
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of June 17, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

** Distilando Amor and Vivir de Amor will be pre-empted on Thursday morning because Futbol will be shown on Thursday evening! I don't get it either but happy break day to Diana!!!

**Nadie Como Tu, Amor Real and Abismo de Pasion will be pre-empted on Friday!!



    Darcy: Elizabeth Alvarez does an excellent job portraying despicable evil antagonist in this Telenovela mistreating Ana Brenda Contreras' character non-stop.

  2. VIVIR #79 Part 1

    We open with JE leaning over a non-responsive Angel, softly calling her name as she lies on the sidewalk. Pinky stands by wringing her hands as he calls for an ambulance. Renato comes up and tries to muscle JE aside but JE is an immoveable object!

    Alma answers her door as Carmelo rushes in to share the news about the fire at the cooperative; it appears Angel was inside!!!

    At the scene, one of the witnesses tells Renato that JE ran into the inferno to rescue Angel. The police are holding everyone back. Renato stares as JE hovers over Angel and the stretcher is brought out.

    Javi teases Mati about Lucas saying he thinks she will return to being his novia. Mati smiles that she needs to talk to Lucas first. Javi dances happily.

    Angel is loaded into the ambulance but as JE starts to climb in, Renato stops him and he insists HE will go.

    Mati finds Lucas working in the fields. They have a heart-to-heart talk and admit they love each other. However, Lucas wants to talk to her father first. Mati hopes he can convince Luciano as they seal the deal with a hug.

    Alma, Lupe, Carmelo and Marisa are now at the scene of the fire. Witnesses are being interviewed as they wonder how the fire started; they are worried about Angel.

    Both Renato and JE are at the hospital. As Angel’s prometida, Renato reproaches JE for being at the factory and “forbids” him from getting close to Angel. JE tells him he needed to talk to Angel. Antler bashing ensues until they are rebuked by the nurse for their loud arguing.

    Angel is getting her blood pressure checked by the nurse who asks how she is. She is told her “novio” rescued her.

    Renato “orders” JE to leave but JE refuses. Renato wants to see Angel but is told he needs to wait. Renato tells JE he can leave since Angel is OK. Later when Renato tells him to go home to his wife, JE stares and doesn’t budge.

    Speaking of JE’s said “wife”, she is pacing in the rather spacious cell (cell mates off in the corner). She mutters Misael better get the tour because her wonderful mother won’t lift a finger.

    Elena tells Santiago that Rebeca swore that they are incriminating her but what after Cris told her, she doesn’t know what to think. Santi points out the evidence is there. Eena shares Rebeca is also involved in Mau’s murder and asks if Santi thinks it’s possible. Santi has a flashback (recalling Misael shooting Dulce) and replies sometimes people are involved in situations without wanting to..

    Renato holds Angel’s hand, a small butterfly bandage on her forehead. Angel doesn’t know how the fire started. She fainted and doesn’t know what would have happened if Renato hadn’t gotten there. She thanks him for saving her. He thinks back to JE leaning over her and it SEEMS he is about to tell her the truth when the nurse asks him to leave.


  3. VIVIR #79 Part 2

    When Renato walks away to make a call, JE sneaks in and asks Angel how she is. I am all right she replies and asks what he is doing there. I was worried about you he replies honestly. He tells her about Rebeca’s arrest and she seems shocked. She doesn’t know what to think or expect from Rebeca! He tells her he is divorcing Rebeca and that he will be free to love her. He asks for another chance; they have suffered enough because of Rebeca. Angel reminds him she will marry Renato. She turns her head and begs her for another chance (not once but several times). After JE insists, she tells him to stop she will not break her promise. What they had has ended. Then Renato comes back huffing and puffing. Angel tells him to chill and then asks JE to leave. JE stares as Renato lets him pass. Angel looks stricken as she tries to smile.

    Renato takes Angel home. He asks what JE wanted to talk to her about but Angel says it’s not important. They talk about Rebeca’s arrest. Renato tells her Santi already knows everything Rebeca has done and will support her. He thinks she and her mother will reconcile soon (yes, as soon as hell freezes over and pigs fly I venture). She smiles and says gracias she says as he kisses her hand.

