
Sunday, July 14, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 84- Viernes, 12 de julio, 2024 - "You're bad, you go to jail. You're worse, you burn yourself up. You're the worst, you get set free."

A gigantic THANK YOU to Urban, Adriana amd Blue for their spectacular recaps this week!

Another sex scene with Paz and Esteban... Well, expected since it's the noche de boda... But FF-->

Fobo tells El to write down what she wants to get rid off and throw them in the fire. She writes down "culpa" (fault, blame), "doler" (to hurt), "triste" (sad) etc and burns them. El tells Fobo she loves him with the same intensity he has showed her and we get some kisses.

Salo and Gala are kissing in a car, Salo tells her they'll take it slowly or something. Please not another sex scene. Please... Gema sees them through the car window, leaves and calls someone (Jero), telling them they have to come there.

At this point, the only one who hasn't had a kiss in this epi is Cobija. ¡Ya basta!

Mir and Lupe talk about Mau. Mir says it's probably on her, first Alejandro (Pepa and Salo's dad) then Mau. Lupe tells her that it's not her fault of course. Be patient; look at her and Porf! Then they talk about Hum, Mir says she feels a bit weird because he liked Paz. Her mom replies that he and Paz are friends, they were never in a relationship.

Gin is mad that Paz and Esteban didn't suffer/die, Mau says if something happened to them everyone would know they were behind it. He adds this thinking got her in prison in the first place. Gin says his betrayal got her in here. Sabón laughs and Gin and Mau start going on about how they're siblings that were poor etc, unlike his (Sabón's) boss who was born in riches. At some point Mau tells Gin he has a different proposal (than Sabón) to make, but Gin replies that Paz, Esteban, Elvira "and their stupid descendants" will suffer.

Sandro and Kenzo are packing Jero's stuff because there isn't enough money. Sandro definitely read our suggestions for him, because he apologises for being bad. He even tells Kenzo he's the best dad in the world (when he told him Fel being a criminal doesn't have anything to do with him like they tell him at school) and they hug. Ring ring goes the doorbell, Sandro opens. It's thankfully Nandy and Hum, they need to talk.

Lupe and Mir ruin Salo and Gala's moment. They grab Salo out and start going all "OH THE SHAME" and "DON'T YOU HAVE A HOUSE"? Bro YOU'RE in the house, he couldn't have taken Gala there! Gala says it's consensual but they get dragged out anyway. I feel kinda bad for them, what a ruined night.

El wants to explain to Fobo why she had been so annoying and awkward... Uh... I mean... Why she didn't show interest in him. She was afraid that he wasn't what he showed he was, it's a trauma from the past with Ginebra's dad. Fobo understands, there's no reason to explain anything. 

Flor and Esteban continue their noche de boda. The have a discussion on where to live, Paz doesn't want to live in his mansion. IIRC she mentions having bought her house with her own money. They also mention the luna de miel (honeymoon), they'll take the ENTIRE family with them. I'm just here thinking about the enormous chemistry of Claudia Martín and Daniel Elbittar. I always wondered how can partners of actors/actresses stand all these intimate scenes of them with other people. Especially if they have such chemistry!

Back to Mir and Lupe screaming at Salo and Gala about almost having sex in the car. Mir says she loves Gala and she loves "this" (Salo) because he's her son. They could have told them and they would have left and made the atmosphere romantic. Salo says it would be awkward. I mean... "Hey mom and grandma, can you please GTFO because I want to have sex with Gala" kind of ruins the mood and IS awkward, but then again... In a car? Really? Just... No. Lupe says something about protection and Mir starts saying that if they had their hormones hit they could do something different, like... Lupe cuts her off, convo stops there. I guess that's the telenovela equivalent for "that's enough Reddit for today".

Kenzo won't tell Esteban about Jero, he doesn't want Jero to go to jail and his family to break apart even more. I have a bad feeling about this. Also, did Kenzo actually say "gracias AMIGA" to Nandy when she said she understands him feeling bad about Felipa, since she's his children's mother?

