedrito was homeless was an even more unpalatable pill to swallow wasn't it??

    "There's no way to back up Cris' word except for Mau himself, who is dead. The judge isn't going to accept this as an alternate theory of the crime without proof". You are right of course Darcy, Cris has no way to validate what was said.

    I have a feeling Beca wants to completely decimate the restaurant for revenge purposes. I think Beca is going to ensure she has plenty of money through other means.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of this morning's episode!
    *Jeronimo, Matias & Annibal begin planning on rescuing Renata from Scumbag Augie.

    *Over at Hacienda LaBonita: The kitchen cabinet consisting of Lazaro, Karina, Manuela, Matilde, Alfonsina convened inside the kitchen. They all want to rescue Renata & also want to know the real details about Ezekiel's death.

    *Melosio is brought into the kitchen by Carlos & Matias. Jeronimo leads the interrogation; Alfonsina tells Jeronimo that Scumbag Augie has Renata on some big boatship.

    *Gonzalo, Regina, Matias chiming in to tear Melosio a new one when he claims of not knowing Scumbag Augie's plans.

    *Nobody believes him, so they grab Melosio's cell phone & they discover this is how Scumbag Augie communicates. Melosio finally says he was supposed to give Scumbag Augie some documents, so that Scumbag Augie could leave Mexico altogether.

    *While night falls, inside the Buenavista VI boatship, Renata is still inside the cabin praying to the Virgin Mary while Scumbag Augie is self congratulating himself on upping the ante even further with his sinister scheme.

    *The next morning, the Investigator tells everyone that pinpointing the boatship will be quite difficult because the boatship is in international waters, the Mexican federal law enforcement agencies might not be able to stop Scumbag Augie. Looks like Jeronimo, Matias & Annibal will have to do a risky mission in rescuing Renata by themselves.

    *In the meantime, over inside the barnhouse: Melosio is being aggressively interrogated by Lazaro when Alfonsina walks in. She slaps Melosio's stupid ass & demands he talk ASAP & reveal what really happened to Ezekiel. Melosio spills that Scumbag Augie was involved in Ezekiel's death.

    *Inside the living room of Hacienda LaBonita: Jeronimo, Gonzalo, Regina, Matias, Adriana are talking when Carlos, Lazaro & Co including Alfonsina drag Melosio inside the living room. Alfonsina explains the real details about Ezekiel's death & reveals Scumbag Augie had Ezekiel murdered.

    *Jeronimo makes Melosio to take the phone call from Scumbag Augie & NOT give anything away. Scumbag Augie confirms that he is sending a group of henchmen to meet with Melosio & getting the documents he is expecting at Pier Five.

    *More creepiness from Scumbag Augie with the obsession over Renata continuing to escalate inside the Buenavista VI boatship.

    *Carlos, Lazaro & Co., hand Melosio over to the Mexican federal law enforcement agencies & told to spill his guts about everything! The Mexican Coast Guard successfully tracks Buenavista VI boatship via GPS; Scumbag Augie & Jeronimo get involved in an aggressive sword fight; Renata & Annibal both on the boatship.

  25. VIVIR #68 Part 1

    At jail, Adolfo greets Cris with a huge smile but as soon as they move to embrace, the nasty guard admonishes them that they can’t touch; if they do, she will be returned to her cell. When Cris admits that after Dulce died, she distanced herself from God, Adolfo assures her God will not abandon her. Cris runs her hands through her hair, telling him she’s been told that due to the strong evidence against her, she will spend many years in jail. They sit and Armando gives her a book. He then proceeds to tell her about Rebeca’s proposition.

    Alma, Marisa and Loli watch as Don Emilio stands next to JE whose arms are wrapped around Pedrito. Angel moves forward and is happy Pedrito won’t be alone any longer. Do you want to come to my house to live JE asks? Pedrito looks to Lupe for an answer. Mucho gracias the youngster answers, he is happy JE is his guardian but he is very happy living in this neighborhood, this is where he wants to be. Pedrito crosses himself and says he doesn’t want to be adopted because his grandmother told him his mother would someday return to look for him and this is where she would come. He turns and tells Loli te quiero mucho. JE compliments him on his character. I believe Pedrito also says something about him being a good father as Angel seems very moved. JE hugs him and as I’m crying, can’t see anything else through the tears.