    JE calls Alma and tells her Rebeca is going to be transferred to prison. Dios Mio she says, nodding knowingly.

    Santiago gets off the phone with Renato and relays the news to Elena, assuring her Angel is fine. Elena laments there are so many tragedies. She hopes everything is cleared up and Rebeca is released.

    Rebeca’s hands are handcuffed behind her back as she is led out of jail. Alma is standing there watching as we see another flashback of Rebeca’s running Mau over.

    Rebeca does the walk of shame down the prison hall.

    JE wonders if Rebeca was being truthful about the murderer being in his house.

    Rebeca brings her blankie into a cell. She places it on the bottom bunk.

    Jimena and Renato catch up; she is filing for divorce. Icky arrives, screaming and waving an envelope around saying she will not take his apartment or his son. Renato defends Jimena as Icky turns on him baring his fangs accusing him of being her lover! Icky calls Renato an animal and the fight escalates until Elena walks in, ordering Icky to leave.

    Rebeca walks down the hall and who is there to greet her but La Escorpiona who wants to “welcome” her. Rebeca tries to sashay by but is grabbed and punched in the stomach. LE makes it clear who gives the orders! She puts her shoe on Rebeca (still down on the floor) and tells her to clean her shoes or she can do it with her tongue. Sadly, she is let off relatively easy. As they leave, Rebeca calls them estupida. Yeah, that will teach ‘em!

    JE worries about Angel and tells Adolfo about asking her to take him back. Adolfo points out that now that Rebeca is in jail, JE needs to take advantage and divorce her

    Romina is on phone telling Mati to take pictures or a video of Luciano and Fatima tother. She will call them as often as she can but Mati wants to be with her.

    Mati gets Luciano’s phone.

    JE calls Luciano and tells him Romina is working at the company and about what Rebeca did. Luciano tells him in regard to Romina, he should do whatever needs to be done.

    Gabriel pathetically grovels but Mati reminds him they aren’t novios.


  4. VIVIR #79 Part 3 of 3

    Doris holds a sobbing Alma who is distraught. Alma cries that regardless of what she did, Rebeca is her daughter. Marisa tells her that Alma was a wonderful mother but that her daughter was born evil. Wanda points out now that Rebeca is rich she doesn’t talk to Doris anymore. Alma thinks it’s’ time Rebeca paid for all she has done; at least she won’t be able to hurt anyone any longer.

    Misael arrives and gives Rebeca a stack o’ cash as she tells him he needs to get her out! He starts in saying it’s not that easy but she starts making a scene saying if he doesn’t get her out, she will tell everything!

    Adolfo arrives (without seeing Misael) and tells Rebeca JE will divorce her. She tells him to let JE know that when he gets the divorce, Angel will join her in jail!

    Mati has a favor to ask her father; that he start to trust Lucas. Luciano smiles and puts his hands on her shoulders and agrees to give him a chance to prove he is a good person. They hug.

    Jimena stirs her coffee as Icky sulkily arrives. She reams him out for telling Elena about Rebeca. Icky thinks it’s high time Elena found out about Rebeca. They argue and when she throws coffee on him, he laughs. In the end, Jimena agrees to give up the apartment but will keep David. Icky threatens he WILL take his son.

    Luciano is walking around and overhears two of the workers talking positively about Lucas. Gabe comes up when Luciano is on the phone and overhears him saying he will try to trust Lucas. Muttering that Mati is his and only his, he says he needs to do something to prove Lucas hasn’t changed. He runs into Sandra and complains that Lucas wants to take Mati who is his. He is worried that Lucas will steal and Sandra will be blamed since she cleans everything. As our spirits sink, Gabriel is in Mati’s room. He steals a bracelet from her bedside table and sneaks out. When Lucas leaves his room he plants it in his knapsack.

    Angel tells Jimena (sporting a vibrant, lovely orange dress) that she will not go back to JE. She lists everything JE has done and (delusionally) thinks he must love Rebeca. He must want her back because he is feeling alone.

