
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #95 Gran Final: Even Satan Can Cry


The doctor said that all was well. The children all watched the images on the laptop. Mauro arrived and told Esteban and Paz he needed to talk to them.

Ginebra was peeved. Sabón said he had not located Mauro; it was like he had disappeared off the earth. None of her past associates had anything to say. Sabón speculated that it was due to her... condition. She would not accept this.

Urriaga informed Esteban that Ginebra was not where he had expected to find her. [Since he appeared to be in her now-abandoned mansion, what happened to all that dinero?] Esteban said they had to enforce security and ordered him to find her.

Mauro told Paz and Esteban that Ginebra had been on the brink of death and he had to cut off her left hand to save her life. Esteban and Paz were indifferent. Mauro told them that Maria would be safe.

Ramses ordered Ginebra not to touch the throne, then told her she was to obey him or else. He noticed she was hiding her left hand and came to the correct conclusion about it. He quoted Cervantes, relating the quotes to her “irrelevance.” He pointed out that Cervantes had lost a hand in battle, but not over anything insignificant, like a personal revenge. Two blows later he had her down on the table and her left arm bled profusely as he leaned on it and continued to insult her insignificance. She got bitchy, daring him to kill her now. He was pissed off, and shoved her down onto the floor. He pointed his pistol at her, saying that she would be forgotten and nobody would cry over her.

A too-relaxed moment with Esteban and his family as the kids put together a jigsaw puzzle of una gran villana de telenovelas with Manolo jokingly asking if it was Ginebra.

Everything began going to hell at Ramses' place. Ginebra tried to tell him she killed many people to boast of her value to him. He laughed at this as he picked Ginebra back off the floor and held her in what could become a headlock. He called for Argos who then shoved Mauro into the room. He had two black eyes and bruises on his face. Sabón came in and started to tell him something but Ramses cut him off, and Mauro told him to release Ginebra. Ramses shoved her at him, she yelled at Mauro not to touch her as she backed off from him. He told Ramses he always protected his sister. Ramses said he would test their weaknesses, then decided to play Roman Emperor and told them that they would fight each other to the death. He grinned at their stunned reactions. He then put his pistol on the table and said he'd give $13MM to the survivor or take both of their heads. Both hesitated.

Lupita and Porfirio married, much to the delight of their families and the barrio residents.

Ginebra refused, telling him he was no emperor. Ginebra was prepared to risk losing her head. Ramses grinned, saying that all his hitmen would take them out for that money or even less. He demanded a decision and Mauro accepted. Ginebra was shocked. It began with swords at the foot of the grand staircase. Ramses goaded Ginebra by telling her Mauro betrayed her. She cut Mauro's left arm and hurled insults at him, even calling him a coward. Mauro reminded her he always protected her and tried to save her from herself. Ramses shot him in the same arm to even the odds and goaded him on. Mauro shouted at Ginebra that this was all her fault because of her stupid revenge. He then cut Ginebra's arm.

Paz and Esteban got notifications that hitmen were around and there was a price of $5MM on Ginebra's head. They went back to the party.

Mauro then began insulting Ginebra then did an about face and said he loved her. He threw down his sword, saying he would not kill her. She closed in with hers, pointing it at his chest, saying this is payback. Ramses then applauded like Caligula at the Games. Ginebra told him the show was over. He then conceded to that and told them their heads would be his trophies. He then dismissed them and nodded to his henchies to let them go.

Some Months Later

In the Robles' restaurant Paz made chilaquiles as Eder helped himself to a cooking lesson and a Knorr product placement. This was a baby shower. Esteban and Paz knew the baby was a girl and were just about to announce her name when Paz' water broke.

Ginebra and Mauro drove up to the Villa de Cortes mansion. She gloated while he gave a wary look.

Kenzo, Felipa, and Sandro went to the prison to get Jerónimo, who was released. [Drat! Did I hear correctly that he did two years?]