    Cris is wan and pale as she wonders how Rebeca knows who the murderer is. She is afraid this is just another of Rebeca’s lies. Adolfo thinks Rebeca does know and that she is also afraid the murderer will retaliate against her. He argues this is the quickest way out. Cris then muses that Rebeca has known all along. She feels guilty for forcing JE to marry that woman, who is full of lies and intrigue. Adolfo understands how Cris feels and wishes he could report Rebeca but then Cris would remain jailed for a crime she didn’t commit.

    Luciano has a favor of Domingo that will require his discretion. Luciano asks him to keep an eye on his wife because she may try taking the children again. He agrees and they shake hands.

    Gabriel shows up to talk with Mati, gifting her a sammie. He wants to know if she has thought about his proposal but Mati has so much going on, she hasn’t had time to think about it and her parents are always fighting.

    Looking agonized, Cris clenches her teeth and reluctantly agrees that Adolfo tell the disgraciada she accepts the offer. Cris is told her time is up but Adolfo asks for one more minute. Cris has trouble standing up and Adolfo hates to leave her. He leans over and whispers to her that there is money in the book. She will need it. “Vamanos” the guard spits out and Cris is dragged away.

    It’s a busy day in jail. Brayan is on the phone warning his thugs to tell Rebeca she better help him get out of jail or he will spill everything about Ramiro.

    Adolfo is on the phone with Rebeca saying Cris accepted. When she reminds him no one should know about this he tells her they wouldn’t want anyone to know. Needless to say Monica is right behind him, listening to every word as she swills her omnipresent cocktail. Rebeca mutters that JE will now be in her hands.


  26. VIVIR #68 Part 2

    JE walks Angel home although she protests he didn’t need to accompany her. When she tells him she feels safe there, JE reminds her about Lucas’ stabbing. He then tells her he worries about Lucas too; he needs to speak with his parents. Angel then comments about JE being Pedrito’s guardian and how much Pedrito loves him. When he adds he wishes Angel would love him very much too, Angel tells him their story has ended. JE then speaks of Angel’s upcoming wedding and asks her to admit she loves Renato. With her always dramatic timing, the wicked witch of the West arrives and insists Angel tell JE how much she loves Renato.

    JE asks Rebeca what she is doing there. Rebeca lies saying she too is worried about her sister. Angel knows better than to think Rebeca would worry about her. JE and Rebeca continue to bicker and Angel finally tells them to leave. They walk off, Rebeca purposely putting her arm through JEs as Angel watches from inside the house, in tears.

    Don Emilio tells Pedrito they need to find his mother. (I frustratingly say just step outside and lo and behold, there she will be!)

    Wanda asks the Virgen to take care of her baby (now, a baby no longer). She asks her to bring him to her so they are never separated again. She kneels and lights a candle.

    Alma knows God will look kindly on JE for everything he is doing. Pedrito comes rushing down the hall and drops a box he is carrying. One of the things that spill on the floor is a rattle. Wanda is at the door, her pink, sparkly Dorothy of Oz heels glittering in the sunlight as she picks up the rattle. Pedrito tells Don Emilio his grandmother told him to keep the rattle safe. Wanda flashes back to her putting her infant to bed when a long-haired Monica came rushing in, ordering her thug to take the baby! Monica spewed to her that Wanda will not burden them with someone else’s child. Further, Wanda had better not look for the baby or she will end up dead too! Wanda cries and falls on the floor.

    Seeing her, Marisa goes over to her but Wanda turns and leaves, thinking about the rattle her baby had but then figures it couldn’t be Pedrito since he said his grandmother had given it to him! Arrrghh!

