
Thursday, July 25, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y honor y más: Week of July 22, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!



  1. What days do we need recapping for?


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.

    49.) Cayetana meets with Scumbag Villarreal at Hotel Garcia I think it is. Nothing good is coming out of this.

    50.) Amaranta uses those tarrot cards with Violeta: The cards say DEATH & Violeta freaks out: Tick-Tock Violeta.

    51.) Scumbag Pedro still a Scumbag Jackass.

    52.) Following the steady diet of commercial breaks, we get the opening credits with the musical theme.

    53.) Buji Joise & Jackass Felipe still scheming & plotting more chaos.

    54.) Violeta & Vicente discussing something that I couldn't comprehend.

    55.) Mariana speaks with Sofia, who'll be needing some motherly figure when Paulina kicks the bucket.

    56.) Cayetana & Alejandro/Joaquin arguing: Wr KNEW this was going to happen eventually.

    57.) Amaranta & Paulina holding hands: Hmm 🤔

    58.) Earlier in the episode, Scumbag Pedro & Jackass Felipe meet face-to-face inside AAlejandro/Joaquin's office.

    59.) Carmen attempts to see her daughters,but hides when she sees Vicente. She later heads back to Leticia's house.

    60.) Flashbacks of Carmen speaking with Alejandro, who's masquerading as the priest.

    61.) Paulina is suffering from the first phases of the deadly poison courtesy of Buji Joise. Amaranta freaks out & yells for help: Alejandro/Joaquin, Cayetana & Memo run over to see what's going on.

  3. Since this is the best new show airing give me a day also. I know Dondi said she was on for Th/Friday this week. I'll hopefully be on vacation next week but I can still watch on my phone. Can you believe VRBO cancelled yesterday morning a condo that was reserved by mi yerno in May because it sold. They are scrambling trying to find other accommodations. They think it may be the universe telling them no vacation this year (his mother passed on Monday).

    I watched the episode last night and as I assumed, El Conde did plant false info to make him appear as bad as the antagonists in this show. I'm definitely a fan of most of the female characters with the exception of Josephine and the elder of Vincente's daughters. My question is did he plant the false info or is the PI on his payroll. It would be difficult to falsify old newspaper articles, though in that time microfiche etc was likely not around and short of going back to Spain or France to get the old newspapers, he is now a part owner in a local press so maybe he had them run some false stories under the European newspapers heading with actual stories from those dates.

  4. Conde #18 part 1

    Ale offers to help Miguel with the election. Miguel thinks Ale is not aware of Mexican law. Foreigners can’t participate in politics. Ale reminds Miguel that he is Mexican on his mother’s side. He assures the candidate that all will be done within the law. My mother always wanted to help her people, Ale says, I can fulfill her dream.

    Miguel thanks him but turns him down. I learned from my father that political favors are never free. An honest politician will always have enemies. I’d prefer not to be compromised by accepting money from you. Miguel is sorry for being blunt. Ale admires this stance and asks him to accept a friendship. They shake on it.

    Ale asks Memo about Gerardo’s investigation. Did he suspect anything? [Ah, it’s another set up.] Memo posed as a disgruntled employee. He took a bribe from the investigator and told him everything according to plan. Ale is pleased and says that Gerardo and Felipe must believe that the Count is exactly like them. [dirty]

    Memo is concerned that this will be used against Ale. Ale laughs it off and thinks they will want him in their business. Just as planned.

    Ale tells Memo that Miguel turned him down, but he expected it. Memo warns that Miguel’s father was killed over that “mistake”. Ale thinks Miguel is beyond reproach and they will find a way to help him beat that scumbag Gerardo.

    Violeta is jumpy around Vic. He apologizes to her for what she saw. He says it was just men’s business. The less she knows the better. Besides, they are well off, and she has everything she needs. Dresses. Jewels. He puts moves on her. She tries to play along for her own good, but you can see she’s clearly disgusted.

    Antonio brings word that there’s no corn for sale anywhere. Josie is frantic. She won’t be able to uphold her business deals. Antonio says someone bought up all the corn at a premium price. He has no idea who the buyers are. [we can guess.]

    Ric tells Ale about meeting grandma Mercedes to talk about his son. He would like little Ric to stop working and to stay in school. Ale thinks this is good but wonders why he doesn’t reveal himself to his son. Ric cites the promise he made to Mercedes not to be involved. [More like a cowardly excuse.] Ale doesn’t agree with Ric’s thinking but he respects Ric’s decision.

    Gerardo and Mari discuss their marital status. He wants to make peace. She’s not interested but will stay married for the sake of the children. He’s contrite and begs for another chance. He won’t fail her again—bla, bla, bla. Thank goodness she doesn’t fall for it and walks away.

    Josie gulps down her own product. She tells Felipe about the corn problem. She panics about fulfilling the European orders and letting down the Count. He says don’t exaggerate and adds the Count is not the great man you think he is. He trafficked arms to the Nazis, and he had to flee to Mexico. He’s a hypocrite! But a hypocrite with lots of money that we can help him invest. Josie relaxes and sips her whiskey this time.

    Vi visits Caye. She tells her about husband troubles. Caye asks, is he cheating? Vi wishes that was the case but she can’t say more about it. Vi wants her cards read.

    David confides in Ale. He tells him about the newspaper contest and that he’s working under a pseudonym. I don’t want my dad to know, I almost got caught, he says, and I need a safe place to work. Ale offers his place anytime he wants.

