
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of July 15, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-3 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

3-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 


  1. VIVIR #95 Part 1

    After Monica tells Rufino to leave, Misael grabs him by the arm and shoves him toward the door. Shaking with anger, Misael demands to know where his son is! He is fed up with Monica making decisions for and controlling him; he will not tolerate it! He starts screaming at her and smacks the glass right out of her hand. At that, she starts rubbing her arm and groaning. Hearing all the commotion, Adolfo arrives and upon seeing Monica, tells Misael to call an ambulance. Misael thinks she is faking it but Adolfo insists on an ambulance. Quickly. He tells Monica to relax as Misael finally makes the call.

    In a touching scene, Wanda, tears gently falling down her cheeks, tells Pedrito that she does have a son and she is praying that she be united with him soon. When she adds that she doesn’t know where he is but is confident that the Virgen will bring him to her arms, Pedrito says he would like to be with his mother. Wanda gently assures him that his mother thinks of him every day…and loves him very much. He hands her two beautiful white roses that she places on the altar. She says let’s go and they hold hands and she cups his cheek in her hand.

    JE and Angel are side by side in the darkened mist as the officiant tells them that their hearts are united before the universe. They affirm that their hearts belongs to each other. Forever. They kiss deeply and lovingly.

    Wanda takes Pedrito home and a worried Alma greets them. Pedrito thanks Wanda and bids the women good night. Alma asks Wanda how things went. Wanda explains how surprised Misael was when she told him that his mother had taken her son and she hopes Misael can find him. Alma talks about the guilt a person feels when they take another mother’s child. (True perhaps in Alma’s case but certainly not in Monica’s!)

    Rebeca Wormtongue inserts poison into Elena’s ear, talking about Santi’s gambling, suggesting he needs help. Rebeca hopes they can find evidence to prove that Santi continues to gamble. Treacherous villain that she is, she has already arranged for that to happen.

    Renato muses to himself that he hopes Angel is smiling again. He calls Jimena and invites her and David to dinner. She delightedly accepts! She calls out to David but then tells herself not to get her hopes up because she is only a friend to Renato.

    Mati surprises Lucas with a marshmallow roast; Javi has the tasty treats ready to toast in the far from roaring fire. Gabriel, perfecting his stalking skills, watches and curses Lucas.

    Sandra, wearing a bright green blouse embroidered with beautiful pink flowers walks by herself. All of a sudden, Bruno runs up behind Sandra taunting her as she tries to back off but she, a slight slip of a girl, is no match for Bruno’s brutish strength as he pushes her up against a bale of hay. He hisses that he will hurt Sandra’s father if she says anything. Fortunately, she knees him in his not so precious jewels and is able to run away as he collapses in agony.

    Elena asks Rebeca not to lie to her again. Rebeca smiles and has an important request. She wants to take back her real name—Frida. Elena is delighted and takes her hand.

    Gi and Armando prepare for bed as they discuss Doris. Gi knows that Doris is nothing like Rebeca. Armando worries that Doris will never accept him as a father…she doesn’t even want to see him from afar. Gi encourages him to write Doris a letter explaining why he didn’t look for her before. He smiles.


  2. VIVIR #95 Part 2

    Doris (in a pretty rose red mock neck short sleeve top) describes how Sebas makes her a better person Smiling sweetly, he tells her she has liberated him from his sadness…he feels good with her and wants to be happy with her. He explains that he will cherish Dulce’s memory…but that doesn’t minimize what he feels for Doris…te amo he states (twice) and strokes her face with his hand…and asks her to be his novia. YESSS!!! a thrilled Doris replies.

    Monica is wheeled down the hospital corridor, Adolfo and Misael following. Monica asks for her personal doctor who as it turns out is going to cover her lying ass. Misael reiterates that Monica likes to exaggerate, but Adolfo doesn’t think she would go that far regarding her health (really Adolfo? Have you learned nothing?). Adolfo asks why they were arguing, so Misael explains that eight years ago he had a son and Monica made him disappear. He demanded that his mother tell him where his son is, but she conveniently felt ill. Adolfo’s mouth literally drops in shock.

    Rebeca (still wearing that hideous black dress with glitter covering the huge slit, and a pleather coat with cutouts on the sleeves) looks at a picture of JE and Angel thinking Angel and JE must be together…but they haven’t won, they will pay! She can’t wait until JE finds out that she has half of his shares. And when she’s head of the company, they will see what she will do with it…and it’s just the beginning!

    Angel and JE share passionate kisses and hugs and then indulge in romantic love making.
    Jimena visits Renato in the restaurant kitchen; she is happy he didn’t resign as Angel needs him there. When Jimena continues to mention Angel, Renato asks that they stop talking about her. After Jimena apologizes, Renato confides that Jimena and David have been his refuge.

    JE and Angel bid their ceremony guests goodbye as JE continues to tell her how wonderful she is as they run off hand and hand.

    In a scene I did not see, Cris calls to see if JE has left a message for her. The man tells her he hasn’t and assured that is something bad had happened they would have brought him to town. He will tell JE that she’s called several times.
    JE explains to the villagers about his method of growing crops.

    Luciano tells Fatima that unfortunately, nothing from his phone can be recovered. Adolfo calls and gives him the devastating news that the judge has granted custody of the children to Romina. He and Fatima are crushed. Luciano frets that there is nothing he can do about it. Fatima hugs him and urges he tell Javi and Mati but Luciano prefers to do it after the competition since Mati is looking forward to it.

    Cruella de Romina has a child proof lock placed on the apartment door so the children won’t be able to get out. She gets the call about being granted custody and her delighted smile decimates our spirits.

    The bought and paid for doctor tells Adolfo that Monica “almost” had a heart attack and should remain calm. BTW, Monica looks just fine to me. When Monica asks for Misael, Adolfo tells her he went to the office…and he needs to go too. Adolfo asks that Monica remain at the hospital until she fully recovers. After he leaves, Monica thanks the doctor for lying and will compensate him asap.


  3. VIVIR #95 Part 3

    When Misael wonders why Rebeca is at the company, she reminds him she is a shareholder and needs to look out for her interests…he needs to get used to seeing her…because she ain’t leaving’!

    Mati comes out ready for the competition as Luciano, Fatima and Javi beam. She sets out to look for Lucas.

