
Monday, July 08, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor, y más: Week of July 8, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

El Conde: Amor y Honor, the long-awaited telenovela with Fernando Colunga, now enters its second week. It's still pretty easy to catch up, and newcomers are welcome. Check last week's Telemundo y Más pages for recaps and comments. For more information, see Telemundo's website.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde

    Just q quick reminder that novelera will be away all this week. She is hoping that some folks will step up and put together recaps. The recaps needn't be long. Even a single-page account would be very helpful.

    ¡Muchas gracias!

  2. conde

    I can post something, but it might not be up until early afternoon.

  3. conde

    Dondi, that would be great! Your wonderful recaps are always worth waiting for!

  4. conde #6 part 1

    I did this quickly, so don’t hesitate to add or correct. Thanks.

    Memo is at the cemetery tending to Ale and Lupe’s graves. Ricardo comes to say goodbye. He’s joining the circus up north. Memo is heartbroken, he wants Ricardo to stay. Besides, Ric’s son in San Jacinto. Nope, Ric is going.

    13 years later…

    Ale’s latest lesson is Newton’s Law in Engilsh. Amador notes that Ale can speak perfect English, French and Italian. Ale is grateful for all that Amador has done for him. Amador replies that Ale is like his son, the son he longed to be near.

    Thirteen years later and Mari is still thinking of Ale. She takes the ring he gave her out of a jewelry box. Flashback to Ale’s proposal. A young girl enters the room. Mariana has a daughter! [She must be Gerardo’s.]

    Gerardo is the state governor!

    Amador tells Ale, only a few more rocks and we can escape. You’ll see the woman you love, and your mom and we will recover my fortune. Amador has a wife and son. Amador asks, promise me that when we leave, your only motivation will be love and never hate. Ale avoids answering that.

    Ricardo returns to San Jacinto and has a happy reunion with Memo. Memo points out Ricardo’s son.

    Gerardo berates David for losing a fight at school. Villarreals are not losers! [I beg to differ.] Mari tries to step in Gerardo shouts at her not to meddle. I am in charge of my son’s education, he barks, I’ll make him a man! Mari tells him to remember his crappy relationship with Leo. [is Leo dead?]

    Memo tells Ricardo about his son. He helps his grandfather in a shoe store and he’s a smart kid. But Memo adds he takes after Ricardo… always looking for an angle. Unfortunately, the grandparents are behind in tuition and little Ricky is going to get expelled from school.

    Amador is stricken with what seems to be a heart attack. Ale finds him and wants to get the doctor. Amador says it's too late, he wants Ale to continue with the escape and find his wife and son—and find his fortune. He makes Ale swear. He tells Ale to keep half and give half to his wife, Ines Hidalgo, and his son, Joaquin Guzman Hidalgo. If they are not alive, keep it all. Amador says the fortune is at the orphanage—look for the cross. Amador dies.

    Mari gives David advice regarding his relationship with Gerardo. David behaves like a typical rebellious teen, but who can blame him with a father like Gerardo. He doesn’t want to be his father’s puppet; he doesn’t want to study law or go into government. He wants to be a journalist. Mari gives him her full support.

    The director checks Amador. He thought Amador wouldn’t last a year but was there for 20. He orders the guards to wrap Amador up. He will be thrown into the sea during high tide at night.

    Later, Ale says goodbye to Amador. He laments they were so close to escaping together. I don’t have time to finish the tunnel on my own, he says. I’ll take your place because it’s the only way out. I’ll never forget you, Count, he says tearfully, thank you for everything.

    Felipe’s son Pedro takes a small chest from the closet. He looks at a pic of his mother and his tia. He has a flashback of Araceli. Tia comes in and sees him put a necklace in his pocket. Tia demands the necklace. It’s all she has left of Araceli. Tia cries out, my sister died for you! They killed her for trying to save you!

    Gerardo chews out Felipe for not being able to close a land sale. Felipe whines. Gerardo says he will have the person convinced to sell—por las buenas o por las malas.

    Pedro demands to know the truth. Who killed my mother! Tia spills everything including Araceli being a prostitute. Pedro is enraged and storms off.

  5. conde #6 part 2

    The director and guards bring the body bag to the sea wall. Meanwhile, guards search Amador’s cell. They notice a tile out of place. They find Amador’s body in the wall. Jailbreak!

