
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 93 + 94 - Lunes, 29 de julio, 2024 - "Almost deaths, jail, kidnap and hands chopped off: You know the Gran Final's close"

This was a merged episode. With the help of Blue Lass I was able to write the actual recap. ¡Muchísimas gracias, amiga!

Let's just say I HATE merged episodes. I'll divide this into two parts:


We get a scene with the goodbyes (it was longer in the original #93) before Esteban and Kenzo leave. They will be monitored by the police.

As they're driving, Gin's guys drive next to them and give them a phone, it's Gin. She asks them to drop their phones. Est whines about that not being the original plan, but she doesn't care. They thow their phones and she gives them instructions where to go, saying she knows the police were monitoring them, she's not stupid. Est asks what will happen if they don't go where she wants them to and Gin replies that Kenzo's family will die. Horrified, they go where they're instructed.


Paz is having a nice chat with the kids about what their names mean (really now?).

The cops inform our gang they have lost Esteban and Kenzo's signal.

Meanwhile, Esteban and Kenzo see Sabón. Est hits him. Time for handcuffs. Later, they are standing next to a gigantic hole. Gin is there rocking a red dress, pointing a gun at them. She tells Est Kenzo has been working with her, he pretends he didn't know and hits him with his head (they're in handcuffs, remember). Gin asks Kenzo to shoot Esteban or she will. She tells Est that's the price for not loving her or something similar. Est says he could have never loved a loca like her. 


Big Boss Ramsés whose face we STILL don't see calls her and tells her to drop it, he has his people watching. Gin starts her crap but Ram isn't having any of that. In the end, Gin completely ignores Ram's threats and asks Kenzo, again, to shoot Esteban. 

Kenzo DOES(!!!) and Est falls into the hole. Gin shoots him another 3 times again and Kenzo screams at her. She orders him to fill up the hole, bury Esteban and threatens him with his kids. He does so.

When he's done, Gin makes him call Paz through a different phone and tell her about Esteban. Kenzo tells her Esteban is dead. She drops whatever she's holding. Gin takes over the conversation, she mocks Paz about Est dying. Paz screams at her that she is going to kill her with her own hands. Gin smiles. When the convo stops, Paz tells the others Est is dead. Everyone starts crying. Meanwhile, Kenzo is left there by Gin, as she's driving away.

But there's a catch: MAURO, Felipa and Jero are digging to find Esteban. They do and they get him out of the hole!!! Fel immediately starts CPR (FINALLY someone thought of it) and Est is responding.


Poor Porf is crying, first Hum, now Est. Paz wants to see his body.

And here he comes, but alive!!! He and Kenzo explain that they got a mysterious package. It included a bulletproof vest and some pills to make Est look dead. So THAT'S why Kenzo shot Esteban so easily! (And why Est isn't at hospital or worse.) 

Jero admits to the teens everything he's done. He gets two slaps, one from Gala and one from Bosco. He gets a nose bleed. Honestly, can't feel sad for Jero. He knew exactly what he was getting into and he deserves every second of payback.

Gin is worried about Mau not calling back. Sabón gives her some food for thought, but Gin says Mau didn't betray her, he loves her.

Kenzo is arrested. Mauro arrives at the house. Everyone is of course pretty pissed to see him, especially Paz. Mau says he saved Est's life (he sent the package and unburied him). Paz lists all the horrible things he and his sister have done. Mau says he knows and he wants to help them take down Ginebra.


Later, Mau asks his niece for forgiveness. Sam says that he left her in the forest and she was rescued by Cobija, some other people and Monito, not by him. Mau starts crying, he's sorry. She taught him what's love. He asks for a hug. He's not leaving until he gets a hug (not in an aggressive tone). Samaría hugs him and he thanks her. Later, Paz tells María she has a giant heart. (Great acting by everyone, especially Tiago.)


Kenzo and Jero sign some papers. Sandro cries and says he doesn't want them to leave. Fel says they were wasting time doing stupidities when they should have stayed together like a family. Kenzo and Jero are taken away, leaving Sandro crying and running behind them.


Mau tells Mir many things are his fault, but she can't deny he loved her (uhhh... I think she CAN). Mir says she loved him too. Mau says he has changed for her I think and Mir replies that he should change for him and the bad he did overshadows the rest. Mau asks for a final kiss, she refuses, their cycle is over, done. She closes the door and cries.