    Sandra, (in another beautiful blouse, yellow with ruffled sleeves with red, green and yellow flowered embroidery) is again accosted by Bruno, threatening that she will pay for what she did. Fortunately, Lucas arrives. Sandra denies that Bruno was bothering her. After Bruno leaves, Lucas asks her to tell him the truth but she lies that she’s upset because of Gabriel who is not being nice to her. As Lucas hugs Sandra, Mati walks up as Gabriel twists the knife by telling her Lucas and Sandra are an item! Mati tells him it’s not true although her face reflects otherwise.

    When Mati returns, she sees her mother (along with a henchie in a suit) who tells Luciano that she came for her children…he lost! Luciano admits he hadn’t old the children; he wanted to wait until after the competition. Neither Mati nor Javi want to leave him. Romina accuses Luciano of brainwashing the kids against her and threatens to call the police if he doesn’t hand them over. Luciano regretfully tells Mati and Javi that they will have to go with their mother but will do whatever he can to resolve this. Romina is impatient and tells the children to get ready. Luciano tells Romina that he will not rest until he gets the kids back. There was a quick shot of Bruno lurking in the background watching. He makes a call.

    Javi tells Fatima that he wants to stay with them. Mati frets that she won’t be able to go to the competition. Lucas arrives and Javi tells him that they are leaving. Mati then tells Lucas that she saw him with Sandra, so he explains that he was only comforting her. She asks what about, but Lucas tells her it shouldn’t be him that tells her. She gets up obviously upset that he doesn’t have confidence in her. He retorts that she doesn’t have confidence in him either. She thinks Gabriel might be right and that Lucas is seeing Sandra. Fatima comes in and Lucas leaves quietly.


  4. VIVIR #95 Part 4 of 4

    Renato tells Santi about having dinner with Jimena who is having a hard time with Icky. Santi then presents a new dish. Renato samples it and declares it delicious. When he suggests Santi take it to Elena, Santi hesitates. Renato then advises that he fix things with his mother. Santi is reluctant but Renato encourages him and says he is very proud of him. Santi gives his chef a hug.

    Tina brings Elena the coffee-stained chef’s coat. She pulls out the chips and gives them to Elena. Elena stares at them in her hand.

    A worried Cris tells Don Emilio she hasn’t heard from JE. Don Emilio reminds her that JE is in an isolated community…bad news always arrives quickly. Rebeca eavesdrops as Cris talks about Angel leaving with the missionaries to look for JE.

    As JE oversees the workers in their almost paradise, Angel worries that she hasn’t contacted Cris to notify her that she has found JE. She tells him how she and her mother have reconciled as Elena knows about Rebeca’s lies.

    Rebeca’s lawyer tells her that the case fell apart since it was proven that her infidelity was during her marriage to JE. She insists he do something but he tells her there is nothing more that can be done. She calls him an idiot and hangs up. When she yells for Romina, Icky tells her Romina will be late…Monica ordered that Romina be taken to the hacienda in her car. He smarmily adds that he thought Romina only worked for Rebeca. With that, he smirks and leaves.

    JE calls Cris and Don Emilio who are ecstatic to hear from him. Adolfo runs in and greets his hijo. When Angel joins the conversation, JE confirms that they have reconciled. JE and Angel are living in a dream…to demonstrate that statement’s veracity, their endless kisses continue…

    Wise, perceptive and clever are but a few adjectives that describe my friend’s amazing ability to make sense of the fast-flowing (and often incessant) dialogue. I am so grateful for her valuable time and talent.


  5. Vivir. I don't know how you and your friend keep doing it day after day, Diana. Another superb and very perceptive recap! "Rebeca wormtongue"--love it! At this point in the novela could anything split JE and Angelli apart again? I'm not 100% sure something won't. Could Rebeca arrive over the horizon? Nah. And once again Mexican MDs show themselves to be easily corruptible. I'm surprised the Mexican equivalent of the AMA hasn't protested this novela. Misael was so right that Monica was faking it. I wonder if that "wedding" ceremony is based on any sort of authentic Mexican mythology. Yep, I loved the way Sandra kneed Bruno "in his not so precious jewels." He certainly had it coming. I also loved Sebastian's and Doris's interaction. They are so good for each other! Ho hum! Ho hum! The usual telenovela cliche of a character arriving at just the wrong time and seeing a chaste supportive hug and misinterpreting it as a romantic assignation--even in the case of youngsters like Mati and Lucas. Of course Romina arrives just in time to keep Mati from being able to participate in the horseback riding contest. Oh dear!

  6. VIVIR

    Thank you for your lovely words SpanProf. Your unfailing support is so appreciated!

    "The usual telenovela cliche of a character arriving at just the wrong time and seeing a chaste supportive hug and misinterpreting it as a romantic assignation--even in the case of youngsters like Mati and Lucas" was a wise and true observation.

    Doris and Sebas seem so happy and in love. We were all rooting for them and here they are...

    I am fearful there is ample time for yet another JE and Angel misunderstanding. I fervently hope I am wrong!

    "I wonder if that "wedding" ceremony is based on any sort of authentic Mexican mythology". You may well be right, I felt it a bit mystical and ethereal.


  7. Vivir

    Thanks Diana and friend, you guys make a great team! Misael knows his mother pays off doctors to say what she wants, I guess Adolfo never needed her for that but Misael did!

    Angel and JE saying nothing will come between them is an uh-oh moment. Although if they haven’t learned by now they don’t deserve to be together.

    Bruno is horrible. I wish Sandra would tell Fatima. And I can’t believe Fatima ever dated him.

    Seeing the door being fixed so she can lock the kids in is horrible. My first thought was them being trapped in a fire. She should lose custody just for putting them at risk. She’s not to bright, but we already knew that.

    I want to hit Wanda in the head. She can’t see what’s right in front of her. I hope she figures out Pedrito is her son before Misael finds him.

    Poor Santiago. He’ll bring that dish for Elena to taste and she’ll be too busy accusing him of gambling to even taste it. He should move into Angel’s empty apartment.

    When a liar promises not to lie anymore why would you believe them.


  8. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you.

    "When a liar promises not to lie anymore why would you believe them". Indeed, why would you??

    Yes, Romina locking the children inside the apartment without a means of egress is dangerous. And insane. I also thought about a fire...