    As the guards swing the body bag over the wall, Ale manages to grab the director and the bastard falls into the water along with him. Ale frees himself. The director calls to Ale for help, his leg is broken [too bad, so sad.] Blood is in the water. A shark circles and the director becomes fish food. [one down and at least a dozen more to go!]

    Ale washes up on a beach and is found by a man. He tells the man and his wife he was shipwrecked and needs to get to San Lorenzo to deliver some bad news to his friend’s wife and son. The man says it’s a very long walk and offers Ale bus fare and clothes. Ale refuses but the man insists. Ale is grateful.

    Ale makes it to his destination and calls out for Ines. He finds her grave and Joaquin’s. QEPD.

    Ale enters a small chapel on the grounds and looks around.

    Vic has landed on his feet, apparently making good use of the dirty money. He’s back in San Jacinto and has a young woman, Violeta, on his arm. He talks about opening a grand hotel. Vi asks about Vic’s daughters. Vic says the girls will live with them.

    Ale sees a cross on the altar. He remembers Amador’s words. He moves a statue And finds a key. He remembers Amador repeating of a sort of combination. Ale fits the key into the cross and turns it according to Amador’s combo. It opens a room filled with riches. Ale remembers that Amador asked him to be motivated by love and not hate. [We’ll see about that.]

    Ale shows up at Posada Beatriz disguised as a hooded priest and rings the bell at the front desk. Beatriz comes and what do you know, her husband is Ruben! He survived the shooting, but he walks with a limp. Ruben sees Ale and looks like he’s seen a ghost.

    Ale didn’t forget the kindness of the man who found him on the beach. He sends him a thank you note with 5 gold coins.

    Later, Beatriz tells Ruben that the “padre” needs to get to San Jacinto right away. Ruben says it’s too late for today. Ale insists it must be today. I came to fulfill a dying man’s last wish, he says, he charged me to deliver his inheritance to his family.

    Beatriz perks up. Inheritance? Tell us your friend’s name, maybe we know him. Ale replies, the dead man’s wife is Guadalupe. The son is Alejandro Gaitan. Ruben is stunned.

    Vic comes to Gerardo with a proposal. Investments. Alliance. These two slimeballs don’t like each other but they love money and power a lot more.

    Ruben “confesses” to the Padre. He was forced to lie against Alejandro Gaitan. The DA threatened him with prison. Ruben tells how Gerardo wanted to punish Ale for messing with Mari. He drinks and pours out his guilt and regret over all that happened. Ruben says he paid the price. Gerardo shot him and now he’s lame. He married Beatriz, who doesn’t love or respect him, and he’s stuck in this town.

  6. conde #6 part 3

    The Padre says, now that I know Alejandro is dead, what do I do with this? He flashes a big diamond. Beatriz’s eyes widen. Ale says Ruben can have it if he takes him to San Jacinto tonight. Of course! And Pedro, who is also staying at the posada, has been spying on them.

    Ramiro gives a guy a beatdown and forces him to sign over the property Gerardo wants. Then he shoots him between the eyes. Felipe is horrified.

    Ruben has passed out and Beatriz takes the diamond from him. Ruben wakes and goes to take it back. Pedro intervenes. Beatriz grabs a knife and there is a struggle. Pedro accidentally stabs Beatriz.

    Ruben takes off. Tia comes downstairs. Pedro, what have you done?! Pedro runs after Ruben. He tells Ruben the diamond is “ours”. They are bound by a dead woman and they will be partners.

    Padre Ale arrives his old hacienda. He speaks with some women who tell him everything belongs to Gerardo Villarreal now. Ale knocks on the door of his mother’s house. A woman comes up to him and tells him Lupe died of a broken heart shortly after Ale died.

    Padre Ale goes to his mother’s grave. Memo comes to clean the graves and greets the padre. He didn’t mean to interrupt and says he will come back later. Ale asks him to stay and talk.

    And we are out.


    Dondi356: Howdy from the Alamo City. Thank you very much for your recap of last night's episode. Now my personal thoughts:
    1.) Noticed the dude known as Diego de la Cruz from "SENOR 9" is portraying adult Pedro (the son of the late Araceli) & involved in some heinous activity.

    2.) Tia is ANNOYING: The less I hear from this nagging Old Goat, the better.

    3.) Gerardo is the State Governor. What's next ? President of Mexico down the road ? He seems determined to be have a long political career IF Alejandro doesn't destroy him first.

    4.) Ricardo going to the circus ? Let's see how long it'll last. Memo is a schoolteacher ? Had no clue. Something tells me they're going to be key factors in this Telenovela going forward.