    Monica confronts Adolfo asking how her hermana is. She has the gaul to say she cares about her sister whether she murdered Mau or not. Adolfo upbraids her for her attitude. Oh and she will be receiving the divorce papers tomorrow. Monica assures Adolfo she will never sign them!

    Rebeca is scowling in the background and as everyone leaves, Rebeca stays behind as she wants to say goodbye to her mother. She tears into Alma for filling the house with “those dying of hunger”. Alma justifies herself and Rebeca wonders if Alma is afraid of dying alone. She doubts God will help Alma because she is a kidnapper. She then sticks out her long-manicured finger and threatens she better not try talking to JE again and she better not mess with her. She calls her “Alma” as tears pool in Alma’s eyes.

    Misael asks if his aunt will be out soon as Fatima look on hopefully. Adolfo replies that there is still no hope of getting Cris out. Misael comments that the murderer should be found soon. Fatima wonders who could have set up her mother, who did her father get involved with? Adolfo hugs Fatima and tells her not to worry.


  27. VIVIR #68 Part 3 of 3

    JE’s temper resurfaces as he tells Rebeca she has no right to follow him all day long; she doesn’t own him! Rebeca, whose opinion vastly differs, yells that he is her husband and he will not betray her with his sister. He tells her they are NOT seeing each other but Beca says she just saw them!. Rebeca wishes JE could understand her, she is trying her best so they get along. He reminds her they are only together because they made a deal. I DON’T LOVE YOU. She stares and grabs her purse as we see Don Emilio, Fatima, Misael, and Monica all in the doorway watching!!

    Angel has Pinky and Marisa in her office. They need to meet with clients but Marisa can’t go and they know Lupe can’t go. Angel resignedly says that she will go since she is familiar with the area which is near JE’s hacienda.

    Adolfo doesn’t understand why JE is still married to Rebeca. JE remind them Angel will be marrying soon while he will continue to live in hell with Rebeca. Fatima tells him that Angel still loves him but JE thinks so much has happened that she probably no longer loves him. She wouldn’t have agreed to marry Renato if she didn’t love him. JE then changes the subject to Cris. Adolfo tells them there may be a way to identify the real murderer. But that is all he can tell them and they should not tell anyone.

    Cris prays out loud, asking that He take care of and protect her son from any person that wishes him harm. We see a flashback of Rebeca spiking JE’s drink before he (didn’t) seduce her.

    She then asks that Fatima receive all the love she deserves and that she be happy. The flashback is Romina walking in and seeing Luciano and Fatima kissing.

    She then addresses Dulce telling her she continues to hear her laughter and that her heart is filled with memories. She recalls a pregnant Dulce as Sebastian rubs her stomach, as they beam with happiness, Don Emilio smiling in the corner. She recalls being with Dulce alone in a pink dress as happily rubs her stomach. She adds that her children are her strength.

    Don Emilio is asking Adolfo more questions but Adolfo will say no more. He adds Cris may get out soon. JE asks when they can see her and he says visitors will be allowed at the end of the week.

    Cris also prays for Yadira so no one will hurt her anymore She is sure that under all the hardness is a great woman. And lastly she begs that God give her strength and help her withstand her imprisonment. Please help her be with her children so she can hug them once again. She then gives thanks for all their blessings.

    During this soliloquy, we see several shots of Yadira in the dark, listening intently. And there we end until Thursday.

    Deep and grateful appreciation to my friend whose wisdom shone throughout all her expertly translated dialog.


  28. Vivir
    So I guess Monica paid some grandmotherly woman to take in Pedrito. In true TN fashion it is in the same barrio as Wanda lives. She couldn't find a different city or town to stash the baby, or arrange an illegal adoption like we are seeing in "Receta"? Thanks Diana and friend.

  29. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend, thank you both so much for every moment as we tumble along.

    At least we got a little sunshine with sweet Pedrito.Little guy now has been invited into two homes but decides to stay in the barrio in case his mother shows up. And there is Wanda dressed in cotton candy colors just steps away. Now I want cotton candy.

    Angel melted watching JE being all fatherly with Pedrito.

