
Friday, June 14, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #72, jueves 6/13: Panic Attacks: Cheaper by the Half-Dozen (or, "I'll Have What He's Having!")

As we return to Villa Villa, Damp Mauro repeats that they must! save! Eder! Gin tells him not to discuss it in front of Esteban, who is after all only the kid's father and not an official member of the Kid-Poisoning Club. Mir slips away from the doorway on little rubber-capped feet. 

Elvira Empress of Etiquette shows up uninvited at the Robles' to tell them she's never liked any of them but still expects them to take her entirely unsolicited advice: Paz should stay away from Esteban, because mistresses are tacky, and Salo should back off from Gala, because teenage fathers are even tackier. By the time she's done they have her tearing up parsley, which seems to take a bit of edge off (but she still has plenty of edges left.)

Esteban visits Eder, who hasn't twitched. Sam and Monito offer to sleep in his room to watch out for any signs of life, but Esteban says he will do that himself...indefinitely. He probably thinks he'll be safe there from the devil-in-a-negligee, but the rest of us aren't so sure.

Mauro continues to unravel in front of Gin. (Panic attack #1. Mauro will always be #1.) It has to stop; they have to stop; it's not the children's fault; why are they making them suffer? He can still hear the screams from the burning orphanage. Gin replies that the caretakers deserved it and well, there's always collateral damage in war. She reminds him that they've always been in it together. The first time she killed it was to save him, then he helped her find out about her parents and she helped him find out about his. (Hmmm...any chance he was not, in fact, spawned by drug addicts and she's been playing him all along...?)

Elvira finishes her speech, puts down her parsley, and walks out with a haughty "con permiso." (As if anyone would ever withhold permission for her to leave. Funny how she never asks for permission to come in.) In the car with Fobo, she starts babbling about all of her family's problems and how it's just too much and she doesn't know what to do. (Panic attack #2. Televisa must have had a seminar on hyperventilating this week, because everyone's skills are really fresh.) Fobo says he knows how to calm her down. Before we ourselves can panic about whether Alternate Mexico City has laws against public yoga practice in a motor vehicle, he turns on the radio and starts to sing to her. He has a nice voice and is obviously grateful to be allowed to show a little personality. I hope the children cast him in the musical. 

A stone-faced Gin goes into Eder's room and slowly injects a viscous yellow liquid into his IV line while Paz and Esteban are exchanging pre-written mash notes in the kitchen. (Isn't this risky? What if Gin notices Esteban has something in his pocket and knows he isn't glad to see her?) Sam dashes in and alerts them that her mom is alone with Eder, and they all run off together.

Kenzo pops in on Nandi in the office and tells her she's looking "more and more executive," which in this case means palazzo pants and a snakeskin jacket instead of thigh-high inflatable boots. I guess you have to meet people where they are. He produces a small jeweler's box from his pocket and she freaks in every direction. (Panic attack #3: standard issue, with the addition of toppling backward in high heels.) 

After much gibbering he opens the box and reveals...the key to his apartment. KENZO. YOU. DORK. Haven't you ever watched a rom-com? But Nandi seems happy, so let's all be happy. One has so few opportunities these days.

Everyone is gathered around Eder's bed when he flutters his eyelids and moves one of his fingers. Joyful noise all around! Except from Esteban, who knows who flipped the switch and astutely realizes she can flip it back any time she wants. 

Filipa appears at Humberto's place in a decomposing state and tells him he has to help her; she has nowhere else to turn. (Panic attack #4, with streaky mascara option.) She thinks Gin is planning to kill her! He looks blandly skeptical (good acting, because by now he has to know that Gin is planning to kill everyone.) She confesses that she only approached him to get information, and now she's ashamed. He says duh, he's not an idiot, but stays in lawyer mode until she spills about Sandro and the baby-selling ring. Does she have any evidence? No. Well, can she get some? 

Back at the busy restaurant, Lupe suddenly starts losing her chips. She's the abuela and the head of the family and she's going to tell them all what she thinks! Pepa can't go abroad now, not when they have so many problems! And what can Salo offer poor Gala, in the flower of her youth? Everybody needs to start listening to her! (Either panic attack #5, or she's had way, way, way too much coffee.) 

At the empresa, Gin, Mauro and Abdul are standing around staring at a large, creepily damp cardboard box. Mauro says it had no return address, but he's trying to track the delivery. Gin says they all know who it's from...she thought he was dead, but apparently she was wrong. (We'll call this panic attack #5.5. Gin doesn't panic like mere mortals, but we know she's affected because 1) she's sweating a little, and 2) she's not threatening anyone.) She tells Abdul to disappear the package and Mauro to "move the money." 

