
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of July 22, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-3 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

3-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  - Thurs only


  1. VIVIR #100 Part 1

    A concerned Don Emilio asks Cris to tell him what happened. She tries to tell him everything is fine but before he can dispute this obvious untruth, they are interrupted by Adolfo who rushes in pleading that Cris to listen to him. Don Emilio is understandably uncomfortable, preferring to leave them alone but Cris insists he stay as Petra rushes out. They are saved by the bell (so to speak) as JE, with impeccable timing, calls, changing the mood to one of joy. “Hola hijo how are you” Cris effuses as Don Emilio and Adolfo chime in, everyone smiling.

    Lupe and Marisa arrive at Elena’s, asking Santi how Elena is. He smilingly tells them she is well and that Angel is staying with her. Angel is back they happily effuse.

    To my immense relief, Brayan drops off Mati and Javi without incident. They thank him (Javi beaming ear to ear after the cycle ride). They ring the bell but there is no answer as Mati expresses hope their mother doesn’t take too long.

    Lupe and Luis scold Lucas for being on the computer all day long. Lucas tells them he is doing something important and tells them not to worry, assuring them he has done all his schoolwork.

    Brayan takes a toke and watches from the shadows as two masked cyclists roar up, throwing sugar balls at Mati and Javi. He smiles evilly and thought bubbles that he won’t stop until those kids suffer…since he can’t get close to Lucas, he will make his girlfriend suffer.

    Rebeca not so lovingly calls Misael an “idiot” as she tries to extricate her tentacles from his arms. She wracks her brain, wondering where Misael hid the evidence; she hopes he hasn’t destroyed the documents.

    As Angel complains to JE about Rebeca hurting her mother, Lupe and Marisa arrive saying “hola” in unison. Lupe knows it’s not visiting hours but they wanted to see how Elena is. After they assure Angel that she can count on them for whatever she needs, Angel expresses her profound appreciation. Lupe then comments how good it is to see Angel and JE together as the two kiss confirming that sentiment.

    Romina roars back, shepherding Javi and Mati back into the apartment, scolding them for coming back without telling her and having a stranger bring them. She won’t trust them again! Javi marches off, his head bowed in shame.


  2. VIVIR #100 Part 2

    Jimena (in the beautiful double breasted white mohair coat Niecie pointed out) thanks Renato for bringing her back. She compliments him for being such a gentleman when he saw Angel and JE. As Renato hugs her goodbye, Icky reveals his smarmy self, hurls insults including calling her an adulterer. He then takes a picture, accusing her of kissing her lover. Icky threatens that he will take everything from her she will end up with nothing! Renato wants to go after him but Jimena stops him.

    On the couch by her mother’s bed, as Elena sleeps, Angel talks with a supportive, understanding JE, wondering why Rebeca gave her mother sedatives. She is going to try to get her mother to file a report against Rebeca. JE offers his support. AND imparts that he wants them to live together! Angel is more than willing but for now, wants to spend the coming days with her mother. Te amos and adoring looks follow.

    Monica visits Bruno for a booty call. Wearing a red flowered dress with black background, she brandishes several bottles wanting to celebrate that Misael doesn’t take his floozies seriously… he just satisfies his “needs” and then kicks them to the curb. (Did anyone else’s stomach lurch loathingly??) Bruno want to toast to an endless night. Wet, slimy guppy mouthed kisses ensue.

    The sun is shining as Misael awakes. Rebeca momentarily stops her search and hands Misael a conveniently prepared cup of coffee, kissing his cheek. He inhales its fragrance and then dumps it on the carpet. She asks what is wrong but he retorts he isn’t stupid enough to drink anything she gives him. He calls her zorra as she tries to muster up her nonexistent wounded pride.

    In the first of two scenes I didn’t see, Loli and Pedrito are ready for school. Pedrito imagines seeing Misael everywhere and is afraid of seeing “the water tower face”. (I readily admit I don’t quite understand what vision this sweet child has in his mind but it makes me smile nevertheless).

    Wanda tells Doris that she called Misael but he told her she just wanted money…and he didn’t acknowledge that her son is his son. When Wanda worries that Misael won’t help her find her son, Doris wonders if Misael is hiding her son from her. (This seemed quite important and I can’t fathom why it wasn’t aired).

    Rebeca reminds Misael that they just spent the night together, but ungallant Misael spews that he can find what she gave him last night at any street corner. When he adds that all she is good for is to satisfy his needs, she retorts that he is not being fair…everything she has done is for him and for her…. she loves him. Misael tells her not to insult his intelligence; he knows she is planning something and he won’t fall for her games. He tell her to leave since he no longer needs her.

    Misael calls Bruno and tells him to spend time with Romina and find out what Rebeca is up to. As he pours himself a stiff drink, he says that she spent the night there with him and he wants to know why.


  3. VIVIR #100 Part 3

    Gossip girl Bruno tells Monica what Misael told him. “Maldita” is her wild-eyed response.

    Misael wonders what Rebeca is plotting. All women are the same…

    Downcast Renato tells Santi about seeing Angel and JE. I believe he says he did the right thing in cancelling the wedding. A sympathetic Santi doesn’t know what to tell him…and suggests that Renato find someone else.

    Speaking of, Jimena, in a gold dress with shocking pink blazer, signs the loan documents for the pizzeria, giving thanks.

    Arm in arm, Lupe tells Alma that it was Rebeca’s fault that Elena was run over. Doris walks behind them, listening as Lupe comments that Rebeca is capable of the worst thing that can exist in her heart! Doris (in a hot pink crop top and skirt with gold buttons) interjects that Rebeca will continue making their lives miserable, which Lupe doesn’t doubt for a moment. After Lupe leaves, Doris tells Alma that Rebeca wants to destroy her family. Alma somewhat guiltily replies she knew that and rebukes herself for remaining quiet when she shouldn’t have. After Doris spews her anger, Alma asks Doris what she knows about all the atrocities Rebeca has committed. Doris agrees to tell her.

    The doctor tells Rebeca that if Elena had taken more of the sedatives, it would have been fatal. She shakes her head with a false concerned look

    Rebeca opens Elena’s hospital room door, seeing JE’s arms wrapped around Angel holding her close as they and Santi chat happily with Elena. Rebeca surreptitiously closes the door and plots that JE and Angel will pay; as long as she lives, they won’t be happy. (viewerville again hoping for her imminent demise).

    Doris tells Alma that Rebeca will not stop until she destroys her family…as she already caused her mother to be run over, what else is next?! Arms folded, a resolute Alma states she will not continue to be silent; the only way of stopping Rebeca is to tell the truth, and Doris will do it with her! They can’t wait till Rebeca does something else!