    Angel is Being so controlled and passive with her crazy sister, but Refrida likes to taunt her. That was a beautiful obi that Angel had on highlighting her tiny Scarlet Ohara waist.

    Did Adolfo tell Chris that Rebecca wants her shares in exchange for the name of (supposedly) Mau's killer ? Who has Refrida chosen to throw under the bus?

    I have a feeling that Chris's cellmate is going to become her bodyguard.

    OT..Still watching " Pasion" which is far campier than i remember after I first saw it in 2007, but so great to see those familiar faces and great costumes . I forgot the mustachioed twin blacksmiths . Fernando , Sebastian, and Marcelo look fine. Susan

  30. Vivir. Another superb recap, Diana and friend. The "wicked witch of the West," i.e. Rebeca, just keeps getting more creatively evil. The gift of the prayer book was well prepared for--leaving Cris both with some money and an incentive to pray even more. Pedrito has a well-thought-out reason for staying in the barrio, and it becomes ever more obvious, as you both note, Diana and Susan, that Wanda is his mother. And yep, his scene with JE was very moving. Cris is right to realize that if Rebeca knows who Mau's real killer is she has known it all along, and she is starting to get some insights into the true depths of Rebeca's evil. And indeed, Rebeca is exceptionally hypocritical in pretending to care about Angelli's happiness (except negatively). I too suspect that Yadhira will end up being Cris's bodyguard, in gratitude for Cris's extremely charitable prayers asking for Yadhira's well-being. And of course, when will we finally find out who is going to be framed for Mau's murder? Oh the suspense! (once again). Happy to have a day off tomorrow from this novela, and not just because it can't interfere with my dentist appointment.

  31. Vivir. And that was a heart-wrenching scene when Monica stole Wanda's baby. Just when you think that Monica couldn't be more evil, she shows us that she is.

  32. Vivir

    I am always confused when someone refuses to divorce. Is that actually possible or just telenovela possible.

    I wonder how long Monica has been enjoying all day cocktail hours . Maybe Refried plans to point the finger at Monica for Mau's murder. If so, what will Monica's son , the real murderer , do? Will he let his own mother go to jail? Susan

  33. VIVIR

    "So I guess Monica paid some grandmotherly woman to take in Pedrito. In true TN fashion it is in the same barrio as Wanda lives".

    That would be the logical explanation Kat. I wish Wanda had thought about things a bit more. I was disappointed she didn't go in and see if there was anything else Pedrito was saying that might have struck a chord.


  34. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan!

    "Little guy now has been invited into two homes but decides to stay in the barrio in case his mother shows up. And there is Wanda dressed in cotton candy colors just steps away" was great.

    Angel "did melt" watching JE with Pedrito!

    There are really only a handful of suspects Rebeca can accuse of the murder. It's likely Monica or Misael but Monica is by far the most dangerous.

    I hope you are right about Yadira becoming Cris' bodyguard. My friend, (who is always right) in essence said the same thing!


  35. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your kind words.

    "I too suspect that Yadhira will end up being Cris's bodyguard, in gratitude for Cris's extremely charitable prayers asking for Yadhira's well-being" was lovely.

    Watching JE with Pedrito gave me hope that in time he will be worthy of the "galan" title but he still has a way to go.

    "Cris is right to realize that if Rebeca knows who Mau's real killer is she has known it all along, and she is starting to get some insights into the true depths of Rebeca's evil" is exactly right.

    Good luck on your dentist visit!


  36. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana! You paint such a warm picture of the scenes with Pedrito, I can't wait to see it tomorrow. I am a little confused about JE being Pedro's guardian that he doesn't live with? Is Pedro going to stay with Alma then? I hope he isn't going back out on the street.

    Susan, you can actually refuse to get a divorce. I think the requesting spouse would ultimately get granted a divorce, but you can fight it, refuse to sign, show up for court, etc. I had a friend whose ex fought her, they ended up divorced, but it took years! She was very frustrated. My guess is some people would give up and thus remain married because their spouse refused to divorce. Someone as determined and resourceful as Monica or Beca might get away with it. But I would think Al's law background would give him some advantage.

