
Monday, July 08, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of July 8, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7 pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) - Monday Only

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas)  

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision) - Monday only

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas) 

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 


  1. VIVIR

    Comcast shows Vivir airing today, Thursday and Friday.

    At this point, I am planning on recapping today and Friday. My brother will be visiting and I won't be able to watch or recap Thursday. I am hoping that someone might volunteer to cover Thursday with either a recap or highlights. Either would be very appreciated!

    Oops, it's showtime!


  2. VIVIR #89 Part 1

    After Renato accepts his wedding vow, JE leaves. Inside, everyone is smiling in anticipation as we watch JE descend the stairs. However, when Angel is asked if she accepts, she hesitates…and in the resounding silence, Rebeca’s poisonous words that Angel will never love him reverberate in Renato’s head. The priest asks if he should repeat the question. Renato tells the priest Angel doesn’t need to answer; with that, he yells that her answer is a resounding “NO” as the attendees look on aghast and Angel stares…

    Elena puts her hand to her chest as Jimena and other attendees looked shocked and confused.

    Outside, JE calls Sebas; hoping he hasn’t left yet. He is feeling very badly and needs him.

    The priest reminds Renato that the bride needs to respond. Renato acknowledges that he accepted because he loves this woman and wishes her happiness. Everyone is on tenterhooks; Gi holds Elena’s hand in support, Armando putting his hand on her arm. Rebeca purses her lips and we see several shots of her alternating between looking exasperated and/or bored. Renato gently tells Angel that she need not explain anything; her look says it all; he always knew she was not in love with him. He thanks her for the precious moments they spent together. He cherishes the thought that he could have lived the rest of his life with her…but he accepts that will be impossible because her heart beats only for JE. After Angel cries that he doesn’t deserve this, Renato asks the priest to speak to Angel alone. La Pinky shakes her hands mirroring the WTH moment everyone just witnessed.

    Angel is crying softly as she apologizes; she doesn’t know what happened to her. Renato tells her that he has known all along that she loves only JE. Angel assures him that she and JE are over; JE stopped loving her and she it was he whom she decided to start a life with. No. Renato replies, bowing his head and speaking gently. Renato tells her that JE hasn’t stopped loving her; JE probably loves her more than he does. When he adds that if JE didn’t love her, he wouldn’t have risked his life to save her from the fire. Angel stares and says she was told that HE rescued her from the flames! They sit as Renato assures her that it was not he who saved her; he doesn’t know why he didn’t clarify that before. He was selfish because he thought that if she knew it was JE who saved her, she would run to his arms. He asks for forgiveness; he knows JE is more deserving of her love. When she comments that JE preferred to remain married to Rebeca, Renato again corrects her. He confesses that JE stayed married because Rebeca coerced JE into staying with her by threatening to send her to prison for pushing her down the stairs.” Que” Angel manages. With a hitch in his speech and a slight quivering of his lip, he explains that JE never told her because he didn’t want to pressure her into returning to him because of his sacrifice. Angel tries to absorb all she has been told.

    JE is on the phone reassuring Cris that he is fine; he is at Sebastian’s. JE is alarmed seeing the state Sebas is in. When Sebas tells him that he is so sick that he has to cancel his trip with the missionaries, JE wants to take his place! He needs to leave…because he just saw Angel getting married (no, you left too early to see that she didn’t the patio scoffs) …and he can’t stay there. Sebas gets a message that the missionaries are there and offers that JE take his luggage since JE has nothing with him. Sebas thanks his hermano and wheels out the suitcase as Sebas coughs into his sleeve.


  3. VIVIR #89 Part 2

    Renato continues to explain that thanks to the video proving Rebeca threw herself down the stairs, she can’t hold her lies about Angel over JE’s head any longer. He can now divorce her. Renato is sorry he hadn’t told her this before…he didn’t want to wake up from his dream. But now he understands that her destiny is not to be with him. No matter what he does, her heart only belongs to JE who will make her truly happy. He thinks she will hate him, but she grabs his hands and says on the contrary, she will never hate him because of what he did. They hug each other sweetly.

