
Sunday, July 28, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 92 - Viernes, 26 de julio, 2024 - "Useless episode with a dose of pissed off"

Some scenes might have been cut from my vid

We start with a very loooooong scene of Paz and Esteban showing the family some video and pictures they could not have taken/filmed and then an ultrasound, with a baby too big for Paz's flat belly, like Gema's. Maybe it's something in the water. Of course everyone gets super excited for the new baby, all the children included, because of course they do.

Kenzo and Felipa keep whining about problems THEY caused. Maybe they deserve each other.

When the kids go somewhere else, all the adults are being nonsensical except Esteban. He emphasizes Ginebra being insane and obsessed with him and how she won't leave them alone, but literally everyone else, including Paz (which is out of character), go all "NOOO, WE HAVE SOOO MANY DREAMS WITH OUR NEW BABYYY". Like, what part of "we have a crazy obsessed person stalking us and wanting to ruin us" don't they get? She tried to kidnap Sammaría LITERALLY THE SAME DAY. A new baby just makes the situation worse!!! Why ON EARTH don't they see that?!

The teens talk about how Kenzo and Jero aren't good people. Ok for Jero, how did they suspect Kenzo?

Kenzo asks Jero if he's willing to go to jail with him.

Paz cooks with a sponsored product and talks with Eder about the baby.

Mau goes to talk to Big Boss, interrupting his dinner and telling him he's the only one who can stop this madness, he's the only one who can lock Gin up (really now? So he had a 360° rotation in... ONE EPISODE?). Big Boss, who's wearing an "R" ring, asks him why he thinks he will do it or something like that. Mau says because he knows he also loved a girl like she was his own (Sam for Mau and AnaJu for Big Boss), he's the only one who can help... Ramsés! And because there's only one telenovela character with such a horrible name, we all get it's Ramsés Torrenegro from El Amor Invencible. Makes sense, same writers.

Paz, Esteban and Samlunachemaría are having a cute moment. Up until the point they say they'll never be separated in this house. Hmmm, let's think. What has happened in this house? Eder's poisoning, Sam's poisoning, Sam's almost kidnap... The list goes on. Sure, very safe. Really now?

Ram chokes Mau with a towel as he's thinking of scenes with Sam. Ram had mentioned he's a traitor and even between people like them traitors are the worst. Mau screams that he can kill him for being a traitor, but he should save Sam like he saved his granddaughter. At this point I'll follow the sacred Caray rule of letting your brain float like pear in jello when your beanie is so tight you can't tighten it more.

Paz and Sam are pretending they're in a tea party. The Sleep Pills priest says something I didn't catch. I'm thinking if this child will ever get a REAL psychologist. She needs her/him.

The teens have somehow gotten into Jero's room and are throwing questions at him, grabbing him by the neck, you know, the usual. Gema enters and when she sees their faces she goes a bit like "well... What did you expect?"

Esteban and Elvira are at the police station, questioning the cops about Sabón. We learn he was always involved in trafficking. Our heroes bully the cops into working until the cops threaten to arrest Esteban. Esteban starts the "I'll make sure you lose your job" and he almost gets arrested.

The teens ask Jero questions about Gio (Gala slaps him when he says they probably had something to do with it), like he's going to tell the truth, until Sandro comes and defends his bro. He tells the teens to leave if they don't want to be friendly. They do, Jero thanks him. Sandro says he's his brother, they share the same blood. Is it a bad time to tell him they actually DON'T? Probably yes, so Jero doesn't say anything, he just hugs him.

Fel is trying to persuade Kenzo to continue being an asshole- I mean, to keep working for Gin to save the fam. Nandy enters and says some Urritía cop wants to talk to him, is everything ok? Kenzo says yes and Nandy tells him she feels that he's hiding something. Fel thanks her for taking care of Kenzo, but she's here now. Nandy nods and leaves. So... Are we not getting Nandy/Kenzo? What kind of a pointless plot line was THAT?

Paz is holding Sammaría's picture and talks in front of the press about Ginebra trying to abduct María again yada yada. She DOES know she has no proof and therefore could get sued, right? Well, according to the talk she had with her mom, "she doesn't want to live in fear anymore". So... How is going to do that, exactly? Tell random people through a screen to denounce Gin? FOR WHAT? Did Gin make a stupidity poison is gaseous form we don't know of? That must be it.

Esteban confronts Kenzo about his weird behaviour. Gin calls him without a number being visible. He of course picks up. Can I just offer a magical solution? How about NOT picking up when someone you don't know calls you? Anyway. Gin is being herself when Esteban out of the blue says he offers himself in exchange of his family. Gin makes a creepy comment, and I quote, "your body and soul will be mine". She'll send him the address, but only he AND KENZO should come. No one else, no cops, yada yada yada. 

