
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #80: Proposals

We first get a reprise of the confrontation between Ginebra and Felipa.

Humberto told Paz that there was a DNA test result showing that Samara was Vermin's daughter. He revealed that Felipa had been helpful in the investigation. Paz speculated that Ginebra would kill Felipa if she knew. Esteban thanked him for his help. They acknowledged their kinship and that each declared the other a good man. They hugged and Humberto left. Paz and Esteban talked about their children and how they had to explain recent events to them, finally concluding that Gala and Bosco should get the full truth while Sam and Eder needed something edited.

Paz went into the kids' bedroom and got into bed next to Samara who was only half asleep and asking for her mother. Paz said she would see her very soon.

Ginebra was subjected to the hose while fully clothed, which must have ruined her expensive Dominatrix Chic attire. As the guards taunted her she flashed back to how she acquired her name.

Esteban explained to Gala and Bosco about Ginebra. Gala almost lost it while Bosco briefly flipped out at the realization that Ginebra had been manipulating him. Esteban continued telling them that Ginebra killed their mother and committed many other crimes besides these. Paz had also been a victim because Samara is her lost daughter. Gala had wanted to confront Ginebra but Esteban advised her not to because Ginebra was extremely dangerous. He then had to calm them down and tell them not to tell Eder who was too young to understand this. They then went downstairs to find Elvira looking out the glass door into the garden. Group hug (sort of).

Mireya cried. Lupita got up and they went into the boys' bedroom to check up on them.

Stripped of her beloved black leather gear Ginebra was in the exercise yard where she was attacked by other prisoners. She disarmed one of a knife and stabbed another to death quickly and efficiently. She then insulted the entire cellblock and announced she was the boss around here. Most laughed but Felipa was mute and afraid.

Paz and Esteban were on her rooftop where he got the text message from his lawyer that his divorce went through and he was legally free of Ginebra. As good as this news was Paz was concerned that this may not be the end [With another 15 episodes to go we know it isn't]. Esteban told her that the police wee searching for Mauro. He then told Paz that their next step was to give Samara his name and to adopt Monito.

Ginebra was tackled by the guards, taken to the punishment cell, and thrown inside with one more item added to her rap sheet. This murder would be added to the charges and increase her sentence. For the time being she would be in that room without food or water.

Paz introduced Samara to the other women of her support group. Esteban addressed them in support of their ongoing searches. He was holding a wrapped package with a ribbon, which he handed to Paz. He took Sam out for a popsicle and when they left Paz announced she had found her daughter. All the other women hugged Paz. She handed the package to Max's mother. It was the advance edition of the recipe book she had been building over the years she searched for her daughter. She announced it would soon be published and all the money it makes will support their cause. [Someone should look into all of Ginebra's ill-gotten gains for compensation for these women.]

Esteban took Samara for a lemon ice popsicle [wish my freezer were full of those]. She was happy to have him for a father. Poor child actually felt sorry for Ginebra. He told her that maybe she can talk to her on the phone. Paz took some photos as she met up with them. Sam asked her if her mother was bad. Paz went easy on her question, saying “No, she's not bad. Just confused and she made a lot of mistakes in her life.”

Ginebra flashed back to her childhood with Mauro, still hoping he would help her escape as the others in her cellblock made plans for her next punishment. They were putting large soap bars or similarly-sized rocks into pieces of cloth [FYI, soap bars that size can weigh half a pound]. The black widow actually cried.

Elvira went to the Robles' house to talk to Lupita. She wanted to apologize to Paz for her past treatment of her and told Lupita she was now recognizing her errors and wanting to become a new woman. She spoke of her pain about her daughters – one dead and the other living dead – and began to cry. Lupita handed her a handkerchief, saying that not everyone faces their mistakes and offered her friendship. Elvira made a profound statement about Lupita's wealth of goodness, wisdom, and generosity – “more than I have ever known my entire life” – to the delight of Samara, Esteban, and Paz.

The three avenging inmates bribed the guard and entered the punishment cell. The guard stood outside listening as they subjected the black widow and trafficker of children to the western version of stoning.

Paz was at a loss as to what to do now, as she was suddenly a mother with all those responsibilities. She had not yet told Sam she was her daughter. Lupita, Mireya, and Nandy spoke of the transformative powers of love and told her she would be just fine and would be a good mother.

While calling Ginebra asquerosa the three left her on the very dirty floor of the punishment cell in too much pain to move.

The budding friendship between Elvira and Lupita was cause for celebration. All were there including Salomón, Pepa, Bosco, Gala, Monito, Porfirio, Humberto, and Fobo. They talked about the taco competition. Elvira volunteered to be a judge. Bosco announced he has also changed and told Paz he had been very wrong about her when they first met. He was now sure that his mother in heaven would approve of her being Esteban's new wife. As Bosco and Paz hugged Esteban silently thanked Berenice for allowing him to find Paz.