  4. VIVIR #100 Part 4

    Don Emilio tells Cris she is preoccupied. He knows it’s because of Adolfo…since she didn’t want to talk to him last night. He wisely points out that she has never avoided problems and asks if she won’t give Adolfo another chance. She feels it’s not that easy but Don Emilio persists.

    Meanwhile, Adolfo (nightmarish visions of Monica running through his head), wonders how long the shadows of the past will haunt them.

    Cris confides that she has been alone for many years…she is afraid to have any hopes with Adolfo. She muses as to whether she would prefer to stay alone and in peace. Don Emilio tells her that her mother was the love of his life and he sadly relates he would never miss a chance to have her again. Cris argues that it’s not the same but Don Emilio argues that love is the same for everyone…she needs the courage to fight for the only man she has loved. She takes his hands in hers and murmurs “gracias papa”.

    In another shockingly cut scene, Luciano is about to call the children when Domingo bursts in to alert him that there is a fire!

    A dreamy Fatima, her face alight with love, finds the rose Luciano left for her.

    Romina takes Javi’s toys away. Javi argues that Fatima gave them to him and Mari adds that Fatima is loyal to her love for her father…they both miss her! When Mati asks why Romina brought them to live there if they are just a bother for her and she just wants to be with her amante, Romina lifts her hand to slap Mati but stops as Mati dares her to do it! Romina tells them they will no longer have access to the internet as punishment. As Bruno calls her, they remove the keys from her purse. After Romina leaves, Mati tells Javi to hurry so they can leave before their mother sees that she doesn’t have her keys. They open the door and rush out.


  5. VIVIR #100 Part 5 of 5

    Rebeca, clad in a black mesh striped halter neck dress, enters Elena’s hospital room. Santi immediately lunges at her but JE holds him back. Angel and Santi rebuke her for what she did to their mother but Rebeca denies doing anything and tells them to stop accusing her for everything that happens to them. As Rebeca pleads, trying to convince Elena that she is confused about the meds she took and that Rebeca needs her, the rest of the cavalry, Alma and Doris arrive and spill ALL that Rebeca has done. Rebeca tries to physically remove her from the room but Doris tells her not to touch her and continues. Angel looks at JE worriedly. Doris roars that she will talk until even the deaf hear her!! She starts with Rebeca wanting everything Angel has including her galán!! Rebeca thinks she deserved it; that is why she started working at the restaurant….and that is only the beginning! Elena in her neck brace stares wide eyed.

    Don Emilio asks Adolfo “since when have you not had courage to confront things?” He urges Adolfo to talk to Cris and remind her how much he loves her. Adolfo thanks him and goes directly to Cris, reaffirming his love and asking how long she will have him wait; he doesn’t want to live without her!

    Misael goes to el mercado to see Wanda. As he glowers, she frantically asks if he talked to his mother; does he know where her son is? Misael hisses that women are all alike and Wanda went too far telling him that he is the father of her bastard! He continues to insult her calling her ambitious and mentirosa. Wounded yet undeterred, she continues to plead and when he pushes her away, Primitivo (finally reappearing) grabs him, hitting his face like a punching bag, throwing him to the ground. He threatens Misael better not touch Wanda again! As blood freely flows from Misael’s nose, he looks as though he’s seeing stars.

    Cris tells Adolfo that this is not the time or place to talk, but Adolfo insists…because they love each other. He can’t continue like this…being by her side and not telling her he loves her. Cris argues that this isn’t possible because he was married to her sister for more than 20 years. Monica still sees him as her husband. Adolfo counters that Monica neve loved him…and he doesn’t want to continue on without her (Cris). He gently puts his hands on her arms and draws her close as their lips are but a centimeter apart.

    At the hospital, Rebeca is still trying to oust Doris from the room calling her a liar. Yet that doesn’t deter Doris from listing everything Rebeca has done starting with the note Rebeca fabricated making JE think Angel was covering for Santi. Then her drugging and undressing JE, leading him to think they slept together. Next, Rebeca having the miscarriage from the drug Mau fed her. As Rebeca grows more frantic practically pushing Doris out the door, Angel tells her to get out. When Rebeca asks Elena not to believe anything, Elena tells her to leave! All eyes upon her, Rebeca sways from side to side.

    For her impeccable, discerning observations and masterful dialogue translations, and most of all, the giving of her precious time, I thank my friend with true gratitude and appreciation.


  6. Vivir. As usual a first-rate recap, Diana and friend! I really liked " as she tries to extricate her tentacles from his arms" and "wet slimy guppy mouthed kisses ensue." Brayan seems to be playing some kind of long game with Mati, Javi and Lucas. I was a bit surprised when he dropped the 2 children off at their apartment building. Of course, Romina wasn't there, hadn't given them either a key or a phone, and then blamed them for her not picking them up. She really is an incredibly awful mother, Mati and Javi could easily have been hurt either outside the gaming establishment or outside Romina's apartment, with or without Brayan. It's probably just as well, though, that she doesn't give them access to the internet, with Brayan lurking around on it. It was very satisfying when Primitivo hit Misael, who seems to be getting ever more paranoid. Doris seems to have laid out every one of Rebeca's crimes. Loved it! BTW, we have now seen big episode #100. Only 25 to go!

  7. Vivir

    That was a great recap, Diana and friend. With your descriptive words I could imagine real tentacles, and those slimy guppy kisses! aA mini trip to the ocean!

    I hope Brayan went home after Romina showed up. Not sure if the kids are heading home or maybe to Lucas’. Hopefully somewhere safe.

    I could see the wheels turning in Rebeca’s head when the doctor told her another repeat of the pills would kill Elena.

    A couple of great scenes, Doris listing Rebeca’s transgressions and Misael getting punched, hard!

    I can’t wait for Misael to find out Pedrito is his.


  8. VIVIR

    Thank you for your always uplifting, gracious and supportive post SpanProf!

    Yes, I was very surprised (but so relieved) when Brayan dropped the children off and although the skeleton masked mauauders' (gee, I wonder who they could possibly be) attack wasn't terribly vicious, it was likely very unsettling.

    "Romina wasn't there, hadn't given them either a key or a phone, and then blamed them for her not picking them up" is exactly right. Vintage Romina. "She really is an incredibly awful mother"- absolutely I concur shaking my head.

    So with Rebeca's tea spilt all over the floor, what is she going to do for the remaining 25 epis? I'm sure she will think of something :)


  9. VIVIR

    Thank you for your nice words Liz.

    "A mini trip to the ocean" was fab. :)

    "I could see the wheels turning in Rebeca’s head when the doctor told her another repeat of the pills would kill Elena" was a great observation.