    Mati continues playing video games and chatting with Brayan who is using an alias. Brayan offers to sell the princesa a game piece she needs at half the price. She is very happy as the henchies cackle in the background.

    “Senora Elena” Alma says quietly as she approaches her. Elena folds her hands defensively and cuts right to the chase, telling Alma to leave her and her daughters alone. Alma tells her that her daughters will always bind them, but not because of Rebeca. From now on, wherever Angel is, Alma will be because Angel has a heart of gold. She swears that she will not get close to Rebeca because only a mother’s heart truly knows who a child really is. Elena scoffs as she asks if Alma is insinuating that she doesn’t know her daughters. Alma replies that there is no need to hide behind any bushes when the truth is plain to see.

    When Rebeca asks what Alma wanted, Elena bites her lip and manages only that she prefers to forget the past and live in the present.

    Angel kisses Renato on the cheek as they prepare to part. Renato urges an emotional Angel to go look for JE and to promise that they won’t let anyone come between them. Angel puts her hands on his face, thanks him and tells him he is the best of friends. Te quiero mucho. She takes off her ring(s), kisses them and presses them into his hand. Gracias she says and leaves. Renato looks suitably distraught holding the rings.

    Angel runs down the corridor and then the outside steps, calling for JE but to no avail.

    Jimena comes to comfort Renato. He tells Jimena that it was he who let Angel go. He loves her and he couldn’t tie her to him because he knows she will never love him. This is all his fault. Jimena leans forward and places her hand supportively on his leg and says she knows that one can’t rule the heart. Renato plays with the newly returned ring, admitting he was wrong in dreaming that his love could do the impossible. He did what was best for Angel. Jimena comments that she has always said that he was a great man. Renato puts the ring on the glass table (I’ve never seen precious gems treated so shabbily! Well, better than down the drain I say, shrugging). After Renato leaves, Jimena picks up the ring and dreamily murmurs that she would love him forever…. she pulls back to reality and chides herself for what she is saying!

    Rebeca tells Elena that she must convince Angel to marry Renato but Gi intervenes saying this is only between Renato and Angel. Santi agrees.

    Renato announces to the crowd that the wedding is postponed indefinitely. Rebeca mocks him but he tells her he doesn’t care what she or anyone else thinks. Everyone looks suitably serious.


  4. VIVIR #89 Part 3

    Angel tells Jimena that she needs to go look for JE but she didn’t bring a change of clothes.

    Santi reproaches Rebeca as Gi hovers in the background shaking her head at Rebeca. Elena asks Renato why he waited until now to cancel the wedding. He replies he didn’t want to wake up from his dream…but seeing that she hesitated, he had to wake himself up.

    Shockingly, Jimena comes out in Angel’s wedding dress! The band strikes up as Jimena smiles and shakes her head no. We see a switcheroo has taken place as Angel in now wearing Jimena’s dress as she hails a cab.

    Mati tells Javi that she can get the game piece she needs.

    Luciano tells Fatima that he only worries about how his divorce will affect the kids; the only woman he loves is her. Once he gets the divorce, he will talk to his kids about his feelings for her. Mati arrives and listens unobserved as Luciano tells Fatima that he hopes Mati will understand that he has fallen in love again. Fatima tells him that there can’t be anything between them until his children accept her as his partner. It’s not going to be easy but she doesn’t want Mati to feel more confused. Fatima doesn’t want to cause any issues for Mati. She is the most important thing right now. Hearing Fatima’s heartfelt words, a tiny smile plays on Mati’s lips as she leaves.

    Angel has arrived and is talking with a shocked Cris. She doesn’t have time to explain to Cris what happened; she needs to find JE. She starts to go to JE’s room but Cris says the last time she talked to JE; he was with Sebas. Cris is clearly agitated and calls Sebas but he is out like a light and doesn’t answer the phone.