Paz and Esteban's new daughter was born. After he doffed his scrubs Esteban looked into the nursery window with Porfirio, who declared that the new baby is definitely a Villa de Cortes. Esteban was then informed that Ginebra and Mauro were back in the country. Esteban told his father they had to get Paz and the baby out of the hospital. He went into Paz' room to tell her. She lost it, saying she would kill her. Ginebra sent a talking head video of herself to them, taunting them about the pleasure she would take in stealing the baby. Despite the staff's efforts, they all went home to the mansion. Once there they told the kids that their new sister's name was Margarita.

Esteban, Porfirio, Elvira, and Fobo began talking about a plan. They needed to pick a place for the trap. Elvira offered to serve as the bait. Fobo didn't like this, but she was firm. Too many deaths had happened indirectly and she wanted to end it. Paz was not down with this because of the risks and insisted on accompanying Esteban while the kids would go with Porfirio to his ranch.

Mauro called Mireya and started off telling her he still loved her. He started to tell her he was going to help her family but she was not having it and ended the call. He did not seem to know that Ginebra had bugged his phone and heard this. Sabón was with her with an “I told you so” tone. She hit the head cushion behind her and said nothing about this. She told Sabón “If you are here with us it's because your boss also put a price on your head.” Mauro appeared at Ginebra's window. She made him agree not to kill Elvira. He replied that Elvira's death would end everything. [Correct me if I'm wrong. If I'm right, he's wrong.]

Esteban talked with Urriaga as Jerónimo tried to locate Ginebra on the laptop. Esteban told him to look at the places she would likely be.

Mauro was looking at the screen on the dash. He knew but did not verbalize that the trap was being set. Ginebra speculated that Paz and her new spawn were alone. Whatever the case, Ginebra was determined to kill Elvira that day.


Esteban, Paz, and Elvira were preparing to take their positions.

Elvira arrived in a limo and told the driver Sabón was to watch for any change in activity. He was to kill Esteban and Paz if necessary “but Elvira is mine!”

Esteban armed Paz and they were going after the predators in the vicinity of the deserted water park where – oddly – there was a shrine to Gorila. [WTAF?] He knocked out Argos, who was also armed..

Elvira and Ginebra were finally face to face. After commenting on Elvira's choice of a place to die and the misery she didn't actually inflict on her and Elvira wondering if she had been able to name her Lucia Ginebra would have been a different person, Ginebra held a knife to her throat. She told her to shut up so she could enjoy her terror.

Mauro sneaked up behind Esteban and made him drop his weapon. He asked where Paz was and Esteban spun around and disarmed him, taking his pistol. He told him this was his last chance to help them.

Paz aimed at Ginebra, who grabbed Elvira and spun around with her left arm around Elvira's throat and the point of the knife at her jugular. Paz began taunting her with Mauro's betrayal in detail. Ginebra shoved Elvira away and began fighting with Paz, knocking the pistol out of her hand. She had Paz down on a table-like surface and was holding the knife over her as Mauro ran in to the rescue, also armed with a knife. He pulled her right arm back and her knife went into his neck. He plunged his into her chest, possibly hitting the aorta. A few words later both died within seconds of each other, soaked in each other's blood.

Their ghosts appeared on the other side of the fence and watched as Elvira cried while holding Ginebra's dead body. Paz ad Esteban watched Elvira cry and say “Why did you do this?” Mauro's ghost said they each needed to go their own way and walked away from Ginebra's. Which ran after him, admitting she was nothing without him and begging his forgiveness. Sadly he seemed to fall for this. The ghosts hugged, joined hands, and walked away unseen by the police who came in to investigate. [Note that her ghost had its left hand and they were in the same clothes, unstained.] Esteban got Elvira to let go of the black widow's corpse.

In his elegant lair Ramses started lamenting the loss of his children whom he was never there for and the grandchildren he would never know. This devil actually cried. Someone entered and confirmed that Ginebra and Mauro were dead. He said “That was the only possible outcome. Empires are destroyed when getting full. (?) They're all dead. The only immortal is I.” [Let's send for Duncan MacLeod to rob him of his life force.]

Weeks Later

There is a party in the barrio. Everyone spoke their wishes. Later Maria, Esteban, Paz, Bosco, and Gala rode bikes to a wall with the family tree on it which [WTAF?] had the whole cast on it. Our troubadour in white entered singing the theme song. All released white balloons with the last one bearing the word FIN in red. Final love talk and kiss on screen, as usual.