    Monica is even nastier than we thought! Not exactly surprising but still nasty! It's hard to imagine being so cruel to your own grandchild! It would be awful to do to any child, but your own flesh and blood. How do you do that? It's just crazy, cruel, callous and ugly. And yet, Pedrito is a little ball of love and joy with a great attitude!

  37. OT,
    Susan, I'm watching PasiΓ³n sporadically. Not sure what campy means to you. The costumes are great. I needed the first recap as I didn't start watching And saving to my library) till episode 2. Will have to see if ViX is carrying it on the free version.

  38. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you. I think you will enjoy this episode, especially any and all scenes with Pedrito.

    "I am a little confused about JE being Pedro's guardian that he doesn't live with? Is Pedro going to stay with Alma then? I hope he isn't going back out on the street". Good questions as there were no obvious answers.

    I have to believe Pedrito will stay with Alma now that she has "finally" realized he's been out in the cold all along (eye roll). I had assumed he would eventually end up with JE (and Angel) but as it now seems inevitable he is Wanda's son, I'm not sure.


  39. vivir

    Thanks again, Diana, for the fine recap.

    Ay, Cris! We all yelled at our TV screens for you to stop insisting J.E. make an "honest woman" out of Rebeca. See what your eagerness to replace the grandchild you lost when Dulce died got your only son into!

    I missed Adolfo saying there was money in the religious book. Smart way to do it. Had that evil witch guard standing there seen any dinero changing hands, it would be gone lickety split. And, of course, I seriously doubt said guard has ever opened a book, much less look through one owned by Cris.

    I'm not quite sure what Rebeca's plan is. She set up the first chivo expiatorio (scapegoat, fall guy) with Doris's help in getting Ramiro to get that tattoo. [By the way, I don't think Doris deserves an HEA with Sebastian because of that.) Somehow I don't think she's going to try to incriminate either Misael or Monica. They're both a bit too dangerous for her to risk it.

    I loved the nearly the whole cast being witness to Rebeca's humiliation when J.E. told her he did not love her.

    Oh boy. Looking reluctant Angelli is about to visit "the only hydroponic farm in Mexico" for something about the jam they're producing. Wanna place a bet on J.E. deciding to visit there for some down time?

    That was quite the jailhouse prayer. Went on and on. I thought Yadira looked like she might have been crying, biting her pillow a time or two. Yeah, I agree that she's going to be won over by Cris.

  40. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diand. I wasn’t able to comment on yesterday’s Beanie-palooza. ‘Twas just another Manic Monday. Today’s dreary episode wasn’t much fun either, but you and your amiguis always deliver some good reading! Today’s gems: wan, sammie, omnipresent.

    First things first: I know she’s merely a bit player, but Nasty Guard needs an anvil. This graceless cow drew my ire with just a few lines and a sour face. That’s great acting!!

    The whole stocks plan is absurd, but I’m glad Cris FINALLY realizes what a viper Rebecca is. Maybe once she’s out of the clink, she’ll teach Elena how to open her dang eyes and realize what’s hiding in plain sight.

    All of a sudden (68 episodes in) Wanda becomes a woman of faith and prays for her lost baby. Is this La Rosa de la Guadalupe cuz I thought we tuned in for Vivir de Amor. Anywho, 2 frames later, Pedrito is a clumsy mess and Wanda is magically in the doorway. There are two big, fat takeaways from this scene:
    •Pedrito calls her Wandiux (which we’ve heard earlier from Doris).
    •I’m not a podiatrist, but those little piggies trying to escape from the Dorothy Slippers looked awkward and painful. I hope the next episode is sponsored by Dr. Scholl’s®️.

    I liked Wandiux’s flashback hairdo. MΓ³nica’s crony was almost cute. Had she kept him, she wouldn’t need Bruno or his treacherous tats. Wanda bids Marisa a farewell with “AhÍ nos vidrios,” which we’ve heard earlier and I actually heard the other night on El Amor No Tiene Receta. This fun phrase is trending! LOL. Bonus vocabulary: Wanda calls MΓ³nica a “damn fufurufa” which translates to snobby or bougie.