    JE sits back in his office chair thinking of Angel. Adolfo and Cris arrives and Adolfo relays Rebeca’s threatening message. JE tells them if he divorces Rebeca, she will have Angel put in prison…there is no clear evidence of what happened in the stairwell. He can’t believe he can’t divorce her even when she is in prison!

    My marvelous friend came through once again with perfect dialog which was relayed in truly inspiring fashion. Thank you!


  5. Vivir,
    Beca brought a blankie and a roll of TP. They don't show much of the cell but I guess it comes with a commode. All the creature comforts of home. Wonder if her cellmate will be Chris 's former cellmate.

  6. Vivir. Thanks, Diana and friend! Your wonderful recaps are helping me to keep up with this novela until our new tv is installed next week. I figured that Gabriel would try to frame Lucas for theft. He has certainly proven himself unworthy of Mati--and of Sandy as well!

  7. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Your recap is a delight.

    Wanda points out now that Rebeca is rich she doesn’t talk to Doris anymore.

    I'm surprised to hear Wanda say this since she and Doris are still sneering at Angel because of Rebeca.

    Yep, Gabriel doesn't deserve Sandy or Mati. Could he be more desperate?

    Right now Mati doesn't deserve Lucas. I hope the couple she catches on video is not Luciano and Fatima, but (by a goof) her mom with Bruno.

    Shame on the writers for setting me up to think Adolfo would run into Misael at the prison. Adolfo, couldn't you at least have looked at the sign-in sheet to see who might've visited Rebeca?

  8. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much.

    You rightfully thought "Gabriel would try to frame Lucas for theft. He has certainly proven himself unworthy of Mati--and of Sandy as well!" Exactly! Gabriel suddenly morphed from a good kid to obsessing about Mati to the point he is now trying to frame Lucas for stealing.

    Further, Mati isn't "all that". She is blind to her mother's machinations and is immature, stubbornly unwilling to give Fatima a chance.


  9. VIVIR

    "Wonder if her cellmate will be Chris 's former cellmate".

    Kat, it's likely Rebeca will run into Yadhira but I can't see Yadhira protecting Beca out of the goodness of her heart so...


  10. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks for another fun to read recap which was an enormous help while I watched.

    Poor Renato can't get a break it seems. JE is always there. But Renato should man up and be truthful about things; it would be no good for him to marry Angel while she is pining over JE. What kind of life would that be? I would like the writers to rescue Renato, he's basically a decent person, and seeing these failings is just depressing and no fun.

    Gabriel, what a shame. A lost cause at such an early age.
    But Mati is looking better now, a little less like her mother, which is an improvement.

    Hoo, boy! I find Rebeca to be kinda scary sometimes, but now she is the one being accosted. Tough tamales, Becky.

    I had to laugh at Misael's exiting as Adolfo signed in. Adolfo certainly did not see Misael, I'm not sure if Misael noticed Adolfo or not.

    We still have a way to go with this novela, but I think the rehabilitation of some people has started, and I'm looking forward to it. I would definitely like to see some happy pairings and such. Wanda and Pedrito growing closer, with maybe her new boyfriend too.

    Doris distancing herself from Rebeca, and maybe coming clean with Sebastian if he isn't off to be a missionary in another novela... or whatever.

    I don't too much care about the adolescent love quagmire. I'm sure it will work out, but I don't really care.

    It's definitely time for people to straighten up and fly right.


  11. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Niecie...

    "Yep, Gabriel doesn't deserve Sandy or Mati. Could he be more desperate?" Nopis. Or more obsessed.

    ITA Mati does NOT deserve Lucas.

    I was also surprised at Wanda's comment that Rebeca isn't seeking out Doris any longer. As you wisely pointed out, both Doris and Wanda are certainly still giving major attitude when Angel is around. I'm sure Beca will be in touch with Doris once she needs something.

    Too bad Misael gets to fly under the radar a while longer.


  12. VIVIR

    Andy, thanks so much!

    Loved "I don't too much care about the adolescent love quagmire. I'm sure it will work out, but I don't really care". Me neither! Perfect.

