
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #89, lunes 7/22: Dark Alleys and Dead Ends

Gin continues to exercise her zombifying power to turn good guys into bad guys on poor Kenzo. She threatens him with Jero's prints on the gun that killed Humberto, a paper trail showing dirty money transferred into his own account, and the Televisa makeup department. Does he want to be turned into a giant Italian sausage like Castro? No? Well then, his first assignment is to get rid of the body. His second is to pass Savon's business card to Esteban along with a hearty personal recommendation. (Is anyone else starting to wonder about this Deranged Science Academy that awards degrees in Child Kidnapping Psychiatry, Lethal Kitchen Chemistry, and Blood-Borne Surveillance? It must be in "Europe.")

Mauro continues to exercise his questionable powers of seduction by insisting to Mireya that they run away together while shoving pistol up Paz's nose. Mir thinks this is the perfect time to tell him that Humberto was twice the man he'll ever be. I think we can see where Salo gets his poor judgment. Mauro finally backs down, but only after telling Paz the only reason he doesn't kill her is that Sam needs a good mom and informing Mireya that no matter what she thinks, they're not broken up yet. Well, she is single, and almost off the oxygen.

Esteban cannot or will not bash Abdul to death with the tree branch, but he does threaten him with Ginebra, which is way scarier. 

Jero calls the Fab Four and tells them his internet followers have located Mauro, and they all jump into the tainted auto and head for that address. Mauro may be a homicidal maniac, but by golly, they have a combined arsenal of paintbrushes, fencing gear, a bad attitude and cute outfits! What could possibly go wrong?

Back at Villa Villa de Cries & Whispers, everyone is having a pity party over poor Humberto. Elvira makes sympathetic noises at Porfirio over losing a child. Lupe and Padre Sleepy say Catholic stuffs. Paz finds Esteban weeping fully clothed in the shower and climbs fully clothed in with him, coz they're a team!

When the teen patrol arrives at the ersatz address, the car powers itself down, the doors lock, and the cabin fills with gas. And oh noes! Their phones are dead and the windows are shatterproof! They squeal and flap ineffectually as Abdul looks on from nearby. Finally Salo remembers he always carries plumbing gear, because of course he does. He somehow jimmies the door and they tumble out onto the street. Delicate Gala and Pepa are unconscious and receive manly CPR and mouth-to-mouth from Salo and Bosco. 

Elvira shows up at Gin's seedy hotel room and tells Gin to just kill her now and put her out of her misery. Gin points out that misery is the whole point and reiterates her plan to kill everyone else first so she can watch Elvira suffer. Elvi pulls a gun out of her purse and even manages to get a random shot off, but Gin disarms her handily. After a little more crowing and menacing, she hands the gun back and tells Elvi to run along and be a non-threat somewhere else, which she does.

Jero and Gema are lounging around his bedroom, waiting for news about the haunted car. Gema doesn't understand the elaborate robot maneuver: why didn't he just shoot them? (Blue Lass, for her part, doesn't understand why they didn't just send the car into a river, which is something GPS does routinely without any intervention at all.) Jero explains that he didn't want them to suffer, and that it would help if it looked like a suicide. 

Just then he gets a text message: THEY SURVIVED. Gema says now they're going to do it her way. With the brain cells she's displayed so far in this show, it can hardly be anything trickier than blunt force trauma, so let's assume we'll see it coming from miles away. 

"Doctor" Savon shows up at Villa Villa to be interviewed for the position of Internal Threat. He's very convincing and sweet-smelling, and none of the residents are any the wiser. Surprisingly, he says it will not be necessary to prescribe anything for Samlunamaria, at least not now. Maybe Gin's working on some kind of magnetic potion that will enable her to swoop over the house in a helicopter and just hoover her up. Clearly nothing is out of bounds for this lame duck writing team. 


  1. Oh Blue, what an enjoyable read! I laughed ALL the way through! The magnetic poison was my absolute favourite.

    This one goes a bit like Invencible (not plot wise, but extreme violence and others) so I researched the writers. Guess what? The people who wrote Invencible are THE SAME who wrote Receta.

    Easter Egg: I was reading old recaps right before checking the writers. Remember early on when Gin told Esteban Lilian Gatica and Claudia Vásquez were eager to sell their shares of the mystery company? Well, these two exist in real life, they're 2 of the writers of Receta. Cool, huh?

    Be back tomorrow.

  2. Blue Lass, thank you for your wry recap infused with wit. "Dark Alleys and Dead Ends" indeed.

    "Villa de Cries & Whispers" and Mauro "informing Mireya that no matter what she thinks, they're not broken up yet. Well, she is single, and almost off the oxygen" were just great.

