
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #65, lunes 6/3: Waffle/Press

Yup, Filipa spent the whole weekend in Humberto's bathroom and pops out full of pep, merry widow and all. Hum, having finally internalized that Paz and Esteban are endgame, decides to stop waffling and see how much (information) he can get out of her. As she keeps saying, they're both adults, right? In the biological sense, anyway.

Beat-up Bosco remarks to beat-up Pepa that the clothes he lent him are weird and super-baggy. Pepa gets a shifty look and says they belonged amigo. (Not sure who he's referring to -- his Dad? Pre-Nandi?  A "special friend"? I guess we'll know when we know.) 

Suddenly the Robles start pouring in and things get wild.

Salo: HEY! Who do you think you are coming here and beating up my brother? I'll fix you!

Pepa: Nonononono it wasn't him! It was that Turtle!

Bosco: Why would that Turtle beat up my friend?

Salo: Wait; what? You two are friends? Since when?

Pepa: Yeah, we're totally friends now.

Salo: Then I guess I need to make me some TURTLE SOUP. Nobody messes with my brother and his...friend...? 

Mireya: HEY! Who do you think you are coming here and beating up my son? I'll fix you!

Pepa: Nonononono it wasn't him! 

Nandi: Then who left you looking like bloody Jesus?

Pepa: We, um, fell off our bicycles.

Paz: You went...bicycling?

Salo: Yeah, these two are closer than the drunks on the corner. 

Lupe: Pepa, if this boy is threatening you, say the safe word.

Pepa: Honest, we're all good. 

Paz: Great! Then Bosco can stay for supper!

Bosco: Really? But I've been such a tick.

Nandi: Welcome to The House of Love and Food.  

Max: I'm hungry! 

Everybody runs into the kitchen to fix food while Paz and Bosco have a heart-to-heart. She's sorry for what he's going through -- she knows what it's like to be unjustly accused. He can't believe she's being so nice after the way he treated her. He asks if she believes he's a good person. Of course you are! Just like your father! You're just angry because you're in pain. (The emotional kind, not the cracked ribs.)  They hug gently, and the girls peek out from the kitchen and giggle.

Fermin and Sana ditch their cellphones, grab a mini-cab, and set off on a circuitous route Fefe says has no cameras. The plan is to present themselves and a baggie of Max's hair at a testing lab, giving false names. There's only one hospital and one business and one taco restaurant in Telenovelandia, but naturally there's an ADN lab on every streetcorner.

Ginebra and Esteban encourage Sam to call Paz. Sam reports that she's having fun with her dog and pseudosiblings, but she's still really tired. She asks if Paz can bring Max over to join the peanut gallery so they can be friends, too. Paz waffles, but Esteban jumps in to insist, giving Ginebra the side-eye. 

Roble & Co are in the middle of a jolly meal when Fermin rockets in and turns on the tv for breaking news: Max's parents have been killed in prison! Max freaks out and runs from the room, and everyone takes turns slapping Fermin and throwing him out of the house. Too bad no one thought to throw his suitcase out after him. That was pretty over the top even for a walking bad decision like Fermin.

Paz and Lupe go into the bedroom to comfort Max, who has recovered quickly and decided to bond with her captors. That must have been really good pozole. They reassure her that she will always have a home with them (well, until the test results come back, anyway.)

Nandi and Mir take a plate into the courtyard for Fobo. Mire spots Mauro skulking around in the street and suddenly develops a need to "visit the laundromat" (so that's what they're calling it now?) Nandi distracts Fobo by asking about his name and his pretty eyes. Is he Arab? No, Greek. Interesting. Maybe he has a yaya complex.

Mauro and Mir's conversation is not worth repeating; we've heard it all before. She escapes from the thirst trap without a smooch this time. 

Elvira suddenly appears, giving Mireya a jump-scare. ("Mother of God!" "No, Grandmother of Bosco! Where is he???) The expected shoutfest ensues. Lupe and Elvira go chest to chest and Salo grins like a maniac. Then Bosco breaks in and gives a little speech of apology and gratitude, and Elvira is left literally speechless. Folks, it can be done!

