
Monday, July 15, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of July 15, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! We have a new TN starting this week—MAREA DE PASIONES!! No preemptions this week. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: Gran Estreno!!

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    Bad weather with tornado warnings that have replaced the first episode at the present time. I will see what I can come up with for the first episode, that literally started with a bang, tomorrow.

  2. Marea
    I watched it. Fortunately not a ton of characters to sort out in the premier episode, and they all look different enough from each other that I think I can keep track of this batch. Hope the storms didn't affect you.

  3. Marea

    I watched it too. Not sure of some characters, like the young boy/man and his two girlfriends. But I think I’m going to like it.


  4. MAREA

    Jarifa, please stay safe!

    I watched but there were far too many characters for me. I like the leads but overall, I'm not sure.


  5. MAREA DE PASIONES Capítulo 1 The Snake in the Grass in Full View

    Wow! Could they pack more into one episode? I hope this helps give a good start to anyone planning on watching this. Pkease excuse any typos.

    1. Marcelo Bernal (Matías Novoa) is running through a jungle being pursued by two gunmen. One tells him to stop. He stops, turns and is shot. He falls to the jungle floor.

    2. DAYS BEFORE in NAYARIT Mexico. On a beach, Marcelo is looking at some blueprints for the new Hotel de Luz. He is concerned about the destructive deforestation the construction is causing. Goyo comes running to tell him that the people in town are angry seeing kilometers of trees being removed. Marcelo goes to talk to them.

    3. Marcelo faces a demonstration to protect the ecosystem. They are against "eco-system-cide." (ecocidio) They are at the current hotel. Marcelo joins the protesters asking to see the owner and quiets calls to violence by the crowd. The owner Alejandro Grajales comes out with a smile telling everyone to calm down and without merit. He informs the crowd that Ecospace lost the bid for the property, got angry about it and sent Marcelo to cause problems. Marcelo shouts that he is killing the jungle and will be sorry. Alejandro asks if he is threatening him in front of the press and tells his security to remove him. Marcelo tells him this is not over. Marcelo leaves with the protesters.

    4. Goyo tells him that they cannot go about this peacefully. Marcelo disagrees and reminds him hat they need the press on their side. Luisa Grajales (Oka Giner) rushes to Marcelo asking what happened. She is joining Marcelo in their fight. The protesters see her as the enemy being Alejandro's daughter and are sure he sent her. She promises to talk to her father. Goyo doesn't believe her and wants to go back and attack! Marcelo says they need to talk. Goyo and the protesters angrily leave.

    5. Marcelo and Luisa are in love and end up walking on the beach. She gives him a necklace she made for him with a shell she found in ocean that reminded her of him. He is sorry things are so difficult for them. She says that her parents won't control her forever and is sure they will love him when they meet him. They talk about the future.

    6. Dinner time with the Grajales family. Alejandro toasts Luisa for having received her law license. Luisa's mother Leonor (Luz Marīa Jerez) says they are having a special meal to celebrate. Her brother Tiago (Michel Duval) asks if her novio is coming. She says no. The only friend she invited was Zaid (Alejandro de la Madrid) and thanks him for always being there. Her father wishes that Marcelo was a friend but he is working against them. She disagrees saying he is in favor of ecology; that is different. He is not convinced. She admits she agrees with him. They can have a successful business and also be ecologically responsible. Her mother does't see Marelo as being successful. Tiago crudely states that he always thought that his sister and Marcelo just hadthe hots for each other. Alejandro shuts him down and announces that he has a surprise for them. He has planned a trip to Colombia to celebrate Luisa's accomplishment. They have also invited Zaid so she doesn't get bored. Tiago opines that they may even end up falling in love with each other. Luisa shuts him up. Alejandro would love to see them end up together. Zaid is not only a great support at work but he is also like a son to him. Zaid smiles. Tiago is not pleased. Alejandro asks his other daughter Anita if her novio is coming. She asked him but he didn't want to. Alejandro toasts to the trip.