Our gang posts that Est has died. Gin sees it and she's pleased. She's happy Est's kids are now orphans and that Sam is suffering. 


The fam has some nice moments with the kids. Meanwhile, Fobo has prepared some sort of massage room for Elvira. He starts from her feet, then her shoulders and he kisses her. If I have to recap yet ANOTHER sex scene, a sex scene with these two, I'll quit.


In jail, Kenzo apologies to Jero for not being able to keep him safe, IIRC?

Mau returns to where Gin is. She's pissed, she searched for him for hours. Punch! Mau is also pissed, they have a verbal fight. He informs her Kenzo told the cops about her forcing him to kill, she doesn't care. He tells her she doesn't care about anyone, not even himself. That shuts her up.

Next day.


A short, useless scene with Nandy and Lupe. FF-->


Paz has dressed María in white, she wants to baptized her. Does she agree? She does, everyone is happy. Imagine if the kid said no, with everyone already there, including the Sleeping Pills priest. I'm glad at least they're not Orthodox, because they put THE WHOLE BABY IN THE WATER. Many years ago the priest who baptized me almost choked me. I find the whole process cruel. I respect every religion, but... I still find it cruel.

Gin has arrived at Ram's place, she's glad they finally meet. Ram says he has gotten to know her over the years, she's the one who's meeting him. And whoosh, the camera rises and we see his face, no weird illness included. I assume this was BEFORE Invencible's Gran Final. But hey, they're telenovelas, so you never know.


Ram and Gin are circling each other like birds of prey. Gin says she doesn't have an owner. Ram laughs, he helped her out of prison, did so much for her and she just gave it all up for a ridiculous revenge? Gin continues playing smart and saying she built a baby trafficking ring. Ram asks her where all her people are, because he only sees her. At some point he grabs a knife and grabs her from her neck, holding the knife right next to her neck. He says he owns her and her brother's soul. Gin makes a comment about Ram emerging from death or something (wait, so this IS after Invencible's Gran Final? I'm confused). 


Samchemalunamaría is baptized as María. 

More Gin and Ram. He tells her she's impulsive. He then gets pissed and gives Gin 20 seconds to convince him to spare her. Gin starts talking about the baby trafficking business, but Ram gets his gun out and tells her she only has 10 seconds. At last, Gin, defeated, says she can be very useful and wants to be his right hand. Ram doesn't shoot.

Paz and Esteban are kissing as Kenzo enters, he's out on bail. Esteban helped for that. Jero is still in prison. Est says that if he gets better (Jero) he'll help him get out. Honestly? I wouldn't.


Paz and Esteban kissing in her house and talking about what she loves about him.

Gala, Bosco and Fobo come and they plan some games. At some point Gala is describing some telenovela actress who plays villains a lot and Esteban goes like: "It's not Ginebra, right?" LOOOL 

Later, Esteban invites home a random doctor to have an ultrasound. I mean... Shouldn't he have asked Paz first? Anyway. We see the baby on the ultrasound. I am a bit creeped out by ultrasounds so I'll pass.


Lupe, Porf and a sponsor are cooking chilaquiles. Porf proposes to Lupe, she accepts but says she'll plan everything and make some sort of decálogo for their marriage. Porf agrees. 


Fobo has prepared another surprise for Elvira: food and rose petals in a heart shape on the bed. They kiss and after Elvira pisses everyone but Fobo off with her age crap, she agrees to... hm hm... be intimate with him. Can I take the food, guys? It doesn't look like you'll be eating anyway. I'll honestly just skip the sex scene because I have had enough. Not a fan of sex scenes, as you can tell.


Paz and Esteban are eating. Paz thanks Est for everything he's done. She asks him if he'd like to be her socio in the restaurant. He happily agrees.


Gin (Abdul, actually) has abducted Gema and IIRC asks her to help her kill Gala, Bosco and Pepa? I had weird audio and there was a sudden cut. I saw Gin slap her though.


Est gives Paz a tablet with the answers she has to give to the press conference tomorrow. Kenzo has taken care of that, Est tells Paz to trust him. Kiss.

