
Thursday, June 20, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Señor de los Cielos 9 y más: Week of June 17, 2024

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Señor de los Cielos 9

Just a reminder that the long-awaited telenovela with Fernando Colunga will finally be shown starting Monday, July 1 at 10 PM. Entitled El Conde: Amor y Honor, it will star Fernando Colunga and Ana Brenda Contreras and is based somewhat on The Count of Monte Cristo. More information, including a trailer, can be found on Telemundo's web site.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. "SENOR 9" EPISODE#1335:
    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode. I should note that I caught half of the episode.

    *Dalila & Alfaro watching the aftermath of the carnage of the attack on Ismael from tbe underlings of the Figueroa's.

    *Aurelio & Co., save the day & rescue Ismael, Skinny & Co., I wonder how long it'll take before Ismael figures out Aurelio instigated the ambush.

    *Rafael finds his daughter on the floor due to a medical episode & rushes her to the hospital. Of course, Marcela & Felina are notified about what happened.

    *Luckily, Annoying Laura saves the day & saves Sofia (I think that's her name).

    *In the meantime, Cabo, Almenar & Co., plotting how to bring down the Casillas Family, etc.,

    *Carla talking with Goldie Locks inside Goldie Locks' office at the TV News Station in Mexico City presumably about the 2024 Presidential campaign.

  2. "SENOR 9" EPISODE#1336:
    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

    Dondi356, Weirdo, Darcy, Kirby, Halimacandy, Diana, Jarifa, UA, SpanProf, RGV Chick, OS & Co.,: Let's just say things are heating up super bigly with a Summer version of the October Surprise.

    *Castillo & Dalila were about to make out inside Dalila's apartment until Nina briefly showed up before leaving.

    *Earlier in the episode, Alfaro showed up at Tata's nightclub & brings gifts or flowers or some drinks. Could they become a potential couple ?

    *Psycho Jaime eating dinner with Bratty Amanda & Rey at his penthouse apartment in Cancun.

    *Ismael back at the Casillas Family Mansion in Mexico City LOL.

    *The Figueroa's & Co., plotting something more sinister against Aurelio & Mecha. I think the dead girlfriend's sister will be going after Mecha in some form very soon.

    *Following commercial breaks, the opening credits with the musical theme music.

    *Cabo discuss strategy & tracking the entire Casillas family & their movements with Consuelo & Co., we see one of Cabo's henchmen secretly texting messages with Diego.

    *Speaking of Goldie Locks, her presidential campaign is in a deep rough patch due to the polls showing Psycho Jaime gaining momentum, etc., until something huge gives her a big boost....... more on that later.

    *Carla still gonna Carla LOL.

    *Rafael & Marcela arguing again & Annoying Laura opens the door at Hospital de Centro in Mexico City, where Felina walks into Laura's office. Looks like Felina will reveal to Rafael that she's his mother soon.

    *Cabo phones Goldie Locks & sends her video of Psycho Jaime killing Mommy Amuhada. Once she hangs up, we can see her big smirk & happy dancing as it appears that Cabo has all but made Goldie Locks the next President of Mexico. Speaking of Psycho Jaime......

    *We head straight to the big presidential debate preparations, where Bratty Amanda & Psycho Jaime both tell Goldie Locks about their plans of getting married. Goldie Locks is obviously upset. Next, we see Carla moderating the presidential debate & everyone is watching including Aurelio, Mecha & Ismael. During remarks in the debate, we see Goldie Locks blasts Psycho Jaime's hypocrisy & says the Mexican people need to see who the real Jaime Rosales is: the video of Psycho Jaime killing Mommy Amuhada is shown on live television & everyone including Leon, Rey, Santiago, Bratty Amanda & Carla are stunned. Goldie Locks gives her smirk & remains composed.

  3. señor9

    Thanks for the recaps, Steve.

    A defeated and repentant Ismael is back with his daddy. Not sure if he will ever be ready for the big leagues.

    What does Alfaro gain by a relationship with Tata? I can’t believe he is really attracted to her. Is he aiming to worm his way into the Casillas family?

    Dalila and Castillo? Please, no. Thank goodness there was no threesome with Nina.

    Castillo was hitting on Marcela in the previous ep. Back in the day, he asked her out and she turned him down.

    Poor little Sofia has leukemia. Felina is devastated and wants to be tested as a bone marrow donor. I also think this will lead her to tell Rafa she is his mother.

    Cabo played his trump card. He told Belen not to play the video, but she did.

    We are headed into the last week!

  4. "SENOR 9" EPISODE#1336:
    Dondi356: Let's not forget about Goldie Locks playing the video during the presidential debate on live television with everyone watching.

    Big question is whether this will have major political ramifications in the final week ?

    Plus, having watched the previews for Monday's upcoming episode, Diana is PISSED off & unhinged while Ismael & Ritula both try calming her down.

    If I'm Jaime Rosales: WATCH YOUR BACK because Hurricane Diana is coming for you buddy!