  6. Part 2

    7. Zaid goes to the beach where Marcelo is helping out Goyo and tells his friend Marcelo that his name came up at the Grajales house. Things got tense. He doesn't think that Alejandro likes him. Marcelo hates that Luisa is having problems with her family because of him. Zaid promises to talk to Alejandro so Marcelo can relax. Marcelo thanks him.

    8. Marcelo tells Goyo that he doesn't want to hear of any more threats against Alejandro. Some protesters on the beach think that they are discussing how to dispatch Alejandro. Zaid is listening to it all.

    9. Back at Alejandro's, the family is at the table drinking margaritas when Luisa gets a text from Marcelo to meet him outside of her house. She manages to sneak out. Alejandro is waiting for her with Zaid by his side. Alejandro leaves with Marcelo . Zaid will cover for Luisa. Said's friendly smile changes to a frown as soon as they are gone.

    10. Alejandro takes Luisa to the beach where he has staged a romantic rendezvous for them with candles, food, and wine. She loves it. They love each other.

    11. The next morning, Marcelo is talking to his mother Marīa Bernal.. She didn't like what she saw of the protests on TV. His relationship withLuisa is only going to bring him more problems. He disagrees. The protest was peaceful and all is well with Luisa. She is sure Alejandro sees it differently and wants to provoke him into doing something. She only wants to see her son happy and if he is with Luisa, she will support him. He says he needs her help with something for tomorrow. She asks why he is smiling like he is. She says he will help. There conversation is interrupted y Marcelo's smiling brother Felipe Bernal. He is happy to see Marcelo.

    12. Luisa thanks her father for her office at the hotel. He will send her the cases that they currently have and the ones that need to be started. He wants to initiate a complaint against Ecospace and especially Marcelo Bernal. She is taken aback thinking that this is some kind of loyalty test. He reminds her she is now the family lawyer and he needs to know she can be impartial. She assures him that she can be. He needs to trust her. He sees that Marcelo is there and wants to call security. Luisa assures him she can take care of the situation with Marcelo. She asks Marelo if he is crazy coming there. He wants to invite her on a date to their special place. They both have iportantnthings to tell each other.

    13. Alejandro, with Zaid by his side, meets with Juan Marrero (Alejandro Camacho). He is his brother-in-law. Alejandro is not pleased Juan is drinking and gambling. Juan says it helps relax him. Alejandro reminds him he isn't a customer but an employee. Zaid is sure Juan is aware of his debt with the casino and will settle it soon. Alejandro asks if he will be settling it with his sister's money. Juan says he has his money and complains that he isn't just any old employee for him to treat him like he does. He is his financial advisor. He is not in favor of sending the casino money to the Paraíso tax authority. There is a lot of money in play and it will come out that they are not operating under the federal precepts. Banks get investigated sooner or later. He suggests that they launder the money through shell companies.Alejandro laughs asking him if that is the best he can come up with being a financial advisor. Zaid volunteers to take on the shell companies. Alejandro has done a lot for him and he owes him a lot. Alejandro says he is not sorry that he ADOPTED Zaid when his parents died. He wishes Tiago was more like him. Alejandro tells Juan to stop drinking and move on the plan with Zaid.

  7. Part 3

    14. Leonor's sister-in-law (Juan's wife) tells Leonor that she saw Marcelo and his mother in a jewelry store in the tourist area of town. FLASHBACK: We see how rude the sister-in-law was. She told Marcelo and Marīa that they had a habit of being where they shouldn't especially María. She told her daughter Camila that Maria had a habit of getting into places she shouldn't like her marriage. She still doesn't know what Camila's father saw in that peasant. María understands her venom and anger. She adds it was her mistake having a momentary lapse of good behavior with the man who is now her husband. María adds that she should be able to get over it after all this time. PRESENT: The sister-in-law tells Leonor that she enjoyed herself so much making fun out of that fruit seller. Leonor says she did fine. Those people have no class and even less morals. Leonor says she urgently wants to get her daughter away from that things's AKA the fruit seller's son.