    Great statement about how/why on earth Fatima ever dated Bruno. I'm not sure if he was always this offensive or just worsened with time. I hope he gets locked up. Let's switch him with the kids and let him rot in Romina's apartment.

    I bet you are right in thinking Elena will blow Santi off. She's getting rather proficient in doing that, isn't she? :)


  9. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap. I know that when this novela ends I will have withdrawal pains, not so much missing the novela, but missing your recaps.

    I am a bit surprised that Alma is still alive at this point. I thought Becky would get rid of her long ago.

    Monica had me fooled, I thought she really was having a heart attack. Half of CDMX must be on Monica's payroll!

    Bruno should be in jail, period. I'm amazed that he has been able to get away with this at least twice now with Sandra. The rest of the teenage angst, meh, I don't care.

    One really bright spot was Doris and Sebastian, now novios, though I kinda thought they were anyway. But now it's "official". Hopefully that doesn't mean they will have a fight and break up for a while.

    Armando and Gi maybe can help.

    Jimena's "thing" for Renato was always low key before now, I thought she was more interested in a pizzaria than in Renato, but it sure is bubbling along now.

    The Wanda, Misael, Pedrito story line might be interesting, maybe even fun. Here's hoping.

    Liz, "When a liar promises not to lie anymore why would you believe them" makes great sense!


  10. VIVIR

    Andy, I appreciate your very nice words.

    "Jimena's "thing" for Renato was always low key before now, I thought she was more interested in a pizzaria than in Renato, but it sure is bubbling along now" was just great and is but one of the many reasons I am so happy you are here.

    Brutish Bruno's assaults on Sandy (two tonight and one early on) have been nauseating. Unfortunately, he is smart enough not to pick on someone his own size, although I would have thoroughly enjoyed seeing Rebeca tear him limb from limb.

    Doris has found her true love, now she needs to accept her family. I fully trust that Gi will make that happen.

    I'm also anxious to see what happens with Misael, Wanda and Pedrito. BTW, where is Primitivo??

    Andy, I am also surprised Alma is still among the living. As she's come this far, I am hoping she can make it through the next 30 episodes! :)


  11. Vivir $95

    Gracias, Diana y amiga. You are a crackerjack team!

    With 30 episodes to go there is more than adequate time for at least two misunderstandings or other delays for couples en route to the FPS. Not to mention a fire in Romina's digs.

    There should be a major showdown between Misael and Monica about Pedrito. He gets more fed up with her ever scene they share.

    At least we didn't have to go through a whole month of JE being ill before his reunion with Angeli. Unlike Juan in FELS who had amnesia for a year until his beautiful horse found him.

    Since Rebecca and JE never voh-de-oh-doh-dohed the marriage was never valid and she is not entitled to anything of his. Do we blame the lawyers or the script writers?

  12. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and WPC (wise perceptive y clever translations). I got a kick out of: Rebecca Wormtongue, slight slip of a girl, cover her lying ass, henchie, and smarmily.

    Tony Award of the Day: Mónica’s one-woman show: Little Shop of Heart Attacks. Kudos for her staying in character until it was time to pay the crooked doctor. What a ham!

    Scumbag of the Day: Bruno. I cheered when Sandra kneed him in the brunettes . He certainly put a rush on his anvil. What a pig! Kudos to the actor though: Disgusting lechery was served! I was surprised to hear age-shifter Sandra refer to him as “joven.” Twice! Was it because he told her not to call him “señor?” ¿QTH? What a pig!

    Couple of the Day: Sebastián + Dorothea continue being the sweetest most realistically written couple in 95 episodes!

    MVP of the Day: I have never liked Misael, but today Josh Gutiérrez made me laugh out loud - ranting and venting in the waiting room with Adolfo. With insolence turned to a solid 11, he was sarcastic, condescending, brutally honest, and hilarious. Could he BE any more unconvinced (with Mónica’s teatro)? What a Misael Bing!

    Home Depot Customer of the Day: Big-Eyed Idiot Romina was at her most unlikable all hour - installing locks so her kids don’t escape?!? Tearing her kids away from Luciano? She and Bruno should have matching anvils. What a _____________! Ah. Ah. Ah. #familyblog

    Boo-ya of the Day: Big Reb’s attorney bursting her bubble with a reality check about her ridiculous scheme to steal shares and terrorize Rivera Cuéllar, Inc. I was going to be really disappointed if the writers kept that claptrap going. I was also delighted when, all of a sudden, Chismoso Icky popped up and inadvertently revealed that Child Proof Locks is in bed with Joker! dun Dun DUN!!!

    Random notes:
    •I’ve been meaning to give props to the kid playing Javi. He’s such a natural cheerleader, and his energy is infectious. I was sad to see him sad today.
    •Anybody who knows Santiago should know he’s being framed because since when does he come home with chips in his pocket? We thank God the boy can cook because a card sharp he ain’t!
    •Making out on speakerphone during a familial call is neither romantic nor couth. ¡Basta!

    Episode Stats:
    Broken glass: OO1
    “¡Caramba(s)!” from d. Emilio: OO1
    Stunning outfits Ang packed (and wore) for a dangerous jungle trip in the jungles to recapture HER MAN: at least OO4 (so far).

  13. OT

    Thanks Diana and Darcy for the kindest words, re: Episode 94. I’m so happy to give back to the patio and know that somewhere out there: someone giggles, gets it, and/or damn near spits out their coffee. Quite the honor.

  14. Vivir #95

    Good point, O.S., about the chips. They were of varying denominations so who would take those home rather than cash them out?

  15. Vivir

    I would like to compliment Monica's dress in this episode. Very becoming and classy, though probably still a bit over the top for the corporate world. I guess they live in a world where they still "dress" for dinner.

    Sandra not reporting or screaming when she is being accosted by Bruno is stupid. Fatima would kick him so far from the ranch Sandra's father would be safe from him. Also, her father should be informed, I'm sure he would protect his little girl.

    As others have mentioned, JE and Angelli's storyline is boring...FF.

    So at what age do siblings quit sharing bedrooms in the latin American countries.

  16. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Urban.

    "Since Rebecca and JE never voh-de-oh-doh-dohed the marriage was never valid and she is not entitled to anything of his. Do we blame the lawyers or the script writers?" is a great question. I vote the latter :)

    Ahhh Juan in FELS. (sighing over mental image). But yes, I'm glad we were spared another amnesia here and that he was found fairly quickly.

