
Monday, June 03, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & El Gallo de Oro - Week of June 3, 2024

PREEMPTION ALERT:  Primetime Telenovelas discussed on this page will be preempted on Wednesday due to Fútbol!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Golpe de Suerte goes to TWO HOURS starting on Tuesday! We also have the GRAN FINAL for El Gallo de Oro for which Jarifa has been stalwart in providing us with her sensational notes from the couch! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte: Ep. 5 (Monday)

9-10 PM - El Gallo de Oro: GRAN FINAL!

8-10PM-  Golpe de Suerte: Ep. 6-7 (Tuesday)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Oro”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. EL GALLO DE ORO GRAN FINAL #17 ((Uni Edit) (VIX Season 2 #20)

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    Well, this is the GRAN FINAL and I would like to thank everyone who came by to comment on this outstanding series. Your comments are what keep recappers going. I so enjoyed recapping this series because it was something different and so well produced. I will never see José Ron or Lucero quite in the same way again. It also having only 17 episodes helped, too.

    1. After talking to Dionisio and hearing about his committing to the card game, Secundino talks to La Caponera who is playing the piano. As she takes a shot of mezcal, he tells her that years ago he met a great woman. Joyful and sweet with everyone although life had dealt her some brutal treatment several times. It took him even less than five minutes to fall in love with he but he was already married and had two children. His marriage wasn't worth two cents so one day he asked her to live with him. He was ready to leave everything behind. That day Eduviges asked him to never come to see her again. La Caponera recognizes that as Dioniso's mother. Secundino says that Dionisio was too young of a kid to find out what was going on between his mother and him. He has never spoken to Dionisio about it and has no plans to. As La Caponera takes another shot, he tells her that he loss the only woman he ever loved in his life because he didn't know how to fight for her. A day doesn't go by that he doesn't regret it. Dionisio is very bold and the love they have is the real deal. it cannot be finished off by a single blow. She is a brave woman. He tells her to not screw it up like he did. He adds that she needs to do it quickly before Dionisio spoils it all. She finishes her shot.

    2. La Caponera, with her bottle of mezcal and two shot glasses, goes to the rooster barn where Dionisio is. She sits down and pours them both a shot. He sits and joins her. They reminisce about the first time they danced in the rooster barn. She tells him that Secundino told him that she is thinking about selling. She asks why?? He says he thought that being a landowner would be the most important thing of all, that it was going to make him happy and now look at him!! She says that getting rid of the hacienda will not make him feel better. He agrees but he will be able to be himself: a cock fighter. He starts to cry remembering the song she sang and how they started to dance. She cannot believe he remembers that song. He remembers that and all the good she did him. Sobbing, he apologizes for doing what he did to her voice and for everything he did to her. He asks her to forgiven him for everything. She tells him that the accident was not his fault. He was not the only one who made mistakes. She says the desire she had to travel all over the place didn't mean she had no affection for him. She got confused. She thought that was freedom. while the real freedom was to be happy with him and La Pinzona. She recognizes all of the damage she caused them. La Caponera is sobbing now. He tells her that she didn't hurt anyone. She insists that she did; to them and to herself. It was all because she wanted to be famous so that everyone would know who she was. To get that fame, she was ready to leave only man who loved her behind. She puts her hand on his knee and he puts his hand on top of hers. She asks him to forgive her. He strokes her face and tells her that she doesn't know how much he loves her. She smiles and says she loves him, too, even when she hates him. She cannot stop loving him. They kiss. She makes it clear that she is not leaving. He is not selling. He is going to play. This is their place and their home. They won it and are not going to lose it. Thye ahve been very happy here for many many years. He agrees and they kiss again.


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    3. NARRATION: When the darkness doesn't let you see your own hands, when you are sure that before you there is no way out, somebody reminds you that darkness is followed by the light. After night, there is always the dawn.

    4. La Caponera gives La Pinzona her message about the light following darkness. She says there will always be hard days so she needs to enjoy the sunny ones. When it rains, she needs ot find a place where she can protect herself and above all, she needs to find good company. Sh is telling her that so she doesn't make the same mistakes she of her father made. La Pinzona is happy they are both doing well back together. They are ready for whatever comes. She takes the locket her mother gave her off her neck and gives it to La Pinzona so her grandmother can accompany her. La Pinzona has to leave. Jesús is going to take her to meet a friend of his. She is planning on telling her father about her and Jesús that evening.

    5. Justina and Carmela appear at the church to do public penance for their mortal sin of lust or so the priest thinks. Instead, they celebrate their love. The priest is shocked but they manage to escape with an armed member of the band.