    5.) When did Mariana have a daughter ? I thought that was Felipe & Paulina's daughter ?

    6.) RIP Amador. Damn shame that he wasn't going to be around in this Telenovela, but sounds like Alejandro will be taking Amador's identity. Franco Santorro 2.0 ?

    7.) Mariana's son is rebellious I see & he wants to become a journalist. Good luck with that dude.

    8.) I smiled watching the bastard prison director becoming shark food LOL. KARMA IS AN EXPLETIVE.

    9.) Did they do the opening credits ? Because I never saw it last night following the first part of commercial breaks.

    10.) Scumbag Vic scheming & plotting to continue looting $$$$$$. Karma will be coming for you FAT ASSHOLE. I cannot wait for that day.

    11.) Ramiro shooting Gerardo to death wasn't a shock. Felipe: Your Karma will be coming soon. Big question is whether Telemundo drags this Telenovela into 2025 ? I'm going to assume so.

    12.) Reuben still a SCUMBAG. I'm looking forward to seeing the next phase of Alejandro's revenge: but it was sad for Alejandro finding out his mother died of a broken heart.

  8. dondi, thanks, this was great.

    They handled the time jump well.

    To be honest I just sat back and fully enjoyed last night’s episode.That doesn’t happen very often.

    I thought it was ironic and weird that there was a shark attack with it being Shark Week on Discover and Sharkfest month on National Geographic. Made me laugh. Could not have happened to a more deserving character. Hope the shark survived . . . Eating someone so rotten. ; )

  9. Conde

    Donde, thank you for giving us an excellent recap as this telenovela unfolds .

    I think that Fernando also disguised himself in priest's robes in " Alborado." He is still fascinating to watch . I am also enjoying seeing 2008 Fernando in "Pasion. "

    Was the young girl who hugged Mariana her daughter or Paulina's daughter ?
    Well, Ruben survived ,but he doesn't seem like he is going to be an ally to Ale.

    Looks like Pedro has his father's bad blood in him.

    I hope that Ale connects with his buddies to fight the bad guys because in 13 years, the villains have just gotten worse and worse.

    Vic is now rich and still repulsive , and he has bought himself a pretty young thing . She is earning every penny spends on her because he is very icky. I do love Violeta's flowered dress. I wonder how his daughters turned out . Is his wife still alive ? If so, what has she been doing for the last 13 years?

    I knew that Ale would reward the nice young couple who helped him.

    Well, here we go. Susan

  10. conde

    Thanks, everyone.

    Steve, only you know and I know that Pedro is really Diego de la Cruz.

    I also wondered at first if that girl was Paulina’s, but she called Mari “mom”.

    Jarifa, is that why they waited so long to air El Conde? They were waiting for Shark Week/Month? Lol “hope the shark survived…”

    I think Ruben is more of a coward than a villain. But then again a lot of villains are also cowards. He showed some guilt but he tried to excuse it.

    Not sure if Pedro is really bad. He lost his mom at a young age and his father never took responsibility. That's got to affect a kid. He looked horrified at what happened to Beatriz. I think there’s still time for him.

    Glad to see Memo is doing well. He’s a good man, a wonderfully loyal friend.

    Unless I missed it, we didn’t see Paulina, her daughter, or Josie in this episode. We haven’t seen Vic’s daughters yet. We don’t know what happened to Vic's NSD wife. Did Leo die without speaking?

    Yes, Susan, here we go!

  11. conde

    MANY THANKS, dondi, for your excellent and very helpful recap.

    So Gerardo is now governor! This reminded me of the equally corrupt Epifanio Vargas' rise to power in La Reina del Sur.

    When Amador gave Ale instructions on where to find the treasure, he told him to "look for the cross." Yikes, there must have been at least a dozen crosses in the room. Fortunately, only one seemed to be surrounded in white, almost as if it were lit up. And yes, Ale did indeed discover the immense treasure. But I keep wondering where he is going to keep it. I imagine the orphanage is now deserted, but will Ale keep having to go back to get more items to sell or give away. I imagine someone might wonder about the "reappearance" of the Count after so many years and follow Ale/El Conte during one of his many strange visits to the orphanage. Yes, I'm a worrywort, but/and yes, this is a telenovela.

  12. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. All the action and introduction of the offspring 13 years later made for a super busy epi. I appreciate all the details.

    I got a kick out of Vicente with all his swagger. Surely he will get what's coming to him, but right now he thinks he's all of that and a bag of chips.