    Misael has decided to rearrange Beca’s closet as he pulls out her clothes from drawers and off hangars, littering the floor of the bedroom with her wardrobe. He looks and sounds a bit mad. He opens a suitcase and throws a few random tacky items in, balled up like a wad of cotton. He looks like a petulant child as he cries, sneers and boohoos about what Rebeca did to him. He curses Rebeca…he hates her! This is over forever! Her time has come!

    Angel calls Sebas but it goes to voicemail. Cris thinks JE must be on his way home, but Angel worries because JE looked really bad after she hurled so many unkind things at him. The phone rings and Cris thinks it might be JE; no, it’s Fatima who asks how things are going. After Cris tells her that Angel is there, Fatima is happy and hopes Angel has reconciled with her brother. Cris tells her they are waiting for JE and Fatima asks to talk to Angel. The first thing Fatima wants to know is if the wedding is canceled, and after Angel confirms it, Fatima hoots with joy. Fatima knows Angel loves JE…and wants details. After Fatima thinks it’s the best thing that could happen, Angel starts explaining.


  5. VIVIR #89 Part 4 of 4

    Bruno asks Monica how Misael is…he can’t believe what Rebeca did to him…she destroyed him. Monica would give anything to know how Rebeca found the Swiss account…and how she got the money out! Bruno thinks it has to have been Misael, but Misael had assured Monica that he had not told Rebeca about that account. Bruno thinks back to his rendezvous with Romina as Monica continues that Rebeca has only won one battle, there is still a war! Monica then asks Bruno how well he knows Romina. He replies that he only knows her as much as her and Misael. Liar.

    Rebeca is back in the office screaming at the attorney, demanding that he finalize the transfer of the shares. She then tells Romina that stupid Angel didn’t get married. Rebeca asks if JE is there, so Romina tells her he hasn’t returned. Rebeca thinks he must be with Angel. Romina then tells her that Don Emilio did NOT approve her salary!

    Don Emilio goes into Adolfo’s office and says he can see how Adolfo is feeling. Adolfo is very worried about Misael who lost everything for trusting the wrong woman who did nothing but use him. Don Emilio thinks Rebeca is possessed and Adolfo agrees (I also heard “diablo” during the course of their conversation) Don Emilio then brings up Romina’s contract that he seems to regard skeptically, asking Adolfo to review it carefully.

    Fatima tells Luciano that Renato didn’t marry Angel. Now, JE seems to have disappeared and no one has a clue as to where he is. Luciano tells her that the important thing is that Angel and JE will reconcile. He smilingly adds that he hopes their own relationship gets better too because he can’t resist the temptation to grab and kiss her. Adolfo then calls Luciano and tells him he has sent him the divorce documents; if he agrees, Adolfo can give it to Romina today!

    Lucas and Mati play the game and lose, but Mati assures him that they will soon win. Mati would like them to be together. Lucas then tells her that the wedding was canceled.

    Cris tells Fatima that Angel got tired of waiting for JE and went to look for him at Sebas’s place.

    Angel arrives at Sebas’ needing to talk to JE but he tells her JE is no longer there…oh and by now, he is several kilometers away from the city. Que Angel says in disbelief and disappointment.

    We next see JE walking through the woods (inexplicably carrying his suitcase rather than rolling it). Sebas continues explaining to a distraught Angel that communication with JE now is virtually impossible.

    JE comes across an injured man crushed by branches of a felled tree. He starts removing the debris and as the injured man screams in agony, JE removes his shirt sleeves (revealing bulging muscles mercifully free of tats) as he creates makeshift torniquets! He picks up the bloodied man in his arms and carries him to a clinic. We see a beautiful woman doctor attending to patients. Others in the waiting room take umbrage at the sight of JE carrying the man and start brandishing machetes, raised threateningly.

    My friend’s dialog translations were smooth as silk and ebbed and flowed flawlessly. I am so thankful for her kind and generous care, attention to (even the smallest) details and her valuable, precious time.


  6. Vivir de amor

    Diana, another splendid recap! And this chapter was really important, so it's doubly appreciated!