    "I think the rehabilitation of some people has started, and I'm looking forward to it. I would definitely like to see some happy pairings and such" echoes my thoughts exactly.

    I am sure Pedrito will come around and he and Wanda will end up as a happy family and "maybe her new boyfriend too"!

    Although Doris' redemption has little momentum (if any) currently, I have no doubt it will happen. The Sebas missionary tour came out of left field though; I'm thinking it's a red herring but we will need to see.

    Renato knows full well Angel loves JE. He is completely delusional if he thinks he and Angel have any chance for a happy marriage. His bratty, jealous stamping of his feet aside, I also think he is a good man and will come to his senses, likely (hopefully) courtesy of Jimena.


  13. Vivir

    Thanks once again, Diana and friend, what a great recap of a frustrating episode.

    Renato was not showing his better side in this episode. At least not concerning JE and Angel. Basically telling JE to stay away from Angel, and then taking credit for Angel’s rescue. Maybe he would have told the truth but I think he’s going to let Angel believe he’s her hero. I can’t wait for someone to mention how JE risked his life to save her.

    I wasn’t really surprised that Rebeca threatened to put Angel in jail if JE divorced her. When he mentioned divorcing Rebeca to Angel I figured he wouldn’t be able to.

    I was sure Misael and Adolfo would see each other. Guess it’s too early for the bad guys to be exposed.

    Jimena needs to get a divorce lawyer quickly. She deserves her son and the apartment.

    Gabriel has been a real disappointment lately. Mati can have him once he exposes Lucas as a thief. She seems to be working with her mother to spy on her dad. So she’s sunk as low as Gabriel.


  14. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you...

    Let's see if Renato does tell Angel he rescued her or if she finds out from someone else. He certainly is NOT putting his best foot forward.

    Speaking of, "Gabriel has been a real disappointment lately". Yes! I am starting to hope Lucas and Sandra end up together but I fear Lucas and Mati are "locked in"...

    I think Jimena and Renato will end up together but it will have to wait until Renato comes down to earth and realizes Angel will never love him the way she loves JE. I really hope he and Angel don't get married but with 46 episodes to go, I fear this will be a filler.


  15. Vivir
    Gracias for another fun one Diana and Omni!
    Wanda was uncharacteristically harsh to Doris in front of the coop ladies—Wanda said Doris was Reb’s “alcahuete” = procurer, go-between, pimp!

    Renato, Angel and the tepid kisses…..unless something is happening that we’re not seeing (doubtful), isn’t it odd that that’s the extent of it? I get that Angel has to stay “pure” by telenovela rules, but still.
    Hate prison scenes and normally have my eyes squeezed shut, but watched Reb get off relatively easily in that scene.
    As for the sleazy lawyer Misael thinks will spring Reb, my CC’s called him “Buitrón.”
    “Buitre” means “vulture,” and tacking on the emphasizer “on” means a really big one! If he shows up we’ll see if that’s his real name or Misael’s word play.

  16. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend, thank for continuing to bring us snappy recaps as the drama rolls forward.

    I figured that Reb would flash the " Angel goes to jail " card if JE brought up divorce ...again. Rinse. Repeat.

    Well, Reb is out of that fashion turtleneck faux pas and into prison khakis , but unlike the rest of the prison population, Reb's khakis are pressed and tight with a cute little white tank top underneath. I gotta say , the girl can take a punch to the breadbasket. She seems pretty fearless ( confident???) Maybe she did some street fighting\ tumbling with Brayan back in the hood .

    The previously good as gold , empathetic rescuers Renato and Gabriel are losing their glow so that JE and Lucas can be polished up and redeemed . ..whatever . I just need some HEAs.

    I, too, am not interested in the teen drama, I've had enough of that in my house and at school. It's exhausting in both real life and novelas. Did you do your algebra homework? Where your hallpass? Did you clean your room? Stop doing cartwheels in the living room . Susan

  17. Vivir #79

    Good work, Diana y amiga.

    I don't remember what Rebecca was looking to frame Angeli for and that bugs me. No matter what it is I can't wait for her downfall. She is garbage.