  5. conde #18 part 2

    Amaranta reads Vi’s cards. La Muerte. Death surrounds you—it’s close. A dark terrible energy. La Torre (the tower). You live in a castle of blood. El Colgado (the hanged man). Your happiness is built over a lot of pain and soon that will come back to you. Amaranta says if you want to see more, you can choose another card. Vi is freaked out and bolts.

    Carmen is in the confessional again. She tells Padre Ale she thanks God everyday just to be near her daughters. But it’s unlikely she will ever get them back. Vicente is rich and has married a beautiful woman. Carmen says Vic never married her even though she wanted it for her daughters. She tells Ale how Vic burned her face and tried to kill her. She’s afraid of what Vic would do now.

    Padre Ale tells Carmen she can count on him. Carmen wonders what a priest can do against a powerful man like Vic. Ale says he knows a man who could help. He tells her to come back in 2 weeks at the same time.

    Nanny visits Mari. Mari tells her about Gerardo’s cheating. She was angry but almost felt relieved. Nanny feels guilty for advising Mari to marry Gerardo. He had everyone fooled. Nanny has been thinking about David, now that she knows who his father is. He’s just like Ale. Mari says she can’t live in the past. She must stay married to Gerardo even if she’s unhappy.

    Nanny tells her about Sofi meeting Javier Gallardo and says it’s history repeating itself. It’s a “forbidden love”. They secretly meet. But Josie expects Sofi will marry a rich boy from a good family. Mari says the Gallardos are good people. Nanny replies, Josefina never liked them and now they are poor.

    Pedro is delighted with his story in the newspaper. Memo knocks at the door and tells him to get ready for the reading of his father’s will at 4pm.

    Cayetana goes to the hotel to see Vi, but she’s not in. She runs into Gerardo. Since Vi isn’t there, she invites Gerardo to have a drink with her. Gerardo tries to beg off, but Caye insists.

    Carmen lurks around the Altamirano hotel. She remembers what Leticia told her about Vic. She’s about to follow her daughters inside when Vic appears. She panics and backs off.

    Dolores sneaks up on Pedro at a restaurant. She boldly gives him a kiss on the cheek and plops herself down at the table. She blathers about how a marquis needs a society girl like her to introduce him to important people and show him around SJ. He quickly excuses himself and leaves.

    Caye and Gerardo have drinks. She asks about his siblings. He mentions his brother died young. He asks about her family. I’m an orphan, she replies, and I barely remember my childhood. He talks about being the DA in SJ. Then he decided to enter politics to help his country [and himself]. They toast to him being the next president of Mexico.

    Carmen rushes back to the studio and is on the verge of a panic attack. Javier and Leticia watch her and note that she’s been on edge for days.

    Josie comes to see Vic. She asks him to find out who burned her crops. She’s got some evidence. I know you have people who could handle this, she says. He replies that Gerardo could help her, too. He’s got the state police. Why not ask him?

    Josie hints that Vic’s people can move freely and are intimately familiar with what goes on in SJ. Involving the police would be trickier. Josie says she’s willing to pay any price. She adds, find the culprits and hand them over to me. I’ll sort them out.

    Pau comes to the Count’s house to meet the famous painter, Alonso del Rio. She tells Amaranta she is very excited to be painting with him. Amaranta says this will be great. You’re both talented artists. Amaranta takes her hand—come, I’ll make tea to soothe your nerves.

  6. conde #18 part 3

    Federico Mendoza’s will is read. Good news for Pedro. The fortune is enormous. Properties in Spain, Mexico, Morocco will go to the only heir, Francisco Mendoza. There are also bank accounts in Spain, England, and France. Jewelry and art collections are being kept in a special vault in Madrid.

    Pedro is anxious to get his hands on this wealth. The lawyer says the transfers will be done little by little. And there’s a condition to take complete possession. Pedro will get 10% and the other 90% once he marries. Pedro is dismayed.

    Pedro thinks the condition is ridiculous. Ale explains, your father worried when you rebelled and disappeared for so long. He’s looking after you and safeguarding the family fortune. He wanted you to settle down and start a family. SJ has no lack of beautiful ladies. Any of them would be happy to marry a marquis. Ale continues, make sure she’s a good woman from a good family and her wealth matches or exceeds yours. The little hamster wheel in Pedro’s head spins.

    Later, Pedro complains to Ric. He doesn’t want to marry. Ric says what’s the big deal. You’ll get a wealthy bride. Pedro would rather have freedom. Ric suggests they steal from the Count—take all they can and disappear. Pedro says he won’t settle for crumbs. We’ve come too far. Besides, the Count would catch them. Pedro says he will figure a way. Maybe he will find someone to marry.

    Cayetana gets the third degree from Ale when she returns. What were you doing with Gerardo? You were flirting with him in plain sight. She accuses him of being jealous. He warns her that Gerardo is a dangerous man. Caye says she can handle him. She was pressing him for info. Now I’m your spy, she says. There’s nothing like a woman to get an infatuated man to talk.

    Ale is ticked. He doesn’t want her to spy. Caye replies, you want to destroy him, I’ll help you. Ale is adamant, don’t go near that bastard on your own again. Is that clear? Caye calls him on jealousy again [She wishes]. Ale says he has his reasons, and he knows what he’s doing.

    Caye asks if he considered what will happen to Mari. Ale says he doesn’t care. She will pay just like her husband. Who do you want to take revenge on, Caye asks, Gerardo or Mari?