    OK, so Renato finally got it together! Better late than never, but...

    Angel returned his ring, and didn't drop it down the drain! Finally! And she and Jimena swapped dresses.

    "After Renato leaves, Jimena picks up the ring and dreamily murmurs that she would love him forever…. she pulls back to reality and chides herself for what she is saying!"
    Ah, ha! Diana I totally missed this! I have been a bit worried lately that our expected Jimena/Renato matchup would not happen. Jimena didn't seem all that interested in him lately and was more focused on business opportunities.

    It was so funny when Jimena returned to the canceled wedding in Angel's dress, and I thought she might just maybe, maybe tell Renato "Hey, Renato, you're single, I'm single, people came for a wedding..."

    Too soon.

    At least we now know why Sebas became sick, there are too many episodes to go before Angel and JE seal the deal, the answer to many, many questions we might have about this TN.

    So JE winds up in the middle of nowhere lugging his luggage, encountering a wounded native, then lugging him to the missionary medical place, just follow the road, I suppose. And who is there but a good-looking doctora. But maybe those guys with machetes will hack poor JE to pieces. Oh, well.


  7. Vivir. Yet another clear and detailed recap, Diana and friend. This episode was intense but seemed a bit contrived. Thank goodness that Renato FINALLY gave all 3 of the bits of information about JE that Angelli needs: 1. JE carried her out of the burning building, not Renato; 2. JE was staying with Rebeca only because she blackmailed him with having Angelli arrested for "throwing" her down the stairs; 3. There's now video proving that the "crime" in #2 did not happen. I say contrived because to believe that JE could just substitute for Sebastian on the missionary trip, we must believe that JE always carries his passport with him (of course it could still be Mexico) and that the missionary society would just accept him as a sub without recommendations or a background check. The upside is that he arrives on the remote wooded scene just in time to save that young man's life. But oh oh! That young female doctor is very pretty! And of course every attempt by Angelli to contact JE fails. There's always something!

  8. Vivir. I wouldn't count on anyone getting hacked. My money is on JE's heroically saving everyone from the thugs, thus attracting the young doctor's love. Btw, I really liked Monica's blouse in this episode.

  9. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to all of us, thank you for every detail as we spin and roll forward .

    Well, Renato finally did the right thing . Pretty hard to do that when you know it will send the person you are crazy about into another's arms. Kudos to Renato.

    Now we know why Sebas so suddenly decided to go off to the jungle with the missionaries....and then came down with consumption .( After studying " Crime and Punishment in Freshman English c!ass in college , my roommate and I always said we had consumption whenever we had the sneezes and sniffles.)

    Wow, I am getting flashbacks to " Destilando Amor" in which Big Yanez went off to the jungle and met Hot Doc played by Sofia Vegara who took a shine to him ...however, he stayed true to is onetruelove Gaviotaaa . I think he took her scarf along and kept sniffing it. So, I guess we can expect this pretty physician to take a liking to JE.

    Well, we have seen Mine a in a wedding gown in Icky's daydream , and now in Angel's cast off gown. I am sure that we will see her in one more wedding dress when she marries broken hearted Renato after Jim cheers him up. Maybe she will help him put sick out his wedding garb this time . How about a kilt?

    Wow, it was pretty easy for JE to rip those sleeves off. I tried it with the blouse I was wearing today , and my blouse must have been a better quality because those sleeves did not budge. #Targetrules

    I cannot imagine leaving on an extended trip with someone else's luggage ....and JE didn't even take a quick look inside to make sure Sebas had packed enough underwear and essentisls..toothpaste, brush, deoderant. I would have checked because Sebas has been kind of fevered and out of it lately. Who knows what is in the Samonite.

  10. Vivir

    Thanks once again, Diana and friend, that was great. Love all the details that i can’t understand. Like Jimena saying she would love Renato forever.

    I love the way Rebeca’s plan to make three people miserable failed! Then she tries to get Elena to talk to Angel.