    Plenty of time for more mayhem and mischief and surely a near disaster due to that locked apartment door.

    So, Misael already killed his father; will he do Monica in as well???


  17. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your always kind words.

    The day is considerably brighter once again thanks to your marvelous comments that had me literally laughing out loud. I'm so appreciative you share your wit and wisdom with us so generously.

    "Little Shop of Heart Attacks", "brunettes", "Couple and MVP of the day et all" and so much more were all fantastic.

    "...Chismoso Icky popped up and inadvertently revealed that Child Proof Locks is in bed with Joker! dun Dun DUN!!!" was perfect.

    I have always thought Josh Gutiérrez was incredibly handsome (neither here nor there just sayin'). "With insolence turned to a solid 11, he was sarcastic, condescending, brutally honest, and hilarious" nailed his performance yesterday. He shone spectacularly.

    Last but far from least "Sebastián + Dorothea continue being the sweetest most realistically written couple in 95 episodes!" Exactly! Whoever would have thought it the way this started out? A delightful pairing we never saw coming.


  18. VIVIR

    Sandra is indeed in great peril; I don't think the writers would allow anything to happen to her but it's very upsetting nevertheless.

    Sandra must immediately report Bruno to her father, Fatima as well as the police.


  19. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana for another wonderful recap! I haven't been able to watch this morning because Vix is glitching again. It says the episode is there, but it isn't. Oh well, it'll show up soon enough, your recap is the most fun part of the experience anyway!

    I 1000% agree with you, Josh Gutiérrez IS incredibly handsome!!! Those eyes!!! Too bad he always plays villain roles, and you can't fully enjoy him. Oh, how I would like to see him in a galan role with a decent hair cut!!! That's must-see TV!!!

    I don't have much time to comment more this morning, but I'll catch up over the later today or tomorrow after I'm able to watch!

    Happy Friday everyone!!!

  20. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Darcy.

    Yes, Josh's eyes are mesmerizing, aren't they?? In La Malquerida, he was paired with Sabine Moussier who as you know has some sparkling eyes of her own. The two together were blinding!

    He is definitely galan material!


  21. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Always a treat.

    I'm ashamed to admit Monica fooled me. But I see the Boy Who Cried Wolf in her future.

    Poor Sandra. I wonder if social status has anything to do with why she won't report Bruno.

  22. OT

    Yes, Diana, I remember young Josh in Malquerida. Those ice blue eyes of his are mesmerizing . I guess he has settled into villain roles . I wonder why he is never cast in a galan role with that Unique black hair blue eyed look.

  23. OT

    Darcy. Ha..I read your comment about Josh after I posted mine !

  24. Vivid

    I was reading the comments backwards as I do sometimes and finally got to the snappy O.S.comment. Yes, day brightened up. As Ferro always reminded people reading this blog, we mock because we love these shows . I appreciate the clever opinions . I am always on the lookout for giggles.

    Yes, Angel was able to pack so many of her lovely,monochromatic teeny clothes in that carryon. I am a terrible packer, so I wish she would give some packing tips.

    I was trying to get a better kook at Reb's outfit....i think it was a jumpsuit ...yes, of course...symbolism sleeve... and one pants leg with a sheer panel on the other side . Temperature confusing garment.

    I think that the biggest winner at the end is going to be spunky , bulletproof Doris ...A sweet, goodhearted guy and brand new parents . Did you notice that Dory found that one mock neck top in her closet ? plunging cleavage!!! What's next ? Pastels? Susan

  25. Vivir. Kat made a great comment about Sandra and Bruno. And given that the hacienda seems to be a pretty traditional society, Sandra should tell her father about Bruno's rape attempts. Despite Bruno's threats, what would probably happen is that her father would enlist the help of friends (and maybe Gabe--he needs something useful to do) and together they would beat him to a pulp. It kind of reminds me of when I was having lunch years ago with a colleague and his Brazilian wife. There had been some big scandal in a Hispanic country about a young woman's being assaulted and the police not doing anything about it. My colleague's wife said: "Doesn't this woman have a father or brothers? Where I'm from they would step up and the rapist might not even escape with his life."

  26. VIVIR

    "But I see the Boy Who Cried Wolf in her future" completely agree and thank you Niecie.

    SpanProf, thank you for sharing your story. Familial justice is often swift. And fitting.


  27. VIVIR Recapping

    Hello everyone.

    I am taking hub for a medical procedure on Monday and will not be able to do the recap.

    If anyone is able to do a recap, post highlights or give a short summary, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Today's recap coming shortly.


  28. VIVIR #96 Part 1

    Angel and JE are on the phone with Don Emilio, Cris and Adolfo as JE asserts they are living in a dream. He and Angel continues their endless lip lock as Cris calls out “mi amor” to JE which reverberates in silence. Eventually, they are able to separate their lips and resume the conversation.

    Mati is dissolving in tears as a concerned Fatima enters. Mati tells Fatima that everything snowballed—she fought with Lucas and she doesn’t want to leave the hacienda. Fatima kindly gives her a phone in case Romina takes theirs away; that way they will always be in contact with their father. Mati thanks her and adds that she has no more doubts that Fatima loves her father. They hug tightly as Javi comes in and gets folded into the hug.

    Sandra approaches Lucas; she looks around nervously, asking if she can stay with him; she is afraid because someone is following her. Lucas assures her that everyone there will protect her (but who is going to protect him I frustratingly ask?).

    As Fatima accompanies the children out of the house, Romina snarls as she asks Luciano what his lover is doing hugging HER children. He tells her off as Javi puts his hands over his ears. She then tears into Fatima accusing her of destroying her marriage…she is the reason her children are losing their father! Luciano tells her to stop insulting Fatima. Another group hug sans Romina.

    Armando is trying to write Doris a letter but is crumpling up written page after page. Gi watches smiling and supportively from the doorway leaving unobtrusively.

    At el mercado, Doris complains about Armando…she will never forgive him! Wanda comments that she found her son’s father but she can’t find her son. Doris is shocked having no idea Wanda has a son! Wanda explains that she does indeed have a son; she has also found the father’s mother who is the one that stole the baby. Wanda is sure that her son has forgotten about her. Doris hugs her tightly and tells her not to cry since she at least has a memory of her son.