Next dayyyy


Gin, while talking about honor and trust (which, as Ram notes, she hasn't gained), brings Gema to Ramsés. Ram is disgusted (and so are we). Gin tells him not to pretend, she knows what he had been doing (for everyone who HASN'T watched Invencible, Ram used to traffick women). Ram says that a pregnant teen will alert people. Gin just asks him to continue with her personal revenge. He appears not to give a crap. He just doesn't want to be involved.

Sabón shows Gin a replica of her right hand (get it?). Gin shows him the poison she'll use. It'll be similar to the one she used on Castro, but not identical. She talks a good 3 minutes about what exactly it does. Too advanced Spanish for me, but in a nutshell, it'll go through the skin and start destroying every single cell, which will lead to failure of organs and eventual death. She stars smearing the poison on the fake hand. Sabón looks like he's both in awe and on Google, searching for psychiatrists near him.

It's the press conference! Before it can start, however, Abdul and other thugs enter with guns. Gin enters as well. After she threatens and belittles everyone, Gala calls her a psycho. Gin turns her gun to her. Salo gets in the way, telling her they're not going to pay her abandoned daughter traumas (good one!). She shoots him! Paz screams and threatens Gin. Gin wants María. Paz says over her dead body, María won't be taken away from her again. Gin tells her to do it or she dies. Paz doesn't care, tells Gin to shoot her. It's going to be HER end. At some point Sam stands in front of Paz, telling Gin not to hurt Paz. Gin slaps Sam, Paz loses it. Elvira begs Gin to let the kids leave and let them call an ambulance for Salomón. Paz adds that she has the war with themselves, not the kids.

The cops are searching for Gema. Est freaks out when he hears Paz doesn't have extra security, he wants to go there. Mauro bangs the door and informs everyone Gin is at the press conference, she wants to kill Elvira.

Esteban and the others run to where the gang is. Gin has apparently agreed to let the kids hide somewhere with Lupe. Est knocks down the guard and tells them everything is going to be ok.

Gin mocks Elvira and touches her hair (with her left hand I think, but it doesn't matter anyway because the poison is only effective on skin). Est and the others make the lights go down. Gin screams at Sabón to find out what the f*ck is going on. Est appears, Gin is shocked. Kenzo screams that she has poison in her hands. After some chaos, Est and I have the same evil though: he grabs her hands and puts them together. Gin and Sabón leave, but Abdul, who had grabbed Paz, gets shot by Esteban.

In the car, Gin starts injecting herself with the antidote.


Fel visits Jero in jail, they'll move him somewhere (juvi?) Sandro is there and he somehow knows that he and Jero aren't blood related.

Back in her house, Gin continues injecting herself. It's painful.

Our gang have made some sort of tent gathering thing.

Gin's hand is starting to blacken and have painful boils. She asks Mau to CUT IT  OFF WITH AN AXE AND CAUTERIZE IT or she'll die. Mau apologies and does so. 

Paz and Esteban kiss in a tent.

And on that note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Weirdo, thank you for going above and beyond giving us ALL of the bizarro details of this monstrosity of an episode in your usual entertaining style. What a mess this novela has turned out to be! I will have more to say after the final. I have my doubts about it being “gran” in any sense of the word.

  2. Yes Weirdo, thanks for the recap. I watched the show and could not figure out sequence of events. Your recap of 2 episodes mainly of the cut scenes made it more coherent. I stopped watching when I saw Mauro with the axe... The 'writers' of this drek need to have multiple sessions with their personal psychiatrists and Univision should be fined for cruel and unusual punishment on the cast and the Viewerville. Look forward to the end tonight.

  3. What was the purpose of the cut scenes? Couldn't they just prolonged the end date by a day. It's not like they aren't messing with the schedule for futbol, debates, etc. thank you so much for adding the CS's. This really helped it make some sense. I'm with you on the sex scenes. Superfluous to the story IMO. I think the tent was set up in Esteban's garden. Too many people in the house now some are camping outside?

  4. Weirdo, thanks for going above and beyond to bring a recap of the galloping crazy.

    I haven't had a chance to watch yet, but may I just say QTH??? What are the writers drinking\ smoking????