    Gerardo is something else to watch too. He has so many cunning looks as he wheels and deals. After all these years, does Mariana have any idea who she married?

    Ruben sold his soul to the devil when he let the baddies force him to betray Ale. He is a miserable man. I almost feel sorry for him, but nope he ran off and left his stabbed wife.

    Funny that Ricardo's hair turned white these 13 years when he didn't even take on all the stress (and joy) of raising his son.

  13. conde

    Thanks, Juanita. You bring up good points.

    I wonder if Ale will renovate the Count’s estate/orphanage and use that as his home. Will Ale take the identity of Amador’s son? Maybe we will never get an answer to some of your questions.

    We jumped 13 years and we had some small jumps before that. I think we still have a couple of years to get to 1952.

  14. conde

    Thanks, Niecie.

    “After all these years, does Mariana have any idea who she married?” I guess that scumbag hides a lot from her. She’s still mooning over Ale, but it seems she’s accepted her fate with Gerardo. I thought she was going to fight for her inheritance? It’s almost as disappointing as Paulina caving in to marriage and children with that lowlife Felipe.

    “Funny that Ricardo's hair turned white these 13 years when he didn't even take on all the stress (and joy) of raising his son.” That made me laugh because I turned gray very young. Must have been due to the stress (and joy)!

  15. OT..when I met my hub , he was 16 and had a small streak of pure white in his black hair. Then , I met his mother who was only in her late 30s and her hair was completely white . Her father and sister had also turned prematurely white . In contrast, my dad still had mostly dark hair when he died at 80.

    The actor playing Ricardo was white haired in " Invencible." I am not sure how old he is. Susan

  16. Conde
    Thanks dondi. I read your recap then watched the episode this time and I was able to figure out the characters a bit better
    After all the ravings about FC I started watching Amor Real. I started when they first aired it's current run but didn't pursue it for long (6 episodes). Too many TNs, not enough time. I figured I'd watch some more to see him in his hey day and then I discovered it has never been recapped on Caray, Caray. Am I missing something. I've managed to find all the other older shows but not this one. I may have to delay watching it until my Spanish is better.

  17. OT..Kat, I dont think that Melinama, the original blogmom, recapped Amor Real. I think that the first Telenovela she recapped was Alborado. Susan

  18. OT
    With all the members who sing Amor Real 's praises, it's too bad they haven't recapped it. Maybe some day when there is nothing worthy of a recappers time and it is airing they will address this defecit...

  19. conde

    Don't know if anyone is going to post a recap. I wasn't able to watch live last night. I won't have enough time to watch on my lunch break and finish a recap. Those who have watched, should start a discussion. I'll catch up to you.

    I can do recaps of Thursday and Friday night. Sorry I can't do more. I'm enjoying this TN so far and being with everyone on the patio.

  20. Conde

    Dondi, thanks in advance for Thursday and Friday.

    Let's see if I can get the discussion started with a few bullets.

    - A moving graveyard scene of Ale revealing his true identity to Memo. Memo is reluctant about Ale's revenge plan, but of course he agrees to help his old friend, who after all is helping worthy people.

    - No surprise, Mariana is not onboard with Gerardo's ambition to rise to the presidency. To Gerardo's barely cloaked disappointment, he's been overlooked (for the No. 2 place on the ticket, I think. Is this right?). Attack/murder(/?) of the selected candidate ensues (was this orchestrated by Gerardo?).

    Although Pauline gave up her dream of painting, she has the good judgment to not like Gerardo. We can see that in the looks she gives him and her encouragement to Mariana.

    Josie's lover Antonio, in the city and nattily dressed like Richard Gere in American Gigolo, meets Vicente's young novia. They get horizontal before epi's end.

    David is enthused about meeting the Count, at the Count's grand party, says he admires him. (How does David know about the Count's good works? There was no internet back then to post fake info.) David looks like he could be Ale's son. I'm guessing Ale won't notice this.


    Dondi356: Wondering if the woman formerly known as Vicente's estranged wife will emerge & get revenge ? Surprised somebody managed to dig her out of the grave.

    Kat: Guillermo & Alejandro discussed the revenge plan including other details presumably at Amador's old mansion.

    Niecie: Something tells me Violeta & the Richard Gere lookalike of Mexico will both get whacked sooner or later.

  22. Donde

    I dont understand the dialogue, but the visual was interesting .