    We have seen Misael harden quite a bit since this began. Long ago and far away I would have thought Misael would have been thrilled to find Pedrito. But now? I don't know. The only comfort is that while he may not welcome his son with open arms, his family (sans Monica) certainly will.


  10. Vivir #100

    Gracias, Diana y Omni for this great recap. I need to begin building the Karmageddon post for this story so this rap sheet is important. We just need to add her crimes against Alma. However... this story has more than 125 episodes. It was at 127 on Wikipedia as of Tuesday and it isn't over yet.

    Kudos to Doris for the whistle-blowing. Someone had to do it. Now Alma owes Elena a full explanation of how she and her husband found Bratty Frida in the woods where the kidnappers met their end. Her niece needs to be there in case Elena still resists this.

    Christina and Adolfo should become a couple, but will Monica have to die for that to happen? Seems like every divorce in this story gets stalled.

    So now Harry Potter 2.0 and his sister have no internet access. Did Romina confiscate the cell phone, too? Those two kids are still in danger which the writers are delaying for how much longer? Romina needs to be ousted out of their lives.

    Did I hallucinate a DNA test on Pedrito that ID'd Wanda as his mother?

  11. Vivir
    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank for an excellent account of an episode that snapped, crackled, and popped.

    The highlight for me was Primitivo coming out of nowhere to defend Wanda and making short work of slick, pompous Mistake . It reminded me of something I once heard someone say: " You're going to hear two sounds. hitting you, and you hitting the ground ." Pow!!!!..... Bam!!!

    Reb has met her match with Doris. I am always fascinated watching Reb's eyebrows. They do a lot of acting.

    If you think Bruno is an oily weasel, you should see this actor's character in " Conde."

    Don Emilio is the true galan. Eric Castillo is a treasure . I am currently enjoying him as a cardinal in " Pasion" reruns. Susan

  12. VIVIR


    Thank you very much.

    I always look forward to your Karmageddon postings and this will certainly be a good one!

    Loved "Harry Potter 2.0" very clever and oh so true. I don't believe they showed whether or not Romina took their phone.

    Doris took her time but once she started spilling Beca's secrets, she kept right on going!

    Yes, Cris and Adolfo absolutely deserve to be together. Monica is definitely the main impediment for the moment. So in answer to your question, I do think she will have to die. That said, I've felt for some time Monica will not be alive at the end of this. Speculation only.

    Wanda and a DNA test? Hmmm. I don't think so but perhaps someone with a better memory than I will remember differently?

    I was startled that this is going beyond 125 episodes but appreciate your letting us know. I did some research and from what I was able to find, it appears this is going to 130 episodes, the finale airing elsewhere tomorrow. I hope there are no more surprises, this has been a very long journey.


  13. VIVIR

    Susan, thanks so much!

    "Reb has met her match with Doris. I am always fascinated watching Reb's eyebrows. They do a lot of acting" had me smiling away.

    Don Emilio has been the one (and only) true galan here. The voice of reason, kind, understanding, strong and empathetic; qualities we should all aspire to.


  14. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Preciousa (precious time/translations). The centennial show was firing on all cylinders. Phrases of interest: takes a toke, bowed in shame, stomach lurch loathingly, & guppy mouthed kisses.

    Little Red Brayan Hood shocked everyone by returning the kids without an accident and/or torture. I was nervous, and then I laughed out loud when the Parkour Brothers started egging the little orphans. Sugar balls? Is that a thing in Mexico? I don’t know much about street cred, and I’ve never seen such a thing.

    Jimena looked FANTASTIC in her electric boots, her mohair suit. You know I read it in a magazine (©️EJ). Question: who the heck were the two henchies with Icky? Their judgy looks and menacing scowls really showed that the Ickster is not one to be trifling with…NOT! At least Renato kept his cool and his shirt somewhat buttoned.

    Mónica somehow knows that Bruno isn’t sophisticated enough to have his own liquor cart so she pops up with BOTTLES of wine! LOL. If Mónica’s Musings about her son’s sexploits didn’t induce the nauseas, their fishy kissy action should have.

    Hey, look! It’s Misael in his Underoos®️! Get it, Josh! The show did a great job of building the tension between his getting dressed and her snooping! I cheered when he dumped the coffee, called her out, and put her out. I did not see that coming.

    Hey, look! It’s Bruno in his Underoos®️! This anniversary show should have come with a projectile vomiting warning.

    Elena’s doctor is back! When he debuted, I would have bet dollars to donuts he was wearing a big, fat wig. The “hair” was so odd. We get closer looks and other angles this time around. It appears to be real hair, and it’s running every direction away from his scalp!! They never taught us how to say “comb over” in school. Unfortunately, we can’t talk about how he maintains those deep mahogany, chestnut tresses at his age due to time constraints.

    Romina continues her crash course with her anvil/grease fire/9th Circle of Hell. I’m glad the kids are breaking out; however, it’s out of the frying pan, into Brayan’s grasp. Zoinks!

    Santi lunging at Big Reb in the hospital made me chuckle - like a chihuahua charging a curvy St. Bernard. Oh, Santi. Stay in school. I’m so happy (and kind of shocked) most of Rebeca’s wrongdoings have been aired. After being bulldozed for 1OO episode, good is finally getting a leg up.

    The first thing I noticed about Misael in the marketplace was that he was quite intoxicated. That tracks, after all, he did have a liquid breakfast. He’s also Mónica’s son. I cheered when all of a sudden, Primitivo saved the day! Real men head butt, and the (butcher) knife-wielding was icing on the cake.

    Today’s MVP = Doris. She stood up to Big Reb and outlined her Top Ten crimes. It’s about time. #1OOepisodes; however, it appears we have a ways to go. Thank you, Patio, for making this show so much fun!

    OT - Diana, thanks for the kindest words. Your recaps and interaction with the patio are so appreciated! I am so grateful you took on this novela, and I’m glad you have help. I will always contribute what and when I can.
    Susan, Thanks for stopping by during the Wednesday/Thursday transition with your kind words. We actually have a giggle exchange with your feisty posts. Parkour showed up pretty early on when we were chronicling the English-words-on-clothes trend.

  15. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana for another amazing recap! And what a fun episode to recap! I haven't watched it yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

    I thought maybe Brayan would just drop Mati and Javi off, he seems to have a long term (playing with your food) plan, I wonder what he gets out of it? I mean I know he wants to get back at Lucas, but it just seems like he should be focused on something that actually benefits him, like robbing the parent's store, or something that give monetary value. Not that I want that to happen, just thinking the average street thug would be more $$$ driven and less into playing mind games with kids. But Brayan has been sort of an odd street thug since day 1.