Speaking of his angelic son, he's planning on KILLING Gala and Salo with Gema. Gema wants to go to Salo's car right now, cut the brakes and everything, but Jero says no. Because he's not as bad as we thought? NOOOOO, because it'll be "too obvious it's was her". He gives her something to put on Salo's car and mentions getting them somewhere private. Who could have guessed Sandro would end up being better than his brother? The wedding cake fiasco was the first step in his redemption. Bravo, kid.

You know who WON'T be redeemed? Mauro. He and Ginebra are scheming their little scheme with Rubio's release. Ginebra orders Mau to kill one of Rubio's daughters so he learns to cooperate if he wants the rest of them alive. Can anyone inform Gin she's NOT in a position to order others around? Sabón claps in the background and offers them, again, the chance to be socios. His boss will make them invincible. Ginebra accepts, BUT they have to know she and her brother aren't their lapdogs. 

Another scene with El showing how changed she is to Bosco and Pepa. FF-->

Ginebra wants Pepa dead, "there mediocre people need to pay for what they did to us". Hmmm, does she mean EXISTING or BREATHING? Because they didn't do ANYTHING else. After Gin goes back to her cell, Sabón tells Mau his boss is looking for absolute loyalty, but his sister doesn't look like she gets this. Mau replies that he knows how to manage her, get her out ASAP and he'll take care of that. Since the blog is spoiler-free, I won't spoil who big boss is (I accidentally saw it). I'll just go ahead and say to pay attention to the words used by Sabón in all of today's scenes, one of them is a little hint.

Back at the Robles' household, Lupe, Mir, Salo and Gala are eating. Hum comes holding flowers for Mir. After Lupe tells him to go wash his hands and tells him where the bathroom is, she asks the rest if they approve of Hum. I love Lupe, LOL. They do, even Salo, who's... Well... Salo. 

Next day: the female neighbours would be glad to be hanging the laundry this early, as we get gratuitous shirtless of our galán. He's kissing Paz, but still. LOL JK. These two deserve some happy uninterrupted days. But this is a telenovela and in Últimos Capítulos, so they won't get them. 

The whole Roble family has packed to go to the honeymoon, everyone is happy and excited. The kids are already having fun, Esteban is getting everyone's luggage in the car and Paz offers Elvira a juice with fruit she knows El likes (mangos?) El says it means a lot to her that Paz remembered. 

And everyone is having so much fun, everyone is so happy that you know something's going to mess it all up for them. And that's Rubio, who pours gasoline all over him and starts threatening them holding a gun. Our gang somehow manage to get the kids inside the house, thankfully. Paz screams at him to put the gun down, no one has to get hurt. Rubio flashes back to Mauro telling him that he shouldn't have played with fire, because he'll end up on fire. He grabs a lighter and Esteban screams "It's gasoline!" as everyone starts screaming. Rubio lights himself on fire. I've seen people in telenovelas burn others alive, but I've never seen someone burn THEMSELVES alive. Who know Rubio was this creative! Anyway. As he's burning, people are... Filming the whole thing on their phones. Yeah... Unfortunately believable. Humberto grabs a fire extinguisher and uses it on Rubio (why?) and Mir calls an ambulance (WHY?) 

Esteban tells Hum it was Ginebra, she orchestrated this from inside the prison. She has orchestrated crimes before, look at what she did to Berenice. He decides he'll go confront her, she'll never leave them alone.

They go inside. The adults are trying to calm the kids down. Elvira thinks back to Ginebra telling her "even though I'll be stuck here, Elvira, my strings are going to continue moving and the people you love are going to suffer", but doesn't say anything. Esteban bursts in, telling them the police will take statements from all the adults (why? They were all present in the exact same scene. Is this a procedure? Couldn't they have taken one or two statements and get this over with? Am I too tired to think? Questions, questions...)