Mauro almost flipped out because the bribes he made had not protected Ginebra. They knew she had taken a beating and why it happened. Abdul mentioned a few difficulties. Mauro then said they had new associates and that they will end up as their slaves because any favors would need to be paid in blood.

Detective Castro paid a visit to the Robles' house. Esteban asked for the update on Mauro. He said that the whole country was being searched [These days that's not enough]. Esteban provided the DNA test result on Sam and Paz; Castro said that was enough to establish the child's legal identity. The next step would be to correct all registrations and records. Humberto said that the ongoing investigation of Ginebra would lead to results to determine her sentence.

Kenzo's sons visited him in hospital, bringing a box of chocolates and a note from Esteban. This ended with an argument between Kenzo and Jerónimo over the boy's ill-gotten gains. Kenzo wanted him to fess up and give up the money but he refused.

It looks like someone in the prison must have touched the poison [Did Ginebra smuggle it in somehow?]. A young woman began losing her hair.

The young Michael Corleone wannabe in black paid Ginebra a visit. He seemed to gloat a little over the fact that she had threatened him at their last meeting. He also saw her tears. He said his boss will help her in exchange for her cooperation.

Kenzo was adamant that Jerónimo had to shut down his website and give up the money. Jerónimo refused again. The nurse came in and Kenzo demanded release, saying his kids have been alone too long.

Paz and Esteban talked about a foundation for the mothers of lost children. Barrio residents danced in the streets through the taco competition.

Ginebra and her visitor were allowed to go to another room to talk; he found the punishment cell intolerable. He had mentioned that his boss receives man requests for favors.

Esteban returned the metal ring to Paz and they went into the town square. The big screen was up and his face appeared on it, speaking praises of her. He then took out a jewelry box and proposed to her before the entire neighborhood and gave her the diamond ring.


  1. Absolutely excellent, Urban. Thank you. I confess I fell asleep before the very end and missed the proposal.

    It was good seeing Ginebra outnumbered and taken down a few pegs but with so many episodes left: how long until she escapes?

  2. Thanks so much Urban. A week away and I felt lost! Plus I kept dozing off!

    Paz needs to tell Sam that she’s her mother and Ginebra is very bad, and dangerous. We know she’s going to get out of jail and she may decide to get Sam, just to hurt Paz.

    Elvira has really changed. I even feel sorry for her! Her apology to Lupita was beautiful.

    Why am I not surprised that Jerónimo wants to keep his ill gotten gains. Will he be arrested? I thought that was going to happen, but it seems so long ago!

    We are experiencing a happily ever after, we just know it’s not going to last.


  3. Urban, Wow, thank you for an excellent recap and all those great screencaps.

    It was so satisfying to see the happy scenes of the good folks juxtaposed against Gin in prison viciously fighting for her life and getting thrown into that cell and getting beaten by the inmates. However ...A big however, because we all know that it is too soon for the HEAs . Mau and that new guy are going to somehow get Gin out . I don't know how because she has now killed an inmate.

    I thought the woman losing her hair was Felipa.

    Looks like Geronimo is now the bad bro, and Sandro has somehow turned over a new leaf and is suddenly a sweet kid.

    OT...Urban, the guy playing Geronimo looks like a young version of Jorge Salinas.

    Loved the rooftop scene of Paz and Esteban having a moment alone.

    Loved the scene of Esteban and Sam\maria Together. Daniel has two little boys , so it was fun seeing him as a girl dad.

    Most of all, I was happy to see the dancing at the fiesta . I love to dance ,, and I love to watch good dancers . Both Daniel and the guy who plays Fobo have been in dance competitions . Fobo has getting pretty frisky wih straihtlaced Elvira. he wanted her to loosen up and dance . Mariachis ...yeah!!!

    Can't wait to see what happens next. Susan

  4. The lady losing her hair was Felipa. It could be poison, or could just be stress from being in jail. Thank goodness Esteban got Paz a real engagement ring besides that ugly ball bearing promise ring.
    Look what I (Lupita) have up my sleeve! A torn but clean tissue to give to Elvira to sop up her tears.

  5. Kat in SC, thanks for the reminder of that ugly ball-bearing ring. I had a good laugh remembering it.

  6. Oy, I am an idiot for not recognizing Felipa. She would be very stressed out by now.

    I can't see how Ginebra could be let free with all those witnesses to her murder of that other inmate. I could see her breaking out unless she's put in ad seg.

  7. Administrative Segregation. Usually solitary confinement.

  8. Thank you, Urban, great comeback recap after almost two weeks of break. I guess we are left with 15 episodes, things are about to get serious.
    I am very curious to know who this big bad is and how will he manage to get Gin out of jail.

    The Esteban and Paz scenes were cute, but I live them in scenes with the young cast, they are so belivable in their roles.

  9. Excellent recap, Urban. Thanks for getting us back on track!

    The inmate that ended up on the business end of that sharpened screwdriver was Tuca from the kitchen, QEPD.