    15. Tiago has come to see his father who is not happy to see him. Zaid is there, too. He supposes it is because he has been sexually harassing yet another employee. He asks how much will it take to keep the girl's mouth shut and that Zaid will deal with it.
    Tiago is not there for that. He is quitting his job in human resources and wants to join them in the casino business. Alejandro makes fun of him wondering if he will be helping Juan pull the slot machine lever every time he (Tiago) is drunk. Tiago says no and that it is time his father trusted him. He will do a good job. He needs Tiago to show him that he is not just another pretty face at the hotel and certainly not a hindrance. So, for the mean time , he can stay in HR. Alejandro leaves and a smiling Zaid tells Tiago not to feel bad. He advises him to keep busy with work and not with the female employees.

    16. Zaid picks up some guy with a pony tail and tells him that the time has come. They have to do it now. They are about to launder money and they have to take advantage of the fact that Alejandro and all of the family, including him, are going to go on vacation. Pony Tail Man say he understands what Zaid mapped out for him. Zaid adds that there will be only one servant in the house and that he knows what he has to do. Zaid hands him all of the codes he will need to get into the office and the safe.

    17. Juan's wife tells him how uncomfortable she is with Marcelo around seeing him as a threat to her brother. Juan tells her Marcelo is incapable of hurting anyone. She thinks he is only saying that because he is his old lover's son. He scoffs at the very idea. She says the affair may be in the past for him but not for her. She reminds him that she tried to take her own life when she found out. How could he???? he says that she has other daughters that need her. What happened to Sofía still hurts her. It hurts that they stole her from them not knowing where she is, if she is alive, dead, suffering. Then she brings up Alfonso. Juan says he went to Amsterdam to live a vice-filled life instead of staying with them. He blames that on her obsession. She asks him who exactly is responsible for his vices? Juan has to look away. Juan's wife has the feeling that their son learned about those vices from him.

  8. Part 4

    18. Alejandro visits with María to talk business. He knows that her agreement with the man from Chile is ending soon. She asks why he would be involved in that. She signed with him and not Alejandro. Well, it turns out he is the Chilean's majority shareholder. Sje tells him that his partner allowed them to send less fruit than they were going to the first year. Alejandro does not agree. If she cannot fulfill the original agreement, she is going to have to pay a large indemnification. It is in Clause 24. She accuses him of taking advantage of her. All of her mony is tied up in the business. He says she will have to pay with half of her property. She cannot believe he would ask her to do that. He is willing to rewrite that clause but she has to agree to make Marcelo leave town. He wants Marcelo far away from his daughter. She accuses him of setting a trap for her.

    19. Juan talks to another one of his daughters Beatriz (?). He hopes that her career in medicine will satisfy her as much as she thought it would. She thinks he wanted to see her in finance. He says it is up to her to do what is good for her although he would have loved for her to follow in his footsteps. No, he is not disappointed in her. He supports her decision and expects she will be the best doctor in the world. She knows he wanted them to work together because they both know they are the best team ever. She is his favorite daughter. She realizes that he misses Sofía a lot, too. He admits it was all his fault. She assures him it had nothing to do with him. What happened between María and him happened long after that. He says that belongs in the past. She agrees and says she never stopped loving him. He is a good man and deserves to be completely happy some day. He breathes a sigh of relief, smiles and hugs her. He leaves. She sheds a few tears and changes her career to finance.

    20. It is night time and Tiago sexually harasses Suzy a bartender who is only trying to do her job. He wants her to sit on his lap. She refuses. He grabs her hands. She pulls away and runs away upset. He enjoys it all. (Evidently he is a sadist, too)

    21. Anita is in a hot tub with her novio and Camila. Her novio assures he will behave while she is gone. She goes for a drink and he puts the moves on Camila. She wants him to break up already with Anita. He says it isn't that easy because his family prefers that he is with a Grajales girl. She reminds him that her mother is a Grajales. Anita is back and wants to know what they were talking about.

    22. Marcelo meets with Luisa at the beach. There is a ring in his pocket. They both have a surprise for each other. Her surprise is telling him about the ten day vacation to Colombia and having tickets for him so he can go along with her. His reaction is one of surprise but he asks why she didn't tell him before. She says because it was a "SURPRISE". He asks if he would really be able to spend time with her father. She says that is why she wants him to come; to smooth things over so they can get along. Marcelo knows his father sees him as a threat and her mother has a low opinion of him. Luisa says he needs to take this first step so they become a family. Marcelo insists he doesn't want to ruin anyone's vacations. She angrily takes the tickets back and says he ruined her surprise. She asks what was his surprise. He says it wasn't important. (No proposal tonight)She accuses him of making her choose between her family and him. She expected that from her famly but not him. She leaves.