    Amaranta flirts with Pau. She’s a little jealous of the great artist. Pau suddenly gets dizzy and faints. Ama calls for help. Memo and Lucrecia rush to help,

    Caye asks, what did Mari do to you? Why do you hate her? Ale claims not to hate anyone. I just despise those who abuse their power to take advantage of others. Caye notes, but you chose to teach the Villarreals a lesson. I’m no fool. I don’t ask questions to meddle, but to help.

    Ale warns her to help without getting involved in his affairs. Caye keeps trying to break through to Ale. Ale says if she wants to help, she should stay away from Gerardo. He regrets asking her to help him at all. She tells him she loves him and hopes one day he will be honest with her.

    Lucrecia interrupts to say Pau fainted.

    Everyone is worried, but Pau insists she’s fine. It’s just that she hasn’t eaten anything combined with the excitement. Ale says the doctor is on the way. Amaranta and Caye bring Pau to a room to rest before the doc arrives.

    Ale is suspicious. He tells Memo Pau’s problem is clear. We have seen this before, right? We won’t leave her at the mercy of those people. He sends Memo off—you know what to do.

  7. conde #18 part 4

    Panicked Vi tells Antonio about the card reading. Antonio scoffs. He doesn’t believe in that stuff. He advises her to stay out of Vic’s business. Powerful people have secrets. Do you think they make their fortunes by being good people? Antonio mentions Josie as an example. Vi asks did she kill or torture anyone? Antonio says to drop the subject. He urges her to forget about this and warns her to be careful about seeing him because of Vic and Josie.

    Vi questions the meaning of their relationship. He’s silent for a moment then answers, we have fire, passion and we have fun. She says it’s not just sex for her. She’s in love. Antonio knows Vi isn’t happy with Vic. He’s not happy with Josie either. But we need them, he says. He reminds her she is married, and Vic would kill him. He doesn’t want to die. Vi calls him a coward and leaves.

    Mari comes to see Sofi to talk about Javier. Sofi comes clean, she loves Javi. Mari wistfully tells her about a “friend” who was in a similar situation, and it didn’t end well. Somehow, Sofi gets Mari to agree to support her and speak on Sofi’s behalf so she can stay in SJ. Sofi asks her not to tell Pau.

    Ale calls the bruja to his house. He tells her not to be afraid. He wants info and the truth. He takes out a pic of Josie. Did this woman come to you? The bruja gulps.

    Meanwhile, Pau arrives home and feels faint again. Josie pretends to care. [What happened with the doctor at Ale’s house?]

    Ale takes out a wad of bills for the bruja. Tell me. The bruja says that’s a lot of money but speaking up could cost her more than that. Ale assures her this discussion stays between them. You’ll help me fix the tremendous damage this woman is causing, he says. Either that or the police will handle it.

    The bruja grabs the money and talks. The woman asked for poison. She said she had vermin in her home and wanted it dead. She gave her poisonous herbs. Ale asks if she met the woman before. Yes, the bruja replies, years ago she asked for angel’s trumpet—a slow acting poison. That time she also said she had vermin at home. She paid me generously so I wouldn’t tell anyone.

    And we are out.

  8. Conde

    Donde, wow, such a pleasure to be reading your excellent , detailed recaps again !! Thank you for every moment as we move forward . Your recap cleared up so many questions I had.

    So, Ale puts on his priest disguise and communicates with Carmen in the confessional. Fernando wore a priest ' robes as a disguise in Pasion , too.

    Fernando always has at least one loyal right hand man in his novelas. I love the bond between Ale and old friend Memo. I guess RIC is in on the plot using Pedro. I hope Ric stays loyak to Ale. He seems to be a loose canon. Perhaps Ric's son will enter this story.

    I still do not know what Ale's plan is with Pedro . Now, Pedro needs a wife to get his wealth , so what girl is Ale setting him up to marry? Dolores? Why?

    Cay and Vi both had on turquoise dresses. The wardrobe department has been busy many beautiful , colorful dresses.

    I fear for Vi. Vic is dangerous and ruthless .

    I get a kick out of Sergio's sputtering delivery of his lines . No cellphones to throw . Maybe he found throw the newspaper .

    How does Ale plan to protect Pau from Josie's poison ? Susan

    Novelera: Please restore my post from earlier this morning ASAP!

  10. conde

    I have not yet read dondi's recap, but I wanted to get back to K and to Kat. I would especially appreciate a Wednesday recapper. I have a regular Wednesday night class of two hours.

    I could commit to every Tuesday.

  11. conde

    It's great if we can get a team together! I can commit to Friday recaps.

  12. OT

    Steve, how many posts about El Conde did you make today? I ask because I see one near that start of the present page where you offer comments 49-61. That one is not missing. Was there a second one offering comments 62+?

  13. conde

    Thanks so much for the terrific recap, dondi. Your asides were just the things I was wondering about, especially wanting to know what the doctor said about Pau's fainting.

    I know, I know, it's a telenovela. But Mr. Google tells me whiskey needs to age 3 years at the bare minimum. So why is Josie freaking out about being able to fill those European orders? You'd think she'd be able to fulfill based on what was already on her shelves. The burned-up corn won't matter for a while yet.

    It's nice to see Ale helping David. When Ale first met David, we saw a cold look as if he only saw him as the spawn of two of his enemies. And he used him in the kidnapping ploy.

