
Friday, July 12, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #83, jueves 7/11: Happily Ever...After the Next Set of Prison Breaks

Paz emerges in her wedding getup and everyone oohs and aahs. Lupe gives her a pair of earrings for "something borrowed." For "something new," Sam hands her a drawing of an inexplicably blonde bride. Where's she supposed to put that? The camera pans to her deep cleavage. Okay, sure; plenty of room in there.

At the church, Sandro spooks when Nandy comes over to greet Kenzo. He bolts through the crowd, crashing into Mireya and upending her huge basket of flower petals. Humberto materializes to help her scoop them up, giving her significant appreciative looks. Well, it's about time. Good thing he's looking at her from the front, though, because that freakish ponytail is truly terrifying.

Now Esteban is pacing nervously. Paz is late! Where is she? We're probably supposed to worry, but we know there's a dozen more episodes and they need her for all of them. A throaty tenor launches into the Ave Maria's Monito! He has to get through several iterations before the bride shows up, but by the end I'm still in awe. Is there anything this kid can't do? 

It's a nice wedding, even with no horses. There's only the slightest tension as the priest asks if anyone objects (no one does), then the suegras do the lazo, the happy couple recite some cooking-themed vows, and Esteban picks up Paz and her dress and carries them out of the church. There's a little too much Tom-Cruise-on-the-couch style shouting about love, but all in all, a remarkably drama-free interlude. 

After the ceremony, Sam and Monito write gratitude letters and read them aloud to Baby Jesus before leaving them on the altar. 

Meanwhile, back at the jail, Filipa is still following Gin around the yard like that annoying B-list chick you don't want to be friends with but can't avoid because you ride the same bus. She goes on and on about how far they've fallen, until Gin finally has enough and gut-punches her into the chain-link fence. The guards show up and hustle Gin back off to solitary, leaving Fil choking alone on the ground. The ones who act out always get all the attention. 

At the reception, Esteban announces that thanks to Hum the Fast-Track Lawyer, he and Paz, even though they weren't even married 20 minutes ago, have magically adopted both Sam and Monito, who are now called Maria and Manolo Villa de Cortes Roble! The crowd erupts in cheers. Cobija, who has been tucked into Pepa's elbow all day, is incredibly tolerant of being clapped around.  

The party is everything you'd expect from this group of punch-drunk revelers. Esteban grabs the mike and does some karaoke with the five kids forming a flash mob behind him. Paz introduces everyone to her three closest friends, whom we have never seen before (unless one of them is Max's mom. Who knows? But I feel sure I would have remembered Taylor Swift there.) There's a kind of limbo conga-line thing, and Paz summons plates of her signature chilaquiles. Someone really needs to shoot Salo with a tranquilizer dart. 

Elvira catches the bouquet, and Fobo blows her a rakish kiss. Porfirio gets the garter. I guess they don't have our custom of matching the two up at the end, which would severely disrupt our autumn romances. No time for that! There's a killer on the loose! 

No, not Gin. Not this time, anyway. It's Mauro, who has finally crossed the Redemption Rubicon by following Savon's orders to knock off a long list of inconvenient people. Mauro weeps and wheezes in his fleabag hotel room, flashing back on audio of his victims pleading for their lives. He hallucinates Mireya and Sam, who tell him they used to love him but they can't anymore. 

Finally, it's the noche de boda. Paz spends an eternity fluffing her hair and judiciously spraying cologne on herself, while Esteban can't seem to decide if he wants to go pants-on or pants-off. He knocks back his nth glass of champagne and then starts drinking directly from the bottle. Why is he so nervous? We know he's done it at least four times. Curtain, and thank G-d. 

In other news:

* Mauro declines to attack the newlyweds directly on the basis that there will be tons of security and he's kind of on a wanted list. Savon takes it well.

* Lupe urges Elvira to go for it with the "young" fella. Elvi looks like she's weakening.

* Jero, Gema, and her black-lace-swathed baby bump greet Salo and Gala with menacing undertones, but we still don't know what they're up to.

* Savon visits Rubio in prison, hands him a cell phone and tells him instructions will follow. 


  1. This was a great episode and your recap was just as great, too. Thanks, BlueLass!

    I have to admit that I enjoyed Ginebra being tortured tazed way too much.

    Monito singing “Ave Maria” was a highlight as well as Esteban having completed the adoption of María and Monito for him and Paz. Interesting that they managed to locate Monito’s parents who willingly gave him up. So his real name is Manolo.

    All in all, very entertaining which is exactly what I am looking for these days.

  2. BlueLass: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. As soon as I read "prison break", my reaction was "HOLY SHIT! Ginebra is on the loose again!"

    Jarifa: Wake me up when the Karma anvils come hitting.