Mauro, Abdul, and Fermin steal a whole bunch more of babies. Fermin has post-traumatic-baby-seller-disorder flashbacks. Before he can waffle, Mauro tells him to keep quiet or he'll kill him. Yawn.

Esteban and Kenzo are having one of their buck-u-uppo conversations in his home office. He tries to slip Kenzo a note, but as Gin walks in he quickly amends it to a reminder that Ken is a great Dad and he should always remember that. Gin looks suspicious and makes a remark about their friendship being "bulletproof," then offers to walk him out because "we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." Creepy, but no more so than usual. 

Later, in the honeymoon suite, Esteban is packing up his stuff to go sleep on the couch -- apparently they're out of bedrooms again -- but Gin threatens to have Paz's whole family killed unless he stays for a slumber party. He waffles, then gives in. She grabs him for a forced kiss and bites his lip, drawing blood.

The next morning, Paz is in the kitchen making actual real waffles for the assembled horde when she gets a call from Sana about last night's big baby heist. Naturally she has to take the afternoon off to organize a march. Esteban Unlimited Time Off says totes ok. 

Esteban shows up in the barrio and asks to join the march. Paz waffles but finally agrees, because justiiiiiiicia!!! Gin sees on her spyware that they're together and tries to retract his leash, but he goes all "What? I can't hear you! You're breaking up!" and hangs up. So he does know some tricks! He maneuvers Paz to the middle of the noisy crowd, signals to her to turn off her cellphone, and tells her there's an explanation for all the crazy. Ginebra is a killer! 

Cara impactada de Paz...y fin.

In other news:

* Jero jumps rope in his wife-beater while crowing to Gio that Gin is going to help them fix those V de C kids but good. (Doesn't he wonder why she wants to torpedo her own stepchildren? I guess he assumes everyone is as soulless as he is.) Gio tells him that she made sure all the, um, evidence was from Bosco. She's sure he'll never get out from under this mess.

* Bosco walks into his room, sees his mattress, and pops a gasket, trashing the place. Elvira comes in and holds him close, encouraging him to get it all out. 

* Gala goes to see Salo, who plonks her onto his handlebars for a taco-selling adventure. She looks like she's having the time of her life. 



    Thanks SO much, Blue, for the fantastic recap!

    I loved every single comment of yours. Every single one! What an amazing title and use of the word "waffle"!

    My top 3 were
    3) As she keeps saying, they're both adults, right? In the biological sense, anyway.
    2) There's only one hospital and one business and one taco restaurant in Telenovelandia, but naturally there's an ADN lab on every streetcorner.
    3) They reassure her that she will always have a home with them (well, until the test results come back, anyway.)

    Hold up, Fobo is Greek? What's up with the name? It's definitely not Greek. Is Elvira Greek as well, is that why the kids call her yaya? Okay, now we HAVE to get a scene with these two speaking Greek. Maybe they'll finally be able to talk about their cringe "yoga sessions" without people understanding. Except if a Greek is watching or recapping, of course ;)

    Glad Esteban told Paz about Gin. I hope he manages to tell her the whole thing before Gin pops out of some corner.

    I'll save the link of this recap somewhere. What I'm feeling sad, I'll pop the link and start laughing until I am left breathless!

  2. Blue Lass,

    An exceptional, riveting recap. Translating the dialog was so helpful!

    "There's only one hospital and one business and one taco restaurant in Telenovelandia, but naturally there's an ADN lab on every streetcorner" had me laughing away.

    "Maybe he has a yaya complex" and "buck-u-uppo" were but a few of many favorites.

    I was happy to see Bosco letting his guard down, embraced by those whom he'd scorned, especially Paz. She is such a forgiving soul. His meltdown at the end was understandable though and there have been a few glimmers of hope that Elvira may possess a shred of humanity.

