
Thursday, July 25, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of July 22, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Notes/Discussion is available for MAREA DE PASIONES.  As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    Zaid appears at his mother's house on a mission. Marcelo delivers the beating he deserves. Luisa arrives just in time to prevent Marcelo from choking Zaid to death and Zaid from shooting Marcelo. Zaid tells her that he got what he came for. He pulled out some of Marcelo's hair in the fight. Zaid later tells Luisa how he falsified the DNA test so he came out as the father.

    Beatriz tells Zaid's assistant she needs a hacker to remove a bank transfer. He can help her if she agrees to go out with him. She agrees. Beatriz turns over a thumb drive of false data to Felipe.

    Helena suggests to Marcelo that they see their relationship as having an expiration date. She will support him. In spite of his goal, Marcelo seems seems to be seriously interested in Helena. She seems to be getting more into him as well.

    A detective tells Isela that it seems that her daughter never left the state. Back when she disappeared, there were people who were stealing kids to beg tourists for money. She gives him a ring as a downpayment. Later the investigator thinks he has located her daughter. Juan tries to get her to drop the investigation again but she won't. He thinks their daughter is dead.

    Marcelo shows Helena where he wants to build an eco-resort and runs into an old friend Cristóbal who is interested in being his partner. Cris has the land, Marcelo the knowledge. Now, they need to find an investor. Cris also has a place where they can live in the mean time.

    TIME PASSES: Luisa and Natalia prepare for their trip/Camila tries to ignore the fact that she probably has caught AIDS but goes on sleeping with whoever she can/Leonor is still having fun with her live in bartender/Different characters give evidence against against Marcelo.

    A guy confronts Camila "the easy lay" because she gave him the human papilloma virus. She denies it but makes it clear she will sleep with as many men as she likes until she finds her true love. That being said, she seems to be worried about other venereal diseases like AIDS.

    Zaid gives Marcelo the results of the DNA test that shows that Natalia is his daughter. Zaid and Helena share knowing glances. Marcelo apologizes saying he was carried away with the idea of having a daughter. They argue about Marcelo's innocence and the murder charge. María tells her son Marcelo that Juan saw the text that said that Marcelo was Natalia's father. Marcelo reminds her that Juan is a drunk. He believes the lab test and hopes to put this all in the past. The prosecutor tells Luisa the case will take time but Marcelo will probably end up in jail.

    Helena texts Zaid that it was Juan who told María that Marcelo was Natalia's father.

    Beatriz tells Felipe that he got his loan. They agree to go out. He tells his mother that Beatriz makes all of the transfers and on the day of the fraud there was not one transfer. Her being suddenly interested in him doesn't ring true either. Also, maybe he can get her to give Marcelo a positive character reference for his trial. He tells his mother not to say ANYTHING to Juan. Helena overhears and decides not to inform Zaid. Beatriz and Felipe meet for drinks.

    Marcelo picks up his own DNA paternity test but doesn't bother opening it.

    María tells Juan they have to make sure that Marcelo is found innocent. Juan says cannot go against the Grajales. He thinks Marcelo should just turn himself in and get a lighter sentence. That gets him a slap. He adds that if Juan cannot get somebody to testify that he was somewhere else when the murder occurred, his case is lost. Marcelo goes to see Zaid. He needs to know what time Alejandro was murdered. Zaid reminds him it took him 15 minutes to get to the over look but he never says if Alejandro was already dead when he got back. Marcelo attacks Zaid. Luisa breaks them up and then Marcelo tells her that Zaid took him to the over look from where he was kidnapped. Zaid told him Alejandro wanted to meet him there. A hired hand punches Marcelo in the face.

  2. MAREA

    I had some extra time this afternoon so that is why this is so long.

    Marcelo is so lazy and stupid that he wouldn’t open the DNA test results that he paid for? What a dolt! How long will it take until he finds out the TRUTH? Looks like his bro Felipe got all the brains in the family from whoever his father was.

  3. Marea

    Thanks, Jarifa, great recap. I wonder why Helena decided not to inform Zaid about Beatrice and the lack of transfers. I was hoping she was going to quit informing Zaid but maybe she figures it doesn’t involve Marcelo.

    They’ve discussed the missing child before but did we ever hear about the age of their daughter and how long ago it was. I was under the impression it was an older teen or young adult but this guy was talking about people that were taking children.

    So Marcelo never thought to mention to Luisa that Zaid had arranged for Marcelo to meet her dad and that’s where he was kidnapped. Surely Marcelo knows Zaid is involved, it was so obvious that Zaid left him. And I thought Marcelo saw his face when he came back. Marcelo punched him. Maybe I’m remembering it wrong.

    Hoping Helena will decide to double cross Zaid and help Marcelo. He sure treats her better!


  4. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for that excellent recap.

    Wow, this show is really a big PSA about STDs , and the young girl sleeping with anyone and everyone to find her one true love is sad. . I guess this show is proof that telenovelas have changed a lot. Goodbye romance .Hello harsh reality. uff.

    Is Helena falling in love with grim, pouty Marcelo ( the galan???Goodbye charm and charisma)? Likewise the leading lady lacked my warmth and compassion. No happy marriages ???

    It looked like Leonor's livein lover punched Marcelo. Susan

  5. MAREA

    Jarifa, this was exceptional and explained much that I wasn't understanding.

    I saw the ring exchange but hadn't realized there was a missing child which is such so sad and heartbreaking. Isela and Juan are both pathetic for different reasons, but now there seems to be an underlying reason to explain at least part of their character flaws.

    Felipe is very appealing, there is something about him. Yes, he is the only one seemingly thinking here...

    Helena does seem to be falling for Marcelo. I'm with you Liz in hoping she double crosses Zaid. I wish Marcelo would lighten up a bit, being a surly galan isn't helping!


  6. Marea,

    I'm a sucker. Here I am watching this after thinking I wouldn't. Thanks to Jarifa keeping us informed with the recaps I am catching up with this over the weekend. I realized Juan and Isela's child was lost since she kept locking herself in the child's (Sofia) bedroom(shrine, dollhouse in it so perhaps she was 5 or so when she disappeared). I'm wondering if Nora, the hotel receptionist, may be that lost child all grown up.

    I'm hoping Helena becomes a good character, I like her. Zaid has something on her so I hope she manages to get out of his clutches. I wish I could say the same about Luisa.

    The guy blaming Carmen for giving him an STD, next time wear protection or don't play around. This PSA is useful. Too many collegiates to keep straight, assuming they are just filler actors.

    Please, turn on your cell phone and record the sexual harassment Nora! Can't remember Luisa's brother's name, but ack...what a pervert

  7. MAREA

    Thanks, everyone, for the comments. What can I say???? Not much.

    ITA with Kat in SC when she said " I'm a sucker. Here I am watching this after thinking I wouldn't." I keep asking myself WHY??? but end up saying "What the heck!" There isn't much better on this abysmal summer TV season for me, at least.

    Liz, I also hope that Helena is on the road to making a break from Zaid. It looks like she is going to make a play for Marcelo.

    Diana, " Isela and Juan are both pathetic for different reasons, but now there seems to be an underlying reason to explain at least part of their character flaws." I do admit they are two of the more interesting characters. Alejandro Camacho, who plays Juan, was quite the looker back in his earlier telenovela days.

    Susan, thanks for identifying the puncher. it was Leonor's "live in lover" AKA a giggolo masquerading as a bartender. : )