    Cris being scared of Monica makes no sense since she knows very well that Al doesn't love Monica, she's had a front row seat to that drama for 20+ years. It's more likely that it's just her own fear and uncertainty that's really the issue and the non-forced-kissed is an excuse. I can relate, I've never been married and sometimes I think I'd like to fall in love and get married; and sometimes I think I've been alone and independent and comfortable as such for so many years, maybe I wouldn't adapt well to marriage.

    Romina is just awful!!! I've run out of ways to hate her.... I hope Javi and Mati don't get hurt off on their own but they need to escape the wicked witch!!!

    Speaking of, Go Doris Go!!! I can't wait to watch the Beca smackdown!!!

  16. VIVIR

    Oh O.S., the thought you put into your amazingly wry and wonderful comments are obvious with every word that you write.

    But your humor is simply dazzling. "Underoos®️!" I mean, how on earth do you come up with these gems? Loved it.

    "Real men head butt", "anvil/grease fire/9th Circle of Hell" and "Little Red Brayan Hood" all sparkled and shone.

    "This anniversary show should have come with a projectile vomiting warning" had me smiling away.

    "Mónica somehow knows that Bruno isn’t sophisticated enough to have his own liquor cart so she pops up with BOTTLES of wine!" is so true! BYOB is always a good idea; Monica frequently muses she must always have liquor easily accessible.

    "After being bulldozed for 1OO episode, good is finally getting a leg up". Yes, at long last however, with 30 more episodes to go, we can't get too complacent, right??

    Thank you for this literary treat...


  17. VIVIR

    Thank you Darcy!

    You provided some food for thought about Brayan who: "...seems to have a long term (playing with your food) plan, I wonder what he gets out of it? I mean I know he wants to get back at Lucas, but it just seems like he should be focused on something that actually benefits him, like robbing the parent's store..." It is surprising that he seems to be prioritizing revenge rather than profit.

    "It's more likely that it's just her own fear and uncertainty that's really the issue" was a point perfectly made about Cris' seemingly unwillingness to commit.

    Now that Doris has put Beca in her place, I hope she realizes Beca will retaliate and takes as much care as she can to shield herself.


  18. Vivir

    Great new comments .

    O.S. , I will never again look at Jimena without thinking of Sir Elton.

    Whatever will Reb do now that Doris has spilled all the tea and Mistake spilled the coffee? She has no support except for Romeana and Brayan and his acrobrats. ...not exactly the brain trust. Susan

  19. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. It's amazing that you've clocked 100! I'm glad No. 100 is a doozy with Doris spilling all the beans to all the good guys at once. It's been fun reliving this super-pivotal episode through your great storytelling.

    So Rebeca's only allies left are Romina and Bryan. It'll be interesting to see how she makes lemonade out of this.

  20. VIVIR

    Thank you Niecie.

    Yes, yesterday was full of spilt secrets and it was really gratifying...

    Rebeca is like a cat with nine lives and I've no doubt she will rise again.

    I'm not sure if she does have Brayan? I may be wrong but when she coldly rejected Brayan's jewelry he seemed quite livid. But just like Misael, for some reason, these fools cave in and give into her after some feeble protest. :)


  21. VIVIR #101 Part 1

    “Mama” Rebeca mewls, trying one last time to garner her mother’s support in the aftermath of Doris’ earthshattering revelations. Resistance is futile, a distraught Elena orders Rebeca to leave. Afterward, Alma apologizes for the gut-wrenching moments they just experienced, but they needed to know who the real Rebeca is! Alma pleads that they do not allow Rebeca to hurt them anymore. Angel thanks Alma and Doris for what they did. Before leaving, Doris sadly comments that she lost Sebas, the love of her life, because of Rebeca, but she is glad to see JE and Angel together. Angel comforts her mother, JE and Santi by her side, realizing the devastating impact these dreaded truths have had on Elena. Elena heartbrokenly responds that when one is blind, the truth hurts more.

    Misael finally gets to his feet as Primitivo fiercely orders Misael to leave. Misael idiotically ignores the wisdom of belittling someone with a weapon in their hands, but forges ahead, doing just that. Primitivo, knife poised and ready to strike is dissuaded by Wanda not to cut him in two (drat!). Before leaving, Misael spews that Wanda will not know anything about her son or get her hands on his money! Wanda then turns on Primitivo, berating him for interfering and provoking Misael!

    Doris and Alma are walking down the hospital corridor when Rebeca calls out “mi amiga” hissing that “naca” Doris betrayed her. When she starts in on Alma, Doris stops her and SLAPS her not once but TWICE! Hard! Beca holds her cheek with her talon but Doris isn’t backing down. Before she turns on her high heels and walks away, she sticks out her tongue, making a little throw up motion. I am in awe! One of the series highlights for me.

    Angel and JE commiserate on how sick and obsessed Rebeca is. Angel adds that Rebeca was almost successful in separating them once again. JE staunchly states that their love is much stronger than Rebeca…she will never be able to separate them. Elena cries that her motherly love blinded her; she can’t understand how Rebeca could hurt them! Angel asks her not to blame herself. When Elena points out that Rebeca accused Santi of a crime, he flashes back to Misael shooting Dulce. The nurse arrives and the trio take their leave as Elena turns looking broken.

    Cris pushes away Adolfo asking him not to do that again…he makes her nervous and confuses her. She doesn’t want to feel what she is feeling! Adolfo emphasizes that there is nothing between him and Monica; he will have the divorce settlement. His love for her is just as strong as it was years ago. He says “te amo” and if he needs to say that numerous times, he will do so until she finally admits that she loves him. They still have the opportunity time to recover their love. Sadly, Cris is not ready and she sits down to work, dismissing him wordlessly as Adolfo looks crestfallen and leaves. As he shuts the door, she looks stricken.

    Dressed in a surprisingly demure black dress with a hint of glittering embellishment around her neckline, Monica tells Bruno she knows he is familiar with the neighborhood; she needs to know if that kid is her grandson. She wants Bruno to get a sample of Pedrito’s hair.

    An adorable Pedrito introduces himself to Sandra as Carmelo fusses.

    Lucas finds an approximate location for the criminals and sees that it is close to the neighborhood.


  22. VIVIR #101 Part 2

    Mati and Javi are on their way to the bus station when Mari’s phone battery dies so they start looking for a phone. She asks a woman to borrow her phone but the woman quickly rushes away.

    In an unaired scene, Luciano calls Romina asking to speak with Mati and Javi but beyotch Romina refuses and hangs up in his face.

    Fatima tells JE that she is on her way back to the city. Luciano is worried about the kids so he will accompany Fatima.