  1. Here it is, considering that neither Vix nor Univision has it up on their sites even as of this post time. I had to find pieces of it with inferior video and no subtitles to help. The one photo at the top was all I could find this morning.

    Having said that there is still much to talk about.

    We have more than a few loose ends the most obvious of which are:

    --- Radames and Sabon are still alive to cause more tragedy.
    --- No true resolution on Kenzo and Nandy's relationship.
    --- No identification of Sandro's birth parents. Will this kid ever find out?
    --- Pepa needs to take his scholarship and go to Europe. Will he ever?
    --- Where are Esteban, Paz, and their brood going to live?
    --- Who were the spawns of Satan who allowed Ginebra to get out of prison?
    --- Will anyone ever open the vault room and what is the legal status of all that cash?

    The only proper end was for Ginebra to die and for Mauro to die saving her last victim from her. The only explanation I can come up with for their ghosts' behavior is that they are now both out of pain.

    Nice wedding for Porfirio and Lupita.

    I hate cast-party ending scenes, though. Putting Abdul in the tree mural was awful. My screen isn't large enough to ID all the others.

  2. Urban, thank you very much for your great recap of a horrible Final.

    I found it extremely CRINGE. And for some reason I can't buy all these happy scenes.

    Where do I even start with this mess????

    I know. When did we start calling Ramsés Radames? Is this after the end of Invencible? Must be.

    I'll give Gin and Mau's end a WTF. So that's how she's gone? Knife to the aorta? No suffering? No nothing? Just death at the last minute? I am very disappointed.

    For some time I kept thinking that they'll make Gin more perverted by saying she's in love with Mau. I think there was a scene when she told him she's in love, Mau asked her "With who? Esteban?" and she just didn't reply. Anyway, this whole easy death thing was extremely WTF. If Ramsés isn't going to kill her, why even make the crossover and ruin an already ruined Invencible?!

    And what was the purpose of Gin sending that video to Esteban saying she'll steal Margarita? No sense. Wouldn't it be nice if they named the baby Lucía, like Elvira wanted to name her daughter?

    More later, but I wanted to say that when Gin told Mau he's her life, I only thought "That doesn't say much, you're already dead!"

    More later.

  3. I always sensed a sexual tension between them even before we knew they didn't share DNA. That would explain her rage at him ever falling in love with anyone else.

    The sites of the knife wounds were fatal. If anything happens to the aorta, jugular, cartid, etc., you're dead unless you're already in hospital with a surgeon garbed, masked, and armed with instruments.

    Names? We never heard "Lucia" until this episode. I'm sure Paz would have vetoed that one if she knew it had once been meant for Ginebra.

    I will be leaving soon for the city in a few minutes. I will check my phone at intermission points and might stay in the city for an early dinner.

  4. Thank you, Urban, for finishing this novela off in style! Btw, Who is Duncan Mac Cleod?

    A little this and that . . .

    RAMSÉS was in a class of his own: Loved Ramsés’ reference to Cervantes having lost a hand for a reason.

    I think that Juan Osorio should do an adult oriented novela dedicated to the Ramsés character. It could be excellent if the viewer were aware of what they were getting into.

    Tiago Correa as Mauro. I would like to see him in a pure galán role.

    The child actors playing: Monito, Sam-María and Eder.

    Beatriz Moreno as Lupe. I was happy to see her have a meatier role than what I usually see her in.

    Kudos to the art team for the opening scene of a kitchen in lovely saturated aquas/purples, reds, etc.

    The theme song was a good sing along.


    I would love to see CLAUDIA MARTÍN as a good girl with a brain who is not ruled by her emotions in one of these novelas. Maybe she is just type cast by now.

    The Mauro/Ginebra ghost scene.

    All the overly gruesome scenes like Ramsés squeezing Ginebra’s still raw stump.

    I think that Juan Osorio has produced some of the very best novelas like the “ Mi marido tiene familia” series and until now he also produced what I thought was the worst novela ever “Sueño de amor (aka horror)” . Unfortunately, that is a mere runner-up to “Receta.” It started out okay then who knows what happened. It clearly lost its way and it had such an excellent cast. Oh, well.

