
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #85 "The Mexican justice system at its finest"

Sandro is sad he can’t see Felipa. Jeronimo and Kenzo try to comfort him. Kenzo evades a question about still loving Nandy.

Lupita is weeping over the fact that she loves Porfirio. A bit random, but she makes Nandy cry over Pretty Boy Kenzo.

The CSI Mexico City are investigating Rubio’s death. Elvira still hopes Gin had nothing to do with it but Esteban and Paz are sure she’s involved. Elvira understands their fear, she wants to go see her daughter. Humber thinks they should postpone the honeymoon, Esteban agrees that they have to protect themselves.

The kids are on the roof, Gala is trying to cheer them all up. Salo is impressed with her strength. Pepa says that it’s time for him to leave the country.

Ginebra is quarrelling with a prison guard, who asks for more money for her protection. She is in handcuffs, but Sabon asks to remove them – and gives her the good news, his employer has managed to get her out. And she will do it in style, technically she will still be guilty, but they have some judges on their payroll, she will out of jail as a cooperative witness working for the prosecution. Ginebra is happy, free at last. And she is going to kill them all.

She knows Sabon is setting a trap for her. He makes it clear everything comes from his boss, the prison warden will turn a blind eye.

Now at the Villa, Paz promises the kids to defend them, it was one of the vows she made when she married Esteban. She is their mother, and she will protect them no matter what. And they will one day be happy. The kids are all game, they will also do their best to protect one another. They have security guards and the police are keeping an eye on them, too. Eder asks why he was sick, he suspects Ginebra, but Paz evades the question. The kids demand the truth, Paz finally says that Ginebra is a bad person, she is the one who has been hurting all of them. Samaria is sad, Paz does her best to encourage her. All for one and one for all.

Lupita and Porfirio have brought a priest to her home, to throw some holy water around, remove the bad vibes. Porfi thinks they should all go to Esteban’s house. Lupita feels bad, she faints. Porfirio flashes back to Margarita’s death, but thankfully Lupita starts to regain consciousness. She had a spike in blood pressure, but she feels better now. They talk about God and Jesus and faith, they are all insane, they should call an ambulance.

Esteban and Elvira have come to visit Gin to ask her about what happened to Rubio. She denies having anything to do with it, she is not a witch. Elvira begs her to stop hurting them, both she and Esteban remind her she killed Berenice. But Gin is enjoying this, she’s dreamed of hurting them and it is happening just like in her fantasies. Elvira gets mad with anger, Esteban has to stop her from jumping on Ginebra. She says that she will always mourn Bere’s death, but also the fact that she lost her second daughter, why did she have to choose this road?

Ginebra once again accuses Elvira of transforming her into what she has become. Elvira calls her a coward, she herself chose to love instead of hate. Ginebra seems to be having fun with this, she even manages to tell Esteban that she still loves him. And promises that she is not done hurting them, each child will suffer, so they better say goodbye to their happiness, their worst nightmare is about to start. She will not be locked up for much longer.

Esteban wants to know if Mauro helped her with Rubio and promises she will never win. How did she convince him to burn himself? She makes him sick! Poor abandoned girl, still looking for attention. Elvira calls her pathetic, too, she’s doing all of this to draw her attention. Gin is unmoved, one day they will all kneel in front of her to beg for forgiveness.

Mireya is upset Pepa wants to leave now, under these circumstances. Pepa thinks he’s not the main target, he even doubts that Gin had anything to do with this even if Esteban and Paz insist she did. Mireya has to tell them that Mauro came to the house and threatened them. Pepa now understands the danger, Salo thinks they should tell Paz about Mauro. Pepa says he had another reason he wanted to leave, he needs to be free, start from zero, he’s afraid he won’t be accepted. Salo and Mireya don’t understand what he’s talking about, but then they apologize for not taking the time to see his pain. Sallo feels bad for not being the big brother he should have been but adds that he realized something was going on, he’s not blind. Mireya also supports him and wants him to have his scholarship when the time is right.

Was this a coming out happening off screen??

Mauro talks to Abdul about orchestrating Pepa’s scholarship request. Mauro hopes he will say yes, he’d rather kill him than his mother, gets mad with his lackey and punches him when Abdul says he should have never fallen in love with that woman. No honor among murderous thieves.

Fobo couldn’t find a link between Ginebra and Rubio, the prison warden even said she has been in isolation. Esteban says her ally has to be someone even more powerful than she is. But who, since all her known associates are in jail.

Humberto is fighting with someone on the phone, when Kenzo arrives with Sandro. Nandy takes Sandro away. Humber tells Kenzo that Esteban insists Rubio’s act was orchestrated by Ginebra, but he can’t find a connection. Kenzo asks if he knows something about Felipa. He gets mad there is no resolution in sight. Felipa calls him, asks about the kids. Humber asks about Ginebra, does she know Fel is their informant? Felipa says no, but we see Gin listening to her. She says she had nothing to do with the attack, but they have to know she has a plan. Gin smiles.

Jeronimo and Gema are still plotting to kill Salo, they want to do something to his car. Salo tries to hit her, but Gema is faster and hits him instead. And then kisses him. So twisted.

Esteban is back home and tells Paz their talk with Gin was useless, they couldn’t get anything out of her. Paz feels bad for Samaria and Elvira, Esteban tries to see the silver lining. Paz thinks the kids need therapy to get through this, Esteban agrees. They both know that together they will manage to help their kids get through this.