    Jero "in his wife beater" was truly heinous. OMG, poor Kenzo. Two tortorous, terrible kids.

    I had to laugh when Elvira saw Fobo with a plate of food, her look of venom and finger point was clearly "I'll deal with you later!"

    The baby stealing was sickening and stomach churning.

    Thankfully, Esteban is starting to get a clue.

    I loved Gala on the handlebars of Salo's bike "looking like she is having the time of her life". She really did.


  3. Great work, Blue Lass.

    Same thoughts as Weirdo's along with observations that two brats are becoming human and that Max is in for more chaos when the DNA test results come back. I hope that Sana is a good cook.

    Kenzo is now in the crosshairs because Ginebra is out to isolate Esteban. At least now that Humberto and Porfirio know what's going on they know wat to do.

    Jeronimo and Gio need their just desserts, too.

  4. Blue Lass, once again the recap is better than the episode. Thanks for the laughs.

  5. I've been thinking about the name "Fobo". There is one Greek name that similar to Fobo, Φοίβος. I found the Italian equivalent, Febo, so that's probably it.

  6. Blue Lass, thank you so much. You gave us all the cringeworthy details.

    More babystealing. Gin is getting overconfident . Mauro is still going along and doing what Gin commands and pulling weakwilled ,pathetic Vermin right along .

    Well, Gin isn't subtle about demanding that Esteban fulfill his husbandly duties . He tries to avoid her or stand up to her , but he knows that she will hurt his loved ones if he doesn't obey. So..after the lip biting , did he service her? Nothing days " I lovey you" like a vicious bite. Yikes. Esteban had better get a rabies shot and think up a safe word. BSC.

    Gin is not going to be happy that Esteban is with Paz. uh oh .

    Poor Fobo was just trying to enjoy some delicious Robles food when mean Yaya made him feel like he was stealing cookies from the cookie jar. No wonder she hates Esteban . She can't get him under her thumb the way she has Bosco and Fobo.

    Well, I hope Hum is investigating Gin because Fobo doesn't seem to have time to investigate Gin while he is body guarding Bosco.

    Can't wait to see what happens next . Susan

  7. What a great recap, Blue Lass! So much better than the actual episode, which can put you in a depression because there’s no way out. While yours was a fun read! Ginebra would kill the world if she could. And Esteban is fighting back more every day.

  8. BlueLass, you had me laughing through the whole thing. Thanks. My favorite was: "There's only one hospital and one business and one taco restaurant in Telenovelandia, but naturally there's an ADN lab on every street corner." Looks like Sam will have a sister at the end of this. Vermin should go play in traffic. YAWN: Bosco trashes his room, really? Esteban looks like he is on a roll finding occasions to communicate his situation. All in all, an enjoyable episode.

  9. Wow! That was a stunner of a recap, loaded with so many funny lines. You're such a talented writer, Blue Lass.

    Maybe my wish will come true tonight. I want Elvira to see Gala on the front of Salo's bike, hawking tacos.

    I have no idea where they're going with Paz hearing about Esteban marrying under threat of Gin killing his children.

    It's interesting what they've done with Jero. At first he seemed full of himself but actually human. He was nicer to his father than Bad Seed Sandro, and we saw a few sad expressions on his face when Felipa was delivering one of her ultimatums. But his working with BSC Gio is just awful. I'm glad my son grew up before social media. He played outside without supervision and rode his bike everywhere. We laugh together about each of us having grown up "free range".

  10. Novelera, I was a free range kid, too. Wouldn't have traded it for the world. I love your idea of Elvi spotting the teen taco team. Fingers crossed!

    Jaja, Susan, "Esteban had better get a rabies shot and think up a safe word." He did not succumb this time, but what are his chances of holding out? I mean, can't Gin "rufi" him any time she wants? (I love Kat's spelling and am adopting it going forward.)

    Diana, I can't take credit for the term "buck-u-uppo" -- I stole it from P.G. Wodehouse. ;}

  11. Thanks for reading, everyone! It's not a complete experience until I know you've laughed.