    Here is my theory about all the ramped up crazy stuff. I think the writers are pushing the envelope to keep up with the trend in movies and tv shows today. ....Marvel superheroes and super villains. I am surprised that these writers didn't have Ramses come back as a zombie .

    I swear that Daniel now has a look on his face in every scene like..... What hell are we doing ? The writers ruined a good show by jumping off a cliff with super villain Gin and her magic potions and random acts of viciousness .... unfortunate . Meanwhile, they robbed the galan of his power and his best friends . They have forgotten or ignored that viewers need a balance of good and evil .I am just going to forget the last couple of weeks and look toward to some HEAs. Susan

  5. Great work, Weirdo. as I watched the full episodes this morning on Vix I was thinking of you.

    Great performances by Tiago and the kid actors in this difficult episode. I felt all the kids' fear and anger and Mauro's torment. He's been walking a tightrope through the entire story starting from his pulling back from killing little Samara. Somehow despite the cruelty experienced in his childhood he managed to become human. Too bad it was so late in the game.

    Paz and Esteban are saints for all this forgiveness but Esteban understood Kenzo's situation. I think the teens were really on the money -- pun intended -- about Jeronimo. They new each other all their lives and in no way did any of them deserve this.

    It looked like Salomon took the bullet in the shoulder so he will recover.

    Wasn't it Abdul whom Esteban shot at the funeral?

    Love that Ginebra became a victim of her own deadly weapon, even if it seemed rather sci-fi. Kudos to the one of us who guessed it. I have to wonder whether she started with a flesh-eating virus or bacteria in the development of this.

    Correct me if I'm wrong about this one but congratulations to Azela Robinson for becoming the oldest actress to do such a sex scene with a hot dude 19 years her junior.

    More later.

  6. Weirdo: Great job on the recap of last night's episode. I hope whoever does the recap for tonight's Gran Final, can please post SCREENCAPS of pictures for the Gran Final episode ASAP.

  7. Weirdo,

    Thank you for recaping this horrific, gruesome episode. You did an amazing job as always especially as the events were one of the grizzliest I've ever seen.

    I understand that evil is sometimes central to the storyline but this went completely off the rails.

    I will join others in that the acting was excellent; such talent wasted on this twisted tale that is almost mercifully over.

    Weirdo, your marvelous wit and sense of humor have helped lighten things a bit and for that I am truly grateful.


  8. Gin's main problem is that like a Bond villain she bla bla bias about what she is going to do to people instead of just doing it .

    We should have kept a running list of everything the galan has endured . Gin gassed him....but that was just puppy love . Then she had Mau inject that tracking thing into him . Then, Hum submerged him in that ice bathto deactivate it , and he almost died . It's good that those extra shots that Gin put into Esteban didn't hit above or below the Kevlar vest. I guess we can take Kevlar vests off our list of guesses as to what Mystery , Inc makes. With all Gin's amazing chem skilz, I was surprised she didn't slip Esteban somethibg to make him make love to her .

    My favorite part was The scene of Gin using a Q tip to smear strawberry jelly on the fake hand .

    I love the way the family always just gets back to their normal activities after every traumatic meeting with Gin . Gin is still out there scheming , but Esteban and Gin are in tiny tent k I s s I n g at the end of the episode.

    Can't wait to see what happens tonight. Will Ramses traffic Gin ? That would be awful poetic justice . He toasted Columba in the tanning bed in Invencible. Susan

  9. Thanks so much Weirdo, not only for recapping this crazy episode but also for filling in the missing scenes. Everything I wondered about was revealed in your CS notes. So, obviously if you leave out half of a 2 hour show the viewers will be confused!

    I did think, way back when, that this was going to be a happy romance with a little intrigue. Obviously I was way off.

    The needle in the neck and ax were a bit too much for me.

    Will Ram survive once again. I keep thinking Gin is going after his son, but then remind myself he never cared for him before! But really, if the writers bring in a person from another show then all the characters should match up!


  10. I can't imagine that injecting directly into the aorta or jugular wouldn't provoke major blood spurts. The shower of blood following the chopping looked dangerous but I didn't see any drops fall on Mauro: he probably injected himself earlier with the antidote as a precaution.

    Good faking for the injection shots.