    JE talks with Cris and tells Angel he is needed back at the office; Angel kisses and hugs him, assuring him she will be fine.

    Santi again flashes back to the all too real nightmare of Dulce getting shot when JE approaches and asks that he stay with Angel and Elena. Santi worries that sooner or later everyone will find out the truth. (Perhaps he might consider telling them himself BEFORE that happens??)

    Wanda cries to Alma that she has lost any opportunity to find her son and how Misael doesn’t think her son is his.

    At el mercado, Bruno finds Pedrito and greets him, sitting at the table making himself at home. Sandra sees him and quickly hides in the kitchen. Pedrito takes a sip from a huge bottle of water. Bruno then asks for a drink and leaves with the bottle as a somewhat baffled Carmelo looks on.

    Adolfo tells Don Emilio that Cris won’t even give him a chance when Cris enters to tell them that JE is on his way. When Adolfo notes that Cris is worried, she tells them that she worries that JE is going to find out that Misael is back in the company (which is inevitable, right?)

    Delusional Misael thinks that the animal (Primitivo) must be the boy’s father. Bruno tells him that he and Romina will be going out to lunch; he will try to get as much info as possible. Misael said something about Rebeca I couldn’t catch. They then talk about their plan to make Misael look good in Don Emilio’s eyes.


  23. VIVIR #101 Part 3

    JE has a warm reunion with Don Emilio, Cris and Armando as he beams with happiness over being reunited with Angel, the love of his life. Sebas quietly observes from the background and then comes forward to JE’s delight. JE isn’t sure how Don Emilio convinced him to return and embraces his amigo in a huge hug.

    Rebeca asks Romina to get a controlled substance for her…and hurry! Rebeca then mutters that Alma shouldn’t have confronted her. Monica enters and wonders what Rebeca is plotting…she knows Rebeca went for a roll in the hay with her son!

    Rebeca asks if Monica is upset that she spent the night with her son while she was getting drunk. She continues that the only thing faithful to her is a bottle of alcohol which she needs to deal with her loneliness and bitterness. Monica spews back that her son never liked refined women, just cheap prostitutes. “Whoa whoa whoa” Rebeca warns but Monica demands RESPECT!! Rebeca, arms tightly folded mocks Monica that Misael loves her; AND she has him like a dog at her feet. They both lean on the table, insults flying back and forth until Rebeca threatens that Monica better not meddle and needs to stop going after her assistant. Be very careful Rebeca hisses.

    Fatima arrives with a big smile and hug for JE and the others. JE beams as Fatima expresses that she is happy that he and Angel are reconciled, she then shares she and Luciano are also back together. JE picks her up and spins her around with joy.

    Luciano bangs on the apartment door yelling for Mati and Javi. Mati’s phone isn’t working so of course he can’t reach them.

    Lucas arrives at the site where the hackers should be…wondering if it really was Brayan. He leans against some sort of high vehicle and as the camera backs up we see Brayan and his henchies standing on the roof!

    Doris thinks back to pleading with Sebas not to leave her.

    In the first of two unaired scenes, Gi worries that Doris’s booth is closed. Armando reflects that he has caused her a lot of damage. He was so happy when he found her…but now doubts Doris will call him “father.” Gi is confident that day will come…but wonders where their daughter is.


  24. VIVIR #101 Part 4

    In the second cut scene, Gabriela worries that Sebas is sad, so she suggests that he call Doris. Sebas asks her not to mention her again! Gabriela leaves wondering what that girl did to Sebas.

    Meanwhile, Doris is pining after Sebas and remembering the love they shared. With perfect timing, Armando approaches as she tearfully hugs him crying “he left me…everyone leaves me!” Armando envelopes her in his supportive arms.

    Carmelo is having a crisis with the blender but Sandra comes to the rescue fixing it with a few quick flicks of her fingers. Carmelo finally smiles and Sandra is happy that she now has three friends. When she asks about the guy who was talking to Pedrito, Carmelo has no idea who he is.

    Bruno tells Monica that he got the sample for the DNA test. When he starts trying to nuzzle her neck and paw her, Monica tells him to wait until tonight. Thankfully, there was no need for eye bleach today.

    Alma and Wanda enter Monica’s office as Gabriela follows, apologizing. After Bruno leaves, Monica tells Wanda she won’t give her any money and to get out. Wanda begs that she only wants to know where her son is. Alma defends Wanda and reminds Monica what a mother is capable of doing for a child. With that heartbreaking plea, crafty, cunning Monica realizes that Wanda doesn’t know that Pedrito is her son!! Monica denies knowing where Wanda’s son is and screams at them to get out!!

    Romina gives Rebeca the pills she asked for.

    Mati and Javi are still walking around aimlessly.

    Lucas literally runs into Pedrito. He tells him he doesn’t know how Brayan found out about the game he and Mati play; so Pedrito admits that Brayan forced him to tell him. Lucas puts his hand on Pedrito’s arm and tells him it’s fine.

    JE gives Cris, Don Emilio, Armando and Fatima an update on what happened to Elena. “Her own mother” Armando manages. Everyone is impactada.


  25. VIVIR #101 Part 5 of 5

    Rebeca is stirring a pot (literally and figuratively) while waiting for Alma. When Alma arrives, she reproaches that Alma couldn’t keep quiet. Alma justifies what she did and isn’t scared of Rebeca any longer. Alma continues that Rebeca has everything she always wanted, her mother and her siblings. All she needs to do now is to share her love with them. Rebeca admits that she has no heart because her mother abandoned her and didn’t care what happened to her. And Angel took advantage of her absence to get everything. Rebeca won’t rest until she gets everything that belongs to her! Alma knows Rebeca has no limits and wonders what Rebeca will do once she gets all she wants…Rebeca will be all alone. She continues that Rebeca now even owns part of the company, but no one loves her…she will pay for everything she has done. Rebeca counters that Alma is the one who will pay for having kidnapped her.

    JE is telling Don Emilio that he wants to present him with several proposals that will save the company as DE and Armando bite their respective lips in a bit of guilt. Suddenly, Misael arrives saying that he just renegotiated the company loan. Wide-eyed JE asks what Misael is doing back the company.

    Alma knows she should have told the truth a long time ago. She then tells Rebeca to go ahead and report her if she needs to…she is not afraid…because what she did was for love. Rebeca tells her this is the last time she will see her… she hates her! Alma stares back at her levelly as Rebeca grabs her purse, walking out saying goodbye.

    The doctor warns Elena to be very careful. Angel tries to talk Elena into reporting Rebeca but Elena tells her beloved daughter that she doesn’t know that Rebeca killed her heart as a mother.