    Ginebra forcing Kenzo to go along with her was rather inspired. But she is always 10 steps ahead and her cruel cunning, seemingly impenetrable.

    "Doctor" Savon shows up at Villa Villa to be interviewed for the position of Internal Threat. He's very convincing and sweet-smelling, and none of the residents are any the wiser" had me smiling in spite of myself.

    Has the relentless, merciless evil made me so callous and immune that seeing the young folks locked in a car as they fought against the poisonous gas seem relatively tame compared to what we've been forced to endure?

    The only salvation is that there is only a handful of episodes left. Kudos to you and the other recappers who have had to recall and enumerate these heinous acts.


  3. Weirdo

    "The people who wrote Invencible are THE SAME who wrote Receta".

    Very interesting. Thank you!

    I do think though this was far worse...


  4. Gracias, Blue Lass. This is a series of improbable situations. I wonder whether the writers just piled on every idea they thought up and how far in advance they came up with all these.

    Since teens often have delusions of their own strengths we had to expect that they would try to do something that would put them in harm's way. It is much in line with Televisa's track record for there also has to be a teen villain or two to be that safety hazard. Here's hoping that those two get what's coming to them.

    Sabon is as evil a sadist as Ginebra is. The question is whether he would kill a child. We know nothing of his backstory so we don't know if there is any line he won't cross.

    Nothing new to say about Mauro; he has clearly lost his mind. If he ends up in a manicomio he's never getting out of it alive.

    Of course Ginebra had to take over Kenzo; she already had his son in her claws. We have to wonder what will happen to his friendship with Esteban if he survives at the end.

    Elvira being willing to sacrifice herself for her grandchildren and Esteban did nothing to impress Ginebra who is addicted to the suffering of others. I've said it before and will say it once more: Succeeding in this revenge would not satisfy her bloodlust.

  5. Blue Lass, thank you for valiantly watching this angstfest and reporting every dastardly detail.

    I wonder who made the decision to just go BSC at end of this novela. . It was a bad decision.

    Yes, of course, Gin has to blackmail Esteban's best buddy who has always had his back . Gin always wants to conflict not just physical pain but also emotional pain. I dont think that Kenzo will survive . Esteban will go crazy when he finds out that his bff put Samaria in danger . What does Sabon plan to do to Samaria?

    Dograbbit calming sitting on a little chair at the little table having a tea party with Samaria is always a bright spot for me.

    Note to Paz, it was sweet of you to join Esteban in the shower , but I think you would have been more effective in cheering him up if you hadn't decided to walk in fully clothed. Just saying '

    Well, we have to hope that Bigger Bad ,Sabon's mysterious boss , will eventually bring an end to Gin's reign of terror . I need some HEAs. Susan

  6. Thanks Blue Lass, I didn’t think there was anything to smile about in last night’s episode but you were able to lighten it up in the recap.

    Kenzo did look guilty, and Esteban asked him several times if he were ok. I’m thinking that Esteban got a phone call that the kids were ok and Kenzo said something about the kids. Then Esteban said he didn’t mention it was the kids. Did I dream that or pull it from another show? But Kenzo is willing to sacrifice all those kids to save his sorry son. He will have to die, I can’t see Esteban forgiving that.

    If Gin expressed fear of the more powerful people I would say Savon will kill all of them with no trouble.

    Can’t wait to see Jero and Gema do it her way. And Jero’s “i didn’t want them to suffer” makes no sence.


  7. Excellent, Blue Lass. Thank you. I will join many of you in agreeing that this show jumped the shark a while back and we are now left with this whatever it is.

  8. Blue Lass, thanks.

    Liz, I heard the same thing you did r.e the kids.

    The teen patrol need to learn that if you take the headrest off you then have a way to break the glass, and the weak point is the corner of the back window. I missed the part about the windows being shatterproof. All I could think was, it sure is a shame it is nearly impossible to get crank windows anymore. In 2015 we searched for a new F-150 to replace our 18 year old 150. My wish list was a manual transmission ( no longer available) a.c. ( we didn't get it with our 97 and discovered that was a mistake) and crank windows because I have a phobia of careering off a bridge into water( Blue Lass ITA about the GPS into a river) and I want to be able to get out! We went to a dealership that supposedly had a truck with crank window, but alas, the web site lied.

  9. I have decided that I am just putting my mind on cruise control as the writers spin this tale out of control . I'm not even wearing my beanie or suspending my disbelief. As a commenter here long ago once advised , I am letting my brain float like a pear in jello. I am focusing on how much I love Esteban and Paz's love story and the happy blended family. La la la ...I am thinking about the HEAs coming after the anvils fall. Susan