    I loved the scene of the two old friends meeting . I guess Ale talked Memo into going to Europe (?) With him . They came back with Marjorie Sosa , but I couldn't figure out if she is Ale's girlfriend? Secretary?

    Ale with long hair and glasses goes to see his goodhearted boss . Did the boss recognize Ale? Then Ale sent diamonds to him and the gold coin in the red bag that his boss gave him ( forgot his name ). I think the boss talked to Mariana.

    Violeta and Antonio were immediately drawn to each other . Her nasty sugar daddy is going to be furious if he finds out that they hooked up.

    Ale came face to face with Vi's sugar daddy. Does that bad guy own the hotel where Ale was staying ? He seemed to recognize Ale. Wouldn't people also recognize Memo?

    Vi asked sugar daddy about a photo of him with another man and a woman . I think they were his siblings . You see a flashback of him pushing the man off a cliff. This guy needs Ale to give him an anvil.

    I have no idea who the young people are.

    Yes, Niecie, I think Gerardo set up the shooting .

    Watching Sergio and Fernando, two veteran actors , is amazing . These guys are so talented .

    Can't wait to see were Ale is going to live and how he gets his revenge. Will he reunite with friend Ricardo. Will the girl who was stalking Alex recognize him ?

  23. Conde

    I think Violeta, is married to the bad guy.

  24. conde

    Niecie, thanks VERY much for getting things started. I found your bullet points extremely helpful! I'm really embarrassed by how much difficulty I'm still having in recognizing who is who. Case in point: I knew that the guy who came up to Violeta asking for her autograph was someone I'd seen earlier in the novela, but I did NOT recognize him as Josie's barn buddy, Antonio. Duh.

    Yes, I'm quite sure that Gerardo arranged for the presidential candidate to be assassinated. I think he didin't want Mariana there to somehow gum up the works and/or to be injured.

    As for David, I too wondered how David knew about El Conde's good works. I don't know whether Ale recognizes the similarity in appearance between David and himself, but it's clear from the very strong stare on Ale's face when he and David meet that SOMETHING is registering.

  25. Conde

    Yes, the look on Ale's face seemed like he was getting the call of the blood.

    Does anybody know if Marjorie Sosa ( the blonde with Ale at the end of the episode ) is his girlfriend ? Secretary? She is pretty handsy with Ale. Do we know what Ale and Memo were doing these last 3 years ? Good works ?

    I am trying to remember If Sergio and Fernando were every in a telenovela together before this one .

    1. The one I can think of is "manana es para siempre"

  26. conde

    Susan, I'm assuming that Ale wanted to spend time in Europe to polish his command of languages, become more familiar with places a Count might be expected to know, and make some contacts with other privileged members of society. And perhaps also learn a bit about the ins and outs of philanthropy. All this would probably be expected of El Conde.

  27. Thanks, Niecie, for getting the discussion started. I just got a chance to watch this. Telemundo seems to take its sweet tome to post episodes in its app or ondemand.

    Susan, they never mentioned the relationship between Alejandro and Cayetana. Seems she is an actress and willing “arm candy” definitely wanting something more. She has a separate bedroom at thehotel.

    Yikes! Alejandro sees Mariana as his enemy who will have to pay like the rest. She didn’t care they falsely accused him. She didn’t help his mother and married his worst enemy.

    Another great episode.

  28. Cpnde

    Jarifa....thanks for the info.....oh noes... Ale thinks Mariana betrayed him !


  29. Conde

    here is a few points I picked up using english caps,

    new hotel baron Vic, the pic is of the guy who taught him everything there is to know about hotels, I think they were partners and best buds, and when he took his swan dive, I think Vic got it all.

    now he is back in his home town to parade his new self, bought the best hotel and plans to completely renovate it, his tart girl, a wanna be celebrity, would rather be in Mexico city where the parties are, she asked if Vic's daughter would be staying with him, he said she would (doesn't he have 2 daughters?

    the housekeeper at the inn took the fall for the murder, must of had a soft spot for chump Felipe's son.

    Jo is outta town, don't think she will like barn buddies new friend.

    Geraldo's nasty black ops guy did the assassination, first expertly wounding Geraldo. The president picked this guy, his brother, to be the next president and asked Ger to be his campaign manager.

    Mari's daughter was sparking with the new guy, is that Felipe's son?

    Ale and Memo were in Europe for 3 years, bringing us to 1952.