    Lucas swears to Mati that there is nothing between him and Sandra. Mati has doubts since she saw them hugging…she is confused. Lucas asks that she let him know when she gets to the city…then they will talk. He leaves as she bites her lip. Stalker Gabriel shows up but mercifully leaves quickly.

    Luciano asks the kids not to go out alone…and obey their mother. He tells them he loves them and would give his life for them. More comforting bear hugs as he kisses Mati’s forehead.

    Doris is at her stall talking to herself when Rebeca (still in her air-conditioned pleather coat) darkens her doorway, asking Doris to help her find out where JE is.


  29. VIVIR #96 Part 2

    Elena asks Brenda to have Santi come to her office. She then gets a call from Angel who tells her that she and JE are together and very happy. Elena smiles at the news until Angel asks for Santi; he arrives but Elena doesn’t let her speak to him. Te quiero Elena tells her. Angel gives her the number where Elena can leave her messages. After hanging up, Elena admonishes Santi for lying to her and asks why he is still going to the casino. She shows him the chips and asks if he lost the money she intended to pay the vendors with by gambling.

    Doris (in a lavender crop lace up top and very short skirt), arms folded tightly, refuses to help Rebeca since she knows all the horrible things Rebeca has done. Doris adds that she is Sebas’s novia and she won’t mess that up because of Reb. She tells Rebeca to leave…they are no longer friends! Rebeca comments that she has changed and adds that if she isn’t her friend, she is her enemy.

    A boy hands Doris a letter as Armando watches from the corner. When she sees that it’s from Armando, she complains that he doesn’t understand…she’s not going to forget all those years of abandonment. Fortunately for viewerville, this tirade was said out loud. Unfortunately though for Armando.

    Santi swears that he hasn’t gambled, but infuriated and fed-up Elena asks him to stop lying. Santi defends himself asking her to believe him but Elena continues accusing him. She orders him to leave but when Brenda appears, Santi waylays her, asking if Rebeca had been there. She confirms she was (albeit for a very brief time). At that admission, Santi passionately insists that it must have been Rebeca who planted the chips in his sweater. When Santi starts yelling that Rebeca is nefarious and a snake, brainwashed Elena slaps him and tells him not to talk about Rebeca that way. Santi holds his cheek and tells her that if she prefers Rebeca, he is leaving the house, the restaurant…and her life! As he turns on his heel and leaves, Elena perhaps realizing she’s been too rash, call out “hijo” but he is already gone.

    Romina tells the children that she has to work more now since their father isn’t providing any support. Oh how my heart aches for her! Not!

    Luciano tells Fatima that he has already transferred money to Romina so his children won’t need anything. She assures him that they will be fine. To make him feel better, she will pamper him and make him something to eat. He wonders if his kids have eaten. Fatima doubts Romina would leave them without food. (think again I say with the utmost sarcasm).

    Providing yet another example of being an unfit mother, Javi’s stomach is empty and Mati says the cupboards and fridge are more or less bare. Mati offers to make sandwiches with the little she found, but Javi isn’t hungry, he wants to see his father.


  30. VIVIR #96 Part 3

    Rebeca asks her attorney to work on the recognition deed…and she needs a copy of her father’s will.

    Bruno tells Misael that he saw Lucas at the hacienda. Misael doesn’t want Lucas to be a problem since he was Ramiro’s friend.

    Lucas tells Sandra (in the same beautiful yellow blouse from yesterday) that he is a mess because Mati is angry with him. He is going to look for her in the city so they can make up. When Sandra comments that she would like to go to the city to get away from her problems, Lucas suggests she go with him…she can stay at his house and she might be able to work at his father’s place. (Need I say what a terrible suggestion this is?)

    Mati and Javi have a video call with Luciano who assures them he will be there every weekend. In unison the kids tell him they miss him as Fatima blows them kisses in the background.

    At the restaurant, Elena asks Renato if Santi has been sticking to his schedule. Renato assures her that he has; he adds that Santi created a new dish. When Elena suspiciously asks if Renato is covering for Santi and if Renato has lent Santi money, Renato vehemently denies both accusations and speaks highly of Santi. Elena does (at the very least) manage to thank him. As she leaves, she seems to ruminate on what he told her.

    In an unaired scene, Mati thinks about the video she saw…and her mother suggesting that she get evidence against her father.

    Rebeca asks Romina what deal she made with Monica.

    Romina admits that Monica sought her out to convince her to betray Rebeca. When Rebeca asks what Romina told Monica, Romina denies saying anything…she asserts she would never betray Rebeca. Romina then adds that she took advantage to find information on Monica and Misael; they were the ones who sent the video to JE’s attorney so that Rebeca couldn’t get her hands on JE’s shares. Rebeca vents that she plans to take Monica’s shares and leave her with NADA! She’ll do it by using the same tactics Monica employs.

    Marisa, Lupe and La Pinky wonder if Angel found JE; they imagine Angel is very happy with her love. La Pinky makes her not yet famous heart sign with her hands.

    Speaking of the lovebirds…JE and Angel stroll in the sunshine, laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other.

    Sandra tells her father that she wants to leave the hacienda because she isn’t happy there…she wants to leave asap. Domingo thinks she is crazy, but Sandra argues that danger is everywhere and he doesn’t even realize it. He asks if something happened to her but Sandra remains tight lipped as she flashes back to Bruno’s assault and threat to hurt her father. Sadly, Sandra denies anything happened and then explains how Lucas is going to help her. Domingo sits her down as he ponders what she is asking of him. She asks if he believes in her; of course he does. Unfortunately he does concede as he wants his beloved daughter to be happy and fulfill her dreams. He hugs Sandra tightly and presses money into her hands. She doesn’t want to take it but ends up thanking him. He blesses her as he looks as though he is about to cry that his little girl is leaving. As well he should.


  31. VIVIR #96 Part 4

    Lucas tells Luciano and Fatima that he is leaving and thanks them for everything. They wish him the best; when Sandra arrives, they take their leave. As Luciano and Fatima are smiling broadly and seemingly unconcerned, I realize they likely don’t know Brayan has been released. Miscommunication continues to abound…

    JE and Angel are at a restaurant. Angel worries about Santi so JE tells her that if something were wrong, Santi would have told her. JE proposes that they love their lives to the max!

