
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #81: Before the Storm


Paz accepted Esteban's proposal. The whole neighborhood cheered and applauded. Salomón encouraged them to kiss and the band played a fanfare.

Ginebra and Sabón talked about the cost of her freedom. Sabon said that there were people his boss wanted eliminated. She said “You touch my brother I will kill you.” He told her to relax; this was about those who don't comply. And maybe she needed more time to think As he prepared to leave two guards appeared and forced her back inside. He smiled subtly, then raised his brows, amused.

Paz and Esteban told their kids everything will be alright soon. Sam still missed Ginebra [Why?] and Mauro [Understandable]. Eder sensed there was something unsaid. Esteban said it was unlikely that Ginebra would gt out of prison anytime soon. Paz and Gala assured the younger kids they will be cared for and they all went off to the competition.

Abdul arrived at Mauro's hideout with a bald thug who had a file about Pepa which said he was preparing to take his foreign scholarship. Mauro said it would be easier to eliminate him out of the country with fewer police to worry about. Abdul seemed shocked at the prospect of Mauro killing him or arranging for it after his departure. Mauro told him it was none of his business but admitted this was revenge for Mireya breaking his heart.  

The taco competition was in full swing. The whole barrio looked like it was having a great time [as your recapper suddenly has a craving for tacos].

Kenzo was home with his sons, trying to get Jerónimo to understand that he was trying to prevent him going to prison for money laundering. He still behaved like a spoiled brat.

Elvira and a lady from the barrio were judging the tacos and sauces. After an unknown number of entries and some discussion we didn't hear, Fobo rang the bell and Elvira announced – after a few pretentious statements – that of all cuisines she had experienced in her life that Mexico's was the best. She said that the most unique and delicious tacos – “with a cornucopia of flavor” – were Lupita's and she was declared Taco Queen. Cheers and applause broke out and became even louder when Porfirio kissed Lupita.

Through a sliding window on the punishment cell door Ginebra told Sabón she'd get out of prison without him or his contacts. He made it clear to her that his people were in charge and that she will cry tears of blood before this was all over.

Lupita and family filed into her house to celebrate. Elvira admitted to ball that she had previously been unbearable. Paz announced that she and Esteban would be married in three weeks.

Gema was full of attitude as Jerónimo approached her about them getting revenge on Salomón and Gala. She did not answer.

Bosco and Gala were trying to put the past behind them, but he was still worried about Gio's charges. Esteban told him she had withdrawn them. Whie they could possibly forget things Ginebra did, the murder of Berenice would never be forgotten.

Paz told Monito and Sam a fairy tale version of her and Esteban which segued into a montage of the wedding preparations:


Three Weeks Later:

Mauro visited Ginebra and was told he had five minutes. She was livid, accusing him of being the bait in a trap and therefore a traitor, He told her he came up with the best way to eliminate Elvira, but that did not satisfy her. She started choking him and shouting about his failure to get to Vermin's safe deposit box. She slapped him and he apologized, calling himself an idiot and saying he didn't expect her to ever forgive him. She started shouting that she wanted to kill him. She blamed her arrest on his “ineptitude.” He told her she was his life and she demanded that he get her out of there. She was determined to destroy both Paz and Esteban down to their souls.  

Porfirio led the bachelor party guests to his property. Bosco was spraying himself with bug repellent all the way. At the same time Elvira arrived at Lupita's with Gala, Sam, and Cobija for the hen party.

Ginebra told Mauro he was an idiot to visit her while the law was hunting him. He told her he had taken every precaution from dodging cameras and visiting under an alias. “The whole world thinks I'm out of the country”. [Yes, dude; that's what you should have done.] As for her treatment in the prison she said she felt like she was back on the streets. As though they were starting from zero. They had no allies. He told her they had to accept Sabón's offer; they had no other choice. Accept the deal and they would have the power to kill all those who had hurt or offended them.

Kenzo organized activities such as the paper boats with the best wishes written on them. Esteban read those out loud. This was followed by the sack race, which seemed to annoy Porfirio.

The ladies were at Lupita's, cooking and drinking wine. They played a party game involving the alphabet of the couple's relationship. This spilled over to questions for Lupita about Porfirio, Elvira partied just as much as the younger women. [We never saw this coming early in this tale.] Gema and her madrina arrived. Paz said her house has no grudges and Gema said she wanted no conflicts. [We don't know whether to believe her or not and she still doesn't look pregnant].


The guys all prepared to go riding. Esteban imparted his philosophy on marriage and family as the initiants learned how to prepare horses for this.

Paz and the ladies all sang. Elvira even held Cobija on her lap. Sam told Paz she hoped she finds her daughter. [Hint, hint!] Paz declared that her first marriage had issues but this one will be loaded with love. Lupita said that together they all are valuable.