    Alma drops her cup as it shatters on the floor and collapses prostrate on the floor!!

    In addition to her stellar dialogue translations, mi amiga includes every scene, regardless of length or brevity. She knows that some scenes don’t air everywhere and takes it upon herself to ensure viewerville sees everything she does. Beyond thoughtful and very, very appreciated.


  26. VIVIR

    Sincere thanks to Rgv Chick who fished out my missing Part 3. I waited to post parts 4 and 5 so everything could be read in order.


  27. Vivir de amor #100

    Diana, thank you for your great-fun-to-read recap, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Unfortunately, yesterday was a long and tiring day, towards the end of which I needed a quick "power nap".

    It turned out to be a three hour nap which left me behind on just about everything. I saw that the episode did record, I just had no time to watch it and I usually enjoy your recaps more anyway, except that I do actually like to see Doris and Wanda... just to enhance my understanding of fashion, of course.

    I hope to catch up today.


  28. Vivir. Another superb and thorough recap, Diana and friend. I'm so glad the Part 3 problem got resolved. You are so incredibly patient, Diana. This time I really appreciated "Rebeca mewls" and "Beca holds her cheek with her talon," plus a number of other clever observations. Romina seems not to have noticed or care that her children are missing. How creepy is that?! It's too bad Wanda transfers her anger to Primitivo. Misael deserved everything he got, just as Rebeca more than deserves Doris's slaps. Those were very satisfying. Ho hum! Here we go again. How long before Cris finally accepts Adolfo's love. Was the novela expanded to 130 episodes to have room for this sort of thing? I'm glad Sandra is watching over Pedrito. It may save his life. What does Brayan have in store for Mati, Javi and Lucas? Will they get the better of him before he does of them? And how soon and how much trauma before Luciano manages to find Mati and Javi?

  29. VIVIR

    Hi Andy!

    Sometimes we just need to sleep don't we? It's our body's way of telling us that it needs to rest and we are wise to do just that.

    I think you are going to enjoy the episode. Doris spilled ALL her tea and it was very satisfying. Today's wasn't as pivotal but there is a scene with Doris that knocked it out of the park. I think you will get as much a kick out of it as I did!


  30. VIVIR

    Thanks so much for your always kind and positive words SpanProf.

    As always, you picked up on two of today's most important events/nonevents:

    "Romina seems not to have noticed or care that her children are missing. How creepy is that?!" VERY! I can only repeat we've all said; she is a horrible mother.

    And, "It's too bad Wanda transfers her anger to Primitivo". Oh my heavens, that was absurd. Misael treatsed Wanda with with nothing but contempt and disdain. Prim did what any man with a sense of decency would do in the face of such disgusting behavior, defend her honor. And her reaction is to get mad at him? Misael's made it crystal clear that he ain't telling her anything. Period.

    I'm very afraid for Mati and Javi. Brayan is a callous brute and I'm hoping Luciano finds them before something untoward happens.

    There is nothing worse than having one of the recap parts disappear, especially on a Friday. I'm so grateful Rgv Chick always helps out despite her non stop day.


  31. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for bringing us every detail including deleted scenes . I appreciate your dedication .

    Reb is still arrogant and taking another try at killing Alma. I guess she thinks she is untouchable . Does she plan to kill off all her enemies???

    I loved the slap and backhanded slap that mighty Doris delivered to Reb. When Reb's taloned hands were flying around , I thought " yeah, it is all fun and games until someone loses an eye. " Then, in the scene between Reb and Monica, Reb no longer was wearing her press-ons . Her own short nails were painted black . Maybe she had the same thought I did about poking herself in the eye now that she seems to be preparing for battle with .... everybody.

    What was up with that long flap on one side of Reb's skirt?

    Well, a girl needs a hug from her dad when someone dumps her Doris is going to be the big winner in this show. She'll have parents and sweet Sebas will surely return to her.

    Sandra and Pedrito are cute together.

    Sometimes the good guy defending a lady against a bad guy ends up not being appreciated . I've seen it happen. Susan

  32. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan!

    I'm very afraid for Alma. If only she'd taken a page from Misael's book and poured whatever it was Beca was stirring out on the ground. Will she survive a second poisoning attempt?

    I hadn't noticed the absence of Beca's "press-ons" or shorter nails. :)

    You are right that Doris will very likely have a set of parents and a significant other ere the end!


  33. Vivir
    Doris truly shined in this episode. One slap for Alma and one for me....

    I was pretty sure Alma saw Rebeca stirring the pot. After her first poisoning you would think she would be a bit more careful.

  34. VIVIR

    Yes, Alma definitely saw Rebeca stirring the pot.

    Why she ever drank from it is very confusing for the reason you stated Kat.


  35. Vivir de amor #100

    Diana and friend, thank you for another super excellent and fun recap!

    Mistake is sleeping with Becky and with both eyes closed? Big mistake, Mistake! But you survived somehow.

    Speaking of mistakes, I wish Santi would quit that preppy look with his sweater on his back with the sleeves around his neck. Meh.

    It was good of Primitivo to defend Wanda, but I was/am hoping for someone else for her. I even considered Misael, Pedrito's actual father, but as Kat pointed out, Mistake has been a very, very bad boy and will surely get an anvil or 20.

    Wow, Doris really exposed all Becky's sins and misdemeanors! Well, almost all; no mention so far of an intoxicated Ramiro getting a tattoo which would also implicate Santi.

    I thought Alma was going to have more to say, but she kept quiet.

    I wouldn't say Becky is exactly cornered at this point, but perhaps just as dangerous.


  36. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend, I love all the details.

    I can’t get over how nobody in the neighborhood thinks about Pedrito being Wanda’s son. You’d think someone would suggest a DNA test for the little homeless boy who is the same age as Wanda’s son.

    I hope Sebas finds something off in the plan Misael thought up. And I wonder why Wanda wants a DNA test. Does she plan to love Pedrito or get rid of him.

    My favorite scene was when Doris goes into Armando’s arms. I think he and Gi are going to be great for Doris.

    Lucas can’t take on all three of the gang. Hoping Luciano, Mati and Lucas run into each other.

    The scene with Rebeca and Alma was very strange. Alma had to know Rebeca was stirring poison. I think Alma drank it on purpose. She saw how heartless Rebeca was and just decided to leave this world. But I hope she lives!


  37. Vivir de amor #101

    Diana, thank you for yet another great recap, tasty and refreshing! (Or something like that :-)

    OK, much as I, perhaps without good reason, took a slight dislike to Primitivo, whose name is not his fault, I don't blame him for being confused. Wanda's reaction was interesting.
    Anyway, Primitivo looks big enough to handle Misael without problems, he should leave the knife behind his counter.