Gin asks her jail cell fake friend why is she here. For what crime? Fel starts mumbling that she's here because of what they did. Gin tells her she wants to hear it. Fel mumbles about the money laundering. Gin says she has heard the guards calling her a rat, has she snitched on her? She twists Fel's finger and says she hasn't suffered enough as Fel's screaming. At some point Fel says something like "I'll be your slave, Ginebra" and Gin FINALLY lets go. This is going terribly wrong.

In the last scene of the episode, Mauro is watching Rubio burning himself alive through his phone (probably some idiot decided it would be a good idea to upload it to social media. Society is going to the dogs). He thinks all this violence is unnecessary (BRO YOU'RE HELPING THE PERSON BEHIND IT), he could have just shot himself, why burn himself? Sabón replies it was Ginebra's idea (okay, she gets credit for creativity) and he thought it's a good idea. Mau says the children of the family were there, Sam was there. Sabón makes a comment about knowing Mau was not going to burn his niece and says that the adults unfortunately managed to get the kids inside, but they must have heard something. With a little bit of luck, they will have a lasting trauma. Yay? Even Mauro can't seem to find the "yay" in the situation. He comments that Gin will take revenge on everyone, including los Figueroa (Felipa, Kenzo etc). Sabón tells someone on the phone "we're starting". "To fill the cemetery, we must first free the dead", he comments. Mauro just looks at him.

And with Gin probably getting out in the next epi, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Outstanding, recap, Weirdo. Thank you! Loved your observations especially about why anybody would ever bother to try to save Rubio from burning himself alive? I didn’t get that either.

    Filipa would allow herself to be bullied in the big house by Ginebra when she knows how unpopular Ginebra is? Filipa is physically big enough to do Ginebra some serious damage, shut her down and raise her cache among the other inmates.

    I do admit that Salo and Gala making out in the car made me laugh. Fogged up the windows a bit and made me think of that old Tina Turner song “Steamy Windows.”

    Another satisfying episode.

  2. I FF through the sex scenes too. Really, Gala's first time in a car! How looked like Jero had some sort of tracker to put on the car. Is this Sal's car? I know he got his driver's license for his new job at the fabrica of who knows what. I guess it comes with a company car.
    I wouldn't have thought Paz bought her house, I imagine it is a joint family venture with the restaurant. If anyone owns the house I would guess it is Lupe, probably the family home. I guess living in the mansion may be out of her comfort zone, but really, the mansion is already too small for all the kids they now have.

    Pretty sure Gin broke Felipa 's finger. I definitely heard a crack.

    I really don't understand why Rubio killed himself, especially the way he did it. The police needing statements from the adults while there were so many other bystanders recording the event on their cellphones seems overkill. I keep wondering if the police chief/detective is the one pulling all the strings. I want him to be one of the good (though ineffective) guys but.....

  3. Thanks so much Weirdo, that was great. Glad I’m not the only one fast forwarding through the sex scenes! Paz and Esteban make it look so real and Daniel is happily married. I feel like I’m watching the breakup of a marriage. And Paz broke up with Vermon in real life during this telenovela. Hope Daniel had nothing to do with it!

    So did they kill one of Rubio’s kids and tell him he had to set himself on fire so the rest of the family would live. That was awful and confusing. But the bad guys are real sickos. But I still think Mauro won’t be able to hurt them. Maybe he’ll even save them.

    I was so relieved that Lupe and Mir got the kids out of the car before Jerónimo got there. I didn’t realize their plan was to kill Salo and Gala. Esteban needs for everyone to have guards.

    I like the idea of Humberto and Mir as a couple. Maybe they’ll move to the ranch. That house is pretty full, no room for Esteban and his crew.

    We’ve had a few enjoyable happy episodes. Guess we’ll have to take some edge of our seat ones. I just don’t want any of the good guys to die, but don’t think that’s possible.


  4. Omg Weirdo, I can’t believe you got stuck with three separate heavy petting scenes! I’m ready to throw in the towel and just award you the prize for Most Put-Upon Recapper right now.