The fastidious Sabón visited Mauro, and told him Ginebra had not accepted his terms. As Sabón headed for the door with a handkerchief at his nose, Mauro told him he accepted for himself and Ginebra. He told him that if it were not for Ginebra he might be in the orphanage or possibly dead and that he was nobody without her. [She really broke him.] He actually debased himself by putting his pistol on the floor and kneeling to beg Sabón to free Ginebra. He said he made a grave error to put another woman above her and he will not trust a woman again. Sabón called him pathetic and said they both had to agree to this and finally that he didn't think Ginebra could tolerate the prison much longer.

Who at that same moment declared that she would not die in prison.


  1. Lost a photo in the midst of the editing process; most annoying.

    I think Sergio Lozano (Sabón) is having a good time with this character. He appears to be new to T/U.

    Susan, I think Andres Vazquez (Jeronimo) might be observing Jorge Salinas' acting whom I think has the most expressive face of all the men. Their eyebrows are similar but AV doesn't have the verticle dimples and his chin and jawline lack the very alpha squareness. However he looks like he could mature into a leading man eventually.

    It looks like Mauro us a goner now. He is damaged beyond repai.

  2. Great recap, thanks, Urban.

    ITA about Mauro. He definitely is on a suicide mission if necessary because of his psycho pseudo sister’s “love.” Pathetic. Let us hope that Pepa is not his victim and that Mireya is able to escape from her “relationship” with Mauro relatively unscathed.

    Nicely paced episode. It gave the viewer time to breathe and get ready for the upcoming onslaught from Ginebra and Mauro.

    It is also time for Paz to consult a child psychologist on the best way to tell that she is her birth mother. The child should not be burdened worrying about monster.

  3. OT

    Announced for the first time(?) last night: On July 31 another VIX production will take over this time slot: “Ellas soy yo: Gloria Trevi” starring Scarlet Gruber. It has 50 episodes.

  4. I am wondering about El Maleficio.It was on Vix while it aired in Mexico but we don't know when -- or if -- we're getting it here. I am still watching the original version on Vix.

    Totally agree that Paz should see a pro about this situation. Maybe Victoria of Soltero con Hijas?

  5. I was wondering about El Maleficio, too. It sounds like something I could be interested in. I am liking the fact that VIX is sharing some of its premium content on its own Univision. We need all the variety we can get. Since I am not a fan of bio-series, I won’t be watching the Gloria Trevi production.

  6. UA: Spectacular recap of last night's episode. Great job with the beautiful screencaps.

    Jarifa: Looks like Mauro won't be among the living much longer.

    Something tells me Ginebra will plot one final scheme against Esteban & Paz.

  7. Max was thrown into 2 new mother situations without the benefit of a psychiatrist but here they are delaying telling Sam. Anything to stretch the episodes I guess. I also noticed that Porfirio was upset during the sack race and was also absent during the horse riding session

    No idea why Gema and her aunt showed up at the hen party, but of course Paz welcomed her. Gema seemed to be wearing a looser T-shirt in this episode.

  8. Urban, thank you for an excellent review of all these scenes of happy happy, joy joy. The bachelor party on the ranch and bridal shower were fun after so much evil and stress generated this whole show by Gin. However, with so many episodes left and Mauro still out there, the innocents shouldn't let their guard down .

    Odd to see nasty Gemma at the hen party. Why? Is she still accusing Salo of being the dad? I don't understand why Geronimo is still pushing her to go after Salo. Do we know what happened to the girl who was accusing Bosco of abuse? I forget her name. Did Abdul kill her ? These storylines seem to be dangling threads.

    Poor Sam\maria has really been through so much. Hopefully, Paz and Esteban will put their loving arms around all their kids and heal into one big family. ...but Gin is still alive and furious , so.......nobody is safe. Susan

  9. Ginebra must die. This is indisputable.

    We were told in a previous episode that Gio dropped the charges but that doesn't mean that Bosco is out of the woods on this. People will believe what they want to believe. And there was a DNA test that said Salomon is not the father of Gema's future baby. I still don't think St. Paz should have invited her.

    Just for the record Mautro did not betray Ginebra. She was arrested because she shot Kenzo in full view of the whole neighborhood. He should have taken a suitcase full of their stashed cash, gotten a new identity ready, and hightailed it to another country. We don't know who called the police.

  10. Thanks Urban, great recap and great photos. My tv said Última Capítulos last night. I hadn’t heard last weeks, but I think this is around 92 episodes.

    The taco contest looked like fun. Actually the barrio looks like a fun, I could live in a place like that.

    I liked Elvira holding the dog. Is that supposed to be proof she’s changed.

    Mauro is now too far gone to ever be redeemed. I see him dying to save Ginebra.

    Jerónimo is not changing his ways. He lied so easily to his dad when asked if he was involved in Bosco’s problems. And now plotting with Gema to get even. I wonder if he’s the baby’s father.

    Tell Sam the truth already. Ginebra is going to swoop in before we know it.


  11. Indeed. Ginebra will get out and there will be bloodshed.

    This series ended in Mexico at 95 episodes. I wonder if it will have a two-hour finale.
