
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #90: The Misery Machine


Mireya felt better. She told Porfirio that it was Ginebra (not Mauro) who shot Humberto. The priest gave a few platitudes and Porfirio quoted the Old Testament about vengeance. However he told Mireya Humberto found her to be a good woman and she should honor him by recovering and living her life to the fullest.

Esteban and Paz told the teens off. Salomón took responsibility first. Paz questioned how Ginebra could have access to the car. None of the teens saw anyone near it when they were in the mall. Kenzo explained how the car could be rigged because all new cars are connected to the internet. He was nervous through this. Paz looked at this explanation with suspicion.

Elvira told Fobo about her confrontation with Ginebra. She said she had chickened out of killing her [Too bad; it would have been justifiable homicide]. He did his best to stop her punishing herself with guilt.

Sabón allowed Ginebra and Mauro to move into his lair. Ginebra was not pleased that the teens survived. Mauro told her it was better this way because constant attacks would stretch this out too much beyond their league. Also, that Esteban was to close to discovery. Ginebra was okay with that; she would see him suffer. Sabón said how he “connected” with Samara during his impersonation of a child psychologist when Paz left them alone. Mauro questioned Ginebra's intent. Wasn't it enough trauma after Rubio, the attack on Mireya, and the death of Humberto? When will it be enough? “When I say so,” was her answer, along with Samara being returned to her unloving arms.

Paz and Esteban put the younger kids to bed. Manolo said he had never imagined having parents like them. Cobija hung out on Eder's bed.

Kenzo was traumatized by his enslavement. He did not explain this to Nandy even in the vaguest detail. She hugged him as he began crying.

Esteban was frustrated by all this and his feelings of helplessness. Paz warned the teens no to try anything else lest they end up in prison... or worse. However when she and Esteban exited the room Gala called Jerónimo in hopes of exposing him or Mauro.

Paz was upset over Mireya's mala suerte with men. Esteban said that now Humberto was the family's guardian angel.

Mauro made yet another effort to get Ginebra to see reason about Maria and the traumas she had suffered since episode 2. She saw this as being of no consequence as there was no blood tie. He told Ginebra they had no blood tie but he loved her. When he said he loved the child she tried gaslighting him yet again over how Samara hated him. She pointed out that Paz and Esteban would not allow him into their lives. They were going to continue as they started until they finished off their enemies. He did not reply and looked away from her in frustration.

The Next Day

Porfirio was approaching serious depression over Humberto's death. Esteban tried to help him out of it, reminding him of he and his beloved wife were those who raised him to be who he was. He reminded his father that he had him, his grandchildren, and Lupita. He finally encouraged him to cry and cry out as much as he wanted to. As Porfirio finally started doing so Esteban hugged him.

Mireya arrived at Esteban's house to flowers from her boys. They said they loved her and called her a warrior woman. She told them how proud of them she was. Family hug.

Abdul and another thug brought a well-blindfolded, angry Kenzo to Ginebra. She was wearing black leather gloves despite being indoors. The nameless thug aimed a pistol at his head, but Kenzo called Ginebra and Mauro psychopaths to their faces. This did not bother Ginebra, who threatened to tell Sandro that he was not his son. Mauro started to make him an offer he couldn't refuse: Obedience in exchange for Felipa's freedom. [Grazie tanto, Mario Puzo, but Margaret Mitchell got this one right: Kenzo shouldn't give a damn about her.] Ginebra told him his sons would need someone if he suddenly died. [That was some trump card.]

Porfirio told Mireya he thought of her as a daughter and that he would take care of her. Paz cooked up a storm and Maria told her how much she loved her. Paz suddenly felt faint [Oh, no], told her she was okay, and that she needed to prepare for her psychologist's visit.

Esteban greeted Sabón and told him about the traumatic loss of Humberto. Sabón said he had a group thing he wanted to do with the young ones but it required privacy so they could feel free to talk freely without the parents in the room. Paz brought Maria into the room and Sabón said he had “a special treatment for your daughter” [as we all collectively want to scream warnings].