    Mati needs a reality check. Her mother is so damn selfish and in my opinion she is crossing the line into evil. While I could never be a SAHW or SAHM she up and left the family and does not seem to even appreciate Luciano, yet she keeps hanging onto him. He need a good divorce lawyer.

    Also surprised that Adolfo didn't see Misael'sname onn the sign-in sheet, but how many prisoners are in this facility and how many visitors do they typically get?

    "Buitron" might be the writers' joke. I have heard "tiburon" in other novelas and laughed because that is also a US descriptor of lawyers. Exactly what Misael is looking for.

    Renato needs to get a clue.

    Santiago needs to tell somebody about Misael, but it's not close enough to the finale.

  18. VIVIR

    "Wanda was uncharacteristically harsh to Doris in front of the coop ladies—Wanda said Doris was Reb’s “alcahuete” = procurer, go-between, pimp!" Clara, thank you! I had no idea she said that and yes, that IS harsh...

    I have a feeling Rebeca is going to stay out of harm's way somehow.

    “Buitre” means “vulture,” and tacking on the emphasizer “on” means a really big one!" Thank you for all these little dialog gems which add so much Clara!


  19. Vivir

    Another fantastic recap Diana! And a much better read than the actual episode which was scene after scene after scene of Renato and JE posturing...I was bored after the first one, didn't need 47 repetitions.

    I am wondering about Sebas's mission trip - I have heard of mission trips lasting anywhere from a number of days to a number of years, so I am not sure that the simple fact that Sebas is talking about taking a mission's trip to clear his head means anything more than him missing a few episodes.

    I will be as glad as anyone to see Doris turn away from Rebeca, but I don't like this whole idea of her doing it because 'Rebeca abandoned her when he got Rich'. I'd much rather see Doris take a good hard look at the facts and draw her own conclusions and make her own decision to do the right thing rather than have their fallout be by default.

    I am not as mad at Madi as some, yes, she is mommy's puppet, but a lot of young girls love their mommies and take mommy's word as gold and are eager to please their moms. It's easy to sit back and say she should just see that mommy is a horrible grifter, but who wants to realize their mom is a monster? Mati will have to face reality sooner or later, but I can't blame her for not wanting to see it.

    I personally think Jimena deserves better than Renato, maybe if Renato had accepted reality way back when and been a big enough person to walk away when he KNEW that Angel didn't love him, or if Jimena had turned his attention from Angel then. But now, after he fights tooth and nail to marry Angel without love and ends up either with a broken engagement or a divorce, should Jimena accept the leftovers? Judging from who her 1st husband is, I'd say Jimena doesn't know her worth.

  20. VIVIR

    "the girl can take a punch to the breadbasket. She seems pretty fearless ( confident???) Maybe she did some street fighting\ tumbling with Brayan back in the hood" had me smiling away Susan!

    "The previously good as gold, empathetic rescuers Renato and Gabriel are losing their glow so that JE and Lucas can be polished up and redeemed . ..whatever . I just need some HEAs" was spot on!

    I am also yearning for some happy endings! They can't come quick enough!!


  21. VIVIR

    Susan, my comment to you vanished.

    Thank you very much. I especailly enjoyed "I gotta say , the girl can take a punch to the breadbasket. She seems pretty fearless ( confident???) Maybe she did some street fighting\ tumbling with Brayan back in the hood". 

    I'm all for HEA's bring them on!!


  22. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you very much.

    I always enjoy your intuitive, sharp perspective.

    "I'd much rather see Doris take a good hard look at the facts and draw her own conclusions and make her own decision to do the right thing rather than have their fallout be by default". Oh absolutely!! She needs to sharpen her vision and see Rebeca for who and what she is, a disturbed and demented individual.

    And this very persuasive statement on Renato: ", after he fights tooth and nail to marry Angel without love and ends up either with a broken engagement or a divorce, should Jimena accept the leftovers? Judging from who her 1st husband is, I'd say Jimena doesn't know her worth". I totally agree with you that she doesn't know her value!

    I don't think Renato is a bad guy but he is certainly making some poor decisions. Renato has been "stuck on" Angel which has given him limited vision in seeing how wonderful Jimena really is. I am hoping he does prove worthy of her.