  9. Part 5

    23. TAYRONA, COLOMBIA The Grajales family arrives along with Zaid, Juan and his wife. Luisa tells Zaid that she wishes Marcelo had come. He wishes he had, too. He give her a hug that looks a little too long. The hug ends when Anita comes to get her. Zaid is not a happy camper.

    24. NAYARIT Felipe asks his mother what is wrong. She tells him that the contract that she signed with the Chilean was a trap that Garjales set for her. They are going to take half of her land if she doesn't split up Marcelo and Luisa. She cannot do that to her son.

    25. COLOMBIA The vacation in an open air tree house is a little more than some members of the Grajales family want to deal with. There are loads of mosquitoes. There are roars from the savage animals in the jungle. Juan's wife says that was only him snoring. They all laugh. To everyone's surprise, Marcelo appears. Luisa thinks it is because of her but it isn't. He is there to inform Alejandro that he knows about making his mother sign a "rigged" contract. He tells Luisa that her father did that to get him away from her. If doesn't break up with her, her father will take their land. He makes it clear that NOBODY will separate him and Luisa.Tiago gets up ready to fight. Zaid says now is not the time. Marcelo says it is the time and demands that Alejandro change the contract. Alejandro refuses to be intimidated. Luisa asks her father if he really did that. Her mother asks how she could doubt her father's word. Marcelo insists he is not lying as Juan's wife asks what can you expect from THOSE people??? Marcelo tells Alejandro he has until tomorrow before he does something. Alejandro asks if he is threatening him. Is he going to kill him or what?? Marcelo says he doesn't know. He leaves and Luisa follows.

    26. Luisa asks why he appeared like he did and not come with her. He tells her that he just found out about the contract. She asks if he only came because of the contract. He says no. He doesn't like to be fighting with her. He miosed her. She missed him. She apologizes for being very foolish. They kiss and make up.

    27. NAYARIT Zaid's hired thugs break into Alejandro's house, office and safe. They take ALL THE CASH. The maid hears something and goes to investigate. . They knock her out and leave.

    28. COLOMBIA Luisa is happy that Marcelo came. It is the perfect moment. He disagrees and gets down on one knee saying it will only be perfect if she says yes. She does. They kiss and make love. Little do they know is that Zaid sees them through the slatted windows to Luisa's room. He watches way too long and looks angry.

    29. The next day Alejandro gets a phone call from home. It is his guy Ordoñez(crooked cop?) who informs him about the burglary. Ordoñez says he knows he cannot report it to his fellow officers (?) because they would ask about the origin of the money. He has an idea of who it is from the security camera. He has previous charges. He will find him. Alejandro says he better.

    30. Alejandro tells Leonor abut their home being broken into. Zaid is in the background listening. Alejandro asks where Luisa is. Zaid volunteers that Luisa and her novio spent the night together. Leonor is shocked. Luisa appears and wonders what is going on. Her mother asks where has she been and asks about the ring. Her father cannot believe that lousy guy came to insult them and she ended up getting engaged to him. He asks if that is how she shows she loves her father. He leaves. Her mother adds that they robbed their home and now she has to displease her father like this. Luisa makes it clear that SHE is the only one who is going to make decisions about her own life. She asks if that is clear. Tiago thinks they all need a drink. Zaid tells Luisa to be calm. He will talk to her dad. He smiles and congratulates her.

    31. In private, Zaid gets on the phone to Pony Tail Man and says that he heard that it all went very well. He has the guerilla fighters ready to go.

  10. Part 6

    32. Zaid congratulates Marcelo. Marcelo asks how the family took it. Zaid says the reaction was so-so. He adds that he was able to talk to Alejandro and arranged for them to meet and come to an agreement. He is waiting for him at the tourist outlook and Zaid can take him there.