On a park bench Fobo gave Elvira a pearl necklace that could double as a tiara [Are they loco to be out in public like this?]. He got up, sang like a nut case, and asked her officially to be his novia. He picked her up and spun around, acting like a teen in a 1950s movie.

Mauro and Ginebra taunted Kenzo with what would happen when Esteban finds out that he was responsible for the car incident and for recommending the (fake) psychologist. Kenzo knew that this situation would have consequences. He charged her but was held back by Abdul and the other thug. Ginebra took off her right glove and threatened him with the same poison that killed Castro. When he capitulated she released him to go home to his sons... with a possible threat on their lives. Abdul and the other thug covered his head and dragged him out. When they were out the door Mauro asked her if she seriously intended to use that poison she said No and smirked at how the horrors of the imagination are worse than the reality that would follow. Except when Esteban finds out about Kenzo's involvement. “The confusion will kill him.”

Lupita and Porfirio had coffee, kisses, and nice words.

Fobo and Elvira walked through the park. She wore the flexible tiara as a necklace. A souvenir vendor approached them, asking Fobo if he'd like to buy something for his mother and looked quite embarrassed when Elvira corrected him. [I guess this man never met a cougar before.] She decided to buy a doll for Maria.

Sabón had the three younger kids writing about their fears “so I know how to tackle them”. Manolo questioned this. Maria looked at him and said she wanted to see Ginebra because she had a lot of questions. He smiled slightly [as we imagine him twirling his mustache].

Paz had a headache and told Esteban it was nothing; they had bigger fish to fry.

Mireya looked at a video message from Humberto she had saved to her phone. She flashed back to a date with him dining al fresco, probably when she first became aware of her feelings for him.

Jerónimo and Sandro were playing a game when Kenzo came in. He sent Sandro out of Jerónimo's room and questioned his older brat about why he was working for Ginebra.

Sabón sent the boys out of the room to get “Sam” to talk. He put a bottle on the table that looked like it held an expensive cologne. She said she liked the smell of it and he put some on his handkerchief. Exactly as we predicted weeks ago it turned out to be chloroform. As she fell unconscious across his lap Paz did so in the living room.

Kenzo chewed out Jerónimo over all this and predictably the brat whined about losing all the money. Kenzo told him he got into this trouble following his mother's path. They argued. Kenzo finally sat down next to him and tried to get him to be honest with him. [Fat chance.]

Porfirio, Esteban, Mireya, and Lupita put Paz on the sofa. Mireya thought his was another attack by Ginebra. Esteban was sure their security was airtight. Porfirio went through the kitchen to start inspecting. Esteban and Lupita took out a blood pressure cuff and some version of smelling salts. Paz was revived, saying she did not feel sick. A light flashed overhead but no one noticed,

Sabón looked down at Maria and said “Have a nice dream, little one. The nightmare is about to begin.” [I guess that answered my question.] Mendoza then entered the room. He is another traitor [for how long? He must have been the one who put that camera on the living room ceiling]. He told Sabón that Paz had passed out. Sabón recognized that as an issue and called Ginebra to tell her there was a complication. She did not care and ordered him to do what he had to do to bring the child to her. She then argued with Mauro who heard all this because she had the call on speaker phone. One more attack of his against her plan failed.

Mendoza then brought a large suitcase to put Maria into to get her out of the house. Apparently his wife's life was at stake without this betrayal.


  1. This recap is named after a YT true crime channel which is all about child victims. It's not for weak stomachs.

    While I would not want to see Esteban move his family into an armed fortress in the finale I understand why he would do that once all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out. As evil as she was Livia (of I, Claudius ) would see Ginebra as the monster she is.

    The finale had better be spectacular.

  2. UA: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode.

    I'm NOT shocked Mendoza was one of the traitors & spies. His body language said it all!