  5. Thank you Urban for this outstanding finale and for all your exceptional work here.

    Your screen shots added so much and you reflected all of the drama and heinousness perfectly.

    There were so many loose ends here, enough to compile a spool of thread.

    Kenzo kissed Nandy on the cheek in one of the last scenes and although not defined, think their relationshiip will be that of dear friends only. Certainly not what we expected after his defense of and cries of love when they were incarcerated. Pepa and Bosco had their arms wound tightly around each other, so perhaps there was more to their relationship than what was strongly hinted at.

    While the storyline went off the rails long ago, there are two things that rise above all else: the recaps and the acting. The recaps kept us enthralled and no one shirked the pure evil and recounted it sadly and acccurately. I thank Adriana, Blue Lass, you and Weirdo for all of your wise and insightful contributions all these many months.

    Jarifa's list of actors who did exceptionally well was wonderful and I totally agree. I have to add Altair Jarabo who brought new meaning to the words evil incarnate. Claudia Martin was also exceptional in many of her heartbreaking scenes. Daniel also had some great moments as Esteban...

    I'm not sure that Mauro and Ginebra deserved center stage, their arm and arm fires of hell? No agonizing death? Just not satisfying IMHO.

    More later...


  6. I don't think so. I think Receta was possibly originally intended as a romcom but somebody decided to make it a thriller with a psychopathic killer as the lead villana. We heard those notes from the outset. The second Ginebra put the baby in the crib and walked away we knew she was pure cold--blooded evil.

    Someone asked yesterday and previously why Ginebra didn't create a Love Potion #9 ro use on Esteban. Anyone who remembers Dark Shadows would recall that Angelique did not do this to Barnabas because she wanted him to genuinely love her. Ginebra got off on Esteban's anxiety and fear. She had no clue what love is.

  7. A totally unsatisfactory, to me, final 2 episodes (which should have been 3). All the unresolved stories, the mystery fathers of Elvira's children, mystery business, the total I have no idea what is going on with Mr big because I had never seen him before. I actually thought they were straying into fantasy when he said he was the only one who never died. Not a zombie but perhaps a vampire.

    I actually thought there was some love feelings between Gin and Mauro (not of the sibling variety). If only they had escaped from their evil adopted father and gone on to be productive human beings. They were both intelligent enough. I'm just glad it is over so that doesn't say much for the show.

  8. I'm a little afraid to start complaining about this train wreck, for fear I will never stop. Honestly, I cannot say enough bad things about it.

    1. I hated that they couldn't seem to decide whether it was a sentimental tearjerker or an ultraviolent organized crime drama, so they went with CONSTANT SCREEN CUTS from one to the other. Who did that work for? Nobody.

    2. The barrio gang and Padre Sleepy decided to have a pop-up wedding for Por and Lupe, who just happened to be wandering around in formal dress? Bizarre.

    3. Bendy Emilio materializes at the end and "blesses" all the "couples," including Bosco and Pepa and even Kenzo and Nandy, but all Mireya gets is a puppy? They couldn't round up some random tech dude, put him in a mailman outfit, and have their eyes meet across a crowded room?

    4. Why have Gema dragged in by the thugs, then have her completely disappear, and then PUT HER IN THE MURAL?

    5. Giving Paz a pistol was absurd. It's only luck she didn't accidentally kill her whole family.

  9. Kudos, though, to Guillermo Garcia Cantu, who totally rocked the evil as Ramses. He was fortunate not to be around long enough for the writers to give him seventeen personality changes.

    And the Televisa makeup department, as always: top-drawer. Mauro's swollen-shut eye was a masterpiece.

  10. One more:

    6. Instead of showing us footage of who's dancing with whom, which is always a nod toward the post-fin future in a telenovela's last scene, we get five minutes of close-ups of some band we've never seen before singing some song we've never heard before. I'm surprised they weren't mixing Knorr soup.

  11. Blue Lass, the band earned a FF from me. Actually I watched the last half of this episode as a silent movie so as not to disturb the family which is why I FF through it, but sounds like I didn't miss anything. ITA with #5. Has she ever even held a gun before. And the stupidity of Paz, Esteban and Elvira going after Gin? Is Porfirio going to raise all the kids if they were killed.