    Amaranta is kind of an enigma to me. Sometimes she seems like a good person. But that very harsh card reading she gave Violeta, while true, seemed cruel and as if A was enjoying saying those things.

    I know protagonists of whatever sex need a sidekick so their feelings can be revealed, but Nanny is not one of my favorites. At least she admitted she screwed up pushing Mari to marry Gerardo.

    I was kind of surprised at the scene where Vic greets his daughters while Carmen peeks around a pillar. He said something, IIRC, about their being the light of his eyes. Being a fond father is sort of out of character for this repulsive monster.

    I loved Pedro's abrupt departure from Dolores. He may have even left his dinner on the table. Pedro likes his women loose and with no commitments.

    Josie, subtle as usual, wants Vic's help in finding the corn burners. The subtext is that Vic's henchmen are even more vicious and underhanded than Gerardo's.

    Caye might be Ale's Achilles Heel or Fly in the Ointment, pick your metaphor. Here's another metaphor: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

    I am so glad Paulina got sick at Casa Conde. This is another example of my not being sure how Ale is going to pull something off. Of course he could bribe the bruja to give Josie fake poisoned herbs, but what about what she already has on hand?

    Violeta is growing on me. I really hope she'll stick to her guns and stay away from Antonio. He's had, I believe, 18 years or so without making a break from Josie. Violeta should take heed of that.

    Again, I really enjoyed your recap, dondi!

  14. conde

    Wow! MANY THANKS, dondi, for another magnificent recap!

    I confess I was relieved when Pau became dizzy again. At least THIS time she was among people who cared about her. Like you, dondi, I wondered what happened with/to the doctor who was supposed to examine her. Did that happen behind the scenes? How else would Ale tell Memo that Pau's problem is clear and that "we have seen this before"? Presumably Ale sends Memo off to find the bruja, but how did he know about her? Yes, I guess the novela is filled with things it's unlikely that Ale would have discovered, but this one seemed to me especially unlikely.

    During the reading of the will, I kept staring at the judge or lawyer or whoever who was reading the will aloud. He looked to me very much like Fernando Colunga. Not like El Conde, who looked younger and thinner than the judge, but like a Fernando Colunga both younger and older than El Conde. Am I crazy? [No, don't answer that ! :-) ]

    Like novelera, I'm not sure what to make of Amaranta. Are we supposed to believe that she can really tell people's futures by reading the cards??? And I agree with novelera that Amaranta's very dark reading of the cards seemed cruel.

    Again, thanks VERY much, dondi, for this splendid recap. I'm looking forward to tonight's as well.

  15. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. Super job. "The little hamster wheel in Pedro’s head spins." -- ha!

    Wondering what girl Ale wants Pedro to marry. If it's Dolores, she isn't nice but doesn't deserve this.

    I'm not cool with Mariana agreeing to not tell Pau about Sofi's secret love. If I were Mariana's bestie, I wouldn't be happy about this at all.

    Although who knows what Pau would do. She certainly has her own problem. Now that Ale knows about the poisoning, surely he'll save Pau somehow.

    Cayetana is pushy but smart. Ale has her in too deep to not confess all to her. He can't control her and she's not going to stop digging. Ale, you've underestimated her. Did you think she was an airhead actress?

  16. Conde

    Thanks everyone fpr the kind words and comments.

    Kat, Ale and Memo set up Gerardo’s PI. Memo, as a disgruntled employee, fed him false information. I guess the PI bought it hook, line and sinker. He didn’t do a thorough job. If he did research like you said, I think the outcome would have been different.

    Susan, I’ve been wondering about Ric, too. There are times he looks tempted to really team up with Pedro. And he gets ticked at Ale for not confiding in him. Ale better watch out, Caye and Amaranta are also tired of being kept in the dark.

    I also love the wardrobes of both the women and the men.

    novelera, so now we have “Telenovela” brand whiskey. I don’t think Josie has much reserve on her shelf. She just shipped a huge order to the Count’s European contacts. Antonio said even the corn yet to be harvested was purchased. Maybe she could import it? That would be very expensive.

    I think Amaranta is a good person at heart. I also think she was directed to make the reading as harsh as possible. Luckily Vi drew good cards for that. I like Vi. I thought she was just a heartless gold digger but she has a conscience.

    I don’t care for Nanny either. She’s too old fashioned for my taste.

    Vic “Being a fond father is sort of out of character”. Maybe he’s treating them nicely for show as well as grooming them to marry into a wealthy family. I often see this kind of thing in dizis.

    Lol, I also enjoyed the Pedro – Dolores scene.

    Juanita, I was relieved that Pau fainted at Ale’s house. I was hoping for that. But we didn’t even need a doctor—Ale suspected poisoning right away. I guess he has an excellent network of investigators. It seems he’s learned everyone’s dirty secrets.

    My grandmother’s sister read cards. I could tell you some eerie stories. Not that I believed in it, but she made you want to believe. It’s a talent.

    Niecie, I don’t know, maybe Dolores deserves Pedro. Maybe she’s bound to fulfill the meaning of her name. I’m with you about Mari keeping a secret from Pau. Although Mari didn’t exactly swear to it. She might decide to tell Pau. I kind of think Pau might be okay with Sofia and Javi.

  17. conde #19 part 1

    Ale tells Memo that Josie is trying to kill Pau. The woman, Casilda, said Josie requested another poison years ago, around the time Benny Zambrano died. Memo remembers Benny had a heart attack. Ale isn’t sure but the herbs leave no trace. Memo says they must do something. We can’t allow her (Josie) to kill again.