    Also loved Alma saying it’s Angel who will bind them because she has a heart of gold. And a mother’s heart knows who her child really is. But Elena still doesn’t wake up to the reality of Rebeca.

    But I bet Bruno is realizing who Romina is. I wonder if he’ll ever confess to Monica about what happened. Meanwhile, I did not realize Don Emilio didn’t approve her salary. Will Rebeca pay her out of all the money she’s stolen from the company. Or will Romina work without pay! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving woman.

    I guess JE and doctor will have a romance, maybe even marry. And Mati will be kidnapped. They’ll be able to add enough to get to 125!


  11. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you very much!

    Such fantastic comments...

    "...when Jimena returned to the canceled wedding in Angel's dress, and I thought she might just maybe, maybe tell Renato "Hey, Renato, you're single, I'm single, people came for a wedding..." That would have been so cool but I'm afraid you're right, "too soon". Drat...

    "So JE winds up in the middle of nowhere lugging his luggage, encountering a wounded native, then lugging him to the missionary medical place, just follow the road, I suppose. And who is there but a good-looking doctora". Well, we knew JE and Angel wouldn't get together this soon and now we see what will likely distract him. More missed commuication. Sigh.

    Renato finally comes clean and just in time. If only he'd done so sooner but...

    Well we know Jimena is interested in Renato and I have every confidence he will take notice. Eventually. :)


  12. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much.

    This was intense and surprisingly so as Rebeca and Monica were scarcely seen (hence my lack of snark). Quite a dramatic episode.

    Thoroughly savored your "I say contrived because to believe that JE could just substitute for Sebastian on the missionary trip, we must believe that JE always carries his passport with him (of course it could still be Mexico) and that the missionary society would just accept him as a sub without recommendations or a background check" which had me smiling away. Any old body will do! :)

    Renato revealed all and thankfully so. At least Angel knows all and feels free to go to him. If she can find him that is...:)


  13. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. A very fun romp. I love all the details you pick up that I miss -- like why in the world JE is carrying luggage when it has wheels and the continuous shabby treatment of the rings.

    Jimena coming out in Angel's wedding gown was a hoot. Those two beauties are not the same size, so just amazing they fit each other's clothes to a T.

    I must say JE excels in medical emergencies. He and the doc will at least have that in common. Honestly though, how could JE trek suddenly to remote parts leaving Don Emilio to fix the company's problems on his own? Never mind, we've got 125 epis to cram.

    Diana, I wish you and your brother a wonderful visit together.

  14. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you for your always lovely words.

    "I am getting flashbacks to " Destilando Amor" in which Big Yanez went off to the jungle and met Hot Doc played by Sofia Vegara who took a shine to him ...however, he stayed true to is onetruelove Gaviotaaa. I think he took her scarf along and kept sniffing it" had me laughing away. Remember the crazy witch doctor? I seem to recall Sofia and Ed did some lip locking in their underwater scenes. Good times!

    I'm glad your blouse came through unscathed :) Yup, JE's sleeves came off a bit too easily with nary a thread out of place.

    "Who knows what is in the Samonite" is exactly right...


  15. Vivir
    I'm of the opinion the missionary trip is within Mexico so no passport needed. Then again, maybe with all the refugees filing through their country trying to reach the US border everyone keeps their passport with them at all times to prove they are citizens.

    I understand JE carrying the suitcase. Those luggage wheels are not meant for off road rolling.

    Do you think Romina's pay was actually a salary or a bonus from Reb that needed the president's approval.

    Are Reb and JE officially divorced? These characters can shed their spouses in record time in this TN.

  16. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz. There are many details that fly over my head and I only learn of them through mi amiga.

    "I love the way Rebeca’s plan to make three people miserable failed!" Yes, thank you for keeping things in perspective. It was a real setback for Rebeca, let's hope for many more to follow.

    "Also loved Alma saying it’s Angel who will bind them because she has a heart of gold. And a mother’s heart knows who her child really is. But Elena still doesn’t wake up to the reality of Rebeca". So true on both counts!