Esteban of course asks Kenzo WTF is happening, Kenzo admits he has betrayed him and sided with Ginebra. Esteban loses it. Kenzo got Sabón in his house, Kenzo helped with the car thing. He then says he's sorry, but it was either Esteban's family or his. Esteban punches him. Some of my nerves relax a bit. Nandy enters and tries to stop them. She admits she knows bits and pieces, like the whole Fel things and the crypto business. Kenzo admits to Esteban about Jero being involved in the attempts to ruin Gala and the fake rape claim. Esteban loses it even more, hits Kenzo, breaks some vases and throws chairs. My exact reaction if I were Esteban. Kenzo says he deserves everything and asks Nandy if she could leave them alone. She does, but not before she bes Est not to kill Kenzo and to solve it in a civilised way. GIRL! He and his son greatly contributed to Est's kids suffering and almost dying! There's NO civilised way!!!

Kenzo tries to use the "you did terrible things too when Gin was threatening you with your kids" card, which is a laughable argument, since Gin had him completely monitored back then. Est points out that he managed to find a way to warn the others, unlike him. Kenzo says he deserves every punch and doesn't expect forgiveness. Est tells him he and his son should turn themselves in, but Kenzo says Gin thinks he's working with him and they can use that to their advantage. They should go where she asks them. When it's over they'll turn themselves in, promise. Not a pinky promise since they're not best pals anymore. Anyway. Est agrees, even though he's sceptical.

Fel and Jero talk about prison. Fel wants them to GTFO ASAP. Jero stops her from doing the luggage ans says he's willing to pay for what he has done, he's been so horrible. As if! More out of character (OOC) bull$hit.

Gin is getting her gun ready. She tells Sabón she knows he and his boss want her dead, she's not stupid, but IIRC they'll have that talk after she kills Esteban? She calls Mau, who's at Fel's with a gun pointing at her and Jero's head. Mau tells Gin they'll coooerate. Gin is glad, she says on the phone to kill them if they don't. Felipa first and make sure the kids are watching. Geez!

Est must have told Paz some bits of his nonsensical plan, because she's anxious and confused. Est tries to comfort her. Paz offers to go with him, he says no, she should stay with their kids. Paz doesn't like the whole vibe, this feels like a goodbye. Est mumbles something I didn't catch about how he would not doing things like that amd kisses her. They remember the marriage proposal, the wedding and... You guessed it... That long, cringe sex scene from their noche de boda. Can anyone explain to me WHY I am always left with the sex scenes? Like, why? I only have around 20% each time, but NOOOO, it's always me. Anyway, I've ranted a lot.

And with Paz and Esteban's kiss, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Thanks Weirdo, I enjoy your rants! There’s only two episodes left and I didn’t think this one moved us toward the ending.

    We did find out Ramses is the big boss, which surprised me.

    Everyone is Esteban’s family is in danger but they do just fine as they are out and about and confronting Jero and then Gema.

    I will say they’re a lot calmer than I would be in that situation. I would have bodyguards in each room of the house!


  2. Weirdo, thanks for soldiering on through this unbelievable stuff that the writers somehow thought was a good idea.

    Are we supposed to buy that Ramses survived the ending of Incredible ??? The last time we saw him , Leona was staring at him while he was lying in a hospital bed with his face all messed up and looking close to death. But no ...he's alive and eating some kind of meat on a huge bone . Will the writers let us knoe how he survived and how he knows Gin and Mau who are about the same ages as Leona and Gael. Is Esteban Gael? If so, how did that happen ? Is Gala Anaju? Is Eder Gael's son from Invencible ? If so , where is Benjamin ? Did he turn into Bosco? I am confused . ??????Susan

  3. Having never seen invincible this plot line and Ramses are a complete mystery to me. I'm glad someone that knows who the bad guy is filled us in. Weirdo you probably are stuck with the sex scenes because you have Friday nights - for the couples who watch this together on date night! Tongue in cheek. Guess what I am sewing in real life! A beanie type hat with a brim to block the sun (hold over my eyes during the sex scenes.) I find those scenes give me a good opportunity to catch up on social media or look up vocab words....

    Thank God only 2 more episodes. I'll be checking in from my vacation in Hilton Head compliments of my daughter. It's my babysitting bonus! We had hopes of going to Kiawah Island Saturday but VRBO cancelled the booking (which they made in May) on Thursday so they were left scrambling for an alternate location. VRBO's excuse was the property sold and the new owners weren't honoring the Bookings. Needless to say, they were not happy and my husband who had planned to go for half the trip is now staying home because he has to go back to work Wednesday.

  4. Excellent, Weirdo. I loved the title, “Maybe it’s something in the water” and so much more. Perfect to go with my coffee this afternoon. You made me laugh out loud. Thank you!

    Almost everyone except the little kids have turned way too annoying. I also have a hard time believing that somebody would not have punched that smirk off of Ginebra’s face by now. They have made her almost supernatural with her bizarre poisons, etc.

    I was surprised to see Ramsés as the godfather figure but it isn’t the first time producer Juan Osorio has used characters from previous novelas. He took Pancho López from “Una familia con suerte” and plopped him down in “Mi marido tiene más familia.”

    Kat in SC, enjoy your vacation! It sounds lovely.

  5. Weirdo,

    As always you made me laugh with your superior humor and quick wit. You made sense of the nonsensical, kudos!