    Ale agrees. Pau is a good woman. We won’t let Josie get away with it. But we need to be careful so that no one will find out. Memo asks, what about Casilda? She deserves to be in jail. Ale says he will find a way to punish her. For now, I wanted to confirm the investigator’s suspicions. Josie is capable of cold-blooded murder. Ale notes that Casilda mentioned a cure.

    Josie tells the cook to make chicken soup for Pau. She questions Pau about where she was. Pau lies and says she went to see Mari. You shouldn’t leave if you’re not feeling well, Josie tells her. We don’t want anything to happen to you.

    Tere tells Vi her sister is obsessed with Marquis Mendoza. Vi asks Tere about her mother. Have you heard from her? Tere says they are not allowed to talk about her. Vi won’t tell Vic. Tere says her mom abandoned them. Her dad says she left with another man. Vi thinks it’s strange she didn’t take her daughters or tried to contact them.

    Josie gets a call with bad news. She informs Felipe they have to pay millions for not delivering on the contract with European clients. Felipe says to ask the count for help with his friends. No way. She doesn’t want the Count to think she can’t honor her commitments. She will pay the fine. She adds, whoever burnt the crops will pay for this. Keep your eyes open. Someone wants to hurt us.

    Ric notes that Caye never leaves the house. She asks, shouldn’t you be working instead of meddling? Ric says he’s bored. Maybe they can go out together. Cayetana seems a bit amused by the offer. [no idea where that’s heading.]

    Dolores tells her dad they have been rude to the Marquis. We need to pay our respects and show him kindness. Vic asks if she’s interested in him. Well, she says, he’s handsome and he smiled at me at the party. If one of your daughters married a marquis, it would improve the Garcia social standing and gain prestige for the hotel. Vic praises Dolores for thinking like him. He says, let’s make the Marquis feel at home.

    Vi comes to Leticia to ask for a dress. After introductions, Letty shows Vi a catalog. Letty is about to take measurements when Carmen comes in. Letty introduces Vi as the wife of Vic. Panicked look on Carmen’s face.

    Vic makes nice with Pedro and invites him to dinner. He won’t take no for an answer.

    Vi asks Letty about Vic being the manager when they owned an estate. Letty confirms Vic was the manager. Vi asks, who was his first wife? Did you know her? What was she like? Carmen looks horrified.

    Lorena thinks David’s story is great. And she’s happy he’s working at the Count’s house. This gives them the opportunity to meet privately. He hopes the paper publishes his article. Lorena asks if he’s sure about this. His father will be furious if he finds out. David says he’s giving her family equal time. They kiss.

    Letty says she doesn’t remember Vic’s first wife well. She doesn’t even remember her name. Letty wonders why Vi is so curious. Vi replies, Vic’s daughters always ask about her and I don’t know what to say. Letty is sure that Vi has been good to the girls. Vi answers, I know, but I’m not their mother. Vic forbids us from mentioning her. He says the mother left with another man. Carmen is taking this all in.

  18. conde #19 part 2

    Pedro thanks Vic for his kindness. Vic says they think of him as an honorable son of SJ. He tells Pedro that the Count is at the casino, we can join him after dinner. Dolores interrupts the convo to tell Vic an important client is waiting for him.

    Vic excuses himself and Dolores takes over from there. She asks Pedro, will you stay and play poker? She flirts with him. She hands him an envelope from her father but first she gives it a kiss…for luck. [hers or Pedro’s?] He smiles at her.

    Pau tells Sofi her condition isn’t serious. The Count’s doctor said so. Sofi lies about being with Lorena. Josie brings tea to Pau. She says it’s her duty to look after her family’s health. She asks Sofi to give her time alone with her mom. Josie tells Pau the doctor blames her condition on the birth control herbs she took. They were like poison. Pau says she stopped taking them.

    Memo and Lucrecia have dinner. He is concerned about the Count. Maybe he’s lonely. Maybe he needs a woman to love him and make him happy. Lucrecia thinks Cayetana could be the one. Memo says the Count doesn’t see her that way. Caye is just like the rest of us. Lucrecia notes that Cayetana is sweet on the Count. She asks, has the Count ever been in love? Memo declines to say more out of respect.

    Ale runs into Pedro on his way out of the hotel. He asks Pedro if he’s given any thought to what they discussed. Pedro replies, marrying under these conditions isn’t easy. (Dolores is lurking in the background and so is Vic).

    Ale says there are ladies looking to get married. Pedro wonders about Felipe Zambrano’s daughter. Ale nixes that. The Zambranos are going through financial hardship. [that and Sofi is Pedro’s half-sister.] He suggests one of the Garcia daughters. Pedro says they are not his style. Ale says to think about it. Your fortune combined with Vic’s would secure your future. [hamster wheel turning again]

    Ale tells Vic and Felipe he has an important meeting and must go. Ale says Felipe can take his place and he asks how the Marquis is doing. Felipe feels he will fit right in with SJ high society. As a favor, Ale asks Felipe to help the Marquis have fun. He lost his father and needs a distraction. A father is the main figure in a man’s life. Don’t you think? *cough, cough*

    Gerardo is steamed after reading the glowing article about Miguel Aguilar. He thought the reporter was supporting him. David comes to the table and asks why the shouting? Mari fills him in. Gerardo shouts again, I must find out who he is! After I’m done with him, he won’t write for my rivals! David is nervous. Sergio Sendel throws the paper because there are no cell phones in 1952. [IIRC, someone on the patio predicted this, please step forward to take credit.]