    I picture the Televisa makeup crew as a really jolly bunch. “Hey, guess what! It’s not just bruises and poisoned kids today. We get CRISPY HAND!”

  5. Weirdo, thank you for an excellent recap of this interesting episode . I love this show, but the writers are really jumping sharks.

    If Gin wants to kill everybody , Rubio setting himself on fire isn't going to kill anyone but him , her hired gun. Makes no sense . It's too hot to wear my beanie , so I am just suspending my disbelief very very high.

    Also ,exactly why do Jer and Gem want Salo and Gala dead ? Makes no sense . Jero is in deep trouble , so why is he waisting time on this odd vendetta? And Gem just went to Paz's shower and wedding .QTH?

    Loved the romantic honeymoon ...A respite from worries and fear for a little while before returning to all the drama .

    I have seen Daniel as a galan in several telenovelas . Some of them were when he was very young and already a very good actor. I think he has the strongest chemistry I have ever seen him have with Claudia. I saw her in a show with Rulli, and I thought there was no chemistry.

    I would hate to be married to a guy who spent his work day pseudo loving somebody else. "So, how did your day go? What did you do?" I think to make those love scenes feel real, the actors have to believe for those moments that they are their characters , and for the characters, it is real . The only other actor I have seen who makes every love scene feel real is Fernando Colunga,el Rey . If he is el Rey of novelas, then Daniel is the prince. It must be an exercise in being mindful in the moment , and believing it is real . Daniel seems to be a devoted husband and father .

    Gala and Salo do not understand the first rule of " parking" : Dont do it across the street from your house . Find a backroad in the country.

    Yes, dim Felipa just stood there and let tiny Gin threaten her and break her finger. I am small ,and I know how to get away from people. Felipa has to fight or she just stays right there listening to creepy Gin and letting her grab her. Move.

    Well, surfs up..lets go to the beach. The good guys want to get back to a normal life, but Gin is still alive and will do everything she can to get her revenge. Don't let your guard down yet. Susan

  6. Weirdo, a truly amazing recap. You captured everything so smartly and thoroughly.

    Thank you for your wry commentary ("At this point, the only one who hasn't had a kiss in this epi is Cobija. ¡Ya basta!") which made this cringe inducing episode somewhat bearable.

    If only we could purge "culpa" (fault, blame), "doler" (to hurt) and "triste" (sad)" from our lives.

    Hum bearing flowers for Mir was the highlight of the show for me.

    "Who could have guessed Sandro would end up being better than his brother?" Nopis, never. Jero is just horrid. Have we ever seen one so young (and so evil) die??? Perhaps there will be a miraculous intervention but his goose seems fairly well cooked to me.

    I'm with everyone on the Paz/Esteban scenes. The look she gave him in one of the scenes had me blushing. Hot, hot, scorching.

    "Filipa is physically big enough to do Ginebra some serious damage, shut her down and raise her cache among the other inmates" is an excellent point Jarifa.

    "To fill the cemetery, we must first free the dead" is quite frankly scaring me to death!

    What is Ginebra going to do for an encore????


  7. I forgot to mention I personally want to hear Elvira's backstory about Gin's father (and her husband). I sincerely doubt she has ever had a happy,healthy relationship. Too bad Fobo told her it wasn't necessary. Also, looks like Hum and Mira may become a couple after all, as some of us speculated..

    Susan, loved your comment, first rule of parking, find a back road in the country. How many of us can relate (raising my hand). Of course the country may be 45 minutes away from the center of Mexico city, but hey, there is that abandoned water park in walking distance, lol.

  8. Just stopping by quickly to thank you, Weirdo, for making for such an entertaining read of a supposedly romantic episode.

    I know I'm in the minority, I think Daniel and Claudia have good chemistry, but IMO he was best with Angelique Boyer in Amor Invencible. I will never stop hoping that Gael and Leona have reunited somewhere off screen and are finally together again.

    "The first rule of "parking"" made me laugh out loud. I remember those times so well!