    Ale's escort is a well know celebrity, she jokingly asked if they would be sharing a room, Ale gave her a look that said that will never happen, odd because when he got the story on Mari, he branded her a traitor.

  30. Conde

    here is a few points I picked up using english caps,

    new hotel baron Vic, the pic is of the guy who taught him everything there is to know about hotels, I think they were partners and best buds, and when he took his swan dive, I think Vic got it all.

    now he is back in his home town to parade his new self, bought the best hotel and plans to completely renovate it, his tart girl, a wanna be celebrity, would rather be in Mexico city where the parties are, she asked if Vic's daughter would be staying with him, he said she would (doesn't he have 2 daughters?

    the housekeeper at the inn took the fall for the murder, must of had a soft spot for chump Felipe's son.

    Jo is outta town, don't think she will like barn buddies new friend.

    Geraldo's nasty black ops guy did the assassination, first expertly wounding Geraldo. The president picked this guy, his brother, to be the next president and asked Ger to be his campaign manager.

    Mari's daughter was sparking with the new guy, is that Felipe's son?

    Ale and Memo were in Europe for 3 years, bringing us to 1952.

    Ale's escort is a well know celebrity, she jokingly asked if they would be sharing a room, Ale gave her a look that said that will never happen, odd because when he got the story on Mari, he branded her a traitor.

  31. Conde

    here is a few points I picked up using english caps,

    new hotel baron Vic, the pic is of the guy who taught him everything there is to know about hotels, I think they were partners and best buds, and when he took his swan dive, I think Vic got it all.

    now he is back in his home town to parade his new self, bought the best hotel and plans to completely renovate it, his tart girl, a wanna be celebrity, would rather be in Mexico city where the parties are, she asked if Vic's daughter would be staying with him, he said she would (doesn't he have 2 daughters?

    the housekeeper at the inn took the fall for the murder, must of had a soft spot for chump Felipe's son.

    Jo is outta town, don't think she will like barn buddies new friend.

    Geraldo's nasty black ops guy did the assassination, first expertly wounding Geraldo. The president picked this guy, his brother, to be the next president and asked Ger to be his campaign manager.

    Mari's daughter was sparking with the new guy, is that Felipe's son?

    Ale and Memo were in Europe for 3 years, bringing us to 1952.

    Ale's escort is a well know celebrity, she jokingly asked if they would be sharing a room, Ale gave her a look that said that will never happen, odd because when he got the story on Mari, he branded her a traitor.

  32. Conde #7

    Finally finished the show. A few more details.

    Cold blooded Ramiro wants to leave the man he killed out in a field for the vultures so no one will be able to ID him. On the other hand, Felipe is a pussy willow. He pukes when Ramiro asks him to help.

    The police come to the posada and question Pedro’s tia. She says she did it, but it was an accident. The cops take her.

    Memo told Ale that it was rumored that Alfredo had Ale kill the candidate.

    Josie is surprised to find the Carrasco’s hotel was sold. Antonio tells her that the guy who worked for the Gallardos (Vic) bought it. They want to know how he made enough money to buy a hotel.

    Antonio recognized Violeta because she is the famous Cuban rumba dancer, Carita de Cielo. He’s a big fan. She gives him her autograph and they do the horizontal rumba later in his room.

    Gerardo is boinking his secretary.

    The President wants Gerardo to prepare his brother, Rodolfo, to become the next president.

    Memo finds out a “banker” paid a bill (Memo’s bill?) at the Hotel Montecarlo.

    About that picture Vic had: he explains the man was an important hotelier (Tomas Altamirano) Vic was his partner until Vic tossed him from the building. He tells Violeta that Altamirano took advantage of his hard work. He was the one that made the Altamirano Hotel famous. The girl was Altamirano’s daughter. She ran away after her father died.

    After speaking with the Gallardos, Mariana goes to Lupe’s house. She got the feeling that Ale might still be alive. She cries, why does my heart insist on keeping your memory alive?

    David is friends with Gallardo’s grandson, Javier. Javier goes to a boarding school.
    Mari suspects something is up when Gerardo doesn’t want her to accompany him. She’s right.

    Rodolfo is a victim of a drive by shooting. To make it look good, Gerardo is grazed by a bullet. Ramiro is one of the gunmen in the car.

    Cayetana loves the acting profession and I think she also loves Ale, but he doesn’t feel the same about her.

    David introduces Javier to some girls. Dolores and Teresa Garcia (Vic’s daughters) and Sofia Zambrano (Paulina and Felipe’s daughter). I think Sofia and Javier will become an item. He kisses her hand.