    Rebecca’s vitriol with Alma was not fun to watch. Poor Alma. Rebecca needs to be on a date with Nasty Guard very soon!

    During the PAM (Pinky, Angel, & Marisa) summit, I was distracted by the giant wooden dice on Ang’s desk. ¿QTH? When did Cassar’s Palace delve into office decor? She better not let that twerp Santiasco see ‘em. The family fortune would be siphoned even quicker.

    During the d. Emilio summit with Adolfo, JE, and FΓ‘tima, they showed a picture of the Rivero CuΓ©llar matriarch behind d. Emilio’s desk. I didn’t recognize the woman/actress. Not sure if they have ever shown that before.

    Prayer is good, but Cristina is lucky she didn’t get shanked. Her marathon solicitation ( performed quite loudly) went on for days. It’s a miracle Nasty Guard didn’t pop up - barking at her to shut the hell up. Maybe she’ll start Thursday’s episode

  41. Vivir

    It drives me crazy that everyone is bartering with shares of a going bankrupt company. Now Beca is getting Cris out of jail for her shares…….people bankrupt company shares are worthless!!!!

    After watching, Pedrito did say he would live with Alma after he decided not to be adopted.

  42. Vivir

    O.S. it is always fun to read your thoughts on this show.

    I noticed that portrait of DE's wife in several past scenes. It is in front of the safe that Misled likes to rifle through every now and then.

    I missed Wanda's little piggies. I often am doing other stuff while watching this show . Strappy sandals are great, but they should keep all your piggies under control.

    Pedrito is always the smartest, wisest, kindest person in the room. how could he be Misael's????

    Can't wait to see where we go today. Susan

  43. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you so very much.

    "I seriously doubt said guard has ever opened a book, much less look through one owned by Cris" had me smiling and nodding in agreement.

    I agree that Misael and Monica are dangerous (Monica more so) but if neither of them are named as the scapegoat by Beca, who would it be? Unless they can conjure someone out of thin air...

    It WAS wonderul watching everyone revel in Rebeca's rejection but it didn't even seem as though she had the grace to be embarrassed.

    "I thought Yadira looked like she might have been crying, biting her pillow a time or two". I appreciate that very much Novelera, my screen was very dark and I could hardly make her out.


  44. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you so much. Your wry observations were sensational.

    Thank you for "AhÍ nos vidrios" and “damn fufurufa” - what great vocabulary.

    "During the PAM (Pinky, Angel, & Marisa) summit, I was distracted by the giant wooden dice on Ang’s desk. ¿QTH? When did Cassar’s Palace delve into office decor?" was fabulous. I never saw the dice on Angel's desk!

    "I know she’s merely a bit player, but Nasty Guard needs an anvil" and "It’s a miracle Nasty Guard didn’t pop up - barking at her to shut the hell up" proves the guard has certainly made an impression on the patio and I agree wholeheartedly. A scene stealer in the making.

    "All of a sudden (68 episodes in) Wanda becomes a woman of faith and prays for her lost baby" captured this perfectly. She gets sent a sign from heaven her son is RIGHT THERE and she immediately comes to the wrong conclusion and walks away without trying to find out more. Not impressed.


  45. VIVIR

    Darcy, after the scathing way Rebeca rebuked Alma after seeing Pedrito there, I'm very afraid for him.

    Susan, just a gentle reminder there is no show today, we will have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens...


  46. Vivir

    Diana, thanks for the reminder .

    O S ..I noticed those die and thought theY were an unusual desk decoration for Angel to choose. QTH?

  47. Vivir

    Thanks once again, Diana. Loved your recap. I wondered if Rebeca might turn in Misael- the real killer. I’m not sure how she feels about him but her main objective, aside from making everyone in her orbit miserable, is money. With Cris’ shares she won’t need Misael.