    6. La Pinzona meets Jesús out on the road. He suddenly looks nervous when he sees a man on horseback approaching. He knows it is Lorenzo. He apologizes to her and says he will explain later. Lorenzo arrives. He gets off his horse and Jesús asks what he is doing there. He asks Jesús if he isn't going to introduce him. He introduces Lorenzo. He has really wanted to meet her. La Pinzona is silent. Lorenzo turns and says it is time to get going. Jesús says he will bring La Pinzona as planned. Lorenzo asks him where he got the idea that he would be bringing her. Jesús tells La Pinzona to run as he wrestles with Lorenzo. Lorenzo tells him that La Pinzona is a witch like her mother. Jesús ends up getting beaten up. He tells Lorenzo to leave her alone. Lorenzo cannot believe that is how Jesús is paying him back for all those years he took care of him. He is just like Remigio. Lorenzo shoots him. Lorenzo's henchman captures La Pinzona.

    7. Lorenzo takes La Pinzona back to his house and slaps her into a bedroom. He tells her to calm down. He isn't going to do anything to her. She will be safe with him. She just the same as La Caponera. She informs him that her mother told her all about him. He is sure that her mother must have told her lies. He has to tell her his version. He runs his hand over her head and she tries to fight him off. He slaps her into the bed and knocks her out. He ties her up. He takes her head scarf and wipes the blood on her lips. He rips off the locket.

    8. At the hacienda, the card game between Dionisio and Sebas is starting. The "judge" of the game has them each sing the game agreement. Secundino and Juvencio are witnesses. Just as the game starts, La Caponera appears to greet them all. Sebas is taken aback. He didn't know there would be the public at the game. She explains she is not the public. She is the owner of the hacienda. Dionisio smiles. Juvencio apologizes for his brother. He is nervous. Pinzona says she would be nervous too, playing against Dionisio. Dionisio wants to play one game. Sebas wants best of five. Dionisio gives in.

    7. A blooded Jesús appears at Lorenzo's and rescues La Pinzona. He apologizes. He didn't know what he was thinking. He can barely walk but they flee Lorenzo's .

    8. At the card game, La Pinzona stands as an observer. Dionsio wins the first hand. La Caponera goes to get some special mezcal. She kisses Dionisio before she leaves the game. Dionisio can only smile.


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    9. La Caponera puts on her record and has a shot. She sits and enjoys the music.

    10. La Pinzona and Jesús stumble through the desert. He falls and cannot go on. She says she will go get help and tells him to hang on until help comes.

    11. Lorenzo has snuck up on La Caponera with a gun. He says he always knew that sooner or later, tequila would lead La Caponera to death. She is horrified hearing that voice and turns to look at him. He was sure she would come to get a bottle but he never thought it would be so soon. She asks what he is dong there. She killed him! He asks what happened to her voice. Did she lose it?
    He puts his gun down to his side. If she had stayed with him, none of this would have happened.

    12. Dionisio wins the second hand.

    13. Lorenzo says it took him fifteen yers to dare to come and see her. She has always been his life and also his death. He says that for all this time, he only wanted to ask her a question. What did she need? He gave her everything he had. Why did she leave him for Dionisio. La Caponera explains that she fell in love. She found a man who loved her for herself with no other interest. He strokes her cheek and says he understands. He grabs her and stabs her.

    14. Sebas wins the third hand. Dionsio become concerned because La Caponera has been gone so long. He wants to go and find her but everyone at the game insists that they continue playing.

    15. La Caponera is dying, Sebas keeps winning and La Pinzona is running back to the hacienda.

    16. Lorenzo watches La Caponera until she is dead.

    17. Sebas wins the right to buy the hacienda. Dioniso goes looking for his wife.

    18. Dionisio finds La Caponera dead and bloodied. He screams out of grief. He begs for it not to be true. He closes her eyes and cradles her as he sobs. Secundino comes in with another man.. He tells them that whoever did this must still be on the hacienda. He orders them to find him.

    19. Sebas and Juvencio come in to see what is going on. When they see Dionisio with his dead wife, they conclude that it was true. HIs wife brought him luck. Dionisio hears them and accuses them of killing her. They deny they would ever do something like that.

    20. Lorenzo enters the room and tells the Arriaga's that their presence is not needed. Dionsio tells Lorenzo that he was dead. Of course, Lorenzo has his gun out. Dionisio demands to know why he killed her. She didn't do anything to him. Lorenzo says that La Caponera killed him as a matter of fact. She killed them and now he is going to kill Dionisio. Dionsio starts to get up as Lorenzo holds his gun to his forehead. Lorenzo says it is a pity that he cannot use his hands to touch him even to defend his life. He lowers his gun and tells Dionisio to learn once and for all that here s always a road of death behind La Caponera. He says if he doesn't believe him . . . he shows him La Pinzona's head scarf and locket. She made him kill his daughter. Dionisio starts to whine and the wine turns into a roar as Lorenzo asks him what he is going to do about it. He rushes Lorenzo and knocks the gun out of his hand. He chokes Lorenzo to death.