Felipa screams for help, but it’s a scheme, Ginebra hits the guards that she hates and then in the next scene she tells them she injected them with a paralyzing potion. She explains how she plans to torture them and its’ truly awful, I am not going to write it down, watching it is enough.

Mireya gets a call from her mom’s cell. But its’ actually Mauro, thankfully he doesn’t have Lupita, he just cloned her phone. This is her last chance, will she run away with him, or she chooses to have him as an enemy? Swoon!

Kenzo tells the others about Felipa’s words: Gin plans to declare herself guilty. Esteban thinks this doesn’t make any sense.

But then they turn on the TV for some breaking news: Senora Ginebra Nicoliti is out of jail, following a deal she made. Ginebra is all smiles as she tells the reporter that she is innocent, has been accused of crimes she never committed. Humber explains that she has become a witness for the prosecution, she spilled the beans on several criminals.

Paz is in a panic; she’s afraid Gin will kidnap Samaria again. Elvira is sure she will come after all of them, and Gin promises this much to the reporter: “Justice” will take care of all her enemies.


  1. Thank you Adriana. I don't blame you for not describing the prison guards torture. Last episode there was Rubio's human torch, now that. These deaths are getting pretty horrific. There is a reason I prefer the comedic TN's, even when the humor escapes me.

    I actually applauded when Gema kneed (sp?) Jer in the groin and I agree it did seem out of left field when she then kissed him. Wonder if he was slumming in the past and he is the baby daddy. Gema certainly has a baby face. They never did say where Gio disappeared to.

    I thought the priest was sprinkling something other than holy water, looked like some sort of powder. It also seemed like he did call for an ambulance. Who took her BP, I thought it was a medic, but maybe it was the priest or Porfirio.

    OT, were you one of the recappers interested in Maread de Pasiones. I am now involved in watching 5 current shows. With the wonder of You Tube TV 's library I can manage them, as 2 air at the same time. And the time investment is cut nearly in half since I can skip commercials. And to think I never watched TV in the past. I guess I'm making up for lost time. Can't wait till I don't need to read the CC's so I can do my crafts again while TV plays in the background.

  2. Merci, Adriana. This episode makes me wonder what limits the writers have set or if there are limits at all.

    I can't see the whole family living in the barrio. The ranch, maybe.

    How long can you delay accepting a scholarship? Mireya is probably asking the impossible here.

    There is no reason on earth, no explanation that should allow anyone like Ginebra to go free. Where is Interpol? There should be some evidence of her other murders and major investigations into her financial activity. Her sadism knows no limits. She might even be thinking about making the children kill each other in front of Esteban, Paz, and Elvira.

    That Gema and Jeronimo are looking to kill Salomon and Gala was supremely shocking. I agree with you that he must have been slumming and is the sperm donor of her spawn.

    Rubio's suicide was shocking and unexpected. We should find out tonight whether any of his daughters were murdered which could have motivated this action.

    To an earlier point about no body found at the water park remains, it is likely that the murder squad made it disappear before dawn. There was adequate time for that and it was hours before Mauro went home. This would be consistent with Ginebra's talent for planning for such contingencies.

    10 episodes to go, undoubtedly filled with the stuff of nightmares.

  3. Cher Adriana, merci. Thank you for an excellent review of a truly mindboggling episode . I enjoyed this telenovela so much. The actors are great , and the chemistry between the leads was off the charts . However, I don't know what the writers are thinking with the bizarre storylines they are throwing at us as we tumble to the finish. It is much too hot to put on my beanie , so I am straining to suspend my disbelief without success . We knew that the joy of the previous episodes of the wedding and noche de boda was not going on last with Gin and Mauro still alive, but now we are just getting events that make no sense.

    I recorded the show, so thanks to your recap, I know when to fast forward.

    I am watching reruns of Pasion on Unimas , and if you have seen that show, the crazed villain now doesn't seem as crazy and evil now that i am watching what these writers have done to Gin's storyline.

    Oh well, let's see just how far the writers decided to go .....

  4. Thanks so much Adriana, especially for sparing us Ginebra’s torture comments. I wonder if it’s just going to be crazy madness until the last hour. I hate to think what Ginebra’s plans are. I do think she’ll be killed in the end, just so the family can live happily ever after.


  5. That is my hope as well. There are past examples in which the death of the primary villain relieved the survivors of ongoing anguish.

    At this point in the story I have given up all hope of ever finding out Ginebra's entire criminal history. We know enough to know that only death will leave any peace for Paz, Esteban, and all their family members. What I am wondering now is what will happen to the remaining villains including the Mr BIg we have not yet met. Is Jeronimo so stupid and/or so entitled as to think he can get away with murder?

  6. Excellent as always Adriana.

    You conveyed the tense, terrifying events perfectly and I thank you for not going into what Ginebra planned to do with the guards (sometimes not knowing what is being said is a mercy).

    I wonder if Mr. Big is someone we've already "met." Certainly Ginebra will be felled and it can't come quickly enough for me.

    Urban, I am still trying to process Jero and Gema wanting to murder Salo and Gala. Jero is truly Satan's son. And it also occurred to me last night he is likely the father of Gema's baby.

    Adriana, thank you for your exceptional recap. I'm so disheartened I'm just rather at a loss for words.


  7. Thanks, Adriana. The recap was excellent. Having watched telenovelas for awhile now, there seems to be a disturbing trend to make them more violent and make that violence more repulsive in the last couple years. The torture described I could see in a narco-novela but not in something like Receta which supposedly has familial appeal. Give me a break!