    Diana, yes, I loved Doris's interaction with Becky, especially the double slap and the tongue out with the retching sound! Wow! Doris on fire. I'm sure she and Sebas will get back together at some point, somebody should warn him not to mess with this girl too much.

    At the office Sebas has been looking rather glum, and I think we know why. Hang in there Sebas, next week should be better.

    That confrontation between Big Bad Becky and poor Alma was depressing. And why did Alma collapse with a cup of whatever falling with her? Was that what Becky was stirring?
    How does this make sense?


  38. Vivir
    Andy, I think Santi is wearing the sweater around his neck to hide the tattoo. He doesn't want to remind people about it.

    I forgot to mention how frustrated I was with JE, the Least gallant galan I've seen to date. He runs away from his heartbreak on a mission trip as his company flounders. Someone refresh my memory, was he ousted as president or did he just leave and DE was appointed over Rebeca. Then he is surprised when Misael is back in the company with a potential solution to their financial woes. These businesses never make sense so why I worry about them is beyond me. The biggest nonsense is how the shares are so disposable. Rebecca being entitled to 50 percent of JE s shares after a few months of unconsummated marriage is mind boggling. Does no one require prenups in this Fantasyland?

  39. VIVIR

    Andy, finding not one but two of your marvelous comments has already made the day brighter.

    Such perceptive and wise words.
    As far as Doris revealing Beca's dastardly deeds: "Well, almost all; no mention so far of an intoxicated Ramiro getting a tattoo which would also implicate Santi." You are right as usual Andy, thank you for that reminder. What is going to make Santi speak up? (Sandra perhaps, fingers crossed??) He's already held what he knows far too long. Time to fess up.

    "I loved Doris's interaction with Becky, especially the double slap and the tongue out with the retching sound!" I wish I had thought of "retching" which was the perfect word. Wasn't that the best???
    To be honest, Prim is not my dream man. But I loved your point that Prim is more than physically able to swab the deck (one handed) with Misael and certainly needs no weapon. So true!!

    Yes, Alma drinking whatever posionous potion Beca was brewing makes absolutely no sense at all.


  40. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you so much.

    "I can’t get over how nobody in the neighborhood thinks about Pedrito being Wanda’s son. You’d think someone would suggest a DNA test for the little homeless boy who is the same age as Wanda’s son" was wise and wonderful. Fingers crossed!!

    I think and hope that Wanda is a good witch and that she and Pedrito will form a family. Likely Prim although I'm not too enthused about him at this point. (Unfair perhaps but honest).

    Yes, Doris collapsing in Armando's arms was indeed a great scene. No matter how old we are, there is nothing as comforting as a bear hug in our parents' arms and how we miss it when they are gone). I hope she, Armando and Gi are able to make up for lost time and are able to love and support each other. I have high hopes.


  41. VIVIR

    Intetresting thought as to why Sebas might be wearing the sweater around his shoulders Kat.

    Sadly, I've seen less deserving galans than JE but agree he certainly isn't at the top of the list! :)

    "Rebecca being entitled to 50 percent of JE s shares after a few months of unconsummated marriage is mind boggling. Does no one require prenups in this Fantasyland?" is a great point. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a prenup in a TN. Anyone??


  42. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, so nice to begin my Saturday morning with your fun, witty, recap of all the drama! And it was a dramatic episode, even if not quite as fun as Thursdays!

    I agree my favorite scenes were both with Doris. Doris double slapping Rebeca in the hospital hall, and Doris embracing Armando for comfort and calling him 'papa'. Excellent and emotionally satisfying!

    Try as I might, I can't seem to keep my mind from wandering watching this, so I did hear the request from Beca to Romina to get her a potion, so when I saw her at Alma's house I got really nervous! I thought she was going to kill Alma - and I think she did this time, I'm betting Alma is really dead this time, it's about that time in the novela when the body count starts rising - but I didn't realize it would be poison again. That scene had a really ominous feel to it and I was bracing myself for Rebeca to turn violent! I was scared she was going to beat Alma to death or shoot her or something. I suppose poison is just as bad, but I was still somewhat relieved when Beca just walked out the door.

    There's been a lot of talk about Mis not caring about Pedrito, but I don't think that's it. I think Mis honestly believes that Pedrito isn't his and that Wanda was attempting to con him. If Mis discovers that he really does have a son, I think he'll want him. I don't think he should have him - Pedrito doesn't deserve that - but I think he'd want him, and show concern, and try to be reconciled to him.

    If Mati has any street smarts at all, she'll ask the next person to use their phone too, and the next, and the next, and go into a store/restaurant and ask there too. You don't give up after one scary encounter!!!

    JE isn't a great galan, but he's far from the worst I've seen. The worst I ever saw, was the main character in Cabo a couple years ago. That guy was unlikable on every single level and treated both the leading lady and the secondary lady (you know the one waiting in the wings who inevitably turns evil due to envy) like crap the entire novela! It was the first time I ever watched a novela and thought I couldn't entirely blame the envious one because she got PLAYED by the galan. I wouldn't personally turn homicidal in that situation, but it was a textbook case of leading someone on. We're not talking about one or two bad reactions (like JE's horrible behavior on his honeymoon with Angel) but the whole show he was either treating his wife like trash or giving girl #2 mixed signals!!! Ugh, I get mad just thinking about it, how anyone could think ending up with that dude was a 'happily ever after' is beyond me. But then, I don't think the creators of Cabo were thinking about much other than half-clad beautiful people on beautiful beaches.

  43. Vivir,
    Darcy, I'll have to put Cabo on my do not watch list I see. ITA about Misael. His mother did her work well convincing him that Wanda was just a gold digger foisting someone else's bastard into him for money. I sure wish they had a better hairdo on that actor. I prefer his drunken mop of hair to that stupid slicked down pony with the lock of bangs in his eyes.

    Also, you are totally correct about Mati. They didn't show much of them on the streets, hopefully she does continue to try and use a phone somewhere, or flag down a police officer and get help and report her mother for child endangering.

  44. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your always lovely comments.

    "Doris double slapping Rebeca in the hospital hall, and Doris embracing Armando for comfort and calling him 'papa'. Excellent and emotionally satisfying!" is exactly right. Instead of rooting for the main couple (which we are albeit with tepid enthusiasm), it is Doris' adventures that have captivated us and I'm just fine with that.

    I'm hoping Alma survives but agree with you in that it doesn't seem likely. She saw what Rebeca was doing, yet she ingested whatever toxic brew it was. I am having a hard time thinking that she wanted to kill herself, but there doesn't seem to be any other explanation.