    Ale tells Memo he has a plan to stop Josie from poisoning Pau. Memo asks, are you going to tell her? No, Ale replies, we can’t expose ourselves. We will get the antidote.

    Angry Josie orders the bank to wire the fine money. She gets a delivery of black flowers.
    At the same time Ale tells Memo, just as Josie poisons people, he plans to poison her mind. I’ll bring her darkest nightmares to life.

    Josie opens the envelope and it’s a message from her mother. “I miss you so much, baby. I hope we will meet again soon.” Also enclosed is a picture of Josie as a child. She has a flashback to being left at the orphanage. She freaks out.

  19. conde #19 part 3

    Antonio finds Josie in a state of shock. He laughs at the black flowers on her desk—did your American boyfriend send them? With an ice-cold stare, she accuses Antonio of sending the flowers and burning the crops. It was you, bastard. Ungrateful idiot. Antonio is at a loss to understand.

    Josie continues, the flowers, the note… you sent them to scare me. First you burn my crops and now this? After all I’ve done for you? You’re a filthy nobody, like all your kind! Confused Antonio has heard enough. He’s not in the mood for this and tells her to call him when she calms down. She pulls a gun on him!

    Pau wakes up feeling sick. Felipe is passed out next to her on the bed still in his clothes from last night. She drags herself to a table to get water and collapses. Felipe wakes up and sees her on the floor. He can’t wake her.

    Antonio denies the flowers and the fire. He asks her to lower the gun. Josie replies, you’re the only one who knows about my mother! Antonio is at a loss again. Josie accuses. It was you. I barely remember her handwriting, but it can’t be her. You wrote the note and signed her name.

    Why would I do something so stupid, Antonio asks? Josie fires back, to scare me! To ruin me! Ruin you? Antonio replies, if you fall, I fall. All I have depends on you. Think about it. Josie asks, who else could it be? Antonio responds, I don’t know. but I’m the only one who can help you find out.

    Antonio is saved by a knock on the door – Felipe needs you, Pau is sick.

    Amaranta is the one who forged the note. Ale calls her talented. She starts questioning Ale again. Was the letter for Josie? He dodges. No questions. She asks a favor, she doesn’t want Pau to be hurt. She’s a good person, not a Zambrano. Ale notes that Ama really likes Pau.

    Ric enters and Ama leaves them to talk. Ric has two men watching Josie. Ale says good. Have them tell you when she leaves. A murderer always returns to the scene of the crime. Josie will too.

    Carmen is lurking again, this time in front of Vic’s house. Tere comes up behind and startles her. What are you doing here? Once they are inside, Carmen says she came to bring a new fabric catalog. Tere is glad she came. I love sewing, she gushes, I want to show you some things I made. Give me your opinion.

    Carmen is delighted to hear this. You sew, who taught you? Tere says she learned by herself. Dolores interrupts and is not happy to see Carmen. Vi enters, too. Carmen says she can come back another time. Tere speaks up, Carmen came to bring the fabric catalog for Leticia. Vi smiles and says that Carmen is a great dressmaker. She has some dresses to give Carmen for alteration.

    Miguel is pleasantly surprised by the newspaper article. His wife (can’t remember her name) is pleased too. Miguel asks Lorena if he can meet her journalist friend. Lorena says he wants to remain anonymous but when the time is right, she will introduce him.

    Mari is worried that Gerardo will find out what David is doing. It’s dangerous. She wants him to quit the job. David stands his ground. He wants to be a journalist whether his dad likes it or not.

  20. conde #19 part 4

    Alfredo asks a priest at the school if he remembers a teacher who worked there. He’s blue eyed, a güero. He was an orphan. Yes, the padre remembers—Guillermo Garza! He was an excellent teacher. We miss him. He quit and left several years ago. He said he got an opportunity in the capital.

    Alfredo asks, do you have an address, or do you know where he is? No, the padre replies, he said he would send an address, but he never did. Are you a relative? Alfredo says he’s just a friend. [I’m glad Alfredo is not letting this go.]

    Ale has foundation work. He hands a folder to Caye and tells her it’s at a nursing home. I need Mari to go there. Caye asks why. All Ale says is it’s important that Mari goes and visits room 23. Once again, Ale is not entertaining any questions.

    Josie asks Pau, how did this happen? Did you have your soup last night? Pau had some but she wasn’t very hungry. Josie says she needs to eat to get better. Nanny brings chicken soup, but Pau can’t eat. Nanny helps her to the bathroom.

    Josie scolds Felipe for coming home drunk. She warns him not to ruin anything.

    Vi shows Carmen her dresses. She trusts Carmen to work her magic and make them look amazing. Carmen says it’s clear your husband loves you and spoils you. Vi says she also has dresses from her dancing days. She remembers that Vic came to see her as a showgirl and fell in love.

    Carmen asks, so he already had his daughters? Yes, Vi replies, the girls are almost my age. The nanny brings in Luisito.

    Caye and Mari go to the nursing home. Caye remembers that Ale said Mari must go to room 23. A nun takes them there.

    Alfredo comes to see the Count to bring accounting reports, but he’s not there. Alfredo is about to leave the reports with Lucrecia when Memo walks into the room. Alfredo immediately recognizes him. Guillermo? Is it you?