    I was sure Wanda would realize Pedrito was hers when she saw the baby rattle. But I guess that’s something else being saved until the last week! And Doris needs her dad to own up to her.

    The scenes with Pedrito were so sweet. And JE was great when Pedrito said he prefers to stay in his neighborhood. Really understanding.

    So Brayan wants Rebeca to get him out of jail. There’s someone she can accuse. Adolfo should say Cris has to be freed and the other person convicted before Rebeca gets the shares.

    JE’s family realizes Rebeca is bad, but not how bad she really is. When will Elena wake up.


  48. Vivir #68

    Late to the party, so did anyone save an umbrella drink?

    How did Pedrito become who he is under these conditions? Not to mention he also looks pretty healthy,

    Monica taking him away from Wanda was about preventing her from later claiming that Misael knocked her up so she could get child support for him. Misael would probably accept this child but Monica would never accept any child who wasn't "to the manor born." Not that she would ever be mistaken for that herself; she certainly doesn't meet the acceptable standard of behaviour.

    Or was it only vanity, which would be equally hilarious?

  49. OT..Pasion on Unimas . This show is getting better and better . Great cast. Love the costumes, swords, boots, horses, carriages . It is a wild ride. The twin blacksmiths are the cherry on the top . Susan

  50. Vivir

    I too think Beca might be about to double cross Mon and Mis, she has no loyalty.

    I suppose Wanda is supposed to be sympathetic and the victim but I am not so sure I am willing to see her that way. Having the baby taken away like that was horrible, but what did she DO after that? Police? Anything??? She didn’t know where Pedrito was but she knew where Misael was presumably, why didn’t she do anything to get her child back?

  51. VIVIR

    Thank you very much Liz.

    "...her main objective, aside from making everyone in her orbit miserable, is money. With Cris’ shares she won’t need Misael" is an excellent point.

    It had also crossed my mind that Beca might want to set up Brayan (although he knows where the bodies are buried so to speak). Also, is the tattoo still in play to ID the murderer? There are so many new details and twists I'm finding it hard to keep track of things.

    I was so disappointed that Wanda was given such a clear clue and basically threw it away. I agree this revlelation will be some time in coming.


  52. Urban,

    Please have a seat and enjoy a beverage of your choice.

    It IS a wonder Pedrito turned out to be the sweet child he is (physically and mentally). I wonder when whomever was raising him passed away?

    "Misael would probably accept this child but Monica would never accept any child who wasn't "to the manor born" is exactly right. Misael has expressed misgivings and I wonder what will happen when he finds out he is Pedrito's father.


  53. VIVIR

    Your quesstions are well stated Darcy.

    It's rather a small world here and I'm surprised Wanda and Misael haven't crossed paths. And as you pointed out, Wanda didn't seem to try and find Misael. I don't think we know if she chose to search for Pedrito or reported him missing.



    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of this morning's episode 😎

    84.) Battle of the Swords ends when Jeronimo FINALLY shoved his sword through Scumbag Augie's body. Scumbag Augie FINALLY dies.

    85.) LaBonita Hacienda: Jeronimo & Renata recovering from the injuries & other horrific nightmares, enjoying their time together.

    86.) Anibal puts flowers at Scumbag Augie's grave in some small town cemetery.

    87.) Puerto Nuevo: Carlos & Matilde enjoying their reconciliation after overcoming lots of roadblocks.

    88.) Gonzalo & Matias having emotional gather/son moments in Mexico City while both eating popsicles.

    89.) Honorio & Connie kissing & loving each other following overcoming usual roadblocks during midday lunch.

    90.) Commercial breaks ensuing. Following the boring commercials, the opening credits along with the musical theme by Enrique Iglesias & Juan Luis Guerra.

    91.) Ruta del Vino: Ensenada: Lazaro, Karina, Manuela comforting Alfsonia & Luz following the revelations about Scumbag Augie having Ezekiel killed.