    33. Detective Ordoñez tracks down Pony tail Man, shoots at him and arrests him.

    34. Marcelo and Zaid arrive at the outlook. Alejandro isn't there. Marcelo wonders why Alejandro would want to meet at a place like this. Zaid doesn't know either. Zaid drives off to look for a cellphone signal. Marcelo calls Alejandro saying he is waiting at the outlook to talk about his relationship with Luisa. Alejandro tells him to come see him at the tree house to talk about that horror of an engagement. He assures him it won't be pleasant. The cellphone signal isn't good. Suddenly, two masked men arrive on the scene, put a hood on his head and start beating Marcelo. Alejandro wonders why the Marcelo isn't answering him. Zaid returns and punches Marcelo in the face. Marcelo fights back blindily and delivers a few punches to Zaid's face. Marcelo is overpowered and put in a vehicle. It drives away. Zaid is left with a sore face.

    35. NAYARIT Ordoñez tortures Pony Tail Man until he spills the beans. Yes, it was all the plan of Zaid the favorite son of the Grajales family. He says he will tell him where all the money is. Ordoñez unties him and Pony Tail Man bashes him in the head with a bucket. He runs away.

    37. COLOMBIA Luisa is concerned because she hasn't heard from Marcelo. Anita grabs Camila's phone and found out that she has been hot and heavy with her boyfriend Danilo. Camila apologizes for sleeping with her novio.

    38. Ordoñez tells Alejandro that the culprit escaped but he found all of the money and returned it to the safe. He also has some other information for him.

    39. Simón AKA Pony Tail Man texts Zaid telling him that a policeman controlled by Grajales got him and he had to tell him about Zaid.

    40. Alejandro and Zaid are standing across from each other as they both get the bad news. Ordoñez tells Alejandro that Zaid orchestrated the robbery. Alejandro and Zaid stare at each other. Zaid approaches Alejandro and looks like he is going to cry but instead he pushes him off the balcony of the tree house. Zaid stares at Alejandro's body.

    41. Marcelo been marched into the jungle. He asks for his hood to be removed so he can breathe. One of his captors removes his hood. Marcelo hits him and starts to run.

    42. Zaid goes to Alejandro who is not dead yet. Alejandro asks WHY?? Zaid starts to sob and strangles him to death.

    43. Marcelo is pursued and we are back to the first scene where he is shot and clocked in the head with the gun.

    44. Luisa discovers Zaid crying over her father's body and asks what happened. Zaid says Marcelo pushed him off the balcony. She says that cannot be true. Luisa starts to sob over her father's body. It cannot be true. Seh calls for her mother.

    45.An unconscious Marcelo is moved by his captors.


  11. Thanks, all for your good wishes. Last night was a first for us up here in Chicago. Ten tornadoes zipping through. Truly bizarre weather. Anyway, I ended up safe and sound and today I was able to find the episode on the Univision app with no problem.


    I really enjoyed the first episode but they really didn't have to give us waht seemed like possibly every single plot at once. It made my head spin.

    It was exceptionally hard finding out the names of all of the characters especially with how many they introduced in the first episode.

    I liked this well enough that I will probably watch it. Perfect length with only 65 episodes. Perfect summer viewing.

  12. Mareas

    Thanks Jarifa, great to have the who’s who of all the characters. I’ll have to make a cheat sheet before tonight’s episode. There were a lot of things going on and it didn’t take long to find out Zaid wasn’t the nice guy we thought he was. I wonder if his plan was to kill Alejandro or if he did it as an impulse because Alejandro found out Zaid was behind the stolen money. Although Marcelo’s kidnapping seemed planned to blame him for the death.

    The 65 episodes is a big attraction!


  13. Jarifa, some of the plots slipped by me, your recap brought them to my attention. Now you bring it up, keeping some on reserve would have helped keep it all straight. Also agree that 65 episodes is a good length.
    Initially I was confused who the long haired guy getting a beating was as we had initially seen him with the ponytail.

    The other thing I missed, was I thought Zaid had been invited to the graduation dinner by Alejandro, not Luisa, but since it seemed to be a family party and he was an adopted son to A (I missed that also, I did get that A treated him like a son to the dismay of his bio son), his presence at the party wasn't out of place.