    I think Rebeca planned on paying Romina from the stolen money. But did Rebeca choose to ignore the fact Don Emilio needed to approve Romina's contract/salary or did she not know? I vote the former as Rebeca has no scruples.


  17. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you for your kind words.

    "Those two beauties are not the same size, so just amazing they fit each other's clothes to a T" was perfect. I was going to say that while both women have amazing figures, they are built quite a bit differently. Your comment said it perfectly.

    "Honestly though, how could JE trek suddenly to remote parts leaving Don Emilio to fix the company's problems on his own? Never mind, we've got 125 epis to cram" was a great question and an even better answer. :)

    I appreciate your warm wishes; I don't get to see either of my brothers enough.


  18. VIVIR

    "I'm of the opinion the missionary trip is within Mexico so no passport needed". As JE was trudging up and down hills, I think you are right Liz. Not a bus, train or plane in sight.

    I was under the impression Rebeca hired Romina so I vote that it was salary.


  19. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, for another fun, snappy, recap!

    I guess since they can't marry off Angel, they need to send a pretty doctor to JE! Sigh. It's okay though, no need to go from marrying one man in the morning to instant reconciliation with a different man at night. The people would talk! :)

    I'm glad Mati is coming around on Fatima, too bad she's not too smart to meet random people off the internet her offer her candy (ie. free or discounted game stuff), I guess you can't have it all though.

    I don't want Mis whinny and broken hearted, I want him angry and determined!!! Let's amp up this Beca vs. Mis fight already!!! Make it really interesting. Forget the crying, let's get crafty! They are both rightfully headed for Anviltown, but they can entertain us until they go!

    Have fun visiting with your brother! I sympathize with you not seeing your brothers enough, I see my siblings once a year when I'm lucky, except for facetime of course.

  20. VIVIR

    Thank you Darcy!

    " need to go from marrying one man in the morning to instant reconciliation with a different man at night. The people would talk! :)" is so true!

    "I don't want Mis whinny and broken hearted, I want him angry and determined!!! Let's amp up this Beca vs. Mis fight already!!! Make it really interesting. Forget the crying, let's get crafty!" Great advice! I also want Misael to be fueled by fire not weakened by tears.

    I appreciate your good wishes Darcy!


  21. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Silkience (smooth translations). Today’s dramatic episode set the groundwork from here to finale. Have I told ya’ll lately how much I appreciate what you do? Your efforts make this much more than a show. It’s a Patio Event!

    First things first, Free Petra!!! Lest we get mired in all the matrimonial misfortune and forget The Help is still incarcerated and in danger! Ok. Darcy observed that the reactions on this novela at ginormous news are almost comical. Adolfo with his newfound paternity. Fátima with her newfound ancestry shakeup. JE and his Maury moment. Now we can add Ang. Renato admits to some outlandish lies of omission, and she basically pats him on the head and swears they’ll be best friends forever. The writers have taken mad liberty with human nature.

    Next, I don’t care how heartbroken our boy is, there is a Bro Code. No man is going to run off with another man’s Samsonite and live indefinitely off his Colgate, comb, Right Guard, socks, and esp. chonies. Not.Gonna.Happen. Es más, everything Sebas packed should have cooties. Everybody saw and heard him sneezing and snotting all over the place. Perhaps JE was carrying the suitcase because he didn’t want to damage all the BEANIES the writers packed inside.

    Mati continues her Chanclaso Crusade by (1) probably using Luciano’s AMEX to pay for premium items in the Beanie Bros. video game and (2) eavesdropping on grown folks’ business. She’s headed for redemption, but I’m still not giving her a pass. Is she really obtuse enough to make a deal with strangers online for a surprise gift for Lucas dba El Capitán? Where is Chris Hansen when you need him? #2catchaPredator

    The clothes switcheroo was fun with Suspension of Disbelief being set to Maximum. Everybody pass your beanie to the right. See how it magically fits your neighbor? Huzzah! Next, Pedrito and Brayan switch clothes and the latter successfully robs a Gap Kids @ the Galleria. C’mon, Writers/Wardrobe!

