
Thursday, June 13, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte Week of June 10, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Golpe de Suerte has gone to TWO HOURS starting this past Tuesday! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte: Ep. 18-21

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. "GOLPE":
    RGV Chick: How popular is this Telenovela right now ?

  2. Golpe
    I’ve watched about 5 episodes and her recording them. It’s not a show where you can’t wait until the next episode and I might never finish it. One guy, an “investor” is trying to get his hands on the lottery winnings of the winners. I don’t think they’ll be any murders and one main character is not too bright. I don’t see him having any money in the end unless his wife takes charge.


  3. Liz..I watched the first couple episodes, and I recognize and like many of the actors , but it is confusing and two hours . I have only surfed in and out a bit.

  4. I'm loving this show. Terrific cast - lots of my favorite actors - and the story lines are fun.

    What I'm not loving is the 2-hour runtime. I usually tape my telenovelas and then watch them so I can fast forward through the ads and the title sequence, which leaves 40 minutes of show to watch. But this one is over at 10:00, so too late to watch it after it's played.

    I wish they'd go back to the 1-hour playtime.

  5. I'm also in the first few episodes camp. Since it isn't being recapped I've got other TN fish to fry, being somewhat new to the genre. The no deaths appealed and I thought it could be a good, fun premise, but the guy trying to steal the winnings made me not want to watch it.

  6. Kat, Sergio Sendel has been in many telenovelas, and he is known for his villain roles Adriana...and throwing cellphones. Susan

  7. Kat -
    Since you're new to the genre - and there is always the same formula! - the evil baddie is the main driver of the story. There will always be one or more. In the end, they will suffer some terrible consequences, and good will win out, which is most satisfying - ha!

    Sergio Sendel, who is playing the fellow trying to get his hands on everyone's money, is one of my favorite baddies. He's a gifted comic actor and when he gets to play the baddie for humor, he's terrific.

    I've heard that actors much prefer the baddie parts since they're so juicy. The long-suffering good-people parts can involve just looking afflicted and weeping. Not as much fun!

    And Susan - I remember his famous cellphone-destroying performance which we all got a big laugh out of. But I don't remember what telenovela it was in. Do you?

  8. Hi, Maggie. I have seen Sergio inn several shows, and I must admit that i usually forget the titles and the shows after they end , except for my all-time favorite shows.

  9. Oh me too, Susan! You make me feel so much better. I'm always amazed when people here on Caray remember all the actors' names and the parts they played and of course the names of the telemovelas they were in. How to they DO that? Mostly the shows are one big blur in my memory, except those that really stood out for one reason or another.

  10. Maggie ..I do remember that in one of the shows Sendel was in, someone wanted him to get hit by a piecart! Susan

  11. Maggie and Susan, I'm watching several TNs now, Nadie Como Tu and Corazon Indomable have 2 actors in common, and Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia shares the main male protagonist with CE so talk about scrambling my memory. The first TN I watched ever ( before I discovered Caray, Caray) had Daniel Elbetter in it (Currently watching him on Receta), but unless I look up the actor I can't remember the name of the TN.
    When I first started watching I had about 30 days of Duolingo under my belt. I'm now at 460 days. Until COVID I never watched much TV. COVID coincided with grandchild sitting so at nap time I'd watch Heartland, McClouds Daughters, it's TN time and I honestly enjoy the recaps more than the shows. Perhaps I will give Golpe some more attention. It will be a long hot summer.....