    Anastasio gives Misael a verbal report on Lucas. He tells Misael about Gabriel setting up Lucas and that Lucas had been there but has already left…taking Sandra with him. Misael orders him to keep an eye out he is worried about what Lucas is up to. Bruno tells him not to worry because there is no evidence that Misael killed Dulce. Misael worries that Rebeca will go to any length to get what she wants. When Bruno suggests they “get rid of” Rebeca, Misael stands up, angrily warning him not to touch Rebeca. Bruno tells Misael he is obsessed and then seemingly backs off. (Inquiring minds wonder: does Misael want to do it himself or is he still smitten?)

    Newly minted double agent Romina meets with Monica (still in her hospital bed) and tells her that Rebeca is trying to get evidence against Misael. Monica isn’t worried because anything that could be found is well buried.

    Don Emillio, Cris and Adolfo arrive to visit Monica. When Romina leaves, Cris and Don Emilio vociferously warn Monica to be very careful with Romina; she cannot be trusted. Adolfo asks her how she is and she answers mal.

    Romina gives Rebeca a report of her discussion with Monica. Rebeca mulls that the Rivera Cuellars are not him so this is her opportunity to go in and find the evidence.

    JE, Angel by his side, finishes instructing the villagers (Julia front and center) on how to grow crops…and they can start cultivating. When JE gives advice on how to sell the product, one of the men tells JE that no one there knows how to read so they would not be able to understand the contracts. Angel volunteers to teach them how to read which elicits nods and smiles.

    In a cut scene, Javi is hungry and asks Mati why she is sad. She misses their father. Javi (correctly) thinks his mother only cares about her work.


  32. VIVIR #96 Part 5 of 5

    David tells Jimena that he prefers Renato to his father—Renato loves him more. Jimena kindly holds his hands and tells him his father loves him; he will always be his father. David asks if she will marry Renato. Jimena laughs (rather delightedly at the thought) saying they are just friends.

    Renato sees that Santi is upset so Santi angrily tells him that his mother accused him of stealing money. Renato tells him to calm down so he can explain himself to his mother, but Santi retorts that his mother only listens to Rebeca who probably planted the chips. Renato thinks Santi is right since Rebeca did the same thing to Angel. Santi then tells Renato that Angel is with JE. Renato sighs but seems reconciled.

    Angel (in a crop top and short jacket) has set up a classroom and is teaching the villagers how to read as JE and Julia watch in the background. Questions and answers are bandied about and Esperanza, one of the students watches intently as Angel starts to write her name on the blackboard.

    Rebeca sneaks into the big house to look for the evidence against Misael. She ransacks a few drawers downstairs and in the bedroom without success. She remembers that Romina mentioned “buried” and deduces the evidence is in the garden. Now in the hallway, she overhears Misael who (conveniently just at that precise moment) thinks OUT LOUD that he won’t allow Rebeca to get those documents. She watches as he removes the documents from the potted plant where they are hidden as he states that he will destroy them himself!!

    Mi marvelous amiga captured the tone of this episode with her always wise and witty flare. I am so grateful we are the recipients of her wisdom and insight.


  33. Vivir. Another excellent and very perceptive recap, Diana and friend. "endless liplock"--love it! Romina locks the children in an apartment, with no key and no easy exit, leaves them virtually no food, and then goes off to hours of work. I think that Luciano will have excellent grounds to regain custody based on child abuse. It was clever of Fatima to give Mati a secret iphone--and maybe it will save her life. Good observation on "Who will protect Lucas?" Yep, it probably won't go over well with Mati that he has brought Sandra with him to the city. Both of their lives are probably now in danger as well. Btw, it's easy to learn to read in Spanish, but not THAT easy. Shouldn't Angelli be starting out with the letters of the alphabet and their sounds?

  34. OT. I hope your medical procedure goes very well, Diana!

  35. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you very much.

    "Romina locks the children in an apartment, with no key and no easy exit, leaves them virtually no food, and then goes off to hours of work" was spot on. Unfit. Totally.

    Lucas and Sandy are in grave danger especially as they are now not only in Brayan's sights but Misael as well. I was shocked her well meaning father allowed her to go with merely a "pretty please".

    SpanProf, it's hub who is having the procedure, I am accompanying him. I thank you for your kind well wishes :)


  36. Vivir

    Thanks Diana and Omni

    Vocab ..Kill the rabid dog or something like Bruno eliminating Rebecca....

    Things that make me go hmmm..
    Wanda and Misael, both blue eyed, have a brown eyed Pedrito for their son ...pretty sure that is not possible from my biology class, 2 recessive trait genes can not produce a brown (dominant trait)
    Sandra and Lucas really travel light. He had a backpack which may hold some socks and underwear, possibly a Tshirt or 2. couldn't see what she had but probably the same. I guess Sandra must be 18 if she is off to the big city to change her life. Lucas just assuming his folks will put her up and give her a job, hmmm....

    I don't understand the preoccupation with Lucas just because he was a cell mate of the guy they set up for Dulce's murder. shouldn't Misael be more worried about Santi, or do they figure since he was the one who broke into the safe they can easily throw him under the bus on the theft and Dulce's murder.

    Angelli is going to teach them to read and write in a few days or a month..hmmm...

    Why don't they take those chips and cash them in? Then again, I've never gambled but it seems you would need to cash out before leaving....

    That pleather jacket is hideous!

  37. OT. Best ol luck to hub, then, Diana. He's lucky to have your support!

  38. VIVIR

    Thanks Kat.

    With all Misael has to contend with/worry about (especially as he is supposedly on the revenge track with Rebeca), I think Santi has somewhat taken a back seat on his list. Misael does think Lucas knows too much and I fear it will be a race to see who can get to him first, Misael or Brayan.

    Thank you for noting the blue eyed parents had a brown eyed boy.

    Yes, that coat of pleather is horrid indeed! :0

    SpanProf, thanks again for your nice words.


  39. Vivir
    Another super, thorough, and witty recap Diana and Omnisciente. An excellent team. Thank you so much!

    Kat, vocab, “muerto el perro, se acabó la rabia.” When the dog is dead, the threat of rabies is over = deal with source of the problem.
    Yes, the pleather is hideous, and the mustard top too. Haven’t we had too many days of this? Maybe as Reb’s world unravels, her outfits will too.