  12. Kat, I guess they all live HEA with Lupe and the puppies. ;}

  13. It looked like there were two puppies in that last scene; loved pets are always a good thing.

    There were two time jumps in this last episode, so Paz could have taken shooting lessons we didn't see.

    Radames could have been committing hubris with the comment about being immortal. Was he invincible in that series? Did he practice brujeria? And i was joking about Duncan MacLeod, hero of the Highander TV series. Check it out if you can find it online; Adrian Paul was once a candidate for the role of James Bond and he was hot.

    See you later; now on the way home.

  14. Okay...I'm here ...I finally got to watch the finale and read the recap and comments . Urban, thank you for this detailed recap and all your other excellent recaps. Thanks a!so to all the dedicated recappers who provided us with excellent recaps. What a terrific group of talented , clever , intelligent writers who shared their skills with all of us.

    Well....I don't know where to begin I will just do a steam of consciousness comment with no rhyme or reason...just like the last episodes of this show that started out great and fell apart as it lost its focus. I am wondering if the excellent cast was given a completed script or just a basic outline and the beginning ? Did they know where this was headed ?

    First, i have to point out that the grand double staircase in Ramses's mansion is famous in the telenovela world . It was featured in Pasion and Amor Real .

    Okay , I was really looking forward to this show and followed the start of filming on YouTube . I am a fan of Daniel's, and it seems that Juan Osorio really likes him. After Daniel somehow made his role as a protagonist in Invencible more like a co-galan usurping it from the actual galan , it appeared that Juan was casting Daniel in his first galan role for Televisa. Daniel had played galans as a young guy in Venezuela and for Azecta. Everything was going fine until , for some reason, Esteban became Gin's victim and punching bag...scared and powerless.He tried to be the galan, but he had no power . Humberto then was given all the heroic storylines ...until the writers killed him off. Even then, Daniel couldn't be the strong rescuer .

    I am wondering if this whole show was planned to unfold this way , or at some point, did someone decide it needed to be more violent and crazy to keep the viewers attention . Sharks were jumped...A lot of sharks . Trains went off their tracks...often .

    Daniel and Claudia had wonderful chemistry . I liked the love scenes . I love love . Daniel is almost as good at love scenes and kissing as El Rey ( Fernando Co!unga).

    The main actors were all great . The kid actors were amazing !! What talent . I feel sorry for the cast who poured their all into making us believe the unbelievable .

    We got all the couples at the end as Juan's son serenaded each couple. Then we go ...on bikes ....okay. I feel disappointed it could have been so much better if the focus was true love and family love against evil we could actually believe .

    What I hated the most was ghost Gin and Maur looking fine and dandy walking away hand in hand going ...where ? Hell? Purgatory?. Back to Ramses 's mansion to haunt him? WTH???Do you remember the movie " Ghost?" The souls of the bad folks who died were depicted as black shadows that were immediately sucked downward . ...down..not walking away looking like they were going to catch a movie . Susan, feeling let down

  15. Let me start with what wasn't awful... all the wonderful recaps. Thank you for all your hard work and fun recounts.

    As for the finale... that was just horrible. Up there with El Talisman. Or down there, I should say. These fine actors deserved better, even the dog.

    It looks like Ramses recovered from his malaria or whatever he had at the end of El Amor Invencible. I agree that a whole other show could be written around him.

    I rewatched the opening song after the ending and now I am guessing that they wanted to give off a ghost vibe with Gin and Mauro walking through the crowd unnoticed.

    So many questions left unanswered. Gaw.

    R la O

  16. Thanks Urban, for the great detailed recap. A lot of conversations are over my head so it’s great to have gaps filled in. Thanks also to Adriana, Blue Lass and Weirdo for hanging in there with the recapping.

    There’s always a couple of unresolved things after the finale but this show had a lot. We have two missing girls, unsolved relationships, bad guys still free and some “why did the character to that? questions. It looked like Kenzo, Felipa and boys were going to be a happy family, but are they?

    I loved the main characters and their families and would have liked more of that and less of the horror. All the actors did great jobs, the younger kids were great and you wanted to be a part of the family. But who would want to be a part of the sheer terror.