  3. Great recap, Blue! That first paragraph was a hoot and it didn't let up! I have yet to watch this episode, so I compiled a list of what to look for:
    -inexplicable blond bride picture
    -freakish ponytail
    -cooking themed marriage vows LOL
    -Fil choking on the ground
    -Mauro's hallucinations
    -Puffy hair
    -champagne chugging
    but mostly I am looking forward to seeing Monito!

    Pardon me if I ff through the Tom Cruise on the couch bit. I witnessed that disaster the first time. Pass.

    Thanks for the laughs!

    R la O

  4. Blue Lass, thank you for a great review of a busy episode. I loved the wedding , but I know that we are not at HEA yet because Gin is still alive and really, really mad. ..crazy mad and mad mad . There will be no HEAs until both she and Mauro are d.e.a.d.

    Loved that we heard the great young actor playing Eder sing and play the guitar yesterday and The sweet actor playing Monito sang at the wedding . These young actors are amazing, as is the young girl playing Sammaria.

    Felipa is still hanging around BSC Gin even though Gin keeps beating her up and insulting her. QTH?

    Paz looked gorgeous , and yes, plenty of room in that cleavage for..Maria's drawing, tissues, mints, etc. Estenban was a handsome groom. The kids were wonderful .

    Poor Sam. She was Samara..then Luna...then Sam again....and now Maria .

    I guess we will never know how Monito ended up as a street urchin. Esteban found his parents...that's it more information ?
    P.s. now autocorrect changes Esteban to Estrogen.

    Hum and Mir would make a nice couple. Wouldn't that be something if Esteban, Porfirio, and Hum all ended up with Robles girls!!!

    Fobo now seems to be part of the big, happy family.

    Well, it feels like we are sitting on a keg of dynamite . Gin is obsessed with revenge , so nobody is safe .I fear the good guys are letting their guard down ever since Gin went to jail. Hello...Mauro is still out there somewhere. Is Rubio in or out of that jail with the revolving door? yikes. Susan

  5. First, thank you to Urban and Adriana for your wonderful recaps earlier this week. I haven't been able to watch but they were truly appreciated.

    Blue Lass, this was superb as always. Yours was the first episode I've seen in a while.

    "Elvira catches the bouquet, and Fobo blows her a rakish kiss" was sublime.

    Love Monito. What a voice! What a sweetheart! In a few years, this kid will definitely be a galan.

    "Mauro weeps and wheezes in his fleabag hotel room, flashing back on audio of his victims pleading for their lives". I don't know how, but mercifully I missed this.

    "Monito singing “Ave Maria” was a highlight as well as Esteban having completed the adoption of María and Monito for him and Paz". For me as well Jarifa!!

    "Humberto materializes to help her scoop them up, giving her significant appreciative looks. Well, it's about time" YES! I hope the writers aren't messing with us.

    I was wondering when Rubio would raise his hideous head again. I shouldn't have asked.


  6. Thanks so much Blue Lass, that was great, a fun read.

    We’ve had two nights of happiness, can we beg for more? I think Mauro is going to turn on Ginebra. He thinks about the two he loved and lost because of Ginebra. He’ll either have a nervous breakdown or somehow mess up the plans.

    The wedding was beautiful and Monito’s singing was too. I almost didn’t recognize Mireya. She looked beautiful and sophisticated. It would be neat if she and Humberto wind up together.

    I wonder what Jerónimo and Gema are planning. I’m ready to see them realize they are in over their heads. Maybe when the real bad guys decide everyone has to die.


  7. Blue Lass, I love your way of writing (I think I start like this every comment following one of your recaps); you are so effortlessly funny and you sum it all up in such a clever way.

    So Paz Roble de Vila de Cortez now exists. Quite the name! I'm glad Monito finally has a name and loving parents. Next thing on the agenda: a bigger house! There are 5 children now and I can only see Eder and Monito bunking together. Then there is Paz ande Esteban, Gala, Bosco, Samaria and Elvira&Fobo's yoga studio (if you get what I mean).

  8. Good stuff, Blue Lass.

    This was a nice wedding. Paz' coiffure was perfect, the jewelry perfect, and the ceremony lovely. However the dress looked uncomfortable because of the off-the-shoulder top and the waistline being about two inches too high.

    Under the heading of All Things Considered there is adequate evidence of and witnesses to Ginebra's crimes to have a reasonable expectation that she will stay in the slammer long enough for the other female prisoners to enact Prison Justice but she is too well-connected to not get out one way or the other. If there's anyone in that prison who belongs there it's Ginebra.

    She will have a conniption when Mauro tells her he did not mess up the wedding but she will conjure up something much worse before her release.

    Sandro still has lessons to learn and Gema finally looks pregnant. Kenzo will be in for more grief before this all ends.

    Mauro is headed for total madness, I'm sure.

  9. What was going on with Esteban and his pants ??? off???? On??? Was he afraid of looking too eager?

    P.s. Daniel often posted singing and dancing videos with the young actors on tik tok while filming both "Invencible " and " Receta."