    21. He puts the locket and scarf in La Caponera's dead hand. He picks up Lorenzo's gun and thinks about him telling him that La Caponera made him kill his daughter. Overcome by grief, he shoots himself in the head. His blood splatters over the rooster painting.


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    22. La Pinzona has just arrived at the hacienda and hears the shot. She runs to the house where she finds both of her parents dead. Secundino gets her out of the room as Hugo closes the doors behind them to deal with the bodies.

    23. NARRATION: La Pinzona: Her mother told her very clearly. She is always going to have difficult days. What neither of them knew that morning is that sadness had them already in its sight. What she never imagined was how deep she would feel that sadness and that it would leave so many scars behind.

    24. La Pinzona dressed in black with her father's hat on her head, kneels in front of her parents' graves and talks about how she kept going.

    25. NARRATION : The words of her mother keep resonating even until today. There isn't a day she doesn't think about her warm smile or her father's deep gaze. The very best of them, from wherever they are, still is taking care of her. What she is sure of is that she doesn't care what life has in store for her. Nothing can knock her down any longer. When she thinks of them, she likes to think of them together, in each others' arms, happy. One thing she is sure of is that neither tragedy or death has managed to separate them. She hopes, from the bottom of her soul, that some day the words that her mother told her become reality: that light follows darkness.

    25. La Pinzona has taken La Caponera's place as the singer in her mother's band.


  5. GALLO

    Jarifa, you did it again! And again I'm so grateful for all the detail and for clarifying bits I didn't understand.

    I don't know how you manage to put out these long and precise recaps - every night! I used to recap some years ago, when there were teams. I had just one night a week!

    What an ending! Just - what happened to Jesus?

    This has been an amazing production. I have been noticing the gorgeous photography, the lighting. After watching this and then going on to other telenovelas I really noticed how bright and flat the lighting is in them.

    I've always been a fan of Lucero's, but boy oh boy did she bring it this time. A stupendous performance! I hope she had as much fun doing it as I had watching it. Such a meaty part!
    I loved when she'd give someone the hairy eyeball - she's great at that. Well, she's great at everything and we got to hear her sing a lot of songs.

    I just looked online to see if I could find the plot of the original story and finally I did. It's totally different! For one thing, Dionisio has a deformed arm which is why he could only get a job as town crier. The final scene is a cockfight. Etc. There's so much else that is very very different, but I won't spoil the fun of our show by detailing it. The story is just 70 pages long. I just ordered the book (it has other stories) from Amazon. It's available only in paperback.

  6. GALLO

    Maggie, liking Juan Rulfo’s stories, I was excited to see Univision/Televisa adapt this one. I had the advantage of being able to work ahead since I had VIX available. That made a big difference and, also, it was short enough that I never got bored,

    The original story itself is a good one. I felt that the spirit of its main characters and the times it took place in were accurately depicted in this production but admit, that at the beginning, I kept looking at José Ron’s arms to see which one was the useless one. They probably would have been more accurate saying that this series was “ inspired by” Rulfo’s “El gallo de oro”.

    As for Jesús, even in the uncut version, I never saw him again. I kept hoping to see him in the final scene.

    As for Lucero, what talent! “I loved when she’d give somebody the hairy eyeball.” You can say that again. So funny but yes, she is an expert at that. I always knew she was a good actor but not this good. Also, I don’t think I would brave enough to be anywhere let alone on film without makeup. LOL

    For me, this definitely looked like it was filmed like and played like a movie. What a beautiful production!

  7. Gallo

    Thanks so much, Jarifa, for this outstanding recap and all the previous ones. Your recaps added so much to my understanding of the events.

    This did not end the way I expected at all. Guess I’m used to happy endings, and part of me would have liked if they could have continued their happy life on the ranch as a family. But the tragic ending, once I adjusted to it, made sense, it seemed to fit in with the narratives of La Caponera. It didn’t dawn on me, until I read your recap, that Dionisio should not have been able to touch Lorenzo. That made the strangling even more meaningful.

    We can only imagine what Lorenzo’s original plans were for La Pinzona and Jesus. I think he was going to let them go. I figure Jesus died, I don’t really care. He was the one that could have stopped the chain of events. It is fitting that La Pinzona took her mother’s place in the band.

    A very different show, but I enjoyed it


  8. GALLO

    Liz, you were not the only who had forgotten all about Jesús not being able to touch others until I saw that scene with Lorenzo. I agree that it made his strangulation of Lorenzo “even more meaningful ” as you noted. One thing I had a hard time with is that Lorenzo managed to stay alive in this series for as long as he did. He was a mean jerk from the get go. I was surprised when the Arriaga’s didn’t kill him when he proposed the card game. It would have been two against one. Yes, Jesús had several chances to stop Lorenzo but didn’t. We all know what that got him.