    Monica looked so much more attractive in her hospital bed with lipstick lightly applied.
    Sweet Sandra escaping Bruno but heading into harm’s way is troubling. Odd how Domingo, Luciano, and Fatima were okay, sure, bus leaves in an hour, no problem! Wondering if she ditches her beautiful blouses in CDMX and changes her “luke.”

    I like that both JE and Angel have practical skills to share with the community. I defer to the educators on the patio, but I thought Angel cleverly used the name of the village and incorporated the names of the students. They seemed engaged. She teaches English, too!
    Romina is in way over her head.
    Definitely beanie time with Misael narrating out loud and moving that planter directly into Reb’s line of sight. Oh well, sacrifices must be made to advance the plot.

    Thanks again, and Diana, good luck to you and Hub on Monday.

  40. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap! I hope Monday is a good day and your hub's procedure goes well and smoothly.

    I love Doris, but she is being a bit silly. Of course, we know that Doris is not a real brain trust, so... But she should at least listen to Armando and then she would know if he deserves a good kick in the pants or forgiveness. And she might just like having a father, which I think is where this will wind up. And it would be nice for all involved.

    She does have to be careful with Big Bad Becky now.

    I have been wondering about the chips that Becky planted. Are they real casino chips worth real money? Or did she buy them at the party store where someone might buy a box of chips for the Friday night, "The work week is over!", poker game with the guys and most of the other chips are potato chips or Cheetos.
    Don't take any party store chips to a casino trying to cash them in, you would most likely have to explain to either the police or some surly and dangerous looking guys.

    Well, maybe send Elena, who has worn down my patience.

    "When Sandra comments that she would like to go to the city to get away from her problems, Lucas suggests she go with him…she can stay at his house and she might be able to work at his father’s place. (Need I say what a terrible suggestion this is?)"

    But, Diana, what could possibly go wrong???

    Wait! Her father said it was okay??? What, jumping the shark with more than 25 chapters to go??

    Um, where were Angel and JE walking? It didn't look too isolated to me. Did I miss something?
    And now they are teaching the locals how to farm and how to read. Okay. FFWD>>

    Ah, yes, important documents hidden in a potted plant. A little soggy by now, but safe since Mistake got them before Becky did and will destroy them. Right?

    exasperated Andy

  41. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for every detail as the big wheel keeps on turning.

    There have been so many back and forths from the city to the hacienda. I have lost count of how many times Lucas has escaped to the hacienda only to boomerang right back to the barrio

    I am worried about Doris standing up to Reb.

    Romina isn't smart enough to play monkey in the middle between Monica and Reb. She is in way over her red head. Locking her kids in without much in the frig. Geez.

    JE is addressing the FFJ ( Future Farmers of the Jungle ...shout out to my buds in the FFA). Then he is observing Angel as she teaches folks how to read in an afternoon. Yes. Totally believable . #hookedonphonics

    That black fulllength pleather coat that Reb had on is just right to wear if you really want to wear a coat , but it is way too hot to wear a coat. #makingfashionworkforyou

    Mistake has one friend ...and it's Bruno. I almost feel sorry for Old Blue Eyes...almost.


  42. Vivir

    The documents in the soil of the potted plant made me think of "Pasion " in which a major storyline involves a stolen letter hidden under the ground at a tree which caused a lot of discussion here on the patio regarding how long before paper would disintegrate . #scienceandcaray

  43. OT..Dear Diana, sending good vibes to you and hub .

  44. VIVIR

    Hi Clara, thank you for your lovely words.

    "Maybe as Reb’s world unravels, her outfits will too" was wonderful! HA!

    "Monica looked so much more attractive in her hospital bed with lipstick lightly applied". Yes, so she did.

    "I thought Angel cleverly used the name of the village and incorporated the names of the students". Thank you for that, I didn't realize that but completely agree her audience seemed to be at rapt attention.

    I agree Romina is in way too deep; she is playing way out of her league...

    How fortuitous that Rebeca arrived JUST in time to rescue the documents. Beanie time indeed!


  45. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so very much.

    I loved this: "I have been wondering about the chips that Becky planted. Are they real casino chips worth real money? Or did she buy them at the party store where someone might buy a box of chips for the Friday night, "The work week is over!", poker game with the guys and most of the other chips are potato chips or Cheetos". Great question!

    I'm thinking Doris, Sebas, Gi and Armando end up as a happy family and I look forward to that. I'm not however counting on Doris escaping Beca's clutches. I agree, she better watch her step.

    I'm also still scratching my head Domingo let his little girl leave with Lucas. Stunned, pure and simple.

    "Ah, yes, important documents hidden in a potted plant. A little soggy by now, but safe since Mistake got them before Becky did and will destroy them. Right?" Call me cynical but I suspect the documents will not be shredded and Beca will get her nasty little claws on them. I share you exasperation.

    Thank you for your good wishes Andy.


  46. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you so much. I appreciate your good wishes.

    The patio is in fine form this evening!

    Your humor is on fire with "I have lost count of how many times Lucas has escaped to the hacienda only to boomerang right back to the barrio" and especially "Romina isn't smart enough to play monkey in the middle between Monica and Reb". So true (and I wish I'd said that).

    I'm so glad you brought up Pasion where Camila's (Susana Gonzalez') letter to Santiago (Sebastian Rulli) was intercepted by and buried in the dirt by her sister Rita as she wanted Santi who mistakenly thought Camila dead. Yup, another important document buried in the soil. Unlike the letter, I do believe these documents however, will survive the potted plant.


  47. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana and friend, another outstanding recap!

    Lucas and Sandra are both walking into danger. Sandra must think Bruno is still at the hacienda and now he knows she is heading to town. Does Lucas even know Misael? He won’t recognize the danger he’s in from an unknown.

    I have no pity for Elena as her son walks out on her. And it was so petty of her not to let him talk to Angel. I hope she doesn’t share that number with Rebeca.

    When Angel first got to the village it was, I thought, a long, dangerous journey to JE’s place. Now they seem to walk there for the afternoon!

