
Thursday, July 18, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #87, "Romeo, Juliet and the wicked witch of the West"

The little kids talk with our main couple about their schoolwork. Monito feels less then, he gets encouraged. They are all still scared about what happened, their parents tell them they are searching for someone to help them deal with everything.

The teens quarrel about what to do about Ginebra. Gala and Bosco want to act, Pepa and Salo think they should let the grown-ups deal with it. 

Lupita and Porfirio are in the Vila garden, courting (I don’t know how to call it otherwise, it’s sweet, and old-fashioned), Porfi asks Lupita to go steady.

In Kenzo’s office, Humber tells him that he has a hard time getting Felipa out of jail. Kenzo is still not ready to tell Esteban about Jero’s intentions with Gala. When Humber leaves, Paz and Esteban arrive, and they talk about the stock that Gin bought from Mystery Inc. The authorities are looking into it. Esteban can see that Kenzo is not feeling good, he apologizes to them in his head that he can’t tell them everything because he needs to protect his family. Out loud he only mentions that he has a lot on his mind. I have a very bad feeling about this, Jeronimo might not get all his nasty genes from Felipa after all. 

Jero was brought to Ginebra, who is threatening him with a gun.  He begs for his life and eventually offers to facilitate her access to the kids. His mom is in jail, Sandro is not his brother and his father forced him to give away all his money. But he didn’t tell Esteban that he tried to mess with Gala and Bosco because he wants to protect him from going to jail. Ginebra removes most of the bullets in her gun; only keeps one.

Oh, a good old fashioned Russian roulette game. Almost to soft for the likes of Ginebra Nicoliti, with Jero she should go straight to torture.

She points at Jero’s chest and bang! No bullet comes out, Jero promises to do whatever she asks of him. She points the gun at his groin and once again there is a bang with no bullet (even Abdul seems disturbed). Jero is surely wetting himself as Ginebra offers to show him how to use a weapon. He takes the gun with a shaky hand, leaving all his fingerprints on it.

Castro tells Elvira they couldn’t find anything odd in Ginebra’s stuff at the company. Paz and Esteban arrive to ask about the deal Gin has made. Who is her lawyer? Castro says he doesn’t have access to that information. Paz is worried they can lose Maria and Monito, Esteban assures her that will never happen.

They all start looking through company documents to see if Ginebra caused any harm. Are they searching in order to find out what in the world they are selling/ producing/ creating? Never mind, it's kind of late in the game for that. Elvira is thankful to Esteban for protecting her company better than she ever could.

Mireya tells Paz that she’s going to the house to get some documents Pepa needs for his new school. Humber will escort her. Paz realizes something is going on between them and approves wholeheartedly. Mireya gives her sister a big hug and says a rather intense goodbye, that gives Paz a bad feeling.

Esteban has cooked for Paz and they are about to sit down for dinner when Lupita and Elvira arrive to tell them they are friends now and they have decided they can’t allow panic to control their lives. And, grabbing Elvira’s hand, Lupita says that they’ve both found love. Paz and Esteban exchange a half-scared half-bewildered look, Paz asks if they found love with one another. It’s funny because it works. More funny denial from Lupita, then she says she loves Porfirio. Paz is happy, she hugs her mother.

Elvira almost doesn’t dare confess after the way that she has behaved in the past, but she eventually says “Fobo”. Esteban smiles, calls her “picarona”, meaning a naughty girl, and Elvira smiles, although she's still very uncomfortable. 

Mireya sends Humber a text saying Mauro is late. But there he is, he explains he wanted to take his time to make sure she was alone. She wants him to assure her the family will be safe, he only cares about her beauty. She insists about the family, he never loved her truly. He denies this, she did make him feel love but she also played with him. Mireya thinks he should man up and deal with the consequences of his acts, don’t allow Ginebra to continue to manipulate him. He rejects this claim, he’s not his sister’s puppet. He grabs her arm and wants to drag her away, but Humber arrives with a gun. Mauro pulls out a weapon, too, tells Humber Mireya is only using him to forget about their love. The men quarrel about who Mireya might love more and the kind of woman she is. Humber accuses Mauro of being Ginebra’s lackey, a good for nothing scumbag, with no will of his own.

Mireya tries to stop the confrontation, she screams that she loves Mauro in order to stop him from shooting. A gun is fired twice, and going by Mauro's shocked face, I don't think he fired any of the shots because Ginebra has sneaked up on them, holding a gun (and she definitely shot the second time).

Mireya and Humber are both wounded, and on the ground. They’re about to lose consciousness and Mauro goes to Mireya, tells her that he loves her truly, he only wished to run away with her. Ginebra demands that they leave immediately, Mauro wants to help Mireya but eventually caves and leaves with his sister.

We see that both Humber and Mireya are still alive, but barely holding on. They grab hands and they say “I love you”.

Mauro makes an anonymous call to an ambulance.