  23. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban!

    "Buitron" might be the writers' joke. I have heard "tiburon" in other novelas and laughed because that is also a US descriptor of lawyers. Exactly what Misael is looking for" was important; thank you for sharing.

    Urban, If JE divorces Rebeca, she is threatening to go to the authorities and tell them Angel pushed her down the stairs. So far, JE has yielded to her demand.

    I'm also disappointed in Mati. She knows Luciano is a good man and wouldn't do anything cruel to hurt the family. I have no doubt Mati is going to recieve irrefutable evidence that Romina is NOT a good woman and is she going to be heartbroken.


  24. Diana,

    I found your first comment to Susan in the Spam folder. It's posted now.

  25. Thank you so much Darcy!!


  26. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks. Diana (recap) and Marva (marvelous dialog translation). Friday’s episode was a clunker as far as action is concerned, but your recap made for some fun reading.

    Today’s show was sponsored by many. The first influencer, if you will, is Gladys Kravitz. Her impact was felt when the busybody onlooker breathlessly told Renato that Rebecca’s apparent boyfriend entered the building and saved Rebecca “like a superhero.” Another Avenger in the cast.

    Our next sponsor is kindergarten which is exactly how to describe Renato & JE @ La Clínica Popular. I would call it sabre rattling, but that’s too mature. I like “antler bashing” which is funny because Iker calls Renato an “animal” a few scenes later. More on him in a bit. I like when the nurse ordered them to shut their dang pie holes as patients were trying to recover. Unfortunately, the pie holes didn’t stay shut very long. Team Petite Nurse!!! More kindergarten antics: Icky telling to Elena instead of yelling at him she should be visiting her imprisoned daughter. Real.Mature.

    Next up: Charmin®️. What astute product placement with Rebecca’s walk of shame into her cell. This may be the first time this whole series that I was cheering for Rebecca. I abhor violence, but I wanted her to wipe the floor with that odious La Escorpiona. We’ve always maintained that Big Reb is intimidating (and BSC). I was disappointed when she cowered to the prison’s biggest arachnid. Susan’s “take a punch to the breadbasket” made me laugh out loud!

    I couldn’t tell if Mati was talking to BEIR or using SnapChat filters to alter her face. They look so much alike. SnapChat offers hours of entertainment and thousands of lewks.

    TigerBeat Gabriel has become the poster boy for Desperate, Inc., Insecure Industries, and Framers Anonymous. Cannot.Stand.Him. I try not to give these teen storylines much attention, but since we’re talking about sponsors, I thought I’d throw that in.

    Another fine sponsor: L’Oréal®️. It appears our little Dorotea slipped and dipped her head in a vat of Cherry #OO9. Those scarlet streaks were something else! I too hope she opens her eyes on her own and makes better decisions on friends and hairdos. Poor Alma. Her friends were all right, but they weren’t very sympathetic (neither are we). It was like, “Nanner. Nanner. Nanner. Your daughter is a putz/psycho/loser, and we’re glad she’s in jail!”

    Big Bang was funny sauntering by unnoticed as Adolfo was signing the Visitor’s Log. This was just odd and doesn’t get a sponsor.

    Our final sponsor is Machistas “R” Us™️. Icky labels Jimena as “hysterical” and says all women use kids to justify their histrionics. Fun Fact: after being doused with Ji’s glass of water, Icky was a dead ringer for Squiggy of Lenny & Squiggy fame. #laverne&shirley.

    Fashion notes: Elena’s kaleidoscope print dress made me dizzy. I’m glad she’s starting to see the real Big Reb.

    Prop-oganda: why was Sandra sweeping with a 13th century broom? I love her papá’s nugget of wisdom: Caras vemos. Mañas no sabemos. Literally: you can see folks’ faces, but you don’t know their bad habits. Figuratively, it’s don’t judge a book by its cover.

    OT - Thanks for the kind words, Darcy. You have always been encouraging with comments and recaps. I always look forward to your takes on the show, and still want to be you when I grow up.

  27. VIVIR

    O.S., your wry and wonderful comments were inspired. So very clever.