    Romina is playing at being a double agent but can’t even provide for her kids. And Luciano and Fatima were saints when Romina said it was Fatima’s fault the marriage ended. If she can’t remember deserting her family twice how will she remember what she tells Rebeca vs. what she tells Monica. Although I think her loyalties lie with Rebeca.

    Diana, I hope all goes well for your husband Monday.


  48. Vivir
    Some further musings....
    Rebecca still has possession of Chris' shares in the company, correct?
    Now that Petra is free does that mean Chris can get hers back.
    I would have thought the custody hearing would have required the presence of the parties involved. I'm amazed at how all these things get decided by a judge with no "trial" per se. In a lot of cases the wishes of the children also have some sway, especially in the case of Mati as she is 15 or so.

  49. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz! Thank you for your good wishes.

    "If she can’t remember deserting her family twice how will she remember what she tells Rebeca vs. what she tells Monica" is an excellent point. Romina hasn't seemed very clever thus far.

    Yes, Elena is choosing Rebeca over both of her children. Sadly. But again, she is going to be devastated when she learns the truth about Rebeca. I fully suspec both Angel and Santi will be there to catch her fall.

    Kat, I thought there was a possibility Mati might be asked if she had a preference as to whom she wished to stay with, but guess not.


  50. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana! Your recap is wonderful as always!! I actually really enjoy reading the recap first and then watching the episodes. You make sense out of it and then I watch it unfold lol. Your version of the story is ALWAYS better too! You are much more compassionate in your retelling than I would be.

    I suppose I'm happy Angel and JE are happy, and I am all for missionary work and giving the people needed skills, but I can't help thinking about how JE has a company under attack and going bankrupt to deal with at home, while Angel is trying to get a co-op off the ground and her family is under fire by Beca!! This is the wrong time for either of them to just run off to the jungle and not one single person shows any concern for the responsibilities they are neglecting!!! The non-reactions in this novela are unfailingly laughable, and just odd - even by novela standards.

    Romina is awful, she is just deplorable!!! I'm with Liz, how do you abandon your family, tell you husband to take a hike, and then come back and are still able to say to someone else, 'YOU are the only reason my marriage is failing'!!! I'm oddly almost jealous of that much bravado!!! I don't want to do it, I just want to be able to imagine being ABLE to do it!

    I still don't understand why Mis cares about Lucas, but I'm tired of harping on this so I'll just shake my head.

    I feel bad for Santi, but I have to acknowledge in this one case Elena is reacting the way a normal parent of a gambling addict would. Addicts typical lie and cover things up. Rebeca chose the perfect angle to attack Santi, unlike Angel who she accused of doing things totally out of character, she's now trying to convince Elena that Santi is doing things he has been known for doing!

  51. Vivir de amor (Trivia)

    Pretty Sandra has always looked like a very young girl to me and I have wondered about her age, both as a character and the actress's real age.

    I could not find much info about her in the usual places, but finally found this much:

    Paola Hasany or Paola Hasany Santos

    from Imdb:
    Paola is an actress born in Puerto Rico. This Puerto Rican actress is known for her role in Mi Secreto. She is from Guaynabo, PR. Her parents are Harry Santos and Vannesa Falcon. Besides being an upcoming actress, she also has a BA in Journalism and has already published. Paola is a proud Puerto Rico born young actress that will surprise many in the future.

    (No sign of her at Wikipedia article on "Mi Secreto", English or Spanish pages.) (Spoilers??) says she is 24 years old.
    I don't know much about this site other than it had info on "Paola Hasany".

    I was very much surprised, I have always thought she was much younger. Certainly she is as "Sandra".


  52. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Darcy for your very kind words!

    "I feel bad for Santi, but I have to acknowledge in this one case Elena is reacting the way a normal parent of a gambling addict would. Addicts typical lie and cover things up. Rebeca chose the perfect angle to attack Santi..." Very wise and as usual, you are the voice of reason Darcy.

    "JE has a company under attack and going bankrupt to deal with at home, while Angel is trying to get a co-op off the ground and her family is under fire by Beca!!" is an excellent point. Scampering off into the wilderness abandoning all the pending pressures and problems was unexpected and surprising. I wonder if the writers thought that embracing a humane and altruistic cause would atone for some of JE's earlier nastiness and morph into a more warm and cuddly galan. The jury's still out on that (IMHO).

    Everybody hates Romina :)

    I know there is a plausible reason that Misael wants Lucas but honestly, there is so much that has already transpired I'm not sure exactly what it is either.


  53. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for the info on Paola.

    Although she looks very young (even pre-teen), I did think she was likely 15 or 16. To learn she is an adult was a bit surprising.

    Bless her for her youthful appearance. She can obviously play a teenage love interest for the time being and will have plenty of time to morph into more adult parts if she chooses. That Bachelor's degree will likely come in handy as well :)


  54. Vivir

    Regarding Sandra, some people just look much younger than their years.About ten years ago, our family doctor retired , and his replacement looked very young to hub and me . We used to refer to him as " Doogie Houser." Then , our former doctor told us that he wasn't that young and that he was an engineer before he became a doctor . Sandra we be able to play a teen for a long time. Part of is because she is so petite.

  55. Vivir

    I used to work at a gas station and one day try his ‘kid’ came in to buy cigarettes and I carded him because I was SURE he was only 15-16. He was 30!!!! I was flabbergasted! I was told his dad was just as young looking and when they went to bars together they both got carded!!!

  56. ***This not ‘try his,’ I think that was an auto correct fail but maybe I am too tired to type.

  57. Vivir de amor (Trivia)

    Susan, yeah, Sandra is very definitely petite. I do think they have been changing her makeup a bit to make her look just a little older.

    Darcy, some people are lucky and look young even when they are not. I don't think that being occasionally carded would be all that awful.


  58. Vivir

    Super recap, Diana and friend. I love all your commentary.

    I'm looking forward to Sandra in the city. That's a surprise turn of events, but despite the danger, for the best. She deserves better than pining for pitiful Gabriel and doing laundry.

    Rebeca is the luckiest snoop ever. She's always able to find hidden docs. I'm in no way a techie, but shouldn't Misael have kept his incriminating stuff on an encrypted flash drive or something? I vote he still has crazy love for her.

    Fatima kindly gives her a phone in case Romina takes theirs away

    Kudos to Fatima for doing something smart and sensible in the land where almost no one does.