    92.) Uncle Padre Seve talking with his niece, Marina about family plans regarding jer twins with Jeronimo, etc.,

    93.) Anibal plans on studying in college while Alison will get major medical help with her health crises while speaking with Jeronimo & Renata.

    94.) Carlos & Matilde get the Ok on having their wedding at the church when speaking with Uncle Padre Seve. Antonio speaks with Alvaro, who holds an Alcoholics Anonymous group at the prison.

    95.) Slacker Berta & Psycho Fina having one of those final scheme plots. Nothing is going to come good with this.

    96.) Julieta tells Matias & Adriana that she's heading to Paris, France; Regina, Isidro & Inez attending the special grand opening of the center; Gonzalo, Regina, Jeronimo, Renata, Honorio & Connie teaming up to bring down both Psycho Fina & Slacker Berta. The wedding of Carlos & Matilde takes place at Uncle Padre Seve's church with Antonio, Lazaro, Karina, Alfonsina, Herimina, Carlos' parents, Jeronimo, Renata, Marina, Manuela, Anibal & Alison attending the wedding.

  55. Vivir

    Great job, Diana. I'm glad you and your friend caught a break today with Vivir preempted. I would've teared up too if I'd known Pedrito said he was waiting for his mother to show up in the barrio. Muchisimas gracias for all the details on the conversations.

    Young Pedrito is so much more together than his (presumed) mom Wanda, but that can happen in real life. Clearly Wanda would've given Pedrito a lot of love if Monica hadn't stolen him, but she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    I can't see Rebeca giving up Misael or Monica, yet. Technically, once the shares are turned over to her, there's nothing binding her to give Adolfo a credible suspect for Mauricio's murderer. She can name anyone. But who could credibly have had access to Cris's bedroom to take her gun? The maid?

  56. VIDA

    Thanks so much Niecie.

    Pedrito is the perfect child. Even the thought of anything bad happening to him is beyond disturbing. I agree Wanda would have cared greatly for him if not for Monica.

    I have been thinking about Wanda and perhaps I've been a bit hasty. Maybe she has gotten her hopes up over the years and is afraid to consider any possibility so they aren't dashed again? I don't know.

    "I can't see Rebeca giving up Misael or Monica, yet...She can name anyone. But who could credibly have had access to Cris's bedroom to take her gun? The maid?" Yes, Petra certainly would have. I wonder what kind of motive Rebeca would ascribe to Petra wanting Cris dead. I hadn't thought of Petra Niecie, very interesting.


  57. Vivir de amor Ep. 67/68

    Diana, thanks to your recaps and the DVR I am now caught up more or less. My brain is still a bit fuzzier than usual, but whatever.

    Susan and Kat, thank you for your kind wishes.

    The prison scenes with Cris were very depressing, and filmed in low light to make things even worse. Do we know what exactly happened to Yadira? A fight over?
    The way she looked, it was no sissy fight.

    Whatever, Cris's prayers should bring her an ally, and I'm sure everyone in such a place really needs one or more allies for mutual protection.

    There was also some fun stuff these last two episodes. Pedrito is always a charmer, as is Loli, and don Emilio is always fun. But there was more. Rebeca, not always one to brighten things up, did so a little with her odd two piece yellow sweater, showing off the girls. No spillage, but some nice fresh air for the girls.
    I absolutely loved Wanda's shoes! My estimation of her went up several notches, anyone who would wear shoes like that is OK in my book. I liked her scene with baby Pedrito also!
    Too bad she's too dumb to recognize him now, or even to consider it.

    Even JE was not a total jerk for a change.


  58. VIVIR

    Andy, glad you are back and hope you continue to feel better.

    "The prison scenes with Cris were very depressing, and filmed in low light to make things even worse" was well phrased. I don't believe we know anything about Yadira other than she was beaten to a pulp. And that she is alert and listening.

    Pedrito and Don Emilio always brighten up the darkest days.

    As I'm 0-2 in trying to note spillage, I think it's best I stay away from the term. :)

    JE is changing; he only got (somewhat) angry once, toward Rebeca (well deserved) but he kept it rather in check.