Paz, Esteban, Lupita and Elvira are now sitting at the table but Elvira still feels ashamed. She is worried about the kids and people’s reaction but Paz and Esteban are proud and encouraging. Lupita whistles for the novios to arrive and then Esteban pretends to be worried about their intentions with the ladies, he demands explanations. Fobo and Porfirio look uncomfortable, but then they all start laughing and joking about the whole thing.

They all eat together and have a great time, Esteban jokes some more about Elvira and Fobo, who talks about his love and promises not to make any mistakes. Porfirio and Paz have to build a relationship, too. Elvira is still worried about Gin being around, but she will do her best to be happy. Esteban asks for a kiss, kiss, kiss! He kisses Paz, Fobo kisses an embarrassed Elvira (and appears to be enjoying it very much) and Porfirio kisses Lupita.

But then the fun is over, because Paz gets a phone call about Mireya and Humber being shot. Both Porfirio and Lupita start to hyperventilate.

Ginebra and Mauro are back at their hotel. She is taking care of the gun, plans to take a shower (as one should after possibly commiting double homicide).  But Mauro’s about to lose it. He’s spent years wanting to tell her what he really feels, and especially now after she shot the woman he loves. Because he does know about love, as opposed to her. He even used to love her, then Sam and now Mireya. And Mireya was going to run away with him in order to protect her kids. Ginebra says the only woman who has ever loved him was her. Mauro doesn’t agree, she never loved anyone, not even Esteban or herself. But he cares about Mireya, who is a good woman. Ginebra says Mireya betrayed him, why else would Humberto be around? Mauro is tormented by this thought.

The teens are still together, thinking about ways to solve their problems. Gala thinks if they break the Nicoliti alliance they could get to them, but Salo points out his mom already tried this once. Bosco is furious Ginebra made a fool of them.

Jeronimo arrives, looking all repentant, he wants to talk to them. He’s all alone and feeling so bad for the way he behaved with them. He feels envious of their beautiful friendship. Salo reminds him how he treated Gala, he should start by apologizing to her. Jero continues his woe me story, the police took all his money, his mom is in jail, he only needs someone to start believing in him again.

Gala says they need time to think about it and maybe he should understand that if he’s alone now is because of all the pain he’s caused in the past.

Samaria wants to talk to Ginebra, maybe she can change her mind. Eder thinks it could be a good idea, Monito not so much. Sam is sad because of Gin but happy Paz is her mom. Maybe she could talk with Mauro. Eder asks her not to think about leaving the house, it could be very dangerous. Sam understands, but how could she talk with Gin then?

Humber and Mireya are both brought to the hospital. They are intubated and Mireya dreams about spending time together on the roof, Humber’s declaration and her agreeing to have a relationship.

The family arrives and they are told both patients are in surgery and need blood transfusions. Pepa sobs, they all wonder why Humber and Mireya left alone, Paz realizes they went to see Mauro. A priest comes to encourage Porfirio.

A doctor arrives to say the bullet wounds caused great damage and one of their loved ones is in grave danger. It’s dramatic but ridiculous, who speaks like this?

At the hotel, Mauro fantasizes about marrying Mireya at her house, after their love has conquered it all. It’s sad because it could have been this way.

Back to reality, Ginebra calls for him. She’s wearing a comfortable looking bathrobe (as one should after taking a shower after commiting double homicide) and playing chess, wondering who they should eliminate next. Will Mireya and Humber both die? Or only one? Because if they both live, they’re going to have to kill them again. She looks giddy. So she pulled the trigger both times, right?

Elvira tells Fobo that if Gin kills the mother she hates so much the others might still have a chance to survive. Fobo doesn’t like what he hears.

Gala searches for information about the type of deal Ginebra might have made with the police. She and Bosco are both afraid more people will die and are worried Pepa and Salo will go through the pain of losing their mother, too.

Gema doesn’t care about her baby, she even thinks about selling it to Ginebra. Jero looks bad, he says he’s thinking about Sandro. He gets a text from Gin, “time to start the plan”.

At the same time, Gin gets good news on the phone, Mauro asks what it is and she happily says that she managed to pull of the first death. Let the tears begin.  

Paz, Lupita and the boys run to a hospital room, followed by Esteban and Porfirio. But who are they crying about??

End show!


  1. Adriana: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. More evil, more chaos.

    When's the Gran Final ?

  2. The excess of cruelty and wanton killing is making me want to skip the rest of this show! I liked your reference to the mystery Inc and who really even cares anymore. I would hope the children can't manage to escape to find Gin and Mauro, but they sure are alluding to that possibility. If they do it surely doesn't say much for their security team.

    Why in the world is Kenzo keeping stuff from Esteban. Don't the police know that Sandro was one of the stolen babies? Surely there is a database of DNA from the parents that lost their babies that they should start trying to find his natural parents. Gee, maybe Jero isn't actually his either, I wouldn't put it past Felipa to have cheated on him.

    The one light-hearted scene was with Lupita and Elvira, but we knew that was going to be ruined at any minute.