    Ale looks to buy some useless land from Gerardo.

    I’m thinking David has read about the Count in the papers or a magazine. The Count paid for the Virgin's festival and he’s throwing the big party at Vic’s hotel.

    There’s something in the look Ale gave David. I don’t think it’s good.

  33. Conde #7
    Thanks for all the bullet points. Juanita, I'm with you not recognizing the barn buddy. There are just so many characters to keep straight and now we have the brat pack to figure out too.

    Dondi, "Memo told Ale that it was rumored that Alfredo had Ale kill the candidate". Is this referring back to Ale's trial. And I've already forgotten who Alfredo is. I'm about to the point I think I need to watch the previous episodes again and take notes of the characters. I keep getting so confused.

  34. Conde

    Thank you all for the recaps. Even the bullet points are helping. It always takes me a couple weeks to figure out who everyone is, especially when I haven’t been watching novelas. But I’m loving this one!

    I hope Antonio and Violeta survive this. They seem nice enough despite their terrible taste in partners.

    Ricardo is a good guy, right? I lost track of his place in this.


  35. conde

    Many thanks yet again, dondi, this time for the helpful bullet points. I'm hoping that a few more episodes plus recaps/bullet points/discussion and I should finally know who's who and what's what.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

    13.) More looting. More war crimes committed by Gerardo & his group of cronies. Gerardo is hell-bent on becoming Mexico's next President by any means necessary.

    14.) Kat in SC: Mariana will have to pay the consequences like all the other antagonists. Why do I get the feeling that there's a possibility of this Telenovela not having a happily ever after similar to "Yago" & "Ezel" ?

    15.) Dondi356: Since Gerardo is the State Governor, aren't they're living in some big Governor's Mansion in Mexico City ?

    16.) David & his buddy get caught up in a fake ambush. The group of bandits led by Ricardo take David somewhere.

    17.) Gerardo, Mariana, Felipe, Paulina find out about David's kidnapping. Earlier, we see Gerardo scolding David's buddy on the phone.

    18.) The scarred-faced woman formerly known as Vicente's estranged wife makes an appearance. I noticed Jessica Coch (AKA Slaker Berta from "CUANDO ME ENAMORO") in this Telenovela.

    19.) One of Vicente's daughters buys some cute doll.

    20.) Cayetana is one freaking wild card. Memo warned Alejandro about Cayetana might ruin Alejandro's revenge plans, etc., I just do NOT trust her.

    21.) More nagging from Buji Mommy Dearest when she gets all uppity with Antonio.

    22.) I'm doubling-down on both Antonio & Violeta NOT being among the living.

    23.) David returns safe & sound to the hotel. We see Alejandro, Memo, Cayetana & David's buddy sidekick there.

    24.) More scheming & bribery in boosting Gerardo's political career OMG.

    25.) We see Ricardo (Dude who went to the circus) noticing the photographs of folks who destroyed Alejandro's life. Doesn't take long for Ricardo putting things together & realising it's Alejandro.

  37. Conde

    Steve, thank you for the highlights.

    I don't understand Ale's plans . That hidden room is interesting .

    So..Did Ricardo become a thief and a grifter ? I guess he didn't recognize his old friend Ale. I didn't understand that while kidnapping thing. Did Ale know Ricardo was going to do that?

    Does Alfredo now realize that Ale is alive?

    Vic will certainly kill Vi and Antonio if he finds out they have hooked up.

    It is interesting seeing Fernando and the guy playing Memo in 2008 as pirates in " Pasion +"reruns on Unimas . Susan

  38. conde

    Thanks, Steve, for putting together these highlights. I hadn't realized that the scar-faced woman was Vicente's estranged wife. I think Ricardo does recognize Ale after Ale calls him out by name and keeps giving him meaningful looks. By the end of that scene, where Ricardo and a woman whose name I don't know are caught red-handed by Ale/El Conde, I think Ale offers to hire both of them for their "professional" talents.

    I'm not sure what Ale's purpose is in arranging for David to be kidnapped. Is it simply so that Ale can be the hero by arranging for David's release, and also by offering to take his place? The episode also, of course, gives David a chance to show that he's a good person by telling the kidnappers not to hurt "El Conde," that "the problem is with me, not him."

    I've got to run, but I hope more people will add whatever details they can.

  39. conde #7

    Popping in on lunch break. I won’t be able to watch #8 until this evening. I'll comment afterward.