    Pedrito is the cutest kid in the world. Yet, Misael treated him with scorn and contempt when they first met. I agree he will probably want him when the truth is revealed but Misael is a stone cold killer and mercifully, that will never happen.


  45. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Beyondè (beyond thoughtfulness/translations). Thursday’s show was impossible to beat, but today’s show, The Doris Show, was big fun. Diana, your recapping and storytelling are such a treat! Your patience is otherworldly. Blogger can be so frustrating - esp. when trying to post a series. Thanks for hanging in there and all you do!

    For the record, Doris offered to spill more frijoles as she’s known Big Reb since they were niñitas, but Alma put the kibosh on it so Elena could rest. The (2) slaps heard ‘round the mundo were the best. As much as I abhor violence, I will neither confirm nor deny how many times I played that scene back. Vocabulary watch: before the mock wretch (Go, Andy!), Dorís said, “Aquí apesta.” Forms of apestar will be used throughout the episode.

    Preppy Santiago is frustratingly holding onto his secret. Of course, if he didn’t, we wouldn’t make it to 135 episodes. But still.

    Prop-aganda: the bottle Pedrito was drinking from was almost bigger than Pedrito! Age-Shifter Sandra & Pedro are great together. If Sandra worked at the hacienda for x (nobody can tell) many years, shouldn’t she recognize Bruno as Fátima’s ex? Weren’t they even engaged at the beginning? What could she learn from Carmelo? Pedrito greets Stranger Danger Bruno with “¿Qué, fijón? loosely translated as “What do you want, Looky Loo?” Love this kid!

    For several episodes Los Rivero Cuéllar have been worried about JE finding out that Big Bang is back in the company fold. The writers have made this a thing. I guess we can anticipate a big, fat berrinche from our underwhelming galán. Drat! I’ve really enjoyed the last dozen of hissy-fit-free episodios.

    Plop plop fizz fizz: Big Bang spells relief from his beatdown with some good old-fashioned Alka Seltzer®️. Bruno says, “Dude! You got your arse kicked.” Mis tells him, “He caught me by surprise!” Really, Mis? He’s happy Bruno is taking BEIR out so he can get information. He says Romina should know what the hell Rebecca is up to/end goal.

    The Reb v. Mónica vocal sparring was great - with many harsh truths (and more TMI on Misael’s sexploits) being hurled back and forth. I was surprised when Reb let her know she was onto her working on Romina. Rebeca has no impulse control, moral compass, filter, fashion sense, or friends. It was quite the bluff as we know Misael kicked her to the curb after their last romp.

    Emmanuel Palomares (JE) & Mariluz Bermúdez (Fati) have GREAT chemistry as siblings. When JE learned she was officially dating his bestest friend, he grabbed her and spun her around. She whooped which I think was unscripted. They have to be good buddies offscreen.

    The overdue union of Armando & Dorotea was well-written and acted. The Doris Show continues, and it’s no wonder this actress has such high billing in the opening credits (an earlier catch by Diana).

    Prop-aganda II: The controlled substance that crafty Romina secures for Big Reb is Trilepnasol Oxcarbezapine 3OOmg, a fictional drug based on Trileptal Oxcarbazepine, an anti-seizure drug (and not really a controlled substance).

    The final showdown entre Rebeca and Alma was frustrating. Alma has never been suicidal or mildly retarded so why the hell would she drink ANYTHING that Big Reb has been around? …especially after that final exchange and goodbye. Really, writers? You have much ‘splaining to do!

    Phrases our characters love (and repeat):
    Ahí nos vidrios. - Doris taking leave from Elena’s hospital room.
    ¡Carambas! - d. Emilio saying Cris needs to follow suit (JE & Ang; Fati & Luc) and find love.

  46. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your uplifting and generous words."Beyondè (beyond thoughtfulness/translations)" had me smiling right out of the gate.

    Another stellar comment start to finish. I learn so much from you and appreciate your enlightening me on much that I don't understand. "Pedrito greets Stranger Danger Bruno with “¿Qué, fijón? loosely translated as “What do you want, Looky Loo?” As you noted, Pedrito is just a gem.

    O.S. I marvel that you were able to ID "The controlled substance that crafty Romina secures for Big Reb is Trilepnasol Oxcarbezapine 3OOmg, a fictional drug based on Trileptal Oxcarbazepine, an anti-seizure drug". Awesome! How on earth did you do that??

    "Rebeca has no impulse control, moral compass, filter, fashion sense, or friends". Perfect! 😊

    I so enjoy it when the actors come out of character and go with the moment. Thanks to your sharp eye for catching: "...When JE learned she was officially dating his bestest friend, he grabbed her and spun her around. She whooped which I think was unscripted. They have to be good buddies offscreen".

    I'll be watching for "Ahí nos vidrios" and "¡Carambas!"


  47. Vivir

    So great to surf into the patio today to find a hopping comment by O.S. ( Old Soul????)

    Yes, The Doris Show starring Nice versus Nasty ....A true morality play . Doris is not afraid to get down and dirty with the Queen of Mean Refidabecky . Snap. No I'm not; you are .

    Add me to the list of people who cannot believe that Alma drank the Koolaid that Reb was stirring right there in front of her , but then I suppose she had enough of Reb's crazy hate and perhaps the world was too much with her , and she decided to exit stage left instead of spending another minute dealing with the Bad Seed . What anvil has the writers forged for such a truly hate filled character like Reb?

    Well, I have had enough with these folks , and I am ready to move on to the next batch of crazies ...which is still way better than anything I could watch on U.S tv or movies . .... Susan

  48. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Great revisiting Doris's triumph through your stellar recap.

    I know Sebas will forgive Doris, but actually we know so little about him. Surely like everyone he's made mistakes in his life.

    Alma, no! Surely she's not committing suicide. Could this be a setup to catch Rebeca? I sure hope so.

  49. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much.

    I can't believe Alma is committing suicide either! Perhaps there will be a miracle and she will survive but...


  50. Vivir
    Thanks so much for your hard work Diana and Omni, and for hanging in to overcome the tech challenges. So frustrating!
    The Doris Armando scene seems to be a fave so I’ll add a bit. Her mom’s letter described Doris as “inquieta” (anxious, restless). I think mom said Doris had a big heart. Doris was the fruit of their great love (big smile from Doris here). When asking Armando to look out for her, mom said Doris had no one else.
    Alma’s death spiral was hard to watch. Traumatic for Loli and Pedrito, who also found Alma sprawled on the floor. Alma seemed ready to go, not even Pedrito could shift her determination.
    Yes, many beanie moments in this one. When Reb trades in her eye-catching outfits for a plain white shift—invisible! That’s a cool trick.