    I understand Esteban's anger toward Kenzo but Kenzo's only alternative was to refuse and have Gin murder his family. That brings me to the all important "What Would Esteban Have Done?" I think that logically, there was no choice. Esteban would have done the same as Kenzo.

    "So... Are we not getting Nandy/Kenzo? What kind of a pointless plot line was THAT?" Of all the absurd plot plans, this does rankle. Kenzo professing his undying love while they were in jail, what happened between now and then? Are Kenzo's kids totally to blame? Speaking of, I have no sympathy for Jero. The bad seed through and through.

    I loved seeing Cantu! So vile, so evil he even has Ginebra beat! Now that he is in the picture, Ginebra is in deep, deep quicksand.

    I am hoping for some miracle in that we get to see all of the remaining three hours.


  6. Great work, Weirdo. Nothing was missing from what we saw on Friday night.

    When I checked my cable company's site this morning it only listed the finale on Tuesday; this has not changed. I wonder whether they haven't made up their minds about 93 & 94. I just checked Vix and that may have the whole episodes by Wednesday because it has all 30 episodes of El Ultimo Rey; the version we got had only 27.

    Weirdo, this episode aired on a Tuesday in Mexico in the 8:30-9:30 time slot. There have also been far fewer sex scenes since the pandemic. I actually miss that.


    I never caught up with Invincible but did get the impression that Radames was merciless, so I guess Mauro didn't get that memo before this meeting.

    As for the possibility that Ginebra would sue Paz, I think this would not be a way to go for the writers with only three episodes to go. Also, imagine the public outcry in view of the actual proof that Paz's baby was stolen from her 7 years ago. Paz is going all Mama Bear and we expect that of her now. However, I still think she and Esteban should not have risked her getting pregnant until all this danger is history.

    We may never know what happened to Gio and since she is off our screens I don't care. I agree about Jeronimo: no pity. He's old enough to know better.

    If Kenzo survives he will be more psychologically messed up than any of Esteban's family. I also think he will lose Nandy.

    Esteban better have a plan he's not talking about.

  7. Very late to this party, but thank you, Weirdo, for taking another hit so bravely! Watching that sex scene again must be torture by now hahah!

    I absolutely have to comment on the big Ramses reveal. I've known for a while he was the Big Bad and have been waiting for him to show up.
    The fact that he's alive after the way we left him just last year tells me that INvencible absolutely needs to continue.

    The novela had a kind of open ended finale, with Leona being reunited with her kids (good for her), but never getting back together with Gael for real (bohoo). Elbittar and Boyer's chemistry was smoking hot, Gael and Leona still have legions of fans, the couple just won a Premios Juventud thophy. Invencible needs to get a second part, one where boring David is long gone, happily married with a boring Davida, out of sight and out of mind.

  8. Weirdo, I have a feeling you're going to be running from that honeymoon night for the rest of your life. It will haunt your dreams.

    Thanks for making limonada out of sour fruit yet again! This episode was hardly worth watching, but your recap was a delight. If they're going to smash two episodes together as we fear, why not just cut out half the screaming and punching and keep the actual plot points? We could have saved an entire episode overall just by eliminating Jero's ethical flip-flops, which no one cares about anyway.

    So I guess we're totally done with Gorila, Gio, Gin's dad, and probably Gema's whole cohort (although if we get the usual "one year later" jump, she should have a baby as well as Paz.) We never did find out anything about Elvira's mom or second husband, Mauro's parents, Monito's parents, Humberto's parents, or Esteban's several sisters (why even bring them up, seriously? They don't come to ANY of the weddings.) I suspect we'll be trying to assemble a minimally coherent ending from the fragments for the rest of this week at least.

  9. P.S. I suspect Mauro may be ready to turn. The last thing Jero said to Fil was "I know one person who can help us..." and the next time we saw them, Mauro was with them. (It hardly seems necessary to point the gun at them while Gin was ON THE PHONE, but why quibble?)

  10. I really liked this show until everything got so unbelievable. Gin's evil powers are crazy. Watching tiny Altair punch and push around these big guys as she glowers and poses is ridiculous.

    The other thing that I have noticed is how powerless the writers made the galan. In the oast, the galan used to be the one who was large and in charge. ...the smartest , the strongest, the kibdest, the sexist, the handsomest , the most romantic. However, recently, galans seem weaker and more flawed. The writers had Hum figuring a lot of things out and coming to everyone's rescue while Esteban cried and fretted. He was the romantic lead who got the love scenes . I found this very odd. Also,in the past , the galan's bff never betrays him matter what. So, in the past, we got not only true love, but true friendship.

    I think that Daniel has tried his best to make this galan strong , but the writers were fighting him all the way. So..what's happening to the new direction in depicting galans?

    It was interesting that Daniel's wife portrayed his first wife and his younger son waa baby Eder. Then , his daughter and son from Invencib!E played his son and daughter Again. Did Daniel suggest hose casting choices ( which I liked bu found unusual.) Susan

  11. Thanks so much everyone! I agreed with everything and laughed out loud at so many parts.