  14. Mareas

    Jarifa, first, so glad that you are safe and sound .

    Thank you for that wonderful recap with so many details . wow . I recognized the galan from Heridas and the leading lady from Perdonname . Juan was Tiger in Minas . I always love seeing familiar faces popping up in New shows.

    It is going to take me awhile to figure out everyone , but the good and the bad seem pretty obvious .

    Juan's wife seems like a real harpy .

    I like the scenes of the beach because I love the beach and ocean .

    Here we go...... Susan

  15. Marea
    Princess Juju, if you didn't see my message on last week's Golpe page, you can view this on ViX. I just watched it again.

    A few more observations. It was weird one of the thieves pulled the maid a few feet on the glass walkway, while the first guy just walked around her. The tree house balcony didn't have a railing where Ale was pushed. That wouldn't pass code anywhere. Of course Zaid could just as easily hurled him over the railing. And after watching the episode for a second time the water torture of the thief also entailed the police officer? (Guy who notified Ale about the theft and that Zaid had ordered it) Using electric shock on the thief! No wonder he spilled his guts.

    It sure would be nice if Wikipedia put current series photos of the actors and the characters they play. It would really help when new shows air.

  16. MAREA

    Jarifa, I'm glad you are safe; ten tornadoes sounds as though it was a turbulent time!

    You are a marvel.

    I'm always impressed with your writing but today was just way above and beyond. How you managed to process all that occurred and do it so exceedingly well is amazing. I was struggling simply trying to figure out who was who and frankly, failing miserably. I comprehended little of what transpired and am grateful for everything you outlined.

    Zaid seems like he will be a great villain, he is clearly out of his mind. I like the leads and am going to give this another try tonight. I am going to keep your recap open to refer to which I am sure will be often!

    Thank you for starting this out so spectacularly!



    Pacing much better tonight. I could actually keep up.

    Double the fun: We got a funeral and a wedding.

    It seems that Marcelo wasn’t shot by a gun. What was he shot with?

    Marcelo is still wearing that necklace from Luisa.

    Nasty: that the guerillas made Marcelo dig a hole and then go live in it. Hmmm.He got out of it after a while. Good. Bad: Marcelo is passively involved in guerilla fighting.

    Another nasty: Zaid loses no time in trying to enforce the penaly and take 50% of María’s land.

    Useless: Juan visiting María but not telling her what he knows about charges against her son.

    Marcelo’s bro is a police officer. Would the writers ever make him arrest his bro?

    Guess there was no other option for a PREGNANT Luisa than to marry a man who professed to be in love with her and that she knows. I am so tired of abortion or being a single mom never being an option for women of a certain social class maybe it is any social class.

    Don’t care about the teenage/young adult plot.

    A time jump/ seven years later!

    Luisa has a daughter Nati.

    Zaid wants to be a partner in family company and sideline alcoholic Juan. Leonor agrees.

    Uh, oh. Marcelo has emerged from the jungle and the past!!!!

  18. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you very much.

    I enjoyed all of your wise points particularly "Guess there was no other option for a PREGNANT Luisa than to marry a man who professed to be in love with her...I am so tired of abortion or being a single mom never being an option for women of a certain social class maybe it is any social class" which reflects this oft repeated scenario perfectly.

    I like the actor who plays Marcelo's brother who is very versatile; I could easily have seen him playing Zaid. Quite a few talented actors in this.

    I wish I were enthused about this. Perhaps Marcelo's return will ramp things up.


  19. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for starting this off so exceptionally.

    I am still confused by the who's who. I'll make a list of all the relationships because they're just too many, LOL! I'll post it here if I write anything comprehensive.

    This is looking good so far; I hope I'm able to write some highlights the next week. Right now I'm just confused. But your recaps cleared up a lot, Jarifa, thanks again.

  20. MAREAS

    Diana, so glad my comments helped. I am feeling sort of “meh” about this, too, and I don’t know why. That is one reason I am not committing myself to more than comments/reactions as I watch/when I watch/if I watch. I think it was that overwhelming first episode that did it to me. ; ) There are quite a few actors I am not familiar with which has made it hard to identify the characters and I have never been good with names in fiction or real life.