    Misael’s berrinche was fun. Bang, spit, and tears (not to mention Big Reb’s executrix wardrobe) flying everywhere. C’mon, Mis. Your body count is an amateur OO2. Show us what you got!

    I’m glad that the villains are starting to turn on each other and cannibalize their ranks. Bruno actually made me laugh when he denied knowing Romina (figuratively & biblically). Mónica indicated she knows exactly how to attack Big Reb now (but didn’t reveal her plan). Today’s Joker quote: the circus continues while there are those who applaud the clowns. I couldn’t locate the origin of the phrase, but she’s been on a roll with her soundbites lately.

    JE is clearly in the land of gamma rays. This would explain the disappearing sleeves, bulging muscles, and…wait a minute. He didn’t turn green. Scratch that theory. I appreciated his MacGyver-ing the tourniquets and transporting the man to La Clínica de Machetes. How much backstory are we going to get for Dra. Belleza?

    Thanks again, Diana & Friend. I hope you have a splendid time with your brother (who’s named Dennis in my world). Your other brother David will be so jelly but proud that ya’ll are hanging out. Yes, I’m living vicariously through your siblings. You’re so lucky!

    Programming note: If the creek don’t rise (©️The South), I will be posting a recap/highlights of Thursday’s show. Most of ya’ll are mimis by the time I get to watch and then post my 2¢. If nothing else, Friday morning you should be able to read my ramblings with your morning coffee/tea/tequila (circle one)!

  22. VIVIR

    O.S., I truly appreciate your always nice words and supportive comments.

    Your comments were pure platinum. Beyond witty and oh so clever and wry.

    "Renato admits to some outlandish lies of omission, and she basically pats him on the head and swears they’ll be best friends forever. The writers have taken mad liberty with human nature". Indeed! If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout it is Angel's kind, loving and compassionate nature. Genuinely forgiving. JE still has a way to go to be anywhere near deserving.

    Another pared down list of favorites but I must include "I appreciated his MacGyver-ing the tourniquets and transporting the man to La Clínica de Machetes" and "The Help is still incarcerated and in danger!"

    I loved Misael rearranging Beca's closet while packing up but a few miserable belongings. "Misael’s berrinche was fun. Bang, spit, and tears (not to mention Big Reb’s executrix wardrobe) flying everywhere" was perfect. Misael is truly going over the edge. I can't wait to see where he lands.

    "Perhaps JE was carrying the suitcase because he didn’t want to damage all the BEANIES the writers packed inside" had me laughing out loud.

    "Mónica indicated she knows exactly how to attack Big Reb now (but didn’t reveal her plan)". I admit my curiousity is intrigued.

    O.S., thank you for offering to do a recap for Thursday. I will look forward to reading it on Friday when I return. I know it will be sensational


  23. Vivir

    Great to read the new comments . .

    O.S. , yes, I always liked the sage advice of " Not my circus; not my monkeys . "

    Misery is a very low energy villain , lazy, whiny , and ineffective . He is the polar opposite of high energy RedBull Reb. When they are grappling , I always think she might break him.

    You could see a very low watt lightbulb go on in Bruno's teeny brain. Romina+ tequila= uh oh.....

    Hot Doc got an eyeful of JE's muscles thanks to the missing sleeves . Here we go..... I can already hear the dialogue " I really shouldn't, but the love of my life just married another hombre ,so...yes, you can kiss me. Besome mucho. Be gantle, doc; I am so sad. Susan

  24. VIVIR

    Thank you everyone for your astute and fun comments.

    I can't wait to return on Friday when I can watch Thursday's episode and read O.S.'s sure to be wonderful recap.

    Stay safe and cool everyone.


  25. Vivir. Of course, it's possible that those threatening-looking thugs in the fancy shirts are at the clinic for their annual flu shots. It wouldn't be the first time the writers have messed with us. :)

  26. OT. And have a great few days off, Diana!

  27. OT

    Diana, I hope you enjoy your ultra-mini vacation!