    See everyone in other telenovelas.


  17. I actually think that Ginebra topped Catalina Creel for evil.

    Catalina of Cuna de Lobos (both versions) was power-hungry and greedy, but she never killed or tortured a child. She was verbally abusive to her stepson but seemed to have drawn the line there if only for her own self-preservation. Ginebra had no limits on her cruelty. Someone here said that trying to kill the dog was the last straw but I was silently predicting her eventual death at the outset when she "decreed" the death of Samara and tried to make Mauro kill her. She truly only thought of him as a slave who would do her bidding because she once saved his life. This is why the ghost scene doesn't work for me.

    I am an atheist but I think the ghost scene would have worked a lot better if Mauro had gone to Purgatory temporarily while she went straight to Hell. He wanted to leave the criminal life but she would not let go of him.

    As for the families...

    All of them needed mental health assistance. Elvira was obviously abused and controlled by her father long before all the other events took place. Manolo had obviously been abandoned by his birth parents, Samara/Maria horribly abused by Ginebra, and that's only the beginning. Every last member of them needed help and this was not addressed.

    For all that he was scum Jeronimo was right about one thing: Sandro had the right to know the truth. Adopted people who hit adulthood before knowing this often get angry and resentful over this level of deception. Felipa should have suffered for this since she also deceived Kenzo.

    Finally, lovemaking scenes in telenovelas are like the ones in romance novels. They look like the most sublime aspect of sex, not the selfish hooking up that becomes the subject of locker room laughter and high-fives. The few in this story were also transformative.

    To my recapping colleagues: You were all great and I hope we can team up again. I need a break from recapping so I can catch up on my viewing and my jewelry projects. I will now go back to the text of this recap to correct the name of GGC's supervillain. I don't know how I made that error; his name was that of the pharoh in The Ten Commandments, not the tragic hero of Aida.

  18. At the end of a telenovela, I usually write : man..woman..birth..death..infinity.....but this time, I have to add. Where are Gin and Mauro going?

    Sonebody made some really bad , nonsensical decisions as this show tumbled and twisted to the finale. What a shame.

    P.s. Is immortal Ramses going to pop up in another show?

    Oh well, .........NEXT, to quote our dear Dr. Carlos ( I've been looking at screencaps and comments that Carlos made for the reruns of Alborado. Now that show had a great finale. Susan, still stewing

  19. I saw nothing on the Wiki page of Invincible about a sequel and IMDB doesn't list anything in production for GGC past Receta. Since there hasn't yet been a second season/sequel yet to several other previous novelas I am not counting on it.

    BTW, GGC's date of birth is April 23, 1960. He was born on the anniversary of the birth of another famous William: Shakespeare.

  20. Susan, I came across Carlos in Corazon Indomable recaps and he definitely had a way with words. I doubt even he could have made this TN palatable. Wonder how it's ratings were (not curious enough to look it up though.). Is Alborado a good one?

  21. It had pretty solid ratings to the end. Any decline in ratings of most Televisa productions in the last few years is likely due to more choices for most viewers, especially since Televisa/Univision is no longer producing novelas specifically for kids and teens.

    If anyone here lives in Mexico or onows someone who doesnI would love to know whether Mexican parents allow their children to watch these types of series. I can't see anyone allowing children to watch scenes of children being abused or ones getting away with (and being cheered for) pranks like the ones by the twins in MCET.

  22. Thank you to all the recappers! The first episode I saw of this mess was the one where Luna/Sam/Maria had amnesia and was kept warm by Cobija. I had to continue to watch to make sure that little dog was going to be ok. I had a lot of angst about that, but thankfully, she survived to the end—and that was my motivation to keep coming back to this over-the-top TN. Mia Fabri (Luna etc) was really excellent in every scene, and Tiago Correa (Mauro) was my fav adult actor. You could really feel his conflicted psyche. Since that’s about all the good I can say, I’ll quit now. Thanks again, y’all.

  23. Haha, I love that! Cobija really was one of the stars of this show. Great little actress.

  24. More ranting....

    Emiliano Osorio popping up out of nowhere and singing the intro song at the end made no sense.