    Weirdo, you are welcome. It has been my pleasure. It is great to see you here! Please feel free to recap/do highlights or do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it. My intention was to recap only the first episode to get a good start. I will not be doing any more recaps but only commenting like I did with the second episode when/if I watch. Yes, the number of characters has been overwhelming. : 0

  21. Mareas

    Jarifa, thank you for the notes from the couch. I was reading some old recaps , and Julie used to use the term " recaplets" for brief recaps.

    I watched the first two episodes . I like the scenes by the sea.The wedding on the beach was beautiful but with an evil groom. Boohoo I am starting to sort out the good and the bad.

    Marcelo's brother was in that show about the butterflies . He was the loose canon bro. The leading lady's mother looks familiar , but I can't remember where I saw her.

    I am going to keep watching to see where we go now that years have passed , Marcelo is back, and evil Zaid has his girl and his daughter. Meanwhile, I am watching two oldies "Pasion" and " Albirado" plus " Conde" with present day FC. Susan

  22. Marea

    Thanks for the comments, Jarifa. I’m surprised that after 7 years no one seems to suspect Zaid. He’s a devoted father and husband. Also seems to be doing well in the business. Although I guess he took the land, following in Alejandro’s footsteps. Marcelo will be someone he needs to get rid of-again!

    Does Marcelo know he’s wanted for murder? Hopefully his brother will work to clear that up. But I guess that will be a big part of the next 63 episodes. I hope it doesn’t take too long for Luisa to realize he’s innocent. I wonder if he has any scars as proof of a kidnapping and captivity.

    I didn’t even recognize Juan as Tiger. I did recognize Luisa and Marcelo. Luisa was in Perdona Nuestros Pecados. I thought Francisco was one of the brothers in La Herencia but he wasn’t. And Camila, the girl that always seems to play a sulky kid, was in Soltero con hijas.


  23. Mareas

    Liz, it is always fun to see familiar faces and remember their previous shows. I wonder if the guy playing Marcelo's brother is going to be a good guy or a bad guy in this one . We already have plenty of bad dudes, so I hope he is a good guy who will help Marcelo . I dont think we were introduced to a bff for Marcelo, and the galan always has a brother or a brother\friend to confide in.

  24. Thanks, Jarifa! Your kickoff was extremely helpful. So many characters! So many conflicts (already)!

    I think I'm clear on all the family relationships, but I'm super confused about when exactly Maria Ines had her fling with Juanito. She referred to "la mujer que resulto ser tu esposa," which I took to mean "who became your wife," but maybe she meant "that I later found out was your wife." Oh, it probably doesn't matter. If past telenovela experience holds, they'll be beating the point to death soon enough.

    I do wish they'd end one tn before starting another filmed in the same house, though. I keep expecting Gala or one of her siblings from RECETA to march down that precarious staircase. (And funnily enough, the girl that lives there in this show -- Cam -- is her sister IRL.)

    I'm going to give this one a chance, I think, if only for the gorgeous cinematography and familiar faces.

  25. Susan, nasty Mom Leonor in this one was nasty Mom Minerva in QUERERLO TODO, if that helps.

  26. Mareas

    Blue Lass, I dont think I saw that novela, but I know Luisa's mom looks familiar. I'll keep thinking on it.

    Yes, I recognized that house which TPTB seem to use a lot . Those steep stairs give me nightmares . So far nobody has fallen down them in Receta, but we still have some episodes left for that to happen . I guess torture has replaced staircase deaths. I also noticed that huge stone sculpture by those huge windows .

    The galan isn't one of my telenovios, but I will keep watching . I like being by the sea, the sea, the beautiful sea.

    Okay, let's see what happens next. Here we go ....
    Susan, juggling a lot of new and old novelas

  27. Mareas
    Blue Lass, I thought that house looked familiar. I'm watching Receta too. I'm still learning the characters, didn't realize the actress that plays Gala has a sister in the biz. Without looking at the character names again I would guess it is Juan's daughter that switched her major from medicine to finance. Similar face shape.
    Susan, I'm juggling new and old too. Also, last year I concentrated on old Colombian TNs that my son's sister in law recommended to me. I probably would prefer the old, but having recently discovered this blog, I like being able to interact and discuss with others. Fortunately most of the old novelas have been recapped and I figured out how to find them. Unfortunately Amor Real was not one of them. I'm not keeping up with it very well.