    As a reminder, I will do the Thursday and Friday recaps. They will be up the following morning.

    "Memo told Ale that it was rumored that Alfredo had Ale kill the candidate". Yes, Kat, this goes back to 1935. Memo said this rumor helped to ruin Don Alfredo Gallardo, Ale’s former employer.

    K: “Ricardo is a good guy, right?” I guess he’s sort of a hustler, but he seemed loyal to Ale and Memo. Memo mentioned that Ricardo’s son was “always looking for an angle”, just like his father.

  40. For any Colunga fans out there, he is starring in the Netflix series “The Secret of the Greco Family.”

  41. Thanks, Steve. ITA about Cayetana. She could easily turn into a liability unless she is presenting herself as being directed by Alejandro.

    I really enjoyed Alejandro turning into the master puppeteer as he starts to control everyone and everything from behind the scenes. Sweet!

  42. This novela is moving quickly! I think Alejandro said Gerardo would pay the ramsom with the money he got from Ale from the land sale. Since Ale "paid" the ransom, can he make Gerardo repay him?

    Sergio Sendel looks demonic with those pale, almost colorless, eyes and his Van Dyke beard. Scary.

    Looking forward to seeing what Ale has planned for all who wronged him. Delicious justice, not vengeance.

    Beth S

  43. Conde

    Steve, thanks for the highlights.

    I want to see how Ricardo and his partner move along. He didn't have a problem with the kidnapping ordered by Ale, but she did.

    All the daughters, especially the one who was enchanted by the doll, confused me. But I'm looking forward to them finding out their mom is alive.

    Ale does have a point about Mariana not helping his mother. As I remember it though, the poor woman died from grief pretty soon after he was imprisoned. Mariana didn't have a chance to help, though honestly I don't remember her thinking along those lines.

  44. conde #8

    Thanks for the recap, Steve! Nice to see all the comments.

    A few more details.

    Vic tells Ale that he's not divorced or a widower, it’s more like he was “left”.

    Ale meets Miguel Aguilar and his wife, Ernestina. Ale was framed for the murder of Miguel’s mother and father (Gonzalo, the presidential candidate). Miguel is running for president against Rodolfo (soon to be Gerardo). Miguel seems to be an honest man, just like his father.

    The Aguilar’s daughter asks her mom why they dislike David Villarreal. The mother is neutral on David, but she doesn’t like his family and hints they may have had something to do with Gonzalo and his wife’s murder. And Gerardo is now Miguel’s rival.

    Ale has Javier and David show him around the former Gallardo hacienda asks what happened to the workers who lived there. David thinks they were fired but he’s not sure. Ale asks why the river was diverted from the hacienda. David looks a bit ashamed and says it was to water Villarreal and Zambrano land.

    Ale’s lawyer offers Gerardo a small fortune, and he agrees to sell the Gallardo land to Ale.

    Ale gives David and Javier gold watches as payment for services. To Javi’s dismay, David refuses payment. Then Ale says take them as a gift from a friend.

    Ramiro kills the guys that did the drive by shooting with him. No loose ends.

    Ale asks David if his father is a good candidate like Miguel Aguilar. David responds, without a doubt. He’s an honest, hardworking man who is committed to his work and to the people of Mexico. Ale asks David about his mother. She’s a wonderful woman, David replies, affectionate and understanding. I suppose your parents love each other very much, Ale says and then he quickly apologizes for prying.

    Gerardo is ticked that David stayed in San Jacinto for the fiesta and even more ticked he’s hanging out with Javier Gallardo. He blames Mari, she stands her ground, defends the Gallardos and supports David.

    Those doll that Vic’s daughter bought was made by Carmen, her mother and Vic’s not so dead wife. She went to live at a convent. And that’s Doña Leticia, Alfredo’s wife, who is with Carmen and a sister from the convent. She’s admiring Carmen’s dolls.

    Leticia says Carmen looks familiar, maybe a former employee? Carmen keeps her head down and remains silent. The nun says Carmen made a vow of silence. We never thought she’d leave the convent, but a Franciscan monk (Ale?) came and spoke to her. Afterwards, she asked us to write to you to ask if she could work in your studio. Leticia hires Carmen.
    Poor David really believes his father is a good man.

    Ricardo’s partner’s name is Amaranta. I have no idea how they met each other.

    Ale offers Ricardo and Amaranta the chance to keep working for him.

    Gerardo tells Felipe to find out everything he can about the Count.