    The higher level of violence and the depth of evil could be TV/Uni's alternative to the fictionalized bio-series about the druglords, a path they pledged long ago not to take. I do think that the title and the poster were deceptive, leading up to expect a romcom with the usual family drama rather than what we got.

    Fasten your seatbelts for the finale.

  11. I agree, Urban. Better then for TV/Uni to get into some dedicated adult programming like narco-novelas where sex and violence is expected rather than to bait and switch with supposed family programming.

  12. This series has a TV-14 rating in the US at 10PM. In Mexico it aired from 8:30 to 9:30. WTF?

  13. First, my thank yous.

    That was my last recap for Receta.
    A huge thank you to my co-recappers: Adriana, Blue, Urban.
    Adriana, you were one of my first co-recappers when I joined Caray and recapped Pasión de Gavilanes 2. Your recaps are always the perfect combination of humour descriptions and your own personal style. Thank you so much for taking on this wild ride with me.
    Blue, I cried from laughter on every single line of your recaps! Your humor is amazing and so not posed. The perfect line and the perfect time! Thank you for recapping this with me.
    Urban, I loved your dialogue translations and all your recaps. Your thoughts were always spot on. I can't wait to read your recap of the Gran Final. Even if the Final itself is not Grande, your recap will definitely be. Thank you for joining me in this mess.

    Another huge thank you to all our commenters: Diana, Susan, Waterlily, Kat, Liz, R la O, Darcy, Novelera, Jarifa, Steve, Anonymous commenters!

    Can't wait for the Gran Final.

  14. Thanks to everyone for commenting!

    Jarifa, "What a mess this novela has turned out to be!" I couldn't agree more. The last couple of episodes have been so WTF.

    Anonymous 12:48, I totally agree that they overdid the cruelty. And yes, the cut scenes contributed a lot. They were there for a REASON. Why on earth Uni decided to cut an episode out and not have the finale on Wednesday is a mystery to me.

    Kat, my thoughts exactly on the weird programming. Great point: "It's not like they aren't messing with the schedule for futbol, debates, etc." The last episodes are always important to the plot, no scenes should be cut. "Superfluous" is the perfect word for the sex scenes. Especially at the time it aired in Mexico!

    Susan, "what are they smoking" indeed!!! LOOOOL about " I am surprised that these writers didn't have Ramses come back as a zombie ."
    "With all Gin's amazing chem skilz, I was surprised she didn't slip Esteban somethibg to make him make love to her ." You're on fire with the amazing comments!
    "I love the way the family always just gets back to their normal activities after every traumatic meeting with Gin ." Yes, that's pretty WTF. Especially for the kids. 5 year olds go through all this and then everyone's happy. How about no? These people are traumatized, they can't just ignore everything and laugh around 3 seconds later. They need a real psychologist.
    Who can forget Columba burning to death? It haunts my dreams.
    "I swear that Daniel now has a look on his face in every scene like..... What hell are we doing ?" OMG I thought it was just my imagination!!! You see it too? I think it's on all the main 3 actors: Claudia, Daniel, Altaír.

    Urban, ITA about everything. I think you're right, it was Abdul. I'll change that now. Plus, I forgot that at some point Sam stood in front of Paz to stop Gin from hurting her and Gin slapped her. Paz lost it. Adding that as well now. Good luck with #95. I have a feeling you'll need it.

    Steve, thanks. As for the screencaps, it's not always doable. As a recapper yourself, you'll know recaps take time. Hours, to be exact. I understand wanting to see pictures in a recap but we all have busy days and screenshots take even more time. When we can, we add them, when we can't, we don't. The episodes are available by Uni and recaps without pictures are perfectly acceptable.

    Diana, thank you very much for your kind words. "I understand that evil is sometimes central to the storyline but this went completely off the rails." was perfect. It was really overdone, like in Invencible. I hope the writers are reading our comments.
    Liz, "Everything I wondered about was revealed in your CS notes. So, obviously if you leave out half of a 2 hour show the viewers will be confused!" I tried imagining watching the episodes without the CS notes and they made zero sense. Glad I filled some gaps.
    "The needle in the neck and ax were a bit too much for me." Yes, the axe haunts me. Too much violence. I don't have a problem if it's a novela that's expected (e.g. narco) but extreme violence out of the blue is nasty.

    Anxious for the Gran Final.