Under Humberto's direction, Filipa rings Gin up and wails that she has received some threatening letters! She's terrified! What should she do? Gin snaps at her to get off the damn phone and disappear for a few days -- which she will do as well. Now we know she's in full panic mode (#6) because she makes a sudden decision. The meticulous plan is going off the rails and she's flying by the seat of her pants. 

When Fil hangs up, Humberto says the disappearing act is very good news: he thinks he knows how to disable the security at Gin's house...  

In other news:

* Bosco still can't sleep in his bed and is camping out on the floor. Gala invites him to go to therapy with her. Hell, take the whole family. 

* Pepa has run the numbers, and the restaurant is doing very well. At this rate, he says, they'll be out of debt "before the rooster is done crowing." 

* Gin flat-out tells Esteban that she is going to kill him and then do whatever she wants with his kids. Why isn't he wearing a wire???

* I can't wait for the Way-Off-Alternate-Broadway premier of "Brave Eder in Badlandia"! But I guess the hero has to open his eyes all the way first. 


  1. Thank you, Blue, your snarky comments and asides are so much fun, especially in a show that rarely has any laugh out loud moments.

    Everyone truly was in panic mode yesterday. Thankfully, Humberto seems to be keeping his cool, he might just be the one turning things in the right direction for our favorites.
    Esteban should really think about contacting the police. Gin is becoming unhinged, she will make a mistake soon and the cops need to be around to witness, otherwise they will never believe it.

  2. Blue Lass, thanks for the “panic attack” motif. So good and so funny. Best question: “Why isn’t he wearing wire?” Guessing it's still too early for the protagonistas to actually start thinking and not just reacting? Unbelievable.

    I still want to know what (or who or part of who?) was in the damp box. It certainly upset Ginebra.

    Monito’s “Malolandia” is a keeper.

  3. Clap Clap Clap! I'd Copy & Paste this whole recap as a show of my favorite parts, if I could remember how to Copy & Paste. It was all so funny, starting with that witty title. I loved the Panic Attack theme.

    Your asides on Elvira's "con permiso" were supurb! And the "public yoga in a motor vehicle" quip. Fobo really did get his stretch on bending around to talk with Elvira. Will she ever ride up front?

    I loved the "devil in a negligee" comment. Gin is so infuriating. But at least she had a big run in her black stockings when she had on that cute mini skirt, so there's that.

    "Panic attack #4 with streaky mascara option". Hahaha!

    "Why isn't he wearing a wire?" Thank you! It's absurd they haven't. There have been so many opportunities to tape her death threats.

    What was in the box with the goopy wet bottom? Shudder. It wasn't Fermin's handsome, but troubled head, was it? Gin knows who it was from, but do we? Rubio?

    I had to binge watch last night and this morning to catch up, so I only saw Monito's darling theme song rendition today. If you heard a pitter patter earlier, that was my heart.

    Thanks again,

    R la O

  4. Good theme, Blue Lass. Love devil in a negligee.. She is definitely a succubus. Her threat to Esteban is exactly what I predicted as soon as we found out she was Elvira's daughter.

    It is completely possible and totally credible for her to have conned Mauro about his birth parents having been drug addicts. She is supposed to be a couple of years older than he, she already had a controlling nature in youth, and would therefore have sought any opportunity to achieve some kind of control. It suited her to have this imaginary advantage of him coming from crap and her being thrown away by a rich family.

    So, what is the truth? Many if not most children born to addicts have birth defects, physical and/or neurological. Mauro has none of these and is highly intelligent. so, is he a lost prince or just an affair child of an affluent family like Ginebra?

    This still doesn't explain their level of education. My new thought is that she had an early kill that got him or them enough dinero to go to college somewhere outside of Mexico.

    I am completely angry with anyone trying to stop Pepa from studying abroad. He deserves it and it would help him mature. Salomon finally saw this.

    I can't fault either Elvira or Lupita for thinking that Gala should not have to be a stepmother at 19. However, we have no real evidence that Gema is actually pregnant.

    I'm almost afraid to know what is in that box.

  5. Thanks Blue Lass. I enjoyed your personal comments. Too bad you can’t dub them into the show.

    It seems to early for Ginebra’s crew to turn on her but Felipa and Mauro are ready to jump ship. And Vermin has already disappeared. Has anyone in the family missed him yet?

    I was upset with Lupe for saying it was a bad time for Pepa to leave. I would want my kid far away from the crazy lady. I can’t figure out why she hasn’t gone after Paz lately. I’m actually surprised she’s letting her live!