    "Gladys Kravitz", "Machistas "R" Us", "Squiggy" and (my favorite) "Prop-oganda" were fabulous.

    "I like when the nurse ordered them to shut their dang pie holes as patients were trying to recover. Unfortunately, the pie holes didn’t stay shut very long" was exactly right!

    "Icky telling to Elena instead of yelling at him she should be visiting her imprisoned daughter" - I had not understood that but it certainly wasn't out of character for him was it?

    "L’Oréal®️. It appears our little Dorotea slipped and dipped her head in a vat of Cherry #OO9. Those scarlet streaks were something else! I too hope she opens her eyes on her own and makes better decisions on friends and hairdos" is exactly right!

    On the other hand "Poor Alma. Her friends were all right, but they weren’t very sympathetic (neither are we)" gave me pause. Guilty as charged.

    You always enlighten, here with "Caras vemos. Mañas no sabemos. Literally: you can see folks’ faces, but you don’t know their bad habits. Figuratively, it’s don’t judge a book by its cover". Thank you so much.

    I appreciate all your insights and all that you illuminate so exceptionally well...


  28. vivir

    Another terrific recap, Doris and Omni! This whole episode left itself wide open for some heavy-duty snark, and you guys brought it.

    Renato. Sigh! His behavior was beyond petty during the whole episode. I know that the "other guy" or "other woman" never ever give up in telenovelas, but he's just pathetic. He had two opportunities to tell Angelli that JE was the one carrying her out of the burning building, but no. I enjoyed "antler bashing" A LOT!

    We were treated to another reminder that low-IQ Sebastian is still keeping quiet about Misael killing Dulce. He's off the hook for the murder because of the four aces tattoo because, as far as I remember, the poor guy killed in prison was still considered the culprit. Why is he letting Misael continue to get away with it? Coming clean is a perfect step as part of the regimen in Gamblers Anonymous.

    I really enjoyed Rebeca's introduction to the prison hierarchy, but I'd have preferred her being forced to lick La Escorpiona's shoes.

    Romina, pffft! I am so sick of her. Why would Luciano's phone have a picture of he and Fatima together. Did she think he'd ask one of the farmhands to take a picture of him kissing Fatina? Or use a selfie stick to take one? Sheesh. And Mati just does what Mommy says. Isn't she old enough to realize that her mother is going for custody, would move the kids to the big city, and make it difficult for her devoted father to visit her?

    I was very disappointed that Adolfo didn't see Misael's exit.

    I thought Icky was Team Rebecca/Romina. Why is he now chortling over Rebe's incarceration? But I guess he just lives for a woman to be humiliated, any woman for any reason.

    So Gabriel's evil twin has appeared. All I could do was sigh. Of course the missing bracelet will incriminate Lucas, removing Luciano's support.

  29. Vivir
    Novelera, I had the impression Romina wants Mati to take an incriminating photo of Fatima and Luciano and send it to her.
    Speaking of look alikes, i keep getting confused between Iker and Luciano. Fortunately the latter is usually outside at the ranch and not in the city.

  30. Vivir

    Kat, yes !!.I get confused between Luciano and Iker, but on a second look, Luciano is handsomer plus not tool .

    Reb seems Cool as a cucumber in jail. I have a feeling the corrupt lawyer will be springing her soon , so that she can get back to lying , scheming, terrorizing people, and wearing bad choices in apparel.

    I wonder if Sebastian is going on a mission because the actor has another show or a personal reason to be away ..wisdom teeth extraction ???? Susan

  31. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you so much.

    I savored all of your insight and humor.

    Speaking of snark, "I really enjoyed Rebeca's introduction to the prison hierarchy, but I'd have preferred her being forced to lick La Escorpiona's shoes" had me nodding in vigorous agreement. 😊

    "low-IQ Sebastian", "Gabriel's evil twin" and "Romina, pffft!" were all great.

    "I thought Icky was Team Rebecca/Romina. Why is he now chortling over Rebe's incarceration? But I guess he just lives for a woman to be humiliated, any woman for any reason" nailed his personna perfectly.