    I'm always shocked when these hospitals in TN's say they need blood and they all jump in to give. Don't they have testing protocols to make sure the blood is free of AIDS etc down there? Not to mention the whole blood typing, yes that can be determined right away, but only compatible blood types can be used. Ah well, such is the fairytale world of these shows.

    I'm guessing Hum is the dead one. I had a bad feeling about the Dr. He is probably on Gin's payroll, or that priest, though since Porfirio knew him maybe he was the real deal.

  3. Merci beaucoup, Adriana. This was a tense episode.

    The more I see Mauro's mental health deteriorating the more convinced I am that Gorilla was his first and only direct murder victim. It's as though murder was theoretical to him when someone else did it out of his sight. It has become more real to him ever since he arrived at the scene of Elias' murder just in time to see Ginebra shoot him in cold blood. He is now beyond even the best shrink's ability to help him.

    Jeronimo is a total idiot and Gema is worse than I thought. Sell her baby to Ginebra? That is not only cold; it shows her stupidity in thinking that Ginebra would even pay her; Ginebra would have no qualms about killing her. There is no doubt in my mind that if Ginebra would succeed in killing off Elvira and everyone connected to her her bloodlust would not be satisfied and she would continue to kill until being shot dead by police. Or the mysterious boss of Sabon.

    Kat, I agree about Gala and Bosco. Let the adults handle this.

    Steve, expect to see the finale date tomorrow night. With only 9 episodes left as of today it's time for that announcement unless the network is holding off because of the possibility that there will be more than the two announced pre-emption dates (tonight's and next Thursday's). My prediction is Monday the 29th if not and we get two hours or on Friday, August 2nd if there is even one more pre-emption.

  4. The final is currently scheduled for Tuesday July 30. Tonight and next Thursday are preempted, at least according to my cable company.

  5. I don't recall a finale airing on a Tuesday, but I'm game for it.

  6. Thanks Adriana, as I watched I was lost at times. Couldn’t tell who did the shooting, then the doctor’s message was strange. It looked like Mireya had a shoulder wound but Humberto looked like he was shot in the chest. I’m guessing Humberto died. I liked him and he was a big help in this mess. Not sure why Mireya would think if she went with Mauro her family would be spared. They all know Ginebra is the killer.

    If the house is so guarded how did Jeronimo get in? I really thought he had a gun on him. He and Gala are a future Mauro and Gin, except he’d be the Gin.

    I’m disappointed in Kenzo. He needs to share everything with them. He knows his son was working with Gin and his mom. The security people need to be aware of that.

    I enjoyed the novio scene. It did look like Lupita and Elvira were announcing a relationship.

    I would be a basket case in this situation. It amazes me that they just go on with their lives!


  7. Adriana, merci. Tres bien. Well, you gave us every moment as severe plunged into this sea of tears. We all know that in a telenovela , an innocent must die, but will Gin kill other family members .

    Gin miraculously is out of prison even after her reign of terror while there . okay. Who is going to stop her vendetta ? Yikes

  8. Thanks, Adriana. I so enjoyed your recap. It was a very exciting episode.

    Liz, great question about how did Jerónimo get in. Either the house is under lock and key or it is not. Did somebody immediately exclude him because the family knows him? Stupidity reigns supreme!

    Another superlative performance from Tiago Correa as Mauro.

  9. Thanks, Adriana.
    Why, Mireya, just why? How did she think she could protect her kids from Gin? I mean, Mauro isn't the only danger here. I just want these plots to make more sense sometimes. And why is Mireya the one to end up alone? What is this? 'Wanted to be with your kids, so here you go?'
    They can just let Sam, Salo and Gala out. Gin could then just come up with some fun killing game. At least Sam is a child and Gin was her 'mum' for a few years. For someone who wants to work in law, Gala is a bit too impulsive.
    That 'btween the two of you' joke was genuinely funny. And it's damn hard to come up with funny jokes.
    Ginevra should make up her mind. A few episodes ago she said Mauro should have been left to die in that orphanage. Now 'I am the only one who loved you'. He doesn't appear to have memory isues, Gin.
    Urban, do you have any true crime podcast/youtube channel recommendations?

  10. Adriana,

    Thank you for soldiering on through this painful, morbid episode to provide such an enlightening and well written recap.

    Last night wiped out any love and lightness we've seen thus far.

    I had feared Ginebra was going to kill Pepa, now it's either Mir or Humberto. I cannot see it being Mir, so I fear it's Humberto. Either way, what a tragic ending for the couple we were all rooting and hoping for.

    I agree that Mauro's acting was superb. Kudos to the casting department all the way around...

    I had really thought Gorila was going to surface. Wrong again.


  11. Waterlily, the following ones are excellent:

    Annie Elise: 10 to Life (She has a few others as well.)
    The Misery Machine (This one needs a very strong stomach)
    The Casual Criminalist (I could listen to Simon Whistler all day)
    Danielle Kirsty

    Watch any of these and YouTube will lead you to more.

    Look on your cable company's On Demand for Deadly Women. Some episodes can be found on YT along with amusing comments from fans who say their husbands can't take this program!