  28. Kat, Gala's sister is the pouty one who's cheating with her cousin's boyfriend.

  29. Nice foto here:

  30. OT ..Kat , I started watching Amor Real on Unimas at 5, but I didn't realize it was showing until recently and then I missed episodes. FC plays a very different galan in this show . After first seeing him in Alborado , I was surprised by his cruel , hard , unforgiving nature . Melinama ( Jane Peppler) the original blog mom recapped it before I found Alborado at her site Pratie Place .Perhaps you could find her recap of Amor Real there.


    Good episode.

    Yup, Luisa has believed Zaid hook, line and sinker and blames Marcelo for killing her father. I was shocked she confronted Marcelo with a gun on the beach.

    Whoopsie! Zaid suspects Luisa still has feelings for Marcelo. She says she was at the fire only to make sure Marcelo was alive so he could be prosecuted . . . Sure

    That Rat Zaid had Santiago assist him in burning down the rest of María’s property which is only half of her original property because that Rat Zaid took half of her land after all. Then he includes Juan in a coverup for him and Santiago!

    Was the matchbook that Marcelo found in the burnt orchard from the hotel?

    Bummer. Bardo answered the phone call from Luisa but denied knowing Marcelo (didn’t want to end up dead?) okay .. .

    How to prosecute Marcelo in Mexico if crime was committed in Colombia??? Luisa has found a way!

  32. Mareas #3
    Juan's wife seems to be fragile psychologically. Was that her bedroom with the dollhouse and stuffed animals? Perhaps the bedroom of the missing daughter (was her name Sophia)?
    Not a fan of the overgrown beard and hair on the galan (not to mention all the tattoos). I've never seen him in anything to my knowledge. Zaid does nothing for me either.
    Wonder what happened to the guy who told Luisa's dad about Zaid being behind the theft I was a bit confused Zaid told Juan's daughter all that financial stuff. Moving money ( money laundering?). Etc. did he offer her her father's job? Did you ever start a TN and wish the bad guys were discovered and prosecuted in 2 episodes like some CSI or law and order episode? This TN could definitely lend itself to that time constraint as I really dislike Zaid and Luisa not even listening to Marcelo is truly disheartening.

    Who was the lady Luisa had lunch with? I'm assuming a good friend but was this our first viewing of her? Initially I thought there weren't that many characters to keep straight, but I was wrong!

  33. MAREA

    Kat, I think the woman Luisa was having lunch with was one of her sisters. Looks like Zaid is setting up Juan to get rid of him. Maybe knowing who the bad guys are from the beginning is knowing about them too long? LOL

  34. Marea

    I thought this was a pretty good episode. Is Zaid setting up Juan, or maybe the daughter too. Of course daughter won’t confront dad so Zaid will win this.

    Juan must know Zaid and brother-in-law, maybe, started the fire. I somehow got the impression Zaid and ex girlfriend were before he married. Maybe the missing daughter is what damaged his wife psychologically.

    Sorry, I’m at the pool without a cheat sheet. So names are not in my head yet. But our hero needs to shave. He’s out of the jungle now. I hope he figures out that’s his daughter.

    Since it’s his word against Zaid’s can they convict him. He needs to call his friend from the jungle and talk to him!


  35. MAREA

    "Yup, Luisa has believed Zaid hook, line and sinker and blames Marcelo for killing her father. I was shocked she confronted Marcelo with a gun on the beach". Color me shocked as well Jarifa.

    I thought Santiago (thank you for ID'ing him Jarifa) lit a match to start the fire so think it was a matchbook.

    The second Santiago laid eyes on Luisa's daughter, I saw the wheels turning.


  36. MAREA

    Liz, I am so over beards and man buns. Marcelo also needs a bath and some clothes that aren’t beige/khaki.

    Yes, Diana, even after seven years, (San)tiago is still a sexual harasser of worse; a real creep.