    I won't even start talking about how the ghost scene made no sense. Gin didn't love anyone and that was clearly stated. Mauro was just a pawn she manipulated. There's NO way she would go all "I need you" after death. And I don't know about you, but I saw Gin pretty happy about her ending. Isn't she going to suffer? Things will go her way again? Terribly disappointing.

    As Urban said, everyone needs therapy. Being happy after 3 seconds of all these events happening is way too unrealistic. Especially Elvira, who was a complete mess the night before.

    I'll rate this one too, because why not.

  25. Susan, to answer your question:
    I believe most actors who have been at Televisa for at least a few years have an idea of what will happen to their characters, subject to ratings and possibly the director's whim. Had this been produced by Gisela Gonzales, Ginebra could have gotten away with everything at the end. She is the producer of Marea, so I don't know that Marcelo or Lucia will survive. All the series of hers that I have seen had grim or ambiguous endings.

    I am certain that the general viewership of this story was screaming for Ginebra's blood long before the finale. They should also scream about the corruption that allowed her to walk out of jail after two A-level felonies that happened in front of multiple witnesses.

    Of course, sometimes stories take detours if they begin airing early enough whilr in production. I still haven't forgiven them for what happened to the later version of Pasion y Poder. My recaps for that were some of my best writing.

  26. I finally got to watch the last episode. Only because it was the last, because I found it quite bland.

    Nothing about it made sense, from Ginebra and Mauro walking out, hand in hand, into Ghost Eternity, to all the family being suddenly OK, when at least half of them should have been under heavy medication to deal with all the Ginebra mess.

    Anyway, moving on...

    This hasn't been the first novela I go recap that started out decent and ended up a mess. I get that when a story is succesfull the producers decide to prolong it, they've always done this. And 10 years ago novelas could go to 150 or even 200 episodes. But they were never these horror stories that can give nightmares and make us cringe at every turn.

    Bottom line, this has stayed an enjoyable experience thanks to my felow recappers and the wonderful commenters who are here to support our work. You, guys, are the best!

    I check out the Televisa site every once in a while and some of the stuff that started airing in Mexico looks promising, but in the meantime I'm going to take a break, too, enjoy the rest of summer and the barely there nice weather we've been having.

    See you all soon!!

  27. RATING El Amor no Tiene Receta

    1) Main Plot - 7/10

    As an idea: 8/10
    It's an original story, which I really like. The plot was very good.

    Practically: 6/10
    Near the end, it got ruined. But I can't judge the whole plot only be the end, so it's a 6.

    2) Secondary Plots - 4/10
    As ideas: 5/10
    Not a huge fan of these secondary plots. I stayed for the main.

    Practically: 3/10
    There weren't done properly in my opinion. I'm not even going to start talking about unresolved bits (e.g. Nandy and Kenzo)

    3) Characters - 7/10

    As ideas: 8/10
    Most were OK as ideas. I quite liked the majority.

    Practically: 6/10
    We had some out of character moments, weird personality changes and even more personality mess at the end.

    4) Casting+Acting - 8/10

    Casting: 7/10
    I liked almost everyone for their roles. Could be slightly better for some but I'm generally happy.

    Acting: 9/10
    The best thing of this telenovela for sure. Great job by everyone, especially Claudia, Daniel and Altaír.

    5) Gran Final - 2/10

    At the middle of the telenovela: 3/10
    It was horrible even before all this mess in the last episodes.

    After the end of the telenovela: 1/10
    Could the end be any stupider?

    Overall: 5.6/10

  28. I apologize for dropping by at truly the last minute. I have been reading the wonderful recaps only lately, as I found myself fast forwarding through the final ten or so episodes. With others, I loved Cobija and admired little Luna/Maria for doing a splendid acting job while carrying around that furry friend (a Westin, I think). Are we meant to believe that Cobija had puppies roughly as Ana had Margarita? Or did I miss something?

    My other doubts and confusions have been addressed by you all. Many thanks again.

    I liked Claudia Martin very much more as Paloma in Rosy Ocampo’s Vencer la culpa. It’s generally a more modern and positive novela than this one and includes Helena Rojo’s last performance.