    I am going to miss this one even though it was time for it to end and our little patio.

  9. gallo

    Jarifa, I've run out of superlatives to describe your fantastic recaps! This was such a marvelous production, perfectly acted by the entire cast. I join you in really loving Lucero's performance. I have a feeling any true Mexican would feel obligated to honor Rulfo's writing by giving it their all.

    OT, I spoke with my former co-worker today on the phone. Before I retired, she and I worked together for more than 20 years. She's from Zacatecas, and was the one who suggested I start watching telenovelas to sharpen up my comprehension of Spanish. We also talked about Mexico electing a woman as President. She's happy about that but not all that thrilled with the victory by the Morena party, AMLO's party. Thinks they haven't done enough about the cartels.

    I still don't fully understand why Dionisio agreed to gamble the hacienda. He verbally said that he just wanted to be a gallero, but I would have thought he'd have wanted more for La Pinzona.

    All the way through I LOVED Secundino and his advice. He really got to La Caponera when he described what he lost when he didn't try harder for Eduviges. Come to think of it, he was a good stepfather without ever having a legal standing. I remember a scene when someone who didn't know Dionisio tried to shake his hand, and Secundino just subtly moved forward and did the hand shake.

    I appreciated that La Caponera took responsibility for having lost her voice. And that was such a wonderful reconciliation scene for the two of them. The dialog was just like Rulfo's...humble people saying a lot with humble language. After that scene my spirits lifted, and I allowed myself to hope for a happy ending. But not too long after that, when La Pinzona told her mother that she was going to tell her father about Jesús that evening, my sense of foreboding returned. All of us watching knew that the amigo Jesús was taking her to see was Lorenzo.

    Lorenzo was a twisted, vicious monster. I cringed when he slapped her and was shocked when he pulled off her grandmother's locket. He couldn't even let her have that?

    I thought that La Pinzona would arrive soon enough for her father to win the card game over Sebas. And that then the two of them would discover her mother's murder. But no.

    I just assumed Jesús died out there in the desert. He picked the right side too late to save himself.

    Jarifa I had to laugh at your remark about Lucero's going without makeup after the accident. You're reading the words of a person who would eat worms before appearing on Zoom without it. I have a couple of those each week and the makeup is on.

    Again, thanks so very much for your fine recaps. I've recommended this production to my long-term Spanish class compañeros. We read Pedro Páramo together and discussed it in class many years ago. We've also ready a number of the stories in El Llano en Llamas over the years.

  10. GALLO

    novelera, thanks. As I said before, this was so much fun to recap.

    As for Dioniso being willing to play for the ranch, Uni had the answer to your question but then cut it in a long scene they cut from the very start of the last episode. Dionisio was totally defeated and told Secundino that he didn’t care if he lost the hacienda to the Arriaga’s or not. He was losing it anyway with no workers or water. All he cared about was getting the money from its sale when he lost so his wife and daughter could be supported. He was willing to be a cock fighter again because that is who he was and he was used to being poor. Secundino tried but could not talk him out of the match. Secundino agreed to go with him when he left the hacienda on his own.

    I also loved Secundino and his take on things. You are right about him being like a step father to Dionisio. He really was the only constant relationship that Dionisio had across most of his life.

    Jesús was a conflicted and pathetic character who came to his senses way too late. Having been rescued by Lorenzo, he really never had a chance.

    Yes, you are playing my song when it comes to make up.

    “Pedro Páramo” and “El llano en llamas” are old friends of mine, too.

    OT Thanks for sharing the Interesting comments about the new Mexican President.

  11. OT

    Later this year, Netflix is supposed to release “Pedro Páramo” (another Juan Rulfo classic ) as a film and “Cien años de soledad” (Gabriel García Márquez) as a series.

  12. OT

    Very interesting news about an upcoming Pedro Páramo on Netflix. Really hard to imagine anyone doing it justice. After we read it in class, one of my classmates somehow acquired a copy of the 1967 movie with John Gavin in the title role. He invited us all over for dinner and to watch the movie. Our fabulous teacher, Graciela from Guadalajara, came also. She's since died, but her son is teaching our class in her stead.

  13. OT

    novelera, I have never seen the movie and with John Gavin! I just found it on Youtube and will have to take a look.The Netflix Pedro Páramo is going to be played by Manuel García-Rulfo, the same actor who has the lead on Netflix’s “The Lincoln Lawyer”. Netflix produces a lot of Spanish language content. I also cannot wait to see what they do with “Cien años de soledad.”