  6. Blue Lass, thank you, lassie ,you were on fire , and I loved all the zingers that others have mentioned , but my very favorite was the one about what was in Esteban's pocket......classic .

    It seems like Esteban and Paz are playing with fire flirting in the kitchen when Gin is somewhere in the house and could pop up at any time to threaten and give them major stink eye.

    Sam evidently realizes that her " mama" is a devil since she ran to warn Esteban that she was alone with Eder. We know that child savant Monito has been on evil queen from the start.

    I think Esteban is not wearing a wire because...hello ... Gin is always trying to undress him. ..24\7. ...before she kills him. #foreplay

    Will we ever get to see what is in the creepily soggy, seeping, oozing, dripping cardboard box ? Do we want to know? Did UPS deliver it? I don't think that it's an order of hoagies.

    What was up with Elvira tearing up parsley like she was Mama Walton waiting for Johnboy to get home from Ike Gotzy's store?

    Fobo is just a teenager in love . When will he jump over into the backseat and go parking with Elvira?

    So glad the wicked queen woke the little sleeping prince. Now where are we going ? Is Vermin hiding in that hotel room Mauro told him to go to?

  7. Liz, Paz, Esteban, and Elvira would be the last to die on Ginebra's agenda. She likes to torture people like them by making them see the destruction of the people they love. That would mean every member of their families, starting with the children. That was no empty threat she threw at Esteban.

    If Ginebra has international connexions and/or enough money Pepa would not be safe in any foreign country. Felipa's fears for herself and her sons are justified.

  8. Blue Lass, your "Panic Attacks" were marvelous. Another amazing recap.

    Your wordsmithing is sensational, "Mir slips away from the doorway on little rubber-capped feet" and "viscous yellow liquid" were but two examples.

    Was it my imagination or was Ginebra actually spilling real tears in her scenes with Mauro or was that just "part of the plan"? I'm gullible so...

    I kept wondering what was in the dripping box. Perhaps it's best we not know.

    Interesting that Ginebra thought Mr Big was dead. Something got by her. Loving that Ginebra is on the run; I wonder to where? Her carefully crafted plans now in flux.

    "Brave Eder in Badlandia"! indeed.


  9. Thanks for the feedback! ITA with you all on the suppurating box...I was afraid to look; now I'm mad they didn't show me.

    Adriana, I guess they're not involving the police because Esteban thinks they're incompetent and Paz thinks they're in league with the Nicolitis. But couldn't they do their own bugging? Everyone else does.

    Jaja, R la O, I didn't notice Gin's laddered stockings. Do you think it was a sly allusion to Gin's plan unraveling, or just a wardrobe malfunction?

    Liz, has Fermin disappeared? Has anyone noticed? I sure didn't.

    Urban, I hadn't thought about Ginebra's international contacts -- you're right; she must have them, and she apparently pays well. Was it you who mentioned Interpol a while back? It's amazing Esteban hasn't thought of calling them in -- he has the social standing and the background info to get their attention -- but I guess he's kind of busy being afraid to leave the room.

    Susan, good point about the wire. Where could he hide it that Gin couldn't reach? Other than a high shelf?

    Diana, I think those were actual tears Gin was crying with Mauro. I don't think she ever believed he'd clap back, and she can tell this time he means it.

  10. Just a superb and soooo funny recap, Blue Lass. So many wonderful digs at the plot. "as if anyone would withhold permission for her to leave". And, oooooh, "what if Gin notices something in his pocket and he's not glad to see her"!

    Amen on the idiocy of Kenzo pulling out a small box just like the ones containing thousands of telenovela engagement rings.

    Yes, what got into Lupe? It's not the first time she's gone on a rant, but she outdid herself on that one. Urban, I 100% agree about hackles rising when anyone tries to dissuade Pepa from studying abroad. For pete's sake he got a scholarship.

    I've been wondering for weeks why no one has turned on their cell phone recording device, the one we've seen turn so many plot points, and record some of Gin's threats.

    Yes, I think she did shed at least one tear when Mauro was telling her all the harm she'd caused. Is it possible she has a heart the size of early Grinch before he reformed and felt something for Mauro?

    I'm really tired of watching Elvira. The apparent reformation they show in that musical number about 15 minutes in shows her smiling ear to ear. But she's SO predictable and boring with her classism. I feel like FF>>> every time she opens her mouth.

    So Gin thought the package sender was dead? I thought she was scared early on when...can't exactly remember...she got a text from some guy? Does she think dead men text? Continuity error by the writers?

  11. Novelera, you beat me to the, "record on your cell phone" punch.

  12. They know that Esteban was being tracked and are justifiably paranoid that their cells are bugged.