    Mari and Caye meet a woman in room 23. She asks the nun, who are these lovely women? New benefactors, the nun replies, Cayetana Carra and Mariana Zambrano de Villarreal. The woman says her best friend is connected to the Zambranos. Mari asks her friend’s name. The woman says Rosario.

    The woman shows Mari a picture. Mari doesn’t recognize her. The woman remembers Rosario had a daughter. She tries to remember her name…. Yes, Rosario’s daughter is called Josefina. Mari looks unsettled and I think Caye understands why Ale sent them there.

    And we are out.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.

    Dondi356: Apologies for missing last night's episode because I was busy watching the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris on NBC 4 WOAI-TV San Antonio.

    *So Rosario is alive at the nursing home. Wondering if both Mariana & Cayatena will do anything about it.

    *Alfredo recognized Memo: Uh-Oh.

    *Paulina getting sicker & sicker. I'm confident she's NOT long for this world.

    *Pedro & Bratty Dolores: You idiots deserve each other LOL.

    *Gerardo will likely figure out David is the newspaper writer. He's the State Governor with connections deep. I hope Mariana can get through to her son ASAP.

    *Carmen needs to be careful. I'm nervous about her.

  22. Dondi, excellent recap as always. I've never seen the Gerardo actor before but I took note of the comments about his cell phone throwing fits so I had to laugh when the newspaper was thrown and if you hadn't mentioned it I would have made a comment about it. Your recap was so detailed I don't feel like anything needs to be added. I watched it at 11 p.m. so I was pretty tired, but I am happy with my listening and reading comprehension of the episode.
    Carmen is quite youthful looking. I was wondering how Vic and Vi's wedding was legit but in a previous recap someone ( I've forgotten who recapped it) said that Carmen and Vic were never married in the first place... That slipped by me in my comprehension of the episode.

    Steve, Rosario is not alive. One of her fellow care home inmates (seems quite a few patients are there for mental issues rather than an old age home) was her 'best friend' and mentioned her. I have already forgotten the word I looked up that is used for nursing home. I guess I should start a vocab list. It seems I keep looking some of the same words up.

    If nobody else offers I will try to take on the Wednesday recap duties. Be advised I do my posting via my cell phone so expect mistakes. My daughter's vacation is back on with a new location and slight delay (Hilton Head M-F. I'll probably have to watch it on my phone also). It only shows the first 5 lines I've typed unless I continue to scroll down to see what I wrote, or autocorrect butchered for me.

  23. Conde

    Donde and Steve, thank you for your great recaps as our story unfolds.

    Donde, I am raising my hand for suggesting that Sergio might grow a newspaper since there were no cellphones way back then!!! Sergio is trip. His signature cellphone tosses have become an inside joke between his fans and him . Bravo, Sergio, you never disappoint.

    I am tired of Ale's sad face . He deserves something more than a life dedicated to revenge after all he has endured .

    Vi steals every scene she is in. She is not as vapid as she first seemed, and we are starting to see her caring heart. She appears to be a loving mother and stepmother. I like her more and more . I also love Sweet , nervous mouse Carmen. I wonder if we will get more of the story about what happened to her after Vic buried her ??? I was so happy that she had a nice moment with the good daughter who has inherited her sewing skills before the bad seed who takes after A vicious Vic appeared.

    Sexy Cay is a magnet for men, but she is hopelessly in love with the morose count .

    Josie is a mobster. Chantal is chewing up all the scenery. I wonder if Fernando teases his old friend about her intense portrayal of this wicked stepmother . Mark is

  24. Conde

    Whoops ..the above comment was from me ...sorry I had a problem posting . Susan

  25. Conde

    Sorry for the typos. I didn't get a chance to edit before I accidentally sent my comment ! Sergio didn't " grow" the newspaper ....make that " throw."

    And Josie is a " monster" not a " mobster" ...well, maybe she is both .

    Hey, Ale, get that antidote to poor, ill Paula speedy quick. We don't want to lose an innocent .

    The actress playing Lucrecia was in " Alborado" with Fernando years ago. Susan

  26. conde

    Thanks VERY much, dondi, for another terrific recap! I don't have much to add. I want to second Susan's "Hey, Ale, get that antidote to poor ill Paula speedy quick." I'm surprised that the doctor Ale brought in told Pau that her condition wasn't serious. Is he one of those doctors who tell women not to worry their pretty little heads?

    So will we see Josie go to the grave where she thinks Carmen is buried? That should be an interesting scene.

    Why was Alfredo Gallardo looking for Guillermo? And why was Guillermo described as "güero"? I thought that refers to someone whose hair is blonde or light-colored, like Güero Dávila, Teresa Mendoza's first love in La Reina del Sur. As far as I can tell, in the current novela, Guillermo has quite dark hair (does only his hairdresser know for sure?).

    Dondi, ¡Muchísimas gracias, otra vez!

  27. conde

    Thanks everyone.

    Kat, Carmen “confessed” to Padre Ale that Vic never married her. And thanks for taking the Wednesday recap slot.

    I thought it was you Susan who made the comment about Sendel and the newspaper. But I wanted to make sure the credit went to the right person. I’m also tired of revenge mode Ale and I like Vi more and more, too. I’m enjoying Chantal’s scenery chewing and facial expressions. Classic villain.