    Let me guess: More winning by Ginebra & the group of Antagonists ? Thank God the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris will be happening on Friday Afternoon.

  3. I just finished watching this. Thank you, Urban, for yet another excellent recap. There is nothing much for me to add since I feel like we are on a runaway train in locolandia.

  4. I guess I missed Mendoza in previous episodes. Is he part of Esteban's security detail?. I'm to the point I can't wait for the grand finale....

    I was hoping Elvira would drop some more tidbits of information about Gin's bio dad, or Bernice's. It seemed like she did say he was a "cold fish" . At least that was my interpretation of "sangre de atune"? or something like that. I thought the necklace was sweet and I'm glad Elvira appreciated it. I also was aghast about their exposure in a public park.

  5. Thanks Urban, great job of another crazy episode. Apparently Elvira and Fobo are safer walking the streets than in the house. I didn’t recognize the security guard so was totally confused as to who he was working for. Apparently everyone works for Ginebra.

    I think Mauro is the only hope for the good guys. A scary thought! But I think Mauro will snap if Sam is hurt, or even threatened.

    I thought Paz was feeling faint, and fainting because Sam is in danger. Maybe not. I didn’t even realize there was a camera in the ceiling.

    Jeronimo is too far gone to save. He fits in too well with Ginebra I’m not sure why Kenzo was questioning Jer about why he was working for Gin. He’s doing it too


  6. Liz, not a scary thought but a good one if Mauro snaps and takes Ginebra down even if that means sacrificing himself.

  7. Urban, thank you for providing us with every dark detail.

    Well, the writers decided to give us a little bit of everything , everywhere in his fractured fairy tale. Fobo, a teenager in love , decides the thing to do now is take Elvira to the park to sing his love for her , give her a promise necklace , and spin her around and around . As you do when your crush's BSC daughter
    is the devil incarnate and has recently been released from prison. Okay. I guess these two crazy kids are going steady now.

    Meanwhile, Kenzo is in Hades as Gin , Mauro, and the minions threaten and rough him up. He has to interact with his bff Esteban while looking guilty as sin and with his problem sons. Then, he collapses in Nandy's arms ..She was wearing her red Super girl boots . Does that mean that she has superpowers to save him from Gin?

    I liked the scene of Esteban and his dad facing each other in similar jogging suits .They appear to be the same height with similar builds. Good casting .They could be father and son.

    So, a trusted security person is going to help smarmy Sabon kidnap Samaria. This poor kid has been through far too much. Did you notice the suspicious looks she kept giving Sabon?

    The bright spot for me was Esteban and Paz spooning . Yes, when life gives you a psychotic lemon like Gin ...Keep calm, carry on and .....spoon.

    Paz faints ..poison or pregnancy??? we go ....

    P.s. Kat , so sorry to hear about your cosuegra. Susan

  8. Kenzo is under threat of his children being killed. He should be angry as all hell that Felipa dragged them all into this in the first place.

    Mauro is teetering on the edge. He does love his one-time niece. If he had taken the money and ran once he met Mireya he could have made an anonymous call to Interpol and escaped but would have needed a really good shrink. He could have written a book, gotten a really great tech job, and had a normal life.

    Let him give his life for little Maria or someone else deserving and let Tiago Correa become Televisa's next great galan. He deserves this. If this story had been done 10-15 years ago this would have been a great role for Jorge Salinas.

  9. Urban, I forgot to thank you for the great photos .


  10. Urban, just outstanding.

    I fell asleep shortly after this began (perhaps mercifully) so cannot add much except to say that I am appalled at what transpired as I have been most recent nights.

    "Lupita and Porfirio had coffee, kisses, and nice words" was a nice respite amidst the madness.

    I can't imagine how this will end for poor Kenzo.

    I am just cringing thinking something else is going to happen to Maria. It's just too much at this point.

    You write so well and your pictures are incredible. Thank you.