    Juanita, I’m wondering about Ale’s doctor, too. But Ale wants to keep the poisoning a secret for now, so it worked out for him. Most important, I hope it works out for Pau.

    “Why was Alfredo Gallardo looking for Guillermo?” I think he’s convinced the Count is Ale and that Memo might have info or be able to confirm it.

    “And why was Guillermo described as "güero"?” I think güero could refer to a blond or a person with fair skin color. Maybe someone more European looking than Native Mexican. Telemundo translated güero as “white”.

  28. conde

    Another stellar recap, dondi! I love the way you write and manage to put in all the details so cleverly.

    I guess it's supposed to be the 50's and/or Mexican families, or something, but it's crazy the way Paulina just takes Josie's high-handed behavior. Asking an adult mother of a teenager where she went when she returns home, please.

    I thought we saw a bit more of loose-cannon Ric last night, maybe trying for Cayetana as a cohort for getting to the bottom of Ale's plan.

    Yep, Dolores got ALL of Vic's genes, while Teresa got Carmen's, even including the sewing gene.

    When I hear the name Aguilar I always think of the boyfriend (and subsequent husband) of my friend Kathy. He was 4th generation New Mexican, who kept his Spanish. He called my workplace once and gave his name with the full Spanish pronunciation and a very rolled "r" at the end. He was calling about a planned birthday party for Kathy. How that receptionist mangled his name when she called me to say someone was on the line for me!

    I really like the young actor playing David. I think he has a bright future in acting. He perfectly portrays the high moral values of his real father, not to mention the same risk-taking qualities. Remember how Ale, only an employee, saved the Gallardo's crop and tried to save the Aguilars.

    I keep meaning to say, and forgetting, that I LOVE the ranchera song played during the credits. And I don't much like that Greek chorus, with a very high-pitched female voice used during dramatic scenes.

    Pedro looked like he might have been considering marrying Dolores. Could that be part of Ale's plan, sticking Vic's snotty daughter with a real gem of a husband?

    I can't think of an anvil heavy enough for Josie. Telling Paulina that her symptoms might be from the birth control herbs was FIENDISH!

    Some of Ale's plans can creep into unbelievable. How would he have known Josie killed her mother and somehow manage to have a picture of her as a child? And even to know the very room in the mental institution or home for unhoused women, or whatever that place is.

    Yep, hurry up, Ale, with that cure. I'm not liking Ale so hellbent on his revenge plans that he won't tell Paulina her suegra is poisoning her.

    Susan...morose count is perfect.

  29. conde

    Here's what we have so far: Kat has offered to recap Wednesdays. Novelera has offered to recap Tuesdays. dondi has volunteered for Fridays.

    I saw a post from commenter "K" who was willing to take a day and asked about it. So...Mondays and Thursdays are available. It would be simply fantastic to have a full complement of recappers for this one.

    As I know I've mentioned before, recaps can be just as long or as short as said recapper wants to make them. Just one page of highlights can be the starting point for our clever commenters to chime in.

  30. Conde
    Novelera, wonder how many secrets conde is learning in the confessional. That could explain how he is learning things. I guess that tiara he donated to the church gives him access to the confessional, or does the parish priest believe he actually is a priest. I would hope the latter.

  31. I can try a recap on Monday and see how it goes. No promises that it’ll be good, but I’m sure the Patio will fill in what I miss!


  32. conde

    K, thanks so much for your offer! Don't put pressure on yourself. We'll really enjoy your recap. I look forward to commenting the next day. I am always at a disadvantage being in the San Francisco Bay Area and thus late to the party nearly always.

  33. conde

    Thanks, novelera. I pretty much share your thoughts. “loose-cannon Ric” “I really like the young actor playing David” “I can't think of an anvil heavy enough for Josie.”

    “Paulina just takes Josie's high-handed behavior.” Pau said she wasn’t going to take it anymore and that’s when Josie decided to poison her. I hope Pau gets to continue painting with the famous artist.

    “Pedro looked like he might have been considering marrying Dolores.” Pedro thinks he has the upper hand but he’s really a dupe. Everyone has plans to use him for their own agendas. I feel like Ale is throwing Pedro to the wolves. I’m sorry for Lucrecia who still has hopes for her nephew.

    “Some of Ale's plans can creep into unbelievable.” From time-to-time we hear vague comments about investigations Ale ordered. Beanie time.

    Kat, that confessional stuff bothers me. I think Ale posing as priest hearing confessions or even giving counseling is dishonorable. Carmen is obviously a believer and she’s being deceived and used. And if the parish is in on it, that’s contemptible.

    I guess Ale must have read up on Machiavelli— “the end justifies the means.”

    I can’t wait to hear what Memo says to Alfredo.

    Thank you, K! All will be fine. I look forward to reading your recap.


    Novelera, Kat, Dondi356, Jarifa, Susan & Co.,: I won't be able to watch this week's episodes due to watching the US Women's Gymnastics Team more likely winning Team Gold on Tuesday evening in the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris on NBC 4 WOAI-TV San Antonio.

    Something tells me Paulina will NOT be among the living. Just a Jesse Stone-esque hunch 🤔

  35. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi.

    I'm nodding in agreement with all comments. I want Ale to save Pau NOW.

    Interestingly Felipe has a little humanity inside him. He was concerned about his wife splayed out on the floor.

    I loved Josie getting the black roses. You go Ale. Drive her crazy.

    Pedro and Dolores, should they marry, seem more like a joke than revenge to me.
